Appendix C. Media Sources Used in Chapter 2: Crime and policing in , Shenzhen and Xi’an

Asian Wall Street Journal 2004, ‘Shanghai tycoon draws three-year jail sentence’, Asian Wall Street Journal, 2 June. Barboza, David 2008, ‘Former party boss in gets 18 years, The New York Times, 12 April. BBC Monitoring Service Asia Pacific 1994, ‘New police patrol system allows rapid response, “tight grip” on public order’, BBC Monitoring Service Asia Pacific, 7 March. BBC Monitoring Service Asia Pacific 1995, ‘Shanghai to fight economic crime by officials’,BBC Monitoring Service Asia Pacific, 20 January. BBC Monitoring Service Asia Pacific 1999, ‘Shanghai security chief reports move to accurate crime records’, BBC Monitoring Service Asia Pacific, 2 April. BBC Monitoring Service Asia Pacific 2003, ‘China: former Shenzhen Deputy Mayor Wang Ju faces corruption charges’, BBC Monitoring Service Asia Pacific, 6 November. BBC Monitoring Service Asia Pacific 2006, ‘Supermarkets in China’s Shenzhen receive bomb threats’, BBC Monitoring Service Asia Pacific, 18 January. Cao, Hai-dong 2004, ‘Xi’an founded the system of “outsourcing public security to individuals”’, Economy 2004(10), 2023. Chen, Hong 2006, ‘“Police bible” to upgrade security force’, , 20 February. Chen, Qide 1999, ‘Fight reduces crime rate: 12,900 criminals put in prison’, , 5 February. Cheung, Agnes 1996, ‘Shenzhen anti-crime crusade’, South China Morning Post, 10 April. Chow, Chung-yan 2004, ‘More police promised as crime rate soars 57pc in Shenzhen’, South China Morning Post, 14 January, p. 1.

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Chow, Chung-yan 2005, ‘Police winning battle for Shenzhen streets’, South China Morning Post, 23 August, p. 4. Earnshaw, Graham 1996, ‘China steps up fight on financial graft’, Reuters News, 5 March. Emerging Markets Report 1995, ‘China: Shanghai financial crime up: report’, Emerging Markets Report, 10 July. Financial Times 1998, ‘“Country cousins” take the rap for mounting level of crime in Shanghai’, Financial Times, 8 August, p. 2. Leu, Siew-ying 2003, ‘Crime in Shenzhen is cut by 30pc in four weeks’, South China Morning Post, 27 November. Leu, Siew-ying 2004, ‘Shenzhen nabs 10,000 in crime crackdown; number of cases drops 39pc after police get tough in bid to clean up city’s image’, South China Morning Post, 14 June, p. 1. Lu, Chang 2000, ‘Police on road to reducing street crime’, China Daily, 29 December. Ma, Lie 1999, ‘Financial crimes rise in Xi’an’, China Daily, 3 December, p. 3. Mufson, Steven 1994, ‘Economic crime explodes as China prospers’, Washington Post, 3 October, p. 12. Ngai, Agatha 1997, ‘Shenzhen in crime purge’, South China Morning Post, 25 April. 2009, ‘Xi’an declared “the best city for public security governance”’,, 19 May, [in Chinese]. Reuters News 1995a, ‘Shanghai securities crime soaring’, Reuters News, 4 January. Reuters News 1995b, ‘Shanghai crime statistics show surge in early 1995’, Reuters News, 3 April. Reuters News 1996a, ‘Shanghai launches anti-crime sweep’, Reuters News, 23 May. Reuters News 1996b, ‘China prosecutors vow to nail police crimes’, Reuters News, 26 December. Shaanxi Daily 2006, ‘“Two decreases and one increase”: innovation in dealing with homicide for Xi’an City Public Security Bureau’, Shaanxi Daily, 24 August, [in Chinese].

232 Appendix C . Media Sources Used in Chapter 2: Crime and policing in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Xi’an

Shanghai Daily 2002, ‘Hard times for criminals’, Shanghai Daily, 28 October. Shanghai Daily 2004a, ‘Shanghai crime rate rises in 2003’, Shanghai Daily, 9 January. Shanghai Daily 2004b, ‘Shanghai crime reductions’, Shanghai Daily, 21 April. Shanghai Daily 2004c, ‘Shanghai city to strengthen police force’, Shanghai Daily, 19 November. Shanghai Daily 2006, ‘Police to report on crime rates’, Shanghai Daily, 1 January. 2003, ‘Shoplifting causes a dilemma’, Shenzhen Daily, 27 October, So, Irene 1995, ‘Police to hit the streets’, South China Morning Post, 6 September. 2006, ‘Xi’an safe place to live’, Sohu News, 14 September, [in Chinese]. 2009, ‘Xi’an government targets loss of government-owned assets’, Sohu News, 16 July, [in Chinese]. South China Morning Post 2004, ‘Soaring crime rate dims Shenzhen’s lustre’, South China Morning Post, 17 January, p. 12. South China Morning Post 2005, ‘Police struggle to cope with Shenzhen crime wave: party secretary orders officials to make the streets safe again’,South China Morning Post, 30 December, p. 8. South China Morning Post 2010, ‘Crime-buster given a suspended death sentence for graft’, South China Morning Post, 25 August, p. 10. Wan, Xiao 1999, ‘Swindler cheats 17 banks of $35 million’, Shanghai Star, 16 July. Wang, Yiqing 2010, ‘The economic roots of China’s crimes’, China Daily [ edition], 4 March, p. 9. Xinhua News Agency 2002, ‘Shenzhen improves investment environment’, Xinhua News Agency, 22 January.