Palazzo Di Città

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Palazzo Di Città POLITECNICO DI TORINO Repository ISTITUZIONALE The BIM process for the architectural heritage: New communication tools based on AR/VR Case study: Palazzo di Città Original The BIM process for the architectural heritage: New communication tools based on AR/VR Case study: Palazzo di Città / Davardoust, Sanaz. - (2017). Availability: This version is available at: 11583/2673924 since: 2017-06-01T13:42:02Z Publisher: Politecnico di Torino Published DOI:10.6092/polito/porto/2673924 Terms of use: openAccess This article is made available under terms and conditions as specified in the corresponding bibliographic description in the repository Publisher copyright (Article begins on next page) 04 August 2020 Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Program in Architectural and Landscape Heritage (29th Cycle) The BIM process for the architectural heritage: New communication tools based on AR/VR Case study: Palazzo di Città By Sanaz Davardoust ****** Supervisor(s): Prof. Anna Osello Prof. Rosa Tamborrino Doctoral Examination Committee: Prof. Fabrizio Apollonio, Referee, University of Bologna Prof. Andrea Giordano, Referee, University of Padova Politecnico di Torino 2017 Declaration I hereby declare that, the contents and organization of this dissertation constitute my own original work and does not compromise in any way the rights of third parties, including those relating to the security of personal data. Sanaz Davardoust 2017 Acknowledgment And I would like to acknowledge ... I wish to thank to my friends, to professors who impressed me with their huge knowledge during my research, I sincerely appreciate the support of Professor Bernardino Chiaia who helped me to resolve some of the important issues at the beginning of my PhD course and finally i feel highly indebted to them. Abstract The present study aims at presenting the application of the Building Information Modeling methodology to the case study of Palazzo di Città, the Turin City Hall, investigating the possibilities of integration of new technologies in Cultural Heritage preservation and valorization. From the survey phase to the communication of the CH to end-users, BIM methodology, combined with the latest digital innovations (AR, VR, 3d Laser Scanner and much more), allows a fast and highly communicative representation of buildings to both professionals and common visitors who interact with the building life-cycle. An important objective of this work is moreover to demonstrate the advantages of adopting and integrating this technologies in Real Estate Management at a national scale, fully testing the adaptability of parametric software and Virtual Reality modeling to complex and highly decorated buildings, confirming the potentiality of BIM software upon an uncommon field: the historic buildings. The case study is in fact Palazzo di Città, the baroque, seventieth century City Hall of Turin. The research fully meets the latest directives of European Union and other International Organizations in the field of digitization of archives and Public Property management, participating to the international community effort to overcome the contemporary deep Construction Field crisis. In particular, the methodology has been focused and adapted to the protection and management of our huge Heritage, founding its objectives on the quest of cost-saving processes and instruments, applied to the management of a CH. Through BIM it is in fact possible to increase the communication and cooperation among all the actors involved in the building life-cycle behaving as a common working platform. Draws, 3D model and database are shared by all the actors and integrated in the same digital structure, where control tools and cooperation can prevent the designers from errors, saving time and money in the construction phase. 3 The particularity of the case study, Palazzo di Città, being contemporarily a CH, a public asset and a working space, allows a deep study of the possibilities of BIM applied to a complex building, touching very important aspects of a historic building management: digitization of the historic information, publication of modeling techniques of complex architectonical elements, transformations reconstruction, energy consumption control, Facility Management, dissemination, virtual reconstructions of the lost appearance and accessibility for people with sensory and motor impairments. Moreover, the last chapters of the study focus on the fruition of this paramount Turin CH, making available for all kind of people interesting and not well known aspects of the history of the building and of the city itself. This part of the research suggests a methodology to translate static 2d images and written descriptions of a CH into living and immersive VR environment, presenting in an interactive way the transformation of the Marble Hall, once called Aula Maior: the room where the Mayor meets his citizens. Besides the aspects related to the valorization and preservation of the CH, the study reserves considerable space to the deepening of technical aspects involving advanced parametric modeling techniques, use of BIM software and all the vital procedures necessary to the generation of an efficient management informative platform. The whole work is intended as a guide for future works, structuring a replicable protocol to achieve an efficient digitization of papery resources into a 3d virtual model. Introduction In the last two decades, Cultural Heritage (CH) constantly increased the integration of digital technology in all the activities that are essential to the conservation process. From the survey phase to the communication of the CH to end-users, the use of many digital tools is more and more widespread. Laser- scanners are emerging as a fast and effective technique in collecting dimensional information of complex objects, the growth of digital libraries are allowing a wider access to usually hidden information, the realization of 3D models and the consequent use of Virtual Reality (VR) grants an effective communication of the buildings to both professionals and common visitors. This technological evolution knew an important acceleration during the Construction Field crisis. In fact, the lack of economic resources in the building sector, obviously affected the protection and restoration of our huge Heritage too. The construction market reacted with an increasing demand for cost-saving methodologies and instruments in all the phases of the building process, providing a great impulse to International Organization, such as European Union, in enhancing the research upon such problematic. The research promptly reacted to these questions, activating many projects focused on construction process efficiency and building performances. This led to the born of a methodology whose purpose is to increase the communication and cooperation among all the actors involved in the building process: Building Information Model. BIM emerged as a great solution to create a common working platform where draws, 3D model and database are shared by all the actors and integrated in the same digital structure. Moreover, any BIM software is provided with control tools, which can prevent the designers from errors, saving time and money in the construction phase. EU co-founded and monitored the impact of 110 projects under the 7th Framework Program (FP7), which are leading to ready-to-market innovations, and 5 BIM is one of the 7 technology-clusters investigated by the studies: Design, Technology Building Blocks, Advanced materials and nanotechnology, Construction process, Energy performance monitoring & management, ICT and BIM. The EeB PPP Project Review 2016 highlights the importance of embracing all aspects of the building and construction sector, in order to achieve important results in term of process efficiency and sustainability. CH undoubtedly derived many advantages from this line of research, exploiting all the new technologies normally applied to Real Estate Management, building efficiency improvement, work sharing, projects representation and communication, advanced structure analysis and security planning. Of course the translation from contemporary architecture to complex historic buildings is not always automatic and requires further investigations; in particular, BIM software were for nowadays buildings, slowing down for many years its application to extremely decorated monuments or irregular surfaces. The following lines aim to reconstruct the extremely variegated mosaic of the state of art of BIM applications to both Cultural Heritage and Built Heritage, in particular in the research field, starting from the works born inside Polytechnic of Turin. Our city is in fact involved in an intensive process of digitization of the building documentations, and it is currently investing important resources to establish a working methodology to manage the large information flow related to existing buildings. In this operation, the Polytechnic was involved as a role partner, starting a cooperation with Torino Smart City, to study the possibilities of BIM applied to cities’ conservation, particularly within the Italian Real Estate. The research path is focused on Facility Management and the promotion of effective and less expensive actions of refurbishment, optimization and energy efficiency. Every building was accurately studied and provided input to further investigations: The Piedmont Region Headquarters (Grattacielo della Regione Piedmont) was treated in a thesis (G. Di Vico) which verified the actual benefits of BIM in a
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