
Why didn’t want to become ’s queen? ______

Ares and Hephaistos were the children of Zeus and Hera. Why wasn’t Zeus pleased with his two sons? ______

When Zeus betrayed Hera’s trust again and again, how did Hera treat the lovers and children of her unfaithful husband? ______

When was born, he was called Alcides. How did Hera attempt to kill baby Alcides? ______

If Heracles can complete ten impossible labors, what will he be permitted to do? ______

The ’s hide could not be pierced by any weapon. How did Heracles overcome this beast? ______

Each time Heracles destroyed one of the Hydra’s heads, two more grew to replace it. How did Heracles defeat this monster? ______

Heracles joined Jason and his on a quest. Who were some of the other members of Jason’s crew? What item did they set out to retrieve? ______

Why did Heracles need help from Atlas, the Titan who held up the Sky? ______

What was the twelfth and final labor of Heracles? ______

How was Heracles poisoned by his jealous wife, Deianerira? ______

After Heracles’s spirit arrived on Mount Olympus, how did Hera reward him? ______

THE LABORS OF HERACLES Explain how Heracles was able to overcome each of the labors below.

In order to catch the Stag of Ceryneia, Heracles had to… ______

To capture the Eurymanthian Boar, Heracles chased it into…______

To destroy the , Heracles shot them with…______

To clean the stables of King , Heracles had to… ______

To capture the , Heracles had to…______

To tame the man-eating Mares of Diomedes, Heracles fed them…______

To fetch the belt of , the Queen of the Amazons, Heracles had to… ______