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2015 Medusa Mythology Exam: Monsters in Corporibus Syllabus

2015 Medusa Mythology Exam: Monsters in Corporibus Syllabus

2015 Mythology Exam: In corporibus Syllabus

BODY TYPES: Big-boned, Feathered, Mutated Multiples, Quadrupeds, Scaled, and Fractae Feminae BIG-BONED Short description In stories with . . . 1. Famous for wrestling.  2. A fire-breathing .  3. Crab aka Karkinos/Carcinus; a giant crab.  Heracles  4. Three immortal , each with one eye in the center of his  forehead.  5. Giants (of the Mainly human shape BUT had serpents’ tails attached to their  Olympians Gigantomachy) legs or feet, NOT the hundred-armed giants 6. Cannibals/man-eating giants  7. Cretan with a bull’s head and a man’s body.   Pasiphae 8. Otus and Ephialtes Twin giants. Known as Aloiadae or Aloadae or “sons of  .”   Hera   Artemis 9. A bronze giant.  10. Tityus An Euboean giant.  Apollo and Artemis 11. A monster with 100 burning heads.  Zeus  Olympians FEATHERED 12. Birdlike female monsters.  Odysseus  Argonauts  13. Sirens Bird women who lured sailors with their songs.  Argonauts  Odysseus 14. Birds that infested Lake .  Heracles MUTATED MULTIPLES 15. A man with many eyes.  Hera  16. The watchdog of Hades.   Heracles 17. A three-headed man or had the body of three men from the  Heracles waist down. 18. Three giants, each with 50 heads and 100 arms.  Cronus  Zeus 19. Orthus A two-headed dog.  Heracles 20. A monster with a woman’s head and six dogs for legs or six  Argonauts heads on long necks.  Odysseus QUADRUPED 21. Bronze bulls of Aeetes Fire-breathing bulls.  Argonauts of 22. Cerynitian Hind A golden-horned deer.  Heracles 23. Chimaera A fire-breathing Lycian monster with either three heads or  the front parts of a lion, the middle of a goat, and a snake’s tail or all of these at once. 24. A bull sacred to Poseidon.  Poseidon  Heracles  Theseus 25. Crommyonian A wild pig.  Theseus Sow/Phaea 26. A giant boar that lived on Mount Erymanthus.  Heracles 27. Man-eating mares of Four mares that ate human flesh.  Heracles 28. 29. A monstrous lion.  Heracles 30. Nessus A (half horse/half-man)  Heracles 31. A winged horse.  Bellerophon 32. A female monster who could fly.  Poseidon  Heracles  Theseus SCALED 33. Colchian dragon An ever-wakeful giant .  Argonauts 34. A half-, half-speckled snake (Heisod).  Famous for her children 35. Hydra A multi-headed serpent; when one head was lopped off, two  Heracles more grew in its place. 36. A 100-headed snake.  Heracles 37. Python A monstrous snake/dragon.  Apollo

FRACTAE FEMINAE 38. A whirlpool on the western side of the northern entrance to  Odysseus the 39. Furies/ Female spirits who punished offenders against blood kin.  Giants 40. Three snaky-haired monsters.  41. Two (sometimes three) ancient hags.  Perseus 42. Medusa The only mortal .  Perseus