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Presentation 2 Hercules MariahSummer and RavenTownsley Hercules Hercules father was Zeus. He told his son that you can be a fu! god Hercules said yes but Hera didn't like Hercules because Zeus cheated on Hera and Zeus was married to Hercules mom .Hercules mother was a mortal . Slay the Nemean Lion! Hercules stayed in the cave and waited for the lion but the lion was told to ki! Hercules. But Hercules didn't see him because he was disguise as a mortal. But then Hercules found him and ki!ed it. Slay the nine headed Lernean Hydra They had to slay the nine headed Lernean Hydra. It was very di"cult because if they chopped of a head or more then more would grow back. Ceryneian hind Eurystheus had given Hercules a task hoping to incite Artemis anger at Hercules for his desecration of her scared animal.As she was returning with the hind,Hercules encountered Artemis and her brother APOLLO. Erymanthian boar Hercules had visited Chiron to gain advice on how to catch the boar, and Chiron had told him to drive into the thick snow, and ki! him with the sword which sets this labour. Augean stable The judge took his seat. Hercules ca!ed the son of Augeas to testify.the boy swore that his father had agreed to give Hercules a reward. The judge ruled that Hercules wi! have to be paid. In a range, Augeas ordered both his own son and Hercules to leave his kingdom at once. The Stymphalian birds Some version of the legend say that Stymphalian birds where vicious man- eaters. The second century A.D. travel writer, Pausanias, trying to discover what kind of birds they were. The Cretan bull The Athenian hero Theseus tied up some loose ends of the story. He ki!ed the Cretan bu! at marathon. Later, he sailed to Crete, found his way to the center of the Labyrinth, and ki!ed the Minotaur. The horses of Diomedes A$er Hercules had captured the cretan bu!, Eurystheus sent him to get the man- eating mares of Diomedes, the king of Thracian. The belt of Hippolytus The amazon lived apart %om men, and if they ever give birth to children, they kept only the females and reared them to be warriors like themselves. The cattle of Geryon Hercules made it to the edge of the lonian sea, with the end of his journey fina!y in sight. Hera,however, was not about to let the hero accomplish this labour. She was making this one harder. The apples of the Hesperides Hercules' first problem was that he didn't know we're the garden was. He journeyed through Libya, Egypt, Arabia, and Asia,having adventures along the way there. He soon found the garden and saw a beast. He had to fight the beast. The beast was dead a$er a!. Cerberus The most dangerous labour of a! was the 12th and final one. Eurystheus orders Hercules to go to the underworld and kidnap the beast ca!ed Cerberus(or Kerberos).and slice his necks o( The story of Hercules .
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