SHTm-1 SMTG-C 0LLGG« Lobero I Theatre 8:30 P.M.

No. 37 Vol. XVII Z59 SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1938 Eichheim Directs Symphony Tonight

State Director Eichheim Tells of Brad Tozier Eighth Annual Concert Pays Tribute Players Talent Wins First • Henry Eichheim, whose baton Faces Lobero Curtain to Lincoln will again direct the All-College Chair Symphony tonight in the Lobero Ninety Students Representing Many theatre, voices high praise for this Concert Master’s Post Educational Superintendent year’s representative student mu­ Southern California Schools Says Christ Heads All sicians. Mr. Eichheim for the Goes Second Time to Educators past eight years has honored the Former Stater Complete Practices State college by accepting the po­ PHELPS HONORS WYLES sition as guest conductor of the ATTENDS U. C. L. A. • Under the distinguished baton of Mr. Henry Eichheim, outstanding musical event of the noted and beloved Santa Barbara violinist and composer, the Lincoln Library Picture year. Young Violinist Has Eighth Annual Southern California College symphony concert Unveiled in Presence During the Associated Women Much Background will be presented tonight at the Lobero theatre. Ninety-two stu­ of Many Students •' Students’ tea for the musicians fol­ for Position dent musicians representing thirteen universities, colleges and lowing the afternoon rehearsals junior colleges of the southland, will climax three days of inten­ • Assemblying in tribute to Abraham yesterday Mr. Bichheim stated • Five years service, two years as sive work since their arrival Sunday when the curtain raises Lincoln students of Santa Barbara that, "This year’s gathering of Concertmaster, is the enviable record musicians is outstanding, sur­ at 8:30 p. m. for the musical presentation. met in the, auditorium third hour of Bradford Tozier, former Santa —s------Schools to be represented iti the last Friday to hear Dr. Walter F. passing any during the past eight years. The string section is es­ Barbara State student now attending eighth annual student symphony, ori­ Dexter speak upon the ’’Philosophy the University of California at Los pecially notable, having the great ginated by Santa Barbara State Col of Friendship” and to honor William Angeles studying under Schoenberg. State Program 'Wyles, donor of the Lincoln Library. weight and ability.” lege, include Pomona, Whittier, U.S. Tozier was almost unaminously Placed on public display for the elected as «concertmaster of this year’s C., Occidental, U.C.L.A., San Diego first time was the portrait of Mr. Goes on Air group in the All-Southern California State, Fullerton J.C., Long Beach J.C., Wyles painted by Clarence Hinkle, Symphony series. T he duties devolved prominent local artist. Hile Chooses College Feature Begins Pomona J.C., Los Angeles J.C., Ven­ upon him will be to lead the violin tura J.C., and Bakersfield J.C. The The talk, "Philosophy of Friend­ section of the full symphony orches­ Weekly Broadcast on ninety-two visitors began tryouts under ship,” , by Dr. Dexter treated Lincoln Macbeth Cast tra and to act as second to the con­ Local Station as the apostle of the art of making ductor, Mr. Henry Eichheim. ten directors and Mr Eichhein Sun­ and keeping as friends ail peoples During the last year Tozier has • Santa Barbara State college will day afternoon. A general rehearsal and all classes. Dexter speaking of • Following tryouts Friday afternoon been studying independently with the be on the air beginning this followed that evening, with sectional Lincoln as the first president of the in the auditorium, Frederic Hile, di­ Russian violinist, Peter Meremblum, evening, February 15 and every Tues­ rehearsals being held yesterday morn­ west gave this statement of Lincoln s rector of the speech arts department, student of Aur and graduate with the ing. A second general rehearsal pre­ as the text of his discussion:» "To the day thereafter from 7:30 to 8 o’clock. announced the cast for "Macbeth,” famous Jascha Heifetz. Outside of his ceded the Symphony Hop given at degree that I would not be a slave I The program is under the direction the third play of the school series, routine studies and musical endea­ Rockwood last night in honor of the would not be a master.” of Frederic Hile, instructor of the in which he will play the role of vors, Tozier reports that he played visitors. The student players will meet Speaks of Friendship Macbeth. In the leading role will be with several different musical groups, Technique of Radio Broadcasting. -for final rehearsal at 2:00 p.m. this Dr. Dexter then cited as the three Theda Call, as Lady Macbeth in the both popular and classical orches­ The programs are running in an afternoon at Lobero theatre. demands of the philosophy of friend­ Shakespearean drama to be presented tras. alternating series. Dramatics will be Acting as section rehearsal direc­ ship as sympathy, service and secu­ on April 21, 22, and 23. When "Brad,” as he was called by tors for the symphony were Mr. H. rity. O f sympathy Dexter said the featured on the first program, the "Macbeth*” the most difficult of the local students, attended school A. Belprez of Compton J.C.; Mr. F. experience of the same life as being play "Lincoln the Man” taken from the plays thus presented, will be here he was concertmaster of the H. Biddleman, San Diego; Harold the bindings of appreciation of our the "script of the week.” El Gaucho, given in honor of the 374th anniver­ State College orchestra and took part Walburg, Fullerton J.C.; Mr. Harold fellow men. This he extended further a rancher, will be featured in other sary of the birth of its author, Wil­ in the numerous musical functions B. Howe, Ventura J.C., Wwight Def-1 by telling of our respect and sympathy broadcasts representing the public. liam Shakespeare, by the college which were presented by the college ty, Los Angeles J. C., Fred Green- not only with our fellows but also Since the college was named after thespians. Mr. Hile said that the during his stay here, beside playing ough, of Carpinteria High School, those who were superior and inferior in a local community symphony or­ him he feels it nfecessary to come Roderick White,1 renouned violinist play will be modernistic, and semi- down to see the progress the college to us. chestra and presenting private and Antoni Van der Voort, noted Santa stylized symbolism, with Edwin is making. Through his visits the Concerning service he cited H. G. public concerts to display his artistry. Barbara musician; Miss Margaret El­ Booth’s active version. This will public will be able to visit all col­ Wells search for the world’s greatest lison, violinist and daughter of Dr. be Hile’s thirty-seventh appearance lege departments. El Gaucho’s first men of ail times that ended by plac­ in the role of Macbeth and his 288th Men's Honor Group W. H. Ellison of the State college ing Christ the head of the list visit will be to the department of in­ faculty, and Mr. Robert L. Barron, time performing in the play. Much dustrial education February 21. because of the line from the scrip­ of his previous work in "Macbeth” Board Convenes state music director. tures: "He that is greatest of all is has been professional. This series of broadcasts is an ex­ First Violins • Members of the board of directors periment and will depend on the servant of all.” Many Take Part Helen Simmons, S.B., Raymond of Gavel and Key, men’s honorary comments as to whether it will be a Security, Dexter concluded, was Lahmann, S.D., Harry Winston, S.D., Others to take part include Alice group met last night in the faculty success or npt and if it is to be con­ but the outcome of an individual po- Allen Harshman, Compton, Martha Goff as Lady McDuff; Anita Crain, dining hall, to discuss plans for the tinued. Those participating in the sessing the traits of sympathy and Ogan, L.B.J.C., Homer Stephen, Oxy; first witch; Rosalind Kelly, second second semester. The next regular program will be: Alfred Artuso, service. From the first two the third Frances' Fedalen, Oxy, Mary Shork witch; Jeanne Dunn, third witch; membership meeting was set for Feb­ 1 Sue Baat, Pearl Beach, Norman Bec­ is an inevitable synthesis according ley, U.C.L.A., Frances Ronan, U.C Bernice Shedd, Fleance; McDuff’s ruary 22 at the Barbara hotel at chio, Frances Beecher, Carlos Bee, to Dexter. son, Alice Freeman; and Anna Lou L.A., Justin Burston, U.C.L.A. Mil Honor Wyles ' 6:00 p.m. Discussion at the gather­ Frank Bennett, Judson Canion, Bet­ Jacobs, the gentle woman. Male part dred Graves, U.C.L.A., Charlotte An Preceding Dexters talk President ing included the backing of an honor ty Caldwell, Bruce Davis, Jeanne went to Carl Jorgensen in the role derson, L.A.J.C., Sybil Anderson, L Phelps commended Wyles for his system in examinations, aid to ma­ Duran, Charles Edwards, Bernice of McDuff; Jed Blake as Banque; A.J.C., Ruth Hoberecht, L.A.J.C. work in the establishment of the Lin­ triculation day, a page in La Cumbre, Jacobsen, Cecile -Katz, Bill Lyman, Clyde Cadwell, Malcolm; W. L. Herman Baecht, S.D. coln Library. The student body then consideration of new members, and Jack Kitchen, Peter Packard, Elbert Robertson, Ross; Daniel Wooten, Len­ Second Violin stood and applauded Wyles for a other activities of a service nature. Phelps, Harry Sloan, Elain Wil­ nox; Pete Packard, Duncan; Arthur Omega Barfield, U.C.L.A., Robert full moment. Following this Dr. Wil­ Board members present included liamson, Don Wooten, and Merle Artuso, first murderer; Charles Gif­ Burnham, U.C.L.A., Ruth Perry, Ful­ liam Ellison, head of the social Fred Lambourne, president, Ed Cole, Vance. _ ford, second murderer; Robert Binns, lerton, Evelyn Bauman, Fullerton, science department and director of Don Follett, Danny D ’Alfonso, Carl servant; Lloyd Borstleman, Seyton; "Coke dares” during working hours Paul Fancher, Whittier, Elizabeth Mc­ the Lincoln library, spoke on Wyles’ Sundquist, Jack Kitchen and Nat Bert Fitzpatrick, the . doctor; Harold are a privilege of the coeds who Kenzie, Oxy. Neill Mendenhall, Ven­ efforts and the,purpose of the library. Hales. ______Bolus, Porter anad Ben Gautier as work in a shop near the University tura, Irma Fecho, L.A.J.G., Vivian the Lord. All work and no play is getting an of Oklahona campus. That is, as Grimes, L.A.J.C., Lester Shear, U.S. A. W. S.-Men’s Club Ladies in waiting are Margaret education for a student at Texas long as the shop is not busy. Their C. , Alice McDonald, Compton, Betty Hold Meetings Busby, and Mary Tucker, with Nor­ Christian University. He is carrying employers think they come back to Sosnowski, L. B. J. C., Marjorie Seav- man Becchio, Bob Smith, and Vivian a full freshman course and working the job more alert and ready for (Continued on Page 3, Column 1) Second Hour Girvetz in charge of apparations. at four jobs to pay his expenses. work. • Meeting this morning second houf Scout Heads Offer m the cafeteria, the Men’s Club made Students Aid Production of Annual Symphony New Course for plans for Matriculation Day and the tea to be held then. College Men Crown and Scepter will be in charge of the tea to be financed by • Mr. J. C. Leecing, Scout Execu­ the Men’s club. The entertainment tive of Santa Barbara announced will be provided by the Men’s Club. yesterday that the Scoutleaders Train­ The meeting was contained entirely ing course being conducted every of business matters with President Monday evening under the direction Doug Oldershaw presiding. of Mr. Harvey Holt, principal of The Associated Women Student the McKinley High School is* open held their meeting in the auditorium to all members of the Saiita Barbara this morning with Mrs. Edwin Smith, State college. noted Santa Barbara traveleer, as the There are some members of the main speaker. Mrs. Smith gave an in­ Scouting Course P. E. 109 held last formal talk on Greece, Bethlehem, semester under the directioii of Coach Syria, and displayed costumes of Davis, that have not completed their these countries., Three college wo­ make-up sessions. Mr. Leecing wishes men acted as models with Josephine to remind these men that they can McBride playing music appropriate not receive their Scouting certificate to the countries. until the course is completed. The In charge of the arrangements for men may make up these sessions by the speaker were Joan Ingram, pro­ attending the Monday evening clas­ gram for the A. W. S. New mem­ ses which are held at the McKinley bers of Las Espuelas, sophomore wo­ high school. When the course is men’s service organization were pre- completed, the members are asked snted with their shields by Miriam to report to the Boy Scout head­ Turton, president of the women stu­ quarters at 24 West Figueroa street. LOUISE JACKSON FRED LAMBOURNE dents. ED COLE Page Two E L GAUCHO Tuesday, February 15, 1938 Joe Venuti el (As in someone*sjgetting “rid ” )

• Santa Barbara State’s "violin play­ EANOR BRAUNS and JACK ers” will have some real accompani­ RICHARDS are "steadying” it, ac­ ment . . . the long haired musicians cording to latest reports . . . Official publication of the Associated Students, Santa Barbara Statu are back rushing around the campus BUPPY MOORE former playboy college. Edited and published semi-weekly on the State college campus of State has announced his engage­ Entered as second-class mail matter in the postoffice of Santa Barbara again . . . the familiar tent-trailer is California. Subscription price: one dollar a semester, two dollars per year back of Pine Hall once more . . . ment to one, LUCILLE OTT, of and the curtain is about to go up the Southland . . . congratulations N A T HALBS, Editor-In-Chief on the All-College symphony. to Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT D U N ­ TED JOHAM, Assistant Editor The Henry Eichheim was a-Knap HAM . . . best of luck, Bob and John T. Porter Margaret Bennett (as in sfeep-a-wink) guest of the Evie . . . ROVER BOYS on Pedregosa hill TOM SMITH is a Senior. He’s Printing QieMSpaperf^ j y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j Meiri b e r) Journalism Monday after dinner . . . Have you taking Freshman problems once more Instructor Instructor seen A. S. B. prexy D’ALFONSO, after flunking it twice . . . what a EDITORIAL STAFF , Revue Director FULLERTON and problem these Freshman are! SPEN­ WEDNESDAY FRIDAY FRANK ELLINGS playing G-Men CER RAY was noticed inviting EL­ Frank Douglas______MANAGING EDITORS___ __ - Norman Phillips . . . rushing to imaginary telephones EANOR BENHAM to the hop lSst Russell Blanchard______NEWS EDITORS ------Jimmy Fullerton to phone J. Edgar . . . and don’t nite . . . but was too late . . . MIL­ Waldo Phelps______SPORTS EDITORS______Bob Burt be surprised if you are asked to shake DRED FABING was asked to the Theda Call— ___ SOCIETY EDITORS ______Carol Warren hands with Watson, their dog . . . symphony hop by SHERMAN LOG­ Jack Salyer , ...... FEATURE EDITORS ...... Bill Sparrow Patton, please call at your earliest AN and RUSSELL BLANCHARD Petie McKinney...... CIRCULATION MANAGER-_____Petie McKinney convenience. but she is on the chase for concert Jack Kitchen - . . ADVERTISING MANAGER ...... Jack Kitchen* Venuti Plays Here New combinations ’round . . . master BRAD TOZIER who is in­ REPORTERS: Wilbert Fitzpatrick, Charles Bowen, Mary Louise Dunbar, DOROTHY SUITER and NATHAN cidentally preoccupied with COL­ Helen Simmons, Betty Nord^ke, Carlos Lozano, Sylvan Malis* Jimmie for Swing Fans Stanley. McCRAY, former student . . . EL- LEEN MURPHY. • Joe Venuti, “Swing King of the Best Ever— Fiddle” and his orchestra will appear in Santa Barbara on February 28th Swing Sidesteps for Classics • For the eighth consecutive year, Santa Barbara State college at Veterans Memorial hall, to enter­ is playing host to the finest young musicians from a dozen or tain swing fans with his rhythmic Review of Instruments Clears Mystery more universities, colleges and junior colleges throughout the dance music. The charity ball, spon­ sored by the local Knights of Colom- • Swing will take a backseat in local The first in the family of woodwinds southern part of the state. Each year this musical event assumes bus, will feature a raffle of a Charlie college life, giving way to classical is the oboe.- The oboe is a cross be­ a growing importance in the activities of the college, and it has McCarthy doll, autographed by Ed­ overtures during this week on the tween a moose-caller and a baseball gar Bergen. Students will be give campus. The halls of our institu­ become one of our traditions to entertain for three days, some bat, only it’s hollow. You blow a special prices for tickets at Roy E. tion will reverberate, the rafters will hundred visitor students of the Southern California college Gammill’s, 1005 State Street. vibrate, the pictures on the wall per­ little piipe coming out of one side and symphony. ------

• An answer to— He Who Laughs CAMPUS CAMERA Last Flunks— I put my faith and trust in you, I thought I could rely, But now I’m disillusioned I wish that I might die. I made you my ideal, you see, And so I copied you, But I should have copied someone else— CRACK STANFORD FORWARD* Cause now I’m flunking too— SCORED 5 0 POINTS IN A GAME WITH DUQUESNE. WS PERFORM­ - • Have you heard the one about ANCE BROKE THE OLD RECORD the Scotchman who had apoplexy? You have our sympathy B V A M E R E 16 P O IN T S / He was throwing pennies to the children and the string broke! If You SQUIRM PATRONIZE at the 'ÜU& VAU&WCTORIAN EL GAUCHO ADVERTISERS OF THE U.OP P0JN. CLASS OF 1761 M A S O N LY A Our Competitor’s SYMPHONY! Greatest Step out of the squirmer class Boast when you step into JOCKEY I s ... SHORTS, the modern short for “Just As Good comfort . . . 50c per garment up. As the ...

ST. MARTS C0LL£6E,(O\UF) HAS m e . AN INDIAN STUDENT WHOSE NAME IS TgEVONX IP ATWMMHI0WDBN9 717-719 State Street © a Cp . 912 State Phone 22424 Tuesday, February 15, 1938 E L GAUCHO Page Three State Houses Famed Musician Praises Santa Barbara Leaders Give M usicians Henry Eichheim Tells of Travels in East in Past Year Opinion of

Charlotte Naess and Ron Orchestra Crary Head Committee of Special Hosts Visiting Directors Say Symphony Musicians PROVIDE FOR 82 Fine Players Representative Players PRAISE ALL GROUPS from Twenty Schools Here for Concert Eichheim Declares Best College Symphony • Under the direction of Charlotte cf All Time Naess, and Ronald Crary, housing chairman for the eighth college sym­ e ''The best college symphony group that I have ever had the pleasure of phony to be held, here, eighty-two working with,” was Mr. Henry Eich- visiting musicians from twelve uni­ heim’s summary statement that con­ versities, colleges and junior colleges firmed the contention of the several are being housed in the homes of group leaders who helped to seat Santa Barbara residences ‘ and State members of different orchestra sec­ tions, as the orchestra polished off College students. the rough edges to their concert Thirty-seven women and forty-five this morning. men players compose the visiting The consensus of opinion with the group who arrived Sunday after­ workers, Visiting instructors from noon on the local campus and were Southern California schools, who registered, making their housing ar­ listened to the string instruments, is rangements at that time at the as­ that generally they were the best in sociated student body office with the the eight year history of the sym­ Chairman Naess and Crary. Some of phony concert. the guest players will remain in Santa Barbara tonight following the con­ The belief of Dwight Defty, in­ structor from Los Angeles Junior cert at the Lobero theatre, while many college, who seated the celli, proved will return to their home colleges. House Women to be the only dissenting opinion. Those providing housing for the Mr. Defty seemed to be of the mind women guests include Mrs. Ralph that the only trouble with the celli was the need of a little fuller polish. Armitage, Miss Frances Gower, Mrs. The rough spots have been however, L. D. Tilton, Mrs. William MacLean, Mrs. Byron Abraham, Mrs. Ralph ironed out. Priest, Mrs. E. H. Thompson, Mrs. Mr. Eichheim, who handled the Nelson Whittmore, Endora Bald­ woodwinds, had a little difficulty win, Mrs. Harry Girvetz, Dr. Charles with his section, but in subsequent Roome, Theda Call, Marjorie Schmis- rehearsing has perfected their style. ser, Jane Goslin, Dorothy Hansen, From Ventura Junior college came Frances Mattair, Dorothy Cameron, Mr. Harry B. Howe to listen and ap-1 Kay MatLeish, and Dorothy Wilson. prove of the brass orchestra section. Men players in the symphony will He believed that the only difficulty be the guests of Mrs. Allen Rogers, that would be apparent with this de­ Mrs. George Edwards, Mrs. R. E. partment would be the slowness In Easton, Mrs. J. D. Lowsley, Mrs L. R. transposition by the members. This Leslie, Samuel Ilsley, Mrs. Raymond proved true in the preliminaries. Moley, Mrs. Blanche Kenison, Mrs. Other sections were entered in with E. W. Maney, Mr. H. S. Conklin, no apparent difficulty if reports from Mrs. J. Kindred, Mrs. R. Dickerson, tryouts and students in the sections Anita Priest, Mrs. W. G. Griffith, would indicate this, according to Ed Mrs. O. E. Waterman, Mrs. Henry Cole, business manager for the con­ Proctor, Mrs. D. L. Lariford, Mrs. cert. H. V. Dobson, Mrs. Carl Erickson, Those men and women, instructors Mrs. W. W. McKee, Mrs. Charles and professional musicians, who par­ Wood, Cap. Paul Jones, and Fred ticipated as judges were: H. A. Bel- Lambourne. prez, Compton Junior college, who Charlotte Naess, speaking for the inducted the brass instruments; F. housing chairmen, said, "We appre­ Biddleman, San Diego State college, ciate the generous spirit of coopera­ second violin and string bass; Harry tion of those Santa Barbara people Wallburg, Fullerton Junior college, who have aided the All-Southern string basses; Mr. Howe, brass; Mr. California college symphony again Defty, celli; Fred Greenough, Car­ by playing hosts to the eighty-two pintería High school, second violins; • Is there anyone who has had April and May of last year just past, the influx of tourists had made this -visiting students.” Roderick White, noted volinist, first personal contact with Henry Eich­ Mr. Eichhéim elaborated to great form of business profitable. violins; Antoni Van der Voort, heim who has not immediately ad­ extent in this obviously pleasurable , Not to be cheated out of his ex­ famed local musician and composer, Musicians Gather mired the man? trip, which seems to be becoming a perience in by a plate of first violins; Miss Margaret Ellison, for Collegiate Many have come to admire the perrenial occasion with him. During mashed potatoes, the next question daughter of Dr. William H. Ellison, composer, the violinist, the conductor, these excursions he is continually the concerning China was put immedi­ judge for first violins; and R. L. Symphony but everyone meeting Mr. Eichheim student, absorbing the native life ately. The composer had noticed with Barron, Santa Barbara musician, face to face, man to man, has been in the country he is visiting, contem­ a trained eye in observance of de­ violas. (Continued from Page One) engulfed by his humble, natural per­ plating on the folk music and dances; tail that there was much change and ers, S.B., Ruth Bethune, S.B., Edward sonality. His wit is flowing and his learning much from their literature, modernization going on in China. "Shanghai,” he stated, "is the most Delta Zetes Plan Craviotto, S.B. ' devotion to beauty and culture is their society, their art and costumes. Violas ever present. He sometimes forsakes When he returns he is refreshed with electrical and exciting city I have ever Rush Party Doris Baker, Bakersfield, Charles the practical side of life, when con­ the fragrance that only a true artist visited.” An ambiguous statement to Beecher, Fullerton, Harold^ Larson, fronted with a problem, for the can enjoy. those of us who have only heard • Guests of Delta Zeta Delta soror­ Fullerton, Fritz Hummel, U.C.L.A., beauty, of the situation. Although, prone not to say any stories concerning this city, but un­ ity will spend a "Night in Caliente” Mae Porter, S.D., Margaret Ward, Notes Beautiful thing concerning future works, the doubtedly sincerely believed and Thursday evening when they will proved by Mr. • Eichheim. S.D., Leo Robbins, U.S.C., Cecil "Isn’t that beautiful,” Mr. Eich­ belief is that the All-College Sym­ be entertained by the group at its sec­ Sams, L.B.J.C., Leslie Forster, L.A.J. heim said, as he mounted the stairs phony conductor is preparing to China Impresses ond rush event. The affair will be C., Tom Flack, L.A.J.C. on the northern side of the entrance produce more Oriental music for He was particularly impressed by held at the home of Mrs. Byron C. String Bass to the home economics building, "isn’t his great public. the great movement to restore all ^ Abraham, 1721 Santa Barbara street Earl Hellmers, Compton, George that the most beautiful thing you’ve During his three-month stay in the great and historic temples that Both active and alumnae members Wilde, Compton, Elaine Roberts, ever seen? The blue monarchial China and , Mr. Eichheim ad­ form such a wonderful part of the will attend the event and will be hos­ Compton, Preston Mitchell, Whittier, mountains in the channel, the stirred mitted no evidence of trouble, say­ Chinese city. The modern schools of tesses to 37 invited guests. David Sterne, S.D., William Mobley, and restless blue of the sea, the quiet, ing that the same exquisite beauty of art, culture, and general education Committees working under the di­ S.D., Abbie Staloup, Fullerton, Eu­ serene, paradise-like atmosphere of Japan during Cherry season, com­ were very. impressive and are gradu­ rection of Betty Palmaymesa and gene Talbert, U.C.L.A. the city and the fitting frame of it pletely overshadowed any feeling of ally assuming a level with those of Colleen Murphy are: Alice Boeseke, the Western world, although surpas­ Cellos all—the eucalyptus trees before us. disquietude or unrest on the part of refreshments; Nancy Darrow and Doris Savery, L.A.J.C., Carl Reiter- Honestly, I don’t really see how you the people of these two great nations. sing those of the West in the study Rosalind Rawicz, favors; Peggy East- man, L.A.J.C, Inez Crowell, L.A.J.C., of Oriental peoples. wood and Jean McSkimming, invi­ people can concentrate on your He was sojourning in the city of Phyllis Stancliff, Bakersfield, Euelda He traveled in the quaint villages tations. studies.” Kioto, in Northwestern Japan, when Bowman, Fullerton, Mildred Gage, of China and absorbed the life for Members of the sorority have re­ This is just one of the many the colossal Festival of Honen Shion- Fullerton, Alberta Hurst, Oxy, Beat­ his enjoyment and recreation—but served a box for the All-College Sym­ poetically luminous pictures that this en in honor of the founder of the rice James, SB., Veranina Kline, S.D., the \^orld is hoping it is also for his phony tonight at the Lobero theatre. great man painted as the walk sect that is represented there by the Anna Martin, S.D., Routh Pouder, use. After the symphony the group will continued. temple of. Shion, which, according S.D. His successes with the Cincinnatti go to El Cortijo for refreshments. Just recently completing work with to Mr. Eichheim, who professes and Floyd Grant, S.D., Marjorie Raw- and Cleveland orchestras are not in Mrs. John Porter, Dr. Helen Lee, the Cleveland and Cincinatti Sym­ is and expert on the architecture son, Oxy. the least dubious, they were complete and Mrs. Byron Abraham are spon­ phony orchestras, at which time Mr. of the Orient, is one of the most English Horn successes. His Burma Suite receiving sors for the party. Eichheim in the favorite role of beautiful buildings in the world, rank-* Margaret Allen, L.A.J.C. particular enthusiastic applause from conductor, played many of his own ing closely with Taj Mahal in . Flutes the cultured audiences of these two famous and glorious masterpieces. W. A. A. Posts Team Lane Sheldon, Whittier, Nelson The festival lasted for several cities. Wailing. Oxy, Arnold Varney, U.C. Visits Orient days and reviewed finery and splen­ The College Symphony is ihdeed Placement L.A., Charity Werner, L.A.J.C., Davis Led on in discusión of a trip he dor that only the Japanese and their fortunate to have a friend like Henry Bryant, S.D. took to th Orient during March, exotic art forms can express. It is Eichheim. W. A. A. members and women who Clarinet spectacular in a field all of its oiyn are now eligible for membership by Duane Gurnee, L.A.J.C., Ronald buhr, S.B., Lynn McLean, S.D., Joe and takes place at the time when the PROGRAM NEEDED participating in one after school Crary, S.B., Virginia Blanchard, Ful­ Morgan, Compton. natural beauty of the Cherry or­ "Without waiting for the slow im­ sport will find their team placement lerton, Dorothy Pratp, Fullerton, Trombone ^ chards can add their ultimate to provement of human nature through for basketball posted on the bulletin Peter Pinkerton, Ventura. Clinton Sawin, Whittier, Dewey the splendour. eugenics, great progress can be made board in the gymnasium. Those hav­ Bassoon , Compton, George Cather, L. Hints Hunger toward the 'good society’ by the ing made any of the placements are DeWitt Mytinger, S.D., Bernie B.J.C. Hinting gently that he was growing better development of the capacities now eligible for membership in the Dark, Pomona J.C., Eloise Ferguson, Tuba a little hungry, which may satisfy the we already poseess.” Dr. Edwin Grant Women’s Athletic Association. The S.D. Fred Lambourne, S.B. person who beleives thqt great artists, Conklin, professor emeritus at Prince­ organization will take in new mem­ Horn Percussion and especially musicians, go for long ton University, maintains that a vast bers at a meeting Thursday, Feb­ Leroy Anderson, U.C.L.A., Claude Kenneth Boettcher, Pomona J.C., shifted the conversation to food, as it educational program is needed to ruary 17. Holloway, Bakersfield, Jim Bradford, Edward Cole, S.B., Frances Moore, periods without nourishment, he next off-set "social stagnation” which has A meeting of the board members Bakersfield, < Charles Kootz, L.A.J.C. S.D., Harry Stewart, S.B. was near supper time, and told of the permitted scientific achievement to college cafeteria. Members who at- Trumpets Harp splendid restaurants and eating houses run far ahead of development of was held yesterday evening in the Carl Arnold, Pomona, Elmer Nei- Louise Chandler, Whittier. that had grown up in Japan since human nature and social progress. tended were Page Four E L GAUCHO Tuesday, February 15, 1938 THEDA CALL SOCIETY NEWS. CAROL WARREN DINNER HONORS Los Gauchos Fete Musicians PARENTS OF Class Hears Talks by Faculty at ‘Symphony Hop’ SORORITY at Dinner Meeting • Mothers and fathers of Delta Harrington Wells and Mrs. Bill McKenzie Heads Plan BILL MCKENZIE Sigma Epsilon, social sorority, were TOM LINDQUIST for Annual Event Aided entertained at a potluck dinner given Abraham Clear Procedure by Social Committee by the member^ Sunday afternoon for Graduates at thè sorority clubhouse. • Seniors of the class of 1938 • Taking a short period of relaxa­ The purpose of the dinner was to tion from their intensive rehearsing, acquaint fathers and mothers with met in Ebbets hall Friday, Feb­ members of the visiting symphony mémbèrs of the group. Through it ruary 11, and heard a short talk group joined with Los Gauchos last a better understanding of sorority by Harrington "Pop” Wells, sci­ night at the informal Symphony ideals and alms weré furthered. ence instructor. The talk holding Hop at Rockwood. /With Fred Lam- The sorority will be hostesses to to no definite subject was present­ bourne and his Collegians providing prospective rushees at their second the "swing,” some two hundred f||§ ifP rush event Wednesday night, Febru­ ed by Wells as a word of encour­ couples filled the Women’s Club­ ary 16. A colonial theme is being agement to the class. house to capacity for the school-night used throughout’ the entire affair. Jane Miller Abraham, registrar, affair. S H i Committees aiding rush captain Jean spoke to the prospective gradu­ Patronesses for the musical salute Clausen, with arrangements are, Eva ates on the question of job-seeking. to State’s visitors were Mrs. Anita Metzger, refreshments; Jean Angle- Cochran Priest, Mr. and Mrs. Barnett, meyer, invitations, Alice Goff, trans­ The talk was the annual talk giv­ Mr. and Mrs. Barron, President and portation, Virginia Rodgers, enter­ ing general instruction on the pro­ Mrs. Clarence Phelps. Invitations tainment and decoration; Betty West- cedure which the graduates must were also extended to the visiting di­ cott, costumes', and Irene Baptiste, go through between graduation rectors to the symphony, who are favors. guiding section rehearsals. The latter and the beginning of their teach­ group to be honored were Miss Mar­ FORORITY PLANS ing careers. garet Ellison, Mr. H. A. Belprez, Mr. _T o m Lindquist, president, was Harold B. Howe, Dwight Defty, Fred FOR RUSH in charge of the meeting. Leona Greenough, Antoni Van der Voort, Rasmussen, secretary, made a F. H. Biddleman, Roderick White EVENT and Harold Walberg. special report on the annual gift • Meeting' at the home of , Barbara of the senior class to the school. Arrangements for the dance were Philip last night, Alpha Theta Chi Helen Sweet, science instructor, at­ under the direction of Bill McKenzie, Journey to Holland made fin al1 plans for their third Gamma Delta Chi tended as sponsor of the class. chairman pf the student body social Features Areta éveht, the Formal dinner, to tbe held committee, composed of .Dean Lois. at the Biltmore Hotel Saturday night, Honors Rushees M. Bennink, Ann Seymour, Lyndell Rush Party Feb. 10. Barrett, pledge captain, and Velma Brundige, Harry Sloan and Nat A report was given by Barbara Jean Jones, president. Hales. • Guests of Areta Gamms social Ti,bby, rush captain, on the rush par­ • With. Oriental costumes and decor­ Lorraine Twogood and Helen An­ The dance, beginning at 8:30 and sorority were entertained by alumni ty given last Wednesday night at ations the members or Gamma Delta drews were in charge of games. Elea­ continuing until 11:30 was a novelty, and active members with a tour the home of Mrs. Paul Jones. Chi gathered Saturday, Feb. 12 at nor Brickey and Velma Jean Jones being the only school-night dance to through Holland at their second rush were in charge of the place cards. T h e’ marriage of Evelyn Warner the Biltmore hotel for a social event be given .during the school year. event; The affair was held at the to Robert Durham, former State óbl- Faculty present were Mrs. Paul home of Dr. and Mrs. Oliver H. lege student; was' announced and ar­ to o>peii the new semester. Arrange­ Miller, Mrs. John Stewart, and Dr. Phi Kaps Complete Bronson in Montecito. rangement for á shóWer for héf wére ments were managed by Patricia Helen Sweet. Sorority colors were caried out in discussed. She will be presented with Dinner Plans the decorations with blue and white the traditional gift from the sorority. being used extensively. Dutch cos­ The meeting ended early due to • Members of Phi Kappa Gamma, tumes were worn by the members and the Symphony Hop staged last night. Baseball and Track Shoes social sorority, will meet at the club­ Dutch cakes were served' for refresh­ Members present were: Cecile Dille- house on Sola and Chapala street ments. hiint, Myrna Jullieh, Barbara Sharp, Wednesday evening for a special Boyd Leads / Bárbara Tibby, Cdrol Warren, Lois Complete Line of meeting. The meeting planned for Committees working on the vent, Schéppele, Petie McKinney, Alice Monday night was postponed due to headed by Louise Boyd, pledge cap­ Lamb; Rena Sacconaghi, Renata Mac- Baseball Gloves and Equipment the. "Symphony Hop." Members of tain were Veiree Church, invitations, cianti, Ann .Seymour, Bllen Seymour, the alumnae association will be pre­ Frances Lafferty, refreshments, Efea- Barbara Putman, Irish Duncan, sent at the meting after which a non Krauter, favors arid Irene Bene- Mary Alice Halferty, Phyllis La- sent at the meeting after > which a dit, transportation. , Source a n d t h e hostess Barbara O T T ’S SP O R T S H O P The preference dinner to be held Gertrude Allen and La Verne Jones Philip. ‘ Saturday night, February 19 at the were awarded prizes for the total 727 STATE ST. DIAL 3121 Mar Monte hotel, will be the final highest scores in the Dutch games PROMISE FINER LIVING rush event of the sorority. Gwelda played throughout the evening. Ruth Science promises the American Loyd, rush captain, is in charge of Chapman, a member of the sorority, people a finer kind of living than arrangements for the affair, aided by was in charge of the games and enter­ the wealthiest potentates of the past Scharleen Horner, in charge of cor-' tainment 'for the evening, a feature ever dreamed, Dr. A. A. Potter of sages, and Clara Call, programs. of which was the showing of films Purdue University told the American of Holland. Association for the Advancement of AjW.S. Presides at Science recently. • There will be at least 1,000,000 Utilization of steam, electricity and Tea for Symphony fewer children in the United States gasoline has given pèople of the aged 9 to 16 in 1940 than in 1930, United States comfort, freedom from • Visiting tnusicians for the all- and there are only half as many chil­ drudgery, entertainment and the de­ college symphony were guests of dren under 5 in Manhattan now as velopment of intellectual activities honor at a tea sponsored by the As­ in 1920, according to studies made never before found in the history of sociated Women Students yesterday by Provost Rufus B. Smith of New the world except from the use of afternoon from 3:30 to 4:00 o’clock York university. human slaves, he said. in the Women’s clubroom. Barbara Bennett, president and Miriam Turtofl, vice-president of the women’s organization were in charge of. the social event. Eva Metz­ ASHLEY - WESTLUND By appointment ger directed the preparation of the .... to the man refreshments. They were assisted by Sporting Goods members of the A.W.S. board; El­ who requires len Beympur, Ann .Seymour, Judy Ingram, Dorothy Cameron, Betty COMPLETE LINE OF STOCK distinction, Palmaymesa, Frances Hoelscher, and WHERE QUALITY COSTS LESS Mary Alice Halferty. in his dress. Dean Lois M. Bennink and Miriam Turtpn poured at the tea. It was es­ 1121 State Street Tel. 25679 timated that pver one hundred guests were welcomed at the symphany so­ cial tea. Symphony Night! TICKETS FOR K. C. DANCE The Crowd Is on We Stay Open After the Concert Joe VenutVs Orchestra So *kFollow the Gauchos” to “The Swing King of Fiddle” VETERANS MEMORIAL HALL The Run Again— SH EETZ-at-the-BEACH February 28 Student Rate . . . 75c per person SANDWICHES SUNDAES MALTS On Sale at “Nothing But the Best” ROY E. GAMMDLL’S Where To? On Cabrillo Blvd. At the Beach

Why . . . College of Beauty 0 % PERMANENT WAVES—including Haircut, KERRY’S Shampoo and Fingerwave . . . g ß u n r r M $1.25 to $5.00 Guaranteed Shampoo, Fingerwave and Rinse, (dried) 50c 1 0 0 5 “Center of Manicures . . .; 25c Stai« Town” Haircuts . . . 25c Clothier . ★ Haberdasher ★ Hatter ★ Importer 820 State Street Phone 24932 Tuesday, February 15, 1938 E L GAUCHO Page Five

Mather Opens Santa Clarans SPORT SHORTS Sports Càlendar Gauchos Lose By WALDO PHELPS Show Movie Friday, February 18: San Diego Track with • ..The Gaucho varsity basketball Two Battles basketball, there • Members of the State college team, while not winning too many Saturday, February 19: San Die­ G] m W ork athletic teams were guests at a of their games this year has given go, there in South showing of the Santa Clara-Louis- almost every team it. has met a hard Friday, February 18: Santa Ana, iana State football game in the Rain Keeps Cindermen Off battle before going down to defeat. rugby game, Peabody stadium Whittier Poets Score Dual New Orleans’ Sugar Bowl New Phelps Field; Squad Tuesday, February 22: U . S. C., Win Over Varsity, Year’s Day game last night at In many cases just one or two lucky Practices Inside rugby (prospective), Peabody Dolores auditorium. * The pictures breaks could have swung the tide to Frosh Quintet stadium were shown by the Santa Clara • Track prospects for the season victory over to Coach \^illie Wilton’s Wednesday, February 23: Santa • Coach Willie Wilton’s Gaucho of 1938 are beginning to unroll under university alumni branch of Santa hard working quintet. Barbara. Maria jaysee baseball with varsity dropped a two game series to the watchful guidance of the Gaucho Take last Friday night’s game at Frosh, Cabrillo field, (tenta­ track coach, Irving "Dimmie” Mather Both college and high school Whittier for an example. Three the strong Whittier college quintet athletes were guests as well as tive) While the rains pour forth from field goals separated the teams at the Friday, February 25: Ventura this weekend, with both games being the heavans the general impression is' the Elks, the Knights of Columbus end of the game as the Gauchos played on the Southerners’ court, be­ and the Junior Chamber of Com­ jaysee baseball with varsity, that the tracksters are unable to gained four points on their oppon­ Pershing Park. fore a large gathering of fans. Play­ get in practice as there is no suitable merce. The game which was won ents in the second half. Handicapped by Santa Clara capped a week of Saturday, February 26: Southern ing on a strange court, the Gauchos place to stage a practice. However, by the loss of A 1 Young, who California relays, Chaffee jay­ the heaviest sporting activities of had difficulty during the first half a man as versatile as Mather - is not went out on, four personal fouls see. going to let a little water bother the nation. and Tooley Palmer who missed the of both games in finding the basket, his season of sport. series due to an injury, the Gauchos and the Poets built up a lead which nevertheless held the upper hand at As long as the grounds are too wet could not be overcome in spite of the finish as Russell, Crow, Hallen, RUGGERS TAKE outside the tracksters are going to improved play in the second half. get their workout inside of the gym­ Diamond Aces Bailey and Hart were bombarding ON JAYSEE HERE Poets Take Lead nasium and then as spon as the. sun the Poet basket full tilt at the end of the game. FRIDAY drys out Phelps field the boys will Prepare for Friday night’s game found the begin to get their real practice in. It is safe to say that the souther­ Gauchos trailing, 18-8, at half time. ners would have had a somewhat • One week after their sensational At the present the work is mostly Although handicapped by the loss process of conditioning for the out­ ’38 Season smaller score if Young had been al­ 9-6 defeat at the hands of the Stan­ lowed to continue play. Poet for­ of A1 Young, who went out of the door work. ford Indians, the Gaucho’s rugby wards, Bishop and Wilson, had been game via the foul route, the Gauchos, Veterans Return Van Meter Starts Workouts, finding the going pretty tough as team is preparing for a return game with Russell, Crow, Eastham, Hallen, Since the real work is not started Announces Contest with long as Ai was in there to watch with the 15 from Santa Ana jaysee and Bailey on the court, rapidly it is scarcely possible to forecast the Santa Maria Jaysee ( 1 them. Incidentally, Whittier towns­ to be played here in Peabody stad­ closed the gap by outscoring the Poets stars of the squad. Of course is seems folk were almost as surprised as were ium, Friday, February 18. 22-18 in the second half to bring the probable that the nucleus of the • In the next eight days all frosh the rest of us when that fourth per­ Orginally the Gauchos were rated score up to 36-30 in favor of the team will be the veterans of past baseball men will be fighting for sonal foul was called on Young. The the stronger team but the improve­ southerners. Bill Russell scored seven years. With this as a center the new the top spots of the 1938 diamond all-around play of Eastham of the ment of Santa Ana’s Dons will mean points in the second half to capture stock that comes up from the frosh squad in the first game of the season Gauchos was a highlight of the eve­ a dangerous time for the local boys. high point honors for ¿he Gauchos will help our materially. with Santa Maria J. C. Jimmy Van ning. While not taking many shots Since the last time the Gauchos with a total of nine. The real center points of the Meter, coach of the frosh baseball himself, he proved very adept at met the southern team they have been Teams Play Rough teams power will be trusted to such men announced that every man out passing to other players. Thé manner practicing hard and have played a Saturday night’s game was a rough old timers as Howard Yeager, Cap­ will get his chance and there will in which he took the ball from the tough Stanford outfit. If predictions and tumble affair and the high tain Bill Gray, Larry Bowius, Wells be no first team until after the backboard drew comment from the come true the Gauchos will turn on scoring contest ended 58-38 in favor Gibson, and Roily MacDonald. Yeag­ game and even. then Jimmy states, fans. the heat in this game. of Whittier. Bill Howsman connected er, coming straight from the rugby "Any man who thinks he is going Gleamings Tie Dons 3-3 for ten points to lead the Gauchos team will take up his duties at the to run the team will find that there Bill Russell’s ability to sink one- Previously the Santa Ana team in the scoring column. Bishop and high jump, low hurdles, and the is someone else who can fill his shoes.’* handed shots had the Poets worried turned the Gauchos back with an Wilson led the southern squad in dashes. Gray will take care of the Following the Santa Maria game throughout the second half as he even break of 3-3. The Gauchos tie their scoring assaults. high hurdles. Bowius will give his bit the frosh will tour the valley and will garnered several shots, narrowly mis­ with U.C.L.A. by a score of 8-8 and During the series the guarding of on the medium distances of the meet Taft jaysee, Bakersfield jaysee sing scoring several more . . . Carl the Stanford game, 9-6 are much in Eastham and Young was outstanding quarter and half mile runs. Gibson and other teams that can arrange for Hallen proved as popular with Whit­ State’s favor. for the Gauchos. The shooting of will compete with Bowius at the quar­ an open date on their schedules. With tier townsfolk as he has at home for However, Santa Ana will not back Russell, Howsman and Crow, and ter. Roily MacDonald will lead the the majority of these games coming the fighting attitude he assumes on down as they have been concentrating the all-around work of Hallen and squad at the mile and two-mile. on Easter vacation the frosh will get the court . • • Coach Willie Wilton on offense and defense in the mean­ Bailey was also worthy of mention, Strong in Hurdles back to the campus to receive Bakers­ looked sporty in a new suit which while. Santa Barbara was handicapped by seemed to get a bit wrinkled as the Strength of the team will be in the field in a return game and to figure The Gauchos have two main sour­ the absence of Tooley Palmer, shap-* evening wore on • • . Whittier had a hurdles with Yeager and Gray being for the rest of the season. ces of scoring power— the kicking shooting forward, who had a sore band, yell leaders, and rooting sec­ helped out by Frisholtz who comes Games in View ability of Doug Oldershaw and the ankle. tion out for the game . . . they really from his rugby duties to enter the Games are in prospect with Pasa­ running power of Howard Yeager jr——— — —————— back their basketball team in a big javelin, high jump, and hurdles. Also dena jaysee, San Barnardino high and Bobbie Morelli. Against the In­ way at that school • . . members of Hal Fortress the best broadjumper and jaysee, L. A.' J. C. and both dians Oldershaw scored all of the the Frosh basketball team were forced will run the hurdles. Ventura high and jaysee. Gaucho points on field kicks and Royal to sit and watch the outfit that they he is counted on to repeat against Jim Fullerton who transfered in Frosh will play home games on had supposedly come down to play, the Dons. from L. A. J. C. and Sheldon Bee­ Cabrillo field while the varsity is the Whittier Frosh, as they took on Scrum Practice Ice Cream son from Long Beach J. C. will help occupying Pershing Park. Likewise a local high school in the prelimin­ In addition, Coach Pettus hoped out in the mile and two-mile distances. the Gauchitos will use Cabrillo for ary due to a schedule mix-up . . . to have the Santa Barbara scrum Sandwiches and The addition of these two men will practice every afternoon at 3:30 p.m. Whittier townspeople were rather working methodically enough to al­ mean considerable as this will give The list of men in prominent com­ worked up when the Gauchos line­ low Yeager and Morelli to get away Fountain Service MacDonald an easier time. Previous­ petition for the top spots range up included Hart, Young, and Bailey for some long runs. ly MacDonald has been running these from spots covering ail of Southern of football fame . . . they still re­ events too much for his own good Fitzgerald, Santa Ynez, Wrightson, ▼ membered that trio—-and how! See lie and the boys can be thankful and as a result nearly ruined himself California. At pitchers there are Jim where Hank Lusetti, Stanford’s that they don’t have him to contend 1116 Chapala Phone 7372 last season. However with Beeson Santa Barbara; as catchers, Wilson, scoring ace, celebrated his being with this year. and Fullerton to help him he will Long Beach, James Widman, South placed on the all-time, All-American be able to share his tasks. Gate, who will also play the infeild; basketball team by scoring 21 points The first meet will take place with­ at first Halferty, Santa Barbara; at on the Trojans of U. S. C. • • . Wil- in two weeks at Chaffee where the second, Brown, San Bernardino; Southern California relays take place Pitcher, El Segundo, Markham, L.A. on February 26. Mather is expecting J. C.; at third Morgan, Santa Maria; to whip his men into shape so that at short Wailack, San Bernardino, STARR’S An acrobaf supple he can get off to a flying start in Danner, Pasadena; in the outfield Better Shakes and Malts this meet. Anderson, Pasadena, Bailey, Balboa, was Rose, Pearce, Balboa, West, Van Nuys. Better Sandwiches The rest of the varsity schedule Better Ice Cream announces the following meets that Ready for Varsity 5hecould pa} her own back State will take part in: According to Van Meter these men (ACROSS FROM GRANADA) March 5: Long. Beach relays. will be turned into a regular squad with her fo e s . March 19: Freshman-Varsity meet. inside of the next ten days and April 2: Dual meet with Loyola. then after a little practice will offer Poems Wanted for New Antho­ April 9: San Francisco State meet, the varsity an opportunity to see logy. Plays and fiction also And fhis lady pefife, here. what a real team looks like and if April 16: Triangle meet with Corn- the varsity appears to warrant the considered. Address: Dept. CD, Also made bofh ends meet ton J. C. and Cal.-Tech at Compton. frosh will offer them a game. "We’ll Editors. 62 Grand Central An­ April 23: Dual meet with Occi­ show them how to play,” is Van nex, New York, N. Y. By saving wifh dental, there. Meter’s statement. S,______■> April 30: Santa Barbara open meet. ^MirO’KIeer'hose. May 7: All-Conference meet at Occidental. May 14: Fresno relays. Symphony on Parade at . . . May 20: Compton Invitational meet. $1.00 pair Meanwhile the frosh will be get­ ting ready for the season that they El Cortijo—Montecito frosh squad somewhat of an un- The Hughes are going to start soon. With the known element so for as the word 917 State comes that Peagreeners will be better ★ Tonight—Gala Hawaiian Night ★ following tentative meets: J than usual. Their schedule lists the Introducing WEST GILLAND’S BAND from I March 12: Ventura J. C., here. March 26: Triangle meet with The Hawaiian Room, Lexington Hotel, Bakersfield J. C., and Cal-^oly. New York City "BE w i s e r • • April 23: Quadrangle meet with Taft, Reedley, and Coalinga Junior BROADWAY FLOOR SHOW NIGHTLY colleges, at Taft. April 30: Santa Barbara Open BUY KAY SE if meet. NO COVER CHARGE May 7: All-Conference meet at Occidental. Page S ix E L GAUCHO Tuesday, February 15, 1938 Roadrunner Revue Tryouts President Phelps Barnett Unable Dann« Planned for Wednesday to Attend S .. Aspirants Must Fill Spots Faculty Director of 8th in Script; Results to Directs Revue Concert Sends Good Wishes to Players Be Told Friday 1 à & $ J''Ä • Tryouts for cast par^s in the col­ • With Mrs. Helen Barnett, head of lege-life musical comedy, the "Road- the State college music department, runner Revue,” will be held Wednes­ confined to her bed where she has day night at 7 130 in the auditorium, been for the past two weeks, the All- ■according to Jimmee Fullerton, direc­ College Symphony management has tor. Aspirants should come prepared to display their talents in acting, sing­ come this year nearly entirely into ing and dancing. the hands o f student workers. This Parts needed will amount to eight is the first time in several years that leads and two stand-ins, for the Mrs. Barnett has been compelled to theme which departs radically from be away from the symphony pro­ former Revues in that is has an origi­ nal plot development, are as follows: duction. 1. Male lead.. Must be able to In the position of directing the sing. Dancing optional. Typical col­ preparations for the annual concert lege athlete type. (With stand-in.) is Louise Jackson, who for two years 2. Feminine lead. Must be able to directed housing arrangements. As dance. Singing optional. Pretty, sen­ executive chairman it is her duty to sible, and faithful type. (With-stand- oversee all preparations for the sym­ in.) • Santa Barbara State college is signally honored at this time by phony. 3. Second male lead, sophisticated having an outstanding group of Business manager for the event is • The student body of Santa Barbara type, but not sissy. Superior in at­ musicians from the colleges and Edward Cole, senior who will be play­ State is again honored by the privi­ titude. universities of the southland on ing in the orchestra and helping out lege of being host to the All South­ 4. Second feminine lead. The vil- her campus. Carefully selected for in the symphony for the last time as ern California Symphony orchestra. lian, if any. Very affected and over­ outstanding musical ability, the a regular, student. Assistant to Cole is acting type. aggregation of young people pre­ Fred Lambourne who is also carrying The Associated Students extend their 5. 6. 7. The three stooges: Comedy. Statements sents a fine appearance to the the responsibility of the librarian’s welcome to the representatives from Not afraid to slapstick. Giants and eye and gives promise of an ex­ position. eighteen schools and hope sincerely pigmies desired. Not necessarily a • All sorority women must have pic­ cellent performance as an orches­ Boyer Sells Tickets that their visit on its campus will be team. tra. Santa Barbara music lovers tures taken for La Cumbre by Sat­ In charge of all ticket sales is every bit as enjoyable as beneficial. 8. College professor. Senior atti­ urday of this week. Appointments are expecting a rare treat when Terry Boyer. Working in connec­ tude, but good sport. may be had by calling Bartels. this All-Southern California or­ tion with the Lobero, Boyer has man­ We would like each member of the Chorus Report IRENE MINIKIN, chestra appears at the Lobero aged the sale for the first time. symphony to carry back with him to theatre under the skillful direc­ Tryouts for chorus, dancing and Eidtor, La Cumbre. Housing chairmen are Charlotte his school a most cordial word of tion of the celebrated Henry Eich- vocal, and for specialty numbers to Naess and Ronald Crary. greeting from Santa Barbara State. heim. be used during rehearsal scenes will • Alpha Phi Gamma, journalistic, Publicity has been under the direc­ Faculty and student alike wel­ report Thursday afternoon at 3:30 fraternity, will not meet this Wed­ tion of Betty Nordyke who has taken come these interesting young peo­ to the director in the auditorium. nesday night, but will hold a social care of publicity outside of the school Delta Zetes Stage ple and hope they will enjoy meeting at Mr. C. Lawrence Smith’s and Jim Fullerton who has managed Fullerton will announce the cast on every moment of their spare time Hop for Guests Friday morning and rehearsals for home Saturday night. all publicity within the school. Secre­ in our midst. tarial work has been managed by the show will begin with script read­ PETIE McKINNEY, Best wishes, young people, may • Members of Delta Zeta Delta nd ings on Friday afternoon at 3:30. President. Thelma Jo Russell and Frances Jane success crown your present ef­ Miller. their guests enjoyed a "mystery Any local student who wishes to forts, and attend you in all fu­ dance” Friday night. Starting at the present an original song number • Wednesday, February 16, is the Priest, Barron Work ture endeavors. home of Alice Boeseke, the "Dizzy should get in touch with the dir­ final day to pay assessments for a Faculty members working on the ector and make arrangements for subscription to La Cumbre, the col­ Aviators Schedule preparations for the symphony are D ’Tour” lead the party to the South­ an audition immediately. All num­ lege yearbook. Final payments for Anita Cochran Priest, assistant fac­ ern Pacific depot, to Sabella’s at the bers to be used in the show will be organization pages or half-pages Skating Party ulty director who has been compelle- beach and then to Elmer’s cafe must also be paid by that date. ed to take over much of the work of original. The committee in charge where a map was found directing them of production will be under no ob­ NORMAN PHILLIPS, • The Aviation club met in the I.E. Mrs. Barnett while the latter was ill. to the recreation hall in Goleta where ligations to use the songs, however. Business Manager. drawing room Monday evening at Robert Louis Barron acted in the 7:00 p.m. to discuss plans for die capacity of tryout judge and aided the dance was held. • A picture of all those playing in club’s forthcoming party. The mem­ considerably in the actual organiz­ The informal dance saw decora­ the All-College symphony will be bers of the club decided to have the ing of the orchestra. tions in traveling style, under the OLLEGIATE takeln after the concert Tuesday party at the roller-skating rink in To the student musicians, Mrs. direction of Betty Palmaymesa, D.Z. night. All those that want pictures Ventura and the date is to be decided Barnett said, "I have been thinking D. president and Alice Boeseke. Box OLLEAGUES will be able to buy them then. upon when the open dates for the of you constantly, and hoping that lunches were taken by sorority mem­ C BRUCE STEELE rink are obtained. The matter of you will enjoy to the fullest this bers for refreshments at the program raising the money for the page in the year’s visit. May you crown your dance. Alumnae present included La Cumbre was also discussed and short stay with a fine concert to­ You’ll soon be able to tell a Grin- • I am suggesting to men in the Julia Lynch, Helen Smith, Margaret one-half page is to be purchased. A night.” nell College man by the way he forks elementary department to register McKee and Myrtle Holt. memorium for Virgil G. Wilkenson, his spinach, if the college "orienta­ for Mr. Barron’s men’s choral work. former president of the club, was tion” course is a success. The course Mr. Barron is anxious to have men presented by Lawson Miller. embracing, among other things, pro­ who do not have excellent voices as per table manners— is given the well as those who have marked ability Those attending the meeting were: freshmen. to sing. Ellen Simpson, Clarence Mikulasek, LAURA SPRECHT PRICE Lawson Miller, Elmer Warner, Elvin It is crammed with such posers Williamson, Charles Wright, Elva as "when should you use a finger Larsen, Hilmer Harkson, Geraldine bowl? and "who should be servend Groshong, Geraldine Long, Greer first at a formal dinner?” and "how half on the question of whether they Reid, Gay Miller, Jack Bitterly, Mal- would you eat sweet corn noiselessly?” would fight for Democracy against com Woodhead, Cam Sellar, Marion Stock answer by witty freshman to Fascism or fight only in case the Maaskant, and Bruce Steele the "formal dinner” query was "at a country is invaded. formal dinner, cocktails should al­ ways be served first.”

Students at Kansas State College, End a Perfect Evening by Grabbing dissatisfied with college life, have ro- ganized "gripe sessions” at which a “SNACK” at... they pan the faculty and air their grievances. Chief complaint of students as voiced at a recent meeting is that of compulsory military training for all ELMER’S men students. Other complaints were against college rules requiring stu­ dents to attend assembly and forbid­ The Place to Meet the Gang ding smoking on the campus.

A cross-section of Hunter college students, in a voluntary peace poll sponsored by the World Youth Con­ gress, revealed they believe that in case of armed conflict, the United States should prohibit shipment of DO YOU KN O W - munitions to all countries at war. They were divided about half and 5 passengers can ride comfortably in a .. . Safeway YELLOW CAB Your Neighborhood Groeer Now Only SEVEN CONVENIENT C C No matter how many pairs of shoes you Stores in Santa Barbara For the one fare? ® “ own,v««» youj«“ simply —r tf —must have——■ - a — rpair ' of Red Cross Cobbies. America’s sportiest shoes _form swing-along m m m walkini.... «. HIM __ 517 State St. And Each passenger is fully protected by Insurance? youngest shoes a’footl Now only $6.85 701 State St. 34 W. Victoria St. 1908 Pe la Vina St. Phone 5 1 1 1 1427 San Andres Owned and Operated by 2720 Hollister Ave. TANNER MOTOR LIVERY 303 No. Milpas