NALANDA-SRIWIJAYA CENTRE WORKING PAPER SERIES NO. 10 LOCATING SINGAPORE ON THE MARITIME SILK ROAD: EVIDENCE FROM MARITIME ARCHAEOLOGY, NINTH TO EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURIES Artifacts from Bakau Shipwreck at the Maritime Experiential Museum and Aquarium, Singapore Photo by Foo Shu Tieng Kwa Chong Guan NALANDA-SRIWIJAYA CENTRE WORKING PAPER SERIES NO. 10 (Jan 2012) LOCATING SINGAPORE ON THE MARITIME SILK ROAD: EVIDENCE FROM MARITIME ARCHAEOLOGY, NINTH TO EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURIES Kwa Chong Guan Kwa is an Honorary Affiliate with the Archaeology Unit of the Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre. He is with the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at the Nanyang Technological University where he researches regional security issues. He also has an honorary affiliation with the History Department of the National University of Singapore where he is involved in a project to source for archival records on Singapore before the British arrived in 1819. His publications include Singapore: A 700-Year History; From Early Emporium to World City (2009, co-authored with Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong) and Maritime Security in Southeast Asia (2007, co-edited with John Skogan). Email:
[email protected] The NSC Working Paper Series is published Citations of this electronic publication should be electronically by the Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre of the made in the following manner: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore. Kwa Chong Guan, Locating Singapore on the Maritime Silk Road: Evidence from Maritime © Copyright is held by the author or authors of each Archaeology, Ninth to Early Nineteenth Centuries, Working Paper. Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre Working Paper No 10 (Jan 2012), documents/working_papers/nscwps010.pdf NSC Working Papers cannot be republished, reprinted, or reproduced in any format without the permission of the paper’s author or authors.