Donatella Della Porta | 9780816630646 | | | | | Policing Protest The Control of Mass Demonstrations in Western Democracies 1st edition PDF Book The way in which content-related assessments have an influence on protest diagnoses, thereby creating political prognoses of danger , will subsequently be demonstrated using another sequence. The article first outlines the main protest actions involving young people in twenty-first century Britain. On 13 September, the "Heroes March" rally took place in . Police thus face groups with mixed and sometimes incompatible strategies operating in fluid interaction. These examples support predominantly bipolar oppositions. Kurban was brought to the surface and, accompanied by an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, taken to a psychoneurological medical centre where he was examined by medical staff and released. In this world, there is the typical middle-class nuclear family. American Behavioral Scientist 63 10 However, no details about the ongoing investigation were ever revealed. Riot police, as well as several water cannons one of which broke down , were employed to disperse the rally. If you call it interference, then those who do not recognize the election also interfere in the affairs of . Nevertheless, this interpretation uncovers aspects that are more or less taken for granted, not problematised or criticised in the discussions — in a nutshell: the implicit norms. American Journal of Political Science 57 4 Nordas, R. After police tried to detain her, protesters shouted "Nina! More communicative and managerial approaches to protest policing since the eighties as well as more selective policing styles relying on the attempt of differentiation between peaceful and non-peaceful can be traced back to this ruling. Young women dressed in white-and-red or carrying white- and-red umbrellas marched along Independence Avenue. In such a case, who is the hostile audience and who is the speaker? People were also seen bringing flowers to the memorial again. As the protests swept across Belarus following the election results, the primary opposition candidate published a video saying that she left Belarus for Lithuania. First Amendment values remain central to how communities grapple with public protest. P: […] which then, of course, depending on the topic of the demonstration , can, of course, in some circumstances, be more or less problematic. Bibliography pp. Not every instance of contentious mobilization has a discernible generational element, neither does youth shape the experiences of all forms of collective mobilization. Soule, H. A friend says that Krivtsov phoned him on 10 August, stating that he was in Minsk and had nearly been arrested by riot police. In each case, an individual spoke, an audience reacted or threatened to react, a prosecutor charged a crime, and the defendant was convicted. It would certainly be good to hear if future police officers were familiarised more thoroughly with the colourful world of alternative culture, dissidence and social movements. Mobile internet was cut off at around London: Palgrave Macmillan. They streamed a farewell ceremony for the murdered during a peaceful protest on 10 August. His colleagues rose to the surface and began a rally in his support, holding a poster saying "We will not allow the regime to revive fascism ". According to Wehr , young police officers showed a higher tendency to think in categories of order and norm as well as having a stronger preference for job and security as opposed to personal development when compared with other people of their age. First Amendment doctrine cannot fully resolve the issues at stake. Furthermore, formal 3 and informal 4 categorisations of protesters as well as the perception of indications of threat in policing practice 5 are examined. Unregistered candidate created a non-profit organization "Belarus of the future". Still, the careful observation of the legacies of austerity makes a compelling case for the intertwining of these three ideas, as austerity has sparked new forms of mobilization with an undisputed generational profile, which are also becoming sites for expanding practices of repression. Behrendes notes that police are often guided by worst case scenarios. Near the Red Church , security forces detained three girls who were sitting and holding blank sheets of A4 white or red paper. According to preliminary information, he died because of waiting in a security forces detainee van for many hours in hot weather. Focusing on Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, Spain, the United States, and South Africa, the contributors look at cultures and political power to examine the methods and the consequences of policing protest. Terminiello v. Whatever the failings of city government and state and local law enforcement on August 12 in Charlottesville—and those failings were many—one has to acknowledge the magnitude of the challenge cities can face. On 24 August, presidium members of the Coordination Council, and were detained by the security services whilst attempting to support striking workers at the factory. An emergency response plan was introduced at the mine. Female protestors being arrested in Minsk. Herbert Reiter is a researcher in history at the University of Halle in Germany. See , e. Part II. Policing Protest The Control of Mass Demonstrations in Western Democracies 1st edition Writer

Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that this conflict, which equally reveals itself on a cultural level here, is of a structural nature. Mueller eds. October Separately, released seven entries contained personal information, including addresses and phone numbers, belonging to members of the special anti-terror unit of the interior ministry. Telegram channel NEXTA, used by the opposition, published messages alleging violence by law enforcement officers, which were not always accompanied by video or photo confirmation. His colleagues rose to the surface and began a rally in his support, holding a poster saying "We will not allow the regime to revive fascism ". Table of Contents. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Over Belarusian sportsmen and sportswomen, sports journalists and employees of the sports sphere Yelena Leuchanka , Nikolai Kozeko , Volha Mazuronak , Maryna Arzamasova , Aliaksandra Ramanouskaya , Stepan Popov , and many others signed an open letter to , where, among other things, demanded that the last presidential election be invalidated, all the persons detained during the protests be released, all the political prisoners be released and rehabilitated, and those responsible of the beatings and "bestial abuses" of the detainees be identified and punished. Behr, Rafael , Cop culture — der Alltag des Gewaltmonopols. Meanwhile, a broadcast by the state TV showed empty news desks as TV presenters had walked out on strike, [] [] [] and members of the European Parliament issued a joint statement stating that they did not recognise Alexander Lukashenko as the and considered him a persona non grata in the European Union. On 7 October, a traditional women's protest action took place, this time under the name "We are walking! Examples of contentious mobilizations led by young people in a context of austerity abound: from the Arab Spring to Indignados in Spain, from the mobilizations for global justice to Nuit Debout in France, a new generation has joined contentious politics, contributing to the development of creative ideas for a more just and inclusive society della Porta della Porta, D. Many young people across Western countries feel aggrieved, and their discontent regarding their economic circumstances, prospects, and the political status quo has contributed to increase outrage. The police perspective has established social movements with clear structures and responsibilities as having an interest in peaceful protest. Quantitatively speaking, neutral labels and those indicating distance are predominant, however, terms indicating an adversarial or hostile relation were used in four group discussions and two interviews and remained uncontested therein. Part I. Reportedly, in the aftermath, Kolesnikova was taken to a border troop installation in Mozyr. Referendums from Below: Social movements and direct democracy in the neoliberal crisis. The way in which police handle political demonstrations is always potentially controversial. The regularly mentioned police-internal collective symbols such as the Confederation of German Trade Unions on the one hand and autonomists or the black bloc on the other symbolise this abstraction and the related binary distinction between legitimate and illegitimate protest actors. The wire broke and wrapped around a bystanding woman. And as a moral enterprise Winter, 15 , police in these situations quite naturally also act on the basis of their own norms. In a democracy, I think, there are other ways to find a solution […] instead of taking to the streets with a hundred or two hundred people who carry banners, ninety percent of which may be misspelt on top of that. Policing Protest The Control of Mass Demonstrations in Western Democracies 1st edition Reviews

This position is further reinforced by the frequent public criticism that police officers are confronted with and that they perceive as generally unjustified cf. The Russian Ministry of Defense stressed that after completion of these exercises, Russian servicemen would return home. The audience, the workers at the Belarusian TV and radio company in Minsk, asked why the station was not broadcasting the truth. Social Forces 69 2 Lukashenko announced a week after the election that NATO forces were "at the gates" and threatening the country which was denied by NATO [] , prompting President Putin to offer to send in military assistance, [] A Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov , on 19 August said that there was no need for Russia to help Belarus militarily or otherwise at present. It is therefore necessary to include a more basic level in the analysis — a level which represents the sheer cultural incompatibility of riot police with some activist milieus most notably left-wing, anti-authoritarian and transgressive activists. The primary goal of the program is to support citizens of Belarus who have suffered from political repression. By pm, all the salt was removed, and the area with the inscription was washed. Law enforcement officers used police batons, rubber bullets fired from shotguns , grenades with lead balls, water cannons , tear gas , and flashbangs. Main article: Human rights issues related to the suppression of the Belarusian protests. Rally against Lukashenko and violence, in , 16 August. More strikingly, groups of radicalized protesters in Barcelona have engaged in violent clashes against the police for at least six consecutive nights. The channel's subscribers rose from , on election night to over a million after a day. Wounded protester. Youth activism has traditionally been the site of intense regulation and monitoring by state authorities, reflecting concerns about the threats to social cohesion, revolutionary impulses and urban disorder. They also urged major institutions to close and go on strike, suggesting that "they cannot arrest all of us, most of us". On 11 October, the "March of Pride" marking two months of protests after the election took place in regional centers of Belarus, reportedly, involving more than , protesters in Minsk alone. Over Belarusian sportsmen and sportswomen, sports journalists and employees of the sports sphere Yelena Leuchanka , Nikolai Kozeko , Volha Mazuronak , Maryna Arzamasova , Aliaksandra Ramanouskaya , Stepan Popov , and many others signed an open letter to Alexander Lukashenko, where, among other things, demanded that the last presidential election be invalidated, all the persons detained during the protests be released, all the political prisoners be released and rehabilitated, and those responsible of the beatings and "bestial abuses" of the detainees be identified and punished. More comprehensive training concepts, supervision, and more time for operation post-processing 32 could equally minimise conflict potential. However, people still managed to get together and march along Victors Avenue toward the Independence Palace. Political commitment to fundamental social change not restricted to single issues was not mentioned. As the protests swept across Belarus following the election results, the primary opposition candidate Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya published a video saying that she left Belarus for Lithuania. Protests such as those after the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in and against the World Trade Organization in Seattle in managed to generate violence and arrests, strain public services, and interfere with activities of the public all without an unpopular speaker to target. Behr, Rafael , Cop culture — der Alltag des Gewaltmonopols. This tension becomes particularly evident in the issue of categories of threat converging with sub cultural norms and political classifications. The security forces used rubber bullets and stun grenades and blockaded streets with barbed wire and heavy machinery, including water cannons. The book provides an important, relevant and useful insight into the rationale of protest policing change and that of police policy decision-making. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Telegram channel NEXTA, used by the opposition, published messages alleging violence by law enforcement officers, which were not always accompanied by video or photo confirmation. Users of other mobile operators also reported internet lockup. Some people were reported to be arrested while waiting for election results near their polling stations. In this light, many have speculated that Charlottesville police were reluctant to make arrests at the Unite the Right rally on August 12 in part because of the community outcry they faced for arrests made on July 8 when the KKK came to town. All in all, they can be understood as knowledge-related and attitude-oriented dimensions within a risk constellation Backes, Dollase and Heitmeyer, It was also reported that the policewoman abused an arrested woman there. Repression research has largely focused on the restriction of rights, arrest, detention, torture, and even murder of political challengers Shen-Bayh Shen-Bayh, F. On 20 August, Alexander Konyuk, Prosecutor General of Belarus, initiated criminal proceedings against the members of the Coordination Council under Article of the Belarusian Criminal Code, on the grounds of attempting to seize state power and harming national security. Harmon is the F. Security forces broke up an anti-Lukashenko rally on Pushkin Street in Minsk. This may help them cope with and integrate such mental pressure — a procedure that is often supported by supervision in the therapeutic domain as opposed to police service. Minutes later, people in civilian clothes began to detain the protesters. Protest and police seem to represent two cultures that are extremely foreign to each other. Variant of the former flag of Belarus with the Pahonia coat of arms. Russian President Vladimir Putin called Lukashenko to offer birthday greetings and the two agreed to meet in in the coming weeks. Secondly, group discussions are expected to initiate self- supporting dynamics of narration, hence breaking up articulatory inhibitions, predominantly when it comes to uncomfortable topics such as illegal behaviour. The other was almost unconscious. Cover Download Save contents.

Policing Protest The Control of Mass Demonstrations in Western Democracies 1st edition Read Online

It indicates that certain people e. We hope this special issue will meet the expectations of the readers, encouraging debate about the timely and relevant topics it deals with. On 14 August, peaceful protests continued nationwide. Helena Church several women were detained. Many young people across Western countries feel aggrieved, and their discontent regarding their economic circumstances, prospects, and the political status quo has contributed to increase outrage. Soule, and John D. In this comment, I suggest that while the hostile audience doctrine imagines disfavored speakers in need of distinctive protection, for cities and towns, such speakers and those who would oppose them raise challenges far more like disorderly protesters than like a distinctive First Amendment phenomenon. The presentation in the paper is typifying and aims to extract risk constellations as well as dominant tendencies among riot police. Connor , U. Policing Protest in Young Democracies 6. The journalists wore special high visibility jackets and had personal IDs. Contents p. Reinforced cordons were placed at exits from metro stations, streets and lanes in the central area of the city. All six correspondents were found guilty and sentenced to three days of imprisonment. See Whren v. This section may lend undue weight to certain ideas, incidents, or controversies. Among the mechanisms of repression covered in this special issue, we can find new forms of policing, toughening of penal laws and media framing and coverage. The contributors look at cultures and political power to examine the methods, the trends and cycles, and the consequences of policing protest. Telegram channel NEXTA, used by the opposition, published messages alleging violence by law enforcement officers, which were not always accompanied by video or photo confirmation. On 17 August, Tsikhanouskaya released a video in which she stated that she is ready to lead a transitional government [] [] and to organise a new, free and fair presidential election. Upon entering October Square, protesters lined up in a chain of solidarity, while being actively supported with honking from passing cars. The rally began at and ended at around BelSat journalists Yekaterina Andreeva and Maksim Kalitovsky, who initially covered this story, were detained later in the evening while police confiscated their equipment. E-mail: ullrich ztg. On 13 August, many lines of protesters demonstrating in solidarity against violence by the police were observed, [] [] [] including thousands of women dressed in white. According to preliminary information, he died because of waiting in a security forces detainee van for many hours in hot weather. Mikhail Orda, chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus , called for law officers to investigate every case of violence in a detailed and objective manner, adding that the trade unions were willing to provide legal assistance to all victims. This distinction makes it possible for the police to process the complexity of reality by transferring the latter into the juridical framework of interpretation pertaining to the organisation and by linking it to courses of action. Prison Regime Uncovers the growing intellectual and political impact of posts U. What Vladimir Putin said to Merkel and Macron is a very symptomatic thing, because now there are attacks that Russia allegedly interferes in the affairs of Belarus. At least people were detained. It was reported that President Lukashenko's authorities asked Kremlin representatives about the possibility of Lukashenko escaping to Russia. These restrictions are not trivial. The police deployed water cannon to disperse the protesters, and "the masked riot police used tactics that haven't been seen since the violent days immediately after the disputed election in August. Still, the careful observation of the legacies of austerity makes a compelling case for the intertwining of these three ideas, as austerity has sparked new forms of mobilization with an undisputed generational profile, which are also becoming sites for expanding practices of repression. The equalisation of violence and non-violent rule breaches civil disobedience by police, already criticised in ibid. Soon thereafter, law enforcement officers in civilian clothes detained a TUT. Users of other mobile operators also reported internet lockup. It goes without saying that they do not paint a profound picture of all existing perspectives as not all dimensions may be equally pronounced for all police officers or police units at any given time.

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