Number 33. HARRISON BURG, VA., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1877. $2.00 a Year in Advance

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Number 33. HARRISON BURG, VA., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1877. $2.00 a Year in Advance Volume XII.—Number 33. HARRISON BURG, VA., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1877. $2.00 a Year in Advance The Taking of C-neUntinopIe. itself. Tbe rich and beautiful orna- Tke Three Southern Heroes. For tke Commonwealth. ful Russia is the best antidote; and Tho Tartar HofSe. ments and jewels of that most sumptu- Geg Umagog:. among these "some,'' there urq tbe em- The Tartar horse is described ae firiia I CONBTANTINK DEFEATED BY THE TURKS OTEB ous and magnificent church—tbe state- John Estcn Cooke famishes the fol- perors, kings, princes aud tbe whole POUR HUNDRED YEARS AGO—GRAPHIC A0- lowing for the columns of tbe Phila- The political regeneration of West- having a "large bead, well set ot*, a ly building of Justiuianns, tbe Emper- 1 host of high born men aud women, R. y. POOL PnimMK*. OOUNT OF A DESPERATE STRUGGLE BK- or—were, in the turning of a band, delphia Weekly limes; ern and Central Europe, between 1790 whose echoes and slaves reach into all big barrel welt ribbed up, short legs, P. B. nELAhT- SKO. * Sor'r. TWEKN THE MOHAMMEDANS AND THE and 1876, bas overcome tbe absolutism and dense mane aod tail.'' He r» a 0. H. TANDEBFORD TRKASTTHER, plncked down and carried away by tbe The death of tbe famous cavalry man stratas of society. Some are poisoned O. Ji. BAA8 Atioshgt. CHRISTIANS. Turks; and tbe church itself, built for produced a deep and painful sensation of State and Cbnrcb, to the extent of and blindfolded by religious prejudices weight-carrier and accostomed to hard- BOOTH k QARRETT. Pbllsdrtpblk, in some degree akin to that produced having limited tbe royal and imperial ships. The manner iu which a Tar- PGACTIOAL AMD AWALTTICAL CHKIAIBT0. God to be honored in, for the present against the Islam, aud among them For neiirly 425 years Constanlinople converted into a stable for their horses, by the death of Jackson. The-South- powers by constitutions, laws and par- the ecclesiastical dignitaries, especially tar trains bis horse for the war-path is baa remained undisturbed in tbe pos- or a place for tue execution of their ern people bad indeed become accus- liaments, popular elections and public in Protestant countries. Again, oth- novel to us. He selects an animal ri- OFFICE-HAUR1S0NBURG, VA. sesrion of tbe Turks. On May 29th, abominable and unspeakable filthiness; tomed to couple together tbe three opinion, oentermg and assuming shape ers like to see a war anyhow and any- sing seven or eight—one younger tbau aod form in tbe popular press; nod seven is not considered fit for raiding IM orgADUlng "TIHB VIRGINIA LAUD BUREAU" 1453—tbe city was then tbe capital of tbe image of the crncifix was also by great names, Lee, Jackson and Stuart, where. iho projector! have in view the dlsecmiimtlon of tbe Byzantine Empire—it was stormed valueing each for his peculiar qualities. having deprived tbe Cbnrcb of ber They have been drilled as soldiers purposes—and fastens tho saddle to Inforpnatlon reUllve to all claHses of laude In Virginia— them taken down, and a Turk's cap . agricultural, mlaoral and tlmberud. A long residence by the Turks, tbe last Byzantine Etu- put upon tbe head thereof, and so set No comparison is intended to be made temporal power and political import- with false conceptions 6f honor and his back, then loads the saddle witb a in the State, extensive experience in tho businees and ance. There is left enough of feudal sack of earth or sand. Tbe first bur- a thorough acquaintance with the great mineral re- peror, Constautine XIII, losing his up and shot at with their arrows, and between those three distinguished sol- right, and delight in a fight, as do our sources of the Commonwealth, enables us to furnian life in the defense. Tbe taking of tbe afterward, in great derision, carried diers, but it is interesting to notice how privileges, royal and imperial preroga- rowdies. If Russia wins, they will den imposed equals only tbe weight of the moat reliable inforinaiion on these subjects to tives, ecclesiastical powers and official tbe rider, but it is gradually increased tboao seeking either homes lu Virginia or invostmont city is thus powerfully described by about in their camp, as it had been in sharply contrasted they were in char- worship Russia; if the Turk wins, they for capital. The noscsBity for a Bureau of this charac- Kircbard Knollen in bis "History of acter, and bow peculiarily each was fit- supremacj for another century to over- for eight days to about three hundred ter has long been a great heed to the farmer, laud procession, with drums playing before will worship him no less. With them owner and mineralogist. Recognizing Ihls necessity the Tart," published in 1603, and a it, railing and spitting at it, and calling ted for tbe sp here in which be moved come, before there will be a state of the fight is the object of a man's exist- pounds. As the weight is incressed wo have taken advantage of It, and established this second edition in 1610: tolerable justice for tbe common man, tbe ration of food and water is di- Bureau midway of the Bhenandonh Valley, ono of the it tha God of the Christians, which I and his special functions. Lee. the ence, aud the success in a fight is the must lerti e and productive rcgione in the Uritcd "A little before day tbe Turks ap- note so much done in contempt of the bead and front of the struggle, was the and tbe military despotism will be su- highest demonstration of bumauity miuisbed. He is trotted - and walked Statoa. bordered on cither sldo by oxtensivo moun- perceded by a. government of law.— seven miles daily. At tbe end of eight tains, rich in iron, copper, lead and zinc ores, ali>o the proached the walls and began tbe as- image as in despite of Christ and the born commauder-in-cbief, fitted for the aud divinity. finest deposits of anthracite coal. This section sault, where shell and stones were de- Christian religion." conception of great campaigns, ever Still, a vast amount of work bas been These plagues of society abound ev- days the load is gradually lightened abounds In fine springs, innumerable fine mill sites done in that direction, aud there is a and water powers for manufacturing purposes, gen- livered upon them from tbe walls, as wide awake, a man of august dignity erywhere, only that in the aristocratic fur eight succeeding days, while tha erally. together with all required railroad and tele- thick as hail, whereof little fell in vain, by nature, calm, suave, grave, taking fair prospect that those nations will ration of food and water is still de- graphic facilities to Richmond, Washington, Balti- Great Truths by Great Authors. circles ' tbey wear sabres and- spurs more, Philadelphia and the West. Settlers in this sec- by reason of the multitude of the Turks, good and evil fortune with tbe same not come to rest until, the rights of Again, others like to see a war some- creased. The last two days the horse tion will have all the advantages of public and private who, pressing fast into tbe walls, could man shall be completely restored and is given absolutely nothing to eat or Institutions of learning, together with churches of all Beauty, unaccompanied by virtue, is imposing serenity; in person one of the where to make money out of it, as the religious denominations. not see in the dark how to defend most noble and graceful men of his secured. picaroons of stranding ships. This drink. On tbe nineteenth day be m Parties desiring information in regard to lands or as a flower without perfume.—St. One must be blind, however, and worked until he perspires, then be ie properties of any character or description will find it themselves, but were without number Pierre. epoch, and tbe fiuest rider in the sort of civilized waylayers abound in to their interest to communicato with us, (oucloaing wounded or slain; but these were of the Southern army; in character, simple, very much so, if he sees not that all all parts of tbe world. Take together unsaddled and backets of ioeAwater are ■tamp.) Address, To give pain is the tyranny, to make P. B. D^LANY. , oomtnon and worst soldiers, of whom pure, patient, binding to himself both these revolutions and reforms have all these classes, tbe rulers, the sol- poured over him. Wet 'and weak, her Sw'y and Sup't Virginia Land Bureau, the Turkish King made no more reck- happy the true empire, of beauty.— not changed the Russian government. is picketed to tbe opeu steppe sud al- Harrisonburg, Va. tho love and respect of men. Jackson diers, the high nobility and tbe mon- oning than to abate the first force of Steele. was tbe infantry leader, tbe 'right arm' There is yet tbe same unrestrained ab- ey bags, and yon will find it quite nat- lowed to graze for eeven days. If her NOTF—-Persons having lands or mineral properties the defenders. Upon the first appear Men resemble the gods in nothing so to execute what Lee coooeived; in per- solutism on tbe throne as it was a cen- ural that Europe is betrayed on this gets safely tbrougbt the preparation for sale are respo.ctfully invited to correspond much as in doing good to their fellow tury ago, and the man on tbe throne be is considered a valuable animal, and with this Bureau, giving full particulars, and sending ance of the day, Mohammed gave tbe son not graceful, in manner silent, re- occasion again.
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    Chin, Kar Yern 2018 History Thesis Title: We Are What We Makan: Conceptions of Malaysian Food Practices, 1950s - 1970s Advisor: Professor Eiko Maruko Siniawer Advisor is Co-author: None of the above Second Advisor: Released: release now Contains Copyrighted Material: No We Are What We Makan: Conceptions of Malaysian Food Practices, 1950s - 1970s by KAR YERN CHIN Professor Eiko Maruko Siniawer, Advisor A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honors in History WILLIAMS COLLEGE Williamstown, Massachusetts APRIL 16, 2018 Table of Contents Acknowledgements i Introduction 1 Chapter 1 16 - Uncovering Roots of Malay Dishes 18 - Community Beyond Malays 25 - Framing through Food 33 Chapter 2 42 - Roots of Modernity in the 1900s 44 - As Told by Ratnamala 47 - Economical Cooking Competitions 50 - A National Fruit Campaign 58 Chapter 3 73 - Malaysia as a Cosmopolitan Paradise 76 - Backgrounds of Domestic Culinary Experts and Her World 81 - Examining Food Categories 86 - Socioeconomic Disparities 96 Conclusion 104 Bibliography 110 Acknowledgements I am tremendously grateful to Professor Eiko Maruko Siniawer for her diligent assistance as my thesis advisor throughout the duration of the historical project. Had she not convinced me of the feasibility of the project, this thesis would not even have existed in the first place, and I would not be writing this acknowledgement right now. Having the opportunity to make sense of my often ambitious and wacky ideas by talking to her, and being able to share my concerns, doubts, and excitement with her has made the year much more meaningful and enjoyable.
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