Number 33. HARRISON BURG, VA., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1877. $2.00 a Year in Advance
Volume XII.—Number 33. HARRISON BURG, VA., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1877. $2.00 a Year in Advance The Taking of C-neUntinopIe. itself. Tbe rich and beautiful orna- Tke Three Southern Heroes. For tke Commonwealth. ful Russia is the best antidote; and Tho Tartar HofSe. ments and jewels of that most sumptu- Geg Umagog:. among these "some,'' there urq tbe em- The Tartar horse is described ae firiia I CONBTANTINK DEFEATED BY THE TURKS OTEB ous and magnificent church—tbe state- John Estcn Cooke famishes the fol- perors, kings, princes aud tbe whole POUR HUNDRED YEARS AGO—GRAPHIC A0- lowing for the columns of tbe Phila- The political regeneration of West- having a "large bead, well set ot*, a ly building of Justiuianns, tbe Emper- 1 host of high born men aud women, R. y. POOL PnimMK*. OOUNT OF A DESPERATE STRUGGLE BK- or—were, in the turning of a band, delphia Weekly limes; ern and Central Europe, between 1790 whose echoes and slaves reach into all big barrel welt ribbed up, short legs, P. B. nELAhT- SKO. * Sor'r. TWEKN THE MOHAMMEDANS AND THE and 1876, bas overcome tbe absolutism and dense mane aod tail.'' He r» a 0. H. TANDEBFORD TRKASTTHER, plncked down and carried away by tbe The death of tbe famous cavalry man stratas of society. Some are poisoned O. Ji. BAA8 Atioshgt. CHRISTIANS. Turks; and tbe church itself, built for produced a deep and painful sensation of State and Cbnrcb, to the extent of and blindfolded by religious prejudices weight-carrier and accostomed to hard- BOOTH k QARRETT.
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