Irish W 6° Democrat
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HERE IS THE PROBE GRIM TRUTH IRISH W 6° OCCUPIED DEMOCRAT No. 208 APRIL 1962 IRELAND Damning facts indict the Brookeborough Police State IRISH MARCHERS TELL ENGLAND yHE "Irish Democrat" has just carried out the most far- reaching independent enquir> into the Six Counties since 1936. The damning facts of today are exposed in a four- page supplement to this issue. Four reporters spent ten They were headed by Des- days travelling all over the mond Greaves, Editor of the area, Belfast, Newry, Derry, "Irish Democrat," with Sean Strabane, Omagh, Enniskillen, Redmond, Antony Coughlan Dungannon, bringing up-to- and Tom Redmond of Man- the-minute reports for "Irish Democrat" readers. chester. CHALLENGE \JL/E now issue a challenge to ** every British newspaper: send your reporters there; go and meet the people; talk to those the armed B-men can't intimidate; see the ctiy where a majority of two t» one gets only one-third of the CHRIS SULLIVAN council seats; find out about the refusal of jobs to Catholics; meet the businessmen who have SIX VOTES EACH, and report what BRUM'S they see without fear. The four reporters decided to walk the 265 miles from Liverpool BOGUS to London via Manchester and TONY COUGHLAN The third Irish Freedom March enters Manchester. Birmingham, In order to tell the British working olass what is be- FLAG IS ing done by the Tory Party in DEFEND OUR NEUTRALITY! occupied Ireland. FURLED OLLOWING the exposure in F the March "Irish Democrat" of how the microscopic minority DUBLIN C.N.D. CONFERENCE of Birmingham Irish who belong to manufacture or receive them. to the Orange Order tricked the /") VER a hundred people were present at the annual con- Lord Mayor into flying the non- ference oj the Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Mr. Aiken has informed the existent "flag of St. Patrick" on held in Dublin on March 23rd. They came from Limerick, Clare, Irish C.N.D. that he is at present March 17th, 1861, the present IVicklow and Offaly, professional people, trade unionists, clergy, considering a reply to the request Lord Mayor decided to fly no and students, as well as a fraternal delegate from the Six- of U Thant, U.N. Secretary- flag at all and be on the safe side. County C.N.I)., Mr. Seeright, a Northern Ireland Labour Party General, as to what specific under- In making this decision he is candidate in the coming election. takings Ireland might enter into. to be congratulated on avoiding the gratuitous insult to the 60,0*0 course of her report. This would "Our slogan should be 'De- Dr. Anthony Farrington was re- Irish who live in his oity. At the be the effect of agreeing not to filected president or the campaign, time he is refusing to pay a fend Ireland's neutrality.' This manufacture or receive nuclear professor Joseph Johnston, Mr. R to the vast majority is more positive and more weapons on Irish territory. Ire- M. FOX, Mr. Peadar O'Donnell and of a friendly nation beoaute an likely to get support than just land recently voted in the U.N. Miss Helen Chenevix were elected Inconsiderable majority object. He should be flying the Republican 'Keep out of N.A.T.O.'," said for a resolution urging the coun- vice-presidents, and Mrs. B. Ire- tries without nuclear weapons not land was re-elected secretary. tri-oolour. one of the delegates. The con- ference wholeheartedly agreed * SOCIAL and elected C.N.D. representa- GREET THE FREEDOM MARCHERS! tives to a special Irish Neut. WHEN THEY REACH LONDON EVENING rallty Defence Committee. Quakers, pacifists, students' Saturday, 14th April— Sunday, 15th April— Sunday, representatives, and others 3.30 p.m. Assembly points: HYDE PARK, 4 p.m. 15th April anxious to put up a fight EALING GREEN, It a.m. EALING GREEN 7 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. agaMit ahpndoofftg our neut- • LUCA'S ARMS rality aft off this as well. Speakers: Speakers: JOSEPH DEJGHAN Grays Inn Road SHEPHERD'S BUSH ANTHONY COUGHLAN King's Cross - NO BOMBS (Central line) ANTHONY COUGHLAN • The Irish Government may in- T.U. Speakers 130 p.m. DESMOND GREAVES Central, North and West directly declare itself opposed to SEAN REDMOND Auspices: Piper: the establishment of U.S. nuclear London Branches LARRY O'DOWD £ BERT EDWARDS bases here, said Mrs. Betty Ire- Ealing Trades Council Connolly Association land, C.N.D. secretary, in the I fa THE IRISH DEMOCRAT April 1962 April 1962 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT WORLD COMMENTARY by PAT DEVINE WHAT WE ARE UP AGAINST THE IRISH The picture on the left DEMOCRAT shows how blatant incite- 374 GRAYS INN ROAD ments to discrimination against Catholics are LONDON, W.C.I ALGERIA-IS IT PEACE? issued by official govern- Subscription: 8/6 per year Electors of St. George's! 1"H E cease-fire in Algeria, agreed on in Algeria will be established in accord- Algeria gmran'.ees the interests of ment candidates in elec- Editor: DESMOND GREAVES Sunday, March 18th by the repre- ance with the regulation which accom- France ana individual physical and moral tions. sentatives of France and the F.L.N., panies the present declaration. rigfus in the conditions li\ed by the A Provisional Executive and a Tribunal present declarations. In exchange. France Do Y< This example brought can signal a new progressive possibi- lity for self-determination and an in- for Pub is Order is set up. The Repub- will grant Algeria her technical and forth indignant protests lic France is represented in Algeria by cult in al assistance and will contribute dependent free Republic of Algeria, Wk ; te net only from the Belfast a High Commissioner. privileged finincial aid for economic and Trades Council, centre cf a great strength to the emergent No Diversions The High Commissioner will be the social development. progressive thinking in democratic nationalist forces in Africa. custodian of th? powers of the Republic In the existing departments ol the lite & that city, but from twelve \ CONNOLLY ASSOCIATION in Algeria, notably in nutters of defence, oases and saoura. the development of lub- prominent English church- ' member sat in a Dublin bar on ! Or it can be the spark that launches security, and the maintenance of order soil wealth will be carried out according HENRY/ men who wired Lord a visit home. In came a young man France into a near civil war, with the in the last resort. to the following principles:— Brcokebcrough requesting selling the "Irish Socialist," which the Fascist O.A.S. terrorist organisation The Provisional Executive will be respon- Co-operation will be ensured by a tech- THE TtfH^E OFFICIAL UNIONISTS him to dissociate himself member bought, and the two started (long tolerated, if not actually pro- sible for the running of public affairs. Its nical body of Sahara Co-operation. This from the policy indicated chatting. tected and encouraged by President mission will be to initiate Algerians in body will have parity. Its role will'be to >y over 70 People in the handbill. De Gaulle and his right wing) making the various branches of this administra- develop the infrastructure necessary for "I've great respect for the Con- tion. a bid to overthrow the Government. the exploitation of the subsoil, to give ad- Lord Brookeborough de- nolly Association," said the Socialist, It will maintain public order. For this For democratic France, the cease fire, vice on mining bills and regulations, to have NEVER employed clined to do so. Now "but why, oh why, are you not run- purpose it will have under its authority, ending as it should, the profligate, use- examine demands concerning the grant- police services and a security force. Nationalists are determined ning a campaign for the abolition of less war expenditure and conscription, can ing of mining concessions, the Algerian that a serious attempt military courts?" mark the beginning of a new era that Preparing and implementing self-deter- State will deliver the mining titles and will enact mining elgislation in full must be made to end this * * * will bring France back to her rightful mination. The Tribunal of Public Order will con- sovereignty. kind of thing once and for in^HE same question comes up in Lon- place in the forefront of worldwide demo- cratic advance. sist of an equal number of European and all. * don, though there the lack of popu- French military forces will be with- Moslem judges. drawn from the frontiers of Algeria at the lar enthusiasm for such a campaign Mu:h will depend upon the manner in They have, presented the The full exercise of public and indivi- time of the completion of self-determina- among the Irish shows that there are which the French Government acts facts to Mr. Butler. dual liberties will be re-established. tion. objections worth considering. ag'-inst the O.A S. And probably more But it will take more important will be the role given to a The P.L.N, will be considered as a legal Algeria leases to France th use" of political formation. than that to compel Mr. But first what should be our at'.itude united working-c'.ass and progressive bases of Mers el Kebir for a 15-vear period. French people with the close support it Persons interned both in France and Butler to act. to Mr. Lemass's decision, forced on him There are undoubtedly many snags in by the combined threats and blandish- the military conscripts barring the road Algeria will be released within a period this agreement, but without doubt it It will need a campaign ments of the British Ambassador? to fascism.