Knoxville, TN Luff Letter November 2016 Navigating This Issue- From The Helm– AGM Proxy Form November Birthdays October Fresh Regatta News From The Harbormaster CSC Donation Tips! Important Bits and Pieces Holder 20 Nationals/Fall Regatta Results Boats / Items For Sale Holder 20 Nationals Pictures Secretary’s Report Fall Festival Pictures PLUS MORE! Latitude: 35º50’55.27”N Longitude: 84º09’4.809”W Neil Quigley Print this page, complete and give to your delegate. There will Commodore also be an email blast sent out that will include the proxy form.
[email protected] 2016 November 2016 No. 512 2 October Fresh Regatta October 7 & 8, 2016 A very windy day resulted in a single race before conditions became excessive for all competitors and even one entrant incurring near catastrophic hardware failure. A rare experience for our club sailing events for certain! The afternoon turned out to be a very cozy social event with a perfectly tapped keg of Lager enjoyed by around 35 guests! Dinner was served early and we all feasted on Lasagna, Burgers and Pizza and plenty of sides. We also hosted a handful of evacuees from North Carolina as Hurricane Matthew pounded the East Coast and provided the shifty 15-20+ mph breeze. A handful of youngsters enjoyed a water balloon launcher and large target in the yard below the clubhouse for an all-around entertaining evening. The kids really enjoyed the prizes and activities provided by West Marine! Our racers and guest adults also enjoyed the Vols game and an overly intense final few minutes which ultimately left Vol fans with an upset.