Passion (Palm) Sunday Sunday, March 29, 2015

Cantors: 5pm Lisa Paradowski, 7:30 Mary Filippis, Prelude : 9:00 Adult Choir, 10:45 Spirit Song & Childrens Choir Choir : One Thousand Hosannas (choir arr) 10:45am Children in White Robes & Palms process in Music Practice : with Celebrant

Commemoration of the Lord's Entrance into Jerusalem

Opening Ant. : G3-496 | Palm Sunday Processional refrain Only(2) Gospel : spoken responce: Praise to you Lord Christ Procession : G3-496 | Palm Sunday Processional (___) Children Dismissal: Invitation to the Word (3)

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading : Isaiah 50:4-7 Despite rejection, Isaiah does not abandon his call. Resp. Psalm : Psalm 22:8-9.17-18.19-20.23-24 My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Setting : G3-33 | Psalm 22: 2-32 - A Psalm of David (___) Second Reading : Philippians 2:6-11 Jesus made himself lowly and was exalted. G3-375 | of the Angels and Saints - Holy, holy - Gospel Accl'n : Revised Order of Mass (___) Gospel : Matthew 26:14-27,66 or 27:11-54 The Passion. Special Rites : Dismissal of Catechumens: G3-117 May the Word (3) spoken Creed (6) Intercessions : G3-210 | SUNG: God of mercy hear our prayer (2)

Liturgy of the

Preparation : G3-475 | Tree of Life (___) Preface Dialog : spoken "The Lord be with you... G3-375 | Mass of the Angels and Saints - Holy, holy : (2) G3-376 | Mass of the Angels and Saints - Memorial Memorial Accl'n : Acclamation (2) G3-377 | Mass of the Angels and Saints - Amen (no Amen : screen)

Communion Rite

Lord's Prayer : spoken (no screen) G3-388 | Mass of the Angels and Saints - Lamb of Lamb of God : God - Revised Order of Mass Communion : G3-511 | Were You There (___) Post-Communion : G3-510 | Jesus, Remember Me (___) Adult Choir: Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart) Concluding Rite

Closing Song : SILENCE! Postlude :