point to the friends of the slave. The for- -to use the ad- - ehall never him language of her incomparable nity for ail who From, March Fort Chicago Railroad that the Federal Government wish to do eo, t etcere for the Pittsburg, Wayne and having nted for ft paper tiieta aow tkec; and although "She is the living of en-- j [...] f.,. --l.i, Rt.ar lis. Sum.. ao party wonder this stives by th payment of $3, obanee in the CURIOUS FUGITIVE SLAVE ARRANGEMENT. li it I evidcr.t we, might do the age ; who WINTER assumption, or question that of the Weil, all consult her are ostonisbed tribulioa. of sha Ate Journal eaar. MARSHALS it,.u'juiuiidt(bi tr OUTWITTED. WEST. git With far less sacrifice to our- - at truthfulness of Ler information predio- -' authority.., ., , ,.. ; , uud and an? on of ih. hlnh tha AhmIi. ibe v, nr.in OnAMonday evening Mail Train leave. Pittsburgh, 1.40 ' to seltes than it has cost her, yrt she has dune what tln f eitisene in tb violoit of All jhie may have be ."rioi of Irue metal,' lion has published Tot lie members. ' it Talk Third and Fourth I t Columbiana,' tUm, but le me. il 1 at "sounding brass," she eould uncomplainingly. She left alio with about lack of skill and dearji vf opportoni. etreets were alarmed by hear- init,f I I SaUrn, - expressed determination if the needs of ty, or want of - ing load noises in the yards at tbe their S.llttal' or "a tinkling cymbal." If the people accept of the thai capital being any reason lor an un The- Atixtic Monthly for April re a neaelly rear of t" :f here, successful dwellings. Tbey discovered men sealing I Alliance, . to the South, il wilj be the Cause were not met she must return at busineal it is all muoniliina So tbe ease with tbe Ueues of tbat work, ft bead of two tVr;lat aueiiHetragnaf Arriving in Chicago, 1100 ft aa jhe contr't,vanee of politicians, who no distant period, and resume, with such strength metier what may be your ability or inability for time, and it may be Io more aansee than one. fenees and otherwise demeaning themselves In a hrough Il ' ; 1 - be eery emtio ; Expree Train leave Fitteburgh, 1.40 ' to turn aside tbe question o( tho bout. as Ood should give her, the labor that must business, do matter what your condiii.niu life, contains th eonolasion of The Profeeaor't Story, and inexplicable manner, A gentle f t t Columbiana, ' 4. 4 done in the West tbo reinforcement and defence consult Mrs. V., and, according te bor advertise Th Reign man of that distriot, who bad been Ibue wakened f Butlellhieboaooimplished, the "flaicn .land" of King Cotton bat be tit eonoluelon ' - ' 8.01 . ol i s poisihle v. e rccord-r"A- from a sound sleep of i i i Salem, ) , can end will be enaily enapr neuuder, by the Sumter, denying the existence ei ment and dou'l go behind the H 01impss of Garibaldi, Charleston aader arms, iato vision burglary and i ' murder, i t Allisnoe, .8& aa rav, fcttelligeol free net of Ibe North, whe any military necessity" that calls for its evacua- those who bud bad luck consulted her. their bad together with it asual aaoaat of ether literary eeited a masket and drew eight upon tbe f luck left intruders. Tbe Arriving la Chieage, 10.40 a at . determine, tan to ore of them, to amend the tion and surrender. thorn, and ihoy aro now fortunate, rioh, excellencies. ., ,. , , . latter ealled out tbat they were YK u, Alliance AoooarmedatTovi leave '. to abol-ia- b eniincut and happj. 'fo all iu. ad- - not thieve, bal United Statee marshals on the . Constitution ep to euthor'ue .Congress business her In tbe May number Harriet Beeeber Stow will vice ' is track of certain English The .' pan UVioo. . .. , , Invaluable. can loretel'. with tho housebreaker. Pittebo, Slavery ju the Ste'cs of this RIGHTS. he, ovmmeooe a new remance entitled, Agnes of 8or ld 1 1 greatest musketeer thereupon descended to the and i t I Cotambtattfti h 62 a Though 1 amol rejuUie in a victory aobievoo), ocrtaiuty the result ol ull commercial rento, which will be continued each mosth yard, It Is some since eomtnOnicatcd the was made acquainted with A t i t Satem, 8 .JO (ft ' feifieti4 with thoee In bond another struggle timo I frith uuu uusiness irantacuons. Allauiii :inip was throughout the following facts t f V are the year. :,Tb Profeor'a Story den AUianee, .0O sws day friends of this Cause, through tbe BuyK, because not a circumstance to Mrs. V. confidential female servant in the family of a gen Arrive at i till, firmly and devoutly believing; that "the eluded io the prestat Oumber-rEls- ie Varner bas 1 bsd to on Tou we tleman uf Washington, D. recently eseaped , . nothing detiuiio sny, this subject. If thoniht wo ojuld extend Mr;. V' C, of their deliverance n at bend." . , euliere bsen Issued in book form by Ticknor and Fields, GOING EAST. ere all well aware tho sgitatioa you bnve of usefulness from her owners, and was reoelved into tbe that by publishing ber advertitouiont en the publishers of tbe monthly. ;Tbe Professor, fm Mail Train leaves Chicago, 6.60 , helped te ereate by etfoulacin petitlotis, and by tire, it is possiblo we do ily of a certain high constable of thie city. Tbe f might so. It she eould whose nam and are eo closely Identified t i t Alliaooe, 11.30 si as) , discussions io your several localities, togotber be located in or in woman was1 said to be nearly while, of some per- Indiana Washington, or in both with tbe history of tbe Atlantic, will of, course, I : t Salem, 1125 aa , (Jije';'anti-0lttr)tr- fi with tbe labor of the effioient leotuiing corps we place', . which sonal attractiveness, and intelligent beyond ber - Bugle. perhaps would be poiblo with continue his contributions to tbe work, t t Oolumbiana, 12.AO p aa have had io the field, have created the most bene- soch amamllous persouage.she might race. ' She dwell with the high oonstable a afore accomplish Arrive in Pittsburgh, 3.40 a . at ficial sulutary changes. Never, said Monday, results the most a work that would save, Dispatch Gaz, until at noon, when a neighbor, ' in the cue placa, a vast Special to Cincinnati 25th. Expr Train leavos Chicago, S.10 a an j "taoTOinea n ACTOR ButtaV perhaps, was work m r fully recognized than amount cognisant that th bad been a slave, appeared of logal labor, and ia tho other, would ad at - 10.30 OUTLAW." Juba Brawl of Onwataala. AFFAIRS AT FORT SUMTER. j t i Alliance, p ours bas been this season. Maov are tho congrat minister much convolution to - tbe noose to warn ber tbat tbe m area a is were disnimoiuled uffioe- Mr. Fox, I t t Salem, 11.09 ulatory letters I have received upon the success of tbe Uovernmenl messenger eent to upon ps seckers. As she "uiakes the ber track. Sbe was forthwithremoved to 11-3- r-- ji - p r OHIO, MARCH 30, 1861. ' Muj. Anderson, reached bare to-d- from Fort Columbiana, 5 m W SALEM, our movement and these, friends, I am eery hap would suggest to the or Third and Sooth streets, and aftcrwarde to a re authoritiui Indiana that Sumter, and will hie Arrivee in Pittsburgh, 2.30 a a py to with yoo, for it is eo-o- make teport He shari your hearty they Invite Mrs. V, to reside in that end mote part ol me atate. Abe marshals baa as III Suae, report thai Maj. Anderson can bold Alliance Accomodation leave r. . ON-SUBSCRIBERS RECEIVE eration tbat I regttrd as most important and effec- refer to her oat but sumed the of this woman aa crown all applications fot divorce, whiob the 8.50 ', 1 few days longer, and it is believed that Mr. Fox AUianee, a a TO THE BUGLE. tive in the Cause. If only hnd time to write woulJ, of course, result in the entire ing exploit of their term of administration. Hav fusion ol left Maj. i i . 6.45 aa a hundred privato letters, 1 could liy befure the orders for Anderson to evacuate on eome i Slem, J manj before diverse partiop;. and instead of bun-die- ing traced her to Third and Sjuth atreets, they decline receiving tbe day this week. Telegraphic advioea ht i t Columbiana, . 7.23 a a , y need not of you a multitude of interesting facts, in relation leaving lrom imagined no difficulty the labor of t tbe. State with lUeir matrimonial in the night, 11.4a aa fearing that they will be oalled upon to pay to the dotail of our campaign, about your own Charleston, state that nothiog like evacuation is Arrivee in Pittsburgh, a Bogle, bonds severed, "the L'ni.n would be preserved," - but extraordinary vigilance upon the part of th ept copies going on yel. it.' We send no paper-exc- gratia array of iufl jenlial names you RAILROAD fpr petitions, and the and tbe blessings uf the united would full iu khow-er- s slave (rustatedanj attempt upon her freedom. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH to eaob ol u'nlesf paid fot Sn adtance. So we say sent to the Legislature, the effoot upon your mem- upon the head of Mrs.. V, TIME TABLE. Is to yon as tbe above claei, tbe paper either lent bers, and various other iieuu that would impress Aud then bow much she might accomplish at STARVING OUT MASSACHUSETTS. A Gxntlim an Borm and Brxo. The Mobile Commencing Monday," Ko. 2Cth, I860: .by the publishers, of else paid for in you deeply in regird to the happy Influence you Washington, Register is poking fun r.tPresideot Lincoln because Trains leave Alliance ae follows: ' ' ' f ' gratuity where are temporarily congregated I have beard a good story, a told by Mr. Ed ' ' ' be wae like youf name by iome friend. " havo exerted. You would feel more than evvr the a considerable portion of tbuso to ex- not, President Jeff Dvie, "a gentle- GOING NORTH. wboui she win turreaw A lew day moee, ha wae going to vitality of the principles you have adopted, and tend a special invitation ' man born and bred" "Are not tbe diatinguisniog Mail, 5 38, am, arrive in Cleveland, 7.40, a a) to come to her ; "All Philadelphia, aad io the esal in front of him were EDITOR. encouraged to defend them to their characteristics which prove us two people well 6.33, p m, arrive in Cleveland, 7.30 p at THE BUGLE WITHOUT AN more than ever whose fund hope have been disappointed, oruebsd two gentlemen from Express, tbe South, and opposite them, represented in ultimate triumph. and blasted by false promi.es nnd deceit all who these two men?" asks our Mobile GOING SOUTH. ts'ditof Bugle was unetpeetedly called ' in tbe car, a Afassacboselte Yankee. The Sooth The of tbe But as yel we huve oblaiued no legislation have been deceived outemporary, with a scornful curve of bis chiselled Mail, 11.42 a m, arrive in Pittsbargh 4.00 at fin- and trifled with." If her ernere were euro l I q Cleveland," on Monday night, just as he had bal Cotton King, and in a f The Property Bill repine J by Judge Key from tbe should be accepted, ber leveee would be lip. To wbicb every man with tbe instinct of a Mail, 11.42 a m, arrive in Wheeling 6 SO revising the outside of this number of the few weeks lb Seath would brine; tbe people of ished Senate Committee, and which, I understand, has about ae crowded as gentleman will cry, "That' eo," with a hearty Express, 10.42 p m, arrive In Pittsburgh, 140 a at Tuesday morning, those of the i'resident, sub- the Aortb, ' especially Ihoee of Massachusetts, to naDOT. Kjnectiiia to return the fullest sanction of tbe Judges of the Supreme tracting good will. We are all born without ebirte in tbe Express, 10.42 p m, enive in Wheeling C 25 only from tbe great mass ol office seekers their senses, and was made for inside matter.? make them do jnetiec to tbe ' I yeryliltle provieic Court of this State, is not yet disposed of ( and 1 free states, and esteem in anything but a disgrace aaTORKiHa traisti abati -, the trilling number who have become offiiie hold- - South. "Before nn sooner bad be left than a wiegrnm am- lb le ot March," eaid one of Cleveland, 9.40 a m and . ; 8.45 pa) Bui trust that it may pass in some form. Tbe bug- rt; and if she relieves and satisfies such. ch to arn on when w get old enoagb. Tbe differ whom went to meot. them, tbere will be and mobs, starving - saying that our daughtor, he to riot and ence between the Pittsburgh, 1.40 a m and , 1.40 p at bear in the Bill is the right to sue, and be.sued; will do- more than the President can, aud will se- traitor Jeff Davis, and Abraham Tuosdny evening. laborers crying for bread in We wil' . 8.6Q would not reaoh Cleveland till their elreete. Wheeling, . 1050 am and av and I am not sure but it originates in an honest cure the blessings of the poor and needy. And Lincoln i that Devi wa born a gentleman, ed- f knduo editor and child starve out th Abolitionists, so tbat tbey will be N. MoCULLOUGH, 'ii W.dnudiv. desire on tho of some of the members to why ucated, like a public paupor at the national ... J. P($V it.ti - Pirl might not Mre. V. be indueted into the Pre- glad to maie their appearance yes. protect slave property in the Territories.and F. R. Mrxas.Gen. Ticket Agt. , ; .; bare shield, womee from the latter. They are. very ig miership five Wn. II. Seward, r4iiveiT boe expeose.at West Point, aad after having eaten tbe 4.;,f eome one bas very shrewdly allow Southern gentlemen to travel with tbe'u No,w the PreB, as noraot, many of them, of fundamental principles could do up the work of tbe administration with- bread which be never earned, he deserted and left fo uo itself, even for slaves." And tb Yankee broke in upon tbem : remarkeJ, can. never be iu relation to human right. I was assured when out difficulty, solve all national questions, bring betrayed the country which bad edooated, olothed Ambrotypes, baby that niusVl Veoa will (tare ne eout, Win ye f Wall, I live Photographs, tnd Iroratj'ppfJ . dav : in fact.. ?it is like a sink at Columbus, a Bill, securing guardianship to to and fed biia, and whiob he took ft solemn oath to a that all thing a happy issue, and gite peace and in But Tor me to leave oT down Massachusetts and look here, strangers, Taken in Ibe latest improvement of tha art t be left alone a minutu the mother, and changing tbe Laws 'Djsceni prosperity to the ; fos be loyal and true to, wbile Lincoln earned his -- ! . cojntry in evefyibing that the se mna. ana reuairiui, uu ' the laboring people bave more money deposited in REDUCED PRICES, al the New York houViiluli matters, would be introduced. While the L?gislature relatos to tbe .' llerslirg man, "She succeeds own bread and olothiog, educated himself, and , g, tf tb Savings' Banks io Massachusetts tbe earpet-makln- g, and tbaa all cleaning-- and ball remain in session, wo shall b'jpe for action on when all others have failed," ae per advertise- bae remained true and loyal to the country which engroee houeekeep- - depoaita in your Banks amount to In the five going PICTURE GALLERY,-- : .a vartool other thing that sulject, '.'' , .' ' ' had done nothing for bim. ie tbe this ment. Io reply to the question with' which we Statee, Tbat difference ki rima'of the and "rash into liie out as ye call 'em. Tbey ken lire five ' ho aura' a&eoa. - - ers fin.1 'veer.' Letters lrom Eastern friends beg me to inform commenced this article, wo cau only cay we know between the President of the Doited Slate and of in r l:v..;.:..f .1 m.iment't is no years, without working, on what they hare saved. B. W 1. u weminir. how we have L. SILVEB flUWllOl J them what, and exactly musb seeur of no law against Astrology in Ohio, bave the liw lb Confederate State. K. Y. Courier. so'jie things can be done as well Now, look here; yon don't know anything about e'avj tatk. S ill, ad in the wav of L ttislatiin. Xue agitation in u CunmoD SensOk ' . - - tarSIXGEBS world rtnownti Lock JStiiii demonstrated, th people of Massachusetts, I do. . Lei me tei M atoora, aa asb people long emoe the State, of which they have heard 10 much, they To treat with the Southern Commissioners ie to SEWING MACUINB3, making both sideC alik-a- nd eay, or you ..about AarBiM? ue tout. The day before kbd this I eonM do if I ooly knew what te think must have resultei, ere lUU, In beuefiooul acknowledge the government of tbe Confederate Sewing Machine Needle, Silk Thread aai HOOPS AND HANDCUFFS. Tbaoksgiving, laet Nvvember, bad. in my boaee wEa'tV write about. ; But In these fast times, we left stiil to possess our souls iu I Statee, and seoessioa is Oil, ktpt for alt. " " laws. But are admit tbat a Constitution- eve'nte fruit undor the two tarkeys that weighed si teen poaad apiece. '.' .. " ivaoT pasi lipen like tha patience, trusting that something important may , !At a camp meeting, recently, bild nesr..,Weat al mode nf dissolution. To abandon Fort Sumter Baleu. March 23, 1861. m.'i is hern 10 a Wife aaid, wa don't want but . one, and thai 1 had rand of the magiciao; wbew ft nattao he dispensed to us. (hie year ; but knowing tbat Baltimore, Montgomery oounty, Ohio, Iiishop flue-se- ll ie to yield to the demands of tha Provisional Gov- better try, aad Aad some family to giv tha other Tay, B'.d VerpetH.it Onion are broken like brittle all we fail to set now., we shall sure! v obtain at .forbade any one with hoops on to partake, ol ernment aad acknowledge he authority., Tbeee to. S 1 haraeased ap my hone, and pat him be UNDERTAKINGS roeisV ft clue etu lent lo conduul x tbe sacrament, afiiraiing tbey one must"be the next session, t j. J, . that; would tut be tbinge bave been done by Mr. Lincoln's adminis All k'.ods of C 0 F F I N S furnished at aba" and 'deolitre. i fore the .baggy, and alerted : and in a eirela of jaaroal to'uoh;'i0torests I welcome to the tabl.o jf Jibe Lord- - Twg or (hree tration in less than three weeks after hie inaugu I notice, and everything appertaiaiag ia tha has d'at4 fiv milea, I could not find a family thai would 1 hate eoarcely teea newspaper in two days. , THE FORT SUMTER QUESTION. years ago a Western Conference puatcd tesolution. ration. We shall not comment on them, einoe nese attended to, by accept the turkey. And yeou will atarva na eout, ROBERT HOLS. exchangee now. towever, I lb it '.'the wearing oLhoopa by fcmulea.ia insun-- the bave announcement of the fact la sufficient to Ih rtitiolngover the. I pity the ItepobUoma J "Indeed f dof those; at will yeou t Yeon bad better try ie. Tb fad m, Salem. Dot. 27, 18C0. prunibling nation sistent with a truly Christian ..character, and Uby astonish and astound the whole land. We should iauokaea that wthn'aime..bnr loaHt. who bad hiuh liuces of tbe firm, purpose of etraogers, yeou don't know tb Yankee. Tbey important fragment, thauKh some ooiiMdorad aa indecent,-a4.- . thut,. ..therefore, not likt to be a Republican. Siatcman,, - WI el;l4lfioo ha jot oi Liooola.. . Under , the jliusion ,of JtUrty, come grew fat aad prosper on rocks gel rioh an ic " ' J AMIES BARNABT.- oy aue we, as a. Quarterly Cgpference, . disappr9V of the eee bloolt. that bai not been, squared v fought manfully the battle of the last campaign j eatkalatc .anything but the price of 'Liberty neoessftrily .ol by W9aibrs."--ii- of this' must pill--tb- wearipg .boors pur. lemale., f. LAW; rW'coVoet'.'stone rbri,' and bow ta be obliged to swallow thie bitter and UoionJ and with .a Bill in- cat hand, aad a Th eootemplated abandonment of FortSumter ATTORNEY AT' n jbe same rounda-lio- a, ;Tb eld adiige ;Wbere ' " U'ter. t&en make be tbat there ialifa tbere tba-otbe- COLUMBIAXA CO., tsbgnerpr tbe obangi in tbe 'Administration rifle ia r, when tbey are ia earnest, are reflects no credit upon the Administratioa. Tbe "SAtEX, OBI w r r. ' ' S part ; fitly joined itogether,, ia hope" is illustrated in , the above item. Te be with all the aatential chanse In 'the eovernmenl. It rs too very ugly arUtera to encounter. Yeon bad better Fort ie to be evacuated, aim ply because "Old Abe" Office over Choesmaa Wright' Hardwa;. the nation of she k ft atructure. thai Iqog-Jraw- n ogony Sumter sure, 4he; proscription of Hoop' may; appear to . ia too to ehaU build bad 1. And this over let 'em alone, and not start 'em up." I rather "imbecile" keep it, and not out of any and''Drug Store. , 1 will reverence as the" maeter-piece of master watched for some as rather a, questionable gin of godliness, iarth How anxiously has the tolejraph been guesahawae rights, (f, disposition to eonoiliate the Southern people. but it is unquestionably a eigri of vitality, iV. H rprkmen, tbe driblete that have leaked from tbe eubioet on .and a Thie involuntary conservatism, that ie yielded N O S'iy1 E ...... K wiO tloodshed first. I guess church (bat in . -WBO ... i w (s be nny of its parrishee , forbids those ,'It .eaiii there this question.-- ' We have been assured tbat Sum only npon compulsion, and with a confession of 5 tbe ory." . It is a who woar hoops to it not t!'Io wer. ti arm now eould sustain a eieg for an indefinite length approach communion table, incapacity to act otherwise, is not worth much, ter ' ' false cry. Who is gjin to fihtt Is Abraham impregnable to assault, and may, by long continuod labor, be brought to re- From' the Springfield 'JoornaT, the President will be estimated at it true value by all - of time, that it was ' nl ' next telegraph elect' organ, we' with a '' dismay Lincoln ?: Not ft bit of lt.! The d gard the pulling of bandcLfl'i upon, an liber , as learn 'certain Union-lovin- g vet tbe evacuation of this strong-bol- of the got' men. , ;n4. dunttluas" hrlnir' n6ws of the evacuation of worthy of condemnation as the putting of hoops that ' . . ,', r ornment baa boeu settled for woeks in the minds ol Servi Sumtar." battle ground will be loft ti- daily on one's self, aid as fully to disqualify the perpe- - "Mr. Lnicoln ttandi immotallj en Me Chicago Jl manv. and ha oome to bo understood and ' Tbe Charleston Courier state on authority, Buchanan, 1 want trator from admission to communion. is there- Platform, and be will neither acquiesce in, nor the foe. ' And aow, Mr. Jamea oxpected by tbe public. 1 bave no doubt-th- It tbat ship from the eeceded etatee will be admit- Tbe subscriber bas now got on a Complete As- this is ft "military neceeei-te- ". fore to be hoped that to the battle cry of the cobsel hie friends to acquiesce in any compromise yaylo nnderstand that over , this humiliation - Chief Magistrate mourns eurrendere one iota of ' :." : ted at Havre on tbe eame terms ae tbose from the sortment, and ie prepared to furnish everything la woald not have answorod for jou to du church militant, of "Away whli Hoops," may In that it." It and this loss ; nnd if Calais was found written United States. . the line of ' never had stiff timo be "Djwa H inlcuffs".' This is an cmbarrnsaiog attitude for any) states the Bame. beoause yon, Democrats, of Marv. may not SuaiEB be added that of with ,.n th. l.nart Ouecn man to take. If Mr. Lincoln will not remove from BOOKS, STATIONEaaT.::M hacks, or point of honor to yhight p'wr, or to hkh 'ound on the heart of Lincoln f ALL-PAPS- Parson LinooV.n. The tbe platform, we suppose the only way will be to Tba cotton crop of tbe Sooth ebows a consider W ,. . gol ; how long The Fioiitikc indorses ,4 let T But tbeso good, honest Bepublisans for notorious Parson Brownlow, clerical Bill- oarry him and the platform into tbe Capitol togeth able falling off from that of last year. The total Women don'f know much about governmept, t is a thamo to tell whose Foley's Celebrated Gold Pens, " they huve been on the rack It would awkward, though, if the decrease at all tho so of men, but I submit it, ingsgate has' given him an extensive reputation, U er. Il be rather port far amount to about ' '"Ki thili is'tl e "natural r'ght they must swallow a nauseous dose, exhibit All Warronted to give Satiafaction. onique. He them delighted with Lincoln's Inaugural, and "gives it floor of' the House ie not large enough to take ia 72O,0OO.bals, and it ie believed the crop of tbe whether Mr. 'Lincoln' position is not their eyes lor weens, ana BeAaa the potion daily before ' ' mem Spencer' Writing Book Wholesale and ' belligerent bis unqualified endorsement as follows : ' ' ibe platform! We beve beard of bere having present year will fall abort a roand million. claim to have authority over the to time the administration o' yet delay from timo an , attachment fort their eeat (like Mr. Book of th American Sunday School Ualenl, no effort to enforce, I'wei "Wo ci.dorse t!ie entire Address, na one of such Stteskul rnake , it We should think tbey would feel very much the of its pre. it. Iloreman, for inatancr,)that they cannot be made, Bible,Prayer-Book- a, liy and all kiadaal is generally somewhat inore tenacious who was aClicted with a be6t pspers of tho kind wo bave 6eeh, and we Haitian Emmioration. We eee by the Anglo. like ftcertain Dutchman, or persuaded te give tbem up but for a Senator regatives. : It must be that he ssos, that the only ooodoled with commend it for its (emperauco and conservatism. African, that a vessel will enl for Hayti next Theoloslcal, Historical, Poelical, Scientific very lingering illnesr, and on being oprnly to declare tbat hie affection for a certain Is acknowledge g way to adjOBl the'difBaulty to their I was dead.tnd damned, It is peace-lovin- und conservative in its recom- month. Leaving Boston, April 20 Ji, New Haven, '" ' ' hv afrieud. ror liod,"lwieh platform i to strong tbalaetbing shall indue bim ..... AND independence. The 'mystorious correspondence ' mendations nnd eminently firm ia its nationality Conn., April 24th. and doao with it", . ..' ... te tear himself from il, ie quite a new locu ttandi between hi;Premier 'ftni ihi Southern Commis- ' of sentiment. It is out and out a UTjion address SXXio tin t ous C ook0. id the political world. The only peasible compro tt sioners will soon, davelope the policy to te pur. ggy There! tbe editor bas come.and 1 will leave worthy of tho approbation of every 'Union and Ouio By tbe censue of I860, tbe population of SCHOOL BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTlOXi mise we see, whan Mr. Lincoln and hie platform is useless to speculate upon what it odd jobs. are eome boolts man south as well as Had 2,340,000. Tbe Commissioner of aued. aoJ It him to do up the Ihere conservative north. it Ohio is Statistics Best quality of Writing-Pape-r, at Wholesale at shall be documents " are caried In triumph to Washington, ie to get tbe be, till the answer to tbe Embassy noticed, tbe rooipt of some public been delivered by Jackson, Poik, or Breckinridge gives tbe total wealth of tho State $338,302,601. Blank-Book- s, Paa-Book- s, will to bs incorporated instantly with the Board of Retail. Hemorandume, gjlveoy;- - K ' Jonbs. singers to be puffed, latter , J, Elizabeth ( acknowledged, some even, the Coltoo states would bave declared it to to be Admibisralion, and then Abraham can ''stomp" .. and everything else pertaining to some J (and I hope he will do up that part trong;) be tbe lie iii l't of political perfection. Aud we un . Appearaaoes cow indicate an extra session or , ",,J away as much as be likes on both. nmcA. the businese. K. FOSTER. advertisemente, I believe, that need editorial atten- hesitatingly affirm that if Lincoln's Inaugural is a Congress. ' - J. M'MILLilT. tion; the gleaning of tbe latest new from tbe true indication of tbe character of bis incoming Salem, Oct. 27, 1R60.- - i..: i j, d)wn-trod3e- SOLDIERS ARE ENLISTED. of all n humanity, on of State that NOW This diar'.friead i..t sTnhaneos: letters affairs Administration, alt good and true wen may con- SUBSCRIPTION FRlt TO BCGLt, England home. The wish your column to tba TUE CLOSING OF TUS to her Kew to I through direct at 50 ,,., returned on astrologist be his to Pres- baja'jutl must be answered, inttantcr; gratulate themselves upon election tie K3-S1.- PER ANNUM, INVARIABLY IN anti-slave- ry cause'" AVest, Commiesionere New exigences of the in' the be cau have bis fortune told if be ' ' tention of tbe emigration in tj introduced, (and idency." , , t ,ADVAKCS.-- CAMPAIGN "OF 1840, ber to come to Ohio last fall, where she '''"'. York aod Baltimore to tbe fact there are oooao-- JVuded chooses,) while I will betake myself to my "appro- BALLY" at 1 . um." Miss Juvioelia Olivia and Mies lying in wait npon th arrival of every tier-- ' GRAND AT THE BBXIADWAY has Yinoe labored, 'such portion of the time, priate sphere." frankly acknowledging tbat like ' TiikiT drel Is7"Tsaac Trxscott is duly authorised to re-- t wooia anow. one i Oelestia Tinker will give a Concert in the Town man packet, for the purpose of decoying ignorant O -- least, as her foehle bealtn the kitchen much botter than tbe editorial sanr 'eve all moniee on aocouot of subscriptions on "CL Til AND CLOTBINQ . wholly unable for field service, but she believed ' Hall, Salem, on Tuesday evening, April 2ud, aod educated men,' wbo do net known single be Bugle. o s tbat duty 'oallel ber here, and who bas ever known commencing at "J o'olock. word of the English language, into the enlistment Tnx Bcqlx can be obtained, every Friday, at il u ev; ASTROLOGY. Well known ae the Largeat aad Cheapest ClotaW ber to shrink from differing, under Such circum Those wbo ebared in tbe musical treat famish- for Ibe Southern army. Seventy of tbeso poor fel Isaac Trescotl's Book Store on Main street, Salem ing House in tbe Country, Celebrated fur it , Who has ever seen her quail any by these vooalUto when bere last fall, need lows recently arrived from Baltimore, all of whom " ' stattcest1 at sacri of Ohio ed ne . , there any law in tbe State against Ohio. . , great? Te eat off right head, and "I other inducement to bear them again than tbe an- bad been induced through epeoioue promiee to CHOICE STYLES OF GOODS! Astrology I" Such was tbe query accompanying to pluoli out ft tight eye is sloubtles just disa nouncement of their intended presence; and the ship lor Charleston. Tbey now lie bleaabing in ft oopy of an Astrological advertisement sent to C LI FASUlONABLECUTIt ber to any other person; but she, they thoo established, will lead others tbe sun upon Morris Island, almost naked, with . r RO LA N, OF FIT! ... . greeable to which advertisement, we of course reputation AIIO NEATNESS ,r; n tha Ituffle. - early learned the lesion of and very little to eat. A true Union man, qualified of tho Incorporated ' -- -- above all others, obe we as good pay to bear from tbem, as they have hoard of tbem. no beds The Voters -' vJ shall not insert, though eould get .-- . . r 1 I 1 . She reverently, and cheerfully takes the Their selection of pieces is luoh as will give gen wbo is a German, obtained a pace, through tbe Village ol isaiem, uoturaoiann vouuiy, unto,r ' ill dience. for II as fur the insertion of advertisement for W she believe the good Father mingle eral satisfaction, embracing the simple aire of Captaio of a German Company, to visit the Island, are hereby notified to meet on Monday, tho DURABILITY OF OR Kll oup that quack nostrums wicb ar frequently offered us for her. 1 Scottish ballad and more Arlistio efforts. and went (specially at my requeet) to oommubi- - 1st day of April, 1861, at the Town Hall, we refused ft $- -5 one but a abort time since. earnestness self-deni- 25 with iheeo unfortunate men. Tbey all ol Village, hours 6 o'clock We keep no Eastern Work. Every Gar .'With the same and that willing to advertise Astrology as Door open at 7 o'clock, Ticket, prioe eente, eate in said between the of Even if we were ' ber first appearance in public, and osual places, ' emnly declare tbat they bad no idoa tbey were en A. M. and 6 P. M. of said day, and then and made op bere by Superior Workmen, of Geeoey characterised a marketable oommodity, we suspect our readers can be procured at the also her subsequet-- t career, when sbe stuog this listed against Ibe Government of tbe Uaited States, there to elect the following olficors, for said bougbt direcly of tbe Maoufaoturars and are of ft kiod who do not deal la the artiole, and nation into madness by ber scathing rebuke CoMFUUsKTAar o a CoKRieroHDXMT. A gen- and all agree that tbey were deluded by lalae rep Village,' for the ensuing to wit; One ler, and Warranted well mad. . guilty would not be likely to do so, evon though Mre. y. year,' '' oppression,' sbe eame to us (hi season to do a tleman io Washington write, "Can I procur from reeenlation mad to tbem immediately upon their Mayor, One Recorder, Five Trustees, One , REMEMBER THE PLACE; , of assert "she shows you tbe likeness of your future i ,a a ft. missionary work that be other person could bare yon Ibe Bugle containing all lb number of B. arrival. There ara also a number wbo came by Une Marshall. - wife or hue band or absent friend. ... . , Treasurer and Slgo of ilia Aiuericai Flag, Street's Block, dote."1 She eame without any compensation, rave G. Wright' essay on Sitcasatow, or can the writer way of New York, aud wbo give a precisely simi- ALFRED HEACOCK Mayor. Mr. V. is evidently a philanthropist of the fiist BROADWAY; SALEM,' OWO; is and bas borne be induced publish tbe same in pamphlet formf account of tbe meaoa resorted to, for th pur- " , " tbe approval of ber conscience; her la lar 1861. - . . . water, for, in the language of ber advertisement, Marck 20, ...... n wvrre a T.--- t' and I say hi en eubjeot are the , : f expense of ber own purse) I need not tell must thai letters tbe pose of entrapping them. ., oat guide tbe single to a happy marriage, and ,t ' ' worked for tbe slave "Sbe communioatione 1 have eeen front either WEST AND WILSON, DOUBLE THREAD Salem, Not.' 3, 1800.; bolitionist that 6ne who has happy. Her aid and aavioe bas only f makes tbe married ' ' DUpalch t House, West end of Buokeve a eentury, and once gave ell she pos- South or North tbat rises to tbe dignity of aa ar SmsUI CImIomU OoaiW. tarBranch Ilea. (Jiarter1 of in innumerable Instance, end the FAMILY " - been olicited - ' ' orriox-sMxiR- S so Alliance, Stark County, Ohio. ' ' - ' nv rloa the era. sessed q the Cause, dcesuot'own ft purse very mean or ft gument.'.' " result bas aavay been the eeiiuring ie etill scarcity of suitable appli- - SEWING MACHINE, "either weight..- - Her f, Tbere a great cumhefsdme,' in size or iu marriage j she ie therefore a PRICE THIRTY DOLLARS. speedy and happy CosuoroMTAX Abt Journal. Tbe 1st number ;oaote for office la tbe Border slsv Stale, aod th M U ftlway was, ha been invaluable. Sua means ot GEO, makly; sure dependence. . cue bas been tee of Vol. 5th of this periodical contain it usual aow most of Ih present Inoam- - ALL 'MACHINES WARRANTED!. talked publioly when tbe eould, and in private probability l that La hundred hearts and band together. ' i... FOB eaLB AT . ARTIST, ScbUlicg' Block. Jtfnia bringing many variety of literary contribution and pencil Ulus- - Ltnt will be continued. ; n ;' 8Jc. ft beart; she bas - . , , ,. Ohio. .. ,i etfengtiotisd tuiqy faint and " R. N ' S . - ., t .j shJC Thousands ol broken heart have been bealed A full page ateel plate frontispiece- - - M. KO BI SON Caeca Infuse 1 tration. beat a.sorlwtnt of le ba. edooufaged the weiry, and has Striven to - - The Iareest aaJ ' made happy by ber." Filial Solicitude ie a good commeooement for tbe i Lux the beat of time, like tbe procession of the BAT AND CAP S TORS (ound in ibis section of Ohio. , into all portion of that sublime faitb and moral are Mrs, Y.' Virtues, we are bap py to learn, volume. - ' 'ars,trutb move onward; ita rery tnemles unlnteo- - 8alesa, June, 1BOU. . BOTANIC Medicines for Sale!, -- - KKftdaHf,' thai bat been the intpiration of ber , , ll.i,' Tm .She ie , July appreciated. t (. Tbe annual distribaiion of Works of Art by ibe tioually help it,' repression aid to it intensity, own life. . Thr subscriber offers for sale ber entirestock the gem of purest ray serene Association, which usually takes place at ibe W opposition only wakeae ay ita advocate. JOB WORK NKATLT EXECUTED.? 1844 lb Wee-ter- a "Unlike of medicine, together with all tba tuoree fo IT Ike SbrU of Mr. Ftieter in ' J ' anfathomed Cave of ooean bear i ,.f January, bae tbie year been postponed aaiilj . ' " resldrare-c- high ; "Mortgiges, tr Tbe dark, " preparing the aaato, at ber BLANK' DEEDS, ISoeiety was indebted ft newi-pae- le) Jitfeii' fr born to blush unseen, of April, in eousequesfle of tbe disturbed are fwenty-lv- e pwk-ll-e Ubrariea Bo strt,iWaa.Ohio. . . 0. U Vlit'HOU. .(through which might e i'olike tb flowret the lth Turis Summons (or it dectriae be - ; . Mts tad Salt at on the desert tb country, So there u jet ad ppportu.j , eoolaiwicg an aggregate of 407l ToUates- Uatoh lfS4i$ . ., - watt ill iweetneti air' . ; plained and defended, aDi which prestoted ft rl- AoJ ttof a,.--- . J ...tUv