Vidette-Reporter (Iowa City, Iowa), 1882-01-07
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The Vidette -Reporter. VOL. XIV. IOWA CITY, IOWA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, ]882. I • 14. « the laborer in all trades get EXOHANGES. it in anvof the twdve cditi n The Vidette -Reporter, through at a certain hour, and are given belo\ ,* if he will g -t m' 11l81JlD When the editor of the Not?'e oft'to the party. But the student, friend to how him th la t act in IVIR )' .~r(1RDAY AFTERNOON, IJame ScllO/astic threw down.the above all others, appreciates the Macbeth. Now wc hope that un hr!Ic CoUlctalt YI" I. V.1. gauntlet of defiance at our feet and OlGa in Rlp¥bUcaK Building, Washinaton St. verse, taunted us with being too coward Ie our friend ha omethin~ to " Labor with what zeal we may, say in defen e of hi hero, lope Something yet remains undone; ly to defend our remarks about B. HOWAlD, 'sa. C. N. RUNT, 'SO. Gavazzi, we accepted the chal Piu IX" he will keep :.ilent, and p,o. Nn'oollB, '82, I. B. RlOIIllAN, '88. Something unoompleted still, Wnits the rising of the sun;" lenge, and made some very plain avoid making another uch an ex A. J. CRnlll, '82, hibition of hi ignoran . L'I him • Matlaging Edilor • or, if his tasks are all accomplish statements from Italian history, remembt!r that "if fool hold their lnu rm~AGR, '82. RU8H C. LAo, '8to ed, so that he can go to the party which, while they vindicate Ga tongues, they may be taken for P.L. ma.' , r. w. WILOOl, '8.'1. or make a call, can he predict this vazzi as a benefactor of her peG .rnoclau Edilorl. wi e men." • happy state of aftilirs a day in ad pIe, pla~e the C:atholic. church and Tlil l\W II , "Hark, from th tomh ther $100 vance? A man in a literary or Pope PIUS IX. 10 partIcular, in a o.!fP1,oo 1Nr, • • • • come a doleful ound: It (OPT, • • : • • • 06 intellectual line cannot predict the very unfavorable li ght as the from funcrt!al Ob~rlin - th t rwlll<> II the Bookstores. completion of his work like a enemy and obstructor of Italian place wher ' nohady l'\'er ~mi!t "'DOt~,ill/tthoi rpapeM!regularlywill woodsawer. He is working on liberty and pro~r ess. We did not and where C\'I:tl th ricket 'hirr _inlorm 0', And they will be forward.d. his geometry, for instance, and he expect to convince the fellow, for in a whi per. Th' [0 il 'xchan - A1I!Ullllluoicationl6hould boadd!l!ll8ed may dig out the answer in five the experience of the pa t has shown that it is impo sible to con editor of the Ra·icllI lift up hi. TilE V/fJETTJJ.REPORTilR, minutes or it may take him two hand in holy horror at our r' Iowa City, Iowa. hours. He is wrIting an oration, vince a bigot of his error, no mat ter how lucid the reasoning nor marks about the .Avlr' f)CllII('. a.nd the temper of the muse is his eho/asl/'e. IIi ( ,ibhip"'m 1r would make the most crnsty ttme-gauge; he may fly with how weighty the evidence. We were surprised, however, that he \'ery anxiou to get into th - 'c!u)o of misanthropy glad to see the angels' wings, or plod through /aste quarrel; but we \\' i to r - aden come pouring in fre h mire knee-deep with a groan at so far acknowledged himself de feated as to be obliged to resort to mind him that Our qUilrr -\ i \ ith (rom lbe joy of vllcation. They every step. What every student the cllO/as/ie and 110t with lit return revived in health, purse and needs is, at least, one place which, that :ow and vulgar mode of war fare which characterize the Arabs Revicw. When we have occa. ion bope. The lessons jlave already for the time, he is free to regard to exchange complim 'nl with th . ~1D to bring the silence of study as home, where he knows he will of the street. Nothing we could write would be more applicable to latter pap r \ ' hall nel 'avor to 1~1 we look forward to a term of not be subjected to the rules of do it ju tice. formal conventionalities, where he him than the following words (rom ~rmane nt advancement. And then therc i the 'me too' may I;'nll when and a. often a.q Q;; own pell; "It is all old saying Tll/h'c' '/y P O'" 5, ,·llI·h I' 'mind ALL absent friend of the he . pleases, stay as long as he that 'if fools hold their tongue they To u mol" than anything -I. " or l [Dire it,r who have beeu feedin~ wants to, and go back to hi may be taken for wi e men,' and !n fact n,o, ooner. do some people small canine, own'd b· our II - 1 ~ small-pox rumors, we would room when he feels like it. We door neighbor, who bark \ - V admit that · this kind of thing 111 a posItion whIch would other eto that there ha' been but have be omt 0 ac 'n: tome I to of mall·pox in Iowa. City might be trying sometimes, but wise entitle them to con ideration open their mouths or set their pe~ that should it 'i\ \. would . year. The source of the in his foster m~ther, sister, cousin, know that 1l0mething 'riou wa fection is not known. There is no aunt, etc., mIght console them to paper, than their vulgar ignor ance crops out: they can no longer the matter with th - dOl-{. In fa t eTidence whatever of its spreading. selves with the idea that tliey we rather 'njoy hi bark for it ~ draw a long breath and were doing excellent home mis command even a small mea 'ure o( respect." He calls us a fool. Now evidently aflords him, va L amount ~ your color. Don't noise it sionary work; for we know of no of nmu 'emcnt and w' know that' &rooDd that the Univer ity town of ~lass of individuals actu~lly spoil- when one individual calls another lOla' alarge mall-pox scab, be 109 for a shower of socIal graces a fool, it is neces ary, unles hi he i too cowardly to bite. with cholern,, like a set of college students; not reputation for truth is beller than likewi 'we ay to the Prcs , bark onl lump! and yellow fever, until you to say but they have sociability that of our Scllolastic friend, to Knight'~ . IlI&nh"I>f'. bo" something about it. and the elements of true polite prove his statement, and if he fail AlexondM ('h lin r' . AItIPflf n tAlld&rd. to do this, the judgement of the n,ce' , (1811 I 81' .. ness. They have both j but these lark Wright. 11 "",1, Qt,lTE a number of students need the polish of use. A college public is that he himself is the Sing r. Ik·I1' • Avon. ('"Ulrf. arailed themselves of the custom graduate ought to understand fool. That he attempted to prove ciNeII' Year calling. We have men as well as books. A farmer his statement and that he succeed FOR THE LIBRARY, ~d some citizens say that they may understand the working of ed admirably in proving himself No 10lld lnlking I l'tniltcd. did not think the students as a his plow thoroughly; but, if he is the fool, will be een from the fol Tho LiUl'lll'y i. 0 n to '!lior appreciated the kind en in total ignorance of the nature of lowing extract from his reply: and gl'lldllut during lihl'tu'y hour. dta~O( of the re idents here to soil he plows, scanty crops may "That the fellow is ignorant as tud nt from OtlWI' cia '«, d make their Btay socially plea ant. make hun poor. But what we well as vulgar- ignorance and vul· siring to Ulflk xlIllIinlltion f til ~e think they are mistaken. It started out to say is that the stu garity are generally found in com library for Lllly pc illl pllr[lo quite el'ident, upon the slight- dents have had few occa ions for pany- is evidt!nt from the fa ct lU lLy be ad 111 it! '<I 011 obtuinltlg pel' reBection, that a student, if he rendering more thanks to the citi that he cannot quott! eight word mi ion of tb Lihrllri(Ul, iItends a he hould to school zens of Iowa City than for the from Shakespeare grammaticnJly. d~, has not the time to comply manner in which their New Year 'Damned be hilll,' he writ ,s, 'that with the demands of modern social calls were received. We hope first crie , Hold, i:nough I' It i klCiety. Apparent neglect, in his that the mutual sympathy between evident from the above passage ~ d?CS not mean a lack of ap students and residents may long that the editor of the Scholastic bufCIabon. If society has any continue, and that more import knows a little about hakespeare G&OO, ency for its offenders, let a and English grammar in general as or ance may be attached to social gracious forgi veness be conceded development. he does about history, for did he Ie Monumrl~ to a student for any real or ap not he certainly would not have r:"t w.rong.