. -- THE A N TI S LA VERY; BUG L E. j point to the friends of the slave. The for- -to use the ad- - ehall never him language of her incomparable nity for ail who From, March Fort Chicago Railroad that the Federal Government wish to do eo, t etcere for the Pittsburg, Wayne and having nted for ft paper tiieta aow tkec; and although "She is the living of en-- j [...] f.,. --l.i, Rt.ar lis. Sum.. ao party wonder this stives by th payment of $3, obanee in the CURIOUS FUGITIVE SLAVE ARRANGEMENT. li it I evidcr.t we, might do the age ; who WINTER assumption, or question that of the Weil, all consult her are ostonisbed tribulioa. of sha Ate Journal eaar. MARSHALS it,.u'juiuiidt(bi tr OUTWITTED. WEST. git With far less sacrifice to our- - at truthfulness of Ler information predio- -' authority.., ., , ,.. ; , uud and an? on of ih. hlnh tha AhmIi. ibe v, nr.in OnAMonday evening Mail Train leave. Pittsburgh, 1.40 ' to seltes than it has cost her, yrt she has dune what tln f eitisene in tb violoit of All jhie may have be ."rioi of Irue metal,' lion has published Tot lie members. ' it Talk Third and Fourth I t Columbiana,' tUm, but le me. il 1 at "sounding brass," she eould uncomplainingly. She left alio with about lack of skill and dearji vf opportoni. etreets were alarmed by hear- init,f I I SaUrn, - expressed determination if the needs of ty, or want of - ing load noises in the yards at tbe their S.llttal' or "a tinkling cymbal." If the people accept of the thai capital being any reason lor an un The- Atixtic Monthly for April re a neaelly rear of t" :f here, successful dwellings. Tbey discovered men sealing I Alliance, . to the South, il wilj be the Cause were not met she must return at busineal it is all muoniliina So tbe ease with tbe Ueues of tbat work, ft bead of two tVr;lat aueiiHetragnaf Arriving in Chicago, 1100 ft aa jhe contr't,vanee of politicians, who no distant period, and resume, with such strength metier what may be your ability or inability for time, and it may be Io more aansee than one. fenees and otherwise demeaning themselves In a hrough Il ' ; 1 - be eery emtio ; Expree Train leave Fitteburgh, 1.40 ' to turn aside tbe question o( tho bout. as Ood should give her, the labor that must business, do matter what your condiii.niu life, contains th eonolasion of The Profeeaor't Story, and inexplicable manner, A gentle f t t Columbiana, ' 4. 4 done in the West tbo reinforcement and defence consult Mrs. V., and, according te bor advertise Th Reign man of that distriot, who bad been Ibue wakened f Butlellhieboaooimplished, the "flaicn .land" of King Cotton bat be tit eonoluelon ' - ' 8.01 . ol i s poisihle v. e rccord-r"A- from a sound sleep of i i i Salem, ) , can end will be enaily enapr neuuder, by the Sumter, denying the existence ei ment and dou'l go behind the H 01impss of Garibaldi, Charleston aader arms, iato vision burglary and i ' murder, i t Allisnoe, .8& aa rav, fcttelligeol free net of Ibe North, whe any military necessity" that calls for its evacua- those who bud bad luck consulted her. their bad together with it asual aaoaat of ether literary eeited a masket and drew eight upon tbe f luck left intruders. Tbe Arriving la Chieage, 10.40 a at . determine, tan to ore of them, to amend the tion and surrender. thorn, and ihoy aro now fortunate, rioh, excellencies. ., ,. , , . latter ealled out tbat they were YK u, Alliance AoooarmedatTovi leave '. to abol-ia- b eniincut and happj. 'fo all iu. ad- - not thieve, bal United Statee marshals on the . Constitution ep to euthor'ue .Congress business her In tbe May number Harriet Beeeber Stow will vice ' is track of certain English The .' pan UVioo. .. , , Invaluable. can loretel'. with tho housebreaker. Pittebo, Slavery ju the Ste'cs of this RIGHTS. he, ovmmeooe a new remance entitled, Agnes of 8or ld 1 1 greatest musketeer thereupon descended to the and i t I Cotambtattfti h 62 a Though 1 amol rejuUie in a victory aobievoo), ocrtaiuty the result ol ull commercial rento, which will be continued each mosth yard, It Is some since eomtnOnicatcd the was made acquainted with A t i t Satem, 8 .JO (ft ' feifieti4 with thoee In bond another struggle timo I frith uuu uusiness irantacuons. Allauiii :inip was throughout the following facts t f V are the year. :,Tb Profeor'a Story den AUianee, .0O sws day friends of this Cause, through tbe BuyK, because not a circumstance to Mrs. V. confidential female servant in the family of a gen Arrive at i till, firmly and devoutly believing; that "the eluded io the prestat Oumber-rEls- ie Varner bas 1 bsd to on Tou we tleman uf Washington, D. recently eseaped , . nothing detiuiio sny, this subject. If thoniht wo ojuld extend Mr;. V' C, of their deliverance n at bend." . , euliere bsen Issued in book form by Ticknor and Fields, GOING EAST. ere all well aware tho sgitatioa you bnve of usefulness from her owners, and was reoelved into tbe that by publishing ber advertitouiont en the publishers of tbe monthly. ;Tbe Professor, fm Mail Train leaves Chicago, 6.60 , helped te ereate by etfoulacin petitlotis, and by tire, it is possiblo we do ily of a certain high constable of thie city. Tbe f might so. It she eould whose nam and fame are eo closely Identified t i t Alliaooe, 11.30 si as) , discussions io your several localities, togotber be located in or in woman was1 said to be nearly while, of some per- Indiana Washington, or in both with tbe history of tbe Atlantic, will of, course, I : t Salem, 1125 aa , (Jije';'anti-0lttr)tr- fi with tbe labor of the effioient leotuiing corps we place', . which sonal attractiveness, and intelligent beyond ber - Bugle. perhaps would be poiblo with continue his contributions to tbe work, t t Oolumbiana, 12.AO p aa have had io the field, have created the most bene- soch amamllous persouage.she might race. ' She dwell with the high oonstable a afore accomplish Arrive in Pittsburgh, 3.40 a . at ficial sulutary changes. Never, said Monday, results the most a work that would save, Dispatch Gaz, until at noon, when a neighbor, ' in the cue placa, a vast Special to Cincinnati 25th. Expr Train leavos Chicago, S.10 a an j "taoTOinea n ACTOR ButtaV perhaps, was work m r fully recognized than amount cognisant that th bad been a slave, appeared of logal labor, and ia tho other, would ad at - 10.30 OUTLAW." Juba Brawl of Onwataala. AFFAIRS AT FORT SUMTER. j t i Alliance, p ours bas been this season. Maov are tho congrat minister much convolution to - tbe noose to warn ber tbat tbe m area a is were disnimoiuled uffioe- Mr. Fox, I t t Salem, 11.09 ulatory letters I have received upon the success of tbe Uovernmenl messenger eent to upon ps seckers. As she "uiakes the ber track. Sbe was forthwithremoved to 11-3- r-- ji - p r OHIO, MARCH 30, 1861. ' Muj. Anderson, reached bare to-d- from Fort Columbiana, 5 m W SALEM, our movement and these, friends, I am eery hap would suggest to the or Third and Sooth streets, and aftcrwarde to a re authoritiui Indiana that Sumter, and will hie Arrivee in Pittsburgh, 2.30 a a py to with yoo, for it is eo-o- make teport He shari your hearty they Invite Mrs. V, to reside in that end mote part ol me atate. Abe marshals baa as III Suae, report thai Maj. Anderson can bold Alliance Accomodation leave r. ON-SUBSCRIBERS RECEIVE eration tbat I regttrd as most important and effec- refer to her oat but sumed the of this woman aa crown all applications fot divorce, whiob the 8.50 ', 1 few days longer, and it is believed that Mr. Fox AUianee, a a TO THE BUGLE. tive in the Cause. If only hnd time to write woulJ, of course, result in the entire ing exploit of their term of administration. Hav fusion ol left Maj. i i . 6.45 aa a hundred privato letters, 1 could liy befure the orders for Anderson to evacuate on eome i Slem, J manj before diverse partiop;. and instead of bun-die- ing traced her to Third and Sjuth atreets, they decline receiving tbe day this week. Telegraphic advioea ht i t Columbiana, . 7.23 a a , y need not of you a multitude of interesting facts, in relation leaving lrom imagined no difficulty the labor of t tbe. State with lUeir matrimonial in the night, 11.4a aa fearing that they will be oalled upon to pay to the dotail of our campaign, about your own Charleston, state that nothiog like evacuation is Arrivee in Pittsburgh, a Bogle, bonds severed, "the L'ni.n would be preserved," - but extraordinary vigilance upon the part of th ept copies going on yel. it.' We send no paper-exc- gratia array of iufl jenlial names you RAILROAD fpr petitions, and the and tbe blessings uf the united would full iu khow-er- s slave (rustatedanj attempt upon her freedom. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH to eaob ol u'nlesf paid fot Sn adtance. So we say sent to the Legislature, the effoot upon your mem- upon the head of Mrs.
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