Present Year He Has Been Stationed in Connecticut, EUROPE. | |L

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Present Year He Has Been Stationed in Connecticut, EUROPE. | |L * g FEW youK HERALD, MONDAY, J ULY 81, 1871..WITH SUP1'LKMENT. y i ii "NEW YORK HERALD Tk« BxplNtM of Ike Mut«a lilnat Tie accident upon the Kockaway steamer the Ifut<-hin«*.- II»Ney.VFnrdHI. Peculiar Political NoTdmen^ la Prance. Ferryboat. other day induced us to ask the question of One of the most plain, practical and direct The political situation in FrartOe does day EUROPE. broadway and ann htbrkt. The city was startled with & new horror the officers of these steamers, collectively, preacher* in the Brooklyn pulpit is the Rev. after day become more and more complicated. Hiram flutchings, pastor of the Baptist chnrch The discussions and tbe combination* are yesterday. A sensation like an electric shock What are means of JAMES GORDON your preserving in Bedford avenue, over which he has watched and HcinUf Sperial from BENNETT, oar as news equally mysterious incomprehensible. Report passed through people the first of life iu case of an explosion, a with care affection for more than |l puoi'rietor. and The after a show of | paternal Bourbons, making London. II the disaster on board the Staten Island or fire? Hare you fully collision twelve years. Mr. Hatchings is a native of The moderates and Terryboat disagree. agreement, > t«iu« xxxn n». 91a Westfield found its way to the public. with the regulations of the Boardcompliedof New York, and is about fifty-eight years of the left in th« Assembly makeextremistsan There has been no so with of age. His sturdy and uncompromising to harmonize their views and act ram. calamity replete Supervising Inspectors of Steamboats, attemptDEMOSSTRATfON IN HYDE PARK. I mmmm both privately and publicly, at the but do not succeed. But M. g horror, with so long a list of casualties and of issued the of the patriotism, they together, WOOD'H MTSKI M, Brondw»». r.*nir Snth *t.-Porform- by Secretary recentlyoutbreak of our civil war him Thiers succeeds in all In these «oc<« arurooon and erenlui.Tiokkt o» Lkavi Man. such direct woful brought that, trying interest to the dwellers in Treasury ? Had the explosion on the West- before the public and gatheredprominentlytimes, he attempts. He courted Gambetta, The to Prince Arthur's Pro- H BOWERT THEATRE. Bowery.-TnBoroH Br our own as tbe since the Opposition Dcap Shot. DaTi.iuut.Tuk city, present bloody field occurred twenty minutes later she would audiences which crowded his church every and Gambetta has become bis sworn friend. riots of 1863. The Statcn Island and hundreds of the men of He an imitator of Allowance a Failure. U TOUT PASTOB'8 OPERA HOUSE. No. 301 Bowery ferryboats have been out in the river, two or three Sabbath, young proclaims himself George posed ltOCNTAIN KlNtf- DlTCHKAN'i llH'HJT. Till bis church and of the were are practically excursion boats, and are more feet from instead of mooredhundred neighborhood Washington, but clings to the Orleans Princes shore, being his and to OLYMPIC THEATRE. Brua.lway.SOUhlln**.N*w crowded on at about by eloquent patriotic appealsinspiredwith the fondness of a father Either the ("IMtt ANt> DlM'la. Sundays, and especially to her and wholesale would of the Lord dock, drowning leave home and friends aud march forth in President feels himself very strong at the head Banquet Mayor « ' . the hour when than WALLACE'S THEATRE. Bro»d.Tay an 1 13U» »tr*»L this explosion occurred, have added most to the those terrible in defence of and on It l. MB. fearfully mortality days liberty of the republic or he is very determined of London. 1 at to any other time. There are said have list. Was she providod with the lifeboats and justice and truth. As a theologian Mr. k restoration. The dinner given in London NIBLO'S GARDEN, Broa<lwaT.ACBOM TBI is not excelled of his brethren INT. CONTI> been at least four hundred people on board, life preservers required by these regulations, by any Hutchingson Saturday to the Count de Paris by the UNA BDWIV.S THEATRE. No 7Ju Broadway.-KtLl.T most of them seekers in the ministry, and he always preaches Duke de Broglie, French Minister at the Court Speeches of Minister Schenck 1 A lcon'h Minbtbele. pleasure going and are all the excursion boats fully supplied extempore. His sermons are didactic and of St. James, means one or other of these two and Mr. Gladstone. to pass the warm hours of the with the same? These are that fl MR8. T. B. CONWAY'S PARK THEATRE, Brooklyn . questions elaborate essays upon the most there is the ClIIAUTTK. Sabbath afternoon in the grores things. Then, again, astounding genial shady ought to be answered at the coming issues of everyday life andpracticalthe announcement Hint (Jimbetta and Faidherbe, CEXTBAL PARK GARDEN,.TuCOnOB* TllOMAS* of Staten Island. With this crowd of checrful relation of to those ttummkb Nlt.uyh' COSOKKTS. We cannot help the catastropheinvestigation.that religion issues, and Chanzy and MacMakon, and the Due THE WASHINGTON TREATY. J boat was to and his illustrations are often so as to hearts on board the just ready has just ocourred.we can only monrn that. quaint d'Atimale and the Prince de Joinville are all when be almost ridiculous, but at the same time for the steam out of her slip at Whitehall, but catastrophes like this are always required working together harmoniously WITH SUPPLEMENT suddenly they are full of the pith and marrow of his of the French army. If M. ThiersreconstructionA Bond Which Will Link and the terrible crash of an exploding boiler to warn as of a that be England general danger may He is as thoroughly conversant withsubject.the means to maintain the he is New 1MJ. broke the and the boat was rent republic daring. \ York, Monday, July 31, upon air, impending, and we may at least benefit by the Bible as children ordinarily are with their If he means to restore the House of Orleans America in Perfect Harmony. from stem to stern and from upperworks to primers, and he can recite text after text and he is daring. But, whatever he means to CO!*TE!m OF TO-DAY'S IIIUUI). warning. do, and the of hearts became chaptcr after chapter upon any doctrine or we must admit that as a reconciler of keel, throng merry Km Klax Ontraffcb and Mob* la Pagb. Neiro with an ease and that is he a AFFAIRS IN FRANCE. a mutilated, bruised and duty volubility parties is wonder-worker. conflicting I.Advertisements. suddenly struggling, tbe South. a man nervous | Advertisements. He is of highly astonishing. 3.Egvpt: Misrule of the Khedive: A Horrible dying mass of humanity. Some were thrown The very virtuous radicals of the and earnest in the OBZTVAR7. Case of Cruelly and Extortion.Military exceedingly temperament Generals Summoued to Relative Wickedest Minister-More ChltChat.Thein the water, some on the piers, and some were Committee who are pretendingCongressionalto of the duties and obligations of enforcementthe Imperial Testify in Nevada.A Man Shot in Brooklyn. the John Klidull. ('laving Kuciire in Church.MarriagesLyncUtngaud pinned by the splinters of iron and wood to alleged Ku Klux outrages ininvestigatethe Gospel. He is a man of fine physical frame to the Conduct of the Late War. A telegram Trorn London apprises us of the death Deaths.Advertisements. South, aro it to a and and can stand as much hard 4.Religions: Summer Doses of Christianity; the wreck, while many remains ready, appears, report appearance of this prominent politician of the lute so called Plain Talk for Plain Practical of horrors. are work and does as much of it in his Slates. is his demise People; to seen.were at once under the budget They alreadystupendous pastoral Confederate It singular that of the Churches by the "Upper Ten;"DesertionAn yet be buried should for the orange issuing semi-official statements to that effect. and ministerial relations as any other minister follow so soon afler thut of his Tormer fellow FRANCE, ENGLAND AND AUSTRIA. Apoloary Riot; Pulpit debris and beneath the troubled waters Mr and the Benefits Thereof.The Exchanges True, they have not had much time to in Brooklyn. Mr. Hutchings possesses a very Commissioner, Mason. c nference. ConmoDoUtan Though identified so completely with the lost a-The Cosmopolitan Conference (Continued from In the slip. Without a moment of the matter; but party and political sympathetic nature, is exoecdingly fond of Fourth Page).United Italy's Sons.News front investigate cause, Mr. SlMcll was a native of the city of New The Representatives or the Three Power® Wa^iinutou.The Conference of St. Vincent «le thought or an iuslant of preparation necessity urges au early, thrilling report children, and all tho little ones in and around York, where he was born lu the year 17or., as a n.njr,..*.k«.t i.;« .....1 i.;.n to Meet lit Versailles in Paul.The Raveniwood Insanity Case.News against those villanous, incurable white iii'uiuiu uvruur auuiu uiiu nuu aisn uuu young man he was an actor in an adventure rattier September. ( from Mexico. Cu'ja and California.\\ itcR< raft persons were sent to their account,fortyfiveand v;nu^ Revived.Spiritualism and l'ree Love.Music "aecesh" of the South and in favor of the poor as affectionately as if be was a father unto gallant than respectable, and which resulted in ana the at a hundred more were bruised and a duel with Mr, Stephen of the old Drama.Distressing Accident probably This is evident from the them. He is a man of and liberal ideas Trice, Isiip.The J uvea lie Homicide Po9t-Mortem.
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