Famed Missionary Story Is on the Big Screen Duced a Related Video Documentary, NEW YORK (AP) — Far from Versions That Are Credited with End- Aunt Rachel Died in 1994
Colby Free Press Friday, January 20, 2006 Page 5 Famed missionary story is on the big screen duced a related video documentary, NEW YORK (AP) — Far from versions that are credited with end- aunt Rachel died in 1994. When he “Beyond the Gates of Splendor.” home, five American missionaries ing internal warfare among the attended her burial in Ecuador, the died in brutal fashion: speared and Waodani insisted that he leave his Today, Steve Saint estimates, 430 Waodani and ensuring the tribe’s This story goes on and on.” of the 2,000 Waodani are baptized hacked to death by tribesman in the survival. It also inspired genera- business career and take his aunt’s Christians but he worries whether dense jungles of Ecuador. tions of people to follow the call to place as their helper in dealing with the tribe can maintain its identity. That nightmare moment 50 years become missionaries. “ David Howard, the outside world. Saint now di- “Their existence as a church and a ago this month evolved into a re- In another improbable sequel, vides his time between the jungle former director of World Evangelical Alliance culture is very tenuous,” he said, markable example of reconcilia- one of the killers, Mincaye, became and Dunnellon, Fla., where his non- due to encroachments from the out- tion, and one of the most influential a virtual substitute father to Nate’s profit Indigenous People’s Tech- incidents in 20th century Protestant nology and Education Center (I- side world. son, Steve Saint. The two friends the brink of cultural extinction,” mission lore.
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