GREAT COMMISSION KIDS “Hey Kids, Remember …” g KIDS C Issue 32: Five Martyrs They Gave Five Missionary Their Lives Martyrs Why would these men risk their lives to take the Gospel to a tribe who had never heard about Jesus? Because they believed This To get GC Kids in your postal mailbox email verse:
[email protected] subject line: “GC Kids subscription” “Jesus died for all, that those who live To purchase multiple copies of GC Kids (minimum 50) order from should no longer live Copy ’n Print, Box 4566, Three Hills AB T0M 2A0, CANADA Ph: 403-443-7041 Fax: 403-443-2120 Email :
[email protected] for themselves but for him who died for Price printed, folded and mailed to USA : 50 copies about US$60; Can you imagine loving and living 100 copies about US$125. Please indicate number and title of the issues you them and was raised want (see front page). Contact Copy ’n Print for questions again.” with the people who killed someone in about international shipping. 2 Corinthians 5:15. your family? This is a story of some amazing people who showed Jesus’ love Download and print multiple copies at by forgiving the people that killed the ones they loved. It all began when missionary Jim Elliot GGGREATREATREAT CCCOMMISSION KIDSKIDSKIDS aims to nurture a love for missions that will and his wife Betty decided to try to contact encourage children to be active in the Great Commission throughout the tribe that people called Auca Indians in their lives.