A ' . as * > Mark Your Calendar... Sat., June 26 Call I I ** FDIG 8K5 ATTEND OUR BICENTENNIAL CIVIC FAIR 224-6811

rf* Clinton County News MAY 19,1976 22 Pages-2 Sections ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN 48879 20 Cents Bicentennial Their home is THURSDAY, MAY 20-The Clinton County Bicentennial Committee and the Clinton County Historical Society will their pride and joy meet at 8. p.m. for the dedication of the Campau Trading Post site at Maple >• By Patrice Hornak his hedges trimmed, his grass mowed and 'Wve worked hard," she adds, and they Rapids. A Tri-County historical marker :•: County News Feature Writer his shrubbery cut. have also'been active in their church. Mr. will be placed at the location, now owned They have a small garden and Mr, Sehlke Sehlke was an elder in their church for 11 by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gavenda, at 511 § Driving down Morton Street in St. Johns, still manages to get away to do some fishing years. W. Main Street. Councilman Al Brunner, ji people cannot but help notice one particular . now and then. At age 84 and 85, they have many happy ' is uncharge of placing the marker. S residence with finely manicured trees and moments to remember. They are thankful S flower beds. This is the 110 N. Morton St. they have been able to be together for 62 Dr. Dee Allen, a life-long resident of But, the Sehlke's pride and joy is their the village, verified the site, and :•: residence of Edward and Alvina Sehlke, who years, and when asked what their secret to. historical documents were also used. $ have been married for 62 years. home. "You never get a house on Morton longevity was, Mr. Sehlke replied, "Always Mrs. Beth Dean, who is compiling a local •:• The story of the Sehlke's is 5th in a series Street unless you save your money," says get some exercise. Never stop moving!" history of the area, received word this •:; of features about the longest-married Mr. Sehlke, week that Dr. F.H. Taylor, great-great :•: couples in Clinton County. The series is grandson of George Campau, (now of ;:« sponsored fcy -the Clinton. County Bicen- JT**. Grand Rapids), will be present for the ft tennial Committee. m&tfXik #*r A L 'Mm-,4- 1 dedication. George N. Abbott Sr., village g On April 28, 1914, Edward Sehlke and mm president, andv other Village and :$ Alvina Slim were united in marriage by Township officials will also be attending :•; Reverend Father E.H. Heinecke at St. the dedication and the public is cordially ;:• Peters Lutheran Church in Riley. Alvina •-.•* *...**, invited. § made her wedding gown of satin with a v. • After the dedication .service the £• beaded butterfly on the bodice, meeting will be held at the Methodist ;*• 'Following the wedding ceremony, a S reception was held at Alvina's parents Churchtfocated three blocks south of the , , . *u • main foyt corners. Shirley Craner will be ft house. Twenty sets of dancers, composed of in charge of the refreshments. >:• 8 people per set, danced the round and >•: square dance until 4 a.m., stopping at - CLASS OF '26 REUNION-The first :•:• midnight for a luncheon. . graduation class of Rodney B. Wilson £ Following the wedding, they set up High School will hold their 50th reunion i£ housekeeping at their farm in Riley Center, ,* qn Sept. 26, when the Clinton" County , xi where they lived for 33 years before moving './ A Historical Society sponsors its home i-ij to St. Johns in 1945. tour. A dinner is planned at the Colonial $: When they were building their Morton Kestaurantatl2:15, and reservations are 1 :$ Street home, Mr. Sehlke remembers having • requested by Sept.- 11, for more in­ >J to obtain a special "priority" permit to formation contact Mary '(WaodhariisJV :$ build, asjumber was scarce during the war. Welton at 224-4086 or write her at Rt. 3, *:• They had.an oil furnace and were forced to St. Johns. Others on the committee in­ § use coal until the* gas shortage during the clude: Helen Post, Jean (Anderson) •:j war decreased. Openlander.'Erma

start* STARTS Powiart Picture wtttnls Friday FR IDA Y NITE SPECIAL ABerryQopcrvFim BllyDeeWilliams Jean-PierreAumont FRIDAY (aimri 9:30 pirn: to to 12 > DianaiRoss NinaFoch BeahRichapds MartsaMelL Anthony Perkins*** Saturday rvlicl^fviassepJohnBvrumW ^(bhenaxiJackBaHapd BoryGordy CLINTON IN.PERSON - LIVE! ' - Mahogany Ippl^ttajHCnc^fflg'l ^souncl(^acha^da«£alW*ImttaD^*&^apfs| pBieMflcrf hG*c AParamartPiorc Sunday ADp $O00 Per THEATRE nliU £ Person / SHOWtlMES: May 21-22-23 Friday - 7 P,M. Showing Only $O00 '$100 CONCERT Sat.& Synday-7 8e9P.M. St.. JOHNS l 2 Adults X .Children 2A, CLJNTqiiLCOUNTY NEWS, ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN May 19,1976 Volunteer during Volunteer Week Next week is ..Natjonal Department of SoclaV Services, to assist the young, the old, the Some of the positions Saxton vices Board approval at the People who are clever and Maybe there are volunteers will be a need for volunteers to Volunteer We^fc £nd it' pffew i$ seeking volunteers for a needy and the disabled," says has open for volunteers include meeting in June. artistic are needed to teach arts who would like to become answer phones and'•do some residents an opportune time to, 'number of different positions Saxton. providing transportation to Babysitters are needed to and crafts in adult foster homes "friendly visitors." These clerical work with the program, offer their time and efforts to from tending t children in the - Last year in Michigan alone, those who do not have a car or tend to the children while their and handymen are needed to do friendly visitors are people who And, last but not least, one of the many worthy causes Social Services Children's 40.000 volunteers donated over are unable to drive themselves. parents are seeking a carpentry and plumbing and visit nursing homes, foster volunteers are needed to act as in the area, Corner to "adopting a grand- $250 million in hours to the state The state pays 15 cents per mile caseworker at the Social Ser­ other related simple tasks for homes, and aged persons and legal guardians for people who Candy Saxton, newly hired parent." and the list of ways a volunteer for transportation volunteers vices office. A special the disabled or needy people talk with them and show them cannot manage their money by volunteer services coordinator "We are currently recruiting can help is growing longer and and liability insurance is Children's Corner has been who do not know how to perform that someone cares about them. paying their bills and making for the Clinton County volunteers from the community longer every day, provided, pending Social Ser­ created for'their use. fix-it duties around their homes. They also remember those sure they have food and shelter. special birthdays that bring "We want a'nd need your help smiles to lonely people's faces, and support," says Saxton, Who "Adopt a grandparent" Is has been with the Social Ser­ 11 similar tp the friendly visitor vices Department since ifl7l. program, but it utilizes teenage "By volunteering your services volunteers to make contacts you get the satisfaction that 10 with aged people. Volunteers comes with being actively are also needed to work with concerned with community teenagers through the Big problems, a satisfaction that Brother/Big Sister program. bears no price tag," she added. Saxton is available to talk to BIG Hopefully, with many people groups in the community about calling the Social Services of­ volunteer .services and may be fice at 224-6751, extension 52,. to reached by calling 224-6751, ext. DAYS volunteer their services, there 52. SALE ENDS MAY 29th

No-Frost Refrigerator. •:•:•:; G.E. Blk & Wht. US Inch diaj.)

|| Portable TV Reg. $129 NOW ::•:•:; G.E. Blk. & Wht. (9 Inch diag.) 90 P Portable TV R.g$n9 NOW ;•;•;*; G.E. Undercaumer ) *88 || Dishwasher Reg $259 NOW $21900 $•:•; G.E. HiLow "Top of the Una" 00 I*: Double Oven Reg $599 NOW *688 Reg. $479 p& G.E. 40" {white) 00 :|:DoubIe Oven Range NOW *368 $$ G.E. 30" Smooth Top P-7 < * — »**«* P Range 1 only white Reg. $695 NOW ' *558 •:•:::: G.E. (2 only) _ . MODEL WWA7400P | Micro Wave Oven "&>$" AM* m :•:;$ G.E. 21 cit, ft. Doubla Door (ice maker In door) $C70oo m »Filter-Flo* System • Variable water level • Permanent Press Cycle j| Refrigerator Re9.$698 W • Balanced Load Control ;•;•:• G.E. 15.2 cu, ft. Dark Copper 00 • 5 Wash/Rinse-Temperalure •• Dependability — Coin Op 17.6 CU. FT. NO-FROST REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER j:| Refrigerator Re9.$429 NOWJ*348 1 Combinations prbven '.

New assistant prosecutor, Registry, an arm of the Marvin Robertson, began his government designed to track law duties in the Clinton County down fathers delinquent in their Courthouse the same afternoojr support payments, turned over he was sworn into the Bar^fie to the state some $50 million. G.E. had received his notification This is one of the few welfare saying he had passedythe law department programs that is exam on May l and on May 2 he saving the state money. "The DRYER took his oath at the Ingham state and federal government County Courthouse, have finally adopted the sen­ Robertson, age 33, received sible attitude that the burden of his law degree from the Detroit supporting a family belongs to ONLY College of Law in December of parents, not the state. So they 1975. While attending law school do everything they can to find full-time in the evenings, he parents Who are not meeting worked for the Michigan this responsibility," said Department of Social Services DeStigter. ) in Oakland County as a fraud In the Central Registry Office 198 investigator, food stamp alone, it takes 174 Support 14 8 CU. FT. FOOD FREEZER supervisor, county welfare Specialists to weed through the • Removable Oven Door DDE 5300P • 3 fast freezing shelves plus • Built-in lock with self-eject­ supervisor, A.D.C. supervisor ADC cases and determine who •'Porcelain Enamel Broiler \ top cold plate. ing key. and caseworker. they shouldHrack down. Then it Pan and Chrome-plated Rack • Foods easy to see and reach, • Interior light. While working.in Clinton is up to each county's • Tjit-lockCalrod Surface Units CASH REFUNDS ON with upright Storage con­ • Only 32" wide, 63)4" high. 'County under prosecuting at­ prosecutor to issue a court venience. torney, Jon Newman, Robert­ order requiring payment. Then • Full Width storage drawer MODEL CA-15D MODELJBS03 * son wiil concentrate his efforts the Friend of the Court official with clean sweep design AIR CONDITIONERS s • Bulk storage basket. to obtain support for women goes after the parents and gets • Rotary Infinite heat surface SAVE UPTO. 50ON G.E. AIR $ whose husbands have left them the payment unltcontrols , $ NOW with children to raise and no The state and federal NOW CONDITIONER PURCHASED ONLY financial means to raise them. government share equally in ONLY 209 297 \ support of this program. The . BEFORE MAY 22nd His position is funded under counties, where collection is the federally-sponsored actually made, are given half of Cooperative Reimbursement the federal government's Program which attempts to get portion. citizens off welfare by finding a Officials realize that there are WW VISIT OUR *50 negligent parent who is some women who would rather delinquent in child support receive ADC payments than payments. In the coming weeks give outinformation leading to w a secretary and investigator the location of the father of their will be hired to work with children. Because of this, they I BARGAIN SAVINGS Robertson in this area, offer mothers a little incentive Robertson is married and he to cooperate. If she does, she 1 and his wife, Margarita, have can receive up to $20. BASEMENT two daughters, Rachel age 1, For the first quarter of this BOND and Monica age 6. His family is year, the Central Registry I presently living in Pontiac Office reported a collection FOR SCRATCHED AND where he was last employed but total of $15,824,205. Projected tig Robertson hopes to find a home SLUMBER LINE for the full year, that means $65 ' DENTED USED MODEL AGAE908U for them soon in the St. Johns million for the state. The % Yours With The area. director said they are working The assistant prosecuting with a caseload of 115,000 plus RECONDITIONED attorney position was vacated there are another 60,000 cases i Purchase Of last January l when former for which court orders are APPLIANCES •'5,500 BTU/HR, cooling. > 10 position thermostat. assistant prosecuting attorney, needed. »115 Volts, 5.5 amps. Molded outdoor ,case, can't Pat Joslyn, left Clinton County Since the program started in • Hi-Efllciency 8.8 EER. rust. ; to become the prosecuting I ..• ,'J'thl^Wefe^s Special" i Qualified Ranges attorney in Tuscola County. 1971, the program has grown • Easy Installation. Dependable rotary com* from a collection of $16,970,000, pressor. ' According to a nev)"release |j NEW IN THE CAftTON m^ M M ' Ideal (or bedrooms. fromJtep. Nel DeStigter, vice- The second year it returned > 3 speeds Including quiet chairman of the House Ap­ some $25,872,000 and in 1973 that I BUILT-IN OVEN *149°°| "slumber speed" for night- and Dishwashers propriations Committee, last figure jumped to $39,055,000, It "" Dark Copper Color g§ time operation. SD1050SD95JB500 year the Office of .Central jumped almost $5 million to, fflfflfflfflfflfflfflmm vsssssss& $43,780,000 in 1974,

^F- . Receive degrees,

*i **• APPLIANCE CENTER, INC. GRAND RAPDIS - Aquinas The following students from College awarded 358 degrees at this area received degrees: Downtown St. Johns Phone 224-3895 Its commencement exercises Martin C.Ernst, 301 Church St, Saturday, May 8 at 2:00 p.m. in St Johns, B.A. in ReligioUs the Aquinas College Physical Studies; Luanne M. Thelen, R3, Education-Assembly Building. DeWUt,RaVst Johjjis, US, in A'yX-'it&'W&kltAlLilL Biology, Magna Cum Laude. Way 19,1976 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN 3A CLINTON COUNTY SOAP BOX DERBY


Everyone's McFavorite So come clown around Hamburger clown is coming with Ronald at St. Johns to town. Soap Box Derby Parade McDonald's You're all invited for Sunday, May 23 plenty of fun and a rollicking « good time. . 2:30 P.M. We do it all for youT M

© 1975 McDonald's Corporation MCDONALD'S OF ST. JOHNS *n CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN May 19,1976 - Clinton County News \*

fafy^X^X^X^X^#^>(^K^X&lS>XfQ>X^XQ>t(<^ Wendy Trierweiler becomes Kathy Patterson and Michael Pung bride of Mark Thelen married at St. Josephs Church Kathy Ann Patterson and Wendy Lynn Trierweiler and' Aloysius Thelen of 14350 Main1 broidered lace and, a long train. Michael Allan Pung announced .Mark Arnold Thelen were St., Westphalia, - The gown's sleeves were long their marriage vows during a united in marriage before During the double ring ser­ and sheer, and had a double mass held Friday, April Father James Schmitt at St. vice, Mrs. Caroline Spitzely and ruffle at the wrist. * . 30, at.St. Joseph .Catholic Mary's Church in Westphalia on her daughters provided the Instead of the traditional veil, Church In St, Johns before Saturday, May 1 at 1:30 p.m. nuptial music. the bride chose a hat em­ Father Hankard, Wendy is the daughter of Mr. The bride, given in marriage broidered with lace with a long The bride is the daughter of -and Mrs. Gerald A. Trierweiler by her father, wore a Camelot- veil attached in the back' from Mr, and .Mrs; Sherman J. 6Ttt76 Westphalia' St., West­ style gown .featuring a high which 4 long satin streamers Patterson of 124 W. Clinton St., phalia, and Markis the son of collar trimmed with em­ with 3 embroidered daisies on Ovid, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs,. Alvin (Dick) Pung of 405 W. Gibbs, St. Johns. Vases of white daisies, yellow roses, antique baby's breath, fern and candles decorated the altar during the double ring plain talk about ceremony which began at 7 p.m. Escorted down the altar by her father, the bride wore a Victorian ivory bridal satin your pharmacist gown with an antique lace bib front and sleeves. Pearl accents were on the sleever, bodice and lace flounced hem which flowed into a full train with matching How qualified Is the person titling your prescriptions? lace and pearls. Have you ever wondered how he or she got behind that A fingertip veil with antique prescription counter? Have you ever discussed your lace and pearls was also worn medication with your pharmacist? by the bride who carried a bouquet of yellow daisies with The answers, to these questions can be very important to antique baby's breath and yellow rosebuds. you and your family. They will help you take full Maid of honor wore a long . advantage of the service offered by this vital member of pastel blue halter dress with a your health care team. sheer jacket and she carried a Mr. & Mrs. Mark Thelen basket of white daisies and Q." How DID your pharmacist get behind that prescription antiqued baby's breath. The each streamer flowed, Her from Westphalia, and Jim bridesmaids wore identical counter? bouquet was arranged by Mrs. •Bengel of Kalamazoo; Gary Beth Schneider and consisted of Thelen of Lansing and Phil dresses but in mint green and \ A./ jtwasn't easy. To qualify for a license, a pharmacist must white carnations with yellow Scaeffer of Lansing, all friends all of the attendants wore complete a college course of up to six years, studying complimentary daisies in their Mrs. Michael Pung and orange rose buds. of the groom, hair. ' biochemistry, physical and analytical chemistry, drug A reception for 400 guests was were Terry Dean of St. Johns, gymnasium. Honored guests •Sister of the bride, Debra held atSt. Mary's Parish Hall at For the occasion, the bride's Tom Pung, brother of the groom were Mrs. Mary Bast, grand­ interactions, bacteriology, pharmacology, toxicology, .Trierweiler, from Westphalia, mother wore a blue floor-length from St. Johns, and Carry mother of the groom and Miss was the pride's maid of honor 5 p.m. Attending the-bride's .pnd compounding. Pharmacists also must serve an table were Sharon Arens, Dottie gown and the groom's mother Hambleton of St. Johns. Ushers Eleanor Warden, aunt of the * internship. And their education doesn't stop there. In and the bridesmaids were Patty chose a mint green floor-length were Randee Flowers and bride. Noeker! M Westphalia, 'Mary Thelen, Melanie Pline and Lou 'order to keep up with the latest developments in : Ellen Gross. Helping to cut the gown. Both wore corsages of David Hambleton, both of St. After a wedding trip to Thelen of Westphalia and Tina pink roses and carnations. Johns. Northern 'Michigan, the pharmaceutical care, your pharmacist Is studiously Roach of 1 arising, all friends of cake were Lu Ann Hengesbach, Linda Harmon, Threse Schafer Best man was Robert Immediately following the newlyweds will make their new 4 Involved in continuing education programs. the bride, and Patty Trier­ LaChappelle of Fort Lauder­ ceremony, a reception for 350 home at 206 W. Buchanan, St. r - weiler, cp isin of the bride from and Marlene Hengesbach. Honored guests at the dale, Fla., and groomsmen' guests has held in the St. Joseph Johns. Q."- How does all that professional education benefit you? Portland'. reception were Mrsr .Marion in January, 1975. munity College of the Air Force ozs. The baby has 2 sisters. while attending basic and other Q, Can the pharmacist help you with non-prescription • Grandparents are Jo-An and Barbara Mojtz Air Force Technical Training medicines? Keith Bishop and Janet and Barbara Jean Motzf daughter Schools. A. Yes. You should seek this advice before purchasing any "overrthe-counter" or non-prescription medicines. Many of tnese products are relatively potent. They are subject to misuse and, in alf instances, should be taken as directed.-They may intefact with prescribed medications fcriQyStifa that you are taking, Your pharmacist is thoroughly knowledgeable about the safe use of self-prescribed , medications and considers It among his most important ' professional services to discuss such matters with you, INING fc

Q,-;.But what about all your other questions? N

A, As we've saidt these are just a few important questions and answers. If you have any more, our pharmacist WE FEATURE CHOICE is ready to help. STEAKS AND HAVE ALL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS HOMEMADE PIZZA

We Cater to Small Parties, Wedding FILLED AT.... Rehearsals, Birthdays, Anniversaries. EVERY THURSDAY NITE: Your Family Owned Jewelet For 34 Years Spaghetti Si Meat Balls, Salad & Garlic Any Credit Terms To Suit You Bread; Hot Meat Ball Sandwiches, Veal .Parmesan. TRl-AMI BOWL REXALL EVERY FRIDAY NITE: Keg-lite Lounge Ptm't " DIAMQNqsNNEDDING FUNGS ij OPEN5DAYSAWEEKUNTIL5:30 FRt.TILL9PjVI. y '• , •', . • NOW 8ER VING YOU FROM 3 iOCA TIONS Perch and White 114N-Clinton St4 Johns Ph. 224-7443 Located on M-21 at Ovid Corners' .:*:•) Fish Dinners ' Phone'834-2341 ST. JOHNS FOWLER MAPLE RAPIDS i^5Pfe*-JiS?,{Sl •55 *-r u-^B May 19,1976 CLINTdN COUNTY NEWS, ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN 5A Marriage licenses Gloria Swanson

1 Ivan Eugene Kimmel, 38, 302 207 N. Oakland Street, St, E. Oak Street, Elsie; Margaret Johns; Connie Sue Myers, 22, weds Michael Marie Coon, 302 E. Oak Street, 1717 E. M-21, St; Johns. t Elsie. Robert Ivan Mikulka, 24, 220 Ronnie Gale Williams, 26, Union Street, Maple Rapids; Hackett in Bannister ',3820 Turner, Lot 84, Lansing; JillElayne Smeltzer, 129 E. Main St., Maple Rapids. - HJH'( cluney lace ruffles and long, floor-length' gown and corsage •Debra Ann Brown, 18, 15152 fitted sleeves also were cuffed of white rose buds and pink Josephine Street, Bath, Robert Michael Winn, 28901 N. Lansing Street, St. Johns; with a ruffle. carnations. The groom's Stephen Edwin Price, 21,2265 mother wore a bju'e floor-length W. Parks m. Lot 213, St. Sandra Lee Weber, 20, 210 N, •/'A A camelot cap of cluney lace t -•,f "^'^'-'trm - •**T gown and a corsage identical to John?'plane June Cook, 21, Kibbee Street, St. Johns. • trimmed with pearls secured Stephen Johp Tews, 23, 275 her double layer tulle veil which the bride's mother. * 2265 Vi. Parks Rd„ Lot 213, St. Attending the groom as best Johns. Dill Road, DeWitt; Jamie Lynn was edged with lace. She also VanDyke,20, 5501 Kaynorth, carried a cascade of peach man was Bill Stoy, friend of the William John Halfman, 24, R sweetheart roses and miniature groom from Lansing. Apt 11, Lansing. ST* 1, Kinley Road, Fowler; Shirley Gary William Rodgers, 35, white carnations, Groomsmeawere John Decker Ann Bierstetel, 22, R 2, Parks 3005 West Dewey Road, _ 1 and Jody Hettler, both friends Road, Fowler. Attending the bride as matron of the groom from St. Johns, Owosso; Marian Marie Wojan, of honor was Marcie Applebee, ushers were Rick Flegal of St. Donald Elmer Speck, 45, R 1, 43,1006 E. Walker St., St. Johns, friend of the bride from Alius, Crystal; Virginia Ann Brooks, , Johns and Joe Smith of Lansing, Charles James Doo Little, 25, Okla. The bridemaids were both friends of the groom. 26,7781W. Grand River, Grand 210 N. Watson Street, St. Louis; Carolyn Long, friend of the Ledge. Sharon Kay Karek, 19, 7544 N. bride from Elsie, and Karen A reception for 250 guests was 1 Charles Robert Parker, 30, DeWitt Road, St. Johns. Thomison, cousin of the bride held following the wedding 605 SouthBrldge Apt 4, DeWitt; Robert Paul Pingston, Jr. 21, from Watseka, 111. Flower girls ceremony hi the Elsie Legion Barbara Ann Pydo, 19, 605 13955 DuCharme Drive, DeWitt; were Karen Swanson of Ban­ Hall. Serving/as host .and South Bridge, Apt. 4, DeWitt. Mary Louise Pierce, 19, 314 nister, the bride's niece, and hostess were Richard and James Arthur Fritzsche, 23, Wilson Street, DeWitt. Angle Smith of Lansing, the Margaret Moore of Bannister, groom's niece. friends of the bride and groom. Punch and coffee were served Farewell party to honor Rev. The matron of honor and by Grace McWayne of Sheldon, bridesmaids wore identical HI., and Martha Brugger of floor-length empire waisted The Rev. and Mrs. David ficient for size of family. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hackett • Linden, aunts of the bride. Lisa Litchfield and family will be The Litchfield's, who have gowns of peach, trimmed with Smith and Gloria Hackett, both honored at a farewell party held the Elsie-Duplain Gloria Swanson and Michael Peach carnations and white white lace. In their hair they sisters of the groom, attended Wednesday evening, May 19 at pastorate several years, have Hackett exchanged wedding mums decorated the church wore peach carnations and the bridal table. Janet Swanson, 6:30 p.m. been assigned to the Grace vows on March 27 in a double while organist Colleen Wilcox, white.mums tied with white sister-in-law of the bride, United Methodist Church in ring ceremony performed by soloist Cathy Betcher and ribbon bows and streamers that served the wedding cake. A pottuck supper will be extended down their backs. served, rolls and beverage are Niles. Rev. Emmett Kadwell at the guitarist Jeff Hawkins provided Following a wedding trip to Bannister United Methodist nuptial music composed ,of They carried nosegays of peach Florida, the couple made their Mr. and Mrs. Royall H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Barry Miller of St. furnished." Families are asked His last service here will be 'carnations and white pom to bring own table service and June 6th and they expect to Church in a ceremony which "The Wedding Song" and home at Jolly Road in Lansing. celebrated their 25th wedding Johns. began at 4 p.m. "Billy's Song." and ivy tied with ribbon.'The The bride is a 1972 graduate of anniversary at a buffet dishes to pass with food suf­ move to Niles by June 15. flower girls- were dressed Gloria is the daughter of Mr. Given in marriage by her Ovid-Elsie High School and a reception given by their There were 150 guests to help father, the bride wore a silk identically and carried flower graduate of Lansing Business children, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis celebrate 4he occasion, which and Mrs. Rex Swanson of trimmed baskets of rose petals. Bannister and Michael is the organza gown that extended to a College. The groom graduated Miller of St. Johns, Mr. and Was held at the ZCBJ Hall in Engagement chapel train. The empire gown For her daughter's wedding, from St. Johns High School in Mrs. Dtoiglas Miller of Ovid and Bannister. son of Ruth Patterson of Evart the bride's mother chose a pink and Jack Hackett of St. Johns. was edged with scalloped 1972. Gillespie-Faccilongo

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver D, Gillespie of 8797 US-27, St. WLC closes club year Johns, announce the engagement of their daughter, ELSIE (c)--Mrs. John Murray Cole, who has moved program committee for 1976-77 tended the Village Council Charleen May, to Alberto Mario Zuckschwerdt and Mrs. Carl back to Elsie. She was a club year: Mrs. Pontack, Mrs. meeting in reference to setting Faccilongo of Bologna, Italy. Maynard were hostesses for the member prior to 1947. The Robert Bloomer, Mrs. Charles a Bicentennial Week. She W.L.C. welcomes them all to Holcomb, Mrs. Lucas Marten, suggested the week of July 10, The bride-elect is a 1969 last Women's Literary Club meeting before recessing for membership in one of the most Mrs, PaulPlatner and Mrs. Joe since nothing is planned for that graduate of St Johns High active, clubs in the area. Thering. time. The Council voted to set School, a 1972 graduate of the summer months on Tuesday evening, May 11, at the Elsie A report was made of the aside July 10 as -Elsie Bicen­ Kendall School of Design in President Mrs. Ruth Rasdale tennial-Week. Mrs. Rule also Grand Rapids, and currently Junior High School. opened the business session Clinton County Federation A potluck buffet supper was meeting in Shepardsville,, stated that the Historical Ass'n resides in Kansas City, with pledge to the flag and the is now planning a two-day served by the assistant Club Collect. Drifting snow, ice where Mrs. Jennie Loznak was hostesses, Mrs. Leslie Sturgis, elected County president for Antique Fair to be held during > storms and special meetings that week, the dates to be an­ R.E. BENSON Mrs. Donald Kenney and Mrs. resulted in a backlog of un­ next year's convention, which Al Pontack at tables in the will be hosted by the Elsie nounced soon. Mrs.. Nida finished business from the Dunham and Mrs. Renae cafeteria, There were eight new months of March and April. Women. PLUMBING Missouri, where she is em­ members invited to join. Three Thanks were extended to Mrs. Fatura are co-chairmen of the ployed as a greeting card artist were present for this meeting - There was an annual meeting Loznak, Mrs, Loyal Hinkley and Antique Fair. & for Hallmark Cards. Mrs. Dale C. Levey, Mrs. to elect officers for the 1976-77 Mrs. Gordon Jones, who were Mrs. Luella Canfield, former The prospective bridegroom Kenneth Miller and Mrs. Gary club year with the following re­ managers of the recent Spring Clinton County nurse and now a HEATING lis a fourth year law student Schultz and the other five will election: president, Mrs. Ruth Trading Post, which was a member of the Tri-County 'attending the University of be ready to attend when the club Rasdale; vice president, Mrs. financial success. Board in charge of the Easter Bologna, resumes meeting in the fall. Al Pontack; secretary, Mrs.' Mrs. David Litchfield Seal program, was guest 106 N.Clinton An August wedding is being They are Mrs. Gary Smith, Mrs. Don Kenney; and treasurer, reported that approximately speaker. The Tri-Cdunty is St. Johns planned by the couple. Don Huguelet, Mrs. James Mrs. Durward Conklin, $700 was collected by the club made up of Clinton, Eaton and Phone 224-7033 Sloat, Mrs. Gale Baese and Mrs. Mrs, (Rasdale .appointed-the women recently for the •Jngham. CLINTON COUNTY NEWS AmericanjjCancer^undiAin -$ Mrs. Canfield gave ai'.brie'f-w Second Class Postage paid at Elsie. There'-were 'flVfenen- ^history of the Easter Seal f,,r St. Johns, MI. 488ft, ir:,1<(i rj'.l ('.(«» ntunl) "^ hut; velopea^that na'd 'Wb&n program from 1930 when'it 2 MASTER turned in to Mrs. Holcomb and began in Michigan. It was Published every Wednesday Mrs. Litchfield and must be in' sponsored by various at 120 E. Walker St., St. A girl, Amber Lynn, was born Robertson, Lansing on May 3 at before the final report is organizations until about 20 Johns, by Clinton County Sparrow Hospital. completed. There was also a years ago when it became News, Inc. to Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Seelve of 702 Andover Dr., DeWitt on A boy, Neil Ernest, was born report that 20 Elsie women went necessary to reactivate the American-Standard to Mr. and Mrs. William E. through the Cancer Clinic in dormant Easter' Seal Society. All Subscriptions Are May 2, at Sparrow Hospital. Plumbing, Hot Water A boy, Christopher Michael, Thelen of 8214 S. Meridian, Ann Arbor the past year. This is Mrs. Canfield, in her work to Strictly In Advance Laingsburg on May 3 at a 5 year research study on improve health, extended Heating Clinton and Adjoining was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L, Carpenter of 5754 Sparrow Hospital. The mother detection of breast cancer. outside her Health Dept. duties, Counties-One Year $6.50 when she and Mrs. Gertrude Clinton and Adjoining Ridgeway, Apt 19, Haslett on is the former Roxanne Gendron. Mrs. Bloomer and Mrs. Lennox Warm Air April 30, at Sparrow Hospital. A boy, Jason Philip, was born Thering told of the bus trip to Beehler, St. Johns Schoolnurse Counties—Two Years gave the Easter Seal program Heating and Air ¥11.50 The mother is the former Darci to Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Wolf Rochester, Mich., to tour the 100 Lynn Easlick. of 5725 High St., Bath, on May 5 room mansion, "Meadow Brook new life and it is still going Conditioning Elsewhere in Michigan strong. It was necessary to -One Year $7.50 at Sparrow Hospital. The Hall" and evening dinner in A boy, Michael Shannon, was mother is the former Linda Sue beautiful dining room. merge with other counties to Outside of Michigan born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. -One Year $8.00 Green. Mrs. Norman Blakely and eliminate extra bookkeeping CUSTOM SHEET Henry of Lot 18,' Quiet Cove, Mrs. Mildred Whitaker and better the service with less Servicemen Laingsburg on May 5 at A boy, Clifford James, was METAL SHOP • (anywhere)-One born to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip reported on another community expense. Sparrow Hospital. The mother project, cement benches near Year $7.00 is the former Linda Bauer. Ray Weller of 7405 M-78, Perry The audience was given an Single Copies 204 on May 10 at Sparrow Hospital. the Bank, Telephone Building opportunity for a question and 52 Years Same Address Single Copies Mailed 60c A girl, Emily Clarice, was The mother is the former and Post Office. They attended answer period. born to Effie J. Wise of 1503 Bobbie J. Rutherford. - the Village Council meeting and presented the plans and received their permission. The 0 club women voted to purchase AT: %fm%Hnq faS6M* Like a good Service news two with a possible 3rd one to be neighbor, placed later if useful. Karen Larnacchia It was also voted to donate $25 Carefree Patervt State Farm 1976". Upon graduation from the to the Ovid-Elsie Area Summer Karen Sue Larnacchia, Recreation, Arts and Crafts daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Air Force's G-week basic there. training course, she will receive Program fund. The ladies also Charles Lamachhia of 1200 plan to donate usable materials Road, on April 28,1976 enlisted technical training as a Air Cool white pater* leather, soWy Passenger Specialist. to help out in the classes of arts in the U.S. Air Force's Delayed and crafts. Announcements will ooniortableand easy to keep Enlistment Program, ac­ She will be earning credits be made where needed cording to TSgt Robert W. toward a career Education materials may be left at drop­ looking great. Also Russet, Grunch, Air Force recruiter. Certificate through the Com­ off locations. Bone or White munity College of the Air Force Larnacchia, a 1973 graduate Mrs. Everett Rule, as a of DeWitt High School, is while attending basic and other Air Force Technical Training representative of the Elsie scheduled for enlistment in the Library Historical Ass'n at­ WHEREVER YOU DRIV Regular Air Force on May 21, Schools. THERE'S A STATE FARM "The World's Fastest The MOTIF $33.95 AGENT TO HELP YOU Building Brick" Right now. That's when you want car ZIR insurance claim service no matter where you Little or No Mortar Needed run into trouble. State Farm promises and BRICK backs it up with more than 12,000 full-time agents across the country. Sound good? Give me a call,



TRADES IN WHICH This Vocational Skill Training Program wqs TRAINING WAS GIVEN started in the fall of 1972 for .students from area high schools, who wished to Painting and Decorating gain entry in the building and construction occupations. Carpentry

The schools that send students Masonry to the program share in the costLof the Roofing program, issue home high school credit and furnish transportation. A Vocational Cerificate Insulation is issued to those students who successfully completed the program. Siding Plumbing & Heating These Courses Are Available To All High School Students Electrical Wiring

In Clinton County s H*f ' *j - .«„ Wall Board Application *^J* */ ••, w •v "*£i§ ,Finish Trim

r «% * r «v*fc V. *-* Flat Work SPONSORED BY CLINTON AREA


Dick Vitek Instructor CENTRAL MICHIGAN KARBER RICHARD GILBERT § LUMBER CD. BLOCK CO. KINGSBURY INGALLS, INC. Jerry Brunn • Bath St. Johns St. Johns St. Johns DeWitt 407 N. Clinton Ph. 224-2358 817 Church Ph. 224-2327 Rt. No. 3 Ph. 224-2893 6461 W. Howe Rd. Ph. 669-9636 Mike Clisch DeWitt Tim Elkins DeWitt BUILDERS RISK INSURANCE SIDING, EAVESTROUGHING FURNACE & PLUMBING BLUEBOARD PLASTERING FARM BUREAU SHUTTERS & ROOFING Ralph Ely DeWitt DUNKEL MATERIALS INSURANCE THEROARY Mark Eskilsen DeWitt PLUMBING § HEATING WESTPHALIA Ricky Hall Bath GROUP CORPORATION St. Johns BUILDERS Gerald Holden Ovid-Elsie 407 E. Gibbs St. Johns Ph. 224-3255 1325 E. Jolly Rd. Lansing Ph. 393-4000 807 E. State Ph. 224-3372 Westphalia Phone 587-3571 Fred Huntoon Ovid-Elsie PAINTING & DECORATING CABINETS, VANITIES, ETC. RANGE, HOOD, DISHWASHER BUILDING MATERIALS EdKluge Bath SUPPLIES MCDANIELS KURT'S RANDOLPHS •* HEATHMAN'S PAINT SALES CO. APPLIANCE READY-MIX SERVICE CENTER . Lansing *" St. Johns St. Johns St. Johns N. US-27 315 N.Clinton Ph. 224-3337 720 E. Shiawassee Ph. 482-0748 217 N.Clinton Ph. 224-3895 Ph. 224-3766 PLASTERING ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Congratulations for THE CLINTON COUNTY a job well done! NEWS CONGRATULATES BANCROFT BROS. SCHMITT ELECTRIC THE CLINTON AREA cawTOL saviriGS & Loan St. Johns w* wit nt [ni wn«. uwn», mjMi.pn sir/iii-nn BUILDING TRADES St. Johns MMK (•* (MB H LMH «'t *•* OU, It* LMH MIM *"H » ftmnw MI.IMHK tt/mh, nwwra* MII*M 1002 Ei State . Ph. 224-4277 PROGRAM Rt. No. 6 ' * Ph. 224-3597 CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU WHO MADE THESE BE A UTlFUL HOMES A REALITY May 19,1976 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN 7A OPEN HOUSE PARTICIPATING ADVISORY VOCATIONAL CLASSES Drafting .( COMMITTEE Terry Adams, Instructor Drafting Class - '•< ir:" St. Johns High School Roy Briggs Briggs Realtors Electronics Randy Humphrey City of St. Johns *•*• David Birdsley, Instructor Jerry Minarik James Moore Walker & Moore Doug Bradley Dale Mitchell Rollin Dunkel Plumbing & Heating Dave Cole Jim Pratl, Norman Rademacher Rademacher Construction Bob Ditmer Steve Purvis Milo Rowell St. Johns Frank Faivor Billy Roll Ed Schmitt Schmitt Electric r Jim Galloway Kevin Wright Robert Niemi, Dick Harmon Bill Zick Ben Wieber, i Dick Martin Dick Vitek Instructors Joe Brokaw Carl Kissner Ken Lashaway Vocational Director Phil Brooke John Richmond JohnCheeney Michael Smith School Superintendents: Mark Jacobs Ed Thelen Roy E. Ellsworth, Fowler Mike Jorae Al Villarreal Matt Kentfield Richard Vining .V Earl R. Lancaster, St. Johns : . *•• Donald D. Kenney, Ovid-Elsie Home Planning Class 5 - ., 'V-I-^ i Roy Thelen, Pewamo-Westphalia M> te *-** "**•' Audrey Casari, Instructor Bernie Wieber James Hixon, Bath Bernadette Arens ' Bob McQueen +r James Ritchie, DeWitt Sheryl Bauer Mary Martin e^^it IA-' Annette Fedewa Kathy Hengesbach Krissie Hengesbach Juiye Casari WP& Ann Miller Terry Raines Debbie Miller Zanna Hoskins Maggie Shepard Peggy Cook Diane Thelen Tim Campbell Mary Martin Photographer Landscaping Don Venderveen Michigan State University SPONSORED BY CLINTON AREA

I STUDENTS WHO Sunday, May 23 1-5 P.M. PARTICIPATED 514 Higham Street Pewamo Ben Wieber Instructor Ted Bengel Pewamo-Westphalia Mike Braun Fowler BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS FILL DIRT MASONRY Tim Campbell Pewamo-Westphalia John Cherpes Pewamo-Westphalia CENTRAL MICHIGAN - KARBER SIMON BROS. RICHARD Dennis Coble Pewamo-Westphalia Bill Darvarn Pewamo-Westphalia LUMBER CO. BLOCK CO. TRUCKING KINGSBURY Dave Fedewa Pewamo-Westphalia St. Johns St. Johns Fowler St. Johns Dean Fedewa Fowler 407 N. Clinton Ph. 224-2358 817 Church Ph. 224-2327 468 N. Maple Ph. 593-2377 Rt. No. 3 Ph. 224-2893 ,.,. Glenn Fedewa Pewamo-Westphalia Gary Fink Pewamo-Westphalia Al Finkbeiner Fowler BUILDERS RISK INSURANCE SIDING, EAVESTROUGHING FURNACE & PLUMBING . BLUEBOARD PLASTERING Brian Halfman Fowler FARM BUREAU • & SHUTTERS MATERIALS Joe Hanses Pewamo-Westphalia DUNKEL Joe Hopko Pewamo-Westphalia INSURANCE THEROARY WESTPHALIA DanJegIa Pewamo-Westphalia PLUMBING & HEATING Ken Keilen Pewamo-Westphalia GROUP CORPORATION St. Johns BUILDERS Gary Klein Pewamo-Westphalia 407 E. Gibbs St. Johns Ph. 224-3255 1325 E. Jolly Rd. Lansing Ph. ,393-4000 807 E. State Ph. 224-3372 Westphalia Phone 587-3571 torn Klein Fowler Dennis Knoop Pewamo-Westphalia PAINTING & DECORATING RANGE, HOOD, DISHWASHER CARPETING LIGHT FIXTURES Dale F. Koenigsknecht Fowler SUPPLIES Dale S. Koenigsknecht Fowler KURT'S BECKER MONTGOMERY Don Kramer Pewamo-Westphalia CLINTON TRACTOR Kevin Ludwick Pewamo-Westphalia APPLIANCE FURNITURE Robert McQueen Pewamo-Westphalia & HARDWARE WARD St. Johns John Mueller Fowler St. Johns - Fowler St. Johns Duane,Pung Fowler 108 E. Railroad , Ph. 224-3082 217 N. Clinton Ph. 224-3895 123 S. Main Ph. 1593-3500 308 N. Clinton Ph. 224-3243 Charles Raines Fowler Mike Schafer Pewamo-Westphalia PLASTERING CABINETS, ETC. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Robert Shepard Pewamo-Westphalia BUILDING MATERIALS 0 Al Smith Pewamo-Westphalia RANDOLPH'S Gary Smith Pewamo-Westphalia ^KEILEN PLASTERING HAGER FOX SCHMITT ELECTRIC . Clarence Spitzley Pewamo-Westphalia READY-MIX Jim Thelen Pewamo-Westphalia Lansing St. Johns Jeff Thelen . Fowler St. Johns Pewamo Rick Thelen Pewamo-Westphalia N. US-27 Ph. 224-3766' 1115 S. Pennsylvania Ph. 482-5501 Jjl002 E. State Ph. 224-4277 Rt.No. 1 Box 91 Ph. 587-6815 Stanley Thelen Pewamo-Westphalia Terry Thelen Pewamo-Westphalia WINDOWS & DOORS . Congratulations for a Tom Weber Pewamo-Westphalia Gilbert Weber Pewamo-Westphalia GUSTAFSON job well done! THIS PAGE BROUGHT TO YOU Pewamo-Westphalia WaynB Wieber tt BUILDERS SUPPLY Mike Wood Pewamo-Westphalia BY THESE Craftline Wood Windows & Doors caprro»MfcK111tutM«9H,l»fll*g.MHSKI,Ut savinGSt &sir/37i»l Loal n kMMC M* CM* !• UM| U10 (Ml CMT, Iwt IHK 9M S«* »WK » Haslett (j*n*iM**>niif*e*a,w tun cnw M, WI—BUMMM ^S--*' PO Box 207 Ph. 351-0221 ', > Mir-HI.—M.IIM IMMM" PARTICIPATING SUPPLIERS mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mKgm 8A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN May 19,1976 r DeWitt announces \U \J\ $ev# Phot V valedictorian, salutatorian Qttetittt 0 iWEUOQ features <^k ?to(e,'%MtoM> to -«^-* *™^yrt-t Historic DEwrrr V4 from the founded Oct. 4,1833 DeWitt Area

VFW, Auxiliary install officers

The DeWitt VFW Post and after the State Convention, Treasurer, Virginia Fowler; Deborah Taylor Linda Wiser Auxiliary #671 held a joint in­ which is being held at Sault St, Chaplain, Mary Woodard; stallation of officers on Wed­ Marie, June 24-27. Conductress, Nancy George; Deborah Lee Taylor, Deborah has ' maintained a Linda has maintained a grade nesday, May 19, at the Post The officers for the Post are:1 Guard, Myrtle Belbeck; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith grade point-average of 3.96 on a point average of 3.94. She has Home. The installing officers Commander, John Moore; Trustees: (3 year) Mary Taylor, S835 Tumbleweed Lane, 4.0 scale throughout high school been a cheerleader for 4 years, were Twila and Aaron Senior. ,-.'Vlce Commander, Weston, (2 year) Jean DeWitt, has been named,7as and has been a member of editor of the school newspaper, DeFreese, Past District 9 George woodard; Junior Vice Symonds, (1 year) Audrey "valedictorian, and Linda Wiser, French Club, Drama Club, Farm Bureau Scholarship President and Past District 9 Commander, Robert Stenzel; George. daughter of James and Marie College Club and National winner and a member of the Commander. Phyllis Goossen, Quarter rri'aster, Ernest The Post and Auxiliary meet Wiser, 1040 E. Geneva Drive, Honor Society. National Honor Society. also a Past District 9 President VanAlstine; Chaplain, Fred at the Post home, 126 North DeWitt has been named She plans to enter Valparaiso She plans to attend the Legal and present District 9 Con­ Coryell; Post Advocate, Robert Bridge Street, DeWitt, on the salutatorian of the 1976 DeWitt University and study Liberal Assistant Program at Lansing ductress, was the installing Hatch; Post Surgeon, Fred first and third Wednesday of High School graduating class. Arts and the Ministry. Community College. conductress for the Auxiliary. Belbeck; Trustees, (3 year) each month. The meetings The evening started with a Thomas George, (2 year) begin at 8 p.m. potluck dinner, followed by the Bernard Tice, (1 year) William The Post, with cooperation installation and then a brief, Weston. from the Auxiliary, holds Bingo DeWitt students to be honored separate meeting by the Post The officers for the Auxiliary every Tuesday evening. Early and Auxiliary. The Auxiliary, are: President, Linda Crowe; bird at 6:30 p.m., regular Bingo practiced the new floorwork, Senior Vice President, Frances at 7:30 p.m. They also have s reception aided by Phyllis Goossen. The Oberst; Junior Vice President, Pancake Breakfasts every new officers will take office Vickie VanAlstine; Secretary- Sunday, which consist of "all Can anyone in the county identify this house and this group of you can eat" of pancakes, eggs, LANSING « DeWitt students President of Lansing Com­ have maintained a 4.0 grade people? It was brought to the library by Jean Newman who found it sausage, and hash brown Ruth L. Henry, Lanah M. munity College, at the annual point average will be awarded among her late father, Glenn [Dutch] Haltermanfspossessions and Sheriffs report potatoes. Breakfast is served in McCarthy, Karen M. Simonsen President's Honors Reception certificates in recognition of thinks it may be somewhere in theDcWitt or St. Johns area.. the basement of the Post Home . and Barbara J. Towns will be on May 20 at 7:30 p.m. their academic excellence. The Clinton County Sheriffs $150 from, the Jane Larson from 8 a.m. until 12 noon. honored by Philip J. Gannon, A total of 118 students who President Gannon will in­ Dept. has investigated the residence, 2785 N. Airport Rd., Adults, $2; children under 12, troduce Robert A. Fisher, Dean Pardee performs following incidents during the St. Johns. $1.25. of Development and Operations la st'month: at Cooley Law School, who will Theft of hand tools valued at Its not just be guest speaker for the $441 from a tractor tool box evening, and musical en- in "Macbeth" belonging to Dan Faler, Stone a good idea. • tertainment will be provided by 'Rd., Fowler. Susan and George Alrich, who GREENVILLE, ,S. O. -- mencement activities. The It's the law. will sing several compositions Derick. Michael Pardee of three productions in the 3,000- Theft of a John Deere lawn in honor of our bicentennial DeWitt'will appear in "Mac- seat Rodeheaver Auditorium tractor trailer valued at $160, year. Beth" at Bob Jones University, are expected to be a sell-out. Dr. belonging to Duane Thompson, Greenville, S.C., May 20,22, arid Bob Jones, university chan­ 6922 W. M-21, St. Johns. He put GENERAL REVENUE SHARING PLANNED USE REPORT 24, The son of Mr. and Mrs. cellor,' will appear in his .out­ up a fence, but that didn't stop G$noral Revenue Shaimg provides federal lunds d iieclly to local and stalo governments -Tilts report oF tour-government's plan Is published Frederick Pardee of 1758 East standing character portrayal as . the thieves. They returned April toencouragu citizon participation in determining your government's decision on how the money will be spent Hole Any complaint* ol Ahvard Road, DeWitt, he is a the soul-torn Scot. 16 and took a 9.8 horsepower d[(criminalIon In (ha uie ol Ihaie fundi may bs tent to THE GOVERNMENT freshman, majoring in ac­ Bob Jones University, known Mercury outboard motor valued tht OKIca ol flmnut Sharing. Wain., D,C. 20226. OF DEUITT TOUNSHIP counting in the School of as the "World's Most Unusual .at. $770, .'The next night, PLANNED EXPENDITURES ANTICIPATING A GENERAL REVENUE Business Administration at the University, is .a liberal arts, - '- B.52u L ,340 somebody^ ,'juirfped foyer-.,'Hie 8 V i^prrAl?^. •(C) OPERATING ( . ,, ..... SHftlUHG,PAYMENT-OF •. ^V"'- ^^ ' • - M .*• " ^univferslty'.-R^;?^-"^^ * coeducafioliaiyiCMfiBtian 'in-- 'SOTfsa? '.-MAINTENANCE FOH \liii 'Seventh E?nUVem4hfi»eri'Q^,'3ufVl, lS^tnreSgi?' 'fence and tried to 'SteaUhVtrpat atttU_ „ i —.- ~* • -,., t stitution. , E'a'c.b^.year , (.h^ December 31,1976 t from which they took- the motor. t PUBLIC SAFETY. 4.221 PLANS TO SPEND THESE FUNDS FOFL THE PURPOSES The three performances by' university matriculates more Neighbors scared off the in­ SHOWN \' ACCOUNT NO 23 3 0 13 005 the Bob Jones University than 5,000 students who come truders. from every state in the Union 3 PUBLIC DEUITT TOWNSHIP Classic Players ' of JOANSPOBT AIlOS 13.119 and about 30 foreign countries Sheriff's deputies arrested TREASURER Shakespeare's tragedy are part 4,000 of the special week of com­ and territories. Eric Martin, 16,2312 S. Hollister CLINTON COUNTY Rd., and James I. McClelland, 780 E UIELflND RD 17,2490 S. Hollister, on charges LftllSlMG MICH 4S906 DEWITT of breaking and entering the Richard Kyser home, 2505 S, BICENTENNIAL PARADE Hollister. Taken was stereo CITY OF equipment. Trial wa,s set for (Dl Submit proposal) lor lundlng consider all on br­ 10:30 A.M. JULY 3,1976 May 27. DEWITT io „_ _. A copy ol mis Re-stocked the Store With US-27 DeWitt, Mich. LEO BALCER . Protection for Inboard.. .Outboard.. .Sail MODERATELY Priced . 11323 N. US-27 9:30 -1:30 No .Cover Charge Phone 669-9134 669-9996 Now you can have complete coverage fpr youri boat . .. Merchandise Dewitt Phone 669-2725 Saturday, May 22 jnboard ,, . . outboard . , . sail. Riverside's Boatowners Policy provides hull coverage, liability and medical pay­ Hawaiian Night With JOHN E. GRADY ment. Ge"t the companion policy to Riverside's popular HOWE'S SM ALLEY RED VANSiCKLE safe drivers save dollars auto plan. See us today and re­ member, ^afepoaters insure with Riverside. • ALLEN SALES-BUILDING- ' ' ' 9:30-1:30 GREENHOUSE LEASING-TRADES CONSTRUCTION LONG Sunday, May 22 WILLARD REED 2173 W. Cutler 8160 US-27 CANCER BENEFIT DANCE Funeral Service REALTY CO. AGENCY 3300 8 Different Bands - DEWITT PHONE 669-7604 Hitching I Li DeWitt Starts 3 P.M. - Til ? Phone 669-6465 DeWitt New Homes & Additions Post Rd. 111 S.Franklin Phono 669-9822 669-2851 Riverside Insurance Company DeWitt, Michigan Remodeling - Roofing 669-3538 REALTOmR FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 651 5308 »f .IMK-.FII BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN May 19,1976 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST, JOHNS, MICHIGAN 9A ^MyMifAirfh / Clinton County Deanery women meet in Lansing The Lansing Deanery Council During the morning business Following luncheon, the Rev, of Catholic Women will meet on session Mrs. Lockwood will ask Bernard Beahan of Fowler, Thursday, May 20 at St. Gerard for the submission of annual spiritual moderator of the Church, 4433 W. Willow Hwy., reports of each of the Deanery Deanery, will introduce the Commissioners Lansing (Delta Township). commissions. Also, brief oral Rev,. Raymond Goehring, Members and, guests may reports are to be made of pastor of St, James Church, register before and after the commission activities during the 'past year. Reception of Mason, 9:30 a,m. Mass. Singing for the these written reports is im­ Mass will ,be St. Gerard Father Goehring will speak proceedings portant to the work of the about the show slides of last Children's Choir under the Deanery, direction of Mrs. Teresa Lud. fall's Diocesan Pilgrimage to JWarch 2,1976 New officers who will serve i.Mrs. Joseph Pohl, St. Gerard Rome and other cities in Italy Synopsis of proceedings of Clinton County Board of Com­ the Deanery during the next two Guild president, will welcome during which time (Sept. 14, missioners meeting Tuesday, March 2,1976. years will be installed following all to the noon luncheon to be 1975) Elizabeth Anne Bayley n The Board met Tuesday, March 2, 1976, with all members the Mass. Miss Margaret prepared by the Kitchen Seton of New York was can- Madonna Circle of the Guild. nonized, thus becoming the first k(t s present. Taylor of St- Mary Cathedral parish, Lansing will take over Child care is available; mothers American-born saint. Minutes of the February 3,1976 meeting were approved. should provide children with a Duane Chamberlain appointed to meet with the Social Services the gavel from out-going sack lunch. A $2 donation will * Board and Donald L. Munger, Ag Instructor, St. Johns Public president, Mrs. Eugene Lock- cover registration, luncheon The meeting will be ad- Schools pre releasing County Farm and buildings to St. Johns wood of Williamston. and child care. journed at 2 p.m. , Public Softools. Meritorious Service Citations presented to Deputy John Criswell, Sgt, Robert VanGiesen, Del. Sgt. Richard May, Det. Arthur Hopp and Sgt Donald Kennell. \ Nunemaker graduates Appointed Government and Personnel Committee to serve on the "working committee" with Mr. Rod Miller and Community Graduation ceremonies for science degree in education on a Chairman, and Professor of Corrections Resource Program and the City of St. Johns on the 351 Saint Francis College physical education curriculum. Education, addressed the topic, Clinton County Jail Study. Six area students were guests of the St. Johns Rotary Club May 11 to receive their prizes as division graduates, including Margaret The baccalaureate service "Days of Future Past." Dr. Approved commissioners expense accounts for the month of winners in the club's 29th annual youth talent exhibition. Division winners received a savings bond and Nunemaker of St. Johns, was preceded the graduation Stella M. Crum, Professor of February.' plaque for their efforts while the best of show winners were awarded a bond and pen and pencil set. held at the Allen County ceremonies at 2 p.m. Father Education, completed the Approved payment of bills for the month of February (n the Division winners were, from left, Mary Pratt, Lisa Foy, Chris Weber and Rhonda Houska. Best of show Memorial Coliseum, May 8 at 6 Owen Gehring, OFM, address with a talk on "Facing the Challenge of Self." sum of $52,375.00 as'approved by the Audit Committee. honors went to Linda Thelen and Tim Estes, Bob Baribeau of Rotary presented the prizes. p'.m. She received A master of celebrated the Holy Mass in the Approved the following applicant under the Farm Land and Cathedral of the Immaculate Bachelor's degrees were Open Space Preservation Act: Richard S. Feldpausch, Conception, Father Conan conferred upon 117 graduating' Voted to table the motion to adopt the Resolution to set up an Taylor, OFM, was the co- seniors. Of these, 65 have (' Economic Development Commission until the March 30, 1976 celebrant. Father Conan was earned B.A. degrees, 21 1 meeting. also the guest speaker. He is received, B,S. degrees; 18 ( Middlebury News currently dean of Saint Leonard Voted to table any action on combining the Clerk's Office and received B.S. in Education the Register of Deeds Office. College in Dayton, Ohio. degrees, and 13 received a B.A. Presentation and dedication of the Freedom Shrine to the A trio of Saint Francis College in Social Work. county by the St. Johns Exchange Club. Sixty-four mothers and Years of Fashion" completed led by Rev. Kundinger. Rev. faculty members gave the main daughters gathered at the of Krouse Road were in Adopted Resolution regarding watercra'ft control on Lake the program. The benediction Brian and Jan sang, ac­ Kalamazoo recently where they commencement addresses. The graduate school Ovid. Middlebury United Methodist was given by Bunny Semans. companying themselves on Harold Gunderson, Professor of presented Master's degrees to Church Saturday evening May S attended graduation exercises Overway reported for the Government and Personnel Com­ Gifts were presented to their . Worden Garber at Western Michigan University Speech and Chairman of the 234 students. M.S. in Education mittee. for a Mother-Daughter Tea. Florence Garber, oldest mother showed slides of the recent College's Drama Department, was conferred upon 194 Following grace offered by when their son Richard, Martin reported for the Property Management Committee. "present; Monica Craig of Lake western trip they had taken. A received his" Bachelor of Arts spoke first on "Recollections students. Sixteen received M.S. Esther Tubbs, a dessert lunch­ Placid, N.Y. the one who monetary gift with many well and Reflections of Saint Francis in Business degrees, and 24 The Board approved installation of carpet in Circuit Court Offices eon was served from the linen degree. in the amount of $580.00. traveled the farthest; Helen wishes was presented to the College. Dr. Richard N. Avdul, received M.S. in Psychology covered table glowing with Potter, the mother with the honored guests. Group singing The Middlebury United a Saint Francis College Division degrees. Voted to sign a two.(2) year lease for rental of office space in silver and candlelight. The most daughters present; and Methodist Church honored the the Parr Building of $235.00 per month which includes janitorial of "Blest Be The Tie That programs were shaped like Rebecca Gazda, the youngest Binds" closed the program. graduates of the community at services, Bicentennial Belles and were daughter present. Committees a special program on Sunday Authorized Zoning Administrator to advertise for bids to sell Hosts for the evening were Mr. Christmas Seal cut from colorful wallpaper. in charge of the evening were: and Mrs. Russell Potter, Mr. evening, May 16. ( the 1972 Plymouth Fury. Bouquets of gingham spring Ethel Mulder, general chair­ The Middlebury UMW is Zeeb reported for ,the Human Services Committee. and Mrs. Richard Semans and flowers completed the decor. man ; refreshments-Hazel Mildred Brookins. invited to be guests of the Nobis reported for the Finance Committee. Presiding at the silver coffee Beardslee, assisted by Loreta Laingsburg UMW in the Pine I annou Approved hiring a temporary employee in the Treasurer's service was Helen Potter while Warren; decorations-Lorna room of the Laingsburg United Office under the CETA Program. There will be a bridal shower "At the close of the campaign, or 94% of its goal. Karen Potter was at the punch Semans; and Program-Bunny Methodist Church Wednesday, Michigan's 1975 Christmas Seal Voted to transfer $2,450 from the Contingency Fund to Circuit at the Middlebury Church May 19 at 9:30 a.m. for a May "According to the latest U.S. bowl. Semans. Bill Semans and Tom income reached a total of statistics, $6 billion was spent Court budget (Partime-Help Line Item 705). Moorhead assisted in the kit­ Friday evening, May 21 at 7:30 Breakfast. Mr. Thomas,of After refreshments, the group p.m. in honor of Rebecca $573,532," according to Mr. on health care for respiratory Voted to appropriate and transfer $1,000 from the Contingency chen. Bombay, India who is treasurer Ford Ceasar, Lansing, I. Fund to the Road Commission budget for the purchase of equip­ adjourned to the Sanctuary for Jordan. Everyone is cordially of the Central Treasury of the conditions in the past year," the program. Bunny Semans invited to attend. President of the MLA Central Ceasar said. "We thank the ment for use by the Clinton Development Corporation. Methodist Church or Southern Regional Board. acted as toastmistress and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beardslee Asia, will be the guest speaker. people of Clinton County for Voted to transfer $135.00 from the Contingency Fund to DPW welcomed the guests. Group budget (Line Item 831) for legal expenses. About 65 gathered at the A total of $5,999 was con­ their concern about lung singing was led by Clarice tributed by residents of Clinton Voted to transfer $200 from the Contingency Fund to Other Middlebury United Methodist diseases and for their con­ Semans. The toasts to mothers Church Friday evening, May 7, County, which is part of the tributions." County Property budget (Line Item 940) for increased rent. and grandmothers were given Central Region of the Michigan Gove reported for the Bicentennial Committee. to bid farewell to the Ray Monies donated to the by Jane, Donna and' Karen Mullins family as they left Birth Lung Association. The region, Michigan Lung Association Approved the following Mid-Michigan District Health Potter. The toast to daughters comprised of Barry, Clinton, Department's fee revisions: Fixed Establishments $40.00; Mobile Tuesday to make a new home in finance community services, was given by Helen Potter. Idaho. A bountiful cooperative A boy, Mark David, was born Mr. and Mrs. Val Berquist of Eaton, Gratiot, Ingham, Ionia, Establishments $40.00; Temporary Establishments $20.00. Kingsford and Mr. and Mrs. public health education, and Diane Lepior, accompanied at supper was served at tables to Mr. and Mrs. David Berquist Livingston and Montcalm professional education Accepted low bid of Schmitt Electric of $178.00 for electrical the piano by Glenda Davis, both decorated with spring flowers. , of Lansing, May 9, 1976 at St. Norbert Schafer of St. Johns, counties had a total income of wiring in Circuit Court Reporter's room. The mother is the former Kathy programs to improve the of John Wesley College, sang Richard Semans welcomed the * Lawrence Hospital. He weighed $107,058 including Christmas .quality of respiratory care in Adjourned at 5:00 P.M. several selections. A film, "200 group. Community singing was 9 lbs. 7 ozs. Grandparents are Schafer. Seal income and other income, /s/Ernest E. Carter, Clerk /s/Dyle Henning, Chairman the state. March 30,1976 Synopsis of proceedings pf^Clinton County^Sbard of Com­ missioners meeting Tuesday, March 30, 1976. u *r" < Th*e Board met Tuesday, March 30, 1976, with 10 inenmers present, l on vacation. •• Minutes of the JVIarch 2,1976, with 10 members present, 1 on vacation. Minutes of the March 2, 1976 meeting were approved as corrected. W/C/t TO Voted to send letter supporting the Meadowview Manor Nur­ Z CROP HAIL INSURANCE STOP IN AT OUR SHOWROOM sing Home. H m .) Approved salary adjustment for Jack Nelson, Zoning Ad­ 3J Insure Your Crops Before You Plant- ministrator, from Probationary step to Step l; also approved 3 AND s k promotion of Jane Swanchara into the position of Assistant County > Clerk. But You DON'T PAY For Your insurance Z Adopted the Resolution establishing a Construction Board of Z SEE THE BUICK THAT LEADS THE PACK Appeals. w Until After Harvest Approved payment of $100.00 to Randall Gilleylen for services c LU as weekend parent at Greenhaven. 3J Crop Hail Also Includes Fire and u Approved amendment of budget by*adding $3,000 for income > Z I from Commissary in Jail and adding $3,000 to line 726 in Jail o oc KEELEAN budget, ) m Lightning Protection Z) i Approved transferring the operations of the Soil Erosions W Buick, Pontine, GMC, Inc. Office from the Drain Commissioner's Office to the Zoning Office. z SALES HOURS: SERVICE-HOURS; Approved entering intoa contract for a computer study, cost of MMon.Wtd.Fil CHECK OUR LOW LEASE RATES S S Monday! r Call 224-7614 or Stop In At z 6-6Tu»i,Thuri. B-STuet IhfuFfl same not to exceed $1,500, > < 9 3 Saturday* «HIO«CiIIHMSHOWMCIIVIAIJ% DISCOUNT ON 612Sa1urdayi * Voted to transfer $1,500 from Contingency Fund to the Board of 5 PARIS AND LAIOR Commissioners Special Projects Account No. 067.05 for the com­ z X 210W.HIgham " Ph. 2243231 St. Johns H LANTERMAN INSURANCE Hi puter study. m H Authorized the Chairman of the Board of Comrriissioners to S Z attend the annual National Association of Counties. Conference. St. Johns e, Adjourned at 5:50 P.M. I 200 W. State St, 5 J }

y »10A CLINTON COUNTY. NEWS,ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN May Iff, 1978 This is Adult Foster Care Month V» May has been declared. Currently, in the country older people do better socially, "Domiciliary care entails people who live in other areas "Adult Foster'Care. Month" by there, are 17, adult foster care, 'mentally-and physically when room, board and supervision. will obtain an adult foster home Governor MUIiken and in homes and 60 elderly''people >they liveiin a family situation as • Personal care "entails room, care license. Licenses may be recognition of this, month, adult who live in'these'homes,'In' 'opposedv.1fl an institution. board, supervision and helping obtained by contacting Green at community placement worker, some homes there is 1 elderly However, when elderly people the elderly person care for his . the Social Security Office in St. Marie Green, is making an person anil in other Homes there lare. notable to .care for .them­ or her body. Johns. She will help persons appeal to area residents to are as many as 8 elderly per­ selves, they* are often placed in , persons on Supplemental apply for the license which is' consider taking into their homes sons. ^nursing-home or- institution. Security * Income , pay foster issued by the .State. an elderly and" disabled person. Studies have pointed out that To* avoid^thls situation, adult • homes $298 per mijnth for Also, in honor of Adult Foster fostencarsi homes, have been personal care and $228 per Care Month, a party haB been opened anitare. becoming nipre month -for domiciliary care. set for Tuesday, May 25, at the ^popular,. »£& ,. T^ere , are alsd- pay VFW Hall in St. Johns from 0 Could, it be magic at Peppl&wBoliv.eih.adult foster /\Arrangementan elderly person until 8:30 p.m. The public is' care- hojhes,do not require the may make between a foster invited to view the hobby ^medical attention that nursing care home and himself. displays of ~ the foster care /home dwellers, require.. Rather, Most of the 17 adult foster residents and enjoy the'live St. Johns prom? .rther^arejZitypes gf-foster care care homes in Clinton County entertainment of Chris and ,(-.arrangements: domiciliary and are located in the St. Johns area Susie. Howe, who will play the Spring has sprung and with it present to take pictures for ^personal,.- * - and Green- is hopeful more guitar and sing folk songs. comes many' exciting events. those who would like them. Clinton County and City of St. Johns officials and their wives hosted a luncheon at Someplace Else In For the Senior Class of St. -For a special effect, the St. Johns Monday for officials of Branch County and the Village of Milford. Shown at the luncheon are Johns High School it means the ceiling will be dropped by [from left] Charles Gutzki, vice-chairman of the Clinton County Board of Commissioners, Mr. and Mrs. • Senior Party, .the Senior draping many colors of crepe, Lawmakers attend legislative Longardner, chairman of the Branch County Board of Commissioners, John Keeslar, member of the .Banquet, the "Senior Skip paper from corner to corner. A Branch County Board of Commissioners; John Arehart.St. Johns vice-mayor; Mr. and Mrs. Norton Weekend and mo$t .4f/all, the real water fountain will be Humor-Senior Prom Which has Caswell, Milford village president; and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Homeszyn, Milford village commissioner. centered on the floor, The luncheon, attended by St. Johns and county officials was part of the state government exchange day been set for Saturday, May 22, surrounded by white pillars and bteakfast in St. Johns For some time now, the during Michigan Week. ST. JDHNS-Upwards to 50 opinion "professional persons Junior Class has been working benches. A flower cart will liven merchants and private citizens such as doctors, CPA's and and from those who feel that, hard and putting their ideas up one corner of the cafeteria. attended the St, Johns Chamber veterinarians and others where persons are receiving aid and toward making this prom one of Commerce sponsored. '.'Early most of their income comes are not deserving of it." He long- to be remembered. Special care has been taken in Bird Legislative Breakfast;" from labor services and where continued with the statement O-E Board asks for that welfare at the present is a The Juniors have chosen the choosing the small books that Wednesday morning. Held .at ' their capital investment is are used for'souveniers. In them' Someplace Else Restaurant in Jower seems to be hardest hit by bigger drain on the state than popular song "Could it be education, and he did admit that ] Magic" for this year's theme. are kept records of the girl's- , St. Johns, the question, and the single business tax." and guy's date and other special answer session was attended by out-of-state persons did tend to The prom will begin at 8:30 Financial budget balancing come to Michigan^ to settle /4-m/// increase p.m., and will las t,,unt^m]d-- memories. The band selected to both State Senator Richard on state level was discussed by ( play the music is "Easy Livin." because of the higher schedule After breaking for an poses and a '/4-mill to provide equalized valuation. If a home night A photographer wftrbe Allen and State Representative both Allen and Powell. While executive session during their Stanley Powell. f additional funds for operation at were valued at $20,000, the state neTte^tato^ento? ° M^SLSSK&S regular meeting, the Ovid-Elsie the annual school election clear on just how the state was One major complaint offered equalized valuation would be by an attending guest was that Area School Board voted to ask slated for June 14. $10,000 on the home and the During the course of the hour-' going to justify using 13 months area residents for a renewal of and-a-half numerous topics in his opinion this state needed The 18.75 mills represents an property owner would pay O-E performs well revenue to pay 12 months bills* legislators to work for ways 'to 18.75 mills, for operating pur­ $18.75 tax on each $1,000 of state $187.50 for the operation of were v' discussed - by-, both . -they did agree that this solution schools. An additional 'A-mill legislators/included were;such** jvould bring the state treasury save money rather than looking ,areas as Welfare, DNR control, for more ways to spendjt. It New officers installed would cost the $20,000 home "ahead by 120 million dollars. was at this point that Larry owner $2.50. in Special workman's- compensation, Allen said, "If we had industrial problems, state fiscal Andrick (of Michigan Mer­ The Alpha Eta Chapter of ders of the Delta Kappa According to Superintendent eliminated every state em­ chant's Council in Lansing took Gamma. This was followed by balancing, single business tax, ployee, even then we would not Delta Kappa Gamma met at the Kenney, the '/^-mill tax increase and employment problems. , the floor and defended John Wesley Center in Owosso the installation of officers. The would enable the school Ho have been able to balance the Representative Powell as being officers for the ensuing year Senator Allen's" general budget." A comment came ' on May 12, receive full funding from the remark regarding current one of the most financially Thirty-three members and are: president, Louise state and will help the district The clouds held its heavy load days work. _ '* from the floor indicating that he responsible legislators the state Somerlot; first vice-president, criticjsms'on the single,business felt this system of balancing the one "guest enjoyed a sumptuous through a difficult financial of rain so that. 560 school age In the elementary age groups, t of Michigan,lias. Powell came Estelle Geller;. second vice- tax was, "For every one that budget "sounds like ar t}\e - dinner. year. youngsters and adults could Marchetta White, Don Peterson to his iwn Lkiense at this time The business meeting was president, Alice Thrun; and Gary Serviss took first in was - hurC sojnebody was extension of bureaucr^ ." Also, at the School Board compete in the four county ith the remark that "we need conducted by the president, recording secretary, Kathryn meeting: Special Olympics' at Michigan the Long JUmp with a second helped/', tte. further indicated Powell nodded his he^f -d Slagell; corresponding that he' saw 'no 'immediate agreed that it appeared mat ' . Keep those in office who have Etta Smith. . --The Board accepted the State University track last going to Terry White. Peterson Julie Sheperd, the recipientof • secretary, Helen Mowl; Friday. Among this large group came back with a second place reduction in the single business way. •proven records of thrifty letter of retirement from Mrs. tax at' present He said that the spending arid common sense. To the Schlarship Fund, was treasurer, Celia Woodworth; Geraldine Hawes who has spent group were 30 Ovid-Elsie in the 50 yard dash. Morita Another question posed from present and expressed her parliamentarian, Leora Lane; students. Swartout threw the softball to a Governor has a" cpmmittee totally replace every member many years in the teaching "the floor in Powell's direction in the legislature would be like appreciation for the monetary historian, Elizabeth Wilson. profession. With spirits high and the blue ribbon with Terry White formed rjght' now 'to study was what is going to be done taking a third and Lisa Tullar a complaints and will .have the throwing out the baby with the assistance given her by the Etta Smith was presented -Board members discussed memory of last year's out­ about welfare. Powell answered bath water and would probably Alpha Eta Chapter. with the past-president's pin. second, committee report to him what the question by saying, the overloaded conditions in standing performance, the meet suggestions,they .would deem result in absolute chaos." The members brought bingo < She expressed her appreciation kindergarten classrooms at began with the 440 yard relay- The younger OE ' people "Pomplaints that my office prizes to be distributed to the for the fine cooperation of the team of Cindy Neiman, Kim necessary' to correct-whatever receives on welfare are about Discussion was opened on North Ovid and East Ovid outshot the high schoolers in the irregularities that might exist. industrial development in •nursing homes in the area. members during her two years Elementary Schools. Miss Pickering, Jim Hutchison and even from those people who feel 1 Frisbee as they had a first from He went on to say that in his Michigan and it was cited by A number of antiques were as president. She presented the Janice Kelley, kindergarten Dale Himes showing just what Mary Wagner and seconds from they're not getting enough help brought to be taken to our State officers and committee OE was made of, in.taking a first Powell that it appeared that teacher at North Ovid Teddy Serviss and Tammy states having lower -workman's Convention to be displayed. chairman with tokens of her Elementary and her aide, Mrs. place t ribbon. The high Soules and thirds from Lisa appreciation. The new officers schoolers continued.itself by the compensation and unem­ There was a Founder's Day Mary Ridsdale were introduced Tullar and Randy Brugman. Coupty Historical Society ployment costs were drawing Ceremony honoring the foun­ were each given a rose. at the meeting and they pointed efforts of Jim Egbert taking a with a hamburger and hit pie out that with the help of a second'place in the 440 yard to warm their stomachs, industry away from Michigan. dash. Next, came the softball He said a better industrial Two inducted teacher aide in the room, the 33 throughts may reflect to the picture in Michigan was cer­ boys and girls in Miss Kelley's throw with Dale Himes, Lynn previous week when the The Michigan State their class and seniors must be Smith, Millard Douglas and travels to Maple Rapids to tainly desired by he and his class .received undivided at- Marauders Competed in the fellow, legislators! and that they University chapter of Phi within the top 7 percent. ( 7—77 ^—j" ^"rsTr.rr *jb Bruce Parroft Jdkirirfirs1% [Bj\ B0wlingjMeeftraQqw6sso. The At the Phi Kappa Ehi dinned Sjfi^i^J^OTAOT are.t.'pertainly„.awar&_^)f, the Kappa Phi recently initiated 615 vV h their age groursVwhileJgEQla's" "'tjoys maa*e,lTcTean sweep of the p'rpt^ejn^^Michijsani^as itL.this new.members, including David held May 4, a record .608,un- .&S.i nf-\hJ Wi^f } came from Chris Terrell aftcf age grpups^ with Gary Serviss area. M. Dush of St Johns and Victor dergraduate and graduate -Members of the. Stutifint Kay Shank and thirds from Stan leading the 8-9 year-olds Donny ae#J!e0fe°nistoric marker students were admitted to the Council presented a'proposal A. Battistich of DeWitt. for a change in the. married Soules, Peggy Wilson and Lori Paterson in the 10-U, Roy A question was posed on what Phi Kappa Phi is a national honorary. Seven faculty Smith. - Wilson at 12-13, Ron Behrens at ' Powell's position was regarding members were also-admitted. student policy.'After a,lengthy The Clinton County Historical; Indian lands and develop trade. honor society which recognizes discussion of the present Kay Shank (having to repeat 14-15 and Millard Douglas and Society will be the. guests of the Similar trading posts were the DNR's role in the Pigeon and encourages, superior Founded at the University of Kim Pickering at 16-17 and River area in respect to oil Maine at Orono in 1897, Phi married student policy, and the the race) Kim Pickering and County Bicentennial Com-' erected in the Grand Rapids scholarship in all fields of study. proposal, the policy proposal Chris Terrell took the blue concluding with Chris Terrell mission at the dedication of. a area and also, in the Wayne drilling, etc. and Powell's an­ To be eligible for membership Kappa Phi now has a mem­ taking the 18-19 year olds. swer was that his views on this bership of more than 300,000. was tabled until trie next Board ribbon in the 50 yard dash. historic ..marfcer in $Japle Couniy area. , in Phi Kappa Phi; juniors must meeting. Millard Douglas took the Maybe these feuVs should start'. $$$&at^um to Thursday, problem were not completely be within the top 1.5 percent of The MSU chapter was founded The Couniy Historical Society clear at this time as to the right in 1927. T-The Board voted to purchase Frisbee just before Jim Hut­ a mixed age bowling team. May 20. issues an invitation to all in­ chinson and Carol Champlin In June, seven of these people and wrong of the situation but 2 additional liability insurance The" Historic marker, of the terested persons to attend this that in his opinion, he felt the policies, one incidental medical took first in the Long Jump. will represent OE at the'state tri-counjy irfarker type, will be historic dedication and to take Concluding the ribbon parade meet at Central Michigan DNR commission was doing a Extension group malpractive policy for the placed to* commemorate the part in the meeting and social dependable job in their area of school nurse and one corporal for OE- was Stan Soules in a University. With 3500 students founding of the Campau hour which will follow at the ' second place finish in the 220 responsibility. punishment policy for prin­ attending, it should be a Trading Post in-Maple Rapids Maple Rapids Methodist cipals and supervisors.. , yard dash. These fourteen tremendous opportunity to in 1832. This -tyas the first at- \ Church, three blocks south of Other problems discussed elects new officers people took fourteen firsts, five compete and witness. We included the Michigan State The meeting adjourned at \ all. tempt by ^vhitt\ men at trade" the blinker light In addition to Ing in Lansing for their annual 12:20 a.m. seconds and four thirds for their hope they do well. with'the-Chippewa Indians in the dedication of the marker the Police, who Senator Allen said The South Bingham and Olive May luncheon. this area. George Campau was Society will present trophies Were operating presently with Extension group met at the •a member of the Campau. and medals to the winners of the '40 troopers under normal home of-Mrs. Jeter Keener May (Campeau) ..family who was Historical Society Essay con­ strength and that no training 5 at 10 am.. ONE OF BEE'S TEAM AAAAB track meet to among the firsLto penetrate the" test. school to train new troopers was Officers for the coming year in existance at this time. He were elected: Chairman - Mrs. also cited the plight of state Jeter Keener; Vice Chairman - be held Tuesday police who maintain that a good Mrs. Donald Fox; Secretary SSI questions number of their patrol cars are and Treasurer - Mrs. Lawrence in need of replacement. This Kuhns; Leader Teacher - Mrs. was mentioned by Allen as just EltonHoffer; Safety and Health St, Johns .girls' and boys' girls' team has the talent to win another example" of financial the girls' championship..' arid answers -Mrs. Jim Griffin; Community track teams will compete in the woes the state is facing and that - Mrs. Oscar Young; Family 'Mid-Michigan B athletic league The track-meet will begin at 4 thetlegislature is working to find p.m. with preliminary running >' People _ who -can •• answer formation about your Life - Mrs. Oscar Young; and track conference on Tuesday, the solutions. International -- Mrs. Walter May 25, at the Alma High events. From.4 until 5:30 p.mt, " "yes" to five questions may be payments." preliminaries and finals to the' eligible.,, for supplemental Other problems presented for Ebnit. School, f . . The, supplemental security, discussion was the mandatory "• For the first time, the con­ field events will be held. The. security incohle'' payments, income program makes The meeting" adjourned and according, to Sidney Manning,, auto inspection law currently members went to the House of ference meet will involve both running events finals are" ex­ monthly payments to people under study by the legislature boys' and girls' teams. Judging pected to get underway at 7 social security district manager with little, or' no income and m Lansing. -and .on which committee from dual meet performances, p.m. limited resources who are 65 or" Senator Allen is a member. He Eighth graders Bullock Creek stands a good The questions: Admission for the evening is * Are you 65 or over, or blind, or over or blind or disabled. The said the law as it stands now, chance to taking the boys' $1 for adults and 50 cents for program'is administered by the seems to be prejudiced against competition while the Alma severely disabled?' host county students. > r- Social Security Administration, i the auto dealers but that he is Is your inoome from pensions an agency of the U.S. Depart­ or social security benefits less working on amendments to CLIP THIS COUPON ment of Health, Education, and make it- a feasible thing for senior citizens than $202 a month ($293 for a Welfare.-^ Expires May 29,1976 couple) 7 everyone. He 'said that he felt it ST. JOHNS -- Eighth grade V*. The Lansing social security should be designed to have the , Is your home valued at $25,000 office is at 838 Louisa Street, consumer pay for it rather than students at Rodney B. Wilson . or less ($35,000 or less in Alaska Junior High School "visited LEOTA HATHAWAY $ just off South Pennsylvania by the state. Greenfield Village Saturday OFF ON ANY SERVICE or Hawaii.) ' ., Avenue, -48910. The phone- l •:J Are your assets-savings, One- protest was offered afternoon and, at the same Every house has a housekeeper and the "beehive number is 372-1910. 33 (DISCOUNT CARD NOT INCLUDED} $• stocks,-or other things con-* against unfair employment time, * were hosts of special keeper" at Bee's Chevrolet-Olds is Mrs. Leota Hatha-. way who has been a member of the Bee's family for OPEN WEEKDAYS 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. S. ;ve'rtible to cashvworth less than' practices, A member in at­ guests. SAT. 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. :•:, $1,500 E$2,25p.fpr a c,buple)? tendance said he had been The students invited senior the past six years. * •:| i • "If you thinl^you might be > unemployed for 18 months and .citizens participating in the 1 $ ..eligible for supplemental that he held a technical degree Senior Citizen Nutrition Prior to working at Bee's, Mrs. Hathaway worked JAN'S HAIR FASHIONS *:• £.security.income,'; Manning from an accredited institution Program to Greenfield Village. with her husband, Wesley, in a family, owned busi­ of learning and that everywhere . / • FREE PARKING * -said, "caller Write any'social_ A total of 33 senior citizens ness known as Hathaway Produce. It was' formerly ig613E.3TAT E ST. JOHNS PH. 224-8252?: security he went to apply for a job, he office-fat 'more went with the junior high located next to Clinton Tractor prior to the building said they told him he either had students. &wmm&wti^^ guilty to be black or be a female. being torn down. Their'business consisted of selling Allen's answer to this was that and buying chickens, eggs and cream; After leaving there was- a commission in the business, Mr, Hathaway, now deceased, worked EGAN FORD Lansing with which.to place the for Pohl Brothers Chevrolet and then at Bee's when ST. JOHNS complaint in connection with located at the W. Higham location in downtown any job discriminations con- St. vlohns, He had been service manager and car sales­ SPECIAL OF THE WEE& - frpnted. man up until the time of his death. 19Z4'FQRD^100 SUPER CAB PICKUP Mrs. Hathaway has three'married daughters, Neva LANSING Wineland of St. Johns; Judy Blotti of Duluth, Min„ V-8 AUTOMATIC - 'POWER' STEERING .• LOW MILEAGE., c^ Diamonds, Watches, Bracelets, Partricia Fox of Charlotte and a son at home, Kenyon, jQwelry, Items To Fit 12,' a sixth grade student at Swegles Elementary tv Any Occasion YO Jj CAN TAKE THE FAMIlf ' /\ COIN SHOW WE HAVE PLEASING /School. She also has 7 grandchildren and 2 step- Over 20 Quality Dealers SELECTIONS FOR "grandchildren. ' IN THIS PICKUP - ^^ from U.S. and Canada! THE ENTIRE FAMILY , Besides her duties at Bee's, Mrs. Hathaway spends Stop and visit as soon most of her time being a mother, and homemaker. Mid-MichigatVs largest In her spare time, she crochets and does a little sew­ cmA FORD and finest coin show LEVEY'S ing. She is a member of the First United Methodist EGAN FORD Chur,ch in St. Johns Lansing Mall 1 Mile Eost of JEWELRY PAID COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING, 200 W, Higham ' ST. JOHNS .- Phone 224-2285 Eighteortth In a scrlos 53J30 W. Sagjnaw Highway I-96 125 E. Miin. Eltio, 862-4300 / ' f ' , .' May19,1976 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN 11A • I i Bath High School wins Third grader places in art competition LANSINQ-A St. Johns third grader has taken second place in the 3-4 grade division of the math competition elementary school art contest sponsored by State Senator Bath placed first in the Ingham County Math Rally held in Leslie Dick Allen. on May 5. The six schools competing were Bath, Leslie, Stock- Staci Karns, a' student at bridge, Perry, Powlerville, and DansviUe. The'Bath math students •Perrin-Palmer School in St who won individual trophies were as follows: Johns, took the honor for her Cindy Tarrant, Mark L. Clear, 2nd place, Advanced Math, shield which carried a con­ Sarah Seeger, 3rd place, Advanced Main. struction-paper eagle detailed Ron Bauerle, 1st place, Algebra II, . Rex Fouch, 3rd place, Algebra II. in felt-tip markers. Steve Black, 1st place, Plane Geometry. Her entry was selected from Tom Reblin, 2nd place, Algebra I, .over 200 submitted by students Debbie Church, 3rd place Algebra I. from Allen's district, which t includes portions of Ingham, Members of the Bath High School math team are [front, from left] Tom Reblin, Sarah Seeger, Cindy ' Eaton, Clinton,' Shiawassee, Tarrant, Steve Black, Rex Fouch, Fon Bauerle, Mark LeClear, Debbie Church, [rear, from left] Dan Gratiot and Jackson Counties. Finels, Camillc LaGuire, Barry Brown, Monte Boutwill, Tim Hawks, Greg Tarrant, Bruce Swart, Mike' The grand prize winner and | High School j Collins, Curt Randall, Rose Myers, Ann Bauer, Ann LombardI and teacher Mrs. Linda Collins. first-plaice winners in each ,. category will spend a day at the Capitol with Senatqr Allen where they-will be able to view I Orchestra to their masterpieces on per- manentdbplay in Allen's office. "I am thrilled with the work' | present String-In j these children have submitted, and I know how difficult it was Lt, Governor James Damman tries out one of the unique entries for the judges to have to select the winners," Allen said. "I am In the art contest for school kids, sponsored by State Sen. Dick Allen The St.. Johns High School Orchestra will certainly planning to keep this [left]. present its seventh annual "Spring Stringy an annual affair, mainly In" this Thursday, May 20 at 7:30 p.m. in because I can't think of any way Pocuis Auditorium at the high school. The to decorate my office more Orchestra this year received straight first beautifully." division ratings from all four judges at their Allen issued an open in­ l district festival in March and just last week \ 8 performed at the state capitol in Lansing. vitation to the people from this Featured on the program will be seniors area to stop by the office and Rosa Leonard, violin soloist with the or­ Winning trophies for the Bath math team were [from left] Tom Reblin, Sarah Seeger, Cindy Tarrant, chestra performing the first movement of Steve Black, Rex Fouch, Ron Bauerle, Mark LeClear and Debbie Church. Standing Is instructor Linda, .view his art treasurers. Win- the Lalo, "Symphonie Espagnole" and Collins. ' ners are being notifed by mail. Notice is hereby given that the DEWITT David Eger, soloist with a TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION will chamber string ensemble performing a hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Monday, June "Suite for Trumpet and Strings" by- 7, 1976; at 8:00 P.M. in the DeWitt Town­ Frackenpohl. Other selections will include Consumers Power announces Richard Rodger's popular "Victory at Sea," ship Hall, located at 780 E. Wieland Road in Morton Gould's "American Salute," DeWitt Township, Michigan; to hear all per­ Lecuona's "Andalucia Suite," Jean Sibelius' sons interested in a request for a rezoning of "Finlandia" and others. property located on North U.S. 27 from Three orchestra members have been regional re-organization R-1A Rural Residential zoning to A-1 Agri­ selected to perform with the state All-Star cultural zoning. Information may be examin­ Consumers Power Company manager will be Eugene A. serve our "customers." it possible to change the way in High School Orchestra and Band in Mt. which the. company organizes ed in the Building & Zoning Department in Pleasant next Saturday, May 22. Rosa today announced a major Waggener, now manager of the He points out that improved reorganization of its operations Central division, headquartered communication procedures, its work. In so doing, he says, the DeWitt Township Hall at 780 E. Wieland Leonard, violinist, Jeannie Parker, cellist "we have improved our ability Road. The property is legally described as and Lisa Ormston, French hornist, were with the establishment of eight at Alma. A district office will be including the use of video ter­ operating regions to serve located in Livonia. minals available in customer to provide economical and follows: selected on their high quality of musical efficient service. performance as exhibited at the State Solo customers in its 27,000 square contact locations, have made it mile service area in the lower •SOUTH CENTRAL possible to plug into centrally Each of the new regional and Ensemble Festival held last March. All REGION, headquartered in headquarters cities had been Beginning at a point 198' North and 330' three received high excellent ratings. peninsula. Lansing. General manager will located customer records at a The new service boundaries •moment's notice, Work orders the location of a division West of the South East corner of the North *! Tickets for the orchestra concert will be be William A. Holtgreive, are dispatched electronically; headquarters and the regional available at the door for $1.00 adult and 50c replace the utility's 15 operating present division manager at East %of Section 9 T5N-R2W; thence. North divisions. The reorganization materials and supplies .are operations will be directed from student. All the donations will go into a Kalamazoo. District offices will dispensed from our centralized the present service centers, 614.5', West 990', South 614.5', ^ast 990', scholarship fund to be used by students was announced by the com­ be located in Jackson and South 614.5', East 990', to point of begin- pany's president, JohnD. Selby. storerooms; advanced work according to Simpson. All going to summer music camps. Adrian. (Serves Clinton County measurement procedures and district offices wilt also operate ging. Each region will be operated areas, except those previously out of service buildings now in noted). changed construction stan­ under the supervision of a dards, all rolled together, make use. Donna B. Syverson general manager who will be •South Western Region, Township Clerk Elsie responsible for construction, headquartered in Kalamazoo. operation and maintenance of General manager will be K. Kathleen Beagle tours Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Keys Ovid St., Elsie entered Owosso electric and gas distribution Eugene McGraw, presently the have received word of the birth Memorial Hospital Friday for systems, energy consulting Pontiac division manager. A with Alma College Choir of their first great grandchild, medical treatment. services, accounting, and Activities for the Elsie Little district office will be located at ADVERTISE WHERE iTPAYS,, recently. Nathaniel Eric Wilson customer, employee and Battle Creek. ALMA-The Alma College A. visit to, the U.S. Air Force was born Wednesday, April 14 League (boys' baseball and community relations.within his Academy and a tour of San girls' Softball) will be getting Cappella Choir spring tour is at. Norjh Miami General area. THE REGIONAL general Francisco. Hospital. Tiis parents. are^Br^'pt. underway shortly, They are taking selected student singers 1 mahaghrs'willWoift'tb'tbwe'ir through the -western United-- .' Miss Beagle, a 1972 graduate ^ and Susan (Mikels) Wilspn and desperately in need of .Sdm&Sfle The new operating structure of St.'Johns Public High School, to assume -the dtfeieV'i'b'f is effective July l. > • L; Shepard; vice president. States this'monui. * * - ** f^t his fraternal grandparents are JohnB. Simpson, executive vice Kathleen M. Beagle of Port­ is the daughter of Mrs. Harold Kenneth and Joanne (Keys) president immediately. Please Homer of 837 KentSt., Portland. contact Harry Winans at 862- THE REGIONS AKE: president, will have general land, formerly of St. Johns is a Wilson of Miami. responsibility for regional Mrs. Cleo M. Parks of 205 S. 5048. ___ _ •Northern Region, member of the choir and in headquartered in Traverse operations. addition to singing will visit - City. General manager will be Simpson said the new some of America's most famous John G. Goense who has been regional structure is aimed at landmarks such as the Grand the company's Grand Rapids streamlining Consumers Canyon, Mt. . Rushmore, division manager. The region Power's operations to establish Yellowstone Park ' and St. Johns Burger Chef will have district offices at a more effective organization Disneyland. Manistee, Cheboygan, Cadillac and provide more efficient The choir will be performing and Tawas City. service to customers. He in concerts and church services •Western REgion,' pointed out that the in 12 states between Michigan offers the new headquartered at Grand reorganization is in line with and California during its tour Rapids. General manager will changes announced last month which-ends May 23. be J. Laurence Gillie, presently which saw the consolidation of Added attractions will be the TM the utility's Flint division many electric and natural gas attending of a rehearsal of the Rancher Dinner. manager. A district office will departments which had. Mormon Tabernacle Choir, a be located in Muskegon. previohsly operated separately, "Our basic purpose in making FIBERGLAS •CENTRAL REGION, these changes," Simpson said, headquartered at Saginaw. "is to better serve the ROOFING PANELS Specially priced at $1.19. (Reg. $1.69) General manager will be customers' energy needs as we / Charles F. Brown, present AAt CAN BE USED < define them in 1976 when energy Burger Chef introduces a fries and a whopping Lansing division manager. H FOR SUN PORCHES supply and distribution patterns great new way to satisfy \ big bowl of sahid. And seconds District offices will be located in Per & PATIO DIVIDERS Appearing at June 3rd's stage production, "Stars and Wheels' are changing not only in your hunger for the taste on salads arc free! Forever" at Clinton Theatre will be pretty little Billi Jo Bellant Bay City, Midland and Alma. Michigan, but worldwide. We Sq- Ft. Ass't Colors of sirloin. We call it the (Serves Lebanon and Dallas doing a dance-acrobat routine. She was seen last year at Clinton believe that our new Rancher Dinner. Save50< Townships). organization will be more Clip out the coupon below Theatre's 40th anniversary celebration which pleased hundreds of CHAMBERLAIN It's big. It's filling. It's a •EASTERN REGION, adaptable to these rapidly and bring it into any partici­ Clinton area residents. This year's presentation is being sponsored headquartered in Flint, General changing energy patterns and full one-third pound of beef BUILDING SUPPLY that's three-quarters sirloin. pating Burger Chef Family by the Clinton Theatre Derby Boosters, a • newly formed manager will be Stanley M. will, in the long run, better Restaurant. We'll serve organization to aid the promotion of the Clinton County Soap Box Jurrens, now Saginaw division OVID PHONE 834-2300 A Real Meal! your first Rancher Dinner for Derby. Appearing along with Ms. Bellant will lie a host of other manager. District offices will The Rancher Dinner is 3K* less than the regular price. talent acts including Diana DeWitt, the IG-member old-time be located at Owosso and served on a platter. With a big The Rancher Dinner. A great Harrison Band, the First Nighters and about ten other selective Fenton. (Serves Duplain and hunk of hot Texas toast. way tosatisfy your hunger vaudeville type acts. Tickets are on sale at most local merchants. eastern portions of Ovid and TO THE RESIDENTS OF Heaps of golden hot French for the taste of sirloin. The first showing, will be at 7 p.m. while the second will be a Victor Townships). - *South Eastern Region, Premiere showing with special guests at 9 p.m. headquartered in Pontine. DEWITT TOWNSHIP: General manager will be Ralph COMPLETE BODY WORK Hahn, present manager of the Notice is hereby given that the DEWITT AND GLASS REPLACEMENT Northeast division, TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION will headquartered at Bay City. A hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Monday, June district office will be located in BOB'S AUTO BODY, INC. East Detroit. 7, 1976; at 8:00 P.M. in the DeWitt Town­ ship Hall, located at 780 E. Wieland Road in 800 N.Lansing Phone 224-2921 •Metro Region, headquar­ DeWitt Township, Michigan; to hear all per­ tered at Koyal Oak. General sons interested in a request for a rezoning of property located on East State Road from GENERAL REVENUE SHARING PLANNED USE REPOR M-2 Heavy Industrial zoning to A-1 Agricul­ General Revenue-Sharing provides federal funds directly lo local and aiala governments. This report of your govern men I's plan la published3' 3 tural zoning. Information may be examined to encourage citizen partlclpellon In determining your oovflrnmenrs decision on how the money will be spent. "Hole: Any com pin In !• o) in the Building & Zoning Department in the discrimination In the use ol the** fundi miy be stnt to THiaOVUNMBMT IP U» Offtct of Revenue Sharing, Wasrw. D.C. 2M28. VKT0R T0UNSH DeWitt Township Hall,at 780 E. Wieland PLANNED EXPENDITURES ANTICIPATING A GENERAL flEVENUE Road. The property is legally, described as / $4 ,593 {CI OPERATING / SHARING PAYMENT OF follows: ' '. (A) CATEGORIES (B) CAPITAL MAINTENANCE FOR THE SEVENTH ENTITLEMENT PERIOD, JULY I, 1370 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1976, PLANS TO SPEND THESE FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSES 1 PUBLIC flAr-err SHOWN. j ACCOUNT NO. 23 3 019 014 •OFF I EHVI80HMEHTAL, Part of the North Yz of Section 36, T5N, PROIECTKJK R2W, DeWitt Township, Clinton County, VICTOR TOUNSHIP 536 Michigan, Described as follows: TOUNSHIP SUPV • RANCHER CLINTON COUNTV DINNER SPECIAL S RECREATION R 5 EAST GREEN RD Beginning on the North line of said. Section ST JOHNS MICH 48879 36 at a point 2,213.01 feet East of the North-" - , , Salad.fries. t LIBRARIES I west corner thereof, running thence South . • Tfexaslbast. T SOCIAL SERVICES 01e38'11" East, 1,141.17 feet thence North' FonAQEOonroon I 1/3 lb.Chopped Beef 60°59'07" East, 2083.44. feet, along the (O) Submit propoitli lor funding cansidstsilon by. Jiine 1,197^ ) MULTIPURPOSE AND center of a drainage ditch, to the East 1/8 ' that* 3/4 Sirloin. OEHERAl GOVT. Robart ROTUS .. A copy of ihli is port, end line of said Section 36, thence North 00? 10 EDUCATION supporting documsnls, v* open lor public scrutiny 04'08" West along said 1/8 line to the North II SOCIAL .,&?& E. Prlca Rd. St. Johns. Michlgflii QGooc d only at participating Burger Chef restaurants In the U.S.A. One coupon DEVELOPMENT section line of said Section 36, thence West >er family. Void where prohibited, taxed dr restrictedb v law. Local and stat. 13 HOUSING 1 COM. |E) ASSURANCES (Raler to Initructlon E| I aiiuia Uie Secretary ol the TiMiuly MUWY DEVELOPMENT thai the non-dlicrtmlnillon end olhar statutory requirements listed In Part E ol along said section line to the place of begin­ ax. payable by bearer. Expiration oatot June 2,1976. the IftitrueUons sccompanyinD this report will be complied wlin by this feci plant I II ECONOMIC _ gevainmaorsvltj) respect tojjja entitlement fundi reported hereon. ning. DEVELOPMENT You get more to like at Burger Chef. U OTMEfl


TOR SALfc — Looking for an May 5: Van Deventer Marlene A.; Hunt, Albert C, and L Help Wanted 40 ACRES Near Cheasning, Motorcycles excellent buy in a used Baldwin Builders Inc. to David L. and Blanche M. to Don R. and good 3-bedroom home, piano? We have a piano in WANTADSlRadio&TV Louise M. Randall, Lot 29, Shirley T. Phillips, property in basement, '20 x 30 metal excellent condition that will Whispering Winds, { Sec. 11, Duplain. building. 2,500 Austrian & FOR SALE — 1971 Chevrolet HOUSEWIVES & MOTHERS, give you the quality music you MARK'S. C.B'. SAtES - May 5: Ballard, Robert E'. May 7: Underwood, Robert Scotch Pine. Reasonably Bel Aire, 6 cyl. 4-door, 3 mi. S. of want at a price you'll find once Johnson, S.B.E. and Pace. and Rosella M. to Helen E. and Wanona to Karl J. and avoid monotony. Turn those priced. Wayne Woodbury St. Johns to Taft Rd. 4% mi. E. Hilts, property in Sec. 8, free hours into ready cash, and in a lifetime. Call us for an PER Complete accessories for the Sharon A. Schulze, property in Realty, 9416 Peed Rd., M-57, William Parker 834-5469.1-3-p-ll appointment to see this one! I serious C-Bers. 201 AV. Steel. DeWitt. Sec. 11, Lebanon. <, i * WORD have fun too! Unique sales Chesaning, Mich, 48616, ph, 517- Phone 224-3134 Bailey Music 394-3787. 36-U-33 May 5: Ballard, Robert E. service. Car necessary. 845-6370. 2-3p-4 May 7: Flynn, Robert L. and MOTORCYCLE OWNERS - Center, St. Johns, 3-3-p-27 i- •—-—~—-———••—•^^-^^- ^gnd RoseJJa M. to Lloyd Earl Carolyn M.; Flynn, John J. and Telephone for intervie'wv (8-12 { For gdod'rates, fair and fast (MINIMUM 10'W6h'DSJ and Marjorie Ballard, property Mary Lou to Nicholas A. and a.m. 1-4 p.m.) 224-7231. 2-3-p-l SELLER'S INTEREST IN Probate Court claim service, purchase your FOR SALE - BALER TWINE, 3 WEEKS INSERTION In Sec. 8, DeWitt. Joanne K.. Jorae, property in LAND CONTRACT. We. buy. insurance from Reed Agency, HON. TIMOTHY ftfOREEN May 5: Buck, Darrell E. and Sec. 20, Ovid. HELP WANTED" — TOOL & Fast service, Call or write $10.75 per bale, Ramik Green FOR THE PRICE OF 2 Judge of Probate 108 W. Main St. in DeWitt. Rat Killer, $14.95 15 lb. pail. Marie E. to Sterling Jr. and May 7: Sullivan, William DIE MAKER. Stamping giving complete facts. Ford S. Phone 669-7604. 49-tf-12 HELENA M. BURK Clinton Crop Service, 224-4071. ' Register of Probate Jeanine Boldrey, property in Harold and Alice C. to Betty E. Division in area needs Jour­ LaNoble, LANOBLE REALTY DISPLAY-CLASSIFIED Sec. 27, Greenbush, neyman or equivalent. Must be CO. 1516 E, Michigan Ave., l-tf-27 Morris, property in Sec. 26, Wednesday, May 19,1976 May 5: -Krause, William F. Eagle. versatile and skilled in Die Lansing, Michigan 48912. Phone COL. INCH *2.l and Carolyn P. to Vineward May 7: Sullivan, Alice C. to repair and maintenance, 517-482-1637, evenings 517-337- Esther Margaret Long — preferably with Die Trouble 1276. 53-tf-4 Corporation, property in Sec. Betty E. Morris, property in Claims 21, Eagle. Sec. 26, Eagle. . Shooting experience. Good FOR SALE - IN­ Minnie May Secord — Claims benefits, paid medical in­ FOR SALE — On Dickerson TERNATIONAL 44 - 4-row drill, 224-2361 May 5: Phillips, Don R. and May 7: Sullivan, Alice C. to i WANTED- WINDMILL OR Mary B. Hettler — License to Shirley T.; Baese, Merle D. and surance, retirement program Lake, Montcalm County. 3- plastic buckets, Clipper Mill IB ....ORMALL.TO, David C. Morris, property in ' STAND. 351-7236. 3-3-p-28 Sell ^..Carol En to Roy F. Briggs; Sec. 26, Eagle. and profit'sharing. Serid'resiime bedroom year around home, or 2B with screens and motor. Qllnton County Newsovj Hazel Berkhousen — Final William F. Holley, Lot 5, Blk. 3, May 10: Saunders, Albert R. to P.O. Box 11 St. Johns, attached 1-car garage, 3»A lots, 691 S. Barry Rd., Ithaca. Jim WANTED - Old barn un- 120 East Walker St. Account Michigan. 3-3-1 Cobb Randall and Wo oils. and Lqraite M. to Ronald D. and 118 ft. on blacktop road, 300 ft. Kostal 2-3-p-18 painted wide boards, 351-7236. St. Johns, Mich. 48879 deep, 62 ft. frontage on lake, May 6: Johnson, Brian A. to Susan'A. Gallagher, property in I 3-p-28 DEADLINE: Real Estate Transfers ' Jack E. Jr. and Denise C, Stein, Sec. 17, Watertown, shade trees, estate property. FOR SALE — 3-Sufge Milkers, (From records In office of EACH MONDAY 1 P.M. , Lot 2, Catalpa Hills. May 10: Hull, John W. and Need to sell, $39,000 cash. Complete with pump. 593-2033. TIMBER WANTED - Logs and Register of Deeds) Jobs Wanted Contact Irvin Walker 121 W. We are not responsible for any* -May 6: Lewis, Victor, John Mary H. to Fredrick L. and 3-l*p-18 IL ' ' " •"•"• ' ' ' -• standing Umber, Logs delivered errors on classifieds and Kathleen Ann to Allen L. Barbara Jensen, property in Oak Middleton. Phone 517-236- to our yard". DEVEREAUX taken by phone. May 3: Herndon, Adeline P. to 7387. 53-2-p-4 and.Christine I. Hnatiw, Lot 40, Sec. 32, Victor. WEEKEND WORK WANTED SAWMILL, INC., 2872 Nl Open House with "Best Wishes'' Frank J. and Sally L. Hufnagel Brookwood No. 1. Farm Produce Hubbardston Rd., Pewamo, May 10: Eastment, Don C. —Small carpenter, cement and for my 80th. For all meaningful property in Sec. 31, Riley. May 6: Mulder, Geert D. and and Phyllis J. to Willard D. and drywall jobs, also painting and FOR SALE — 1953 J.D. #60 Mich. Phone 593-2424 and/or cards I received plus other May 3: Fedewa Builders Inc. Harriet to Jack B. and tractor w^ith J.D. loader. IHC 1- 593-2552. 40-tf-28 Lillian C. Searles, Lot 1, Blk. 5, roofing. Call 224-4572 after 4 gifts. Though intp each life to Richard D. and Nancy K. Elizabeth J. Mosher, Lot 4, Brown's, St, Johns. row corn picker I P R.' FOR SALE — Fresh sorted p.m. l-3-p-3 some rain must fall, I thank God Wells, property in Sec. 17, Delvin Hills. May 10: Manwaring, George Laingsburg, 651-5519. asparagus 50c per lb. For or­ Bingham. ders 224-2861. 2-2-D-19 for all you loving folks and May 6: Mosher, Jack B. and W. and Marjorie F. to Robert P. BARN & ROOF PAINTING - 3-18 Notice wish you all health and hap­ May 3: Katalenich, Steven Elizabeth J. to Michael J. and and Aleen Henke, Lot 42, Reliable, Insured Contractor, piness and 80 or more. and Sibyl Elaine to Philip T. and Kathleen S. Verlinde, Lot 4, Lookout Acres. free estimates. Phone 351-2777. . -Sincerely, Ruth W. Wheeler property in Delvin Hills. For Rent AM LOOKING FOR ALL May 10: Dickens, Alvin R. 53-10-P-3 MarionEmmons 3-l-p-30 Sec. 16, Watertown. May 6: Denovich, Frederick and Linda S. to Ransom Ahr. KINDS OF POSTCARDS, May 4: Hunt, Albert C. and R. and Elizabeth J. to Frederick especially old ones, If you have and Carol S. Briggs, Lot 6, Blk. FOR SALE — Hampshire Blanche M. to Jerry A. and G. and Karen S. Denovich, 3, Hurd and Sickles. TRAILER LOT FOR RENT — purebred service, age stock any to sell please contact the HAKEK — I wish to thank the Marlene A. Hunt, property in property in Sec. 2, Greenbush. Real Estate hogs. 7% miles west of DeWitt POSTCARD LADY 224-2361 May 10: Schaefer, Larry T. 1316 mi. N. of St. Johns on US- entire staff for the'excellent Sec. 11, Duplain. May 6: Tihgay, Harry L. and Inc. to Randall D. and Julie A. '. 27. References required. Ph. 9800 Howe Rd. CaH'Wacousta days or 224-7051 evenings. care I received during my stay May 4: Hunt, Albert C. and Delia K. to,Brian D. and Linda 626-6416. l-3-p-20 14-tf-dh-29 Schmidt, property in Sec. 11, FOR SALE — 1964 4-bedroom 835-2524. 3-tf-6 at the Rivard Nursing Home. I Blanche M. to Jerry A. and C. Tingay, Lot 107,108, Blk, 10, Riley. aluminum ranch with full would also like to thank my Marlene A. Hunt, property in CUSTOM BUTCHERING'AND DeWitt. May 10: Briggs, Roy F. and basement, between St. Johns FOR KENT — Furnished friends and relatives for the Sec. u, Duplain. May 6: Cotton, Gerald R. Jr. and Ovid on 20 acres with pole apartment, utilities paid. 593- Cattle PROCESSING, by ap­ visits, cards, letters, flowers May 4: Hunt, Albert C. and Pauline Ahr to WiVlard D. and pointment. We butcher on and Gennie Mae to Richard Lillian C. Searles, Lots 16, 17, barn and creek. $44,900. Ph. 834- 2033. 34-pfl and gifts. They were all very Blanche M. to Jerry A. and Albert and Gail Anne Putt, 2162. 3-l-p-4 Wednesdays and Fridays. Beef- much appreciated. Marlene A. Hunt, property in 18, 19 Walker's Subdv. Pork. Halves and quarters, also property in Sec. 29, Eagle. FOR RENT — 2-bedroom FOR SALE — Polled Hereford Donna L. Haker Sec. 11, Duplain. May 10: Searles, Willard D. Heifers, 2 yr. Olds. 5 Heifers retail cuts. All meats MDA May 7: Bond, Alice, Louise; and Lillian C. to Don C. and FOR • SALE - OWNER apartment: Unfurnished, 1 3-1-P-30 Mays: Craig, Kenneth J. and Hillcoat (Orall) to Charles R. TRANSFERRED. 3-bedroom and 6 steer yerlings. Old barn inspected. Vaughn's Meat Phyllis Eastment, Lot 19, 18, utilities paid, close to downtown Processing. West City Limits on Sonja M, to Timothy J. and and Sue Ann Haas, property in Ranch with fourth in basement. and schools, no pets, children wood. Richard lotz, Chapin 661- KOENIGSKNECHT - We wish Karen J. Gordon, Lot 56, Idyl Walker's Subdv. , 2434. 3-3-D-21 Bussell Rd. just off M-57, Sec. 29, Greenbush. Located on large lot in Parkside welcome. Call 224-2471. 3-3-p-6 to thank Drs. Russell, Fitz- Crest No. 2. May 7: Hunt, Jerry A. and (continued to page 13A) subdivision, close to park, Carson City. Phone 584*6641), patrick, nurses and staff of swimming pool, tennis courts Clinton Memorial Hospital for and high school. Approx. 1650 FOR SALE — Parts for all the wonderful care he received sq. ft. plus two-car attached electric shavers. Levey's while there, AJsp' Fr. Hankerd CLASSIFIED > i;P.laster.ed garage. Lalse/iamHy , ,\-**H—•.V£"i-Ti"r""'*-if'itr'i>r'm for 'h'is.comforting'words.i'Fr.. .IHflm, 1%. baths, fysttofJoor .fiFOR.^SAL-E.r -w.TRAVEL ^DRESSING^Rean's.flfrTyrell rt 1 laundry, garbage, disposal and Rd., Morrice. Call 517-625-4897 FRH!SH*H!H!PLE "SYRUP^ - bors, felatives and mends Tor TRAILER, priced for im­ Gals, fe gals., qts., pints in BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTOR! built-in dishwasher. Ther- mediate sale. 1976 self- for appointment. 2-12-p-22 cards, flowers, prayers and mopane windows throughout stock. Livingston Farms, 2224 masses. Also for all the food contained 27 ft travel trailer. Livingston Rd., St. Johns Phone with 6" insulation in ceiling and Factory air. Blue Water Motel, NOW BOOKING orders and brought into our home and for Use This Classified Listing For Fast Service From Clinton County Business Firms Vk" insidewalls, dry basement Ovid, JVJich. 3-i-p-9 hatching Jumbo White Rocks * 224-3616. 49-tf-p29 the food brought to the funeral with poured walls, gas F/a and Hot Shot Reds. Call 681- dinner, and a special thanks to AUCTIONEER ELECTRICIANS • LIQUID FUELS furnace and power humidifier, 2495. RAINBOW TRAIL CLASS OF 71 - Don't forget the St. Patricia's Guild .who brick front with aluminum class reunion July 10 at Smith Mobile Homes HATCHERY, ST. LOUIS, prepared and served the funeral AL GALLOWAY, AUC­ SCHMITT ELECTRIC CO., siding. $44,500. Call 224-4074 for MICHIGAN. 44-tf-22 Hall. Please send $5.00 per dinner. Also thanks to Osgood's appointment 3-l-p-4 couple, $3.00 for single by May TIONEER, Used Farm Residential - Commercial - SPACE and the 3rd and 4th Degree K of Machinery & Parts. St. -Industrial, 224-4277, 1002 E. FOR SALE — 1972 Richardson 26 to Jane Smith, 726 Riverside, C's. Johns. 221-4713. State St. TO SETTLE ESTATE - Bids Mobile Home 12 x 64, 3- Portland, Mich. 48875. 3-l-p-29 The family of Leonard J. FOR accepted through 3 p.m., bedrooms, Vh baths, extra Koenigsknecht Tuesday, June 1, 1976, on room, new carpeting, some BINGO - Holy Family Church. 3-1-P-30 FARM RENT property at 4711 Turner St., furnishings available. 593-2567. FOR SALE — Australian Cattle 510 Mabbitt Rd., Ovki_Mondays SPACE Lansing. Full dry basement, 2 3-3-p-lO Dog Puppies, registered, 6 7 pm. 16-tf-29 ELLIS — We wish to thank our DRAINAGE bedrooms, living room, dining weeks old,, first shot, dewor- neighbors, relatives and friends FOR PARTY SUPPLIES room, bath, garage. Can be seen WANTED — Cash for used med, out of excellent stock FOR ALL AUCTION NEEDS - for the cards, flowers, gifts and working mother. Good. childs JAMES BURNHAM, Phone by appointment. Contact Trust Mobile Homes 1970 & over.Tl & contact THELEN AUCTION money given to us on our 25th RENT St. Johns 224-4045, R3, St. D* & B PARTY SHOPPE, Department, Clinton National H MOBILE HOMES 489-7888. pet. $85.00 each. Wacousta 626- SERVICE. Call 593-3426. wedding anniversary. A special 6416. l-3-p-23 Johns. Package Liquor 9 a.m. - 10 Bank, St. Johns, MI, 224-6811. 30-tf-10 3-21-P-29 thanks to our children Sherry p.m. Mon„ Thurs., Fri, & l-4-p-4. Jolls, Nate Ellis and Linda and 1 Sal., 9 a.m.-11 p.m., 224 N. TO GIVE AWAY - Lab & 9th ANNUAL ANTIQUE SHOW Fred Schneider, Paul and AUTOMOTIVE FERTILIZERS Clinton. FOR SALE — Country living in Beagle puppies, 7 weeks old. May 29 & 30. Sat. 10-9, Sun. 10-5. Brenda, for their many acts of Automotive Floral Building. Fairgrounds city of St. Johns. 4-bedroom Call 837-2359. 3-tf-dh-23 kindness. Also to our Aunt Opal SPACE ZEEB FERTILIZERS, farm house on large lot, 2 baths, $1.00.2nd Old Home Tour Sat. 9- Miller, who helped in so many Everything for the soil, St. FOR SALE — 1976, 4-wheel 5, Sun. 12-5, $4.00. Arts & Crafts, ways. Your thoughtfulness will Johns 22*3234, Ashley 347- PLUMBING full basement, barn with heated drive Chevy pickup. Would like TO GIVE AWAY Lab and Beagle Puppies. 7 weeks old. food, by Ionia Mich. Historic come to mind time and time 3571. workshop, large garden area, to trade for older vehicle. Ph. Society. 3-l-p-29 FOR RENT near High School. Call 224-2552. Call 838-2359. again. 661-2280after6:30p.m. 2-3-p-ll Lee and Ruby Ellis SPACE l-3-p-4 2-3-dh-23 BOB'S AUTO BODY, NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF 3-l-p-30 FINANCIAL FOR SALE — 1972 Dodge FOWLER: During the course of Complete Collision Service, FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY — 224-2021, SOU N. Lansing. CAPITOL SAVINGS & Pickup, % ton camper special. the summer, there will be fill COWAN — We wish to express 3-bedroom home with many Heavy equipment trailer. Can Miscellaneous dirt available to residents of the LOAN ASSOC, 222 N. RENT extras. Located Middleton area. our' sincere appreciation and been seen at 7642 Loomis Rd. Village of Fowler. Anyone in­ C&D CHEVROLET CO., Clinton, 224-2:104, Safety Tor Ph. 682-4239. l-3-p-4 thanks to our many friends and New & Used Cars, Elsie 862- 2-3-p-ll FOR SALE - 16 ft. Aerocraft terested should contact DPW neighbors for their wonderful Savings since 1890. Browning Canoe, stern back, managerJohnSchafer. 3-l-p-29 •;.W0. You can't do better RESTAURANT expressions of sympathy, anywhere. cushions and paddles. 8 hp 3- assistance and beautiful flowers wheeler Explorer with electric FLORISTS SOMEPLACE ELSE during the recent loss of our EGAN FORD SALES, INC., Dining & Cocktails J.D. 216 Trailer Plow start. 2-3-P-27 Card of Thanks 30 beloved husband, father and New Idea No. 312 2-Row Picker Shelle 200 W. Higham, phone 224- Say it with Quality flowers Ph. 224-3072, S. US-27 brother. Our gratitude is also 2285. Pinto-Ford-Maverick- M.F. No. 86 4x16 Semi-Mounted Plow NOW HAVE strictly fresh extended to Rev. Johannides from WOODBURY'S' Torino-Mustang. FLOWER SHOP, 321 N. J.D. No. 38 2-Row Chopper Grade A eggs, 2008 E. Steel Rd., EMMONS - Dear family, other and the Osgood Funeral Home. Clinton, St. Johns, 224-3216. M.F. Super 90 Diesel W/18.4 x30 Tires St. Johns. Cal Rohrback - 224- relatives and friends: Accept The Cowan Family ROOFING 3696. 52-W-27 my sincere thanks for coming to .•For the Best Buy in New & M.F. 16 Ft. Wing Type Field Cultivator, 3 Point Hitch '3-l-p-30 Used Chevrolets see Triple K 18 Ft. wing Field Cultivator, Hydrallic Fold I3DINGER CHEVROLET, FOODS STORM DAMAGE? I.H. No. 161 Row Chopper USED EQUIPMENT Fowler* phone 593-2100. Repair all roofs, eaves J.D. 100 Gal. Trailer Sprayer (roughing. Free estimates, Household Goods 32 ANDY'S IGA, St. Johns, Dunham 12 ft. Wheel Disc TRACTORS HETTLER'S MOTOR guaranteed work. Call 332- Speedy 200 Gal. 3 Pt. Hitch Sprayer Home Baked Bread, Pies, K719 anytime. I.H. No. 300 ' SALES, 24 Hr. Wrecker Cookies, Choice Meats, 1 - J.D. F145- 5x16 Plow FOR SALE—Davenport, Stand Service, Good Used Trucks. Carry-out service. I.H. 12 Ft. Wheel Disc- New Blades I.H. No* 460 - Gate-Overhauled (Vintage 1920) Queen Anne Gehl Grinder-Mixer A.C. WD 45 dining room set. Call 224-4442 or seeatl05N,LansingSt. 3-l-p-32 VACUUM SALES J.D. 217 Trailer Plow M.M. Model R w/Loader CONCRETE WORK! INSURANCE M.F. 46 6-Row Planter M.M. U302 (1965) i ., KIRBY CENTER, VACUUM Case Industrial Tractor & Loader Automobile Coverage - Fire SALES AND SERVICE. New M.F. No. 40 Industrial W/Loader, Instant Reverse USED PLANTERS Driveways, Pole Barns Bann & Rebuilt Kirby's. Good Case 14 ft. Wheel Disc Insurance - General J.P.1250-6-Row yard Slabs Casualty, ALLABY- selection of other makes. 705 SIMON'S N. US 27, St. Johns, 224-7222. 1-J.D. 894 A"* ' Ph. Lans. 393-4072. BREWBAKER, INC. 108-& 1-J.D. 694 A - ' PLANING N. Clinton Ave. St. Johns, Phone 224-325H. 300 GAL. SPEEDY 2-J.D. 494 A ' J.D. F145 5-16 Plow MILL CREDIT BUREAU WESTERN TRAILER SPRAYER Ollve> 4-16 Semi-Mounted Plow MANUFACTURERS OF: JEWELRY With 28 Ft. Boom Oliver 16 Ft* Disc TRUCK, PICKUP, HAY Clinton County CREDIT SPACE BUREAU*. Phone 224-2391, LEVEY'S JEWELRY, New Tires . < • COMBINES AND GRAIN RACKS, Credit Reports - Collections, Orange Blossom diamond, FOR * New Holland No. 975 w/2 Heads ' FORAGE BOXES, BUNK rings, Bulova & Accutron Only 1 Left % J.D. No. 45 w/2 Heads FEEDERS, PORTABLE Watches, Elsie, 802-4300. RENT NEW DISCS, PLOWS & ROLLER HARROWS CATTLE MANGERS AND ACCESSORIES. CUSTOM DRUGS Several Pieces of Used Tillage Equipment TO PLACE YOUR WOODWORKING. > IN STOCK * " PARR's REXALL DRUGS, PROFESSIONAL Call 268 S.HENDERSON Open daily 7:30 a.m. to !) Sattler & Son, Inc. FOWLER, MICHIGAN ti.m., riunday,H::iO-12!:iO # 5-7 LISTING IN THIS 0W0SS0 IMPLEMENT CO. p.m. 224-2361 Phc-na 236-7280 Middleton PHONU UREA 5171 DIRECTORY 3495 W. M-21 ' 0W0SS0 PHONE 723-7323 593.2000 May 19,1976 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN 1 3A affected, are requested to be State of Michigan, In the Circuit Clinton County Records, on which premises are described of way line of Highway US-127 Real Estate Transfers page 213, on which mortgage as follows: relocated (which restricts all ft present at said meeting, if they Court for the County of (From records In office of CLINTON. there is claimed to be due, at the Parcel No, l: Property ingress and egress) South W.L.C. honors older so desire. ' u'14'42" West a distance of Register of Deeds) Dated at Lansing', Michigan, DEBRA JAAE' BRiSBOY, date of this notice, for principal described as the East 120 rods and interest, the sum of of the South 140 acres of the 491.00 feet to the point of, (continued from page 12A) this 4th day of May 1976. Plaintiff; vs CHRIS L. TWELVE THOUSAND SIX' Southwest Vt of Section 26, ending of the limited access ladies of community B. Dale Ball BRISBOY, Defendant. HUNDRED THIRTY-EIGHT Town 5 North, Range 2 West, right of way line and the point May 10; Hart, Gary G. and Director of Agriculture ORDER TO ANSWER and 72/100. ($12,638.72) DeWitt Township, Clinton of beginning of free access Marilyn K. to Frank S, and By Stanley R, Quackenbush File No. 5542 GCR. 120.5. County, Michigan, except a Ladies' Night was a special the words to the song, "Pass It DOLLARS. right of way; thence South On." She told of the many hats a Maryanna T. Polack, property Deputy Director in Charge of, On March 18,1979, an action strip 30 rods North and South WSV42" West a distance of party given by the Woman's in Sec. 15, Greenbush. Drains (Inter-County) 2-2 was filed by Plaintiff, In this • And no suit or proceedings at by 1 rod East and West out of Literary Club in the Fellowship woman can wear in her law or in equity having been 200 feet; thence South responsibilities. May 10: Rummell, Lee R. and Court to obtain a decree of Northeast corner thereof, 00'02'lB" Easta distance of 25 Hall of the Elsie United Dolores M, to Daniel C. and ORDINANCE NO. 279 absolute divorce. instituted to recover the debt said properly being more Methodist Church on Tuesday During her talk on "Hats," secured by said mortgage or feet, thence South 80"57'42" evening, May 4th, honoring the which was humorous as well as Marleen £, Matson, Franklin AN ORDINANCE TO IT IS HEREBY ORDERED particularly described as: West a distance of 200 feet, REGULATE HEAVY TRUCK that the Defendant, CHRIS L. any part thereof, Now, Beginning at a point on the q older ladies of the community. stimulating, she modeled a Street, DeWitt. therefore, by virtue of the * thence South 00 02'18" East a May 10: Kraas, Helen L, to TRAFFIC BY PROHIBITING BRISBOY, shall appear or take South line of said Section 28, Mrs. Jean Cobb, dressed as different hat for the many roles power of sale contained in-said 0 distance of 50 feet to the South Martha Washington in royal of a farmer's wife. The Daniel C. and Marleen E. THROUGH TRUCK TRAFFIC such other action in this Court North 89 57'42" East 655.92 line of said Section 26, thence mortgage, and pursuant to the feet from the Southwest blue taffeta with white ruffled Woodhams operate a beef and Matson, 3681409 Blk, 50, DeWitt, OTHER THAN FOR LOCAL as may be permitted by law on statute of the State of Michigan North 89'57'42" East along DELIVERY ON CERTAIN or before May 18,1976. Failure corner of said Section 26; shawl and Mrs. Mary Melvin mint farm near St. Johns. ^ May 10; Matson. Daniel C. in such case made and e the South line of said Section gowned in a 125-year old waist and Marleen E. to Helen L. STREETS IN THE CITY OF to comply with this Order will thence North 00 05'37" East This version of her "hat" talk provided, notice is herby given 2307.69 feet parallel with the 26, a distance of 1203.00 feet to and skirt provided by Mrs. was interspersed with Bible Kraas, Franklin Street, DeWitt. ST. JOHNS. result in a Judgment by Default that on Thursday, the 24th day the point of beginning. THE CITY OF ST. JOHNS North-South '/i line of said Geraldine Geiger's grand­ verses fitting the particular May 11: Richards, RuthB. to against such Plain­ of June, A.D. 1976, at 11:00 mother and also bonnet and Douglas B. and Kandace H. ORDAINS: tiff/Defendant for the relief Section 26, to the North line of situations she related from life. o'clock A.M. said mortgage will the South 7/8 of the Southwest Parcel No. 2: The West 40 shawl, served as hostesses and The variety of hats included: Twiss, Lot 198, Blk. 23, DeWitt. Section l.'That the City of St. demanded in the Complaint be foreclosed by a sale at public rods of the South 140 acres of greeted the guests as they filed in this Court. >/4 of said Section 26, as oc­ l straw, shower, scarf, chef rain, May 11: Roberts, Francis D. Johns, in an effort to control auction, to the highest bidder, at cupied; thence South the Southwest h of Section 26, arrived. feathery, police, cowboy, and Olga W; St.'John, Janeal to heavy truck traffic in certain IT IS FURTHER ORDERED the north door of the courthouse Town 5 North, Range 2 West, that the fees or costs of 89'50'07" East 1963.50 feet Mrs, Al Pontack opened the helmets and fishing caps and Kurt Lee and Gloria Jean residential areas, and in the in the City of St. Johns, Clinton along said line; thence-South except the West 275 feet hat. Woodbury, property in Lot 2, interest of public safety, deems publication be paid by CLIN- " County, Michigan, of the 00°05'37n West 495.00 feet; thereof, DeWitt Township, program with all pledging Blk. 36, St. Johns. it advisable to prohibit truck TON County. premises' described in said Clinton County, Michigan. allegiance to the flag and ex­ At the close of the program, thence South 89°50'07" East the guests enjoyed refresh­ traffic on certain designated Honorable: LEO W. CORKIN mortgage, or so much thereof 16.50 feet to the North-South tended a welcome to the 113 areas within the' city limits. Bonnie Swanchara as may be necessary to pay the ladies present. She presented ments. A lace over red buffet V4 line of said Section 26, The Mortgagor, its successors pink and white carnations table of colorful salad desserts, Section 2. The City Com­ Deputy Clerk amount due, as aforesaid, on thence South 00'05'37" West and assigns or any person Legal mission conclusively deter­ Date of Order: March 18,1976. said mortgage, with the interest corsages to the three ladies coffee and tea with Mrs. Pon­ 1805.08 feet along said North- lawfully claiming from or present who were in their tack and Mrs. Durward Conklin mines and ordains that truck" Greater Lansing Legal Aid thereon at seven per cent (7%) South Vi line to the South \'\ under it, shall within SIX (6) traffic, except local deliveries, Bureau per annum and all legal costs, nineties. They were: Mrs. presiding at the silver services. corner of said Section 26, MONTHS from the date of the Zulma Robbe 90; Miss Lulu The other tables were covered shall be prohibited as follows: By: /s/James R. Phillips charges and expenses, in­ thence South 89°57'42" West aforesaid foreclosure sale be (a) On Swegles Street North (P18874) cluding the attorney fees Knight 92; and Mrs. Pearl with red, twhite and blue 1980.00 feet along the South entitled to redeem the entire Loynes 93 years old. Bicentennial* decorations with State of Michigan, from M-21 (State Street) to 300 North Washington Avenue allowed by law, and -also any line of said Section 26, to the premises sold, by paying to the Railroad Street. sum or sums which may be paid small flags. Each place was DEPARTMENT OF Lansing, Michigan 48933 point of beginning, except purchaser, his executors, ad­ The Rev. David Litchfield marked by small potted petunia AGRICULTURE, Drain Sec­ (b) On Mead Street north t 3-5 by the undersigned, necessary beginning at the South VA ministrators, or assigns, or to sang three of the more recent from M-21 (State Street) to to protect its interest in the plants along with favors from tion. corner of said Section 26; the register of deeds in whose hymns: 'Tart of the Family of the Clinton National Bank, Railroad Street. PUBLICATION OF NOTICE premises. Which said premises thence North 00'05'37.5" East God," "He Touched Me," and NOTICE OF MEETING OF are described as follows: All office the deed is deposited for Hallead's Ford, Vaughn- DRAINAGE BOARD (c) On Oakland Street North OF HEARING along the North-South y* line benefit of such purchaser, the "Fill My Cup, Lord." He was Jackson and Smith-Douglas from M-21 (State Street) to State of Michigan, The that certain piece or parcel of of said Section 26, a distance accompanied at the piano by TO WHOM IT MAY CON­ land situate in the City of sum which was bid therefore, wrapped in plastic for the oc­ CERN: Railroad Street. Probate Court for the County of of 1805.8 feet; thence North with interest from the time of Mrs. Litchfield. casion. (d) On Higham Street West CLINTON. DeWitt in the County of Clinton 89e53'05" West a distance of Mrs. Sandy Ginther and Mrs., Notice is hereby given that on and State of Michigan and sale at the rate percent borne by the 13th day of May, 1974, a from US-27 to Spring Street. Estate of PHEBA K. SHARP, •16.50 feet, thence North the mortgage phis any other Viva Scott, program chairman The committee members (e) On Walker Street West Deceased. File No. 19529. described as follows, to-wit: 00s05'37.5" East a distance of introduced the guest speaker were dressed in keeping with Petition was filed with Fred W. Lot 10, Viewcrest River sums required to be paid by Baker County Drain 'Com­ from US-27 to Spring Street. TAKE NOTICE: On June 2, 495 feet to the North line of law. Marie Woodhams of St. Johns the Bicentennial theme. 1976, at 9:30 A.M., in the Addition to the City of DeWitt, , South 7/8 of the Southwest y as "The Hat Lady" but said she Serving were assistant missioner of the county of Section 3. The City Com­ Clinton County, Michigan 4 John Fawcett Shiawassee asking for the mission further directs the Probate Courtroom, in the of said Section 26, thence preferred to be called Mrs. hostess: Mrs. Duane Green, according to the recorded plat North 89°53'05" West along Mortagee Richard Woodhams denoting Mrs. Lawrence Hess, Mrs. cleaning out, relocating, installation of adequate signs Courthouse in St. Johns, thereof in Liber 2 of Plats, widening, deepening, denoting the closing of the Michigan, before the Hon. said North line a distance of Dated: May 14, 1976 that her husband and their Charles Holcomb, Mrs. Robert page 33 of Clinton County 308.72 feet to the West limited MAURICE E. SCHOEN- children should also receiye Kelley, Mrs. Jennie Loznak, straightening, tiling, extending, above-captioned streets to truck TIMOTHY M. GREEN, Judge Records. n orrelocatingalonga highway of traffic as herein set forth and of Probate, a hearing will be access right of way line of BERGER credit for the pleasure in giving Mrs. Paul Platner, Mrs. Joe the Thomas Joint Drain. defined. held On the Petition of John Highway US-127 relocated; 113 E. Allegan the talk. She opened by reading Thering and Mrs. Leila Wilson. Lansing, MI 48933 And Whereas the Drainage Section 4. It shall be unlawful Burnes, Executor, for The redemption period shall thence following along said Allowance of his Final Account. be six (6) month(s) from the Westerly limited access right Attorney for John Fawcett, District of the Thomas Joint to drive any truck on any of the Mortgagee above designated streets in the Dated: Maya2, 1976 date of such sale. drain includes lands within the 3-4 Township of Fairfield, County City of St. Johns except for the /S/John Burnes Dated: May 19, 1976. of Shiawassee; Township of purpose of making a delivery to Petitioner Citizens Mortgage Cor­ Elsie News Duplain, County of Clinton; residents or businesses located 1548 E. Grand River poration a Delaware Cor­ Township of Elba, County of within the designated area only. Lansing, Michigan poration That local deliveries shall not Attorney for Petitioner: Assignee of Morgagee cBruce , Powelson recently Probably one of the trip Gratiot. Spaniola announces And Whereas, a certified copy be defined as traveling through Robert H. Wood Stephen A. Crane returned'from a vacation trip to highlights was taking a train- of said Petition was served upon the designated areas to deliver Maples & Wood 430 Congress Building Jamaica. He dropped in at the into the interior of the island. As Dale R. Chapman County Drain elsewhere. 306 N. Clinton-Avenue . 30555 Southfield Road Elsie Public Library and left we got onto the train, he said, Commissioner of the County of Section 5. "Truck," as set St. Johns, Mich. 48879 Southfield, Michigan 48076 candidacy some coins, paper money, they saw this man who started forth herein, shall be defined as Phone 224-3238 3-1 Attorney for Assignee of newspapers, colored map and talking to them (Remember Clinton, Thomas E. Moore of several House bills including: County Drain Commissioner of any road vehicle consisting of Mortgagee "Two years ago in asking other information with the Rule I?) We assumed the three or more axles. 3-5 your support for election to the the 1975-76 School Aid Act which Librarian Mrs, Orpha Clement. stranger was the guide but that the County of Gratiot and the PUBLICATION OF NOTICE provides a more equitable Director of Agriculture, by Section '6. Penalties. Any OF HEARING Michigan House of He said that Jamaica is a 4400 was a wrong assumption. This Representatives, I expressed funding formula for local school square mile island with a person was an evangelist (Rev. Fred W. Baker County Drain person convicted of a violation State of Michigan, The NOTICE OF MORTGAGE districts; a bill which provides Commissioner of the County of of any provision of this Or­ Probate Court for the County of 1 my belief that among the most tropical climate and about two Mackenzie). He then lead the FORECLOSURE SALE important qualifications for the additional highway dollars to train passengers in our car on Shiawassee. dinance shall be punished by a CLINTON. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN million inhabitants. fine of not more than Five office were a sensitivity to the local road commissions; a bill two or-three hymns (Amazing Now, Therefore, in ac­ Estate of JOSEPHINE MADE in the conditions of a needs of all the people and a Which gives voters the op­ He flew from Detroit Grace, for one), quoted some cordance with Act No. 40. P.A. Hundred ($500.00) Dollars or by LONG, Deceased. File No. certain mortgage made by .Metropolitan by Boeing 727 in imprisonment for not more than determination to meet those portunity to decide for them­ verses of scripture, blessed the 1956, as amended, a meeting of 19562. KING ARTHUR'S COURT, needs. Throughout the past selves if they wish to elect road approximately three hours. The train for its safe return, and the Drainage "—-Board' o-*f sai--d" ninety (90) days, or by both TAKE NOTICE: On August 4, INC., a Michigan corporation, clouds obscured much_ of such fine and imprisonment. sixteen months as your State commissioners; and a series of * promptly passed the -hat. ,. 1976, at 9:30 A.M.; in the of 2201 East^tate Road,,Lan­ T terrestial forms below bttf he • (Remember Rule II, again?) WP4fian,ce.^ p bate vOoflrtruum "Court- sing," Michigan" as'Mortgagor, - Representative; 'thes'e'wbrds * bills that treated' seven to ten A r0 t have been my guide- anrirtheand'they " thousand additional CETA jobs descended occasional con­ house, St. Johns', Michigan, to JOHN FAWCETT of 231 without spending extra money tinental cities and the route The train trip was interesting. days after its passage Vr'upon before the Hon. TIMOTHY M. Elmshaven, Lansing, Michigan, will continue to be if you again county of Clinton, on the 25th honor me with your trust and beyond what was originally allowed a glimpse of the At the termination point, where dayolMay 1976,*atl0;30 o'clock installation of the necessary GREEN, Judge of Probate, a as Mortgagee, dated 29 March Bahamas as well as to wave to we picked up a return bus, more signs, if said installation is confidence." allocated. in the forenoon; to determine hearing will be held on claims at 1973, and recorded in the office Looking back on his first Fidel as they flew over Cuba. natives and shacks 'were subsequent to twenty (20) days which time all creditors of said of the Register of Deeds for the With these words, Francis R. the necessity of said im­ months as a State Represen­ Powelson said a tourist learns evident. The "Metropolis" of provement. after passage of this Ordinance. deceased are required to prove County of Clinton, State of Spaniola today announced his Garland is larger and more PASSED, ORDAINED AND candidacy as a Democrat for re­ tative, Spaniola stresses two things quickly: first If a Now, Therefore, all persons their claims. Creditors must file Michigan, on 30 March, 1973, in responsibility and ac­ diverse, Pennsylvania, ORDERED PUBLISHED by sworn claims with the Court and Liber 270, Pages 347 and 348. election as State Represen­ stranger begins talking with owning lands liable to an tative for the 87th District which countability. "I realize and you, he is probably a "guide" or however, has no monopoly on assessment for benefits or the City Commission of the City serve a copy on Fred H. Tiedt, Mortgagee having elected, mountains and sheer drops. At of St. Johns, at a regular 551 North Main Street, Fowler, includes all of Shiawassee welcome my responsibility to do a "native model" and will cost whose la,nds will be crossed by under the terms of said mort­ County except Fairfield everything possible to extract you money, or second, if a street least in the states, we have said drain, or any municipality meeting held the 10th day of Michigan 48835, prior to said gage, to declare the entire traffic lights and signs, he May, A.D., 1976. hearing. , Township; part of Bath maximum efficiency from state vender brings an item to your principal and accrued interest Township and all of Victor government, state agencies, attention and you hold it for added. FORREDI-MIX Adoption of the above Or­ Dated: May 14,1976. thereon due, which election it and state tax dollars." dinance was moved by Com­ Township in Clinton County; perusing, the vender will get- In one case a man said his /S/ Fred H. Tiedt does hereby exercise, pursuant Flushing, Flushing Township, Representative Spaniola and another item out for every CONCRETE, CALL missioner Arehart and sup­ Petitioner to which there is claimed to be • pregnant wife had seven kids. ported by Commisioner and part of Mt. Morris Town­ his wife, the former Carol empty hand, making it more One of Powelson's buddies WESTENDORFFS, 551 North Main Street due and unpaid on said mort­ ship in Genesee County. Klempirik, and, their four difficult to return the items. Roesner. gage on the date of this notice talked to his "wife" at a Fowler, Michigan 48835 In his first term of office, children live in Corunna where In most cases, a curt "No, distance from the "husband." PEWAMO 593-2488 Yeas:'Commissioners Ebert, Attorney for Petitioner: for principal and interest, the they participate in many . Thank you" and a smile is Wilcox, Hannah, Arehart, sum of Eighty-Thousand Representative Spaniola has The wife wasn't pregnant, and Maples & Wood been given exceptional community activities. sufficient for the vender to stop only had six children. SATURDAY SERVICE fRoesner. Paul A. Maples Dollars ($80,000.00) and no civil his sales pitch. \ Nays: Commissioners None. suit or action or proceeding at responsibilities for a freshman Born in Corunna, AT'NO EXTRA 306 North Clinton Avenue Legislator including Chair­ Representative Spaniola at­ This trip certainly proved to The Ordinance was declared St. Johns, Mich. 48879 law or in equity having been tended Corunna schools and There seems to be either very be restful, enjoyable and en­ CHARGE. SERVING adopted. instituted to recover the debt manship of a Special Com­ Ph.517-224-3238 34 mittee to Investigate the earned a B.A. in Political. affluent people or very poor, tertaining, he said, and it is a Roy J. Eberts, Mayor secured by said mortgage, or Science at Michigan State people on the island. The middle must Visit place for any NORTH WESTERN F.Bruce Wood, Clerk any part thereof. Canning Lid Shortage and Vice FORECLOSURE NOTICE Chairman of the Agriculture University where.be later did class is nearly non-existant. Michigan citizen who needs a CLINTON COUNTY. 3-1 MORTGAGE SALE - Default NOW, THEREFORE, by Committee. Representative graduate work in History and Squalor is rampant and shacks nice place to thaw out. having been made in the terms virtue of the power of sale Spaniola was appointed to the Education. Prior to serving in which most Michigan people Powelson, whose parents are and conditions of a certain contained in said mortgage and committee investigating the the Legislature, Spaniola taught wouldn't keep animals in, serve Mr. and Mrs. Norman Powelson mortgage made by DONALD G. pursuant to the statutes in such PBB feed disaster and to the in Durand, Corunna, and East regularly as family homes. of Mead Road, Elsie, has been SMITH and 'KAREN SMITH, cases made and provided, committee examining the Lansing schools and received As a contrast, at the west and teaching in the Howell Public his wife, City of DeWitt, Clinton NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN national recognition for his iu * *u n, * A , «c T.,«« Michigan Public Service east ends of our hotel (the Rose Schools since, his graduation County, Michigan, Mortgagor, that on the 21st day of June, commission.- Dolicies reeard. teaching of Government and Hall Intercontinental) were from Michigan State Univer­ J n History. $ to CITIZENS MORTGAGE 1976, at 10:00 o'clock in the r_T!S?ing utility !companies.1°?^_ . "g?He ,i"s shacks, smaller than most sity. He spendsjnost weekends 4 CORPORATION a Michigan forenoon, at the North Main also a member of the House For approximately two years bedrooms where families lived. in Elsie. Photography is Corporation Mortgagee dated entrance of the Clinton County committees on Education, he worked as the staff assistant another hobby in addition to his V* the 14th day of December, A.D. Courthouse, in the City of St. Traipsing south over the hills live of travel. s* Social Services and Youth Care, for the House of Represen­ about a half-hour away was a 1972, and recorded in the office Johns, County of Clinton, State Retirement, Towns and tatives Education Committee. of the Register of Deeds, for the of Michigan, (that being the beautiful house, several out­ Counties, Liquor control and Spaniola owns and operates a buildings, an exquisite garden County of Clinton and State of place of'holding the Circuit seven special committees. business in Owosso and is Court within the said County) and with high fence and iron CEDARP0STS Michigan, on the 18th day of Representative Spaniola has associated with his brother, December, A.D."1972, in Liber said mortgage will be Victor, in a business in Howell. gate. A small but obvious sign Cut To Any Size 268 of Clinton County Records, foreclosed by a sale at public earned distinction as the author asked visitors to stay out. This on page 888, w.hich said mort­ auction to the highest bidder of home, as later confirmed, was Minimum Delivery ~ 400 the getaway place of one gage was thereafter on, to-wit the-premises described in said i 517-426*8590 the 14th day of March, A.D. mortgage, or so much thereof [ Fowler ) Johnny Cash, Esquire. 1973, assigned to ONANDAGA as may be necessary to pay the SAVINGS BANK and recorded amount due as aforesaid, any April 13,1973 in Liber 270 Page sum which may be paid to' the Mrs. James McGrauder and v undersigned at or before said family. USED EQUIPMENT 567, which said mortgage was daughter Geremy of St. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boak thereafter on, to-wit, the 24th sale for taxes and/or insurance on said premises, and all other Missouri were visitors of Mrs. and Mrs. Cecil Boak of St. Johns J.D. 3020 Tractor W/Cab & Duals day of February, 1976 assigned Lula Boak. They are spending were callers on Mrs. Lulu Boak to CITIZENS MORTGAGE sums paid by the undersigned, J.D. 4010 Tractor W/Turbo Cab & Duals with interest thereon, pursuant some time with her parents, Mr. on Monday. J.D. 2020 Tractor W/Loader CORPORATION, a Delaware and Mrs. Vernon Benjamin and Corporation and recorded on to law and to the terms of said IHC No. 1256 Diesel Tractor W/Duals March 5, 1976 in the office of mortgage, and all legal costs IHC No. 1456 Diesel Tractor W/Cab & Duals Register of Deeds for said and expenses, including the attorney's fees allowed by law, J.D. 4400 Combine County of Clinton in Liber 234 of 6 MONTHS J.D. 494A Planter 4-Row J.D. No. 184 Planter 4-Row W/No. 71 Planting FREE RENT Units J.D. No. 74 Planter 4-Row W/No. 70 Planting Call us & see how you can get up to 6 Units IHC 3-Bottom Plow WHP "I INFLATION N ow months free rent IHC 4-Row & 6-Row Rear Mount Cultivator MOVE YOUR MOBILE HOME TO ST. JOHNS MOBILE J.D. 6-Row Rear Mount Cultivator INSULATE AND SAVE HOME VILLAGE NOW! J.D. C-10 Field Cultivator J.D. C-11 Field Cultivator WE WILL PAY MOVING COSTS J.D. Grain Drill 15,Hole LARGE LOTS, PAVED ROADS, CITY SEWER AND ' J.D. 931 Cart W/16 Ft. Spring Tooth Harrow Do Your Own With' Our Equipment WATER, NATURAL GAS OLIVER 21 Ft. Disc. Lou for any size coach, 10-12-14 or Double Wide, We Call 876-3158 For An Appointment will pour special pads for Double Wides. John.Deore Sates & Service 1365 E. Monroe Road St. Louis, Mich, ST. JOHNS MOBILE Ph. 681-5771 Ph. 681-2440 BUERGE ELECmiC HEAT I IHSUliTlOU HOME VILLAGE 744 S. Elm, Ithaca Phone 224-7913 LAETHEMS IMC L 609 N.Morton 1 4A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST, JOHNS, MICHIGAN May 19,1976 Miller of Mason, Mrs, Valeita 'Johns, 2 grandchildren, 6 great McClelland of California. Mrs. grandchildren, 3 sisters, Mrs, ."Si* Fay Delia Hixon of Lansing and' Gladys Coselette of Elsie, Mrs. Morning Musicals Obituaries Mrs. Wilma Martin of Lansing; Martha Phelps of St. Johns and 3 brothers: Paul Hartsuff of Mrs. Helen: Davis of Mt. Berndine Voisinet Kenneth Hartsuff Grand Rapids and Robert and Pleasant, and a brother, Arden Richard Hartsuff of East Workman of St. Johns. installs officers Funeral services for Miss Owner and operator of Ken's Lansing; and 3 grandchildren. Market in OVid, Kenneth W. ' Funeral services 'were Members of St, Johns Morn­ by an itinerant "Professor" Berndine Voisinet, 67, of Rte. 3, Gladys Westendorff with a good singing voice and a McNeil Ed., St, Johns, were Hartsuff, 63, of 212 E. Oak. St., Thursday, May 13, at the ing Musicale met at Jeanne's Ovid, died Tuesday, May 11, Houghton Chapel of the Osgood Beans on Wednesday_May 12th little musical education, they held Thursday, May 13,1976, at were often held in small towns the St, Joseph Catholic Church 1976 at the Owosso Memorial Funeral Home. Rev, Claude ST, JOHNS -.Funeral ser­ for their annual Guest Lunch­ Hospital following a one-week Ridley officiated and interment vices were held May 17, at eon. Five guests were present: that could be reached by at 10 a.m. Fr, William Hankert railroad. Mrs. Bross found an officiated and interment was in Illness. was in Maple Grove Cenietery. Osgood Funeral Home for Mrs. R.E. Benson, Mrs. Alden Gladys Westendorff, 69,*711 N. Livingston, Mrs, John Jones, announcement in a Clinton St. Joseph Cemetery, A rosary He was born inStockbridge on -Masonic services were held County paper for Jan. 27,1880, was said on Wednesday, May Nov. 14,1912, the son of Fay and Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. Ottawa Street. She died May 14 Mrs. Herbert Baker and Mrs. Hazel (Fineout) Hartsuff. He at the Ovid Convalescent Manor Robert .Tressel. that a singing school would be 12, at the Osgood Funeral after a. short illness. held in Fowler, directed by a Home. attended school in Stockbridge, The program opened with Howell and Okemos and Hazel Carver Burial was at Eureka piano solos by two of Mrs. Professor Hoar. Miss Voisinet was born in graduated from Okemos High Mrs. Hazel J, Carver, 82, of Cemetery, officiated by Rev. manning Brass' piano students, Members of the Choral En­ DeWitt on April 17, 1909, the School. Rte. 3, St Johns, died Wed­ Roy Green of Harrison. Helene and Gloria Stratton, The semble served as a class as i daughter of Henry , and, On Aug. 6, 1938, he married nesday, May 12,1976 at Carson Mrs, Westendorff was born sisters also played a piano duet Mrs, Bross demonstrated some Charlotte (Poland) Voisinet. Dawn Hemingway in Lansing City Hospital. January 7, 1907, in New York, "Tales of the Vienna Woods" by of the methods used to teach She lived all of her life in Clinton and in 1947 they moved to Ovjd. Funeral services were held at daughter of John and Alberta Strauss, singing in the schools. * County and was a member of St. Mr. Hartsuff worked for the the Osgood Funeral Home on Wickwire. As the concluding program in Joseph's Catholic Church. Lawrence Baking Company in Saturday, Mayl5, at 1 p.m. with In November 1925 she the club's study of music during Following the luncheon, there Lansing and in 1947 he bought Rev. Douglas Jones officiating. married James A, Westendorff, America's first 100 years, Mrs. was a short business meeting, She died May 11, at Clinton Ken's Market. He was a Interment was in Eureka who preceded her in death in Bross gave an interesting a* then Mrs. Wlnchell Brown Memorial Hospital, following a member of the former Odd Cemetery. July 1974. • count of the "old-fashioned conducted the ceremony of short illness, Fellows Lodge and a member of Mrs. Carver was born in Survivors are one daughter, singing schools" which sprang installation of new officers. the Ovid Masonic Lodge #127 F Shepardsville on Nov. 4, 1893, Iris Mae Westendorff of St up in many areas of the country Those installed for the coming Surviving are 2 brothers, &A.M. the daughter of John and Dora Johns; one son, Roy West­ beginning about 1870. year were; President, Mrs. Joseph Voisinet of Laingsburg Surviving are his wife, Dawn, (McDorman) Workman. She endorff of Pewamo; two sisters, These schools, usually held on Paul Martis; Vice-President, and Victor Voisinet of St. Johns; and 4 children: Janet Hartsuff moved to Eureka in 1931. Mrs. Jane Sheldon of Owosso winter evenings in schools or Mrs. Don DeWitt; Recording 2 sisters, Mrs. Charlotte Crafton of Owosso, Mrs. Barbara Hale She was formerly married to and Mrs. Mable Sheldon of churches in rural areas or small Secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Camp­ of Williamston and Mrs. Julia of Jackson, Douglas and Jeffrey * Floyd Carver who died in 1969, Harrison; one brother, Charles towns, were both an educational, bell; Corresponding Secretary, Teems of St. Johns; and several Hartsuff of Ovid. Also surviving and is survived by a daughter, Wickwire, of Sandusky, Ohio; and a social activity for the Mrs. Richard Jacoby; nieces and nephews. are 4 sisters; Mrs. Isabelie Mrs. Onalee Maneval of St. three grandchildren. community. Usually conducted Treasurer, Mrs. Floyd Hill; Press Reporters, Mrs. Richard Lawrende and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson. P-W speaker Mrs. Martis presented the outgoing president, Mrs. John Caudy, with a gift of ap­ Dr. Malcolm Katz, Deputy Superintendent of Instruction for the preciation from the club for her Michigan Department of Education will be the Speaker at the excellent leadership during the Pewamo-Westphalia Commencement to be held in the High School mpRovEmenT past year. Gymnasium at 8:00 P.M. on Wednesday, May„26. k NEW LOOK/ TIlTlE... Big Brothers, Big Sisters program underway FOR SPRING WITH THE "3 R\s": Big Brothers/Big Sisters is a program set Montcalm Counties BB/BS programs has up to help children from one-parent homes been working with some citizens of Clinton find needed companionship with a mature, County to organize a BB/BS program here. responsible adult outside their home. This 1 They have been meeting at the Episcopal to 1 relationship will help to build the child's Church in St. Johns since February 18 and so respect for himself and others and help the far have set up a temporary Board of child reach his fullest potential. Directors and several committees including One of the BB/BS largest concerns is to public relations, fund raising and recruit­ help prevent Juvenile Delinquency amongi ment. youth. National statistics show'that over 70% of the men and women in state prisons The incorporation papers were drawn up come from homes where there was a by Attorney James Moore, and have been missing parent. sent in. They have a couple possibilities for . Children from one-parent homes have a 4 offices and hope to have one by June 1. The times greater chance of dropping out of first match is tentatively set for June 15. • Bathrooms • Family Rooms school, a 6 times greater chance of having There have been approximately 40 people contact with a police agency, and a 4 times - from Clinton County who have attended the REPLACE/ greater chance of appearing in Juvenile meetjngs but more volunteers are needed, t i CourtM> vUvsi v ' • • • ' ' ' f Persons interested, in becoming 3' fijg • Patios f Kitchens • Paneling; A't the present time, there are at least 709 Brother or Big Sister, setting on the Board sf boys and girls in one-parent homes who of Directors or participating in a committee could benefit from a Big Brother or Big are asked to attend the meetings. 0 ROOM ADDITIONS • NEW ROOFS • INSULATION Sister in the Clinton County area. The above The next meeting will be on Thursday, statistics are sufficient reasons for wanting May 27, at 7:30 p.m. at the Episcopal Church a BB/BS agency in Clinton County. in St. Johns. For more information, call 224* Scott Nesen from the Gratiot-Ionia- SIDING • EAVES & DOWNSPOUTS • 6228. HEATING PLANTS • FIREPLACES • DOORS Charge men with April 24 rape HOME-IMPROVEMENT Three men have been arrested in con­ prison in North Carolina where he was nection with rape of 2 women in Bath Twp. serving a sentence for car theft. April 24. The Clinton Counly Sheriffs Dept learned the suspect had left the state. The Federal Arrested May 11 was William J. Briggs, Bureau of Investigation was called and a 805 Deer St, Gladwin, who is presently in letter was written to theU.S. Attorney in the Clinton County Jail. Bond is set at $5000. Grand Rapids requesting a warrant be LOAN MONIES ARE Arrested May 5 was Earl F. Hagy, Gary issued for Leslie W. Norris, charging him Lane, Bath Twp., who posted a $5000 bond. with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. Both have been charged with sexual On May 14, FBI agents from the Lansing conduct in the first degree, the most serious office 'obtained a warrant for the arrest of of the new sexual conduct law. When Norris. NOW AVAILABLE charging first degree, violence must be Oil May 16, Norris was arrested in Dayton, shown. Ohio by FBI agents and arrangements are During the investigation, it was learned being made for extradition to Michigan. the 3d individual believed to be involved in Preliminary examinations for Briggs and AT CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK the incident was an escapee from the state Hagy will be May 20.

OF ST. JOHNS . . . ( Fowler ) \ • t A surprise birthday party, was held at the home of Mr. and WHATEVER YOUR REMODELING NEEDS, SEE US Mrs. Reynold Goerge Friday evening. The parry was in honor of Mrs. Rita Goerge. The party was hosted by their children. Guests were sisters and brothers and brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law from both sides. the purpose Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boak of St. Johns\Were dinner gitests of of funeral service Mrs..LuIa Boak on Sunday. ' is to enable those left behind Mrs. Arnold Thelen was to express their feelings visitor of Mrs. Lulu Boak on and adiust to their loss CENTRAL Friday. NATIONAL

*%•««• cAwaiwcn BANK TREATED YELLOW PINE 1 OF ST. JOHNS FENCE POSTS 1 ' £ . 7 ft. OSGOOD M •FUNERAL HOMES "WE'RE THE FRIENDLY FOLKS YOU CAN BANK ON" *3 Each _. m Serving the Clinton Area from 4 Convenient Locations 0S600D^G0ERGE£W CHAMBERLAIN ST. JOHNS fovmn ST. JOHNS SOUTHGATE PLAZA OVID PEWAMO BUILDING SUPPLY ABBOTTMAPLE RAPIDS S HOUGHTOOVID N OVID PHONE 834-2300 May 19,1976 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST. JQHNS, MICHIGAN 1 B $ St. Johns teen goes to national 4-H conference Six Michigan 4-E youths participated in the 46th National 4-H Conference, April 24-30, at the National 4-H Center in NOW • • enjoy lowered Washington, D.C. including Mary Bergdolt of St. Johns. The conference delegates discussed local participation in nationally planned Bicentennial activities, 4-H's future and America's heritage. They also met face to face with govern­ BUYCENTENNIAL mental and private organization officials to ex­ change ideas and information j on current policies and ac­ tivities. Conference leaders expect the delegates will become more aware of the citizen's position in INTEREST RATES the American political system. The Michigan 4-H presented a $7,000 check to aid in expanding the National 4-H Center. The Michigan youths par­ ticipating in the conference were chosen from the 1976 Teen Enrichment and Maturity (TEAM) Program. "TEAM is a program designed to aid older youth in their personal growth and development as well as to INSTALLMENT LOANS create an awareness of their everyday environment," says Retha Hankey,- leader of the TEAM program. The Michigan Production Credit Association and the Charles Bracey, Production Credit Association representative; Mike Ward, Quinnesac; Don Olt- Michigan 4-H Foundation manns, Ypsilanti; Debbie Bennett, New Era; Joe Lessard, Extension 4-H youth agent in Mecosta sponsored the conference trips County; Carol Koopsen, Portage; Kathleen Lessard; Mary Bergdolt, St. Johns; Cynthia Brown, Berrien, for 6 4-Hers including Bergdolt. .Springs and Ed Miller, Michigan 4-H Foundation executive director. v i illiam Spike, a New Haven farmer,

y j announces candidacy New Haven. .Township Far­ situation in agriculture today," Spike said. "The primary need organizations, Spike has never mer, William H. Spike, said he he said. in the state and this district in before run for public office. has beatff a campaign for Spike, 33, is a partner with his particular is jobs. We need to Spike, who lives at 8409 North create jobs in the private j>v, ^ItcUqn/to the Michigan House brother, Tom, in the operation Seymour Roadwas born in East of Representatives as a of Spike Farms, one of the sector, where people are Lansing in 1943 while his father Republican from the 87th state's best known agricultural producing goods and services was attending veterinary school District. enterprises. which generate tax dollars. at Michigan State, The family { The B7th District includes all "In this Bicentennial year, it When we create government moved to Shiawassee County in of Shiawassee County except is worth remembering that 200 jobs, we add to the taxpayer's 1945 and "began its farming Fairfield Township plus Victor y&rs ago American farmers burden," he claimed. business then. Township and the southern put aside their plows to Spike graduated from portion of Bath Township in establish a government for Other areas which he listed as Chesaning High School in 1961 Clinton County and the Flushing themselves," Spike said. "As a being of major concern include and received a bachelor's area in Genesee County. farmer in 1976,1 feel compelled accountability of state spend­ degree in agriculture from ing, and use property and Michigan State in 1965. That "No working farmer has been to contribute my energy and business tax reform, education elected to the House'from this experience to maintaining and same year he married Mary financing and strikes by Beth' Devereaux of rural district in more than 40 years improving that government," essential public employees. and I am convinced that in these he added". Oakley. They have two on.aufo, rec vehicle, remodeling loans . . . times it is important that we There are many issues in this Althouj$'tie has been active daughters, Jennifer, 7, and have a representative who this election which are crucial for many ^years' in community Julie, 1, a son, Patrick, 5, and knows 1st hand the factual are expecting their 4th child in •PLUS to the people of this district," service and agricultural the near future. Spike participated in the Kellogg Farmers Study . . -S~ / U; \ h. Program, a leadership program * for selected yquijg farmers in* EXTENDED FINANCING 1969-71. He was involved with 4- X Riley and Olive News H and FFA as a youth, has been active in the Shiawassee County and Michigan Farm Bureau < Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Silm of West Price Rd.j Mr. and and sons are new neighbors in organizations, Shiawassee Moore entertained the following Mrs. Valentine Stoy of Lowell the area; they have purchased Dairy Herd Improvement on Wednesday evening in honor Rd.; Mrs. Jim Becker and Jill the M. Lietzke home. Mrs. Mary Association, and various other SIMPLE INTEREST of their wedding anniversary: and Jamie, Mrs. Lynn Smith Lietzke is moving to St, Johns to farm groups. He has been a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sehlke of and Brandy of rural St. Johns. the Senior Citizen apartments member of Salem Lutheran Fowler; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Eric Peterson on North Lansing Street. Church in Owosso for 20 years.

Paul Revere passed the news in '75 . . . 201 years ago, Lowest Rates In The Area that is (Banks or Credit Unions!) NOW IN'76 We Do The Job! CLINTON COUNTY NEWS • SERVING THE CLINTON AREA SINCE 1856 • CLINTON NATIONAL Now highlighted with a feature page of O horoscopes, crossword puzzles and the Old

Farmers Almanac •> ( * 4 PLUS A bank for all reasons . -w'tXv ' ENLIGHTENING FEATURE STORIES •wI-.* * BY PATRIAE HORNAK ifr** Don't Miss The Action ... Subscribe Today!


with Jim Edwards

... WORDS-The Michigan Manufacturer's bul­ ,.. SHAGGY DOG TALE-Heard this from an old letin had this little item about words. The Lord's fella in Sidney. He was complaining that his dog Prayer contains 56 words, Lincoln's Gettysburg wasn't good for hunting any more, "He swallowed address contains 266 words, The Declaration of my compass," he explained, "and now all he does l Independence contains 3000 words. . .A govern­ is point north." \ Soldiers call Fort <^f^r^jr^x^jrfi>jrQ1*^*^*^K^if^)<' ment regulation on the sale of cabbages contains * * ( 26,911. words. ... NEW ZOO ATTRACTION-They now have a ' TEN YEARS AGO THIRTY YEARS AGO v + > + gnu at the Potter Park Zoo in Lansing. They had May 19,1966 May 23,1946 ... A DOG'S LIFE?-Connie Smith of St. Johns some problems when it first arrived because they Laurens Tort Nonsense' An $800,000 addition and Clinton County's selective doesn't feed her dog just any old dog food. She puts found out all it Will eat is pepper. So they hired a updating of facilities at Clinton ^service board has been ordered jelly on it. She also warms it in the oven. young boy and his job is to deliver gnu's pepper. Memorial Hospital were to send for pre-induction * * f physical examination all county during Revolution discussed at the annual meeting ... JUST KIDDING-St. Johns exchanged mayors .. \ PUBLIC RESTROOM?-Drivers in St. Johns of the hospital's board of draft registrants age 26 through were somewhat startled last week. Somebody trustees and Women's.Auxiliary 29 whoare not fathers and who with Milford Monday during Mayor's Exchange last Thursday evening. William may qualify for military service Day. The City Commission Was a bit disappointed placed an outhouse right in the middle of Clinton W. Barber, chairman of the under existing physical and when It was all over-they thought the exchange Ave. board of directors' building occupational classification was permanent. * * * committee, told the trustees the standards. No men who have • * * ... THINGS ARE GOING DOWNHILL SUNDAY- hospital had been assured of a already served in either the .,. IT MIGHT WORK-The Detroit Tigers now -Sunday's the big day for a lot of Clinton County $400,000 grant from federal Hill- Army or Navy and have been have a pitcher who wins by talking to the ball. youngsters. You can enjoy the fun of the Clinton ' Burton funds to help finance the discharged can be inducted Maybe some of the other Tigers should talk to County Soapbox Derby. Come to Clinton Ave. in St. proposed project. under the new order. A their bats. Johns for parade followed by the Derby race. * • . The first Clinton County man Louis F. Estes, believed to be ... POLITICS-Some say there were so many to give his life fo< freedom in the St. Johns' oldest "residenter," politicans in Michigan last week, there will never ... WHY IS IT?~When it's you, it's called an Viet Nam war was killed last observed his 86th birthday here be another fertilizer shortage, explanation, but when it's the other guy, it's called [ Thursday in a battle near Friday. Born here on'May 17, an excuse. l DaNang, James Phillip I860, Mr. Estes has lived here LaCIear, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs, ever since and has watched the Hessel H. LeClear of 15426 town grow from a struggling Sen. Richard Allen Upton Road died of fragmen­ backwoods village. His father, tation wounds in the left George W. Estes, one of the shoulder and back, reportedly earliest pioneers, named the' from a hand grenade. town by tacking a sign up on a Report from the Senate The lingering cold weather of tree on what is now East Walker recent weeks has already af­ Street. George Estes was also "Daisy, Daisy give me your structive amendatory process, press on bicycle operators the fected some agricultural crops the first postmaster here and answer due, with enthusiastic suggestions responsibility inherent in in Clinton County, and the delay the oldest resident of the city at I'm half-crazy all for the love coming from bicycle users ownership and allow law en­ it is causing in the planting of the time of his death in 1926,' of you. across the State, law en­ forcement agencies to focus on other crops is also of some Louis' brother, George A., four It won't be a stylish marriage, forcement officers and nearly safety 'problem-areas with cost- concern. A hard freeze early years his senior, was the, first I can't afford a carriage. all of the groups whose use of or effective^selective enforcement last week-with temperatures white child to be born in the But you'd look sweet upon the dealings with bicycles would be practices. The remaining funds, dipping as low as 18 degrees- community. Another brother, seat, affected- under the bill. The after administration, will go to A marker and a visitor center [background] with displays and a slide-sound presentation on the role of seriously set back alfalfa and James, was the first editor of Of a bicycle built for two." S^ate Police has suggested the Michigan ^Bicycle Com­ Ohio in the Revolutionary War mark the site of Fort Laurens near what is now Bolivar,-Ohio. The hay production foiv the first the old St. Johns News. As with Daisy's suitor in the necessarily tough provisions to mission, a gube^nat ori ally- location is more pleasant today than during the winter of 1778-79 when soldiers stationed there called it cuttings. Some 25 acres of song, carriages and cars come deal with bike theft rings; the appointed body 6f bicyclists arid cherry trees m the county were expensive anymore and for Secretary of State has given experts whose sole job Wip-fie td' "Fort Nonsense*" ' *-' constructive ideas as to how the administer the funds to: safety It really was Fdrt Laurens, scalped 17 of them within sight also damaged by the cold and 20 FORTY YEARS AGO someone lost in Spring's ardor, th15e0 formet no no thf eth Tuscarawae 13th Virginis werae of the fort and took the other two acres of peaches were ajso hit high-wheelers and tandems registration can be made ef­ and bicycle education programs but the men stationed there May 21,1936 fective. We are using the around the State on a matching during the winter of 1778-79 Regiment and 20 from the 8th as prisoners. The Indians, hard. Senior students at the James were often the most economical Pennsylvania under Colonel accompanied by ' British answer for transportation. legislative process to the fullest basis. The Commission will preferred to call it Fort Non­ ' Couzens Agricultural School at to make the proposal fit the provide local units of govern­ sense. John Gibson. These men con­ soldiers, had arrived un­ TWENTY YEARS AGO Bath, together with Principal Nowadays, "ordinaries" are tinued work on the interior of detected in the vicinity of the 1 only found at Greenfield dimensions of the problem and ment with the ability to qualify Perhaps Fort Misery would May 17,1956 Raymond Smith and Rev. an' acceptable to the public. for non-motorized trans­ the fort after the others left in fort the preceding day, Property damage estimated Mrs. H.E. Wylie, made a Village, alongside the old public have been a better name: December, but the effort was During the nearly four-weeks attitude towards the bicycle as Under the bill, all new and portation funds from federal Before the winter was over the ' at $500,000 was inflicted on special trip Monday of this week programs, previously denied slowed because not all of them that the enemy force Clinton County late Saturday to decorate the graves of the a toy or/ purely recreational existing bicycles would be remote outpost had attempted a had adequate clothing to enable surrounded the fort, many of vehicle. registered at $5 and $2, them because of the stringent mutiny, withstood a siege by the afternoon by winds of tornadic victims of the Bath disaster federal guidelines. them to be outside. the garrison cooked dried beef force, marking the worst storm who, had they lived, would have In fact, if Daisy and her respectively. The resulting British and Indians, eaten dried hides to eat. Some washed their fiance lived in Michigan uniform method of bicycle beef hides' and even their own The soldiers began to loss ever suffered by the county been graduated this year. The So hpp on my tandem Daisy! grumble openly about "Fort moccasins -and roasted them, in a single day. Despite the 1936 class is the last that would metropolitan areas they might identification and com­ Like your ol' beau I haven't got moccasins, and buried the Eventually, they Were forced to be diligent, environmentally- puterization of that information bodies of several of their Nonsense," and before the end heavy loss, no serious injuries have had members who were much money, but I can at least of the year had attempted a eat roots and other parts of were reported although three killed in the school explosion conscious commuters riding will aid in returning lost or scrounge up a few dollars to comrades who had been am­ plants that they could find their bikes to work daily. The stolen bicycles, much J ike bushed and scalped by Indians. mutiny which failed. persons were treated at Clinton which occurred nine years ago make sure we have many more beneath the snow close to the Memorial Hospital for minor on May 18, 1927. energy crisis, increased automobiles. It will also im­ rides to come. The fort-built under the TO REPLENISH the fort's fdrt, and poisonous roots killed injuries. ' Death brought the toll of gasoline, costs and our more direction of General Lachlin dwindling provisions .^Gibson in two soldiers and made others . Rainfall for the month of May frequently-made ecological ( Clinton County's worst traffic^ decisions\haVe 'all contributed .Mcintosh and named for Henry ' January sent the commissary, . 'through Wednesday now totals accident to five. Saturday when ' >Laurens, president oPt*ll\e, Samuel Sample, anoW$mauy towards*.?-* Michigan's near- Lowe i/MW'meets / '•!'% i. J 1> *•*?•» 4.8ST" inches, it was reported! ''Forres't sparks,* 19; - critically revolutjpnary increase in .j, D* >d i ii.lw J£0J fgontine.ntaL Congress-was detachment of troops to make^ WHEN GIBSON'rejected a today by Miss Anne Hanratta* inlured^the crash that Hilled r •located alongside the purchases from Delaware demand that the fort surrender bicycle ownership. Bicycles are ' TheXoweUMW meeting was local weather observer. There four of his Carson City increasingly being used for opened by the president by Marguerite Gove. Another one Tuscarawas River near Indians at what is now and told the British that he had were 2.3 inches recorded in the schoolmates May 8, died at is scheduled fof July 2, and will present-day' Bolivar, Ohio. Coshocton, Ohio. During the plenty of food inside, the siege serious transportation use in having the Purpose repeated in first 10 days of May and in the Clinton Memorial Hospital. He our daily lives, in addition to unison by the members. After be under Dawn Mercer's Erected late in 1778, it was mission, renegade Delawares finally ended late in March. A last week, an additional 2.58 had been given some slight direction. The Guernsey lunch manned for less than a year. killed and scalped one' of the few days later a relief ex­ Sunday outings, getting to the the regular business transpired, inches fell. \ chance to recover, but doubtless Little League diamond and as a several repdrts were given will be on July 31, to be chair- soldiers; shot another, breaking pedition bringing desperately Dr. Gerald Osborn, a 1921 would have been cripled had he maned by Caroline Anderson. his arm; shot three horses and needed supplies arrived at the means for some family concerning the past events. MCINTOSH HAD left Fort graduate of St. Johns High lived. togetherness. Jn July the Schools of Pitt with 1,200 soldiers on Oc­ stole two others along with fort, The men of the garrison Eileen Plowman reported on Christian Mission featuring School, has been appointed dean , Payday is less than a month the two Tupperware parties tober 23, 1778, intending to at­ saddles, blankets and other were so happy to see the group of the school of liberal arts at away for Clinton County's 350 I think this conscious attempt "Discipleship: Torment and tack Wyandot Indian villages items. Chief John Killbuck coming that they fired their to switch our transportation that resulted in several nice Triumph" will have a weekend, Western Michigan College, World War veterans who will gifts for the church kitchen that near Lake Erie. The troops apologized and provided an guns into the air in clebration. Kalamazoo. begin receiving their bonus outlook has been responsible or a week or a Drive-in Day for escort to take the party back to she and Al had both donated. stopped at the mouth of Beaver Many of the horses, new in Value of Clinton County has bonds from Uncle Sam' and healthful. But it has been a the pursuance of the study. It is Creek from October 25 to Fort Laurens. military service, were gun-shy changeover not without serious Connie Henry reported on the hoped many members will go been fixed at $76,596,400 by the beginning June 15-three weeks Plant Party that had been given November 4 to construct Fort Later that month a supply and galloped away. Thus, a State Board of Equalization, an from next Monday. On that day, implications; dramatic, for the enjoyment, enlighten­ Mcintosh and then head nor­ considerable amount of the sometime tragic, changes have at the church, which proved to ment, in the participation. A escort which was^ returning to increase of $1,071,400, or 1.4 per and the next several days, the be most successful. thward. Fort Pitt with messages from supplies fell from the horses cent over the state-equalized mails will be loaded down with accompanied it. motion was made and passed Gibson was ambushed by In­ and was lost. the highly prized securities, From 1970 to 1975 there was a Marbeth Hynes told us about that we sponsor the event for During the following two 1955 figure 0^5,525,000. The the Quarterly Retreat at Alma weeks Mcintosh's army dians three miles from Fort However, the suffering of the county has been assessed by plus government checks for 72% increase in bicycle deaths Mrs, Showers, if she would like Laurens. The unit returned to men who had endured the amounts due above the values in Michigan with an 85% in­ College which she had attended to attend. covered, only 72 miles and local officials at $140,500,589 an for two days with about 150 reached the Great Crossing of the fort but two men were winter hardships at Fort increase of $836,171 over the of the bonds. The estimated crease in bicycle injuries over Helen Murton and Bee Cook killed, four wounded,' and the Laurens was over. With the "pay-off" for Clinton County is the same period. In 1975,44,275, women present. It had been ""are responsible for the dinner the Tuscarawas River about 1955 assessed valuation of most inpsirational under the halfway between Fort Pitt and soldier who ..was carrying supply unit were Major Ward $39,664,418. approximately $170,000. or 14% of all larcenies in the honoring the graduates and the Wyandot villages. Here the Gibson's dispatches was cap­ Vernon and 106 soldiers of the State were bicycle thefts ac­ leadership of a group from their families on May 23rd. general decided to build another tured along with his saddlebags. 8th Pennsylvania Regiment to counting for 6% of all property- Northland Church called the , Our next meeting will be June -fort so that he could control the The letters eventually found replace Gibson and the men of loss - dollars - by - larceny. "Northland Airs" who were full 9 at Dawn Mercer's with Ruby region until spring when the their way to the British at the 13th Virginia. Estimates by the State Police of joy and enthusiasm. The time Pierce as co-hostess. Mary Detroit. Crime Reporting and Traffic was well spent in Bible study, Kingsbury will have the march might be resumed. Less than a week after they ( Garland News ) prayers and song. When work on Fort Laurens In February, 19 men left the had arrived at Fort Laurens, and Safety Sections show these program and Caroline An­ had progressed to,the point that fort to round up some horses two men of a detachment of 40 problems to mount as the bike Connie informed us of the derson the worship service. * boom continues' past the year Father-Son banquet which is to Al Bast gave a very it afforded protection for the which had wandered off so that - that had been set out to bring in ' The Carland United Barbara Stewart, and Mrs. troops who were to garrison it, they could bring in wood which firewood were killed and Virginia Schultz. Mrs. Lois 2000. be on June 17th. The money meaningful worship service Methodist Women are planning from the ticket sales is to be with several people par­ .most of the army returned to had been cut earlier. Indians .scalped by Indians, and it ap­ a mother and daughter banquet Bowen read a letter from the As one who has bicycled most Fort Mcintosh. Remaining at lying in ambush killed and peared that the new garrison U.M. women's adopted son at of my life, I view this in light of used to sponsor a social get- ticipating with much fervor and for May 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the together for the community. deep feeling. was about to suffer the same CarlancL Church house. the,United Children's home in the Irresponsible use of difficulties as the preceding Detroit. bicycles and the'failure of the A bake sale is to be on June A delicious luncheon was one. The problem of supplying Reservations may be made 4th, under the chairmanship of served by the hostesses. by phoning Mrs. Howard Horn The gambling bill to legalize bicyclist to abide by common REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Fort Laurens didn't improve gambling in Detroit was safely precautions. Also part of during the spring and summer at 834-5125 or Mrs. Earl Darling by ' at 834-2857. A free will offering discussed and the ladies the problem is the lack of either, so all but Vernon and 25 decided if it was legalized in respect for the bicycle by motor men returned to Fort Mcintosh will be taken. United States of America Bicentennial dress is urged, Detroit, it would soon be vehicle operators and law en­ in May. Those that remained legalized elsewhere, so all were forcement personnel. The were forced to live on roots and but not required, as the theme NOTICE Farmers Home Administration has for sate the of the e.vening is "Our urged * to write their modem bicycle's high cost, / herbs, as the first garrison had Congressman about it. light weight and lack of following property: 227 West First Street, Ovid. done, until a relief par^y arrived American Bicentennial." distinctive identification make Effective June 1, 1976, the Clinton County Licensed realtors interested in listing the property late in the month. Mrs, Homer VanBuren is in May 23 is Bishop and Mrs. it a tempting target for both the should contact the county office at 125 South charge of the. program. Mrs. Loder's appreciation "single steal" and well- Plat Board will meet the 2nd & 4th Wednes­ Another replacement "Virginia Schultz was hostess for celebration at the Civic Center day's at 2 o'clock P.M. instead of the 2nd & * Maple Street, Ithaca,, phone 875-4085, for infor­ garrison--75 Maryland and organized bicycle theft the United Methodist Women's in Lansing. A special offering operations. 4th Thursday's at 1:30 o'clock P.M. mation. ' Virginia troops under Lt. Col. meeting to finalize the banquet will be taken next Sunday to Richard Campbell-relieved plans. supplement the Loder's I introduced Senate^Bill 874 Vernon and his men in June. Readings, poems, and missionary interest. over a year ago to deal with Ernest E. Carter, Sec. They vacated, the fort on August devotions were given by Mrs*. * * * these problems by means of a 2, and it was never again used Homer VanBuren, Mrs. Glen ' Mr. and Mrs. Corky Root mandatory statewide bicycle GRADUATION as a military post, Brown, Mrs. Earl Darling, Mrs. and son of Spring Lake were registration plan and by Mother's Day guests of" his creating a - Michigan Bicycle mother and grandmother, Mrs. Commission. Since its in­ Betty Root and Mrs. Inez troduction, SB 874 has un­ ir^CLflSSIFIEDUDS! & WEDDING Downey, respectively, in dergone an enormously con­ .-w URETHANE FOAM Carland. SUPPLIES With A Rri RMfldtanl Coating Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Walling of Elsie and. Mr. and Mrs. • TABLE COVERS • NAPKINS Richard Mead and son Brian of EGAN FORD ST. JOHNS ON TOUR ROOF St. Johns, were Mother's Day evening meal guests at the Leo • GLASSES 1$ UAK PROOF AND- Deming residence in Carland, SPECIAL OF THE WEEK • PLASTIC KNIVES - FORKS - SPOONS WILL REDUCE HEATING WOOD 1971 FORD F100 PICKUP • PLATES • CUPS AND COOLING COSTS UP TO 40% PANELING V-8 STANDARD TRANSMISSION-' —Art About Our Guarantee— BARNWOOD CAD,5 NEW TR UCK TRADE IN •Industrial •Commercial PATTERN *9 Sheet •Residential (Other Than Shingle) 4' x 8' DHL'S /Vo Price Like This Anywhere FORD MERCHAMHSE INC, Urethane Foam Service Inc. CHAMBERLAIN EGAN FORD SALES, INC. 1112N.MERIQIANRD. ' OVID BUILDING SUPPLY Mi Pleasant .772-0311 200 W. Hiflham PH.834-5242 OVID PHONE.834-2300 ST* JOHNS Phone 224-2285 •NHM J May 19,1976 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST, JOHNS, MICHIGAN 3B Answer to Wednesday's Crossword Puzzler Puate Clinton County News • ACROSS 43 WilBe mistaked plum n aaa saaHa u^d 1 Prefix: ' 5 Joined before 6 Symbol (or 4 Weighing silver device 7 Brim 9 Imitate B Reverberation 12 Ventilate 9 Wine cup 13 Sound 10 Dance step Q& mmu if®'*; EII FEATURE PAGE reasoning 'RIOICIc.lt.lDlEJl 14 A month 11 Organ of 15 Forgive sight HU03 MH2I 63413 17 Figure ol 16 Arid speech 18 Allude to INrTlEMTM OEIAJLISI 19Rockflsh 20 A slate (abbr.) 21 Faroe Is­ 3RH HiiSjUB wan lands whirl­ 22 Trades 26 MAY 24-30, 1976 Your Stars This Week 23 Sign ol \ The lap of the year, the beauty of May, wind 35 Part of play 50 At present 22 Kill zodiac 51 Golf mound Your summer vacation plans should be complete by now.., Jesse By Stella Wilder 24 Near 39 King of For the week of May 23-29,1976 25Guldo'sbigh 26 Special con­ Bashan 52 Make face Owens broke 5 world records and tied a 6th May 25,1935... New note 40 Female deer 54 High moun­ 27 Lavish enter- sideratio»?%S? n moon May 28.,. Long twilights now I.. Average length of days for 28 9 nIC 41 For example tain the week, 15 hours, 1 minute... Brooklyn Bridge opened May 24, The coming week is one at all. need a new slant on life. AQUARIUS: (Jan. 20-Feb. 3) talnment l£K? (abbr,) 55 Sign of - Be your usual generous and 31 Intellect --.«»* zodiac 1883 . . , Civil War ended May 26, 1865 . . , Good example is seemingly geared to the special GEMINI: (May 21-June 6) - LIBRA: (Sept 230ct. 7)- 32 Dispersed 29 Indian tent 44 Number half a sermon. interests of conservatives. Flair, This is a take-it-easy week for Avoid making decisions impor­ cooperative self this week and 30 Roman offi­ 46 Peruvian In­ 56 Posed for 34 Hebrew cial drama •- these are frowned Gemini. Be sure not to accept tant to the future of your career. you should know better gains month dian portrait , Ask the Old Farmer: I like your weather 35 Deposit 32 Observe 48Poems 59 Compass forecasts and I wonder what your secret is. upon, especially over the next new responsibilites, no matter Make every effort to work with- than you hoped for. (Feb. 4-Feb, 36 Rocky hill 33 Bushy clump 49 Anger point My grandmother us'ed.to tell us that certain two or three days, when "slow how flattering the offer may be. in limits set by others. (Oct. 8-Oct 18>-Erase business worries from 37 Greek letter 10 11 and steady^ wins any given race (June 7-June 20) - You may wish 22) -- New and unexpected busi­ your mind this week. Instead, ex­ 38 Passed on­ days at the end of January governed the ward weather for the 12 months of the next year. for any given goaL It is the to join others in festivities early ness proposals would be better ert your energy in the direction 41 Moray 13 13 14 of the interests of old friends. 42 Wise person Can vou tell which days are supposed to do methodical, meticulous in­ this week. You might do better, set aside for the time being. Turn 13 16 IB this? D.C., Batavia, N.Y. 43 Man's . dividual, following tried and however, to remain safely at to friends for good advice. PISCES: (Feb. 19-March 5) - nickname it uwt to be said fhal the first three days in Janu­ true pachways to success who home. SCORPIO: (Oct 23-Nov. 7) - This is not the right week for 44 S -shaped 19 ary indicated weather trends for the next three will know both financial gain CANCER: (June 21-July 7) - An unpleasant experience early making a journey of any length. molding seaMms. But nobody ever remembered what the 45Symborfor 25 ar and personal satisfaction by You possess a high instinct for in the week must not be allowed Short trips to see friends and nickel iveather was a couple of months later. ' week's end. The adventurer, on salesmanship. You would do to put you off your stride. Career family are favored. (March 6- 47 Short jacket 3i 32 33 Home Hints: Keep D pit'cu of sandpaper handy in the other hand, the one willing to March 20) - Leave new ventures 49 Purpose * • *" the kitchen (or removing tij;hl screw-on lids- well to employ it this week to matters go well at week's end. 53 Standards of 34 33 55" 3T strike out in new directions, may your advantage. (July 8-July 22) (Nov. 8-Nov. 21) -Your physical for another time Old friends perfection well find himself not only - You can sell new ideas to strength has a great deal to do make it easy for you to pick up 57 Fish eggs 3B 39 40 41 OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS 58 Motorfess New England: Rain along the coast and in south at beginning turn blocked at just about every turn, members of your own family this with this week's success. Urge where you left off. See the truth. boat 42 43 44 to showers by week's end, warm temperatures throughout. but very much resented in the week. You would be .wise, yourself to new effort ARIES: (March 21-April 4) - €0 Meadow bargain. There is nothing to be however, to keep them in the. You may expect the unexpected 61 Female 45 46 47 48 Greater New York-New Jersey: Early week rainy and cool, then SAGITTARIUS: (Nov. 22- sheep sunny and much warmer; showers latter part. gained in fighting against the home. Dec 7) -- A matter of com­ this week where rewards for 62 Solar disks 4? SO 52 53 34 55 36 Middle Atlantic Coastal: Cold and rainy most of week. With rain week's trend toward conservat­ MGO: (July 23-Aug. 7) - Your munication brings you dis­ efforts are concerned. Don't 63 Vessel ism; there is a great deal to be 57 SB 39 60 the heaviest at midweek; warming up over the weekend. innate good sense should keep satisfaction early in the week. differ with friends openly. (April DOWN Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Early week cloudy and very cold, won by all abiding by the week's you from making the kind of Make an effort to gain poise and 5-April 19) - Take advantage of 1 Soft food 61 62" 63 with rain in east; heavier rain latter part. rules, dull though they may be. mistake that can lose you friends presence (Dec. 8-Dec. 21) - Self- any opportunity to make your 2 Inlet 1 ri00q III' *xx* i Mstr. by United Feature Syndicate, Ine.S Florida! Showers through latter part of week in central and south, The natural inclination to seek at this time (Aug. 8-Aug. 22) - control and self-discipline: both point- - so long as you can en­ 55TS all week in north; slightly cobler over weekend. ' ' companions of like interests may Make no attempt to develop a are required for the full use of courage calm and cooperative Upstate N.Y.-Toronto & Montreal: Week begins with showers and well, if followed, have a double new-found talent at this time,' your abilities. Concentrate on effort cool temperatures in higher elevations and east; clear and hot end bearing on success this week, for even if you should find yourself self-improvement TAURUS: (April 20-May 5) - of week. it works, in both its positive and sorely tempted. CAPRICORN: (Dec. 22-Jan. The peaceful celebration of all North Bengal News Greater Ohio Valley: Rainy and cool early week, then clearing and negative aspects. In short, gains VIRGO: (Aug. 23-Sept 7)'-- 6) -- Make sure new ideas are manner of anniversaries makes unseasonably hot through week's end. accrue to those who follow the Children bring you your greatest sound by old, standards. If they this a week of good cheer. Deep South: Unseasonably cool to start, with rain in south to mid- herd instinct that links like to satisfaction this week. Indulge are not, set them aside for trial Material profits may, however, On Monday, May 3, Arthur Bearndt and Peggy Mowhatt of wee);; clear and hot over weekend. like, kind to kind; setbacks and them in their fantasies and you at another time. (Jan. 7-Jan. 19) be nil. (May 6-May 20) - A happy Thelen passed away at the rural Six Lakes and Mr. and Chicago & Southern Great Lakes: Rain and quite cool to midweek; losses befall those who go will indulge yourself. (Sept. 8- - Avoid any further delay in get­ week on the domestic scene Clinton Memorial Hospital at Mrs. Fred Sehlke of Fowler. clearing and very hot latter part. against instinct and seek, in­ Sept. 22) - Take advantage of ting in touch with those to whom follows a day of trial and tribula­ St. Johns after an illness of a In honor of their mother's 80th Northern Great Lakes: Clear and dry at first, then turning very hot stead, the new and different in the opportunity to make friends you owe favors and expressions, tion. Loved ones need a boost few weeks. He was 83 years old birthday, the children of Mrs. by midweek and continuing through weekend, companions ~*or no companions with the very young. You may of gratitude Telephone. Otw#l, lm Vetted Vafcst Syrctefe, he and had resided'all his life in Theresa Thelen of Fowler en­ Central Great Plains: Week beginTeloudy and cool, then gradual this area. Funeral services tertained her at a dinner ajt the clearing and hot; some light rain latter part. were held from Holy Trinity "Pour House" at Lansing on Texas-Oklahoma: Showers end at beginning of week, then becom­ Catholic Church at Fowler on Sunday, May 2. Later in the ing very hot midweek, continuing through latter part. Accepted at Institute Friday morning, May 7, with afternoon and early evening Rocky Mountain: Increasing cloudiness at start of week, then turn­ burial in Holy Trinity they gathered at their mother's ing cooler; week ends with light rain over most of region, except Cemetery. home in Fowler. Those from heavier in south. , Daniel P. Lenneman of R.//2 dividuals for rewarding careers Mrs. William Ernst and this vicinity who attended were;' House #14110, Portland, has in the automotive and truck Maxine Ernst were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Urban Thelen and Southwest Desert: Showers in east through midweek, light in west been accepted by Lincoln service industry. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thelen. after mjdweek; latter part cooler. afternoon, May 2, visitors of Technical Institute in In­ Daniel is currently a senior at Mrs. Iva Schafer and Mark Mrs. Ida Schrader, mother of Pacific Northwest: Light rain and cool temperatures early week; dianapolis, Indiana where he sunny and very warm midweek through weekend. Pewamo-Westphalia High Schafer of Lansing. Mrs. Rudolph Tiedt, is a will study automotive/truck School. On Saturday evening, May 1, medical patient at the Carson California: Mostly cloudy and mild all week, with light to moder­ technology. ate rain in north and inland. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eldridge City Hospital in Carson City. Armadillos that invaded the entertained' their card party Rev. and Mrs. H.E. Rossow I All Rithn Reserved. Yankee. Inc . Dublin. N H 01444) Lenneman is scheduled to Big Thicket area of East Texas begin the 70-week Auto-Diesel group to dinner and an evening and Mrs. Herman Rossow were from Mexico were served up in of cards at their home. recent visitors of their son and and Truck Technology Course Depression days as "Hoover on October 11,1976. The course Visitors during the past week grandson and family, Mr. and hogs," National Geographic Mrs. Richard Rossow and Lost your social is designed to prepare in­ says. , of Mrs. William Ernst and Maxine Ernst were: Agnes children of Flint

,14'.ill'. &a •«. 1 Lost your social security number into his records," JtJ'-J JBEE' S Chevy-Olfclfc .HI' iittuU MjlL card? You can get a duplicate Manning said. "The remaining on U.S. 27 larger part should be kept in a by notifying any social security & World's Sweetest Place To Deal office, according to Sidney safe place as a permanent Manning, social security record of your social security 1 Mile South of St. Johns Phone 224-2345 district manager in Lansing. number," he said. "You can usually get a People's earnings from jobs duplicate card faster if you've covered by social security are kept a record of your social credited to their social security ^—PRE-OWNED CARS security number and give it to • number to build retirement, QUALITY us when you report your loss, disability, survivors, and Manning said. Medicare protection for 1976 Chevette 4-cylinder automatic, 1974 Datsun B-210 4-door, 4-cylinder, "Your duplicate card will themselves and their families. radio. automatic transmission, 19,600 have the same social security actual miles. number on it," he said. "Your People should apply for a PRE-0WNED 1976 Chevelle 4-door, 6 cylinder, 3 social security number is yours social security card several power steering, radio. 1974 Thunderbird, full power, air weeks before they need the conditioning, V-8, automatic, AM- alone and remains the same for 1976 Oldsmobile Omega 2-door, V-8, life." number for a job, according to FM, vinyl top. Manning. Bath bingo automatic, radio, power steering A social security card is and brakes, bucket seats. issued with 2 parts, perforated The Social Security Ad­ CARS 1973 Chevrolet Impala, 4-door, air so the card itself-the smaller ministration is an agency of the Bob Dowell is assisting Jack Mitchell on the Bingo games at the 1975 Vega Hatchback. 4 cylinder. 4 conditioning, power steering and part-can be detached and y.S. Department of Health, Bath Bicentennial Celebration. Winners will receive a 50-50 split of L speed, radio, custom interior. brakes, radio, vinyl top. carried in purse or wallet. Education, and Welfare. The the money on each game, [the amount will vary with the number of "The card you carry is the Lansing social security office is players participating]. They hope to use any funds realized from 1975 Chevrolet Vega Estate Wagon, 4-cylinder, automatic, radio, top 1973 Oldsmobile 88 Royale 4-door, part you show to an employer to at 838 Louisa Street, just off the celebration for a public library. They will be playing from noon air conditioning, vinyl top, radio. be sure he correctly copies your South Pennsylvania Avenue, until midnight all 3 days of the celebration, set for June 24, 25, and The differences in a Bee's carrier. name and social security 48910. 2G. Pre-owned car 1975 Chevy Nova 2-door V-8, 1972 Chevrolet Caprice 4-door automatic, air conditioning, vinyl hardtop, air conditioning, power top, radio. steering and brakes, radio, vinyl top. St. Johns student in Bee's Pre-owned cars are not 1975 Chevelle Malibu 2-door, V-8, Ovid News purchased at auctions. automatic, power steering and brakes, radio. 1972 Oldsmobile 98 Luxury sedan, Olivet music ensemble Bee's DO NOT change full power, air conditioning, cruise 1975 Oldsmobile Cutlass S442,2-door Morning Star Chapter No. 279 Grand Sentinel, an invitation to control, tilt wheel, vinyl top, AM- Ashley on May 17, to Job's the Speedometer hardtop, air conditioning, power FM sterep. O.E.S. of Ovid met in regular steering and brakes, bucket seats. session on Tuesday evening, Daughters's Installation on OLIVET - Two Olivet College borough Fair," and , V June 14, and thank you notes performing groups, the Wind "Chameleon." From the St, AM-FM tape console, V-8 May 11, with Worthy Matron automatic. 1972 Mercury Marquis, 4-door, air and Worthy Patron Ruth and from shut-in members. Ensemble under the direction of Johns area are: Donelle conditioning, vinyl top, radio, AM- A rummage sale was to be Prof. David McCoy, and the DeWitt, 701 S. Mead St., Wind Duane Chamberlain presiding 1975 Plymouth Duster 2-door, 6- Fm. in the East. held on Thursday and Friday Jazz Ensemble, under, the Ensemble; and Mark Thuston, direction of Prof. Pete Havely, cylinder, automatic, power Substitute officers for the May 13 and 14. Proficiency 307 Kalamazoo Ave., Petoskey, Bee's Pre-owned cars 1972 Buick Riviera, full power, air cards were given to Clyde will make a five-city Michigan Jazz Ensemble. steering, vinyl top. conditioning, vinyl top, cruise evening were Margaret Potter, tour, culminating at the Holland Susan ' Thornton, Lucille Schoch and his wife, and Edith Cities included in the tour ARE Thoroughly Tested control, power split seat, Simpson. Cecil Pugh received a Tulip Festival on Friday, May besides Holland are Clare, 1974 Chevy Vega wagon, 4-cylinder, Spencer, Norma Darling, Clyde 14. 4-speed, radio. Schoch and Susie Chamberlain. Bible from the chapter. Battle Creek, Haslett and and Conditioned 1971 Plymouth Duster V-8, standard Correspondence was read Refreshments were served in Selections from the Jazz Midland. i 1974 Vega Hatchback, 4-cylinder, 4- transmission, power steering, Ensemble repertoire include from the office of the Worthy the dining room by Virginia and Olivet College is a private speed, radio. vinyl top, radio. Grand Matron, several en­ Raymond Moore and Lucille "Also Sprach Zarathustra liberal arts institution located in dorsements for the office of Spencer. 2001," "Ballavia," "Scar- Olivet, Michigan. More than 250 Complete Financing 1974 Olds Omega 2-door, G-cyliixier, 1971 Lincoln Continental 4-door, full of the 850 students are involved automatic, power steering. AM- power, air conditioning, stereo in the total music program with FM, vinyl lop, radio. AM-Fm, about 160 music majors. The Available NOTICE REGARDING Wind Ensemble and the Jazz Ensemble are only two of over USED TRUCKS twenty performing groups 1974 Ford 30 series, Van, V-8, NOMINATING PETITIONS FOR within.the Music Department BEE'S ARE NOT automatic, radio, power steering 1973 Chevrolet 3/4 ton pickup, Selections from ttre Wind and brakes. Cheyenne Super, V-8 automatic, Ensemble repertoire include MISREPRESENTED power steering and brakes, radio. CITY OF DEWITT OFFICIALS "First Suite in Eb" by Hoist, 1974 Dodge Power Wagon, V-8, p "ColasBreugnon Overture," by automatic, power steering and 1973 Chevrolet 3/4 ton pickup, V-8, 4- Nominating petitions may be obtained at the Clerk's office Kabalevsky, "Fiddler on the brakes, radio, 4-wheel drive, snow speed, power steering and brakes, Roof Selections," and "The blade with power angle. radio. between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 pirn., Monday thru Friday, Stars and Stripes Forever",by' Sousa. •*- 1974 Chevrolet 65 series Cab and 1973 Chevrolet h ton Custom Warranty Chassis 366,5-speed, 2-speed axle, Deluxe, V-8, automatic, power for the following offices: power steering and brakes, radio. steering and brakes,. radio, 3 in 1 Available On All 1974 Chevrolet ^ ton pickup, V-8, auxiliary lank, low mileage. MAYOR -(1)2 year term automatic, power steering, power SHINGLES Pre-owned cars brakes, radio. 1973 Dodge Van, Hi-Cube, V-8, COUNCILMAN - (2) 2, year terms automatic, power steering and Fiberglas & Asphalt 1974- Jeep 4-wheel, 6-cyllnder, brakes. COUNCILMAN - (1) 4 year term standard transmission, radio, Competitive Prices! radio bar. 1970 Chevrolet '* ton, V-8, standard BEE'S WARRANTY DOES ALL THIS, transmission. Deadline for filing petitions is June 1, 1976 pt 4:00 p.m. SALES OFFICE CHAMBERLAIN You gat 100% repair or replacement cost EVENING HOURS 1969 Chevrolet 2-ton chassis and cab, | coverage on engine', transmission, rear axle, Mon.-Wod,-FrEday Nights V-8,5-speed transmission, 2 speed ELLA'MAE TERPENNING brake and electrical system for 30 days or axle; "power steering and brakes, BUILDING SUPPLY 2,000 mites. Til 9 P.M. . DeWitt City Clerk - Treasurer >i OVID PHONE 834-2300 4B CLINTON COUNT V NEWS, ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN - May 19,1976 i ' * Farming and 4-H - - - in Clinton County |

ills Column 4-H Chatter Chloe's Column Child abuse cycle can be broken Plants are clues to nature of land National by William Lasher Ctlnton County* Home EconomU^ Extension Agriculture Agent H-H conference needs of his/her own, he/she well-drained soil. The area Child abuse is a disease that You can't tell a book by its little clue to the character of the BY JOHN AYLSWORTH kills at least 1,500 children easily gets "uptight" and cover. But you can read a land they're growing on. probably does not flood, either. harassed if the infant or young' Sumac, those scrubby looking every year and leaves 15,000 landscape and learn a lot about Shrubs and other plants can Instead of my column this program on Century III. We permanently brain damaged. child puts demands on the what you ought to know from be indicators of moisture and shrubs that turn dark red in the week, I would like for you to broke up in little groups and parent. fall, usually grow in dry, sandy Child abuse occurs in a cycle: what is visible. soil conditions. The redosier know more about the ac­ discussed where 4-H could go. an abused child, the product of "Breaking the cycle isn't dogwood, for example, grows soil. Their presence indicates complishments of one of Clinton That night we saw "1776" in a One clue to the hidden nature that the land has not been abnormal child rearing prac­ easy, but it can be done," Dr. of a piece of land is the kinds of most prolifically In moist soil. County's 4-H members, Mary dinner theatre in Maryland. tices, often becomes an abusive Heifer says. "It is sometimes The sweet fern prefers sandy, cultivated recently, but it gives Bergdolt of St. Johns; She .is-a,. Every day seemed to -get plants that grow on it, Land that no clue about soil fertility. parent Not always, however- necessary, for the safety of the supports a stand of hardwood dry soil. member of the Willing Workers better, and Tuesday was cer­ the cycle cari/be broken. child, to remove him or her trees such as oaks, hard If you have a piece of Cattails, and other plants that 4-H Club, and a senior at St, tainly exciting. It was called All from the family while both the property with sweet fern people associate with water, are Johns High School. Earlier this States Day. In the morning we About 70 percent of abusive maples, ashes and locusts, for parents could be helped by child and the parents receive instance, is usually high land, growing on a bank it's a good easy clues to poorly drained or year, Mary was selected as one had breakfast with our help. The parents need to idea to leave it there. It's swampy land. It's not so well of the 30 4-H members on the Congressmen, and then the day knowledge now available. If^his well drained, with clay loam or knowledge were implemented become familiar with the sandy loam soil. Soft maples, probably all that keeps the bank known that wintergreen and state 4-H TEAM Group (Teen was to be spent on Capitol Hill. normal patterns of child from eroding away. wildflowers like trillium, trout Enrichment and Maturity) and We had Jerry Rosen, in programs to identify high- sycamores, poplars (also called gs&~, risk families and to treat development so they can' cottonwoods), ash-leaved „ Berry bushes-blueberries, lily—also called dog-toothed was selected as one of the six 4- representing Sen. Griffin, Rep. become more realistic in their blackberries and rasberries- violet-and doll's eyes also grow H'ers to represent Michigan at the Michigan flag In the opening Cedarburg and a whole table potential abusers the results maples (also known as box assembly. Every state was would be even better. expectations of their child. They elders), willows, alder, grow in acid soil in which many best where the soil remains the National 4-H Conference full of important men with us. need to learn that it's OK to let other plants would do very moist. held April 24-30 at the National present but Louisiana and New Hubert Humphrey came after This summary of the child tamarack or white cedar York, including Canada, Puerto their child be a child, They also usually indicate a low, moist poorly. They are an indication Poison ivy can be an indicator 4-H Center in Washington, D.C. we were done eating and abuse situation comes from Dr. need help in building a stronger, that the land has not been Here is her report on her ex­ Rico and Virgin Islands. everyone from Michigan got to Ray Heifer, professor of human area, plant, also, because it tends to bur speaker for the assembly more supporting relationship, cultivated for a long time. grow where the land is high and periences while attending the shake his hand. That day we development at Michigan State in recognizing when the other Some trees-red maples, was Velma Linford, Director University and an 1 dry. National 4-H Conference. saw the Supreme Court, the parent is feeling hassled and yellow birch and sugar maples, - White pine, spruce, junipers Recruitment Resources, Intern • Capitol, Library of Congress, acknowledged authority on the • and other cone-bearing trees A little poison ivy can.be a" .Programs and Action. Her talk harassed and providing a for example-will grow in a wide "Going to the National 4-H Senators' office buildings and problem. bailing out or relief time. range of conditions and so offer are a good sign of light, sandy, good sign, but a lot of it can be a Conference was made possible was on our theme of the week big headache to get rid of. I'd the White House. "The abusive parent often for me through TEAM. On one "4-H '76-Spirit of Tomorrow." sincerely does not want to beat "The child needs to learn that certainly think .twice before of the weekends, we chose four; We did some night touring of Wednesday, Henry Kissinger it's OK to be a child, that people buying a piece of land covered or otherwise mistreat or neglect gilrs and two guys to go, and I Washington after Miss Lin- had a program for us. Even his or her child," Dr. Heifer can be trusted and that he/she with, these pesky plants. It is happened to be one of the lucky ford's speech. though he was in Africa, he had is indeed a worthwhile person." difficult to eradicate and can says. "But because the parent PLANTING TIME ones. In February when wg On Sunday, we went to church other people go through "In­ was raised in a particular type Treatment programs need to make a person very un­ were chosen, April 23-30 seemed in the National Cathedral. I ternational Horizons and include support services to help comfortable. of abnormal family situation, he a long way off, but it sure came can't explain in words how huge Youth" with us. 'br she has no experience in the family through the crisis A carpet of green moss can fast. that building is, but it certainly Thursday was Bicentennial being childlike, no parent model times that often spark an in­ indicate: moist soil; infertile The Michigan delegation was a beautiful place in which Bazaar Day. Each state had a other than an abusive parent cident of child abuse, Dr. Heifer soil, shady conditions or acid to worship. ( We had two table and displayed their with unrealistic expectations of points out. Personal counseling, soil. The moss is a clue to the consisting of Cindy Brown, Berrian Springs; Carol Speakers that day-Dorothy programs in that state. In the children." help in^ handling money nature of the land, but by no Emerson, Consultant of the afternoon, one of the com­ problems and aid in obtaining means a definitive one. Koopsen, Portage; Debbie" This abnormal situation, SEE US FOR; Bennett, New Era; Mike Ward National 4-H Foundation and mittees had a program food, housing, medical services Plants aren't the only aspects ( John Foltz from the Depart­ "Building in the Future." It was known as the World of Ab­ and other necessities should be Ouinnesec; Don Oltmanns, Joe normal Rearing (WAR), is of the landscape you can 'read'. and Kathy Lessard, Mecosta ment of Agriculture. "Dancing marvelous, Everyone felt so at hand. in the Deaf" was our program warm and together through 4-H, characterized by unrealistic Also study the rocks that are and me, left Friday, April 23, "There arenU enough • SMITH-DOUGLASS PELLEFORM FERTILIZER, visible. A iot of rock out- for the night. Eight girls who which made a perfect setting expectations on the part of the from Michigan State. We had parent. The parent wanted a treatment programs for the croppings or a soil full of decided to go through Canada to were deaf did dances of all for the Clover Ball that night on kinds. Even the hustle! a patio of the Department of child because he/she thought families with problems," he granite boulders left by some see Niagara Falls on the way. says, "but the knowledge is • ANHYDROUS AMMONIA ancient glacier can make any Agriculture. the child would solve his/her Doing that made us have to get Monday we went to the problems and meet, his/her available to develop them. Then kind of excavation next to up Saturday at 4 a.m. to try to Department of Agriculture and And that ended the week of will come the *• greatest impossible. emotional needs. In effect, the • 28% LIQUID NITROGEN make it to Washington, D.C. by several men talked on 4-H, what sharing, learning, and living. parent wanted a child to parent challenge: early identification 1 p.m., but driving all day, we it was and where is it going. I would like to thank everyone the parent. and treatment of WAR children still didn't make it till 5 p.m. Also, a U.S. Air Force Band who has helped me in 4-H and so they can break out of the • POTASH played and presentation of has made this wonderful ex­ If the child tries to comply (North Bengal) We were all assigned com­ with the parent's expectations, cycle and prevent its continuing mittees before we got there. My colors was made by Joint Army perience for me. I only hope into still another generation. Forces Color Guard. Norman that some of my learnings will he/she must give up the ex­ committee was hospitality and periences of childhood to The children who will be helped • N-K SEED CORN & SRF SOYBEANS , Brown from Michigan had a help other young kids. most are those as yet unborn." On Tuesday, May 11, Mrs. 'one of my duties was to carry become a little adult, caring for • FARM CHEMICALS Robert Eldridge, Mrs. Marvin his/her parent and meeting Evitts, Mrs. Roy Speidel, Mrs. his/her needs. The child's needs William, Ernst and Maxine go unfulfilled. If he fails to • CUSTOM APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER, Ernst and' also Mrs. Harold comply with the parent's ex­ Holcomb of S.W. Dallas enjoyed I Shepardsville News . J pectations and persists in acting Riley and Olive ) CHEMICALS, OR NITROGEN , abustrij)(toHpllaindiw^ere1jJiey1 like a'childr^he-Tfay'^bi? •- - -•- >-. irlAfJr. G viewed,, Uie tqlj^^tyj* physically or verbally abused J places of. interest. Ibey^ujed ^JM&ahd Mre?WiR"61?efOT &Mk, spgiy^PiiateiNtA!;: ^therwobuses'thatW^Wrerfip' rather than help him. The result son are spending the weekend In. Saturday evening, the first in tribute to the daughters was Linda Kusiner gave a reading* Northern Michigan mushroom to Holland from St. Johns. "The Meanest Mother," and is failure to develop feelings of several years. Over 150 people given by Joyce Davis. Parodies trust. hunting. Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Bancroft of old songs were sung by the Karen and Cheryl Boyd also did and Joy and Joyce of S.W. enjoyed the delicious 'meal and The child who cannot trust Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Blizzard SMITH program that followed. The group. Several special awards a number on the Autoharp. entertained the following for a Dallas were guests at a birth-^ The tables, were, decorated people cannot form true KBORWNllDOUGLASS CLINTON CROP SERVICE committee responsible for of petunia plants were given to friendships. He cannot seek and Wednesday supper: Mr. and day dinner on Monday, May the oldest mother, the youngest with Easter Baskets' and pink Tl this enjoyable affair was Wilma Mrs. Glenn Cole of St. Johns and 'JJ—2J FERTILIZER • FARM CHEMICALS 10 at the home of Mrs, Ban­ petunias. The petunias were use the help of others to solve Swender, Nancy Bakerm, Edith mother, on what makes a cake his problems and meet his Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Blizzard croft's parents, Mr. and Mrs. fall, on what do you find beside used for the awards. Fred W. Pasch. It was the birth­ Walker, and Colleen Wineland. needs, nor can he reach out to and family of West Pratt Rd.; M-21 & FOREST HILL RD. PH. 224-4071 Mistress of Ceremonies was a raggedy ami doll, who came Mrs. Dee Robinson has honoring Mrs. Cole and Mrs. day of Mrs. Bancroft. returned home after having help other people with theirs. Edith Walker. the shortest distance, who came Isolated from others, he Blizzard on their birthdays. An interesting program the longest distance, who had minor surgery recently at Memorial Hospital in Owosso. eventually concludes that he is Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brocker followed the delicious meal of the longest hair, who was the really no good 'to himself or to and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foy are baked ham, scalloped potatoes, next mother-to-be, and there The people of Kinley Road others. spending the weekend in St. were two sets of four lost a good friend and neighbor scalloped corn, assorted molded Because of this poor self- Paul, Minn., the Brockers CARSON CITY FARM SERVICE salads, relishes and sherbert generations. Karen and LeeAnn in the death of Forest Sloat last visiting their daughter, Mrs. Henderson tapped danced to the Friday evening. He had resided image and inability to relate to with wafers. others, the WAR child usually Burt Essex and her family; the The toast to the mothers was • Rhinestone Cowboy, Jane on the old Tompkins place for Foys visiting their son, Mike JOHN DEERE SALES AND SERVICE - several years. The people of the chooses a mate who is of little or no help to him/her. The couple and his family. community extend their chooses to have a child, ex­ Mr. and Mrs. Orvest Davis .UNEWIDEA heartfelt sympathy to the. pecting the child to solve the family. hosted the Friendly Farmers CARSON CITY PHONE 584-3550 problems they are having with Community Farm Bureau SEEDS each other or with the outside Group on Wednesday evening, Extension world. The cycle begins anew. May 12th, with five families LAWN EQP. MISC. FIELD 'Having missed out on being a present, and one guest, Arnie Calendar child, the parent does not know Enderle. The discussion was led GOOD SELECTION J.D. 150 GAL. 3 PT. SPRAYER CULTIVATORS how a child should normally by David Conklin on the topic of J.D. 400 MIXER GRINDER May 21: 4-H ''Share the Fun" develop and what to expect ROTA TILLER GLENCO 18'TRAILER FOR Talent Contest - St. Johns High "Waste Water Treatment; 208, J.D. 5 BAR RAKE (2) from a child at various Planning for Waste Pollution."' RIDING MOWERS W/LEVELER School -- 7 p.m. J.D. 11 MOWER developmental stages. The The next meeting will be a J.D.CC141/ '3PT. May25: 4-H Rabbit Meeting- N.I. HAY CONDITIONER 2 parent does not know how to picnic on the last part of June, GLENCO 15'3 PT. Smith Hall - 7:30 p.m. 220 GAL. FIELD SPRAYER MICHIGAN PLANTING play with a child. And, because time and place will be an­ M.F. 16' 3 PT. W/LEVELER June 5: -County 4-H the parent has so many unmet nounced later. *! J.D. HAY CONDITIONER Newspaper Drive 1-J.D. 20'WHEEL DRAG June 8: Farrtily Living 250 HONDA 2-I.H.C.20'WHEELDRAG PLANTERS We carry all the best Michigan Council Meeting -- 810 N. 1-SPEED KING 20'WHEEL CASE 4 ROW ' Oakland Street, St. Johns - 9:30 "* HARROW W/LEVER 2-J.D.494A a.m. I.H.C. 44 seed varieties including GLH, June 17: Open House in honor DISC J.D.-494 of Lorraine Sprague, Extension A.C. - 4 ROW SRF, Teweles and Michigan Home Economist -- Ithaca High J.D. BW 16'6" SPREADERS School - 7-9 p.m. J.D.RW1V CULTIVATORS June 21-24: College Week for J.D, RWA12'6'JJ I.H.C. 2 BEATER Women, M.S.U. KEWANEE12' - J.D. 40 SEVERAL certified seed '.. • June 24-26: 4-H Exploration J.D.AW11'2" I.H. 155 I.H.C.-M.F.-J.D.4&6 Days at Michigan State University. M.F. NO. 52 21'DISC OLIVER-2 BEATER ROW 3 PT. & FAST HITCH August 16-18: Clinton County 4-H Fair. _ _ SEVERAL GOOD USED What do you expect] MISC. BLOWERS N.H. 68 BALER Sfrom a lender? 1130 M.F. 2-J.D. 110 FORAGE BOX N.l. UNI. EQUIP. J.D. 2010 (DON GEAR EXPERIENCE! J.D. A 2 761 HAY HEAD N.H. 270 BALER M.H.44/WIDEFRT. 720 CORN HEAD In more than 40 years of I.H.C. 3414 INC. W/LOADER J.D. 24 T BALER • 721 HUSK BED agricultural lending we've NO. 5 J.D. MOWER SEE US ABOUT OUR SEED VARIETIES seen times change. Costs OLIVER 1550 W/LDR. 760 CHOPPER LILLISTON 14'ROLLING 1968 702 POWER UNIT rise. Risks grow. Our ex­ I.H.C. A W/PLOW& CULT. HARROW 1967 701 POWER UNIT SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR HIGH perience has been firsthand 1-USED 6 BOTTOM KOSCO 727 HUSK BED and we've learned a lot. HARROW 729SHELLER Our experience is yours 2 USED J.D. 38 CHOPPERS 72B 4' ROW NARROW YIELDS IN MICHIGAN -for the asking. ...we understand a 1000 RPM 763 - 3 ROW HEAD COMBINES 1 & 2 ROW (widd or-narrow) growing man's BUY THE BEST! growing plans. _ HEADS• PLOWS FOR ALL YOUR FARM : m 0 PIannin g Assistance • Construction Service 1 FORD CHOPPER J.D.95DSL.W/CAB # Full Line of Accessories 4 ROW CORN HEAD W/CORN HEAD J.D. 145 6-16 CHARLES BRACEY 13'CUTTING PLATFORM 1 GEHL FORAGE BOX OLIVER 6-16 SUPPiYNEEDS.... Manager Broad Range of Bin Sizes to Meet Your Needs J.D. 30 W/BEAN EQUIP. 1 COLBY FORAGE BOX I.H.C. 4-14" TRAILER ' Your Local PCA Planner A.C, 5-16" We Also Catty GLEANER Cll N.D. 325 W/8 ROW BED J.D. 3 PT. 3-14" See The BUTLERS , farimted Buildings & J.D. 30 RASP N.l. NO. 313 HUSK BED MICHAEL CRUMBAUGH J.D, NO. 18 PICKER OLIVER 2-16" TRAILER AGRI-BUlLDER Kan Sun Dryers J.D. 25 J.D. 145 4-16" SEMI MTD. Loan Officer * A.C. 66 N.I.325-314SHELLER ST. JOHNS CO-OP PHONE 224-3662 , FRICKE FARM SERVICE OPEN MONDAY thru FRIDAY 7:30 - 5:30 4798 S. Ely Highway •s- Ph. 236-7358 Middleton SATURDAY &00-4:0<> ST. JOHNS PHONE 224-2381 1104S. US-27 ST. JOHNS Al Utwiller Ph. 517-838-2556 May 19,1976 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN 5B P-W announces Viewing The top six graduates

Pewamo-Westphalia Community Schools announces the six seniors with the highest grade pointaverages in the graduating class Scene. of 1976. Mr. Jay Fedewa is valedictorian. No With HAROLD SCHMALTZ announcement of standings is made on the remaining five. It is the policy of P-W Advertising Director schools to select a Top Five. Six were SOMETHING IS REALLY. BUZZIN* out at Bee's net proceeds are going to the Soap Box Derby to selected this year due to a tie in the Chevy-Olds according to Red Devereaux, new car keep it going in St. Johns for the youth of Clinton academic standings. manager. Unfortunately you and I both will have County. Doesn't that sound like a worthwhile Kristina Bengel is the daughter of Mr. and to wait till next week's issue to find out what Red's cause? If you think so, get out and support it by Mrs. Thomas Bengel. This year Kris has got up his sleeve, but you can believe it'll be a buying tickets to the show, June 3. We've got 'em been on the yearbook staff, was a money savin' event! here at the County News and most everybody else homecoming-representative, and a member Julia Teems, driver of this car, and her husband Emmet were around the county in the stores have them. So buy of the National Honor Society, She has treated and released after Mrs. Teems said she thought the car was +++++++++++++ 'em now and get your seat! participated for three years as a in park and it jumped the curb, ran over a parking meter and ran cheerleader, for two years on the Forensics into the front wall of Rchmann's in St, Johns. No tickets were EVERYBODY OUT AT ANDY'S IGA Wants you to +++++++++++++ 'team, and as a teacher assistant and F.H.A. issued. know how much they've appreciated your con­ member for one. Kris's hobby is crocheting. sideration and kindness during their recent IF YOU FARMERS ARE LOOKING for seeds She will be employed at the Michigan overhaul of the store interior, usually on changes especially designed for Michigan soils, check with Department of Public Health. of this type it's for the betterment of shopping The St. Johns Co-op. They've got varieties that Jay Fedewa is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P-W honor students (from left) Carol Golupski, Vicki North Bengal convenience anyway. This is especially true for all have been tested and are designed just for your Norman H, Fedewa. He has been a National Schafer, Kris Benqel, Karen Jegla, Cindy Horn and On Mother's Day, Mr. and Fowler. you-'green thumbs" out there... Andy's special needs. Art and Stu will be glad to show you all the Honor Society member for two years and is next week on peet moss is so great I picked up 2 other lines the Co-op has to offer, too. in P.A.C. working on the current production (center) Jay Fedewa. Mrs. William S. Ernst and son Miss Agnes Bearndt and Miss Honor Society and has worked as a teacher Ron of Battle Creek were dinner Peggy Mowhatt of rural Six bags myself today. Guess I'll have no excuse for as a member of the publicity committee and and supper guests of Mrs. notputtinginpetuniasformy wife this year.. and +++++++++++++ stage crew. Jay raises Polled Herefords and assistant She enjoys horseback and bike Lakes were dinner guests of the riding. Her future plans include joining the William Ernst and Maxine former's sister, Mrs. William the price I paid was unbelievable,.. only 99c for shows them throughout lower Michigan, in Ernst. 40 lbs of the stuff. You know, I really do like THE PARADE OCCURS IN ST. JOHNS this 1972 he had a reserve champion steer at the Women's Army Corps and traveling. Ernst, on Wednesday, May 12. Karen Jegla is the daughter of Mr. and On Saturday, May 8, Walter Other callers were Mrs. J.D, working with peet moss. It's what I call "clean" coming Sunday, Special guest appearance will be Ionia Free Fair. He enjoys deer hunting, Falk, 73, of Fowler, passed Bancroft and daughter, Joyce of dirt. made by Ronald McDonald through the pool, table tennis, pinball, and repairing Mrs. Charles Jegla. She is a member of the away at the hospital at Ann S.W. Dallas. cooperation of McDonalds of St. Johns. Don't miss small engines. Jay will attend Michigan cast in this year's school play, "The Match­ Arbor, following surgery. He +++++++++++++ all the fun and frolic. All the Soap Box Derby kids State University's, School of Engineering maker." Karen presently is in the National Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Tiedt Honor Society, is a teacher assistant, and spent his younger years in this left Friday noon, May 7 for will be gunning for the championship and eventual possibly majoring' in civil or mechanical Vicinity and was married to the GUESS WHO IS COMING to June 3rd's Derby competition at Akron, Ohio. Oh, did I mention that engineering. helped solicit for the school yearbook. Her Monroe, N.Y., where they hobbies include listening to music, former Molly Fisher. Funeral visited their son and daughter- Boosters' Variety Show? Our own State word Ohio? Sorry Wolverines! Nevertheless, Carol Golupski is the daughter of Mr. and services were held at the in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Representative Stanley Powell and his wife, of Sunday promises to be a great day, so make plans Mrs. Paul Golupski. For two years Carol has ceramics, string art, and participating in George Chapel of the Osgood Maurice Tiedt, until Tuesday, course! He was one of the honored speakers at last to be in town. MAY THE SUN SHINE, SHINE, been' a member of the National Honor summer sports. Karen's career plans in­ Funeral Home at Fowler on May 11, when they returned Wednesday morning's Chamber breakfast and I SHINE !! Society and as a freshman was a member of clude being a secretary and possibly at­ Tuesday, May 11. Burial took home. mightsay he did most of the speaking. For those of the Junior National Honor Society. She has tending college hoping to become a Certified you who missed the session, I think you missed an place at Mt. Rest Cemetery at Martha Falk and Verne +++++++++++++ been on the Pom-Pon team for three years Public Accountant. St. Johns. education. Both Powell and Senator Dick Allen and is presently a teacher assistant. Carol Bowen spent Sunday evening, came loaded with answers for most of the Victoria Schafer is the daughter of Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Foerch May 9,„with his sister, Mrs. THE CLINTON COUNTY NEWS is bustling these has studied dancing since the second grade: and Mrs. Gilbert Schafer. For four years questions posed them. Their replies may not have days with news features and quality advertising. ballet, tap, jazz, Spanish, character, etc. were callers on Mother's Day Arthur Martens, and her niece been solutions but they were answers... Vicki has been a cheerleader and on the afternoon of their son-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Besure and tell your friends how much you enjoy She plans on working this summer and in the Student Council, this year as its vice- and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Argersinger and the paper so they can keep up on what's going on. fall will attend General Motors Institute president and as secretary during her junior Steve Thelen and family of children of St. Johns. +++++++++++++ • With us in our Bicentennial year, there's so much working on a degree in Industrial Ad­ year. She is co-editor for the yearbook, a happening you certainly want to get in on all the ministration. teacher assistant, a National Honor Society Both Clinton National Bank and Central National fun and festivities. Cynthia Horn is the daughter of Mr. and member and was homecoming queen last Bank have joined the ranks of local merchants Mrs. Raymond Horn. She has been very fall. Vicki enjoys participating in sports and selling tickets for the Derby show everybody's +++++++++++++ active for four years as a baton twirler and reading. She will be working for the State of Just moved in? talking about. It's going to be very much like the as a member of the P-W band. For the past Michigan in the Department of Education show last year that took place during Clinton HAVE YOU TRIED OUR CLASSIFIED AD two years, Cindy has been in the National and plans on traveling.1 Theatre's 40th anniversary. There's going to be a SELLING POWER? The classified page in the can help you out. full schedule of wholesome family entertainment Don't worry and wonder about learning your way County News is one of the most highly read pages around town. Or what to see and do. Or whom to ask. that'll be a treat for any age group. Diana DeWitt, in the paper and there's a reason.. .that's where As your WELCOME WAGON Hostess, I can simplify the Billi Jo Bellant, The First Nighters, a 14 member you look when you want to either sell unwanted business of getting settled. Help you begin to enjoy your senior citizen musical group from Harrison, a items or find something you've been looking for Carland News new town... good shopping, local attractions, community country-western singer from Frankenmuth, a and can't find. GIVE THE CLINTON COUNTY little guests. generations, as the Le1o opportunities. rBRIA N SIX ON THE couple of local dancer acrobats plus lots more are NEWS A CALL TODAY. Ask for Marjdell at 224- And my basket is full of useful gifts to please your on tab. And the wonderful part of it aH is that all 2361. SIXTH IN '76 The children sang, "Happy Demings' took Mr. and Mrs. family. Brian Mead had 10 of his Birthday" to Brian before he Richard Mead and Brian, and Take a break from unpacking and call me. kindergarten friends in after opened his birthday gifts, after Mrs. Deming's parents, Mr. and the children played pin-the-tail- Mrs. Lewis Walling to Farrell's '0fl Phone Receives scholarship school to help him celebrate his sixth birthday, and his birthday on-the-donkey and other games. Birthday House for dinner. 224-6407 224-6116 part of the program and is the sixth of May, and it The traditional birthday cake Mr. and Mrs. Marion Walling Tracy Ann Lawrence of Ovid banquet at the Hilton inn on Tracy is the daughter of Mr. happened to fall in 1976. with candles .-was kept until of rural St. Johns were callers was privileged recently to be April 21 in celebration of and Mrs. Dale Hinkle of North evening, when Brian's grand­ at the Mead Residence this the recipient of a scholarship national Secretaries Week. Meridian Rd, ,She and Robert Brian's mother, Mrs. Richard parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo week in honor of Brian Mead's /rMYSTOADV£R77SE.../IDV£RnSE WHERE WAYS,,. which was given by the Lansing Mrs. Lawrence had 'a 4.0 Lawrence Jr. were married in Mead, baked and decorated cup Deming were present, and his birthday also. — Tuebor Chapter of the National grade average for the winter December, . Her, husban , d_. .i s, a cakes with train trucks, air­ Daddy was home from work. Secretaries. Asssciation,-,The*- planes, jand houses, to serve ^ Mother's Day was a day of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Walling .ten*, at, •Laneingn-Busines*-4°i»Pfe^^t9^^P%tBn recently returned from Florida... sch.cJar^ipg,wa.s,,pffesented. as University™*. „u„ w.ithwtffeam'to BriaHand his celebration ^^for*- i,fourn GELLER WELDING

FOR FARM PORTABLE WELDING Land of Oz FINANCING FABRICATION LANDBHNK Beautiful Fashions REAL ESTATE MACHINE WORK Infants Girls - Toddlers - Reg. Jrs. MORTGAGES HITCHES Mon. • Sat. 1104 S. US-27 Fri. ft Ph. 224-7127 FARM WORK 9:30-6:30 9:30 - 9 St. Johns, Mich, r m Serving America** Farmers: PIPE THAWING Providers of Plenty 10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Ph. 224 6423 210 N, Clinton Ave.


Cards - Invitations • Low prices 301 W. STEEL Party Goods CORNER OF OTTAWA • ST. JOHNS 120 E. WALKER ST., Graduation Keepsake Album ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN 40879 it 220 N. CLINTON ST. JOHNS TELEPHONE: 224-2361


/ 6B . CUNTON COUNTY NEWS, ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN May 19,1976 CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN EAGLEUNITED' CHURCH METHODIST CH UHCII 410S. Maple Ave,, Maple Rapids Rev. Ray McBratnle, Pastor Rev, Hector Goodall • Pastor Next Week in Telephone 627-6533 or 4B>3807 - Phone 682-4165 9:30 a.m. * Morning Worship 1Q ajn. Worship Service , 10:30 a.m. - Church School 11a.m. Church School 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday, Bible Study and 7 p.m. Song Festival (Everyone Clinton County churches prayer meeting welcome). EAGLE FOURSQUARE CHURCH ' Wed. Night 6:30 & 7:30.ch,otr practices Rev,andMrs.RoyalBumett,Pastor , All Churches In Clinton County are Invited to send 'Thiirs, Night B p.m. Fellowship Service 10:00 ajn. - Sunday School <• their weekly announcements to The Clinton County' 11:15 ajn. - Morning Worship News, They must reach us by 10 a.m. Monday to insure 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday Prayer meeting- v Eureka Area publication In the current week's Issue. FAITH BAPTISTCHURCH CONGREGATIONAL David J, Zlmmer, pastor CHRISTIAN CHURCH (one mile north ot traffic light-Elsie) 2619E. Maple Rapids Rd, DougM.Jones,Pastor Holy Day: Eve before at 7:30 p.m. and 7 FIRST CONGREGATIONALCliyilCH Wednesday; Sunday ' •* Phone 224-7709 LENTENSCHEDULE & 9 a.m. and 5:30 & 7:30 p.m. Bible School 10:15 a.m. Maple Avenue ot State Street Ash Wednesday (March 3 - Holy Com­ 7i00 p.m.-Sr. Choir Practice Weekday Masses: 7:30 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Morning Worship • 11;00 a.m. Sunday Averilt M, Ca-son. Minister munion) First Word; "Father, Forgive" 7!30 p.m.-Jr, Choir Practice and Penance: 4-5 & 8-8:30 p.m. Lenten Service II (March 10) Second Children's Circle Evening Worship 7;0Qp.m. 10 a.m.-Sunday School for everyone Baptism: Sunday at 1 p.m, Please call In Wed.Prayer&BibfeStudy '^ 7:00p,mi . 11 a.nvWorehlp Service , Thursday,May20 Word: "With Me In Paradise" 7:30 p.m.-Blble Study, Discussion & advance, 3;30p.m -Children's Choir .Rehearsal Lenten Service III (March 17) Third Prayer Wednesday _ 4;00 p.m • Junior Choir Rehearsal t, Word: "Behold Your Son ,, Your Mother" Youth Fellowship - lst,& 3rd Sundays 0:30 p m.-Junlor Choir Sunday,May23 Lertten Service IV (March 24) Fourth atler the Evening Service 7:00 pjn.-Senlor Choir 3:45 am,- Church School Word: "Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?" Women of the Church of God - Meeting DeWITT COMMUNITY CHURCH 7:30 p.m.-Bible Study Eleven Confirmed 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship Lenten Service V (March 31) Fifth 1st Tuesday each month. (Inter-denom.inatlonai) 8:30 p.m.-Prayer Service Wednesday,May2S Word: "I Thirst" MurlJ.Eastman.Pastor Bath Area Nursery provided tor all services. Eleven members of the instruction class of Saint John's Lutheran 6:45 p.m. • Boy Scout Troop 81 Lenten Service VI (April?) Sixth Word: Jim McGovney, 7:30 p m.. Chancel Choir Rehearsal "It Is Finished" Sunday School SupL Church were confirmed Sunday, April 11. These young people have Maundy Thursday (April l5h - Holy Marge Pierson,Co-Supt. completed approximately 2 years of Bible and catechism study Church Office Hours: Communion) BATH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Matherton under the direction of Rev. Michael R. Ruhl, who officiated at Monday thru Friday Good Friday Evening (April 16) Seventh DeWitt Area 9;45a.m. - Church School Rev.ClarenceKeith ' 8:30 a.m, to noon Word: "Father, Inlo Thy Hands I Commit ll a.m. • Church the ceremony./The class members are: [Back Row] William Race, Tel: 224-2636 ~~ My Spirit" 7 p.m. - Youth Fellowship 9:45 ajn. Church School ' '"' ' Area Diane Matson, Pastor Ruhl, Sandra Martens, David Matlce, Sally Easter Sunday • April 18 . 7 p.m. • Sunday Evening Service 11:00 a.m, Worship 7 p.m. - Wednesday Bible Study and 7:00 p,m. Bible Study Beck [Front Row] Kimberlee Urlbe, Lynn Flermoen, Beth Cowan, , Mission Sunday - March 21 (8 & 10:30 WAYSIDE CHAPEL Prayer Meeting MATHERTON COMMUNITY Scott Heller, Brcnda VanVleet, Jeffrey Andrews. • FlllST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH service) Rev. Edward Azzam former A BIBLE CHURCH BATHBAPT1STCHURCH CHURCH 200 East State Street missionary to the Middle East (Beirut 1437 Turner Road, DeWitt Rev.RichardCole.Pastor Box 128 Lebanon) will t>e guest preacher. During' Rev. Darold English, Pastor 2:00 p.m. - Sunday School St. Johns, Michigan 48879 Adult Bible Class at 9:15 he wlU'lechire Phone 669-3353 WESLEYAN HOLINESS CHURCH 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 3:00 p.m. - Worship Service Francis Carl Johannldes, Minister and show color slides dealing with the 130 W.Williams. Ovid 6:30 p.m. Youth fellowship culture, people and problems of the Middle 10 a.m. Sunday School Rev^Roger Helnlen, Pastor 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Church School 9:30 a,m. East. 11 a.m. Worship Service Phone B34-2777 Midweek Service on Wednesday 7:30 p.m, [ Garland News ] Worship Service 11 a.m 6 p.m. Young People Sunday. May 23 7 pm. Evening Service Sunday School 10 a.m. - Wacousta Children's Baptism during morning REORGANIZED CHURCH OF 7:15 p m. Wednesday-Bible Study and Morning Worship 11 a.m. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS worship , JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS Prayer Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. CHRISTOF LATTER DAYSAINTS Carland's Church-house was road. Thus, 34 feet of grading Worship Service at Rlvard's • 2130 p.m. Comer of Railroad &U.S. 27 A friendly church with a'message for Corner Upton Rd. &Stoll Rd. Area filler^ ^tQ^ overflowing, Wed­ and 22 feet width of blacktop Farewell for Bishop Loder aLLansinSct , , „ today. Thursday night Bible study In parsonage Elder R.Prsmoe Civic Center 5 - BR njnpjn.. - "' 2 Church School 10 o'clock Bible Loving - Bible Believing - Bible 7:30 p.m. Bring a question. nesday 'evening, when the and 6 foot shoulders would be Tuesday, May 25 Worship Service U o'clock Preaching Sunday School • lo a.m. Preaching ' Shiawassee County Road called for from Judville to the Combined Afternoon Circles will have a Service ll a.m. WACOUSTA COMMUNITY UNITED BANNISTER UNITED METHODIST • METHODIST CHURCH , Commission held an in­ County Line, quoted Fletcher, potluck in Niles Hall at 12:30 p m. REDEEMER UNITED Choir Practice - Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Sunday, June G CHURCH Mid-Week. Prayer Service-- Wednesday Rev. Edward F. Otto, pastor formative ' meeting with 126 to meet the ^federal Rev.EmmetKadwell METHODIST CHURCH Phone 626-6623 Summer Worship Hour 10 a.m. 105N.BridgeSl. Ovid Area 7:3o p.m. people attending, along with requirements. Recognition Sunday for Church School Ronald J. Thornpson, Pastor Everyone welcome Teachers and 1976 Graduates Sunday Worship Service 9:30a.m. Morning Worship: 10 a.m. Chairman Kirkman, Road- The drainage of and in Church School 10:30a.m. Church School Classes 11:15 a.m. engineer Des Autels, two Carjand is a problem to be Vacation Church School 9:30 a.m-Worship (nursery provided) Jr. and Sr. Hi Y.F. 6:00 p.m. Monday, June 14 - Friday, June 18 ASSEMBLYOFGOD 10:30 a.m.-Cof[ee Fellowship THE UNITED CHURCH OF OVID Cherub Choir, Wednesday 3:45 p.m. * County Commissioners, Mid- surveyed,* and dealt with; tree SUS-27&E. Baldwin (No Church School June-August) WestFrontStreet Fulton Area dlebury and Fairfield Super­ removal; the dust and mud of Joseph F. Eger, Jr., Pastor Rev. CtaudeB. Ridley, Jr., Pastor Youth Choir, Thursday 6:45 p.m. visors, and Fairfield's clerk. the project; the inconvenience COMMUNITY OFST.JUDE Chancel Choir, Thursday 7:30 p.m. 10:00 a m.< - Sunday School Catholic Church Worship Service - iq a.m. WSCS Noon Meetings every 3rd Wednes­ , Federal monies of 72% of the to Carland Road residents and 11:00 am. - Morning Worship Father Jerome Schmitt, Pastor Church School -11 a.m. FULTON FULL GOSPEL CHURCH day Carland road repair is travelers were things also • 6:30 pm. - Youth Service 801N. Bridge Nursery service for all children up to 2nd *i mile east of Perrln ton on M-57 WXYZ Noon Meeting every 1st Wednes brought out by Mr. Des Autels, 7:30 p m. - Sunday Evening grade. 4 mile south available; the other 28% is to be HENTF.COSTALTABERNACLE 7:00 p.m. • Wednesday, second and Daily Mass: Mon. and Thurs.-7:30 p m. Rev.LynnShunk,Pastor day provided by the road com­ at the meeting. 680 N.Lansing St. fourth WMC Tues. Wed. and Fri.-7:00 a.m. Council on Ministries every 2nd Wednes­ mission. A lot of the time at the St. Johns, Mich. 7:30 p m. - Wednesday evening service Sunday Mass: 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. OVID F1RSTBAPT1ST CHURCH 9:45 a.m - Sunday School day at 7:30 Marshall DeLay, Pastor Main at Oak Street 11:00 a m. - Morning Worship Administrative Board, 4th Monday of Xouie Cook, of the State High­ meeting was a question and Phone 593-2365 PRICE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Earl C. Copelin, Pastor 7:00 p m. • Youth Service 7:45 p.m. - every 3rd month. way Department was also answer period. DaroldD.Boyd.Pastor EASTDeWITT BIBLE CHURCH Evening Service present. Mr. Kirkman and Mr, Des 10:00 a m. Sunday School 445 Division St. E.Lansing » (Non-Denominational) 9:45 a.m. Church School, 11:00 a.m. 7:45 p.m. - Thursday, Prayer and praise 11:00 a m. Morning Worship RoundLakeRoad l/ miteEastofU5-27 Morning Worship service The first factor was, that Autels advised people to travel 7:30 pm. Sunday Evening 4 9:45 • Church School Glen J. Farnham, Pastor Wednesday 7 p.m. Prayer and Bible every decent town must have an on Woodbury road, which was a 7:30 p.m. Tues, Even. Prayer Meeting Study 8 p.m. Senior Choir 7:30 p m. Thursday Evening Service , 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service Victor adequate outlet; and the state similar project, and look at the Women's Society - las't Wednesday of Sunday qa eh month. Dinnerat 12:30 p m. Business 10 a.m.-Sunday School Classes for all has now considered the Carland final product. meeting at 1:30 ages Pewamo Township road not an adequate outlet. A show-of-hands count was FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH NEW HOPE FELLOWSHIP UMYF meets each Sunday at 7 p.m. 11 a m.-Morning Worship "The church with Acts 20:20 vision" This is why the federal monies taken with 55 in favor of 512S. US-27 Council ot Ministries - last Monday of 5:45pm.-Youth Fellowship, Senior, 14 SL Johns, Mich. each month at 8 p m. 1100 N.MainSt., Ovid Area GROVE BIBLE CHURCH are available to build the new building the new road, and 13 and-up; Jet Cadets, 10-13 Rev.RichardGIeason Rev. Robert Prange, Pastor Rev. PeterF, Nleuwkoop, Pastor Administrative Board • the first Sunday 7 p.nv-Evening Service Carland road. However, federal not in favor. 28 people who A fundamentalBible believing church. Church Phone 834-5950 Prlceand She pardsvillu Roads of each month following a co-operative' Wednesday Parsonage Phone B34-2473 monies use designates the travel the Carland road, but do noon dinner. - 7:30 p.m.-Blble Study and Prayer. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 9:45 a-am. Bible School Senior choir rehearsal • each Wednesday Supervised nursery for babies and small 10:00 ajn. - Sunday School. Classes for standards used in building the not live on the road were 11 a.m. Warship Service 10:00 a.m, Sunday School Pewamo, Michigan fill IlfiC5 at 7:30 p.m. children In all services. Rev.RichardStrait road, with a sub-base; base; present, and a few people did 11 am. Children's Churches - , "An open door to an open book" ... A 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 ajn. • Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m. - Young People \ width of road; degree ofcurve not indicate with a show-of- 6 pm. Youth Jlour Bible preaching church with a message for Sunday: 9:30a.m. Morning Worship7:00 7 pm. Evening Worship you.... 7:30p.m. Wednesday evening services for 7:30 p.m. - Evening Service • in the road, horizontal and hands at all. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES all age groups p.m. United Methodist.Youth Fellowship Each Wed. 7 p.m. Bible Study and prayer. Kingdom Hall 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday.praycrmeeting Sunday School Classes 10:45 a.m. Ladies Missionary Circle meets 4th vertical sight problems; road A map was on display for 8pm.- Choir practice - Jr. Basketball 1993 North Lansing St. must be well marked; and Nursery tor babies and small children for I > Thursday people to see, of the project they SOUTH RILEY BIBLE CHURCH COMMUNITY OF ST. JUDE ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Couples Club meets 4th Saturday in all services. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m - Congregation Book Willard Farrier, Pastor perhaps railroad signal lights at were discussing, but the large Church office hours Catholic Church Pewamo, Michigan month Studies. Text studies "The Nations Shall Located' * mile east of Francis.Road RLRev.Msgr.ThomnsJ.Bolger, MA the crossing/Vfe mile off M-21 on crowd caused many people to 9-12 & 1-3 Mon, thru FrI.' Know That I Am Jehovah - How? Father Michael D. Murphy , -'onChaflwickRoad 801N. Bridge * Pastor Carland road. "The traffic stay after the meeting ad-, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. • Theocratic Dallv Mass-7!30 a.m. journed to view it. Ministry School -• Texts Used: "Bible" 10 a.m. • Sunday School Daily Mass: 8 a.m. except Thursday Saturday 4:30 p.m. & 7:45_pjn. south of Carland to M-21 suf­ ST. JOHN'SEPISCOPAL C1IURCI Sunday Mass: 9:00 and 11:15 a.m, Sunday 8:00 ajn. & 10:00 a.m, Lansing fices for 40 foot gradeway^wfth 8 ^ f*Mr> Des Autels urged people, ComerofJUead&WalkerSts Confessions: Saturday 3:30 to 4:30,p.m. Holy Baptism - Sunday, 1 P.m. SSfhbt shoulders," was quojediby^tojwrite^any. .coramenfe'to-the Rev.*HughBanninga Sacred Confession - Saturday, 3:30 and t , Bj^p4>2600 7:30 p.m. p',ti'J -i-Bi ^S j^lfjetcher Dest Autels; ftu^a^n»^roa'd'conimission, Tjr come'*Vislt 'HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH Family Holy Hour fof Veace - Saturday, K1MBERLY CHURCH OF CHRIST Carland, there is to be curb and him at his office. B A M. Holy Communion every Sunday 10:30 a.m. - Watchtower Study - Current DeWitt SlOMaboitRoad,Ovid 7:15 p.m. 1007 Kimberly Drive 10 A M. Holy Communion & Sermon, 2nd issue of the "Watchtower" magazine Father Joseph Aubln gutter, 44 feet face to face," was Mr. Des Autels said, "It is & 4th Sundays studies. Sunday School 9a.m. Lansing, Michigan quoted by Des Autels, "The mostlikelythejobwillbeletout Morning Prayer & Sermon, 1st, 3rd & 5th PUBLIC INVITED Worship 10:30a.m. 11:00 a m. Mass on Sunday John Halls *- traffic count changes from to a road-building contractor; Sundays NO COLLECTION TAKEN 7:00 p m. Evening Mass on Wednesday Last Sunday every month at Noon, Family ST. ANNE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Confessions 10:30 to 10:45 a.m, Sunday 11 ajn. - Morning Worship Carland and Judville Corner to that our county men of the road Potluck Dinner IWRC'II OF THE NAZARENB Corner US-27 and Webb Roa d 10 a.m. - Bible Study " the County Line, which is to be commission do many jobs, and Mondays-Overeaters Anonymous at 7:30 515 North Lansing Street Rev. Glenn V. Cathey, Jr., Vicar Gunnisonville 6 p.m. • Evening Worship the length of the new road, are not especially skilled in one P.M. Rev. Kenneth Anderson Residence 669-3067 CALVARY BAPTISTCHURCH Midweek service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Cub Pack 512 on last Mon. of month at 7 Phone 224-7950 Church 669-3967 Rev. Wayne Glassman night ' approximately nine miles of field of road buildinfi." P.M. First & Third Sundays M-21 at Elsie Rd. Area Tuesdays-Wl. Watchers at 6:30 P.M. 10;00 a m. - Sunday School Morning Prayer 9 a.m. ft Wednesdays-Webelos Scouts at 7 P.M. 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship Second & Fourth Sundays 9:45 ajn. Sunday School ' GUNNISONVILLE Holy Communion during Lent at 7:30 6:15 pm • Young People's Service Holy Communion 9 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P.M. 7:00 p m - Evening Worship. 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Clark and Wood Roads THESE CLINTON COUNTY FIRMS Wednesday.7:30p.m. • Bible Study and 7:00 pm. Wednesday Prayer meeting Thursdays-Overcalers Anonymousot 9:30 Rev. Paul Schiebrcr, Minister A.M. » prayer hour. VALLEY FARMS BAPTIST CHURCH AA. ALANON, ALATEENSat 8 P.M. 214E.StateRd. 9:30 a.m. Church Service MAKE THIS CHURCH PAGE POSSIBLE FREE.METHODISTCHUHCH Lansing 305CtmrchStreel Fowler Area 10:45 a.m. Sunday School Phone 224-3349 9:45 a.m. Sunday School ST. JOHNS CHURCH OF CHRIST Rev. Rodney Dean 11:00 a,m. Morning Worship Service —~— ST. JOHNS ' 400 E. Stalest. 5:30 p.m. Youth Groups Beginning with ST. PAULLUTHEHAN CHURCH David Wood, Minister Sunday Ihe 4th Grade, Fowler Ph. 224-6421 10:00 am Sunday School Wednesday / HE.Rossow, Pastor Westphalia 11:00 am Morning Worship 7:00 p m. Evening Service 9:30 a m Sunday School ' 6:00 p m. Evening Worship 7:00 pm. Prayer Service 9:30 ajn. Worship 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship & Com­ 10:30 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class Area munion Wednesday Central Nat'l Bank Schmitt Electric St Johns Co-op 6:00 p m. Youth Meeting 6:30 p.m, C.Y.C. SOUTH DeWITT CHURCH MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 7;00 p m Evening Worship 8:00 p m Bible Study and Prayer Scr- OF CHRIST Rev. Fr. Albert J. Schmitt, Pastor OF ST JOHNS 7:00 p.m. Wed/ Bible Study \ice. 2931 Herbison beside DeWitt High School ST.MARY'SCHURCH A' Friendly Church with a Scriptural Minister: Dr. James Girdwood Saturday Evening Mass - 4:30,7:00 o'clock Westphalia SERVING YOU FROM 1002 E State Message 'Rev. Father James Schmitt SALEM UNITED Tel. 669-5000 or 626-6006 p.m. FOUR LOCATIONS < St Johns N Clinton METHODIST CHURCH , Sunday Masses 6:30, B:30,10;30 a.m. Rev. James J. Schmitt-Admintstrator St, Johns-Ovid-Pewamo US 27 and County Line Rd. 9:20 a.m. Bible School Holy Days. Holy Day Eve, 4:30 p.m. 7:00 Phone 587-4201 Southgate' Plaza Phone 224-4277 Phone 224*2381 Pastor Paul R. Jones 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship o,'dock p.m. Holy Day - ef30 & B:30 Phone 224-7709 Communion Weekly a.m. Saturday Night Masses: 4:30 &7:00 p.m. Sunday Morning 6:00, 8:00,10:00 Member FDIC .ST. JOSKPII CATHOLIC CHURCH Parsonage & Office 2620 E. Maple Rapids 6:30 p m. Youth Groups Sorrowful Mother Novena-During school Rev. William G. Hankerd, Pastor Rd. Eureka, 7:30 pm. Evening Worship year 7:30 p.m. Summer months 8:00 ' WeekdaysMonday&Frlday7:15&n:20 Rev. Raymond Gjehring Wednesday '' . o'clock p m. a.m. S & H Farm Associate Pastor Sunday, 7:30 p.m. Hour of Power: Prayer and Sacrament of Penance-Salurdays,3:30 to Tues. Ct Thurs. 7:15 & 8:30 a.m. Phillips Allaby-Brewbaker, Rectory 109 Linden St. Ph. 224-.3313 9:00 Worship Bible Study 4:ooc'clockp.m. and afler7:00 o'clock Wednesday 7:15 & 7:30 p.m. Convent 110S.Oakland Ph.224-3789 10:00 Church School Thursday, * p.m. mass. Holy Days 5:30, 7:15 & 11:20 a.m. 7:30 School 201E.Cass Ph. 224-2421 7:30 pm W.S.C.S. Third Thursday each 7:30 pm. Calling Program 1st Fridays -Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to p.m. Sales & Service Mass Schedule month. 12:00 p m. 3:30 lo 4:30 p.m, & 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Mass 7:30 p m. Implement Inc. Saturday Evening -7 pm. ' until all are heard New Holland Machinery Sunday • 7:30, 9,10:30 and 12 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Baptism - Sundays at 12(30 p.m. by ap­ Our Specialty COMPANY Holy Days - See bulletin ' 14005,Oakland OF DeWITT, SBC pointment. Olher arrangements by Paul E.Penno. Pastor ; 108^ N Clinton St Weekdays - 8:30 a.m. and 7 pm. Rev. Jerry Cole, Pastor appointment, 4 Ml N on US-27 to 313 N Lansing St Sacrament of Penance • Saturdays, 3:30 , 1106B DeWitt Rd. Maple Rapids French Rd St Johns, Michigan to 5 p.m. latter 7 p.m. Mass until 8:30 p.m.. Services held on Saturday I Phone 224-4661 Phone 224-2777 Weekday evenings • a few minutes before 9:15 a.m. - Church Service Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. evening Mass, 10:30 a m. • Sabbath School Service Morning Worship -11:00 a.m. First Fridays—Sacrament of Penance. 6 o'clock - Church Training iHsie Area Area Thursday from 4 to 5 p m; and after the llESTNLfilUM UNITED 7 o'clock Evening Worship 1 evening Mass until all arc heard. Mass and METHODIST CHURCH Midweek Prayer Service 7:30. Youth Egan Ford Federal-Mogul prayers of Adoration at 7 p.m. Holy Corner of Porks and Grove Rd. fellowship 2nd & 4th Sunday at 8 o'clock. 'ELSIE METHODIST CHURCH SPACE' Rev. Brian K. Sheen, Minister Rev. David Litchfield, Minister THE UNITED Communion on Friday at 6 and 7:15 a.m. Join us In worship where "everybody Is METHODIST CHURCH Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, somebody and Christ is Lord." ' CORPORATION 9:30 a.m. • Worship Servfce •»9;30 a.m. • Morning Worship Maple Rapids Sales, Inc. 7 Thursday 7 pm, on First Friday after For more Information call 669-9752 or Pastor Rev. J, ThomasChtfrn evening Mass. 10:45 a.m. • Church School write Box 306, DeWitt. 10:30 a m. - Sunday School, Supt. Merle FOR Bacse Parsonage-MiddJeton Devotlons-Our Mother of Perpetual Phone 236-7742 200 W. Higham *; St Johns Plant Help Nnvcna - after 7:15 p.m. Mass each SHEPAHDSVH.I.H UNITED METHODIST CHURCH f DUPLAINMETHODISTCIIUhCH Tuesday, VALLEY FARM UNITED Sunday > Phone 224-2285 RENT' Religious Instruction Classes ~ Adult Dr.Da raid Boyd, Pastor PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev, David Litchfield .Minister 445 Division Street 9:30 ajn. Warship Service Inquiry Class. Tuesday at B p.m. High Rev. Neil Bollnger, pastor 10:30 a.m. Sunday School School CCD. Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. East-Lansing. Michigan 155 E. State Rd. 10 a.m.- Sunday School, Supt. Kenneth Public Grade School CQD. Tuesdays from Phone 489-1705 Kiger 9:30 a.m. Worship Service, 10:45 a m. Tuesday 4 until 5 pm. 11 ajn. - Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Senior Choir Practice Wednes­ D&B . FOWLER Baptisms—Each Sunday at 1:30 by Church School 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 'SPACE Wednesday: 7:00 p.m Choir practice. 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH day appointment. Other arrangements by 2nd Wednesday each month appointment. fl:00 p.m. Prayer Service. 7:30 p.m. - Sunday evening Evangelistic Administrative Board first Monday in 10 a.m. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. W.S.C.S. Party Shoppe the mnnlh. ' 11 a.m. Worship Service Thursday FOR Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. - Youth Service 10:00 Bible Study ST. JOHNS LUTHERAN CHURCH General meeting of WSCS third Thurs­ Thursday, 7:30 p.m. • Bible Study 6:30 p m. Junior Si Senior B.Y.F. Open Monday thru Saturday (Missouri Synod) day in January, April and September. We cordially Invite you to attend any or 7:00 p.m, Evening Service Complete Party Supplies Mathews Elevator Afternoon Circle meets second Thursday GREENBUSH UNITED METHODIST Rev,MichaelR.Ruhl,Pasfcr all of these services 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Junior and Senior CHURCH RENT ^ at ihc homes of members. Listen to our international broadcast Choir Practice 224 N Clinton Berean Circle meets third Thursday Scott and Marshall Roads Divine Worship 8:00-10:30 HARVESTIME Sunday morning at 10:30 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer and Bible Pasior-NormanWood Phone 224-3535 Sunday School SiBlble Class 9:15 evening in each month at the homes of a.m. WRBJ, 1580 on your dial. Study members. Grain-Feed-Bcana Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundayi Sunday, Church Office hours - 9:00 - 12:00 DUPLAIN CHURCH OF CHRIST 10:00 a.m. Church School •• • Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday WAYSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH ST, PETEn LUTHERAN CHURCH 3 miles west Ovid Elsie HighSchool 11:00 ajn, Church Services mornings. Friday. Rev. Harold McGuirc MISSOURI SYNOD 5565 E. Colony Road UMW 4th Wednesday at 8 pm. Phone 593-2111 Offfce Telephone: 224-3544 / The Corner of N. US-27 and Roosevelt Rds. 5 miles west of St. Johns on M-21 JustlnShe pa rd. Minister. SPACE , Capitol Savings % Parsonage Telephone: 224-7400 5'4mlles6outhDnFranclsRoad Bill Ntchelson, YouthMlnlster . ' LOWE UNITED Sunday School -10:00 a.m. 2 miles west on Church Road Educational Wing Telephone: 224-8156 j Morning Worship U;00 a.m. METHODIST CHURCH AND LOAN ASSN. Adult Instruction' Mon. 10:00 a.m. 7:00 RogerY.Helnt2,Pastor " 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School Comer of Lowe & N. Lowe Road Sunday Evening - 0:00 p.m. 11 a.m, - Church . * FOR ' pm. Across from the Essex School Evangelism and Elders at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday evening service 7:30 p.m. 8:00 ajn. • Worship 6p.m. -Youth fellowshlpand adult Bible 222 N Clinton WESTPHALIA A church where everyone Is welcome. Rev. Gordon Showers Tuesdays, Bethel and Teachers at 7:00 10:30 am • Worship Bible Study 9:15a.m. -Sunday School and Bible 7 p m. - Evening Service Sunday RENT' , Phone 224-2304 FIRST CHURCH OKfiOD Classes, 7 p.m. - Wednesday * Prayer Meeting Weekday School and Confirmation* 9:45 a.m: Sunday School Classes. Wednesday. 3:30-6 p.m. M-2)&bcWiURd. Holy Communion tint Sunday of the Rev. W.Jeff Webb, Pastor month at 8a,m. Ihfrd Sunday of the month ST.CYRILCATHOLICCHURCH lt;00a.m Senior Choir - 6:30 p.m, Thursday 7:00.p.m. 1st 13rd *°&tWe e Ladies Guild - LWML - 2nd Wednesday PhonerChurch 224-7190 at 10:30 p.m. Rev^ThomasM.Kowalciyk, Pastor Pa nonage 224-24BS Tuesday, Maynard-Allen each month at B p.m. . P.O.Box 97,517E.MalrtSt. Prayer, Study Group Parr's Rexall . SPACE Bannister 48807 , Phones 862-6270 10:00 a.m, Councils and Committees - 3d Thursday Wednesday, each month at 7 p.m. ' -, *" \ 9:30 a.m-Sunday Morning Coffee & RT.TIIERESE CATHOLIC CHURCrf STATE BANK Fellowship Tf me 7:30 p.m. 2nd eleven months O.M.W. Golden Age Fellowship Group * 3rd Fathers Francis Murray Sunday Liturgies: Saturday - 7:00 pjn. 9:43 n nvPre-Sliiiday School Quiet Time Sunday- 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. ThlnSday, Store ' FOR Thursday each month'at 1 p.m, * qntf Lawrence Delaney 8:00 p.m, Choir Practice. Portland-Sunfi eld-Westphalia 10.00 a.m -Sunday School Rectory; 102 W. Randolph, Lansing Holy Day Liturgies: 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 Youlh'2ndand4thSundaysal4p.m- ll;00 a.m -Morning Worship Couples Bible Study • Sundayj at 7:30 Phone 489-9051 pm, , The Corner Drug Store Member FDIC 6:00 p m -ST. Choir Practice Confessions; One half hour before all ATTEND CH CH WITH OS. RENT ' ' SOMETHING MISSINU7 MAYBE U R P 7:00 p.m -Evening Worship Discussion & Mass Schedule - Saturday: 7 p.m. Sunday Liturgies. Home.Bible Study - Monday through Fellowship • , EVERYONE IS WELCOME Phone 224-2837 ' Phone 587-3111 Thursday . - Sunday: 6, 8, lo, 12 May 19.1976 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST, JOHNS, MICHIGAN

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*tl --4V , / 8B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN May 19,197$ St. Johns City Commission minutes Report from the capitol , State Representative April ft, 1976 moritorium,0|t all building in The City Onager presented, Motion by Commissioner Mayor Ebqrt appointed The meeting was called, to the City, the purpose of which is the annual 1976-1977 fiscal ^ear- Arehart; supported by Comm. Commissioners Hannah, order at 7:33 p.m, by Mayor to provide relief to the sanitary budget with WB message. There Hannah fo approve the list of Arehart, Roesner, Wilcox and Ebert, sewer system, ROLL CALL was a short discussion. • • '• Election Inspectors presented himself and the City Attorney by Stanley Powell COMM. PRESENT: Ebert, VOTE: YEA: Ebert, Wilcox, by the City Clerk. YEA: Ebert, and City Manager to the Motion by Comm. Hannah, •Wilcox, Hannah, Arehart, committee. •. ¥"P Wilcox, Hannah, Arehart, "*• Hanha'h, Arehart. NAY: None. supported by ,Comm. Roesner Roesner. ABSTAINING: Roesner. Roesner. NAY: None, Motion Motion by Comm, Hannah, At long last, over a month amendments as a means of the cans. The cans are then that the 1976-1977 budget a? carried.. x*' COMM. ABSENT: None Motion carried. presented by the City Manager supported by Comm. Arehart to behind the spheduleof deadlines throwing Ihe bill into con­ shredded or baled and shipped STAFF PRESENT:. City Bid .tabulations for two new adjourn. YEA: Ebert, Wilcox, which we had previously set for ference and, if agreement can to the manufacturer to be re- Motion by Comm. Hannah be accepted and uibleQ* and that be reached between the two Manager Humphrey, City supported by Comm, Arehart a public hearjng be set for May police cars V/ere presented. Hannah. Arehart, Roesner. ourselves, the House Ap­ melted into brand new Attorney Maples, City Clerk There were five bids, NAY: None. Motioij carried. propriations Committee chambers on provisions of the aluminum'cans, Wood, that the sanitary sewer smoking 24,1976, at7:4kp.m, and further released to the floor of the bill, then the Senators would report, prepared by Williams & that the budget will be available Motion by Comm, Wilcox, The meeting was declared I understand that this re- Motion by Comm. Hannah, supported by Comm. Roesner to adjourned at 10:30 p.m. House a part of our portion of have another opportunity to melting process saves 95 per­ Works, be turned over to the atall times for public inspection the budget bills and we have vote to it immediate effect. supported by Comm. Arehart to JD.Y.W. Superintendent and in the office of the City Clerk. accept the low bid of Egan Ford * May 3,1976 cent of the energy it would take approve the minutes of the April in the amount of $8,047.44 for The meeting was called to now approved the bills relating. Since, the House had passed to make molten metal from that he be instructed to work as YEA: Ebert, Wilcox, Hannah, to general government, capital _the bill on April 27 and at that 12,1976 meeting and of the April diligently as possible to correct Arehart, Roesner. NAY: Nohe. two (2) Ford patrol cars. YEA: order at 7:33 p.m. by Mayor virgin ore. 19,1976 special meeting. YEA: Ebert, Wilcox, -Hannah, Ebert. outlay, agriculture and "time had voted to give it im­ This may be one way of the violations on the list and Motion carried, Arehart, Roesner. NAY: tyone. regulatory agencies. Of course, mediate effect, I hope that .Ebert, Wilcox, Hannah, that the City Manager report COMM. PRESENT: Ebert, cutting down on our litter Arehart, Roesner. NAY: None. Lyle French, Chief of Police Motion carried. these are bills .which had "anyone unhappy about the problem, in Michigan, while at back every regular meeting as Wilcox, Hannah, Arehart, originated in the House and Motion carried. presented a report on a The City Manager requested Roesner. present situation will direct the same time using our to the progress. .YEA: Ebert, proposed Investigation Squad. upon passage by us they will go their complaints to the Senate Motion by Comm. Hannah, Wilcox, Hannah, Arehart, .approval to pay Williams & COMM. ABSENT: None. ' to the Senate for committee valuable energy 'and natural supported by Comm. Roesner to Motion by Comm. Wilcox, Works $25,000,00 on the storm STAFF PRESENT: City rather than to me or any of the resources more wisely. Roesner. NAY: None. Motion supported by Comm. Arehart to consideration and then general Other members of the House. approve the Warrants. YEA: carried, sewer and engineering account Manager Humphrey, City debate and action on the floor of Ebert, Wilcox, Hannah, approve the * following on Voucher #1048, Revenue Attorney, Maples, City Olerk I'd like to hear any opinions A letter from the American v the Senate. Meanwhile we in the Arehart, Roesner, Nay: None. resolution; Be itxesolved, that Sharing. Wood. „ t -SUNSETLAW you have on the jmatter. Legion Auxiliary was presented House notonly have the Balance Motion carried. the City of St. Johns enter Into Motion by Comm. Hannah, The mayor gave a summary of the House originated portion ' The "sunset law" concept is requesting permission* to sell an agreement with the Clinton of the'April 29, 1976 meeting starting to attract attention SUMMER JOBS Mayor Ebert asked for ad­ poppies on May 20, 21, and 22. supported by Comm. Arehart to of the budget to consider, but all ditions or deletions to the County Sheriffs Department, pay $25,000.00 on the account of with Randolphs and several of the share of the budget bills around the capitol. It calls for Michigan has received agenda. There were none. Motion by Comm. Wilcox, DeWitt Township 'and * Bath Williams&Works.YEA: Ebert, items that must be included in which originated in the Senate definite action on the part of the $20,309,521 to help provide Motion by Comm. Arehart, supported by Comm. Roesner to Townsjiip to establish an In­ Wilcox, Hannah, Arehart, any contract entered into and which were sent over to*us Legislature to continue summer jobs for young people. supported by Com.. Wilcox to grant the American Legion vestigation Squad to operate on Roesner. NAY: None. Motion between the City and Tri- about two weeks ago. operation of any state program, The funds are available under approve the agenda as Auxiliary permission to sell a County wide basis for an carried. County Transfer Station. rather than the blanket con­ the Comprehensive Em­ presented. YEA: Ebert, Wilcox, poppies on May 20,21 and 22 and approximate cost of" $1,500.00. Of course, it is "too early to tinuation they now have. ployment and Training Act and for one (1) year. The City '-Attorney gave a Motion by Comm, Hannah, Hannah, Arehart, Roesner. that all fees be waived. YEA: summary of the GrubaUgh trial. supported by Comm. Roesner predict what the total of all This means that every so are designed to implement the NAY: None. Motion carried. Ebert, Wilcox, Hannah, Commissioner Hannah of- Carl Huber and Tom Gavin of that the City enter into a one these budget bills may be, but 1 many years, programs and Summer Job Program for Several persons were present Arehart, Roesner. NAY: None. ferecLthe following amendment Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & year contract with the Tri- am fearful that it-is going to be agencies .funded by the state Economically Disadvantaged Motion carried. and questibned the recent to the motion: Motion by Huber were present and gave a County Transfer Station owned much higher than the Gover­ would come r up (for special Youths (SPEDY). Comm. Hannah, supported by brief evaluation of the ad­ by Mr. Randolph and son, for nor's recommendations. If that scrutiny by ttie" Legislature. If These funds are expected to sanitary sewer backup ex­ The City Manager reported on J perience in the southern area of the closing of Higham Street Comm. that this ditional cost for a City built^ the packing and transfer of all should be the case, the they were not given approval, employ about 45,000 young town. The City Manager gave from Spring to Clinton Avenue agreement be contingent upon transfer station. Comm. city solid waste, whichup to this Governor would be faced with they would go out of existance. people. To be eligible, the young an explanation of causes for the on June 26 as per Clinton the continuance of Revenue Hannah read a statement to the' time has been going into the the responsibility of making As it is now, once we create a person must be between the sewer backup, Mr. Ray Torpy National Bank & Trust request. Sharing. Comm. Hannah's Commission, • city's landfill. That such a. what are known as line item program or agency, it seems to ages of 14 and 21 and a member vetoes to bring total ex­ asked if a moritorium could be Motion by Comm. Wilcox, amendment-failed for lack of a Motion by Comm. Hannah, contract be drawn by the City be continued indefinitely. The of a family with an income placed on all building in the City second.'YEA: Ebert, Wilcox, supported by Comm; Wilcox Attorney, including Mr. Ran- penditures into line with an­ tendency is to drift along and below $5,500fora family of four. supported by Comm. Arehart to ticipated revenues. until such time as the expansion approve the request of Clinton Arehart, Roesner. NAY: that a committee composed of dophs scale of prices as sub­ not do .much about it, even if The jobs are to begin early in of the sewer system is com­ National Bank and Trust to Hannah. Motion carried. the City Manager, City At­ mitted to the Commission. That Finally, on their third at­ there is no longer any com­ June and extend for nine weeks, pleted. torney, and Commissioners upon the completion of the tempt, the Senators mustered pelling need for the agency. ^Those employed will be paid at close Higham Street on June 26 The City Lerk presented a list contract by the City Attorney it Motion by Comm. Hannah, between Spring Street and of Election Inspectors, A.V. Roesner and Arehart be named the necessary two-thirds vote to Colorado practices ' this least $2.30 an hour and will work by the Mayor to meet with Mr. be submitted to the City in libraries, hospitals, summer supported by Comm. Wilcox Clinton Avenue and that any Board workers and also 1 give immediate effect to the bill concept presently, that the City Manager, City Randolph, if he should be Commission for its approval extending the state's fiscal year House Republican Leader schools and at other public sites fees be waived. YEA: Ebert, alternates for approval of the and to Mr. Randolph. Attorney and City Engineer Wilcox, Hannah, Arehart, City Commission for the May agreeable, to determine the an additional three months. In Dennis 0. Cawthorne has asked for 20 to 30 hours a week. check the possibiliy of an or­ possibility of working out a . There was a general the past, the fiscal*year ended the Governor to appoint a task The Michigan Department of Roesner. NAY: None. Motion 18, 1976 Presidential Primary discussion. Mayor Ebert called dinance which would put a carried. Election. mutual contract to handle the June 30, but for the current year force to study the sunset ap­ , Labor, Bureau of Employment City garbage for a specified a roll call Vote on the motion. it will now be extended to Sept, proach during the next year. He and Training, .which" ad­ length of time during which YEA: Roesner, Arehart, 30.'Supposedly by that date we suggested lhat one-fifth of the ministrates CETA in the'56 St. Johns man promoted time a study could'be made to Hannah. NAY: Ebert. AB­ will be able to show that we state's programs could be rural counties of Michigan, is determine if it would be more to STAINING: Wilcox. Motion have a balanced budget with scheduled for termination each making applications available Stanley Pifer, a General munities through 76 exchanges, various craft and management the City's advantage to contract carried. cash on hand and current year to avoid a log jam of soon for eligible young people. Telephone Company employee consisting of over 213,000 positions until being assigned to for garbage disposal by the Tri- Motion by Comm. Wilcox, revenues equivalent to ex­ renewal studies. According to officials there, in Owosso, has recently been telephones. his most recent position in 1973. County Transfer Station or for supported by Comm. Roesner penditures. I'd certainly be interested in other summer job programs for promoted, according to B.R. Pifer launched his telephone Stan and his wife, Shirley, live the city to build and operate its that Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr While awaiting settlement of finding out more about this youths include a. federally Davies, eastern area general career in 1964 as a lineperson in at 709 N. Clinton Avenue in St. own station pending the out­ and Huber inform the bidders that issue, the Senate > Ap­ concept I'd like 'to know how sponsored civil service manager for the Company. St. Johns, Since then he has held Johns. come of negotiations con­ that their bids have been propriations Committee had1 It's working in Colorado, I'd program which will hire 54,000 Pifer, formerly a test and struction bids received by the rejected. YEA: Ebert, Wilcox, been holding up the sup­ also be interested in hearing nationally, and the Youth assignment supervisor, has City on May 12 shall remain Hannah, Arehart, Roesner. plemental appropriatjj'on.for the .your opinions on the subject* - Conservation Corps which will been tiamed to the position of tabled. * - NAY: None, Motion carried. Department of Social Services, hire about 26.000 nationwide. project coordinator. "" Comm. Roesner stated that Motion by Comm. Hannah, This was HB 6155 and carried a CELEBRATE In his new position, Pifer will (Mey and OliTe News he felt a date to report back supported by Comm. Roesner to total price ta'g,(of just slightly This is Michigan 'Week, the supervise the telephone cable should be specified, adjourn. YEA: Ebert, Wilcox, under $100 million. That was to one week we set aside each year construction and maintenance D Comm. Hannah called the Hannah, Arehart, Roesner. take care of deficiencies in to celebrate our state's program for General Mr. and Mrs. Clair Wilson visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred motion. YEA: Ebert, Wilcox, NAY: None*. Motion carried. previous appropriations for the progress. This year it is (North Bengal) / Telephone's eastern area, were in Northern Michigan ' Sehlke, of Fowler on Thursday Hannah, Arehart, Roesner, The meeting was declared various programs administered especially significant because which is composed of three hunting mushrooms Tuesday, evening and helped Mrs. Sehlke NAY: None. Motion carried. adjourned at 8:03 p.m. by the Department of Social of our country's bicentennial. divisions serving 213 com­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore celebrate her birthday. Services. The funds provided ip The week.% theme is On-Monday evening, tyhiy 2, . our regular appropriation tgji )J)IJs}!igan--Eioneer in Mrs. "William Ernst and RJaxine this Current JiscplVyear" tfad Progress," saluting nur state's Ernst called on the Melvln been expended and payments progress, past, present and Argersinger's and Mrs. Arthur were being "held up' I know this Hike to the Yellow Pages. future. Martens at St, Johns, On to be a fact because of the While Michigan. is rich in Wednesday evening, May 5, Whether you need axes or tents, telephone calls of distress which natural resources, it is also rich they visited Mrs. Fred Epkey of I had been receiving from in human resources. We have Fowler. _, or are roughing it with some various providers of services to nine million people with multi- Fire gutted out the home of Camping other problem, remember... welfare clients. interests and professions, Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Kramer As soon as the Senate had Each day of Michigan Week and family on Wednesday, April Any product or service is given immediate effect to the has a different designation, 2fl. At the present time they are camped atyourfingertips extension of the state's fiscal emphasizing an important facet living in an apartment in when your fingers do the year, their Committee on Ap­ of life in Michigan. We have a Fowler. propriates took up con­ Community Pride Day, a Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rowell walkingthroughthe sideration of the Supplemental Heritage Day, a Government entertained at their home on Yellow Pages. Appropriation Bill, HB 6155, and Day, an Ethnic Day, an Sunday, May 2, in honor of their reported it to the floor of the Education Day, a Youth Day, a son, who received his first Senate. I assumed that it would Livelihood. Day and a communion at Holy Trinity be passed quite promptly there. Hospitality Day. Church at Fowler that morning. However the Senators got into Take time* out to observe Mrs. William Ernst, and quite a wrangle on it and Michigan Week with the rest of Maxine Ernst spent Thursday adopted a controversial the state. evening, April 29, with Mr. and amendment which provided Mrs. Alex Thelen -and' family. that "The Department of Social RECYCLING BILL Congratulations to Mr. and Services shall provide dental, We haye a new form of a ban Mrs. Stanley Smith who became hearing and vision services to on non-returnable beverage grandparents for the first all eligible recipients regard­ containers proposed in the time on April 5. A son, Russell, less of age." With that House. was born to Mr.- and Mrs. Gil provision in the bill, .many It's a bill \ (HB 6341), in- Sparks of Phoenix, Ariz. Mrs. Senators felt that it would be too - troduced by a Republican Sparks is the former Kay Ann costly and, in protest,, they colleague, that would prohibit Smith. Mrs. Smith flew to voted against giving the bill Phoenix on, April 11, and she immediate effect and there the sale of bi-metal containers - that are not suitable for was joined two weeks later by were not enough "-yes" votes for her husband, Stanley, and they that motion, so the bill went recycling. Containers that would be visited their son-in-law, back to the House for con­ daughter and new grandson. currence in the Senate amend­ allowed under the proposal are all aluminum cans. They can be The Smiths' flew home on May ments and without immediate 1. effect which, of course, would completely recycled. In fact, make the whole bill utterly they are already being recycled Little Joyce Bancroft of S. W. yellow pages meaningless as an emergency by the billions. Dallas spent Thursday night financing measure. Probably People collect the containers and Friday, April 29, and 30 the House will reject theSenate and turn them in at a collection with her grandparents, Mr. and center and receive money for Mrs. Fred W. Pasch.

BOY and GIRL CONTEST NOW IN PROGRESS Help Your Favorite Boy and Girl ST. JOHNS PRICES GOOD THRU MAY 22 TO SHOP OUR GREAT FOOD BUYS Win An All Expanse Paid 4 Day 3 Store Hours: £:W^#^K&W«W^M?#^ Night Trip To California. OPEN DAILY 8 A.M.-9 P.M. NOTE: Not responsible for errors made in Printing, QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED. SUNDAYS.10 A.M.-6 P.M. WE ME SELLING TICKETS FOR THE DERBY BOOSTERS' NO DEALERS ON AD ITEMS VAUDEVILLE SHOW, JUNE 3 ... ASK AT THE OFFICE BE SURE TO VOTE! IGA •rra FAME 15 to 16 oz. Cahs FAME IGA . -. MICHIGAN TABLE RITE CANNED $ SPECIAL! $ 00 MARGARINE OO D0NUTS PEET MOSS VEGETABLES 4/ l 16 oz. %'s 3/ l 10 Varieties MCDONALD y9i2ct. V" FRESH BAKED LO-FAT TABLE TREAT 0 Sugared or Plain- 99 15 to 16 Oz. Cans Gal. MILK 99 New California. 40FAM lb. EBa g TEA ROLLS PEAS LONG WHITE BLADE CUT "AND $10$ 0 BATHROOM BEEF FAME* FROZEN POTATOES TISSUE 0 GREEK 5/ l ORANGE u,s. No; 1 4- CHUCK STEAK 12 oz. Rolt DOZ. LB. BEANS Cut and French Style JUICE 44 10 tbs.$ 49 Pak 39 69 for 1 59*
