A ' . as * > Mark Your Calendar... Sat., June 26 Call I I ** FDIG 8K5 ATTEND OUR BICENTENNIAL CIVIC FAIR 224-6811 rf* Clinton County News MAY 19,1976 22 Pages-2 Sections ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN 48879 20 Cents Bicentennial Their home is THURSDAY, MAY 20-The Clinton County Bicentennial Committee and the Clinton County Historical Society will their pride and joy meet at 8. p.m. for the dedication of the Campau Trading Post site at Maple >• By Patrice Hornak his hedges trimmed, his grass mowed and 'Wve worked hard," she adds, and they Rapids. A Tri-County historical marker :•: County News Feature Writer his shrubbery cut. have also'been active in their church. Mr. will be placed at the location, now owned They have a small garden and Mr, Sehlke Sehlke was an elder in their church for 11 by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gavenda, at 511 § Driving down Morton Street in St. Johns, still manages to get away to do some fishing years. W. Main Street. Councilman Al Brunner, ji people cannot but help notice one particular . now and then. At age 84 and 85, they have many happy ' is uncharge of placing the marker. S residence with finely manicured trees and moments to remember. They are thankful S flower beds. This is the 110 N. Morton St. they have been able to be together for 62 Dr. Dee Allen, a life-long resident of But, the Sehlke's pride and joy is their the village, verified the site, and :•: residence of Edward and Alvina Sehlke, who years, and when asked what their secret to. historical documents were also used. $ have been married for 62 years. home. "You never get a house on Morton longevity was, Mr. Sehlke replied, "Always Mrs. Beth Dean, who is compiling a local •:• The story of the Sehlke's is 5th in a series Street unless you save your money," says get some exercise. Never stop moving!" history of the area, received word this •:; of features about the longest-married Mr. Sehlke, week that Dr. F.H. Taylor, great-great :•: couples in Clinton County. The series is grandson of George Campau, (now of ;:« sponsored fcy -the Clinton. County Bicen- JT**. Grand Rapids), will be present for the ft tennial Committee. m&tfXik #*r A L 'Mm-, 4-1 dedication. George N. Abbott Sr., village g On April 28, 1914, Edward Sehlke and mm president, andv other Village and :$ Alvina Slim were united in marriage by Township officials will also be attending :•; Reverend Father E.H. Heinecke at St. the dedication and the public is cordially ;:• Peters Lutheran Church in Riley. Alvina •-.•* *...**, invited. § made her wedding gown of satin with a v. • After the dedication .service the £• beaded butterfly on the bodice, meeting will be held at the Methodist ;*• 'Following the wedding ceremony, a S reception was held at Alvina's parents Churchtfocated three blocks south of the , , . *u • main foyt corners. Shirley Craner will be ft house. Twenty sets of dancers, composed of in charge of the refreshments. >:• 8 people per set, danced the round and >•: square dance until 4 a.m., stopping at - CLASS OF '26 REUNION-The first :•:• midnight for a luncheon. graduation class of Rodney B. Wilson £ Following the wedding, they set up High School will hold their 50th reunion i£ housekeeping at their farm in Riley Center, ,* qn Sept. 26, when the Clinton" County , xi where they lived for 33 years before moving './ A Historical Society sponsors its home i-ij to St. Johns in 1945. tour. A dinner is planned at the Colonial $: When they were building their Morton Kestaurantatl2:15, and reservations are 1 :$ Street home, Mr. Sehlke remembers having • requested by Sept.- 11, for more in­ >J to obtain a special "priority" permit to formation contact Mary '(WaodhariisJV :$ build, asjumber was scarce during the war. Welton at 224-4086 or write her at Rt. 3, *:• They had.an oil furnace and were forced to St. Johns. Others on the committee in­ § use coal until the* gas shortage during the clude: Helen Post, Jean (Anderson) •:j war decreased. Openlander.'Erma <Gage) 'Service and , her husband King, and Alden Livingston. $ Mr. Sehlke's hobby is working in his yard. The committee is especially trying.to p. He's quite the handy man, being able to keep Edward and Alvina Sehlke on their wedding day. locate information o;i Lila Shaft. Letter^ Alvina and Edward Sehlke in their Morton S.t. home. to the committee are requested if you will be unable to attend. CLASS OF '3G--Artis Crawford, is trying to locate two members of this * xlass. TheyareMableStrong and Arlene (Enisl "Lewis; Contact her at 204 Lewis Street, St. Johns or call 2244653." u * •' WARREN. DOBSON--A well-known poet of Clinton County, has written new Sunday words to the "Battle Hymri of the Republic," and his work will be presented by a 100 voice choir on June 30th at the DeWitt High School Stadium. 4 Winner of the Clinton County Derby will Rev. Hugh Banniga will give the in­ Theatre Group, Capitol City Old Cars, tittle Purchase, Dave Purchase, Justin Escher, The two verses will be done by a tenor By Jim Edwards vocation at 2:33: League, St. Johns Bicentennial Committee, Betty Morriss, Jeff Pioszak, Jeff Beck, soloist, The free concert will begin at 7:30 County News Editor earn the right to represent the county at the All-American Soapbox Derby in Akron, Aug. The St. Johns High School Band will play Ionia Free Fair & Biffie, Mid Michigan Mary Bruin, Ken Clark. p.m. and is a part of the week long ac­ the National Anthem at'2:35. C.B.'s,Trixies Pixies, Zim's Antiques, Lions Pat Ebert, Jeff Feldpausch, Mark Volsen, tivities at DeWitt. Forty-eight Clinton County youngsters 14. Activities for the Clinton County Derby Two more aerial bombs will then go off, Club with Tail Waggers, Navy Recruiting Andy Todoscuik, Dan Hulett, Eric Smith, We offer our congratulations to will be competitors in the Bicentennial followed by the beginning of the Derby Station, St Peter Lutheran,, Harold Sch­ Bill Luttig, Greg Fox, Peter Witteveen, Warren, who will be 80 on Sept. 21. He has Clinton County Soapbox Derby, Sunday, begin Sunday with an aerial salute at 2:30 Martin Martinez, Dan Matson, Kelly p.m., followed by 2 aVial bombs, Parade at 2:41. maltz, Indian Guides, First Nightersti contributed a lasting contribution 'to the down Clinton Ave. in St. Johns. This year's parade includes 10 more en­ Fowler Jaycees, Heather Pipers,-St. Johns' Spooner, Glen ,'GilBert, Dave Stevenson, Bicentennial. tries than last year's parade. Jaycees, Girl Scouts, Brownies, National ToddElsba, Cathy Feeman, Barb Downing. included in this year's parade are: St. Guard, Clinton County Bicentennial Com­ Jon Riley, Mike Klein, Jim Klein, Jeff They got their ox Johns Police, Clinton County Sheriff's Dept., mittee, Double "M" Riders, and Gratiot Bengel, Robert Schaar, Mary Kay Hanses, Michigan State Police, Michigan National County Sheriff's Posse,, Bob Smith, Bruce Hanses, BradDevereaux, Guard, Honor Guard, V.F.W. Honor Guard, Racing in the Derby this year are Harry Brian Pfaff, MarkTJroste, Jan Riley, Dan happenings There was a chuckle or two when the St.. planned on being in the group division, but Past Derby Winner Alan Droste, Ronald Todoscuik, Larry Brown, Jeff Brown, Rick , Klein, Joni Bengel, Danny Hanses, Phil Johns Bicentennial Commission announced any other similar groups are welcome. McDonald and the Deluxmobile, Mr. and Cortright, Terry Hill, Mark Wilkinson, Bill - Hanses, Doreen Fedewa. MAY 25-The Blue Star Mothers will that they hoped to have a-team of oxen in the Antique items, such as cars, motor Mrs. Uncle Sam, Senior High Band, Lions hold their regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Fourth of July parade. The laughter is on vehicles, farm wagons, horse driven im­ Club Girl Review, Valedictorian, the Congregational Church. the side of the Bicentennial Commission plements are all wanted in the parade - if Salutatorian, Homecoming Queen, now, as there will be a team of oxen in the anyone owns such an item and would like to Representative Stanley Powell, Shiawassee Reed will oppose MAY 23,24, 25-St. Johns High School Corvette Club, City Officials, Clinton County Independence Day parade. Bill Richards place it in the parade call Jan Seperuv224- i art exhibit in the community room of made arrangements to have a team in the 4473 or Lynne Klamo 224-6481. * Ambulance Service, Mickey & Minnie i Central National Bank. Opens Sunday parade. Names of the animals are ap­ Among the wants of the' committee for Mouse, County ,Board of Commissioners, from 2-5 p.m.; Monday, and Tuesday propriately "Yankee" and "Doodle." parade participants are the old' fashioned Central School, Exchange Club, East Essex from 3-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. The Bicentennial Commission, under the merchant wagons such as flower carts and School, Rotary Club, St. Johns Fire Dept., Powell in Primary MAY *27 - St. Johns Memorial Day chairmanship of Jan Seperic, invites any vegetable wagons. Anyone who has such a Fire Dept. Auxiliary, Pioneer Ensemble, Parade, sponsored by VFW Post 4113 and group, person, or club to participate in the cart contact the committee. You ,see they Hub Antique Club of St. Johns, Drama Club, American Legion Post. Entries will form parade. Marching units are welcome. The laughed about the oxen-now about that St.-Johns 40 & 8, Derby Contestants, In­ A 30-Jear-old Gratiot County farmer and at 5 p.m. at the corner of Clinton Ave. and Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts have already buffalo--.
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