Vol. 60 No. 3 University of , Santa Barbara Tuesday, July 3,1979 Departments Face Systems Review

By MICHELLE TOGUT. would be lost and new jobs could The physical activities depart­ possibly be added though that was ment and the department of unlikely. However, he claimed athletics and leisure services will there were a couple of vacancies be undergoing an administrative within the P.A. department “we review Vice-Chancellor Edward are reluctant to fill if the needs Birch and Dean of the College of aren’t still the same. Letters and Science David Currently the P.A. department Sphrecher announced at a special and the department of Leisure staff meeting of the P.A. depart­ Services are separate. The P.A. ment Thursday. department handles physical Conducted by the campus In­ activities classes and is under the formations Systems under Prin­ jurisdiction of Dean Sprecher, cipal Systems Analyst Robert while Athletics and Leisure Ser­ Kuntz, the review was requested vices include intramurals, inter­ by Sprecher and Birch to examine collegiate athletics and recreation staffing within both departments and are overseen by Birch. as a combined unit. Sprecher, at the meeting com­ Birch told those who attended mented that he wanted to see “ how Diablo Rally Draws Crowd the staff meeting that because of the two departments meshed, to the “anxiety and problems within attempt to find out how the needs By CYNTHIA PUTNAM the Athletics Department within are being met.” An estimated 40,000 anti-nuke ralliers congregated the past year” the meetingwas Birch said that since Sprecher in San Luis Obispo Saturday to protest licensing of called to explain the situation. was new at his position as dean of the nearby Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant. According to Birch, the review Letters and Sciences and he was Coming from all parts of the country, the work will examine the ad­ fairly new at his vice-chancellor predominantly young crowd lounged in the sun and ministrative staff and had nothing position,“ it was time we took a listened to over 40 speakers and performers. While §? to do with the teaching ability of good look at it ( the departments).” celebrities such as Governor , Daniel S the instructors employed by the He added that while the review Ellsberg and drew enthusiastic H P.A. department. (Please turn to p. 3., col.t) applause, several speakers noted that the significant B Assistant Vice-Chancellor Ernie attraction was the crowd, whose presence B Zomalt explained that the review highlighted the revitalization of grassroot struggles * process consisted of looking at Stock Named as for civilian influence on government policy. each individual position and the In an unscheduled appearance. Governor Brown |j| responsiblities of that position. The Physical Activities fortified his previous requests for a Diablo licensing ” degree to which each position was moratorium by calling upon the Nuclear Regulatory involved with the P.A. department Commission to deny PG E approval to operate the | and intercollegiate activities Department Chair Diablo Canyon power plant. “ I personally intend to ||| would also be examined. pursue every avènue of appeal if the Nuclear m Job descriptions would be Patricia Stock, associate Regulatory Commission ignores this community” I studied first, and then the actual supervisor of the physical. ac­ and licenses the Diablo Canyon plant, the governor 31 work flow for each position would tivities department, has been said. The audience cheered and chanted "No nukes, ■ be reviewed. ZomalL added that named to replace Al Negratti as no nukes," as Brown declared “No on Diablo I I examining the budget would also chair of the P.A. department. Canyon.” be involved in the review process Stock’s appointment was of­ Members of the Abalone Alliance, the anti-nuclear * ‘but to a lesser extent. ’ ’ ficially approved by Vice- group which organized the rally, hesitated to allow At the meeting, Birch stressed Chancellor for Academic Affairs Brown stage time unless he agreed to invoke his the idea that reviews of this type Robert Michaelsen on June 29,1979 and she assumed her post on July emergency powers to thwart Diablo Canyon plant 40,000 peaceful protesters gathered near were not unusual, and Zomalt said licensing. After an hour-long conference, negotiators that such reviews “happen from 1,1979. reached a settlement and Brown addressed the San Luis Obispo this past Saturday in the time to time across the univer­ David Sprecher, dean of the crowd. But in a pre-stage press conference, the largest anti-nuclear rally ever held on the sity.” College of Letters and Science

Gov. ~Brown: “ No on Diablo Canyon!” Jackson Browne A papier-mache protest. Alumni Association Initiates Various Programs to Promote UCSB By KIM KAVANAGH the other acts as representative for Association sponsored r panel alumni. That can be useful for a higher learning institution. “This Last in a series the rest of the U.C. ’s ) discussion luncheon on nuclear checking out jobs... for is one area that needs explanation. The Association has initiated The Alumni president also energy, this June 8. Speaking on recruiting.” It would be helpful if one could just other programs in an effort to pointed to the successful theatre the panel talk and the recent King Although there are 45,000 talk to a neighbor,” he said. bring UCSB to the forefront of arts program in Los Angeles, Tut expedition (association alumni, only 10 percent or 4,500 are national excellence in Univer­ sponsored by the UCSB Alumni members were offered cut-rate association members, that is, Because the California sities. Kieffer cited the Buchanan Association. Association members passes), Rodgers said,' “ The those who have in the past or are University system is state sup­ award as an attempt to draw at­ are offered tickets at a discount, to association is trying to continue currently paying dues. Rodgers ported, taxpayers want to know tention to academic achievement. see a play, followed by a group the education process. We see the estimated a 1,000 member increase what their money is used for in A $250 stipend is given to an out­ discussion by actors and audience. Alumni Association as keeping the and a doubling in membership education. Rodgers said that in­ standing student in History to Afterwards, performers, directors U.C. alive.” < revenues in the last three years. forming taxpayers was another lecture on an area of specialty. and alumni have dinner in Los Leib believes the*hssociation can Huttenback said that an in­ major function performed by the Kieffer, as an alumni regent, Angeles. Kieffer said it was the be beneficial to students. He said, formed Alumni can be useful to the Alumni Association. “Without the recently traveled to China with association’s duty to keep alumni “ Alumni are a good source to tap university by explaining to their taxpayers money there would be Huttenback to arrange a Chinese together through arts and social for the University. There are 45,000 friends the function of research at no public school system,” she said. student program here. (Each year programs. “ If you have contacts two alumni presidents act as throughout the state, you can draw regents on the U.C. Board of attention to UCSB,” Kieffer said. Regents. One represents the in­ As part of their continuing m u m tu» terests of UCLA and Berkeley and education program, the Alumni JOHN EDWARD’S t t c i c r a t m HAIR

Michelle Togut DESIGN 1979-80 Editor-in-Chief CLZI John M. Wilkens 6551 Trigo Rd. 1978-79 Editor-in-Chief BtN Otm FOB K a r li n J . Lillington KarlMondon Suite 1 Managing Editor Features Editor (above Yellowstone Clothing) FlUfttROCESSlUG D a v id V a n M id d le s worth Dave Dalton Editorials Editor P h o to Editor 9 6 8 - 8 9 5 2 WITU MS BD Opinions expressed are the individual writer's and none others. Cartoons | Y [ represent the opinions o f the individuals whose names appear thereon. Personalized Cuts Editorials represent a consensus viewpoint o f the Daily Nexus Editorial Perms & Board. All items submitted for publication become the property o,f the Daily Nexu« ^ Conditioning ^ F L T E M T lY E

Tito Daily tsexus is published by ui* Press Council and partially funded through the Associated Students of the , Santa Barbara, Monday through Friday during the regular college year (except examination periods) and weekly during the summer session. Second Class Postage oaid at Santa Barbara CA and additional mailing offices. Post Office Publication Not, USPS 77b-300. Mall subscffpttdn price:412.60per year or IS per quarter, payable to the Daily Nexus, "Th&Best iii the West" M. Storke Student Communications Building. P.O. f H i 13402, UCSB, Santa Barbara. CA 93107. WELCOMES ENGLAND Editorial Offices: 1036 S»«rke Bldg Phone 961-2691. Advertising offices: 1041 Storke Bldg.. Phone 961-3829. Gayle Kerr. Advertising Manager. Printed by the Goleta Today.

Appearing at OTHER NEW the F.U.B.A.R. RELEASES: tomorrow nite The Who Tickets Neil Young STEAK HOUSE on sale Nils Lofgren NOW! _ 0 ) HAWAII — more! ■'turng: Steak, Lobster, &■ Local Halibut ut,„ier includes fresh Salad Bar & Fresh Bread. Dinner is rved from 530-11:00 Sun.-Thurs. and from 530-1130 New LP "High Energy Plan” — $4.69 Open 10 -10 . . & Sat. Cocktails served from 5 pm. 910 Embarcadero del Norte 968-4665 ______3888 STATE ST. «87 4417 TU ESO A Y. JU L Y 3. 1979 DAILY NEXUS PAGE3 closed the center at 6 p.m. Advisory Committee Carripgton said that SHAC’s Cafeteria Price Hike proposed changes to the original (Continued from p. t > of the students.” plan were still subject to approval Center. The committee met last Thur­ by the administration. Termed Unaviodable “The members of the Student sday to discuss a number of issues Health Advisory Committee shall including rewriting the protocols Some critics of the By STEVE SCHREINER blame for this on rising tran­ make specific recommendations- for the nurses to exclude diagnosis reorganization plan have said that According to both UCen sportation costs. He pointed out approved by the majority of SHAC and prescription, possible new closure of the bed patient unit was Assistant Director Doug Jensen that higher petroleum prices have members-to serve as a resource in positions on the health center staff the reason that student health and Food Service Director Joe added to the costs of shipping food the development of the Student and proposals made by doctors and insurance fees will go from $60 this Xavier, rising food costs made the and this is passed on to consumers. Health Service.” nurses who work on the center year to $77 for the 1979-80 school recent UCen cafeteria price in­ Xavier added that “The deisel The guidelines go on to state that staff. year. Carrington said this wasn’t creases unavoidable. shortage will affect the situation.” among the tasks SHAC is to per­ true. Students were notified of the Jensen added that if the form is “ the consideration of non- SHAC has already agreed with a price increases, which went into proposed 10 percent state employe confidential information regarding proposal made by the medical staff According to Carrington, SHAC effect on June 21, beginning on wage increases go into effect, then personnel changes; to include the on May 23,1979 that the $20 fee for wants to make it clear that “the June 8, when notices were posted higher labor costs could number and classification of the contraceptive clinic be increase in insurance is due io on UCen cash registers and leaflets necessitate additional increases. personnel effected by changes as retained. This service was initially rising costs everywhere and not a were distributed. Jensen defended the, increases well as the overall impact of such scheduled to be free when the reflection of the bed patient When asked what the saying “overall we .tried to provide changes on student services and health center reorganization was closure. Evey attempt was made justification was for the price a fair food value,” however, “on health care delivery.” announced. to keep costs down and this in­ increases, Xavier replied “What food cost alone we needed to raise Carrington said the SHAC was surance plan was found to be the do you think?” Xavier cited rising prices.” He said that 40 percent of not included on the personnel Health Center doctors recom­ most effective and low cost. food costs and placed much of the the customer dollar is projected to decision in which the 19 nurses mended retaining the charge cover raw food costs. By the end of were placed on indefinite lay-off because the clinic was originated last spring quarter it took 46 effective June 15, 1979. She ex­ as a self-supporting entity so Fourth of July Celebration percent to cover raw food costs. He plained that the decision had been students who were not interested in also pointed out that prices have made by campus administrators. birth control did not have to pay for not been increased since last Health Center Director, Dr. John . contraceptive services for others. Planned for I. V. Residents summer, while costs have risen Baumann has said that he was The doctors also maintained that dramatically. mainly responsible for deciding contraceptive services were not The 4th of July will be celebrated games, and tennis balls will be “ We haven’t made incremental which personnel were to be laid off. performed in response to any in Isla Vista this year with the provided, as well as food booths at increases as prices have risen,” Membership on SHAC includes a illness and required a large annual all day summer festival in the west side of the pond and beer Jensen said. vice-chancellor, the director of amount of physician and nursing Anisq’oyo Park. at the windmill. Xavier added that “ We try to health services, a representative time. Sponsored by the Isla Vista The entertainment will start at hold prices as low as we can.” of the Counseling Center, a Recreation and Park District, the 12 in the park theater with jazz and When they are raised, though, he representative of the UCSB SHAC, in recommending the fee seasonal celebration will begin at soft rock music by Frank Palmeri said “ We toy not to raise them faculty, three representatives of be continued, claimed it would noon and continue with live music, with The Little Big Band. during the year.” the Associated Students and one remain significantly lower than free recreation, scheduled events, Following at 1 will by the rhythm Xavier refused to speculate on representative from the Graduate other GYN services. and refreshments until 6 p.m. and blues band Mercey’s Cadillac. the possibility of future price in­ Students Association. Events will include presen­ At 2, complete with flags and creases. “ I don’t know if Oiey’ll be As Carrington sees it, SHAC’s SHAC has also recommended tations in the park theater, costumes, the children’s parade raised during the year,” he said. purpose is to “ try to get input from keeping the Health Center open juggling, and tight-rope walking. will begin, followed at 2:30 with a “W e’ll have to raise prices as costs the students to gear the Student until 10 p.m. though the original For those seeking recreational presentation by the Isla Vista. go up. I don’t know where or when Health services to meet the needs reorganization plan would have entertainment, frisbees, card Community Theater, “ Women’s it’s going to stop.” History in Labor.” At 3 a special Jensen was less hesitant to guest band is scheduled to play, speculate. He said, “ If inflationary and at 4 the entertainment will increases in raw products con­ Departments Face Examination close with acoustic music played tinue... there will have to be fur­ by Cherokee Moon. ther price increases.” (Continued from p. 1) chair of the P.A. department. plaining that the P.A. department was partially in response to Dr. A1 Stock’s appointment was of­ was currently being examined. Negratti’s resignation as chair of ficially approved by Vice- Sprecher said that he consulted the P.A. department, a position Chancellor for Academic Affairs with individuals within the Negratti held for four years, this Robert Michaelsen on June 29,1979 department before recommending was not the main reason the review and she assumed her post on July Stock. He said he chose her KCSB FM 91.9 was being conducted. 1,1979. because she was qualified for the Birch and Sprecher both felt the David Sprecher, dean of the job and had departmental support. two departments needed to be re­ College of Letters and Science Stock replaces Negratti who examined to determine how the recommended that Stock be ap­ resigned the P.A. chair on June 1, departments could be best utilized. pointed as chair of the P.A. 1979 after serving four years in the RUDY'S According to Birch, no. decision department for one year only. position. He will still maintain his on department funding would be “ We need sometime to look at position as chair of Athletics and LUNCH ft DINNER SPECIAL made as a result of the review. ‘ our options,” Sprecher said, ex­ Leisure Services. Patricia Stock, associate FREE CHIPS & A GLASS OF MILLER WITH: supervisor of the physical ac­ Tostada Grande ...... $1.75 tivities department, has been rh ?n named to replace A1 Negratti as Enchilada or H au ta ...... $1.95 Cosmic Surf Betwéen 11:30 am - 2 pm and 5 - 8 pm 6527 Madrid, I.V. 968-2206 Seawall... Boogie Boards - Surfboards (Continued from p. 1) property owners are willing to OP - Sundeck - Quicksilver accept any type of reinforcement that can be approved. Until a FREE TIDE CHARTS project plan is submitted to the D E R for environmental review, there cannot be comprehensive 6551 Trigo RcL 9 6 8 -7 7 3 5 cliff buttressing. UC In the Mood Although no due date has been set for an EIR, some preliminary work has been done by Vrat. No for “Reverie” ? project has been chosen, but the D E R will do an E IR on a terraced wooden retainer. In selecting appropriate reinforcement, the Oldies but goodies department will consider erosion, beach access and the effect of the fence on property value. Every Wed. and Thurs. nite from Nightwing 9:30 pm on — (Continued from p. 6) obsession, Warner is superb come for dinner — fanatic biologist wo is devetetf ro the annihilation of a life form. stay and dance Strother Martin, familiar from dozens of Westerns, has a brief but vivacious (if not brilliant) moment as a grizzly, cigar-chewing store owner. Charles Rosher’s photography is solemn and reverent, and Henry Mancini evokes some unnerving piano work «fisco fo|> ,j in the key tense sequences. 5 For his first effort in con­ temporary thrillers, Hiller, best intimate incense, • known for "Love Story" and . A » n e t "Silver Streak," has managed quite nicely. "Nightwing" is scary, Bedtime Bongs. indeed, but the Indian milieu in R â E B M f S which the suspense is rooted is of « 1 Xsla Vista <>ft *** FOODS*DRINK/5918 HOLLISTER AVE. equal importance in the final ' 900 Embarcadero d e H ta i* j reckoning. mm » mm» mm • mmarnrn • mm » mmm »mm»» mm*» J PAGE4 DAILY NEXUS TUESDAY. JU LY3. 1979 DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau

LIS TEN , THEN 1ST ME COME 10 r r s A VTTAL MISSION, LET ME GET THIS AT THE COMPIE- A Risky Game ANDREWS, THE PONT. YOURMIS- DUKE. WTTH THE COOP­ STRAIGHT. ALL I VON OF WHICH, GOOD. NOW. I I S T U . SION, DUKE, IS TO GET ERATION OF AN INSIDER. HAVE TO DO IS FLY YOU WILL B E IUKETT. HAVE HERE SOME 1 DONTSEE TO "DIPSTICK? OUR LIK E HIM. WE'LL B E ABLE TO AHVAZ AND *100,000 THE SIM PLE, COLOR.SWAZHES TOR 1 WHERE I ORNATIVE AX THE TO G E T TH E OIL MOVING M AKE A PAY-OFF? WEALTHIER, AS S A F E .. YOUR PARACHUTE.. UCSB’s athletic department has been the subject of ; FTTN ! AHVAZ OILFIELDS'. OUT OF IR A N A G A IN ! THADS THE WHOLE PER 0UF AGREE- , 6/G? ^TR EN T. continuing anxiety throughout this year and past years. Policies and procedures within the department have been constantly questioned and and have met with J a r r numerous complaints. Now, Vice-Chancellor Edward Birch and Dean of the College of Letters and Science David Sprecher have !LrcJW=-5§; called for an administrative review of both the physical activities department and Athletic and Leisure Ser­ , ,1 MAY I JU S T REMIND YOU ANDREWS, HALE TTS PERFECTLY N IG H T? HOW vices. PARACHUTE? A SMALL RISK 1 |i THATATTHIS PONT,THE ONLY YOU EYE? HURLS? SAFE DUKE. BE- AM I SUPPOSED 7WE TRACERS- While the two departments are technically separate, M E ? ARE CONSIDERING DENG STANDING BETWEEN YOURSELFOUTOF SIPES, THE IRAN - 10 FIND TH E LOOK, DUKE, I D i TW M AD, THE STAKES, OUR WHOLE WAN OF UFE AN AIRPLANE /ANAR FORCE DAMN TARGET DO TT MYSELF instructors divide their time between both and this often 1 ANDREWS? DUKE., -m _ AND ARMAGEDDON IS ONE AT30.000 ALMOST NEVER A T N IG H T ? IF T T W EREN'T 42-YEAR-OLD BALDING BAG- F E E T ? PATROLS ATM GHT. i FOR M Y BACK. results in confusion. 1 1 M A N -Y O U ! \ iij/ V / Administrative review of these departments is long ¡ii& overdue and will hopefully provide some clear insight II T V % JB \ into the ways in which the two departments mesh. r a? '- L We applaud this action by Birch and Sprecher in hopes it will clear up some of the anxiety which clouds the athletics departments. ft Examination

Approximately 40,000 people gathered in San Luis Obispo this weekend to protest the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power plant«qheduled for completion soon. Entertained by celebrities such as Jackson Browne and and told of the dangers of nuclear Constructive Event power by , they gathered to express the anti-nuclear sentiment which is on the rise in this By MARK OHRENSCHALL addition to protesting against His intentions to “appeal the When 40,000 people assemble nuclear power at Diablo Canyon, licensing of Diablo Canyon as far country. outside a small, central California the rally offered educational as I can” will be taken into account After the accident at Three Mile Island, it seems clear town to protest the potential exhibits on alternative energy by the NRC in its licensing to many that nuclear power plants are not to be trusted, licensing of a nuclear power plant, sources. Offering these alternative decision. His actual emergency the possible dangers from radiation are too great. it’s evident that nuclear power is sources is one key to success for powers to shut down or appeal the While we have developed the technology to generate taking its place as one of the major the anti-nuclear movement. licensing are legally unclear at the issues of our time. The most popular exhibits were moment, however. nuclear energy to electrify our households, we are still Last Saturdays rally six miles the ones on solar energy. Solar And, whether one likes him or unclear about how to dispose of the nuclear waste north of San Luis Obispo demon­ panels for heating homes, solar not, Brown is an astute political created. strated conclusively that nuclear heated pots cooking rice and pot animal who often perceives ahead Are Americans willing to forgo the possible dangers of energy is being severely roast (in four hours' instead of of time issues of popular appeal nuclear power to blow dry their hair and play their questioned and criticized by large three and a half), solar powered and adjusts his stance accordingly, numbers of Californians. This is radios and phones all attracted as Prop. 13 showed. If his political stereos? not an issue that will disappear. multitudes of interested spec­ antennae tell him to come out this The 40,000 people who rallied at San Luis Obispo this The next stop in the saga of tators. strongly against Diablo Canyon, Saturday prove that for many the answer to this Diablo Canyon nuclear power Exhibitions explaining and regardless of his past actions, anti­ question is “no” it is not worth the risk. plant is in the hands of the federal exhorting the uses of gasohol, nuclear activism may just be Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Diablo Canyon sits upon an earthquake fault. How wind, 'hydrogen and biogass also beginning. which is expected to grant the managed to lure the curious. When Dr. spoke on safe will the residents of San Luis Obispo be if a quake plant an operating .license It was still, however, primarily the medical effects of radiation, rocks the area? • sometime this summer or fall. an anti-quclear rally, and to this among them the eating away of Too many questions about the dangers of nuclear Although the effects of the rally- end the audience responded en­ chromosomes and the mutation of power remain unanswered. Until the time these protest on the licensing decision thusiastically to the numerous genes, a noticeable fervor spread questions can be answered, we support the sentiments are still unclear, it can only help to speakers sandwiched between through the crowd. focus more attention on the issue musicians such as Jackson Other speakers alluded to of Governor Jerry Brown: “No on Diablo Canyon.” and generate more debate. Browne, Bonnie Raitt and Jesse making the world safe for future We hope Brown will do all in his power to prevent the Saturday’s event was not a Colin Young. generations, for sons and liscensing of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. The protest in the normal sense. There The appearance of Governor daughters yet unborn. The om­ nuclear power game is too risky to be played until more were no pickets, no feverish Brown, and his announced com­ nipresent health danger from answers are in. chanting of anti-nuclear slogans. mittment against the licensing of radiation fallout is the hole card Absent also were the con­ Diablo Canyon, added a political for the anti-nuclear movement in frontations and violence that have prestige to the rally, and certainly its drive both to gain supporters marked earlier anti-nuclear helped it gain nationwide media and influence government protests. coverage it might otherwise have decisions on nuclear power. Lacking Balance Instead, the atmosphere was lacked. ( Please turn to p. 5., col. 1) festive and relaxed. People parking miles from the site Our state legislators, are at it again, playing their strolled amiably alongside favorite game of bureaucratic run-around as they aptly Highway 1, while foresighted More on Wheels ignore the state constitution which says: “The bicyclists pedalled past, grinning By MATT BOSISIO grass is watered. The roughened at the huge traffic tie-up they Legislature shall pass the budget bill by June 15 of each Several months ago, bikers were surface makes the turns more avoided. entertained by massive con­ easily negotiated. Basically a year. At the site, a field adjacent to struction trucks which crossed sound idea. Well, here it is July 3 and we’re still waiting. Cuesta College, groups were laid and, at times, appeared to park on But the enthusiasm put into the Local governments need to know what the state out on blankets in true picnic style, a small section of bike path bet­ most recent endeavor may have budget will be before they can finalize their own sipping beer and smoking pot. ween Stadium Road and the gone too far. The many deep cuts Coolers sprouted various delec- budgets. Naturally, they have been limited by handball courts. Not a rare sight take a slow and torturous toll on tables. for the busy campus paths. tires, rims, frame and rider. Proposition 13 and need to know what their state funding At the far end of the field, kite But what appeared with the Perhaps a lighter touch would will be before making appropriations. enthusiasts plied their hobby, following days was rather have equally served the desired Meanwhile, government inefficiency causes a definite watching their creations soar up disheartening. The smooth, win­ outcome as well as the biker’s need imbalance in state funding, as more money is taken into the clear, windy sky. The ding blue surface had suddenly for trouble-free pedalling. golden hills sometimes gave way from California taxpayers than is needed to run the become a broken, bike jarring If you're more into cars than to rock outcroppings, creating an stretch of ruts and chips. What was bikes or buses, then brace yourself government thus generating an artificial surplus. idyllic scene the French Im­ worse was that it seemed as though for July. According to various local We hope our state legislators will quit playing pressionists would have ap­ the construction trucks were the dealers, the gasoline situation for bureaucratic games and pass the budget soon so that preciated. obvious culprits in this reckless Santa Barbara will continue as it this imbalance can be rectified. But despite the beautiful setting, destruction. has throughout May and June. In and the concert-like atmosphere, Well, months have passed some cases, it should be even constructiveness was present. In without it being repaired. That and tighter. DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau a few complaints drew my Shell dealers report that their curiosity. I sought out the person in July allocations will be 30 percent iw a n t So m e ALL IN GOOD NEVER MIND THAT! IT HAG GOOD charge of such things. Bud Julian TIM E. M Y MAN. UW SAN ALLEG­ ENOUGH FOR I SEE. YOU RIGHT. THIS less than for the same month a • ANSWERS A N ­ was that person and although DREWS! FIRST COME ON W . EDLY CLASS/OPERA­ GORDON UDDY, GOTA PHONE PIA C EIS U K EA year ago. And other dealers OFAU, um HOW WAS YOUR TION BEINO RUNOUT DUKE. THIS IS AND EVERT- NERVE CENTER. unaware of the problem spot, he generally agree that overall M H E U .A H I FLIGHT FROM OF A GRUBBY, U T - OUR COMMUNI­ THING. WANT A DRINK? promised to look it over. A couple DO/NGHEREt DENVER? TLE MOTEL ROOM? CATIONS BASE. allocations this month should be 10- / ■ V. I ■ / ■ of days later, I called again and 15 percent below last year's received my answer. allowance. The cracked, uneven surface: Of course. Washington has like the intersection outside the predicted an increase in Califor­ Arts Library, was the result of a nia's take in the upcoming months. calculated operation. The reason But dealers here disagree and see was safety. no end to the shortage. As one Both sections of the path tend to dealer put it. “ Without great become slick when wet. which conservation, the shortage will happens whenever the surrounding continue ti| yior.sen:" TUESDA Y. JUL Y 3. 1979 DAILY NEXUS HAUE 5

— i ^ ‘Æ ^ 966-4045 ^ ROGER MOORE Constructive Event T GRANADO \ ( Continued from p. 4) process in the development of changes have added to the already __ 1216 SI«—Sir—t JAMES BOND 007*" I „As , one of the per­ nuclear power which may yet see it high costs of nuclear energy at a forming musicians, sang, "there's dwindle in the nations energy time when financial squeezes are M O O N R A K E R f no place to hide" in case of a future. omnipresent. 1 - nuclear accident. Nuclear The nuclear power industry in Investments in new plants have scientists, politicians and this country knows it is swimming dwindled markedly; 90 new plants protesters alike would be in troubled waters. The recent were ordered from 1972-74, but only vulnerable to the invisible clouds near-disaster at Three Mile Island 11 were ordered in the following of plutonium. in Pennsylvania has spurred an three years. In addition, the And, lest anyone should doubt increase in protests against problems and costs of disposing the seriousness of purpose of the nuclear power, notably in San the waste products have never anti-nuclear movement and Francisco, New York and Rocky been adequately solved. consider it frivolously radical, the Flats, Colorado. Originally almost So, in addition to these internal Abalone Alliance announced plans a cult, the anti-nuclear movement difficulties, nuclear power faces for a land and sea blockade of is gaining nationwide support. the threat of increased public D iablo Canyon should the The costs of constructing and retaliation against a source of licensing be approved. maintaining nuclear power plants energy which carries the seed of Saturdays rally was a happy are increasing dramatically. potentially large-scale human experience for most of the Uranium, the basic fuel for nuclear destruction. This may prove assembled audience. It brought power, has increased in price 500 enough to topple nuclear energy together a large group of people, percent the last few years. E x­ from its previous sancrosanct educated most of them about the pensive shutdowns and design pedestal. dangers of nuclear power, en­ tertained everybody and brought needed publicity to the anti­ nuclear movement. Translating this into political action will not be easy. Having Jerry Brown on the anti-nuclear side helps, but the NRC is a federal PETER body and can only be directly in­ FALK fluenced by Congress in a wat­ chdog capacity. Massive letter ALAN writing campaigns and more PARKIN rallies and protests will be plus: If necessary to make the anti-nuclear GREAT CHEFS O F EUROPESreThe In-Laws, movement bear fruit in Washington, where the important The day belongs decisions are made concerning the future of nuclear energy. toman. But seen in larger perspective, night is theii&| Saturdays rally was part of a Editorial ISKHTH Correction

In an editorial in the June 27 N e x u s we claimed that the UCen cafeteria had not posted its price raises until this summer. However, the price raises were posted at the UCen cafeteria on June 8 because of a request by A.S. UNEQUALED SELECTION President Marty Cusack, student representative on the UCen ColeeConnie BankoeEloe Hiti dee Sassafras «Tw ins «D affy Governing Board. & many more 1 pc. & 2 pc. $22-28 The Nexus apologizes for iis rom pers plus error. sarongs our own unique custom pareaus fitting in all cup sizes kim on os also & our own new crocheted & knit bikinis Why Don’t wild crushable 967-0744 visors-only $5 SIDNEY SHELDON S r Fairview'1 J 310 Chapala St. 251 N. F»ir»i«w BLOODLINE YOU Write b d k i m Santa Barbara 962-8959 A Letter? factory i151«»

We encourage our readers to write us letters commenting on issues of APPEARING LIVE current interest. We believe our readers’ IN CONCERT. comments are a valuable supplement to our IT S THE COMEDY CAPER editorial section. ^^M^964-8377 OF THE CENTURY... If you wish to write us a vein vAir port «« - WUT DISNEY? letter, please type it on a JioiRsirr and Furvirw KM 60-space line, triple ^ ¡ ¡ 1 MlMATUUtS 999 plus Walt Disney’s spaced, and bring it to our HIGH ENERGY ROCK “TH E LOVE BUG” offices beneath Storke Tower. Or you can mail it FROM ENGLAND to us at: WITH SUTCS 8- P.O. Box 13402 V MwiONilHwy.all Santa Barbara, CA. 93107 ^ ^ ^ 64-94°° SUNDANCE Please be sure to print THE SPOILERS T H E E A R L Y your name clearly on your plus: “OUTLAW BLUES” & DAYS m letter and sign it. You must also include a phone Wednesday, July 4 CLINT EASTWOOD number where you can be ^ ^ W 1 N DRM'N ESCAPE reached. 9:00 pm Due to space limitations 964-9400 FROM we cannot print all the ALCATRAZ plus letters we receive. . ______“TH E BIG FIX Take the time to make your viewpoint known — 968-3356 write a letter today. Theatre I Magic Lantern plus: “TH E Twin Theatres LAST WALTZ" M O C e b a r e s d e r o D e l N o r te a a Tickets available now at Morninglory Music (Isla •/''usznuBtn:' ALI MecCRAW Vista), Rockpile Records (Goleta), and the Turning Let DEAN-PAUL MARTIN rf BUD the sun •I Point (Santa Barbara) shine in! I’. 1 -BOBBINS (Girls 18, Guys 21) PlAYERSi VICE CREAM; CALL 968 9559 for farther information ICI CRCAM v HAI Plus Academy Award Winner | itoly til 11 Fucib.ii “HEAVEN CAN WAIT” DAILY NEXUS ARTS EDITOR TUESDAY. JU L Y 3. 1979 W. PE T E R ILIFF AKTS AND LEISURE PAGE6

Bondism (and Sean Connery) has him. by director Arthur Hiller (most faded into a sadistic fairy tale of As for zippers and well worn recently “The In-Laws” ) that they uncanny luck along with a never space suits, Lois Chiles is more are allowed to wreak havoc on­ ending flourish of the right gadget than sultry enough for her screen. There is more at work in at the right time. Roger Moore character name Holly Goodhead. this film than an inappropriate, does not appear to be the Sixty nine is h6r favorite number, illogical attack by the furry dangerous spy with a license to kill she admits. Perhaps the script assailants, or Warner’s obsessed that earned our devotion and should include more than silken personal vendetta (echoing of respect, he just fondles the women sheets and joint escapism to Shaw in “Jaws” ) to kill every and lets the scriptwriter, display the duet’s relationship, but damn one of them. Like a _ Christopher Wood, do the rest. then again, perhaps the script multitude of movies, of which But unless you are a diehard should have been entirely Hitchcock’s “ The Birds” (1963) Bond buff harassed by the memory rewritten. As for Marlboro seems most prophetic, “ Night­ of the vintage epics such as From cigarettes, when the soundtrack wing” takes us on a journey into Russia with Love or Thunderball, blurted the -theme song at the terror at the hands, or teeth, of a this current extravaganza will audience, one knew not to take natural entity gone berserk. This easily jolt the blahs away. anything seriously. time, however, the story (scripted 007 falls out of a plane without a by Steve Shagan, Bud Shrake, parachute, he splashes with a Nightwing Martin Cruz Smith from Smith’s Roger Moore floats as James Bond in Moonraker. twelve foot sea serpant, jumps off Directed by novel) gives us more to bite on in a cable car in Rio, steers his Arthur Hiller fright then just our tongues. Indian Venician gondola over land to legend and an old mysterious “Bond just fondles elude one high speed boat chase By WILLIAM W. BLOOMSTEIN witch-doctor, a fight over mining the woman and lets and hang glides his detaching roof The vampire bat hunts only at rights and tribal factionism are all canopy to safety in another. night, has razor sharp fangs along artfully interwoven among the the scriptwriter do Getting bored? Bond hasn’t even with an astounding sonar range, unleashing of thousands of in­ the rest...” hit outer space yet... thrives on blood only to piss it out satiably thirsty bats, ready to Plot? Well the only fragment as ammonia, and can carry the drain anything, including tourists, remaining intact from Fleming’s bubonic plague. So what else is or warm blood. novel is the name of Bond’s foe, new. Ask David Warner, bat ex­ Nick Mancuso, in his first stark commercialism is a Drax. This sholock wants to nerve terminator in “ Nightwing,” and starring role, is a Maskai Indian Moonraker blasphemous insult to the gas every human on earth from a he’ll tell you that this kind of bat — deputy and future chief who wants Directed by seventeen years that 007 has space station and replace them and we’re not talking about the to discover what is killing horses Lewis Gilbert flashed his Walter PP K handgun at with his Noah’s Ark gang mem­ Count in disguise — is a 60-million- and sheep in such a ghastly audiences. In fact, this time he did bers. Micheál Lonsdale portrays a year-old bloodsucking leech which fashion. It’s not tough to figure it By W. PETER ILIFF not even use his handgun. wonderfully sinister villian with brutally takes from its niche out, but his rival (Stephen Macht), Thank God Ian Fleming is dead. Producer Albert R. Broccoli has his articulate droolness. His without giving anything in return chief of the neighboring tribe, is Those cheap thrill pushers over at cramed his eleventh Bond flick unleashing of two Dobermans upon and has significantly more in­ more interested in the prospective Pinewood Studios in England are with another medley of gadgetry a Bond bedded cohort demon­ telligence than its horrific image fortune to be made in selling now using his 007 legacy to push and escapism but has forgot to strated his personality traits might imply. “ I kill them,” asserts mineral rights to an oil company, Marlboro cigarettes. James Bond make ’ol James worthy of his rather effectively. “Look after Mr. Warner, “because they are evil.” which claims big deposits are is no longer a myth to be taken success. The stamina, resour­ Bond,” he whispers to his thug, “ Nightwing” is full of screeching resting under ancient Maskai seriously, and in Moonraker, the cefulness, and brute force of *‘see that some harm comes to bats, but it is, with great restraint scared grounds. Mancuso wants to maintain those grounds and the traditions of his ancestors; Macht sees exploitation as essential in bringing to his people a sorely needed financial stability. Both ® 1978 leaders resound with a basic moral C.P.C.S., INC. PAPERWORKS - Typing - IBM. rectitute, but neither offers a Term papers, theses, letters, etc. 968- EARLY viable solution and they must ultimately work together. The NORMAN ALLAN at THE SHACK - Roommate needed for summer or 6841 after 5. Sat-Sun 10. PREGNANCY TESTING Indian cannot regress, but does celebrate the fifth of July with rock 'n through next yr, relaxed, quiet. Please • Can confirm pregnancy within TYPING - IBM SELECTRIC going forward irrevocably entail roll in Goleta! call. It's nice. 6595 Sabado Tarde.968- a few days of conception with a REASONABLE RATES losing the past? CRAVE: Money back guarantee. new test If 968-1872 UNIV. VILLAGE Mancuso makes a fine, at­ you don't quit smoking after 5 • Results while you wait H e ir v m te d TYPING & EDITING tractive hero, and is physically sessions. CRAVE CENTER. .687- Experienced. IBM Selectric • Free UCG Pregnancy Testing ideal as a young, confused chief 5595...... - ....— Subjects are needed to participate in Many Type Styles. 967-5889. torn between mysticism and experiernei.t^. Rays $3.00 per hour of ABORTION modern comfort. Kathryn Harrold, participation. Gall 961-2456 mornings • General Anesthesia (Asleep) also in her motion picture debut, JOANIE (J.S.I Oh-oh! I hear wedding ' I H H h ì I - NIB or Local Anesthesia does a good job of appearing bells (ring my...). Thanks for your NOTE: • One low fee Includes lab tests, frightened as Mancuso’s white counseling, surgery & medication doctor girlfriend. His face aglow in "coniving” help. Be sure t^ij^fiahW Europe in Fall or Winter? Looking for Summer Issue (Please turn top. 3, col.X) Grandma & pa, Aunt Carole tt uncle travel'partner Shelley 968-4015 after • Confidential & Personal Care G. too! "W e are family ...” Love, 5:00. Schedule • Student Health Insurance J: J. ? Wednesdays Accepted CftUFOIINIR PREGNANCY I July 11,18,25 COUNSELING SERVICE, INC. Don't Procrastinate in 1979 Chemistry tutor: have experience.in all Quit smoking or lose weight per­ classes offered for summer, in ad manently with Behavorial dition have old tests & completed lab PLAN AHEAD: Modification and Aversion Therapy. books for_Chem 1abc. Call Marc 968- Orientation CR AVE C EN TER 687-5595 4560. California's Finest Family Planning Centers. 1 1 H Issue — Aug. 31 966-1585 T y p in g 14 W. Micheltorena Back-to-School Santa Barbara I need a room in I V. for fall, clean New location right off campus. 85C Issue — Sept. 20 659-0040 and easygoing. Call Randall 685-1268. per page pica print 968-0979 Karen. 3160 E. Telegraph Road Ventura

\ / IT'S HOWL-ARITY! WALT DISNEY'S IOI SIDNEY SHELDON'S BLOODLINE DALMATIANS TEST PREPARATION S B A PARAMOUNT PICTURE plus: Walt Disney’s [ ( SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 “FOOTLOOSE FOX’’ Fiesta 1 Fiesta 2 1 1 THEATRES sfo/nßgy-H. Fiesta 3 916 STATE STREET - 965-5792 Fiesta 4 Educational Center CUNT EASTWOOD SYLVESTER STALLONE Call Oays Evenings t Weekends Classes * ESCAPE now forming in FROM Santa Barbara area ROCKY Y In LosAngeles ALCATRAZ (213)829-3607 United ^ ^ A r t l s t s n „ n f f l [ P G ] TUESDAY. JU L Y 3. 1979 DAILY NEXUS PAGE 7

Averre’s leads are all too basic and the backing by Bruce Gary on drums and Prescott Niles on bass also rather anonymous. But the lyrics take the cake. With titles like “ Oh Tara,” “ My Sharona,” and “Lucinda,” there’s really no hope to begin with. Yet with lines like the chorus of “Oh Tara” : Oh Tara, oh oh/ you squeeze my heart and Gieger’s vocals and Berton then you let it go./ Ooo Tara, my-o- Averre’s lead guitar sound so my/ I can not fall though I would much like good ’ol Peter Frampton not try.” along with harmonies that I scream in protest. Aren’t you reminiscent of I.V.’s own Reverie glad this conceited person watches Rhythm Rockers, the song might for such things? become a sugar-coated AM hit. The other songs are equally What else can be said? Hype lifeless. Written by either Fieger, does strange things. It can make 999, England’s high energy rock band, will be ap­ or in cahoots with Averre, they all poor album winners. It can make have the same commercial sound. The Knack rich. Big whoop I say. pearing along with the Spoilers live in Goleta at The Fubaron July 4, 9:00p.m. ★ ★ ★ por Immediate Release ** * Get The Knack The Knack By JIM REEVES I don’t like hype, and the main problem with the debut album by A r t M u sic _ The Knack, a Los Angeles based band, is that there is too much of it. The THIRTEENTH ANNUAL OLD MISSION ART FESTIVAL AND New Orleans’ PRESERVATION H ALL JAZZ BAN D will return for As shown by Robert Hilburn, The CRAFT FAIR will be held July 4 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Santa their annual performance at Campbell Hall on Tuesday and Wed­ L.A. Times’ main critic, “ Get the Barbara Old Mission. Live music, folk dancers, mimes, crafts, and nesday, July 10 and 11, at 8 p.m. Tickets for the concerts are $3.50 Knack” has too many similarities much more will fill the day. Admission is free. students, $4.50 faculty and staff and $5.50 general. with The Beatles’ First American ATTITUDES: PHOTOGRAPHY IN THE 70’S is now mi exhibit at the Free half-hour concerts will be presented at the Santa Barbara release, “Meet the Beatles,” to be Santa Barbara Museum of Ant. One of the most comprehensive over­ Museum of Art on July 17,18 & 19. All scheduled for 2 p.m., Tuesday will coincidental. The front and back views of contemporary American photography ever'assembled, the offer a WOODWIND ENSEMBLE, Wednesday a HARP RECITAL, and covers, the song titles; the songs exhibit features over 460 works by 258 artists. Thursday a STRING QUARTET. themselves, in fact everything has KMET radio will present live from the been done by either the Beatles or Universal Amphitheatre on July 4 at 8:15 p.m. On K M ET’s Saturday some other band. And since such midnight King Biscuit Flower Hour, Ted Nugent will air July 7 and TOM copying is the lowest form of hype, PE T T Y & THE HEARTBREAKERS will follow on July 14. * don’t “Get the Knack.” Neither Film should you. But hang on a second; this Campbell HalPs Focus on Fonda series will present TH E Y SHOOT egotistical critic has other reasons HORSES, D ON’T THEY? July 5 at 7:30p.m. Sydney Pollack’s 1969 film o ta g e for disliking this record. With captures the desperation of adance marathon during the Depression, eleven out of the album’s twelve Simone Signoret is^an underworld mistress of the 19th century in M e Santa Barbara season of the Process Theatre will alternate three songs about pop rock’s favorite CASQUE D ’OR, whose lovers all meet a violent death. This 1952 classic ■BpPoas^Premieres:' CATS CRADLE, IN aRCLESvfand THE favorite theme, love or the lack of directed by Jacques seeker will screen Sunday, July 8 at 7:36 d m in it, “Get the Knack” is musically Campbell Hall. ‘/T..*’ D IVIDED KING. For information and reservations for the plays which start July 13 call 966-6620. stagnant. For instance, the disc’s John Huston’s 1 9 ^ K ^ | R classic, T H E & & LT E SE FALCON, wifi be The Solvang Theaterfest will stage six open air plays in alternate only cover, “Heartbeat,” the old presented Friday, j J § A a t 7; 30 in the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. repitition from now until September 9: THE FRONT PAG E AS YOU Buddy Holly tune, is a total rip-off The film will repeat both Saturday and Sunday at 1:30 & 7:30 p.m. each LIKE IT. F ID D LER ON THE ROOF, HAMLET, SOUTH PACIFIC, and of Humble Pie’s version on the 1969 day. Donation is one dollar. “Town and Country.” Singer Doug STAR CHILD. For information call (805) 922-8313.

scenes which unravel the Summer Company Announced American mysterious relationship between a lonely, sensitive nun aqd an in­ A company of 24 students have District.” Playwrights tensely dedicated priest. The been selected by the UCSB Students involved in technical courtroom drama will be directed Department of Dramatic Art to and design aspects of the by faculty member Judith participate in the program “ UCSB productions are Darlene Anastas, Featured Olauson. Summer Theatre Goes ♦All- Liz Asseltstine, Kim Fischer, Tennessee Williams’ “ Garden American*.” Victoria Nourafchan, and Chuck UCSB Summer Theatre goes District” features two one-act The students are upper division Waldron. L.K. Strasburg and •All-American* with three plays which have remained drama majors who are planning to Paulette Brimie, assisted by the productions by contemporary popular since their debut in 1958. pursue professional careers in students, are designing the American writers planned for July “Suddenly Last Summer,” which theatre. The summer program scenery and lighting for all three and August. The salute to will be directed by Gerald Dugan, provides a concentrated training productions. American playwrights features is an intense and moving study of period during which the students In costuming, David Gaines, works by Neil Simon, Tennessee madness, of a man’s escape from a are involved in at least two of the Laura Stenburg, and William Williams and Milan Stitt and is mother-fixation and of the revenge three productions and enrolled in Slater are working with faculty presented by the UCSB Depart­ planned by the mother for the girl classes to strengthen their per­ member and costume designer ment of Dramatic Art. who liberated him and witnessed Neil Simon is one of three formance and technical skills. James T. Larsen. Ed Doty, “The Good Doctor,” by Neil the final drama of his death. American playwrights Actors chosen for the shows are Frederick Perry and Tracy Ward students Darnell Clyne, Todd Simon, opens the summer season “Something Unspoken” is a whose plays will be are stage managers for the three on Friday, July 13, at 8 pm in the humorous little vignette of the .Cohen, Cathy Combs, Scott productions, and Janice Serritella Main Theatre, Directed by social manoeuvres of a wealthy presented in the Depart­ Eckern, Darcey Ferrer, Carlos is working on promotion and ticket Departmental Chairman Stanley Southern spinster and will be ment of Dramatic Art’s Kuhn, Lisa Mounteer, Richard selling for the summer program. Glenn, the play combines the directed by Max Jamison. Both summer program. Perloff, Tony Rayner, Alison talents of America’s finest con­ one-acts will be presented nightly Shanks and Valerie Shoemaker, The “UCSB Summer Theatre temporary dramatist and those of July 24,25,26,31, and August 1-2 at and faculty members Robert Egan Goes *All-American*”program is the incomparable Chekov. On 8 pm in the Studio Theatre. Performance and Stanley Glenn. Directors are made possible from support from Broadway and on PBS, the play Stanley Glenn for “Good Doctor,” the College of Letters & Science proved to be an enormous success. The summer season provides a Schedule Judith Olauson for “The Runner and is co-sponsored by the Mask & Additional performances are vigorous and challenging training Stumbles,” and Gerald Dugan and Scroll, a student drama scheduled for Saturday, July 14, experience for students majoring THE GOOD DOCTOR Max Jamison for “Garden organization. Saturday, July 21, Friday, August in acting, design, costume, and by Neil Simon 3, and Saturday, August 4. technical theatre. Each of the July 13,14,21, August 3 & 4 “The Runner Stumbles," which students is involved in at least two Main Theatre-8 pm Series Tickets Available plays July 19-20 and July 27-28 at 8 of the production^ and will also be A special offer of three shows for Dramatic Art, Santa Barbara, pm in the Main Theatre, is a recent participating in advanced THE RUNNER STUMBLES the price of two is available for the California,. 93106, and should in­ play by Milan Stitt. Based on an movement and make-up classes. by Milan Stitt “ UCSB Summer Theatre Goes clude checks payable to Mask & actual trial which took place in a July 19,20,27 & 28 •All-American*” program. Series Scroll. Single tickets for the shows- small Midwestern town many Series tickets, which offer Santa Main Theatre-8 pm tickets are $5 and must be pur­ -“The Good Doctor,” “The Runner years ago. the p lay' presents a Barbara audiences three plays for chased in advance from the Arts Stumbles,” and “Garden series of present and flashback the price of two, and individual GARDEN-DISTRICT and Lectures Ticket Office, which District“»- are $2.50 and are tickets are now available by mail Two one-acts by Tennessee is open 9 am -4 pm Monday available either at the Arts & This half-page prepared by the from the Department of Dramatic Williams through Friday. Lectures office or by mail. For Department of Dramatic Art. Art (961-3022» or in person from the July 24,25,26,31, August 1 & 2 Mail orders should be addressed additional information call Arts & Lectures Ticket Office. Studio Theatre-8 pm to the UCSB Department of 3021, mornings. PAGE8 DAILY NEXUS TUESDA Y. JU L Y 3. 1979 The law’s on your side

have professional, experienced AFSCME representation. There’ll be a secret ballot elec­ tion in which UC employees will vote for that representation. Now’s the time to guarantee yourself the chance to choose the kind of repre­ sentation that will make collective bargaining work; July 1. It’s a big day for Univer­ Sign an AFSCME card or peti­ sity employees in California. A big tion now to help ensure that you’ll day and a big opportunity. have a voice in this important elec­ That’s the day that the Berman tion — and in your life as a UC em­ Act, which provides us collective bar­ ployee. gaining rights, finally becomes law. You’ve always had AFSCME on Collective bargaining means UC your side. Now you’ve got the law employees can have a voice — and there, too. Make it work for you by that voice can make a difference. joining with more than a million other public employees who enjoy It means UC employees can the benefits of AFSCME representa­ work through our union — AFSCME tion. — to bargain with our employer

as equals; to reach real agreement — — — 1 on issues such as salaries, benefits, I I want to find out more I promotional and transfer procedures and rights, job descriptions, health ■ about AFSCME/UC. j and safety protections and much, much more. I N a m e ______j

It means AFSCME can negotiate ■ A d d re s s ______! agreements to end pay inequities. It means AFSCME can bargain for a I C it y ______Z ip ______■ real career ladder program so we can put our experience as university ■ C a m p u s ______J o b - ______■

employees to even further use. | S e n d to: AFSCME/UC or A F S C M E Local 673 | Organizing Headquarters PO Box 13869 It can mean all these things — ■ 3932 WiUhire Blvd., »100 (JCSB | Los Angeles. CA 90010 Santa Barbara. C A 93107 and more — only if UC employees

or Call AFSCME Lot at 673 Executive Board Members: AFSCME Local 673 Larry Romsted: 968-2768 Dianne Leonard: 967-7639 P.O. Box 13869 UCSB Gail Tennen: 964-7411 Fred Young: 968-8310 Peter Shapiro: 968-6595 David Raymond: 967-7639 Santa Barbara, CA 93107 ______Barbara Tzur-Jenks: 967-6173