Mounties Pluck Merrill #0M Orchard

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Mounties Pluck Merrill #0M Orchard EO — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, Sept. 22, 1988 TV/8TEIII0/ CMS CARS CARR U ppumkes FOR SALE FUR SALE FOR RALE REFRIGERATOR- 1977 MONTE Carlo. Mint 1986 CAMARO. Red, /freezar with lea condition, excallant ★ Auto, power stearing, makar. Elactric stova. body. Must be seen. power brakes, air, ste- Coppartona. Evarv- Call 528-0536. 1984 C H E V Y B la zer S-10, reo/cossette. 31,000 thlno works. S150 for 4X4, 56,000 m lles.E x- miles. Louvers, bra both. 748-0465.__________ cellent condition. and snows Included. $6,700 or best offer. 742-6820, Liz.____________ AMANA, Touch-o-motlc 643-8762._______________ Radar Ronpa Ovan. HONDA Prelude. 1984, 1980 CHEVY Monza. Au­ Modal RR-9TA. Good dark blue Intarlor/ax- tomatic. Many new condition. tW.04A-2tM. tarlor, 5 speed, air SCHALLER ports. $850 or best conditioning, excellent offer. 633-7488. You'll navar know tha condition. 76,000 miles. ACURiA 1968 PONTIAC Bonne­ powar of Cloulflad until Asking 86600. Coll even­ USED CARS ville. For ports. Engine you usa It vourtalf. ings, Scott, 228-4233. 87 Interga L S ......' 9,995 In excellent condition. TODAY'S Lucky CT Li­ Best offer. Coll offer cense Plata Number Is 87 Toyota L/B .... • 8,995 7pm, 645-8861. 773. EZR. If this Is your 87 Mazda RX7 .... *13,995 GARDENIN6 plate number, bring 87 Toyota Corolla ...* &595 this ad to Ed Thornton, rnTRUCKR/VANR CHRYSANTHEMUMS. 87 Cheyette .... ....* 4,795 f t L L at Manchester Honda, 87 Toyota Corolta ...* 8295 | » | FOR RALE Dig your own, your 24 Adorns Street, Man­ contolnar. 550Bush Hill chester, to collect your 87 Toyota Q T ....*10,995 1983 FORD Ranger. 43,000 THE Rood, Monchastar. $25. You must bring 88 Chey C20 ....... * 9,595 . miles, original owner, 86 Coryette ......... *19,595 lianrlifatpr Mprali proof of registration. very reliable. Excel­ 1MI8CELLMIE0U8 This offer Is void In 88 LeSabre ......... * 9,295 lent condition. Coll END seven days. 9-22. 85 T o ro n a d o ...... * 9,495 Dove, days, 646-2789, Iforrale evenings, 644-4504. 1977 PLYMOUTH 9 pas­ 85 Audi Q T ......... * 9,595 IS e i g h t month old wotar- senger Station Wagon. 84 S k ylark .......... * 3,995 bad, S325. Courthousa Good condition. $500. 84 Toyota Camry ..,* 7,995 RIOTORCYCLER/ Friday, Sept. 23, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Vill^e^Charm, 30 Cents Ona Gold mambarship, 649-3869 otter 5pm. MOPEDR NEHR 345 C e n te r St., 12'A months loft for 1967 CHEVY Caprice. 4 M50. Comporad to rag- doors, low mileage, au­ Manchester • 647-7077 YAMAHA 1980 250 Exci­ ulor prica of S700 plus. tomatic, air condition­ ter. Runs good. Needs ITS CUeTAlMS E ric 640-3426.a ing, new battery, minor repairs. Asking FOR ALU OP OUK brakes, muffler. $495. $250. 646-4704. et^-Of-MOp£L- 647-9804.________________ CENTER VEA(z Ve h ic l e s ... ENDROLL8 MOTORS AUTORFOR THev^e FRicEP Mounties pluck Merrill #0m orchard TO 6 0 / BTtksskRIl'tM 461 Main St., Manchester RENT/LEARE 1MwMUi>aiorM0 1 history of prison escapes, was charge of first-degree escape in tion with a break-in there, Mur­ MUBT ba pMNd up ai gw I BUICK Skylark, 1964. 2 La w Cost Financing F R E E Mileage on low By Andrew Yurkovsky weekend, to exchange informa­ dian Mounted Police, posing as an HunM Onea M an^ Pmi Door, hard top, power cost auto rentals. VII- tion with Canadian police and to apple picker, took Merrill, 41, into reported missing from the Con- connection with his escape from ray said. He said that Toronto stearing, automatic Manchester Herald Thursdry baleia 11 am.onhr. 85 Toy. Tercel Wag.... *4495 « lage Auto Rental. 643- verify that the man captured is custody Thursday afternoon in nnecticut Correctional Institution Somers last year. In connection police have information linking transmission. Good 2979 or 646-7044. Merrill to two break-ins in that condition. $1800. 646- 85 Pont. 6000 4 Dr.......*4995 Connecticut State Police plan to Merrill. orchard in Gagetown, New in Somers on Aug. 23,1987. He was with South Windsor assualt, he Sgt. John Murray, an officer in Brunswick, Stamm said. She said being held in connection with the faces the following charges: city in and consider him a suspect 5442. 85 Cavaller'4 Dr......... *3195 extradite career-criminal Fred­ 1974 OPERATING Toyoto RlIRCELLANEOUR erick R. Merrill, who was cap­ the major crime unit of the Merrill was armed with a bowie sexual assault of a South Windsor first-degree sexual assault, first- in break-ins and sexual assaults Calico. High mileage. 81 Toy Corolla 2 Dr.... *1595 AUTOMOTIVE tured in Canada Thursday after Toronto Metropolitan Police, said knife at the time of the capture woman on March 11, 1987. degree burglary, first-degree un­ both in Toronto and in Peterbo­ $200. 649-5445. He also had been questioned in lawful restraint, threatening and rough, Ontario. 82 Ply. Horizon.......... *1695 eluding police for 13 months that the procedure for Merrill's but was taken into custody NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ Murray said that Merrill would following his escape last year extradition would depend on the without incident. connection with the March 7,1987, sixth-degree larceny. eral Statute 23-<S prohibits 83 Dodge Omni.......... *1795 probably be arraigned in Toronto the posting of advertise­ from the state prison in Somers, nature of the charges against him Police were called to the murder of Manchester resident Merrill is to be transported this CLYDE TEL on Sunday. ments by any person, firm or CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. 83 Ren. Alliance ....... *1895 police said today. in Connecticut. orchard to investigate a dispute 88-year-old Bernice B. Martin, weekend from New Brunswick to corporation on a telegraph, ROUTE S3, VERNON “ That’s something we’re going between Merrill and an orchard but Manchester police have ruled Toronto, where police have a Police believe that Merrill, who telephone, electric light or 82 Datsun 310 2 Dr......*1995 ENTERPRISES Marcy Stamm, a state police power pole or to a tree, spokewoman, said that a trooper to have to look into," he said. foreman, Stamm said. him out as a suspect in that case. warrant charging him with 82 Bulek Cant. 2 Dr. *4995 See M E R R ILL, page 12 shrub, rock, or any other 78 Pont. Lemans....... *1595 6 4 3 - 4 7 0 4 would goto Canada, probably this An officer of the Royal Cana­ Merrill, a Tolland native with a Stamm said Merrill faces a breaking and entering in connec­ natural oblect wlthouto writ­ 84 CaprIca Wagon *8295 ten permit for the purpose of 85 Spactrum 4 Dr. *4995 84 Toy Corolla 4 Dr........ *4295 6 4 5 * 1 3 1 1 after 6 protecting It or the public and 8SBactia4Dr. *11,895 carries o fine of up to SSO for 80 Camaro Cpe...........*1995 each offense. 85 Cantury 4 Dr. (3) *8995 1B72 DODGE % TON 4x4 MANCHESTER.“ freToh- 86 Eacon 4 Dr. *4995 78 TBIrd Cpe. AC....... *1495 with dump stake body. Crim e down borhood Tog Sola. Bat­ 88 Calabrhy 4 Dr. *7895 714' Meyers Plow with 82 Ford F-150 PU....... *3995 tista Rood. Furnitura, 88 Calabrlly Euro 4 Dr. *7995 new electric hydrollc Bolton aims mlscallonaous Itams. 87 Spactrum 4 Dr. *8995 79 Chev C-20 Van....... *3895 pump. *3000 Saptambar 238i2d, 8-5. 87 Skylark 4 Dr. *9495 84 Tourismo Cpe........ *7495 1083 HONDA CIVIC M ULTI-Fom lly tog sola. 87 Cantury LTD 4 Dr. *9995 3.4%, says 110,000 miles, AM/FM, Furnitura, motorcycla, 87 Cavallar 4 Dr. *8495 utility trollar & much 1976 Jaguar XJ6L ....$5999 ‘Air, Needs exhaust 87 Spactrum 2 Dr. *7995 1o grow old mora. Saptambar pipe. *1000 24&2S, 9:30-5. 417 Hock- 87 Calabrity 2 Dr. *9495 S A F E B U Y US E D CARS motock Straat._________ 87 Nova 4 Dr. (3) *8995 M IK E F L Y N N r MEYERS PLOW state report 87 Pont. FliaWtd *11,995 MULTI-Fomlly. Satur­ and all hydrallzes. No day, Saptambar 24,9-5. 649-4304 plow frame. *250 Open M-rS-9/Sat. 9-8 gracefully’ 15 Laxington Driva. 872-9111 Baby Itams, furniture, By Michele Noble clothing, Mary K. Cos- Manchester Herald metlcsond much more. A Nawspaper In Education Program Sponaoredby YARD Sole. Soturdoy- While a state police report indicated that crime in Sundov, September 24- The Quiz Growing pains clash 25, 9-3 at 64 Lawton The Manchester Herald Connecticut was up 3.8 percent last year, crime in Rood. Antiques, lawel- with farming roots Manchester was down 3.4 percent, despite two ery, household goods, W o r ld s c o p e (10 points for each question answered correcUy) murders, according to the annual report entitled childrens toys, books, “ Crime in Connecticut.” house plants, women's miiss By Andrew J. Davis The survey compiles figures from seven of the clothing (small sizes), Manchester Herald mechanics tools, ac­ most-commited crimes; murder, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, motor vehicle theft, burglary, and cessories, C.B. Radios, BOLTON — Continuing growth has put the antennas. Something larceny. Except for murder, each category includes tor everybody. Lawton future at stake as the town struggles to "grow old attempts to commit those crimes. Road runs off Vernon gracefully.” Gary Wood, the Manchester Police Department’s Street. Vernon Street The Charter Revision Commission wants to spokesman, said the department did not receive the runs off Route 6 and change from a selectmen form of government to a state report until Thursday and has not had time to East Middle Turnpike town manager style.
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