The Royal Engineers Journal

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The Royal Engineers Journal _ _I_·_ 1__ I _ _ _ __ ___ The Royal Engineers Journal. Sir Charles Paley . Lieut.-Col. P. H. Keay 77 Maintenance of Landing Grounds . A. Lewis-Dale, Esq. 598 The Combined Display, Royal Tournament, 1930 Bt. Lieut.-Col. N. T. Fitzpatrik 618 Restoration of Whitby Water Supply . Lieut. C. E. Montagu 624 Notes on the Engineers in the U.S. Army . "Ponocrates" 629 A Subaltern in the Indian Mutiny, Part I . Bt. CoL C. B. Thackeray 683 The Kelantan Section of the East Coast Railway, F.M.S.R. Lieut. Ll. Wansbrough-Jones 647 The Reconstruction of Tidworth Bridge by the 17th Field Company, R.E., in April, 1930 . Lient. W. B. Sallitt 657 The Abor Military and Political Mission, 1912-13. Part m. Capt. P. G. Huddlestcn 667 Engineer Units of the Officers' Training Corps . Major D. Portway 676 Some Out-of-the-Way Places .Lieut.-CoL L. E. Hopkins 680 " Pinking" . Capt. K. A. Lindsay 684 Office Organization in a Small Unit . Lieut. A. J. Knott 691 The L.G.O.C. Omnibus Repair Workshop at Chiswick Park Bt. Major G. MacLeod Ross 698 Sir Theo d'O Lite and the Dragon .Capt. J. C. T. Willis 702 Memoirs.-Wing-Commander Bernard Edward Smythies, Lieut.-Col. Sir John Norton-Griffiths . 705 Sixty Years Ago. 0 Troop-Retirement Scheme. 712 Books. Magazines. Correspondence. 714 VOL. XLIV. DECEMBER, 1930. CHATHAM: Tun INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINZZBS. TZLEPHONZ: CHATHAM, 2669. AGZNTS AND PRINTERS: MACZAYS LTD. All it tt EXPAMET EXPANDED METAL Specialities "EXPAMET" STEEL SHEET REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE. "EXPAMET" and "BB" LATHINGS FOR PLASTERWORK. "EXMET" REINFORCEMENT FOR BRICKWORK. "EXPAMET" STEEL SHEETS, for Fencing, Openwork Partitions, Machinery Guards, Switchboard Enclosures, Etc. "RIBMET" FOR CONCRETE AND PLASTERWORK. MILD STEEL WALL-TIES. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE. TheEXPANDED METAL Co.,Ltd. Patentees and Manufacturers of Expanded Metal, Engineers for all forms of Reinforced Concrete Work. Burwood House, Caxton Street, London, S.W.1. I Works: West Hartlepool. Established over 30 years. L·- I ADVERTISEMENTS. i. - ADVERTSEMENS. 1 %i 8" Victaulic Air Mlain slung from steel cables over a gorge 200 feet wide-Hikonage River, Japan. Victaulic lines can be laid with rapidity over broken ground The flexibility of the Victaulic self-sealing joint enables it to be laid over all kinds of irregularities, and also allows a line to follow any movement of the ground. Victaulic pipe lines can be laid with extraordinary rapidity, with- out being dependent upon skilled labour for their leak-tightness. Joints, tubing, fittings, valves, etc., for emergency and temporary lines, supplied from stock. Victaulic has for a long time been accepted by the War Depart- ment. THE VICTAU L IC CM9 PANY LIMITED, KINGS BUILDINGS, DEAN STANLEY ST. WESTMINSTER, LONDON, S .W.1. ii. .DVERTISEMENTS. i.ti :. THEODOLITE instrument ii: ...., /i An all-British ; (. l;-- ':" in which circles of small '',''"'' diameter are read by internal ;i:· . ;'~ optical micrometers to I f. ,^ . L'-, second of arc. Readings ft. ::,8';.l>--<.. are taken simultaneously 1 Ls' - -. .*'~ on opposite sides of the ,"'-:- i' circle and automatically :.'*,;':j5 meaned, thereby eliminating - ':_. centring errors. .................................. his theodolite may be 15-17 Broadway, Westminster, S.W.1 inspected at the London showrooms or at York. and Buckingham Works, York. .. .. ,.. ... ..............., CARLISLE & GREGSON 5, LEXHAM GARDENS, KENSINGTON, W.8. STAFF COLLEGES, PROMOTION, ARMY, NAVY AND ROYAL AIR FORCE ENTRANCE EXAMS. CIVIL SERVICE AND UNIVERSITIES, TERRI- TORIAL ARMY AND SUPPLEMENTARY RESERVE. Telegrams : "Lexjam, Kens, London." Phone : Western, 1287. BOLLINGER'S BY PP CHAMPAGNE T -- Special Cuvee " Recommended TO H.I. THE KING A D VERTISEMENTS. ill. -· The 'hree Essentials A NOTE I. Quality of Cloth TO THOSE II. Skilful Craftsmanship ABRO A D III. Character M R. MORRIS claims that his large clientele has been achieved by 30 years' adherence to the factors enumerated above, which, when com- bined, give a result as nearly perfect as is humanly possible. He specially caters for officers requiring dress clothes and mufti. In fact he specializes in these things. Mr. Morris has an attractive offer to place before past and present officers of the R.E. Write to him. Tweed Suitings from 9 Gns. The"CORSTAY"Figure Belt (Reg.) Angola Suitings from 1o Gns. Recommended by the Medical Profes- Worsted Suitings from I[ Gns. sion. Prevents rheumatism, lumbago Dinner Suits from iz Gns. and kindred ailments. Reduces the Overcoats from 8 Gns. figure. Yorn by the naval and military Riding Breeches from 4 Gns. men all over the world. Price 25/-. If you are not coming home, \ > rite for patter.s. By a special Est. 30 Yetr. ;systemv e peculiar to ourselves, and tW - ry easy for the client, we are able to obtain a complete out- line of the figure, and this, with a.ekille Stret. LordorW. the data of measurement, ensures Telephon,: REGENT 728. Cables: A.B.C. Code. perfect fit. Military Tailors and Outfitters Appointed Tailors to the Royal Engineers Training Battalion, Chatham. LONDON: 4 New Burlington Street, W.I. ALDERSHOT: CAMBERLEY: 29 High Street 1 High Street WOOLWICH: 22A The Common I iv. ADVERTISEMENTS. Work of the Royal Engineers in the European War, 1914-1919. For sale in the office of the Secretary, Institution of Royal Engineers, Chatham. COMPRISING THE FOLLOWING VOLUMES:- Bridging.-With 3 maps, 59 photographs and 31 plates. Price 12S. (to members, 6u.). Military Mining.-With 25 photographs and 62 platef. Price 12s. 6d. (to members 7s. 6d.), Geological Work on the Western Front.-With 19 plates and 9 photographs. Limited to 500 copies. Price I5s. (to members, los.). European War, 1914 to 1918, The.-(By special arrangement Signal Service in the With with the Signals Association) R. E. Priestley, .M.c., B.A. (late Major, R.E.). 2 photos and 20 plates. Price 12s. 6d. (to members, ios. 6d.). Supply of Engineer Stores and Equipment.-Price 7s. (to members, 3s. 6d.). Water Supply (Egypt and Palestine).-With 7 maps, 6 photos, io plates, and 20 sketches in the text. Price 8s. (to members, 5s.). io maps, 37 photographs and 41 plates. Price Water Supply (France).-With in I6s. (to members, Ios.). "A simply invaluable compendium of the work done this vital respect on the Western Front."--Spectator. Work under the Director of Works (France).-With 6 maps and 71 plates. Price 2Is. (to members, 14s. 6d.). "Miscellaneous," comprising:-(i) The Organization of the Corps, 1914-1918. (2) Engineer Intelligence. (3) Camouflage. (4) Concrete Defences and Factories. (5) Forward Communications. (6) Machinery, Workshops and Electricity. (7) (8) Anti-Aircraft Searchlights. (9) Schools. With 1o5 Plates and Inundations. mine of Photographs. Price 2os. (to members, I2s. 6d., plus 9d. postage). "A interest and value."-The Daily Telegraph. Descriptive Accounts of Foreign Stations.-The following pamphlets have been revised and reprinted and are available, price to members, is. each:- Bermuda, Ceylon, Egypt, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Malta, Mauritius, Singapore and Sierra Leone. Jamaica (Typescript only). 6d. Notes for Officers Proceeding to India (3s. 6d. each; to members 2s. 4 d.). Studies of German Defences near Lille.-A limited number of copies of this Report by Major B. T. Wilson, D.S.O. (with 35 maps and plans and 24 photos) are available for free issue to those members who apply for them to the Secretary. The price of the Report to the general public is five shillings. An Outline of the Egyptian and Palestine Campaigns, 1914 to 1918.-By Major- General Sir M. G. E. Bowman-Manifold, K.B.E., c.B., C.l.G., D.s.o., p.s.c., late R.E. Seventh Edition, 1929. With 17 maps and sketches. Price 4s. 6d. History ol the Corps of Royal Engineers.-Vcls. I and II, by Major-General Whit- worth Porter, R.E. Vol. III, by Colonel Sir Charles M. Watson, K.C.M.G., C.B., MI.A., late R.E. Three Vols. lI ios. (to members, s25.6d.;. History of Submarine Mining in the British Army.-By Brig.-General W. Baker Brown, c.n. Price 5s. (to members, 3s. 4 d.). A History of R.E. Cricket.-By Captain R. S. Rait Kerr, D.S.O., M.C., R.E. (with 8 plates). Price 53. 4 d. post free. History of the 12th Company, Royal Engineers.-By Lieut. M. R. Caldwell, R.E. (Illustrated). Price 7s. 8d. (to R.E.s 3s. 2d.) post free. " 65 R.E." History ol the 65th Company, Royal Engineers.-Price 5s. (post free 5s. 4 d.). History of the 20th (Field) Company, Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners.-By Major H. W. R. Hamilton, ).s.o., Mi.c., R.E. Price 2s., post free. The Early Years of the Ordnance Survey.-By Colonel Sir Charles Close, }:.n.E., c.., C.M.G., SC.D., F.R.S. (illustrated). Price 6s. (to members 4s. 6d.) post free ADVERTISEMENTS. V. ADVERTISEMENTS. V. To F. P. Baker & Co. "We live in such sloppy, slovenly days that it is a special pleasure to me to congratulate and to thank you for the prompt and efficient service you have rendered. Colonel" ; " Prompt and EfficientService " NO business could have held together over 63 years and achieved the extent of the present organisation of this firm unless it did all it claimed. Unless it gave full measure-and over. THIS ORGANISATION CAN UNDOUBTEDLY SAVE YOU MONEY. Before deciding Ask BAKER'S to Quote . FOR Trunks and Suit Cases Challenge Cups and Saddlery Dressing Cases, Trophies Billiard Tables and fitted and unfitted Sports Prizes Accessories Hosiery & Underwear Cutlery and Canteens Mess Plate Regimental Colours Cameras Guns and Rifles Sports Gear Musical Instruments Revolvers Field Glasses Watches Fishing Tackle Furniture Jewellery Camp Equipment: Linen and Blankets Tropical Outfits China and Glass Fur Coats and Furs Waterproofs Carpets Boots and Shoes Tailoring Bedsteads & Bedding Gramophones and Typewriters Draperies Records Wireless Sets F.P.
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