




BiolOgical Laboγatory, the Faculty(ゾTθ雇だθS(ゼ伽Cθand T召chnology,

Shinshn Univerε露゜砂, こleda, JaPan

(Received September 10,1962)

CONTENTS Introduction._,_..……・…………・…・……………・… …・・………・…・∴………‘……・・1 Chapter I History of the studies……一一・・……………一・…一…………・・…3 §1 Floristic and vegetational researches ………・……………齢’・”°’”闇’’”e’°3 §20th…el・t・d p・・bl・m・…………一…・………・・………・……一……’12 Ch、pt。・II Di・t・ibuti。・・f th・1im・・t…f1・1d・i・J・p・n・nd T・iw・・…’°””17’ Ch、pt。・III Lim・・t・n・1・・al f1・ra・・fJ・p・n・・d T・iw・n…一……’…’…20. Hokkaido……・一・一………一…・…・…・…一一・・一・………・・…・・……20 H・耳・h・……………・…………一…・……一…・一・…一………”…23 』 $蜘k・……・……・一………………・一一・一…・一…・…・……°’°”…70. Ky。・hu-…・……・…………一…・・………一一一・・……・…………「’…80 Taiwan___…・………・………………………・…・一…一……・………92 Literatures for Patt工・・…………・・………・…・…・…・…・・……………・……・・………・°98

、 INTRODUCTION ! So far as the limestρne flora is concerned, it js well known that there exist more or less characteristic to be called ‘‘calcicolous”or ‘‘calci- phi1。….The・t・di…nlimest・n・.且・ras・r v・g・t・ti・n・ca・b・・a・tly f・u・d i。many且・・i・ti…ec・1・gical literature・especi・1iy. @f・。m E・・9pe s}nce the middle of the last century. In Japall the works dealing with thls.subject hlave been swelled in number especially quite recently. My study orl the limestone且ora was commenced in 1954. Up to the 餌esent, m。・t lim・・t…di・t・i・t・i・J・p・n were vi・it・d・F・・m N・v・mb・・1960 to May 1961,0n the other hand, I stayed in Taiwan and could make some botanical trips to the Iimestone districts there. Through these travels, there have been carried out the floristic researches together with the field observa- ti・n・, by whi・h the ch・・adt・・i・ti…fth・1imest・ne且・・a c・・ld be rec・9・i・rd・ At the same time,皿y study was sometimes accompanied by the field work m the sense of phytosociology. It aims a vegetational comparison between limestone fields and the others, by which detection of peculiarity of the limestone communities will be possible. For analysis of speciation, cytological proce. 2 Tatemi SH【MIzu No.30

dures will present a usefu1皿ethod as weU as examination of the morpholQgical variations of . Whether limestone plays a r61e for chromosome aber. ration or not may be also qn interesting problem, though I have gained Iittle results yet. Basing upon these directions of approach, th呈s text is designed to be consisted of the following matters, dealing with the limestone且ora in Japan and Taiwan・as the whole and with its biological significance in the various senses as mentioned above. For a status of publication, it will be divided into three parts. PART I and PART II are concerned with the且oristic problems ill main. Chapter I and「Chapter II are the introductory part for them, mentioning research history(Chapter I)and distribution of limestone fields in Japan and Taiwan(Chapter II). Each Ioca1且ora is summarized in Chapter III. PART I inclu.des these three chapters, Chapter IV deals with grouping of the且or呈stic components of the limestone districts and its corres. ponding exemplification. From the taxonomical and phytogeographical view- point, the note-worthy components are discussed one by one in Chapter V, The gelleral characteristics of the limestone flora in Japan and Taiwan together with comparison with serpentine且oras are mentioned in Chapter VI. PART II includes these three chapters, PART III is prepared for the phytogeographicai qnd phytosociological proble皿s and for consideration of the general biological aspects referring to variation and speciatiQn of plants in the limestone且elds. The word“1imstone且ora”used in this text is an inclusive term meaning the flora on the habitats derived from calcareous rocks, viz. calcite, chalk, dolo面te, gypsum, limestone, marble, etc. So far as my own works are concer1ユed, however, oniy the fields of limestone or crystalline limestone will be matter of discussion.

The present work has been carr三ed out mainly at the University of Kyoto under the guidance of Prof. S. KITAMuRA and Dr, M, TAGAwA. So I must mention my cordial thanks to them at the first place. It should be written specially that the studies of the serpentine floras of Japan done by Prof, S, KITA・ MuRA provided the present study with numerous suggestive accounts. In these two years, my study has been promoted thanks to kilnd direction anCl encou・ rage皿ent of Dr. N. KoYAMA of Shinshu University訊 During my stay in Taiwan, I was皿uch indebted to Prof. T. S. Lエu and Prof. C, E. DEVoL of the National Taiwan University for their P’rovision with’facilities of the study, So my special thanks must be due to theln. At the same time I wish to.express my hearty thanks to many other botanists of Japan and Taiwan who helped me ill various ways. The materials on which the present study is based are ill Inajor量ty pre・ served in the herbarium of the University of Kyoto, and part1y of Shinshu University and in others. No.30 Studies on the lirnestone fliora of’ Japan and Taiwan 3

CHAPTER I HISTORY OF THE STUDIES The plants fro卑1imestone丘elds provide the botanists with many interesting .problems. Above all, owing to its peculiarities, researches of the limestone flora have attracted many botanists of the world. Indeed.㌻hey have the very inception al士eady as long. ago as 1836, when UNGER pointed out that the lime・ .stone flora was of much peculiarity in the northern Tirol of Austria, alld grouped its mernbers into three classe呂according to their preferences for limestone. LouDoN(1838)and THuRMANN(1849)made some interestipg ol⊃servations on the relatidn between soil condition and distributign・ According tq.the former, a beech tree, Fagus sylvatica, which is usually growing on dry soils as chalk and limestone, is absent from west England even in calcareolユs rock .range because of higher rainfall there and lower porosity of limestone than lchalk. The latter in turn was interested in the fact that the above beech was usually calcicolous in the llortherrしEurope while rather silicicolous irl the Meditteranean side. This phenomenon seems to have led THuRMANN to an opinion that the so-called calcicolous plants are only xerophilQus, for driness く)fthe calcareous soils is though七to pro丘t the xerophilous plants under the climate of higher humidity in north Europe than that in the Meditterane母n side. These observations will give some important suggestions for considera- tion of the nature of the calcicolous species. Thus the investigation of limestone且oras originated o1ユone hand in.the static aspect lgoking for its Horistic peculiarities or characteristic species and ・on. the other l, hand in the dyna皿ic aspect dealing with the distributiQnal mechanism of:the calcicolous plants. III this chapter, I intend.室o summarize .the progress ill rese,arch in these two directions’of approache忌 for convini- ence. Needless to mention, however, the characteristics of any fiora and mechanisエnS controlling them should be pursued hand in hand.

§1, Floristic.又and vegetation乱l researches

Study of the limestone flora, gen. erally speakiug, seems to ha▽e been carried out in proportion to the degree of progress in the general floristic research. In Europe and North America, numerous botanists have anllounced the limestone floras as what they were, while in、the other parts of the world, apart from Japan, there are few works dealing with the subject..

EUROPE:It may be English botanists who best contributed to the limestone 丑ora. They have made many informations on the旦oras or vegetations of the .famQus chalk land in particular, which forms an elusive horizon in south・ eastem England. Following to the genera玉explanation of HuDsQN(1900)or TANsLEY et a1(1911), on olle hand, aseries of the clqse studies of the chalk .vegetati6n was published by ADAMsoN (1922), TANsLEY (1922), TANsLEY and ADAMsoN(1925,1926), ANDERsoN(1927)and HopE-SIMpsoN(1940,1941 a b), in .whi¢h they clarified the composition of. chalk vegetati叩with regard to 丑owering plants, bryophytes and lichens, o血tlin60f the plant suqcesion on 4 Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30・

chalk lands, and chemical or physical na加re of chalk downs, i. e. water content, reaction, and so on. WATT(1923,1924,1925∫1934 a b, and 1926), ou the other hand,. studied the beech woods(Fagus syんa彦ica)and the yew woods (7「axusろaccata)on chalk lands mainly.from the view point of plant succession, SALIsBuRY(1918), ANDERsoN(1928), HopE-SIMpsoN(1938), LocKET(1946)aud others may be the other investigators of chalk vegetatiorls around lthere, while BR酬cHLEY(1912), FRAsER(1939)and HARvEY(1939)are specialists on the chalk flora rather in the western part of England including Wilts, Somerset and Devon. Depending upon these outcomes several popular books were alsol issued with references to chalk Iands;for example, TANsl,EY(1925), GILMouR・ (1947),LousELY(1950)and SALIsBuRY(1952 b). Sumniarizing all of these works, the chalk lands in England may be outlined as follows. Edaphologically the、 soils derived from chalk, which is extremely porous rock composed of 95~99 %CaCO3, are shallow, quickly drying and with a strongly alkaline reaction. The soil type is very si皿ilar over the elltire chalk. outcrops alld imparts a corresponding uniformity to the vegetatio1ユ. Floristically, the chalk lands are. characterized by : Aceras anthrii)o」クhoru〃z, Aブuga cha〃lae.Pitys, !lnacamPtis’ P夕7a〃zida”S, ノlnthy〃S vulneraria, !1sPerula cynaf・zchica, Baアtsia odoフztites, Bra∬icaα1わα, B7∫za〃iedia, Ast7agalus danicas,. Brachツカodium力勿%α如鋭, B70mUS・ erecttes,.Zi}uxus 8θ〃ゆθ7z/irensi, Camψam‘la glomerata2, Cα〃ina vulgaris, Centauriar〃1: 襯ゐθ〃α’蹴,CirsiZtm aea〃θ, C.副0伽rum var.δ吻nnica, Dα%C%s Cαrota・, EUPh7asiaαタzglica, E. n召morosa, E. Pseudoke7neri, FagUS SツIVatica4, FθS勧0αl ov伽う, FiliPendzala hexaPetala, o翻加α・amarella,αangl加, o.9臓磁・α, Helianthemza〃2”%〃2〃2ularium, Helictotrichon Pratθnsis,,ILII. Pt‘beSCθ,IS, Heraclθam: S伽吻1伽,研67ασ伽〃・帥Sθ〃S,Hima吻glossum birc伽初, E勧力・crepis Com・sa, 砂力・chaeris脚・ulata, K・eleria gmcilis・, Leontod・励ispidum,〃nariαvulgaris, 伽襯⑳伽〃2var. anglicum,.ムcα伽耽凱Lith・S妙瑠〃¢arvense・,五ツC励3・ 8諺’漉α80, ル∫ツosotis a7vensis, OPh7ツs apifera, 0. fuciflora, 0、 muscife7a, 0. sPhegodes, Orchis militaris,.0. s勿¢ゼa, α ustulata, Origam‘〃z vulga7e, PaPaver』 rhoeas, Phyteuma teneアZ‘m, PlantagO 〃iedia, Polygala calcatea, Poteア忽〃t l sanguisorba, Pulsat〃α V41ga〆is, 」Reseda lutea, Salvia Prate%sis, Sca∂iosa,

1。 Buxus microphylla of the east Asia, which is closely related to this species, is; f・eq・・ntly f・und・・1im・・t。n, ・liff、 b。t、。m。ti、nes。。 gra。it。9ゆ, ig。,。u,,。、k,.

2. Cα〃ipanula gto〃zerata var..davurica is found on grassland in Kyushu without special. connection with limestone. 3. Ihave never seen the carrot in the limestone丘eldli”in Japan. Ht良oE(1962)infor皿ed. that this plant might be rather of salophytic nature in Japan. 4. The beech trees are neither dominant. nor freqqent in the limestone district$both1. in Japan and Taiwan. 5.6.7. The Japanese representatives of these species are never frequent in the limestone districts. 8. The eastern memb6r of this species, ssp, fauriei, has not special connection with limestone both in Japan and Taiwa員. 9. The closely related Japanese weed, ε. ugoensis, which is sometimes regarded as a subspecies of th{s.European pla阜t, is very often found on limestone in Japan, but not. restricted. t.t .No・30 Studies Qn the!imestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 5

.伽謝S・S・C・lumbaria・S・1召7・カ・・rigida, Sen・・i・ゴ漉9励伽S・, Seseli. 1伽・tis・, TaXtts baccata’°・Teu・7ゴ襯ろ吻S・Thesium humiftcs・蹴T勿臓3 serPh蜘m・・, T吻1ゼ襯伽・umben・・T・dub蹴Valerian・〃a・lit・ria, Vli・♂・耽・1・r,。tc, Ecologically, the generalized succession on chalk Iands is directed to the beech woods(F.sylva彦ica)or to the yew woods(τ.ろaccata)in Beech syste皿 ・or Yew system after WATT’s terminology(1926). Its piolleer stage is repre. sellted by mosses such as Brac勿thecium,、Fissidens, Serigera and Thuidium, by glasses such as/1grostis alba, Carex/Zαcca, Dごzctylis glo栩erata and Festucα ovina, and by herbs such as Thy,nus sθゆ勿llum and Tussilago!召η「ara, while the serial stage by such as Cα〃una vbllgaris, Clematis 〃italba, Comas sanguinea, CrataegUS monogyna, FraxinUS exc召lsior, PrblnUSεメ)inosa, QuerCZ・‘∫ ・robzar,ノ?hamnus catharticz‘8, Rosa micraフ¢tha and ノ~ubt‘εleucostachNS. Concerning with li皿estor e且oras or vegetations of England, Moss(1911, 1913)and WHITE(1912)are earlier investigators・Recently HEPBuRN(1942,1955) closely studied the oolitic Iimestone vegetation in Northampton, making a comparison of the且oristic compone葺ts with those of the typical flora of the chalk grassland・On the Iimestone grassland of Wales, McLEAN(1938)issued apaper in regard to Worms Head off the Gower peninsular in Gia皿organ. Also from Ireland, several works are found, for example, those of PRAEGER 〈1934)and WEBB(1947 a b)・Again I refer to LousELY(1950)and SALIsBuRY(1952 b)here as dealing with.the Ellglish limestone floras as the whole。 Lous肌Y exemplified the species listed below as the positive indicators of limestone, viz・ Anthツllis vulneraria, Blackstonia Perfoliata, BrachyPodium pifznαtt‘ηZ; ・Br・mas ere・偽,’CamPanula gl・mer・’・, Clematis飽めα, C・灘8 sanguinea, EpiPactisαμo餌ψ%76α・」FiliPeフidula hexαPetalα, Galii m加癬!伽吻,σ召Mnium sanguinezam, Heliantheinum nummularium, ff・P・伽1伽,%, P1α吻9・耀伽, Scabiosa oolz〃zろα万α, SorbMS aria, レ”erbascum nigrza〃z and Viburnu〃z lantanπmジ while SALIsBuRY mentioned 28 examples of the characteristic species in England, i・e・且吻召αSρ加’α12,五吻伽騨5,Cαγ4魏%θ吻α伽Sエ3, Cα7θ屈ガ即伽α, C切3・sPleniu〃T altern,ifolium,αア5伽eri・Phorum var.ゐ吻nica, C・娩・襯 ・autZtmnale, D襯伽5亡αθ5晦助・鈎ア細ガ11α繍DryαS・・’・廻α1α1・, Gagea .lutea1S, Galiumカu〃iilium, Geraniu〃1 sanguineum, Gツ〃mocarPium robertiaフ10r,m16,

10・ Likewise in the beech, the yew trees are also neither dominant. nor frequenヒin the Iimestone districts both iロJapan and Taiwan. 1L Thy〃zusε醐力乃二yllum ssp・ (lesinquecostatt〃1 is very often found on limestone in Japan, but not restricted. ユ2. Its allied species, Actaea asiatii a;is, though rarely, found in the limestone fields of Japan. 13. This is found ofteh.in the limestone districts in Japan, but seems to be not selective on the matter of soil kinds, 14, In Japan,工)ryas octopetala var, asiatica is growing on rubbly alpine grasslands, Owing to.1ad{of the limestoロe fields in the alpine region, it cannot be a melnber of the limestone districts of Japan. 15. Though this plant is also in Japan, I have.110t yet seen it in the limestone fields, 16. The closely related eastem species namedのmnocarPium 2’essoense is found mostly in the limestone or serpentine fields in Japan, 6 . Tatemi SHIMIzu . No.30

HNPeγicu〃¢montanum, KoelePtia valesiacα,』LathツrUS sylVθstris’, Melica Izutans17, Ne・tinea intac彦a, Polygala amara, P. austriaca, P伽ぬfarin・Sat8, Sesleria. びα7ゼα,7’rinia glauca, Vicia 5ツ♂z/atica and Viola.lzatea・ From Nor脚eigian Lappland, CooMBE and WHITE(1951)brought rich materials. on the calcareous(dolomitic)communities, in which we could find sonユe exarnples.of the exclusive calcicoles sUch as Anthy”is ~mlneraria・ Arabis/ hirsUtai9;、ASPIenium viride20, Eρ砂αc∫なatroPurPurea and Viola rtゆestris, and those of the calcicoles such as Carex.rujクestris, C. capi〃aris2エ,1)7ツas octopetalaia,. Parnassia Palustris22, Salix reticulata, Saxifraga aigoides and S・oPPositifolia・ Furthermore, NAusTDAI、(1931)pointed out a close relation of、肋hemi〃αの伽 to the calcar60us soils in west Norway. And BREIEN(1932)a1ユhounced that the shell bed was do皿inantly covered with Anemone hepatica23, Fragaria vesca and.Pyrola rotundif()lia, and that some characteristic plants i且cluding Carex 4ゴ9翻α,C7ゆS蜘θ脚7Sα, Gymnade伽C・吻sea,伽襯・α伽7伽m,ルfelica フlz{tans17, Parnassia palustris22 and Viola吻翻醐αwere found there. In Sweden, HALDEN(1950)took note of Asplev¢ittJn Ptuta-Muraria24, a lime_ demanding species in his word, occurring on calcite-granite in S6derma1ユland・ Contributions to the Finnish limestone flora owe to PEsoLA(1928,1937, 1952,1955),BRENNER(.1930), EIくLuND(1946 a b), etc.111 his study of the flora of Aboland, PEsoLA(1937)exemplified his grouping of the calcicolous plants made public in his preceding paper(1928)as follows. Obligate calciphiles:Saxifraga tridactylites, Cal¢iphiles: Arabis hirsutai9, Subcalciphiles; ・Bro〃zus勿ollis, Polygonatum〃zultifloru〃~, Cor:ソlus avellana, Anemone rαnzanculoides, De,伽吻bulbifera, Tグがb伽π珈ntanum, Seseli 1必脚tisg, Merculiaris Perennis, F燃伽εexcelS軌Pulmonaria(が0伽1ぢ3, Mela吻yrum cristatum and・ノlrte〃2isia cα,nカestris. In addition, he regarded Filipendula hexapetala, which was a characteris- tic calcicolous plant in England, as indifferent in the matter of soil condition. Following to・PEsQLA’s grouping, EKLuND(1946 b)also classi五ed the vascular

17, This is a common grass of the mQuntain sides ill.Japan. It seems not to be selective

for calcareous soils. II 18. The easter皿 cQunterpart, ssp, 勿tOdesta, is often found both on』1irnestone and se,p,nti。, i, J。p、n, b・t・・t,x・1・・i・・ly. 1 19. The eastern.counterpart, ssp. nipponica, is rather silicicoloqs ill Japanダbeing hardly found on the limestone fields. 20.・This is one of the alpine ferns in Japan and.Taiwan, being sometlmes found on limestone cliffs at lower elevatiQ11. 21.In Japan, this sedge is known only from Mt..Yubari. in Hokkaido, which is a serpentine mountain, But it is not reported that it grows on serpentine. 22. This is often found in limestone crevices・also both in Japan and Taiwan, but not exclusively. 23. The Japanese counterpart of this species, Anemone hepatica var.1’aponica(=HePatica nobilis var. daponica), is usually growing under the forests.on the mountain sides, and sometimes in the limestone且elds. 24. Also both in Japan and Taiwan, this fem is conspicuously calcicolous. No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 7

plants from SW Finlan.d with regard to degree of their relation to the calcareous habitats into six groups. According to him, the丘rst group, ‘‘ jalkstet” plants, is represented by/1sカleniz‘〃z rzcta-murariα24, Pota〃zogeton ‘risp us2 ’“,伽θκ物りα26,0・吻漁’is21, Brac励・4伽5〃vα伽m・7, qy力吻ed伽 calceolUS28, Seseli li伽otisg, P吻ula farinosai8, P鰭Z‘嬬1α磁拠ε29,1伽1α εα距o勿α30・ etc・ and the・second group・ ‘‘Stark kalkhold”, by E(1uisetum Palustre3’,のstoPteris加9傭32, Taxzes・bac’cataL°,伽ex ca召吻・Sα33, C verna・・, C.vag伽如35, C. PseudocyPerUS, Gymnade勲conoPsea・6,ムreottia l.zidUS一磯3・7, Achroαnthes mo吻勿110S38, Arenaria 3θ吻〃蜘1如39,!1ctaea spicata・2,丑渤ゴS hirsuta岬, Parnassia Palustris22, Vi吻h〃S吻4°, Geranium robe吻21um41, y伽 〃2i7abilis42, 7’oril,is anthriSCUS43, レ’eronica s1)icata44, etc. ’ From Soviet U鳳ions, I have only an announcement of the vegetation on the chalk clifεs in Ukra量n, e, where, KoTov(1927)said, /1〃ysiztm〃lontanum, 且フ〃03α・ea villOSα,甜θ端臨salcoides, DaPhne SO鋤α, Dゆ」・燃ゴS cretacea, HyssoPus cretaceus,五伽吻c7θ’αoθα, Mai’tiola加9襯s, Plantag(}marit伽α, Scrophulai’ia cretacea, etc. are note-worthy, The floristic or vegetational research in the limesto肥districts of middle

25, This water plant is common in fresh streams in Japan. 26. In Japan, Cα,’ex flat/a Var. viridula is rarely found in Hokkaido and Honshu, but not recorded from limestone fields. 27. This grass is sometimes found in limestone f至elds in Japa且, but not exclusively. 28. The closely related eastem member, Cypripedium macranthum(瓢C, calceoltfs var. atsumorの, has no special connection with l imestone in Japan. 29. In Japζn, this is叫e qf.the alpine plallts, be{ng sometimes found on the limestone wa11s. . 1} 30, The eastern counterPart, var. asiatica, is a member of the ope鳳grasslands without special preference for calcareous soils. 31, In Japan, this.is never calcicQlous. 32. This fern.is often found on limestone cliffs in Japan, but no亡restricted. 33, In Japan, this sedge is a member of the moorlallds, 34, The records of its easterp counterpart, var, microtricha, are not from limestone 負elds. 35。 In Japan, Carex va8intzta var, petersii is rarely found in 1日[qkkaido and in northern Honshu. Its records are not frQm limestone fields. .・ 36’C This is one of the a玉pihe Qrchids ln Japaロ, but nQt a member of the Iimestone di6tricts. 37, The eastern counterpart, var. manshurica, has no.special connection with limestone. 38. This orchid is sometimes found on limestone cliffs in.Japan, but never exclusively. 39. This is merely a common weed growing on slmny open fields both in Japan and Taiwan. 40.、This is also merely a common weed qf the arable Iands or open gr4ssland.s in Japan・ 41. Both in Japan and Taiwan, it grows mostly on limestoロe fields. 42. Its eastとrn counterpart, var. smbglabla,.{s often found in li血estone fields, bu.t ndt exclusivelyご . ’ . 1 層 . ’ 43.1The related Japanese species, Torilis tiaカonica, is.merely a conlmon weed of.the grassland or bushes, 44..Though Veronica spicata var.ノ砂o,lica is recorded from Honshu, Kyushu and KQrea, Ihave no materials abqut this plant. 8 .tt Tatemi SHIMIzu No。30

and south Europe has been also actively carried out。 WIERDAK(1927)analysed one of the steppe vegetation in the gypsum and lime region near Rahatyn in Galicia, and the gypsum clif田ora at Sam三ki. DoMIN(1928 a b)made a detailed account on the calciphilous woodland, thicket and grassland near Prague, and a comparison between vegetatiQns of the granitic High Tatras and of the limestone Tatras in the western Carpathians. E耳rlier in Germany, DRuDE (1887)paid attention to the calcareous habitat of Carex humilis. KvAsNINAs_ SAMARINAs(1926)inquired the vegetation of Mts.1(y飾ausen, referring to its relation to calcareous soils. RANGE(1926)surveyed the flora of Lttbecl〈, recording his ecological observations with lists of the calciphobes alld the calciphiles. D怠PPE(1928)was interested in the fact that a calcareous mountai1ユeast of G6ttingen presented a wonderful remnant of the central European beech and yew woods. In G6ttingen, RuHL(1952)studied a calciphiious flora on the isolated lime rich area surrounded by sandstone, and extracted about 50 species of the calciphilous plants. Besides them, VoLK(1935), GdicK(1935)alid GILoMEN (1938)may be mentio1ユed as the other investigators of the limestone plants in Germany. According to HoRIKAwA(1952)who introduced WALTER’s work, which I could not see, Asf)lenium rπta-murar/a24, A, Volride20, ノls」クerula o∠ソnanchica, A。glauca, Aster linosyris, Coron〃αemerUS, EuPhorbia sequieriana,1五ρカ00アゆS comosa, Bro〃zus erectus, Sesleria coerulea, Teucriu〃z〃zontanu〃z and .T. scordium are calcico1Qus in Germany. Also ScmMpER(1903,1935)teaches us that、4ster ame〃US, HiPPocrepis comosa, EpiPactis rubigi’nosa, Prunus〃2ahαleb, Teucrium わo〃ツ8, T. montanum and Globularia vulgaris are found only on calcareus soilS. KLEIN (1932) referred to occurrence of Asカleniu〃2 ruta-〃turaria24 in the Devonian locality of Luxemburg free froエn Ca, and discussed its reason. OLsEN (1943)analysed the vegetation around some natural limestone glades in Allin・ delille of Denmark, where alternation of the vegetation was seen in the direction away from the glades like this:herbaceous zone→comel shrubbery zone→10w chlorotic beech zone→・green beech zone. DELFoRGE(1934)and NIHouL (1935)should be quoted with regard to the Bergian f【ora. The former made an observation on effect of the soil character on plant distribut1on, presenting alist of the plants corresponding to the various ldnds of soil within the district of 18 Entre-Sambre-et-Neuse. The latter asS//gned the limestone vegetations of Belgium to three associations:(1)Querceto-Fagetum,(2)Prune- tum spinosae an. d(3)Brornetu血erecti. In France・already in the last celltury, manゴbotanists such as PLANcHoN (1854), IvoLAs(1886), BoNNIER(1879,1889)and FLAHAuLT(1893)paid attention oll the limestone vegetations. According to FLAHAum・(1901), the note-worthy calcicolous plants of France are in the temperate districts Anthyllis v’”17¢召アα吻, CeraSUS mahaleb, Cirsiu〃2αCα〃θ, Coroni〃a varia, Globularia ’Vtilgaris, He〃eborUS プb6あ4%s, Hiカメ)ocrel)is co〃20εα, Prz〃zus sカinosa,7’eucriu〃zうo〃ツs and T.〃20ntaπum, a,nd in the Mediterranean districts.4‘er monsPecculanum, Amelanchieグv”lgaris, !lsPle痂m ruta-Muraria24, Cistus albidus, Coronilla emerbls,α伽oθα, CytiSUS se∬ilifolizts, Erica multiflora, Gentiana scorpius, latifolia, Passer伽 dioica and Sesleria caerulea. JouAuNE(1928), LITARDI孟RE(1928), IssLER(1938)and No・30 Studies Qn the limestone fiora of Japan and Taiwan 9

DupoNT(1956)studied the vegetation of the calcareous swamp in Aisne, of the Ichalk cliffs at Blanc Nez, of the calcicoles in Vosges, and of the Basque- .Astrian calcareous littoral region, respectivey. According to LITARDI芭RE, .Brachypodium is an exclusively calcicolous there likewise in the Ellglish chalk 、districts. LITARDIfiRE(1929)phytosociologically studied Corsica, recognizing four general types of vegetation. One of them is the rock vegetation divisible into two xerophytic calcicolous subassociations: or e predominated by Bra∬ica oleracea var, insularis and the other by 1~uta divari‘ata. CAMpoREALE (1955)studied ・the fi6ristic composition of‘pulo’vegetation in the Cretaceous limestone .district of Apulia. RlvAs-GoDAY(1952)discussed more than thirty of the indi・ catbr species for the Palaeozoic limeston. ?@in Extremadura of Spain. QuEzEL 〈1957),referring to the 1.iMestone vegetation of the central Pyrenees, recognized ・seve「al associations such as Scrophulariα f}yrenaica_ノln彦盛,,rhinu〃z sθ〃zpeフ.z/irens Ass.,P,inguicula longift)lia-Cαrex tenuis Ass.,1)otentilla alche〃zilloides-AsPerula .hirta』Ass. and Border召αpyrenaicaLAquielgi’αpyrenaica Ass. DEL VILLAR(1925) was concer1ユed with the gypsum vegetation of Spain, mentioning some indi・ ・cators sUch as、乙epidiza〃z sz6ろulatu〃ち’ 1ヨ「e〃毎αγ歪α fruticosa and」Frankenia veteri。 .ln the suburbs of Lisbon, TELEs(1953)carried out a study of the grassland of ハ4elilotus segetalis from the phytosociological and edaphological standpoints, Here he accepted a Calcareous community with Scorpittrzas v召r〃2iculata, iConvolvulUS tricolor, MedicagO hispida, Stachys hi吻, Chrysanthe〃IUM myconis, ・etc. predominating. On the moss or lichen fiora of the European limestone districts, BouLAY 1(1877)・W・…N(1918),恥Yand OcH・・ER(1926!, MATTIcK(王932)and R・・(1932) .should be referred. ..?・

AFRICA:In few floristic studies on the limestOne districts of Africa, the lreport of GエMINGHAM and WALToN(1954)is the important one. It is an analytica1 『result of the li皿estone サegetation in northern Cyrenaica. Here, they say, 層two endemic specie$, Cツclamqn. rohlfsianum and Hypericum decaisneanum grow ttin limestolle crevices as chasmophytes. From the southern rnost of Africa, HERRE(1938)extracted some lime・-loving plants.including Titanopsis setifera. 10ff the mainland, LEANDRI(1952)described t.he vegetation of the baiotian- batonian calcareous strip of the middle part of the western Madagascar, giving a Iist of plants growing under each envirollmental condition.

NORTH AMERICA:FERNALD(1918)who made a comparison of the calcicolous flora with the silicicolous olle in Newfouhdland may be a pioneer in the American limestor e且oras. EAMEs(1926)p6inted out close connectiort of Hedeoma hispida with!imestone throughout ConnecticUt and its adjacent areas. HARpER ・(1929)listed the plants on rnarble in Pickens Co. of Georgia. CARR(1939) reported the flora of a swamp in Virginia getting the lime spring water, where lime-10vir g, plar ts and acid loving ones were foulld together. Regard・ ing the West Ir dian,1imestone vegetatior, there are found the works of ・GLEAsoN and CooK(1927), HowARD and BRIGGs(1953)and .LovELEss and AspREY く1957),concerning with Porto Rico, southern Cuba and Jamaica, respectively. 10 .Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30

ASIA:In the Asiatic countries except Japan, owing to the unadvanced situation in the general floristic research, works on the limestone flora or vegetation are few. In the cor tinental China, for instance, HQu(1954)and LEE(1957)seem to be only botanists who are加terested in the peculiar comlec- tion of some plants with calcareous soils. No materials have come to my hai d from the other parts of the Continent.

JAPAN and TAIWAN:In Japan, contrariwise, peculiarity of the Hmestone floras has been of attraction to many botanists. MAKINo(1893)already in the last century paid his attention to the habitat of Asplenium rzcta-〃zararid. On his report of the localities of this fer11, he mentioned that it was restricted to crevices in limestone. TAKEDA(1905)poillted out$teady relation oL4sヵ」θ忽卿 rZtta-muraria, Cyrtomium caryotideu〃2, Ca〃lptosor%S sibirict‘S, Bon・iniella ileenoi and Aleuritop彦eris krameri. HoNDA(1929)and MuRAI(1934)also reported about preference of 4splenium ruta-muraria for limestone. A皿ong the members of the floweri:g plaiユts, on the 6ther hand, Eriobotryα joPonica is a good example of the limestone species, as MIYosHI(1925,1926) pointed out. Surely this tr『e see耳1s牟o be mostly restricteq to the limestone districts in wild state, Some ilユteresting observations announced by KolzuMI(1926,1927,1932)also cannot be neglected for亡his chapter. Probably he is the first who found iimestone preserving some alpine plants in the conifer zone or in the lower elevation. He called such a case‘‘relic frigid flora”. KAwATA(1932)introduced UNGER’s grouping of the calcicolous species into three classes, i. e. (1)indefferent to calcareous soils, (2)somewhat related and(3)restricted。 CamptoSortZs sibiricMs was exemplified as a member of the last group. Furthermore, it is worth notice that his attentio皿was also directed on a variety of plants growing on surface of Iimestone aIld oll soils derived fro皿it. , . 、 During that decad, SHIRoFuYo(1932), ]KosAKA(1932)and.SAsAMuRA(1935> published some Iimestone且orulas in Prov. Bingo, Prov. Bittchu and、 Prov. Rikuchu respectively, in the local periodicals。 The characteristic species melltioned. are Camptosorus sibirieus, Carpinus turczaf¢inovii, Forsツthlaブζゆo- nica, HンP・dematium glandul・S・-pil・S襯,み卿6γ%∬α796噸, Rh・d・妙力OS S・卿鱗 1~ubus Noshinoi, Spiraea 二ya彦abei var. latiプ「olia, Youngia I、Noshinoi, etc. in the 且rst two and Camptosorus・sibiricus, Polystichum craspbdosorum, Saxifraga プ’ortunei, Sedu〃2 verticillatu〃2, etc. in the third.、 However, these reports are only fragmental not’es of the collected specl・・ mens or fields observations, In these tell years, the lilnestone且oras ha>e been explored specially. So,』recently the reports on the limestbne floras and vegetations of Japan are covering almost all of the main fields of the lime・ stone districts. The localities so far investigated are listed below together with the血uthor’s names. No.30 Studies on the Iimestone且ora of Japan and Taiwan 11

Table l Limestone districts floristically studied and authors

Prefecture Locality Author

Hokkaido Shiribeshi Mt. Ohira WATANABE(1956)

Aomori Shiriya-cape MizusHiMA&MoRI(1958)

Iwate Shimohei-gun SHIMIzu (1958) Geibikei YosHu&YosHIoKA(1949)

Fukushima Otaki YosHII&YosHloKA(1949) 1.

Chichibu district MORIyA(1957) Saitama. Mt, Futago MOiuyA(1958) Mts. Mitsumine HARA (1956) i Honshia l l Mt. Toyokuchi KuBoTA (1940 a b, 1952), Nagano KOiZUMr(1952) the upPer Aokレriver 1(OIZUM1 (1952) Todai YAMAZAKI(1952)

Shiga Mt, Ibuki SHIMIzu(1959 a) 1 the upper Yoshino-river TERAQ(1950) Nara Kawakami-mura K二〇SHIMIzu(1954), TERAO(1960) Mts, Omine SHIMIZU (1959 b) ・

Okayama Atetsu &Oga TERAO(1955) L Hiroshima Taishal〈ukyo HORIKAWA(1942), F HoRIKAwA&SAsAKI(ユ959)

Mimido TOKUI(1953), Ehime YAMANAkA&MoRlsHITA(.1956 c) Onogahara TERAO(1953), ’ YAMA.NAKA&MoRIsHITA(1956 c)

Shikoku Tokushirna Mt. Tsurugi YAMANAKA(1954 b) Tenguzuka YAMANAKA(1961)

,YA“(AINAKA(1.953,1954, b,ユ955 a b, 、

1956), . . . 王(ochi ▽arious幽IOcalities YAMANAKA&Mo.RlsHITA(1956 a b

c, 1958) . ,

Kyushu Miyazaki Okuhyuga H:IRATA (:tg55) Kumamoto South¢fn district SklMlzuて1960)

@. 12 Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30

As to the Iower groups of plant, the works of NAGANo and NoGucHI(1958, 1960),NoGucHI(1959), NQGucHI and NAGANo(1955,1958)and TAKAGI and NAGANo 1(1957),dealing with the moss floras on limestone, are not negligible. Concerning the Taiwan limestone floras, there were no works except those .of HsエEH(1936)and NAIくAMuRA.(1941). Unfortunately, the former is merely a list ・of plants from the Taroko district, the representative limestone district of Taiwan, without discussing the limestone flora itself and its characteristics。 1The latter is a manuscript dealing with the limestone vegetation and且ora around Mt, Chingshui north of Hualien, but unpublished. Sb far as the mate- ・rials for the Taiwan limestone flora are concerned, the present text will provide the丘rst information ill various senses.

§2. Other related problems When a plant is growi1: g on iimestone or limeイich soi1, it has either preference for limestone or only tolerance for it. If the other plants of the same species are also growing oll limestone at least within a certain district, there will occur a q.uestion why sαThe answer may be still that the species has more or less physiological preference fof li皿estone, or else that the species is simply more tolerable or more adaptable thall its competitors. In the former case the plant will grow on calcareous soils better than on siliceous Qnes when in culture, while in the latter case it will well grow on both kinds of soil without the competitors. In both cases, such species might be called‘‘calcicoles”. If their physiological prefereロce for calcareous soil is ・detected, ‘‘calciphiles”. However, it is worth notice that most species which are calcicolous in a district are not always so in the other districts. The earlier observations of LouDoN(1838)and THuRMANN(1849), who clarified the relationship betwee1ユ distribution and habitat of Fagus sylvatica in E1ユgland and in the co1ユtinental Europe respectively, brought the question abotlt entity of, the calcicolous plallts into great discussio11. The similar examples as this beech, which is .exactly calcicolous in one district but silicicolous in the other, were gradually added. BoNNIER(1879)1isted such plants. For example, a Larix is excluded from calcareous soils ill Switzerland and Tyrol but corしfined to them in Bavaria and Salzburg, while indiferent to soil kind ih・l Carpathia. Similarly Geum reptans is calcicolous in Mont Blanc but silicicolou合in Dauphin6. CHRIsT ・(1879)said that the Carpathian calcicoles such as Dryas oCtoJりetala, Saxiプ’raga Oカカ・sitif・lia, Gentiana nivalis,0.魏θ〃a, G.η召〆%α, Erica・arnea, Chamae・rchis alpina, Carex cap〃aris, etc. were silicicolous in Switzerland, while Bzaplearzcm .ste〃atum,1)haca alpina, etc. were the reverse. FLAHAuLT(1901,1907)enumerated the plants calcicolous in northern France but not in Cove1ユnes, They are Buxus semPervirens, Cirsium e吻Phorum,αθ魏α’客s吻1刀α, Dianthus carth”si・ ・an・rum・Digitalis l”tea, EchinoPS ritro, ErPtngium CαmPestre, EUPh・rbia ・・yParissias, Fagus sylvatica, Helian彦hemu〃z vulgare, He〃eb・rus.foe彦蜘s, .ノ’uniPerus com〃2unis, 7’eucrian〃 chamaedrヅs and T. poliu〃2. BRENcHLEY (1912) made a comparison of Bedfordshire weeds with those of westem Englalld with regard to habitat, reporting that the calcifugous weeds ill the former No・30 Studies on the limestone fiora of.Japan and Taiwan 131

were all rnore or less characteristic of chalk in the latter. Such weeds are Bart・ia ・d・ntites・Chen・カ・dizam albam, Euph・rbia exigzaa, E. heli・sc・pia, etc. According to his obeservation, there are few disti1ユct chalk weeds in Bed・. fordshire contrary to the western counties. BIELER-C}IATELAN(1927)poillted out that some well-knowll calcifuges such as Eupteris aqailina, Castanea sativa・ ・nd Sparti・m.伽・・襯were.s・metimes calci・・1。・s・In J・p・n, K・lzuM・(1926). observed that certain alpine plants indifferent to soil kinds could be found on limestolle at the Iower elevation. In the previous paper(1958), I laid stress on a distributional aspect of some selected plants, which were con丘ned to. the liエnestone fields in a district but indifferent to soil kinds in the others. Thus, TANsLEY(1932)already relevantly maintained that there were few species which would be strictly confined to the calcareous habitats throughout the whole distributional areas. Now, what kind of soil donditions which limestone or chalk brings forth is ef〔ective on the distribution of“calcicoles’?This theme has been pursuded. by numerous botanists from the stand-point of both physical and chemical characters of the calcareous soils・ The research outline on this subject is summarized in many ecologica1.and phytogeographical textbooks such as ScHIMpER(1903,(1935), TANsLEY(1932), BRAuN-BLANQuET(1951), HoRIKAwA(1952), AoKI(1954)and OosTING(1954), and in many other papers including SALIsBuRY (1920),PEsoLA(1928)and YosHII(1935). Therefore I do not intend to repeat their explanations here in details. The following is only a glance over them. 、 The‘‘physical theory”}which attributes appearance of a1ユy calcicolous species to the physical properties of soils on which they grow, was authorized by THuRMANN(1849). This waS agreed by almost all Qf his contempQraries, and supported by HALL and RussEL(1911), KRAus(1911), TANsLEY(1911),・SKENE (1913),SALIsBuRY(1916),.RoTH(1919), ScHR6TER (1933), etc. In Japan, YAMANAKA (1952a)and ToKui(1953)are in favor of・the‘‘physical theory’,. Here I refer・ 01ユ1y to some observations of PE呂oLA.(1928), whQ was specia呈1y concerned with the Finnish calcicoles. Although he put a stress on lime requiremellt of any calcicoles, he observed that influence of lime for plants becal皿e greater as soil moisture increased. At the same time, he pointed out that plants which were indifferent in the optimal portions would become more positive towards lime in the less favorable portions, and that indifferent plants which prefered to poorer habitats u1ユder optimal conditions would becolne more negative towards lime u1ユder less favorable conditions. The“chemical theorゾ’, on the other hand, which emphasizes a certain conx ection of the calcicolous species with some chemical compolユents of soils or their derived properties, was advocated by NAEGELI(1865). SALIsBuRY(1920) rightly con. sidered the calcicolous species as of two groups, one composing. of the plants preferable for the physical properties of calcareous soils and the other for chemical features of them. He was in opinion, however, that.. the forMer would be merely pseudo--calcicoles. Furthermorei HopE-SIMpsoN (1938)mai1ユtained that it would be impossible to consider the“physically”.. deterrnined calcicoles, 14 , Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30

Earlier, W.BBER(1900)and FERNALD(1907)denied the deleteriousness of Ca itself for the.calcifuges, and attributed their disapPearance froln calcareous soils to absence of K or superabundance of the. accompanying soluble salts, SALIsBuRY(1916,1918)exemplified some. calcicoles such as Fraxinus excelcior, 1?hamnus cathariticus,. Acer cα吻estre, Cornus sαnguinea, Ligt‘s鰍〃i.vulgare, Sambucus π♂976z, Solanum dulcamura, 1~zめus oαθ8ゴz‘s and Mercurialis i)erennis・ Though they are markedly calcicQlous in dry areas, acqording to him, they are frequently on acid soils but in very damp or even aquatic areas, so that diluted acidity by high water content must be pointed out. Speaking of soil acidity, moSt・calcicoles could be regarded as alkaline or neutral plants. MAssART(1910)pointed out that Sθs1θ吻‘oert‘lea and R勿mnzes ρα漉α7弼oπs, though growing usually on chalk, were also found in alkaline water with high amounts of soluble salts. WHERRY(1927)proved that the calc呈colous Sedz‘m aizoon grew on exactly neuttal soils even亙f on、grauite. DoMIN(1928 b)was of opinion that presence of the calciphiles in the granitic areas was attributable to the neutral or very slightly acid soils. STEELE(1955) aqqired a conclu$ion fro皿his且eld observations ar d experiments in culture that the calcicoles were divisible at 1βast illto two groups;the first group meant the plants growing successfully on neutral soils with high Ca supply (mainly CaCO3)and圭n the丘elds stri¢tly bei耳g co1ユ且ned to lim母stone, while ‡he second group meant the plants showing a wider range of.tolerance for soil conditions and ill the fiel呂being found also neutral or more acid soils with l ower Ca supPly, Asperula cynanclzica, Cystopterisノ勉8漉s, Eqhium vulgare, Erigeron acris, Iberis afnara,伽碗αθ」ψ瑠,五. sPuria,乙・minor, PlantagO media, Saxifraga hyPnoides, ScabiOSα columbaria, Sherardia arvensis, Sッ‘伽魏醐thαlianum andレ「er伽ica persica are members of the former, alld 〆1renaria ve〃m, ASIりlenium viride, Brassica sinapis, Cα〃irta vulgarls (almost indifferent to soil composition ill the contilユellt), Filipendz‘la hexi Petala, Galium mollugo, G. z/erum,.lnula conツ2a, ノ勿%づ1りθ7%∫ communis, Pimpine〃a saxifraga and Senecio viscosus are those of the iatter. Exchangeable Ca content may be another important factor controllh: g the distribution of the ca正cicolous plants. WLoDEcK, RALsKI and WQDzlKA(1933)and TERAo(1956 b c,1961)advocated that the calcicoles were more or less rest・ ricted to soils con. spicupusly rich in exchangeable C臼, The recerしt works of TERAo(1956 a b c,1961)show us tha#no soil faCtors are more signi・ ficant for occurrence of calcicoles than exchangeable.Ca supply, which was measured 40.1m. e. in mean, value and 110 m. e. irしm.aximuIn ill the 1、imestone districts in Japan. These values should be compared with the m、aximum one of 30 m. e. in the non-calcareous districts. On the basis of these measurements and those of Ca conte]: t in plant bodies, he selected f℃alciphilous”plants from‘‘calcicolous”ones as this:ノlspleni.um ruta-muraria, Ca〃Z伽sorUS S海7伽S, Cッttomium caryotideum, AleuritoPteris argentea, P厩3 ‘7θ’加,AsPlenium scoloPendrium, Polys彦♂伽勉crasPedoson‘m, ChlorantleUS juPo・ nicus, Epi〃ied伽z violaceum, Mercurialis励carPα, BuPleuru〃z翅cα渉多〃n, Para・ ixerisニソoshinoi, P. den.ticulata f.メ)innatiPartita, Hosta longiPes, Arabis/Clage〃osa, Abelia integrifolia, Berchemia beア伽吻ゆ忽BUXUS〃zicroPhy〃αvar.ノα卿蜘, N°・30 St・di…nth・limest。・・fl・ra・f Jap…nd・T・iw、n 15

F燃卿S曲脚α・μ吻・吻・ilgb・, 5・rch・mi…伽・sa, F・r・ythi・・daP・吻, £潔灘鷺篇灘゜撚翻纂!1雛鑑続誓猛潔㌻謬簸㍊翻臨託・雛鑑

撫1颯・,B…h・m・1・ Pau・ifl…,∫・・u・in・ga・uffrutico・a・and・P吻a gl。∂,、,燃. Further aspec仁of the calcicolous plants is competition between related ・pecie・f・・h・bit・t・Th・・k・t・N・・GELI(1865), C・RIs・(1879), BRE・c肌E。(1912), TANsLEY(1917)an.d SALIsBuRY(1952 a), the following Pairs can be mentioned: ・47¢”OSα0θPubescens-A・glac・ialis・・肋θ〃2012e alカina-A. szalPhurea, Calamagrostis. varia-C・vi”osa・Carex firma-C・curvUla, EUPhorbia helioscobia-E. exigua, Galium sylveste「-o・,f燃♂1・・G・伽鷹1纈一〇・・…isa, Hu励魏・轍・伽・-H. brevicauli・, ノtZncus hostii--f’trifidUS・PlantagO media-P・lanceolata, POαPratensis-P. annua, P’im”1・・娩・晦P・hirsuta・QaerCZt・il・x-Q.・諭・, Q.・伽一Q. sessilifl。,a, ノ~anz〃iculUS rePens-R・ αcris, Rha〃znblS catharitiCUS-1~. fragt{la,1~hododendron hirsutum一ノ~・ferrte8inezas,1~umex crisPus-R. acetosella, and so on..Here the first in each pair is ca正cicolous and the second silicicolousl It is said that these species are・usually confin. ed to their respective soils in the regions where both occur, but indif〔erent to soil kinds when either of them量s absent. OLsEN(1943・1961)attributed occurrence of the vegetation such as the chalky glades amongst the Fagus forest in Demnark to the result of competition between trees and herbs for nutrients. In glades there exist richer CaCOs and poorer Fe, K and substaintia1 N thall in the surroundings. This fact 「esult・th・t th・g1・d・・are d・v・id・f t・ees, becau・e th・y d・m・耳d m・re supP1ア of Fe and N in particular than the herbs. R・gardless t・th・phy・iQIQgical prefere・ces f。・th・cal・are。us s。i1,,、。皿, species might be often relicted忌on limestone rnerely because of their more tolerability than the others・In this respect, the conception of ・・relic frigid region”of KoIzuMエ(1926)must be mentioned here, too. LousELY(1950)pointed Iout the preSence of the relict group amongst the calcicoles as well as the groups with chemical preference and with physical preference, exemplifying Arenaria ciliata, A・gothica and・4. norwegz噸oαas relic plants of limestone. Recently in Japan, YAMANAIくA(1952・a,1953)and YAMAzAKI(1952)emphasized the relic aspect of the calcicolous plants, . ・ The physiological or morphological modi且cation of plants due to calcareous habitat is one more interesting problem. From this standpoint, FLIcHE and lGRANDEAu(1873,1874,1979)made a mophological col皿parison of various plan’ts which grown on chalk and on sand(or sandy clay). When groWn on chalk, Pinzas pinaster and Castanea vesca will sヒunt or die, or elSe will be of smaller .size and with yellow leaves. Moreover, these trees grown on siliceous soils .are much richer in K and poorer in lime.than on calcareous soils,1~あ編α Psezado-acacia, on the other hand, though well grown on both kinds of .soils, is thicker in bark, more numerous in vessel, poorer in starch amount 1n parenchyma, more abundant in albumillates and sh6rter and 1ユarrower in pod shape when grown on chalk than on salld. Chlorosis occurring in plants on calcareous soils has been studied by皿any students..CoNTEJIAN(1881)observed chlorosis occurring in Sarothamnas, Ca〃ztna, Ulex and Anthoxanthum whe1ユ 16 . Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30 grown on chalk, Similarly OLsEN(1935)and MEvlus(1924)foui: d chlorosis occurred in the calcifugous plants when grown on calcareous soils. They attributed its cause to reduction of Fe absorption which resulted from presence.of high content of Ca. HILGARD(1888)observed that the oaks such as Quercus ferruginea and Q. obtusifolia would stunt wherl on sand or on black prairie soils but successful when or calcareous soils. MAscLEF(1892)four d Pteris aqecilina to get shorter in rhizomes, more numerous and thicker in roots, stronger in protective tissues, and obscurer in. reserve parenchy皿a, when growrl on calcareous so1ls than when grown on clay. According to.a culture experiment of BoNMER (1894),0πo伽natrix on soils rich in CaCO3 formed taUer and less spreading tufts, broader leaves, shorter sepals, and possessed color distinct from that of the plants on soils poor hl CaCO3. HARLow(1927)demonstrated that 7’伽ゴα occidentalis, though no distinction in lnorphological characters was recognized, was more increased in weight, in strength in end compression, and in rapidity of growth when grown on limestone outcrops than in bogs. In this respect, he considered T勉ブαoccidentalis as a calcicole. Depending on an anoullcement of HARLEY(1949), the beech wood shows an increase in size, weight and root・ sphere when grown on limestone. Such morphological or physioiogicai varia・ tio1ユs might lead differentiation of some particular forms..GILoMEN(1938) detected a well defined calcicolous subspecies of CaPtex curvblla. Contrary to the decidediy calcifugous mother speceis, this new form is said to be different from it in a great Iユumber of ”morphological characters as well as in ecological demands ar d geographical distribution. SALIsBuRY(1952 a)1aid stress on that some of the closely related spec圭es wouid be often distinguishable by distinction of the ecological demands and the distributional areas eve1ユif there were few distinct morphological characters between them. In addition, it is sig1ユificant to melユtion about sorne cytological contribu- tions to the limestone floras. In the limestone district of Schleswig-Holstein, according to RoHwEDER(1936), much higher percentage of polyploid species is detected than in the other siliceous districts. TATsuNo(1938,1939 a b,1950 a b, 1951)studied polyploidy in I)umohrtiera hirsuta (Hepaticae), reporting that its monoploid form was restricted to calcareous rocks both in Japan and Taiwan,. SHIMoToMAI and DoGIsHI(1950)proved ,..that the tetraploid of Chrysanthemum伽4ゴcz‘m was usually found the inlan. d lir lestone district while the hexaploid in the coastal districts.

[ lNo・.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 17



Both in Japall and ill Taiwan, there occur many limestolle fields. The representative limestone districts of Japall are the following:the Oshima pe】ユinsula 6f Hokkaido;the Kitakami and. the Abukuma mountains in Tohoku; the Chichibu district of Kan. to;the Akashi mountains and Oomi in Pref. Niigata of Chubu;the Ibuki and the Suzuka mourしtai】xs of Kinki;the central part of.Chugoku as well as the AkiyoShi plateau;and the extendillg belt parallel with. the medium tectonic Iine from the Kii peninsula through Shikoku to Kyushu. Geologically speaking, majority of the limestone formations of Japan belongs to the Permo-Carboniferous system called the Chichiわu Paleo・ zoic group。 Those. 奄獅モ撃浮р?п@in the other geological groups, though sporadically found, are almost negligible. In Taiwan, an enormous series of limestone presents us precipitous cliffs everywhere between the Pacific and the central mounta圭ns. It is the. crysta11ine limestone belonging to the Paleozoic group(cf. YEN, SHENG&KENG 1951;YEN 1953). On the contrary, in the Western half of the island the. 1imestone formations are scattered in a few districts and in much small scale., They are the coral limestone either of the Tertiary or of the Quaternary period. That of Kuantzlin of Pref. Tainan is an example of the former, while that of Shoushan of Pref..Kaohsiung of the latter. On the chemical constitution of li1nestone both from Japan and Taiwan,, the following table should. be reflerred.

Tab!e 2 Chemical constitution of limestone in Japan and Taiwan

Clay part Locality rio2+A1208 CaO MgO CaCO3 MgCO3 Total @十Fe203 % % % % % Mt, Myojo, Pref, Niigata 0,29 55.48 0.29 99,.06 0.60 99.95 Japan Mt。 Ibuki, Pref. Shiga 0.70 55.04 0.38 98.29 0.79 99.73 Tosayama, Pref. Kochi 0,44 ら5.36 0.28 98,79 0.59 99.82 Mt. Kawaradake, Pref. Fukuoka 0.55 55.44 0.26 98,94 0,59100.03

Pacific side, Pref. Hualien 0.30 55,19 0.25 98,56 0,59 99.45

Taiwan 9 ■ ■ L80 54.28 0,68 96,92 ユ.43 99.65 1(aohsiung, Pref. Kaohsiung 2,56 53.50 0,54 99,54 ユ.13 99.23


The outline of distribution of the limestone districts mentioned above is. illustrated in Fig.1. The nulnerals on the田ap indicate each limestone dist- rict the fiorula of which is described in the following chapter, 18 Tatemi SHIMIzu No,30

1 2

’ 60

61 3 1 蟻 ノ 62


ケ} 8 / // ,、25 U.: ・ // @ . 26」 1”一/ 1/9 / 28 μl t・・’[1 12 424140 29 14

、, 曽μ ・5

52 453,・輝9・9 野゜201918 ・ ・Ct’y., ’ 3533222t 〆臆 、5443・373634 . ・9・’”,、.4746 皆. i izs 51・、98 」、

57 . . 1 , 58 ㌔ o?

Fig.1, Distributio1ユQf the limestone districts in Japan and Taiwan Numerals indicate location of the selected fields the florulas of which are described, No.30 studies on the limestQne flora of.Japan and Taiwan 19

The list of the limestQne fie玉ds studied

Hokkaido 34 Foot of Mt, Nonobor1, Pref. Mie l Menashidornari, Prov. Kitami (35)Shiraya, Pref..Nara 2 1waya, Prov. Kitami . 36 Kashiwagi, Pref. Nara (3)Mt. Ohira, Prov. Shiribeshi 37 Mts. Oomine, Pref。 Nara 4 1(ami{so, Prov. Oshima 38 Yura, Pref. Wak紋yama 鵯k§、、,、y_Pre,.。。ln。r、 (1)1撒薦lama

6.AklEa・『「ef・lwate 42 T。i、h、k。.ky。, P,ef. Hi,。shim, 1器器認’欝 4・A・・y・sh・…e・…m・g・・h・

9 Mt. Ootakine, Pref. Fukush{ma Shikoku 10 1zurusan, Pref. Tochigi (44)Mt!rsurugi, Pref. Tokushima (11)Mt。 Futago, Pref. Gunma 45 Mt・Ishidate・Pref・Kochi 12 Mt. Buko, Pref. Saitama 46 Ryugado・Pref・Kochi 13 NipPara, Pref. Tokyo 47 Tosayama・Pref・Kochi 14Mts. Mitsumi耳e, Pref, Saitama 48 Mt・Yokogura, Pref. Kochi 15Jumonji-pass, Pref. Saitama 49 Mt・TQrigata, Pref・Kochi 16 Mt. Karrlanashi, Pref. Nagano . 50 MimidoジPref. Ehime 17 Mt. Shiraiwa, Pref. Nagano 5100nogahara, Pref. Ehime P8T°dai・P「ef・Nagan° Ky。shu 19Mt・Ji・・d・k・・.Pref・N・g・n・ 52 Hi・a。.d。i, P。,f, F。k。。ka 2°Mt・T°y°k剛・P「ef・Nag・n° 53 Mt. K。w、rad、k,, P,ef. F。k。。k。

24Mt・Ku「 窒?撃高?EP「ef:. N’1gata l 57 Mt. N。k,-eb。、hi, P,ef. K。m。皿。t。 1臨撫緯1°趨r㌧ :1鷺論£鵠監畿ニヒ・ 27 Kanagasak1, Pref. Fuku1 ・ 28 Tone, Pref. Fukui Taiwan 29Matsuodera, Pref. Kyoto 60 Mt. Chingshui, Pref. Hualien 30 Mt・Ibuki, Pref. Shiga 61 Chingshui to Chongde, pref. 31 Mt. Ryozen, Pref. Shiga 〆 Hualien 32 Gongen-dan{, Pref. Shiga 62 Tailuko, Pref. Hualien 33Mt. Fujiwara, Pref. Mie 63 Tienchang-cliff,、 Pref. Hualien

Remarks:The number with parenthesis means the d量strict where I have not ア yet visited.「 … 「 20 Tatemi SHIMエzu No.3b


The present chapter aims to describe the limestone local且oras of 63 select_. ed fields designated in the previous chapter, under the respective article. Every article includes a topographical outline of the district concerned, a. short statement of the vegetation and a list of the vascular plants. The- plants listed are only tho白e actuaily detected frorn limestone habitats by my own field obsevations, or else those exactly recorded as inhabiting them in the related publications. The limestone habitats include,(A)crevices in escarp- ment of limestone,(B)rocky or gravelly stands where growth of the plants.. are influenced from presence of limestone withill their root spheres, and(C)、 fields composed of only calcareous soils derived fro皿the surrounding limestone. Such differences of habitat are indicated by the signs added to the specific、 names, viz. A, B and C, respectively. The specific names in bold face mean the species specially note-worthy from taxonomical and phytogeogra・, phicaI view-point. These species will be discussed one by one in PART II or III. So far as the Japanese flora is concerned, the plant names used are、 mainly quoted from the works of TAGAwA(1959, Ferns), of KITAMuRA, MuRATA and HoRI(1957, Sympetalous herbs), of KITAMuRA and MuRATA(1961, Choripeta- lous herbs), of KITAMuRA and OKAMoTQ(1958, Trees&shrubs)aロd of OHwエ(1953, MonocOtyledons), but someti皿es frorn my own treatments. Regarding the.、 Taiwan且ora, the lists of MAsAMuNE(1936,1954)are main sources of the plant names though my own opinion will be often proposed. The plants are in every case arranged in the order of Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Choripetalae, Sympetalae and Monocotyledonae. The ferlls. are mentioned merely alphabetica11y as the whole. The other groups are arranged depending oll the Engler’s system concerning the family, and within、 the farnily the plants are disposed. alphabetically. HOKKAmo

1. Menashidomari(Prov. Kitaエni) There is a wa$ted small Iimestone hil1, an old叫arry, at 10km!10τthwest. of Esashi of Prov. Kitami and about l km far from the coast. The sparsely dotted herbaceous vegetation with Artemisia montana tabundant is predomi・. nantly observable on this gravelly hi正1side. Shrubs such as Alnus and Salix are・. ト invading into this area here and there, forming bushes along the marginal part.,,

Asplenium trichomanes A var. ianthes B Equisetum arvense B Thalictrum minus Populus maximowiczii B var. hypoleucum A

var. angustiloba Salixhultenii var.stipellaturn ABSchizandra chinensis B.、 Alnus maximowiczii B Chelidonium majus PQlygonum cuspidatum B ssp. asiaticum B. Cerastium caespitosum Arabis lyrata ’No,30 Studies on the limestone且ora of Japan and Taiwa且 21

ssp。kamtschatica A var。canescens B A. stelleri var. elata B var。 japQnica . AB Ligustrum tschonoskii B Sedum a三zoon Plantago asiatica B ssp. karntschatlcum A Asperula odorata AB Rubus phQenicorasius B Artemisia mo且tana B Geraniurn thunbergii ・ B Eupatrium chinense Euonymus alatus ssp. sachalinense B f.striatus B Petasitesjaponicus B Impatiens textori B Picris hieracioides Vitis coignetiae B ssp. japonica B Viola grypoceras B Sonchus oleraceus B Aralia cordata B Taraxacum hondoense B A, elata Poa radula B

2, Iwaya.(Provi Kitami) On the way from Utanobori to Sakkuru-toge, a series of the Low hills, 20m or so high above the plain, are met with, a corner of which is const- ructed by the nlesozoic limestone. Here appears a poor vegetation represented by Sorbus alnifc)lia and Euonymus.PlaniPes on the rubbly land. A few plants inhabit the crevices in lirnestone.

Asplenium trichomanes . A Euphorbia sieboldiana B Phyllitis scoropendrium A Euonymus planipes B Woodsia polystichoi.des A Daphne jezoensis B Cucubalus baccifera Ligustrum tschonoskii B’ var. japonicus B Asperula odorata B Moehring三a lateriflora BGalium boreale Cardamine impatiens A . var. karntschaticum B Sedum aizoon .A Artemisia moエユtana B ssp. kamtschaticum Senecio vulgaris B Saxifraga sachalinensis. A AIIium victoriaHs Sorbusalnifolia Bvar, platyphylla B 3.Mt・Ohira(Prov・Shiribeshi) ..Around the sulnmit of Mt. Ohira(1190m elev.), northwest of the Oshimar peninsula, there are seen outcrops of limestone・According to WATANABE(1956), the limestone fiora here includes the following note-worthy plants.

Asplenium kobayashii Aconitum yuparense A. ruta-muraria Anemone stolonifera A. trichomanes Tha玉ictrum foetidurn A. viride . ssp. glabrescens Juniperus nipponica Trollius riederianus ロThesium refractum va「. JaPonlcus Cerastium mitsurrユorense . Draba igarashii var, mitsu皿orense Thlaspi japonicum .1. @ var. ovata Saxifraga sachalinensis Minuartia verna Dryas octopetala var. japonica ・ var・asiatica 「Silene repens Potentilla dickinsii 22 . .. Tatemi SHIMIzu . No,30

P. nivea Crepis hokkaidoensis Astragalus adsurgens Leontopodium hayachinense A. membranaceus var. miyabeanum As.4. yezoensis. Taraxacum platypectidum Gentiana auriculata Poa hayachinensis Cynanchum atratum . . Carex tenuiformis Thymus serphyllum Lloydia serotina ssP, quinquecostatus To丘eldia coccinea Campanula dasyantha . As T。 nutans. Artemisia laciniata Gymnadenla conopsea

Furthermore he noted the‘ ?盾撃撃盾翌奄獅〟@plants from a cliff at the foot.

Asplenium trichomanes ssp. kikubuki Polystichum craspedosorum S, . sachalinense Trautvetteria japo且ica Potentilla dickinsii Arabis lyrata Conioselium filicinum ssp. kamtschatica Tripetaleia bracteata Draba igarashi三 Patrinia gibbosa Sedurn aizoon Adeluophora pereskiaefolia ssp・kamtschaticum . var. moiwana saxifraga fortunei . Taraxacum platypectidum S. fusca Ca正amagrostis sachali耳ensis

r L 4..Kamiiso(Prov. Oshima) The central part of Kamiiso-cho situated about 20km northwest of Hako・ date is occupied by rnass of the Paleozoic limestone. I took both ways in this district for a survey of the.1imestone flora;one along the Hekirichi river on both sides of which limLestone outcrops are co且tinuo旺sly found and the other through the Garo-mine, about 7km northwest of the Kamiiso station. In the former case, limestone is hard1Y covered by vegetation owing to cutting for construction of a new road in these years. However, Dennstaedtia wilf()rdii, 」Boehmeria spicata, /lgastache rugosa a1ユd Arte〃zisiα feeisleeana are very frequently encountered on them. In the latter case, observatiou was rnade especially on humid calcareous fields as well as on occasional outcrops of limeston. e along the mountain pass. Carpinus cordata, Fagus crenata, Cercidi・ ヵhyllumブaponicu〃z,ノICer mOno, Aesculz‘s turbinata, i. etc. fOrm a decidUous mixed forest there, under which various shrubs・ah4 herbs are g rowing, , The floristic list from these fields is as below.

Adiantum pedatum B C P, tripteren BC Coniogramme interrnedium BC Cephalotaxus harringtonia

Dennstaedtiawilfordii A ssp. nana.BGymnoca叩ium jessoense . BC Carpinus cordata . B Phyllitis scoropendrium A Fagus crenata B Polystichopsis standisliii BC Morus bombycis BC P. amabilis B C Behmeria spicata A Polystichum craspedosorum A PolygQnum cuspidatum B C P. retorsopaleaceum Cerastiuln caespitosum C var. coraiense BC Cercidiphyllum japonicum B No.30 Studies on the limestone flol’a of Japan and Taiwan 23

Actaea asiatica B C Trigonotis guilielml C CIematis stans BC Agastache rugosa A Glaucidium palmatum BC AIuga yezoensis C Thalictmm minus Chelonopsis moschata C var. hypoleucum B C Prunella vulgaris Arabis serrata ssp, asiatica C var. glauca . A Phyrymaleptostachya Astilbe thunbergii ssp. asihtica ,. C var. congesta B C Plantago vulgaris C Chrysosplenium flagelliferum A Asperula odorata B C Hydrangea paniculata. B Lonicera morrowii B H. serrata Sambucus racemosa ssp. yesoensis B ssp・1ヌamtschatica

var. incisolobata A Weigela hortensis B Saxifragafortunei var.miquelii B var. yezoensis. AAde皿ophora pereskiaefoli呂 Aruncus dioicus ▽ar. moiwana var。 tentlifQlius AB f. petrophila A Rubus crataegifolius B With retorse rough hairs oll veins 書 .R. phoenicorasius .B of leaves beneath. Sp玉raea miyabei . A Artemisia keiskeana A Desmodium racemosum . BC A. moschata B C Vicia urlijuga ・ . C Aster scabra C Pachysandra terminalis B Cacalia hastata Rhus ambigua B ssp. orientalis B C Euonymus alatus Carpesiu皿triste C圏 f.striatus B Eupatrium chinense Acer mono .. B.、 ssp. sachalinense、 BC Aesqulus turbinata . B’1 .IErigergn an耳uus BC Vitis coignetiae B . Picris hieracioides Actinidia polygama B s’sp. jabonica BC Viola grypoceras Solidago virgaurea

Circaea erubescens . C Calamagrostis sachalinensis C f.pubescens A ssp.asiatica BC Epilobium cephalostigma 「A .Miscanthus sinensis B C Bupleurnm lollgirad至atum Allium tuberosum BC f.elatius A Smilacinajaponica BC Heracleum lanatum C Streptopus amplexifolius Sanicula chinensis C var. papillatus . C Tracherospermum asiatlcum . B Trilium smallii C Cynanchum caudatum C . HONSHU

5. Shiriya cape(Pref. Aomori) 「 Around the cape Shiriya a七the llortheasternmost corner of Honshu, there sporadically appear some limeston6 areas. Altllough I have not yet visited here, the noteworthy. plants of these limestone fields can be listed as be16w thanks to Mlzus前MA and MoRI(1958 a b).

Asplenium ruta-muraria . A Gymnocarpium jessoense A Camptosorus sibiricus .A . As G. robertianum var. tongulum・ 24 Tatβmi SHIMIZu No.30

Cyrtomium falcatum A var. tachiroei A Polystichum craspedosorum A Sedum aizoon Juniperus conferta A var.1atifolium A ASaxifraga fortunei As/. sinensis var。 sar8entii. var. purpurea AJ.sargentii Thalictrum minus, a form A Hypericum yezoense A Berberis amurensis . Primula farinQsa var. japo皿ica A B ssp. modesta A Much abunda皿t in limestone area, Lonicera strophiophora A Sisymbrium luteum A Adenophora pereskiaefolia Rhodiola rosea var. moiwana A

6. Akka(Pref. Iwate)

Some extended. limestQne veins lie almost continuously over about 40km from Okawame to Iwaizumi in the northeastern part of Pref. Iwate, being almost in parallel to the coastal line and 15~20 km far fro]皿it。 They result exposed lilnestone everywhere around the district. Many.cliffs, rubbly slopes and ridges present us such interesting Plants as reported in my previous papers(SHIMIzu 1958). Here my field work was皿ainly concemed with the districts around Akka and Iwaizumi both in Shimohei-gun. The floristic and vegetational outlines of them will be mentioned separately in this and the following article. In the neighbourhood of Akka, the low limestone hills to 500m over sea level stand on the north and south sides of the Akka-river. The vegetation is roughly represented there by∫)inus densiflora and Quercus dentata forming light forests at ridges and slopes reSpectively. 」Betula schmidtii, Quercus serrata, Picrasma qua∬ioides, Tilia ブaPonica, 7「, maxi〃zowゴcaianαf. yesoana, T,noziricola, Fraxinz‘s sieboldiana, etc. are the subordinate me皿bers of these forests. The plants recognized in these areas are:

Asplenium ruta-muraria A Anemone flaccida A Camptosorus sibiricus A Aquilegia buergeriana A Dennstaedtia wilfordii A Thalictrum foetidum Gymnocarpium jessoense . A var. iwatense . A Polystichumcraspedosorum A T. minus Lt Pinus densiflora A.B var. hypoleucum ’1. AB Juniperus rig童da AB Berberis amurensis

Betula schmidtii B Philadelphus satsumi APopu11ユssieboldii Avar.japo皿ica AB Corylus sieCloldiaria B Aruncus dioicus Quercusdentata B var.tenuifolius A v3r. donarium . B Rosa multiflora AQ.serrat皐 Potent三11adickinsii A var. serrata B Spiraea nipponiCa AB Buckleya Ianceolata BC Astragalus membranaceus BC Dianthus superbus Arabis serrata . .Pueraria lobata . BCALespedeza buergeri AB var. japonica . .AB Wisteria brachybotrys A No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of ’Japan and Taiwan 25

Linum stelleroides B PIatycodon grandifiQra AB Euphorbia sp. B Arternisia japonica . B picrasma guassioides B A. keiskeana AB Euenymus alatus . A, montana AB f,striatus .A A. schmidtiana A E.sieboldianus AAsterageratoides Ampelopsis brevipedunculata B ssp. ovatus AB Tilia japonica B A, dubius B C T. maximowicziana Atractylodes japonica ., A f.yesoana B Chrysanthemum zawadSkii AB .T. ×noziricola B Ixeris chinensis

Hypericumyezeense A ssp。 strigosa CBupleurum Iongiradiatum Leibnitzia anandria A f.elatius A Leontopodium japonicum AB Seseli ugoensis AB Solidago virgaurea Fraxinus sieboldiana.AB ssp, asiatica . A Gentiana scabra Youngia denticulata AB var. buergeri BC Melica nutans B ・Cynanchum atratum C Miscanthus sinensis ABC Ajuga ciliata Allium sple皿dens A var. villosior B A. tuberosum A Thymus serphyllum Hosta longipes AB ssp, quinquecostatus‘ A Lilium maculatum ABC PhtheirQspermum japonicum A Smilax sieboldii B Galium verum . S. vaginata var. trachycarpum AB var・stans AB Adenophora I》ereskiaefolia . Tofie】dia coccinea var. moiwana . var. akkana AB f.Iinearifolia AB Veratrum maackii f・moiwana . AB var. japonicum B f.petrophila A B

7. Iwaizumi(Pref. Iwate) In the district surrounding Iwaizurni, we find some. mountains wholy constructed by limestonei where there are grasslands on lime-leached red soi1, sparse bushes standing on rubbly dry slopes and poor cQlonies on clifεs, Iwas mainly concerned with Mt. Ureira,6251h, Mt,.Kakeyama,382m, and the interlocated lower hills. Similarly in Akka, P勿%εdensiflora, Quercus ,dbntata together with Q. niPPonica, Tilia-group alld moreover、4cer mono are the most dominalit trees. SPiraea niPPonica and Lespedeza-gr6up are much flourishing『on sullny rubbly slopes de》oid of arborous woods. The plants recognized on these sunny slopes and on sunny cliffs are: Aleuritopteris argentea.A Betula sp, A Asplenium ruta-rnuraria A Corylus sieboldiana B ・Camptosorus sibiricus AQuercus dentata B Pinus densiflora ・ AB Morus bombycis A .Juniperus rigida ABuckleya lanceolata B J.sargentii ADianthussuperbus A. 26 Tate.mi SHIMIzu No.30・

Clematis apiifolia 「 、 B Seseli ugoensis AB Pulsatilla cernua A Spuriopimpinella calycina B Thalictrum foet畳dum Lysimachia clethroides B v…iw・t?皿s・ A Fraxi∬us si。b。1di。n、 B. T° 磨B,.hy職。m A ・F・j・p・n… Berberis a】皿urensis var・stenocarpa B・ va「・jaPonica. . AB Gent壬ana scabra Arabis serrata . var. buergeri C var. japonica AB Cynachum caudatum .. .B S・d・m・iz・。・ . 、 .A Lith・・p・・m・m・th・i・・1・ Philadelphus satsumi B ssp. erythrorhizon B, Kerria japonica .、 B Agastache rugosa . .C Potenti王ladickinsii AAjugaciliata Rosa multiflora A var, villosior B Rubuscrataegifolius B lsodoninfLexus B R. pungens A Thymu$serphyllumR.parvifolius B I. japonicus B Sorbus alnifolia B ssp. quinquecostatum A. Spiraea nipPonica AB Melampyrunl ciliare A Astragalus adsurgens AB pedicularis resupinata B. Lespedeza bicolor phtheirospermum japonicqrn A B. var. bicolor A B Galiu皿verum var. kinashi.i AB var. trichocarpum AB L, buergeri .AB Viburnum dilatatum B .Pueraria lobata B patrinia scabiosaefolia B, Vicia unijuga . B Adenophora pereskiaefolia Wisteria brachybotrys ・ B var。 moiwa魏a Li且um stelleroides B f.1inearifolia . . A Zanthoxylum piperitum B f. moiwana A Picrasma quassioides ・ B . f. petrophila . A Polygala japonica A B A. remotifiora A Euphorbia pekinensis A. triphylla var・japonica Bssp.aperticampanulata B・ Rhus chinensis A B platycodon grandiflora B Celastrus orbiculatus Achillea sibirlca . C . var. strigillosus . B. Artemisia japonica B. Staphylea・bumalda B A. keiskeana 1. AB Acer mono B . A. schmidtiana i . A しBerchemia racemosa A. Aster ageratoides I

Vitiscongesta Assp. leioPhyllus B・V・ flexuosa B Atractylodes japonica B Tilia japo且ica . B Chrysanthemum zawadskii AB. T・ maximowicziana Almost corresponding to var, f,yesoana Blatilobum. T. ×noziricola B Cirsium nippo且icum B Hypericum yezoense.. B Inula salicina B Viola grypoceras AB Leibnitzia anandria AB Aralia cordata . A Leontopodium japQnicum B・ Buplegrum longiradiatum Saussurea sugimurai ABl f.elatius AB Serratula coronata ・ No.30 Studies on the Iimestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 27

ssp. insularis. B Spodiopogon sibiricus.. A . Syneilesis palmata B AIIium splendens AB Youngia denticulata AB A. tuberosum A B Calamagrostis arundinacea Hosta longipes B var. brachytricha A Smilax sieboldii B Festuca ovina S. vaginata var. coreana ・B var。 stans B Melica nutans B Veratrum maackii M, onoei A var. japonicum B Miscanthus sinensis AB Epipactis thunbergii B

In shady and somewhat humid areas, for example, around a lilnestone cave named Ryusenkutsu, the vegetation is d燈erent from the above sunny and dry fields. The ferns such as Asplenium varians, Camptosorus sibiricus and polystichum craspedosorntm are much remarkable in limestone crevices, while LaPortea〃zacrosta吻α, C勿zicifuga acer伽, carda励¢6伽cα励α,,Kerria juPonica, ・4♂αフ¢gium platanifolium var・〃ilob吻z alld Hetwingi°aブaponica are predominantly growing. The plants detected around there are as below.

Aspleniurn varians A var. tenuifolius A B Camptosorus sibiricus A Iくerria japonica A B Dennstaedtia wilfordii . A Rubus pungens B Gymnocarpium jessoense A Lespedeza buergeri A B Polystichum craspedosorum A Zanthoxylum piperitum B、 pyrrosia linearifQlia . A Picrasma quassioides B Chloranthus japonicus B Rhus ambigua B Carpinus cordata B... Euonymus alatus C. tschonoskii・ B f. striatus . A B、

Boehmeria spicata . AB Staphylea bumalda B.Zelkovaserrata B E. oxyphyllus B Laportea macrQstachya A B Acer mono . B. Pilea hamaoi 、 A A. cissifolium . B Aquilegia buerigeriana,. B Viola grypoceras. A Cimicifuga acerina B Alangium platanifolium C. japonica B var. trilobum, . B Ranunculus ternatus Cryptotaenia canadensis . var. quelpaertensis B.ssp. japonica B Thalictrum minus Osmorhiza arista.仁a B var. hypoleucum Chelidonium majus Helwingia japonica AB.ACornuskousa B. ssp. asiaticum A B Fraxinus sieboldiana B Cardamine leucantha AB Callicarpa japonica B. Sisymbrium luteum . A Sambucus racemosa Deutzia gracilis. A.ssp. sieboldiana B Philadelphus satsumi, AB Artemisia keiskeana A B Rodogersia podophylla AAster ageratoides Saxifraga fortunei . ssp.1eiophyllus AB var. incisolobata ASyneilesis palmata AB. Aruncus dioicus Youngia denticulata AB 28 Ta㌻emi SHIMIzu No.30

Smilax sieboldii B var. stans BHostalongipes A S. vaginata

8. Geibikei(Pref. Iwate) Atributary of the river I(itagami, named Satetsu-gawa, penetrates the .Paleozoic limestone formation in the southern part of Pref. Iwate, forming =@vale overhanged by cliffs on both the banks. This is the valley of Gei1⊃ikei, situated about 15km northeast of Ichilloseki. There are rich in cliffs and rubbly slopes along the va11ey with distance of about 2.5k皿east to west, lOver this valley a plateau composed of red earth is extended. YosHII and YosHIoKA(1949)gave a botanical glance towards these areas and recorded 25 ・species of the vascular plantS. The data on the floristic composition of a selected small area will serve .to aquire an outlined knowledge of the flora. Fro皿an involuntarily selected .area of lnl square on the shady cliff, for example, which was inhabited by ’mosses in major part, C〃nl)tosorus sibiricus, Denフzstaθdtia wilfordii, Polヅstichum ・crasPedosoru〃1, LaPorteα macrostachya,・Sαxifraga!b吻卿var. incisolobata, Acer 、carpinif∂lium were listed. In the case of the sunny dry clifだ, on the other hand, Clematis stans, Philadel♪hus satszi〃麗, KerriaブaPonica, spiraea niPPonica, .」Euoπ夕mz‘s alatus f. striatus, !1cθ7 mono, 」BuPleurum longi’radiatz‘m・、f, elatizas, Arte〃zisia leeisleeana, Aster ageratoides ssp. leio.カhN〃麗s, ハ4is‘anthus sinensis and ・Carex sp. were recorded within the same area in size.-Polptstichorm craspedo. .sorum and SPiraea nipψonica are the dominant plants in these shady and .sunny areas, respectively. The detailed list of the plants detected is as 「belOW.

Asplenium ruta_muraria A Aphananthe aspera B AB A.varians Athyrium nipponicum B Brousonettia kazinoki BAZelkovaserrata lCamptosorus sibiricus A Boehmeria spicata . AB ・Coniogramme intermedium B Elatostemma umbellatum Dennstaedtia wilfordii AB var。 majus A Polystichum craspedosorum A Laportea macrostachya B・ ・Cephalotaxus harringtonia Buckleya lanceolata B ssp, nana B Stellaria media L.、 A .Pinus deロsiflora A、 B Cercidiphyllum japonicum B Juniperus rigida AB Cimicifuga acerina B ・Chloranthus japonicus B Clematis stans AB Juglans mandshurica 、 Thalictrum filamentosum A ssp. sieboldiana B T, minus ・Carpinus cor亘ata .. B var. hypoleucum A B C. 1axiflora B Akebia quinata B C, tschonoskii B A. trifoliata B ・Corylus sieboldiana B Berberis amurensis Quercus dentata AB var. japonica A B Q. mongolica Epimedium glandiflorum var. grosseserrata B var. thunbergianum.・・B Q. serrata B Parabenzoin praecox B No・30 Studies on the Iimestone fiora of・ Japan and Taiwan 29

Sedum aizoon A f. elatius A B Astilbe thunbergii Chamaele decumbens AB var。 congesta BCryptotaenia canadensis B, Schizophragma hydrangeoides B Seseli ugoensis AB, Philadelphus satsumi AB Comus macrophylla B. Somewhat tomentose on Ieaves Helwing三a japonica B. beneath. 、 Fraxinus japonica Saxifraga fortunei var. stenocarpa B var。 incisolobata AF。 sieboldiana B, Aruncus dioicus Syringia ret{culata B var. tenuifo1三us AB Trachelospermum asiaticum AB、 Kerria japonica A B Callicarpa japonica AB Prunus jamasakura B Melampyrum ciliare B P. verecunda AB Galium pogonanthum A Rubusparvifolius Sorbus alnifolia B var. trachycarpum A BBG. verum Spiraea miyabei AB paederia scandens S. nipPo】雌ca AB var.1nairei B Stephanandra incisa AB Viburnum dilatatum A B Lespedeza bicolor . Valeriana且accidissima B f.acutifolia A B Adenophora pereskiaefolia Wisteria brachybotrys AB var. moiwana Orixa japQnica . A B f. petrophila A Zanthoxylum piperitum AB A. triphylla Picrasma quassioides AB ssp。 aperticampanulata A Polygala japonica B Campanula punctata AB噛 Euphorbia adenochlora B Artemisia keiskeana AB Rhus ambigua .A B Aster ageratoides Celastrus orbiculatus B・ ssp. leiophyllus AB Euonymus alatus Atractylodes japonica B f.striatus AB Cacalia farfaraefolia

Staphylea bumalda B Leibnitzia anandria AE.oxyphyllus B var・bulbifera B

A. matsumurae B Youngia denticulata AAcercarpinifolius AB Syneilesispalmata A A. mono B Y. .japonica AB Meliosma myriantha AB Melica nutans AB Impatiens textori B Miscanthus sinensis AB Rhamnus costata AB Carex conica B R. japon量ca Carex sp. A var。 decipiens AB Hostalongipes.A Tilia japonica .AB Polygonatum lasiallthum. B Actinidia polygama .A B Smilax sieboldii AB Hypericumyezoe皿se AS。 vaginata V.kurilellsis A Tofieldia coccineaViolagrypoceras Avar。stans AB Alangium platanifolium var. geibiensis A var. trilobum B DioscQrea tokoro B Bupleurum longiradiatum 30 Tatemi SHIMIzu . ・. No.30

9.]Mt Ootakine(Pref. Fukushima) . ... Acarst district basing uporl the Paleozoic limestone is seen on the west side of Mt, Ootakine, the highest peak of the Abukuma mountain range, to ll93m in altitude. Similar to the other carst distr圭cts, the plateau waving between 750m and 870m over sea level forms a vast grassland. There colonies appear here and there andτocks of limestone project over the land. On the margin of the plateau, cliffs are often found. YosHIエand YosHloKA (1949)published a.sketch on the、vegetation of the present area, recording Cα〃zPtosorUS sibiricus, 」Polツstichu〃t crasカedosorum, Polygala tatarinowii, etc, from crevices・in limestone. My observation was done on the cliffs and their rubbly but somewhat humid foots around Sendai-taira, the southernmost corner of this area, in particular. The plants detected are as follows.

Asplenium kobayashii A . Saxifraga fortunei A. varians A var. incisolobata A Camptosorus ’sibiricus A S. fusca

Polystichuln craspedosorum A Schizophragma hydrangeoides ADryopterispolylepis B.var.kikubuld A PyrrosialinearifQlia Chloranthus serratus B Zanthoxylum piperiturn A BAOrixa japonica AB Zelkova serrata B Acer carpinifolius .. B

Boehmeria spicata A AIangium platanifolium Seedlings.. 工mpatienstextori B Laportea bulbifera AB l var. trilobum .B L, macrostachya A B Panax japonicus . B Urtica laetevirens A Callicarpa japonica B Berberis amurensis Asperula Qdorata B var. jaPonica B Aster ageratoまdes Cardamine leucantha AB ssp, leucantha B Philadelphus satsumi A Ligularia stenocephala B

10. Izurusan(Pref. Tochigi) Afamous temple called Izurusan at northwest of Tochigi-shi is located between the hillis on tlle flanks of which limestone is to some extent exposed, Owing to the dense forest developing on the hills as well qyg on the precinct of the temple, the limestone vegetation is provided with喚rather humid aspect。 Cephalotaxus harringtonia, Hツdrangea involucrata,」Kerridブaponica, Orixa ブal)onica, Acer carpinif()liu〃z, ノllangiumメ)latanifolium.:. var. trilobun and AaCZtba ブapon吻are its important members here.. . . The plants detected fr6m the limestone habitats are as below.

Asplenium varians A Hypodematium fauriei Athyrium squarnigerum A (SEIqMoTo 1934 a, as Dryopteris Camptosorussibiricus A cプeitata) Cyrtom加m caryotideum B Polystichum craspedosorum A C. fortunei AB P. tsussimense A Derlnstaeditia wilfordii AB Pteris cretica A Dryopteris lacera B Cephalotaxus harringtonia B .No・30 Studies on the limestone fiora of..Japan and Taiwan 31

Boehmeria nivea var,1aevis B

サ ■

ssp・nlpononlvea B Orixajaponica Bpilea japonica B Acer carpinifolium B Polygonum filiforme B A. mono B Stellaria monosperma . Alangiuln platanifolium va「。 JaPonlca B var。trilobum コ コ Berberis thunbergii...A Aucuba japonica B Lindera obtusiloba B Trachelospermum asiaticum A Deutzia gracilis A Cacalia farfaraefolia Hydrangea involucrata .. B var. bulbifera B H. serrata B Chrysanthemum boreale . B Saxifraga cortusaefolia A Carex morrowii B var. incisolobata.ASmi置axvaginataS・fortunei Hostalongipes A Schizophragma hydrangeoides B var, stans B Kerria japonica B (SEKIMoTo 1934 b, as S. stans) Pourthiaea villosa Iris japonica B

11 Mt. Futago(Pref. Gunma) Mt. Futago consisted of two peaks, Nishidake(1165皿elev.)and Higashi- dake(997111 elev・), is rich in huge limestone cliffs and rubbly slopes especially at upper elevation. Though I have not yet visited here, the species found on cliffs and slopes, according to.MoRIYA(1958), are as follows,

?Aleuritopteris krameri . Potentilla dickinsii Asplenium ruta-muraria Prunus incisa Camptosorus sibiricus Var. bukosanensis Dennstaedtia wilfordii .. Sorbus alnifolia Gymnocarpium jessoe皿se l var. submoll{s Polystichurri craspedosorum S. gracilis Salix bakko . Spiraea nipPonica . . Betula chichibuensis Lespedeza cyrtobotrya Fagus japonica var, cyrtobotrya Quercus mongolica .’ var. kawachiana var. grosseserrata . Zanthoxylum pipel’itum Ulmus laciniata Picrasma quassioides AcQnitum laponicum PQlygala japonica Thalictrum minus . Callitriche japonica var, stipellatum Tithymalus sp. (=T.chionoPhyllttm) Acer mono Arabis serrata . f, dissectum var. japonica A. rufinerve Sisymbrium luteum Meliosma tenuis Sedum alzoon Euonymus alatus Hydrangea paniculata . var. alatus Parnassia japonica var. rotundatus Philadelphus satsuthi . E. oxyphyllus var. nikoensis Berchemia pauciflora Saxifraga for亡unei Tilia japonica f,rubifolia Daphne sp. 32 Tatemi SHIMエzu No・30

Bupleurum longiradlatunl AdenQphora divaricata f.elatius . A. nikoe且sis . Peucedallum multivittatum f. petrophila Rhododendron kaempferi Aster viscidulus var. angustifolium Anap恥alis sinica ロ .R。 wadanum var・smlca Tritomodon subsessilis 』 var. vlscoslsslma Fraxinus sieboidiana Leontopodium japo且icum var. angustata Saussurea amabilis Tylophora aristolochioides Senecio furusei Isodon in且exus Hosta longipes Melampyrum Iaxum Lilium maxi.mowiczii 魔=E. nikk・ense f・t・nuif・lium Pedicularis resupinata To丘eldia coccinea Gal量um kinuta var..kondoi Lonicera mochizukiana Veratrum maackii L. ramosissima var・japonlcum var. fudzimoriana (=var, reツmondianum) Weigela decora

12,Mt, Buko(Pref, Saitama) Mt. Buko(1336m elev.)presents us extended limestone habita,ts at ridges and oll northem slopes in particular at middle to upper elevation. Owing to the plantation of Crツ」クto〃leriaブaカonica and Cha〃zaecyparis obtusa on these slopes・ there is recongnized generally a closed v合getation so far as the forest floor is concerned. Here limestone is favorable for the bushes with Paraben20in Praecox, KerriaブaPonica, OrixaゴaPonica, S’α♪勿♂召αbumalda and Helwingia ブaponica abundant. The sunny limestone ridges, on the other hand, are characterized by the sparse bushes composing of Clematis stans, Sf)iraea nipponica, Zabelia integrifolia, etc. and the clifだs are i: habited by some chasmophytic plants including calcicolous ones. The recent且oristic research of Mt. Buko is due to MoRIYA(1953)且nd MoRIYA and KoYAMA(1954,1955,1956 a b,1957,1958). Depe1ユding on these materials and my own cQllectiolls, the vascular plants detected on limestone habitats are listed as below.

Adi。nt。m p,d・t・m B Ch1。…thus ser・at・{3... B Asplenium ruta-muraria ’A Salix kenoe】rtsis . A ABetulachickibuensis B A。varians C・mpt・S・…sibi・i・・s. .A C・・y1・s si6b・ldi… B §1三灘羅慧dlum l曇諜溜aspicata X D,y。pteri、 p。ly1・pi・ B B・・kl・y・1ance°1・ta B Hyp・d・皿。ti・m f・u・i・i .A A・。・it・m・p・ AB Phegopteris decursive-pinnata B Cimicifuga acerina A Polystichum craspedosorum A C. simplex B Selaginella talnariscina A Clematis stans .A Chamaecyparls obtusa B Thalictrum minus Juniperusrigida B var.stipellatum A No.30 Studies on the limestone f!ora of Japan and Taiwan 33

B Berberis amure皿sis Spuriopimpinella cn、 lycina BAkebiatrifoliata Bf.elatius var. japo皿ica(MoRIYA 1953) Helwingia japonica B B. thunbergii AB Rhododendron dil皐tatdm B Epimedium grandi伽rum primula reinii var. thunbergianum B var, brachycarpa A Lindera umbellata’ BSyringa reticulata B Parabenzoin praecox』BFraxinus sieboldiana B Deutz玉a gracilis「 @ D.. scabra A Isodon kameba AAGelltiana scabra B Hydrangea hirsuta BSalvianipPonica B H.iロvolucrata BPedicular{s resupinata B H. scandens B Conandron ramondioide$ A ACa11icarpajaponica B parnassia foliosa Galiu皿kinuta ABH.serrata ssp. nulnmularia AB Abelia spathulata B Philadelphus satsumi B .Zabelia integrifolia B Saxifraga fortunei Adenophora divaricata A var, incisoloata AA. pereskiaefolia ロSchizophragma hydrangeoides B, var. molwana Aruncus dioicus f・petrophila A var. tenuifolius B, A・ remotiflora A Filipendula multijuga B・ A・ takedai A AB・ Kerriajaponica B Anaphalissinica Prunus i皿cisa Arte皿isia keiskeana A var. bukosanensis Aster ageratoides (M。RIY。 and K・・AMA 1958) ssp・1・i°phyll・・ Rubus palmatus Cacalia delphiniifolia B: var. coptophyllus . B ’ Chrysanthemum皿akinoi B Spiraea nipPonica AB’ Leontopodium japonicum A Desmodium racemosum B Pertya robusta B Wisteria brachybotrys B Serratula coronata O・i・・j・p・ni・a,, B、 ssp. i。,。1。,i, B 錦器弗瓢量m 長 叢鍵邑畿・誌r lt 溜膿器龍a 港 ・pl・・m・n卿・1…f・1… A.P、1m、t。m va「・!ap°rlca B Carex laslolepls. A ssp. rnat$umurae B Meliosma tenuis B (MoRIYA and KoYAMA 1955) 盈潔識…a 暑C’(膿1°/r:・K・Y・MA・955).A

.. C.siderosticta BR’ B、,.J 峵オs B D…c・rea n・pP・…a ・ ・m・・1・P…brev・p・dun・u1… B 葺鑑監1諜ε_e 会 Stachyu「us p「aec°F B p。lyg。nat。m l。,i、。th。!。 B Daphne kamtschatlca Smilax sieboldii B var・jezoensis AS. vagimta Alangium platanifolium var. stans . B ・…t・i1・b・m B T,i・y,ti・hi・t・ . A Angelica polymorpha A Gyロmadenia cucullata A Bupleurum IQngiradiatum 34 Tatemi SHIMI加 No.30

13.Nippara(Pref. Tokyo) .. Some great inapproachable veytical clifEs of lime$tone are overhanging the Nippara river at the northwestern corner of Tokyo prefecture. L圭ke輌se in the other cases, there develop maIly llimestolle caves at the foot of those cliffs.. The largest one of them is the so-called Nippara一ρave, where the tQurists can easily come near and in thanks to construction of a leading road for excursion.・My research was mainly concemed with the neighbourhood of this cave but the丘eld not destroyed by these visitors, Here on the clif£some chasmophytic or epiphytic plants such as Pteris cretica, Pyrrosia 1爵zθα吻協α, 1)eut2ia gracilis, Lesカedeza b”ergeri, etc. are sporadi.cally recognized, wh量le on the rubbly slope light bushes with Orixaゴaponica, Staphbllea bumalda, Acer mono and Alangiu〃2 platanifolium var. trilobztm dominant. The detected vascular plants are as follows.

Adiantum monQchlamys A Wisteria brachybotrys B AIeuritopteris krameri A Geranium wilfordii B Asplenium ruta-1nuraria A Orixa japonica . B A. varians A Zanthoxyluni piperitum B Camptosorus sibiricus A Rhus ambigua . B .Cyrtomium caryotideu皿 A Euonymus alatus

C.fortunei. A f.striatus B De耳nstaedtia wilfordii A Staphylea bumalda . B Hypodematium fauriei . A Acer mono B Polystichumcraspedosorum A Vitis且exuosa . B pteris cretica A Hypericunl kinashianum A Pyrrosia linearifolia A AIangium plata.nifolium Selag{nella tarnariscina A var,亡rilQbum 、 B Torreya nucifera B Hedera rhombea AB Chlora且tus serrattls BBupleurum longiradiatum Boehmeria spicata A .、 f. elatius . A B Euptelea polyandra . B Helwingia japonica . B Pileasp. ACornusmacrophylla CIematis stans . A Trachelospeピmum asiaticum A B Thalictrum minus 工sodon longitubus B var. hypoleucum Akebia trifoliata B Anap}亀alis sinica AAGaliumkinuta B Berberis thunberg{i B Aster ageratoides L l Sedum aizoon . A ’ ssp, Ie三〇phyllus、 A Deutzia gracilis A Artemisia keiskeana A Philadelphus satsumi Chrysa且themum boreaie l A var。 nikoensis . B C. 1nakinoi AB Hydrangea involucrata B Youngia de皿ticulata A Saxifraga fortunei Miscanthus sinensis A B var. incisQlobata AHosta longipes A Kerria japQnica AB , Smilax siebolClii B Potentilla dickinsii.AS. vaginata Lespedeza buergeri AB Tricyrtis sp. ASpiraeanipponiea A var. stans.A No.30 Studies on the limestQne fiora of Japan and Taiwan 35

14.Mta. Mitsumine(Pref. Saitama) Mts. Mitsumine,10cated in the western district of Pref, Saitama, is a series of mountain ridges running from north to south between 15001n and 2000m above sea level. One of its main peaks is Mt. Shiraiwa, where exposed rocks and、 rubbly places of limestone are found here and there・ Recently HARA(1956)published a batanical sketch around there in which Betula chichibuensis was de畠cribed, Depending on his report and. my own ob- servation, the plants detected from limestone habitats are as below.

Asplenium varians A Euonymus melananthus B Camptosorus sibiricus ABerchemia pauciflora B Polystichum craspedosorum A Rhamnlls costata B Woodsia glabella A R. japonica

Be加la chichibuensis B Daphrユe kamtschaticaSalixkenoensis A var.decipiens B B.corylifolia.. B。 ermani B Epilobium arnurense B@B var.jezoensis B B。 grossa B Galium kinuta B Aconitum kobushiensis A Patrinia triloba Berberis amurensis var。 pahnata A var. japo皿ica A AdenOphora peresldaefolia Deutzia gracilis A var・moiwana.

D.uni且ora A f。petrophila AParnassia foliosa Anaphalis margaritacea B ssp. nummularia A A. sinica AB Ribes maxirnowicziana A Leontopodium japo且icum A』 S、。ifrag・f・・t…i Lig・1・・ia st…ceph・1・ A var. incisolobata . A l. Juncus maximowiczii A RQsa acicularis AI Smilax vaginata Spi・aea ch・maed・if・1ia AB ・・}i・・t・甲 B S. 5aponica A Tofieldia cocc正nρa Hedysarum ussuriensis A var。 kondoエ . . ..A

15.Ju血6jiゼpass(Pref, Saitama) The so-called Jumoji-toge(2iOOm elev.)stands on the border line between P・・hpref・・t・・e・・f S・i・・ma and N・g・n・・A1・hp・gh lth・p・・e.f。lest・f TFt‘ga diversifolia covers the major part qf the neighbQur!iood,1t豆s sometlmes interrupted. 閧凵@enormous limestones highly prolected over the ridgesl Such limestones will be inhabited by many peculiaf plants whidh are never s曾en a。ywh・r・i血th・ir surr・u・di・g regi….Th・p1包・t・re…d・d f・・皿th・…face of two separated limestones of such, one(1700m)situated north and・the other (1800m)northeast of the Jumoji-pass, are as follows. Asp1。。ium,叩illip・s A Abies h。m。1・pi・ B A。 ruta_muraria A Picea polita ・ A A. viride . A Tsugadiversifolia. .B C。mpt。,。・u・・ibi・i¢・・ A S・li・k・・・…i・ .AB Gym。。,。叩i・m j・s・・e… .A B珈翼・・hi・hib・・n・is . A B P。ly、ti、h・m cra・p・d・島6蜘. A A・。・it・m parah・k・n・nSe.. AB woodsia glabella ’...、 .A clematis stans .. . A 36 Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30’,

Thalictrum minus Halenia comiculata . AB var. stipellatum APedicularis resupinata AB Berberis amurensis Veronicastrum sibiricum var. bretschneideri A var. japonicum B Arabis serrata Galium kinuta B var. japonica ARubiachinensis Sedum aizoon A var, glabrescens A Deutzia gracilis A Patrinia triloba Saxifraga fortunei . var. palmata A var. incisolobata AAdenophora divaricata AB Potentilla fruticosa ?A. nikoensis A var, mandshurica A A. remotiflora AB Spiraea nipPonica A Anaphalis margaritacea B Hedysarum ussuriens{s A A。 sinica A Geranium eriostemOII Artemisia keiskeana A var. reinii A A. pedunculosa B. Rhamnus cestata A LeQntopodium japonicum A R. japonica Pertya glabrescens B. var. decipiens ASolidagovirgaurea A V. shikokiana A Diarrhema jaPonica BViola biflora A’ssp. asiatica Leav・・p・bescent・・b。th sides. M・lica°n°・i 旨 B・・ Bupleurum longiradiatuln Carex lanceolata A f.elatitis A C. longerostrata A 害齢t翻、。、 S鷲羅欝P°’deS BSeseliugoensis A Hostalongipes A Gentiana contorta A (SATAKE 1955) Veratrum maackiiA.var. kondoi G.zollingeri A var.japonicu皿 A 16.Mt. Kamanashi(Pref. Nagano) When wandering in Mt. Kamanashi l2116.5m elev.), one of the northern・ most peaks of the chain of Akashi Mountains, we can sorロetiエnes meet with sunny and dry ridges of limestone though in small scales. Whenever in such cases, Clematis s彦ans, .8erberis amzarensis var. ブα1)onicα and Sメ}iraea. 吻・漁a・epred・minantly・・d・h・・act・・i・tically f…dL.tρ9・th・・with・u・h herbs as Galium kiuuta, Arte〃lisia keiskeana and Leonto♪odiu’m ブaf)onicum. The following plants are the detected members of these limestone fields... Camptosorus sibiricus AClematis stans B Dennstaedtia wilfordii B Berberis amurensis Gymnoca叩ium jessoenge B var. japonica B Polystichum craspedosorum A Astilbe thunbergii B

Tsuga diversifolia B Kerria japonica B Larixleptolepis B Deutziagracilis A Buckleya lanceolata B Sorbus commixta E Dianthus barbatus Spiraea n量pponica B var. shinanensis ALespedeza buergeri B. Euptelea polyandra B Vicia deflexa B, INo.30 Studies on the limestone fora of Jqpan and Taiwan 37

Euonymus sieboldii B Anaphalis sinica B Acer Inono B Artemisia keiskeana B Ligustrum tschonoskii B A, montaロa B B・dd1・1・」・p・・i・ B L,。nt。P。di・m j・p・・i・・m B 謝蒲鞭・w・cz・・ 1§課聯:r B Ad,。。ph。,a・e皿・ti且・・a . A ・・p・aslatlca B

17.Mt. Shiraiwa(Pref. Nagano)

About 10km southward of Mt. Kamanashi, there is another limestone mountain named Mt. Shiraiwa,2267m in altitude. Its east side presents us an elusive lirrlestone且elds rich cliffs and rubbly slopes at the upPer elevation・ 欝盟詮e鵬鼎♂牙照゜羅゜ざξ。、謙罵髭,儲ξy。論,1蓋1 濫膿。織e,膿謡宝,謡、雛t翻懸・離lln3,撫l are marked by scattered pine trees such as Pinus koraiensis and Pゆ翻砂勿lla while the slopes are characterized by some crowded shrubs such asノ吻ゆerus 、。rge嘱B・rb・ri・ ・n・ur・鵬var・.ゴ・P・吻・P・t・nt〃・耀伽・var・m・nd・勧’ rica and Spiraea nipi)onica. Crevices in clifEs, on the other hand, are favorable f。・m・・y・h・・acteri・ti・fe・n…h・・b・・All th・・e p1・nts are a・f・11°ws・

A,pl。。i。皿,・pillipes A ・・p・kamt・ch・ti・・ B A. 曲一m・…i・ A S・d・m・i・・。・ A、 D。。n、taedti。 wilf。・dii B A・tilb・th・・b・・gii B Gym。。,。・pi・m」・・S・・… B D・ut・i・9・a・ili・ A P。1y、ti・h・mcra・p・d・・。・um A.l Mit・ll・・ud・ B Woodsia glabella . A (MlzusHIMA 1959) W. P。ly・ti・h・ides A P・m…i・p・1・・t・i・ B L。。i。1。pt・1・pi・ B Ribes.m・xim・wicziana B Pi皿s koraiensis B Aruncus dioicus P.pent・phy11・ B v…t・n・if°liUs T・・g・diversif・1i・ ・’ B P・tentilla f”utic°sg Ch。maecyp。・i・・bt・・a AB ・…m・・d・hu・・。・ AB J。。iperu,・igid・ B Spi・a・・ゆP・・i・a AB J. s。。g。ntii A H・dysa・・m・・…i…i・ A 謙a縦溜i : Ge「盤謡stem°n .・ B。ehm。,i。・picat・ B C・last・u…bi・・1・t・・ B Actaea asiatica B Acer mono B Clematis stans B Rha皿nus japonica

Thalictum millus Tilia japonica BPaeoniajaponica Bvar. decipiens B 。。,.、tip。U、t。m AB Vi・1・g・yp。cera・ AB Berberis amurensis Daphne kamtschatica 。。,.j。圃,a B ・…」…en・i・ B ・囎・盟麗雛 B Bup塗u黙ngi「ad’atum A・ A,abi, iy,at。 Seseli・g・e・sl・ B 38 ・ ..Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30

Tilingiatachiroei B Rhododendron fauriei Chrysanthemum Makinoi ABAA。 montana var. roseum B Leontopodium japonicum A B Halenia corlliculata . B Saussurea triptera B Thymus serphyllum 、 Senecio takedanus B ssp. quinquecostatus B So王idago virgaurea.・

Euphrasia matsumurae B Calamagrostis langsdorfii BPediculariskeiskei B ssp. asiatica B Lonicera demisSa B Melica onoei B Patrinia triloba B Lilium maximowiczii

Adenophora teramotoi A B To丘eldia coccineaScabiosajaponica.Bf,tenuifolium A Campanula punctata . ・ var. kondoi A Anaphalis sinica AB Veratrum maackii Artemisia keiskeana B var. japonicum A

KoIzuMI(1926)noted the plants found on graveliy fields as well as on grass・ 1and of the summit of this lnountain. According to him,αθ窺α’おalPina var. ochotensis, Heracleum lanatzcm ssp.脚θ〃endor∬ii, Linnaea borealis, etc。 may be added to the above,

18. Todai(Pref. Nagano) The two enormous cliffs called’Makuiwa and Shiraiwa near Todai together with the other precipices adjacent to them are located between 1200m and 1800m above sea leve1, being purely constructed by limestone. As early as 1926KolzuMI paid his attention on a peculiar floristic aspect that they retained some plants of the frigid zone such as Betz‘la ermani, Tilingi,a tachiroei,丁勿mus serPh:ソ”u〃z ssp。 (luin(7atecostatus, Pinguicz‘la vulgaris, Adei¢oカhora nifeoensis, Chr∠ソsantheフnum ruPestris, Jxeris dentata ssp. alpicola, LeontOJりodiumブalりoniCum andレ「era〃um longebracteatzcm. Recently YAMAzAKI(1952)also investigated the flora of the present bluf£s and emphasized that the western continental plants would tend to be differentiated here as exemplified by Adevao.phora tera〃Totoi, Euphrasia〃2aximowic2ii va’r. calcarea, Primulaアθ嬬var.伽吻σ卿a and Leon・ topodiz〃nブaponicum var..perniveum, while the northern alpine plallts retained here were not differentiated at all. The followipg list of the plants might』include all these facts.「 l L Asp]enium capillipe8 A Laportea macrosta’chya . B A. ruta-muraria A Buckleya iallceolata . A も Camptosorus 8ibiricus . A Polygonum cuspidatum . B Dennstaedtia wilfordii AB Euptelea polyandra A Gymnoca叩ium jessoense . A CIematis stans A Polystichum craspedosorum A Thalictrum mi且us Selaginella tamariscina A var. stipeUatum A Woodsia glabella A .Some are much dwarfe且ed, Pinusbicolor B Berberisa】murensis .. Juniperusrigida Bvar. japoniea・. ASalix rupifraga A Epimedium grandifiorum・ ∫ 「 Carpinus japonica A var, thunbergianum. ・ B Boehmeria spicata AB Lindera obtusiloba 、 B No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 39

Corydalis ochotensis (ToYoKuN!and SAToMI 1957) var. raddeana B Cynanchum caudatum B Arabis lyrata Thymus serphyUum ssp.karntschatica A ssp.quinquecostatus A Orostachys erubescens B Euphrasia maximowiczii Sedum aizoon A B var・calcarea B Astilbe formosa. . A Melampyrum laxum , B A. thunbergii A P¢dicularis resupinata AB

Deutziagracilis A pinguiculavulgaris Aparnassia alpicola A Ga玉ium kinuta B Philadelphus satsumi Viburnum dilatatum B var, nikoensis B Scabiosa japonica AB Saxifragafortunei Campanuladasyantha A var.incisolobata A Adenophoradivaricata A Potentilla fru也icosa A・ teramotoi A var. mandshurica A Anaphalis sinica Prunus incisa B .var・pernivea・var・nov・A R。s。 lu。i。, v…sini・・ A var. hakonensis B Arヒemisia keiskeana AB Spi・a・a・niPPO・i・・ A A・ m°ptanR B A、t,ag。1u・m・mb・a・・ceu・ At・acty1°des」・p°n王ca B var. obtusa A .Chrysanthemum makinoi A Lesp,d・za buerg・・i . AB C・ 「upest「is A B E。ph・rbi・・i・b・1di… AB Cirsi・m p・・pu「atum B Rhus chinensis AB Ixeris dentata E。。。ymus a1・tus ssp・・lpi・・1・ A・ f,striatus B Leo皿topodiu血japonicum Berchemia pauciflora B . var. japonicum A B Rhamnus c6st乱ta B /t var・perniveum. AB

var. decipiens R.laponica. Seneciotakedanus BBSolidago virgaurea Stachy。・u・p・aec・x B ・・p・asi・ti・a B D。ph・・pseud・mezere・m A Y・u・gi・d・・ti・ul・t・ B Epi1。bitim・m・・e・・e A Mi・c・・th・・si・・n・i・ .AB E. formosanUm B Lilium maximowiczii B。p1,u,um l・ngi・adi・t・m f・t…if・1i・m A f,e1。ti。、 . A H・・t・1・・gip・・ A Seseli ug・ensis B Smilax vaginata

Tilingiatachiroei A var.stans ABHelwingia japonica B ↑ofieldia coccinea P「imula「einii var. kondoi . A

19. ]Mt. Jizodake(Pref. Nagano) The same lode of limestone on which the previous three fields exlst cUts the ridg。 f,。m Mt. S・nl・t・Mt. Ji・・d・ke and p・esept…皇「ゆ1y c°「pe「 at about 2300m in altitude。 No tree was seen but SPiraeaπ1ρヵα¢呂oαgrowlng in crevices of rock。 The fo】10wing plants are搬embers of thls area。 40 、・Tatemi SH[Mlzu No.30

Athyrium crellatunl Viola bi且ora A var, glabrum C Bupleurum Iongiτadiatuln Cryptogramrna stelleri A f。 elatius B Cystopteris fragilis B Heracleum lanatum Gymnocarpium jessoense AB var. moellendorffii C Woodsia glabella A Seseli ugoensis B Larix leptolepis . B Nepeta subsessilis BC Salix rupifraga. B Thymus serphyllum Aconitum deflexum C ssp. quinquecostatus A Thalictrum minus Eritrichium nippoicum B var, hypoleucum A Veronicastrum sibiricum var. stipellatum A var. japonicum B Arabis Iyrata Adenophora terarnotoi A ssp・. k・m.tsch・ti・a A A・・ph・li・m・・g・・tacea B C §識鵠器ca A …ysan・卿甲・u?est… B・ ssp. kamtsch。ti、。m A LeGnt°P°d1F「p .jap°・1cum A Astilbe thunbergii C Saussurea trlptera BC Pamassia palustris ASenecio nemorensis C Spiraea nipPonica A Veratrum maackii BC Euphorbia sieboldiana B . var. japoniculn

20. Mf. Toyokuchi(Pref. Nagano) Some huge limestone cliffs are found at the middle elevati6n,1600m to 2200m in altitude, in this mountain.1(olzuMI(1926,1952)pointed out that the alpine plants such as AsPlenium viride, Cryptogramma stelleri, Draba 1¢iPPonica, Tilingi’αtachiroei alld、Pingzaicula vulgaris inhabited these cliffs, presenting one more ‘relic frigid flora’呈n his own terminology, KuBoTA(1940 a b,1952)also referred to the flora of these cliffs and enumerated the plants growing there, The following list of plants is part玉y dependent on their reports.

Asplenium viride A . ssp. kamtschatica A Cryptogramma stelleri ADraba nipponica A Cystopteris fragilis A Sorneare glabrous(var.linearis), Lepisorus clathratus A and the other densely pubescent. (KuRATA 1956, as var.”α吻昭磁αθ) Sedum aizoon A Polystichum craspedosorum A Deutzla gracilis A Woodsia glabella A Philadelphus satsU.mi Juniperus sargentii .A var. nikoensis’・、 A ISalixrupifraga A Saxifraga forutnei Laporteabulbifera B var...incisolobata A var. shinanensis Dianthusbarb∂tus Potentilladickinsii A Melahdryum keiskei 幽 A var. mandshurica ABP. fruticosa Aquilegia buergeriana ASpiraea nipPonica A Cimicifuga acerina A Hedysarum ussuriense A Berberis amurensis Geranium eriostelnon var,japonica A var.reinii A var. raddeana B E, sieboldianusC,orydalisochotensis Euonymusplanipes A Arabis lyrata var. sanguineus A No,30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 41

Rhamnus japonica Galium kinuta A、 var. decipiens. A Lonicerademissa A Viola bi且ora A Patriロica triloba Bupleumm longiradiatum var・palmata A f.elatius A Adenophora teramotoi A .Tilirlgia tachiroei A. Campanula punctata .Enkianthus campanulatus. A ssp, hondoensis B Menziesia pentandra . A Anaphalis sinica A primula reinii . Artemisia keiskeana A var. brachycarpa A Leontopodium japonicum A Ligustrum tschonoskii A Juncus maximowiczii A Halenia corniculata AHosta longipes・ A Thymus serphyllum Lilium maximowiczii ssp.quinquecostatus A. f.tenuifolium A Pedicularis keiskei ,A Tofieldia coccinea Pinguicula vulgaris A▽ar. kondoi A 21, Upper Aoki-river(Pref. Nagano) AbOUt gk皿SOUth Of OOgaWara in Ojika-mUra th.ere are tWO famOUS lime- stone bluffs called Tsubame-iwa and Tenshu-iwa. They are situated near the source of the Aoki-river and at about 1400rn and 1600m above sea level respectively. KoIzuMI(1932,1952)discussed oll the alpine aspect of the flora ・of these bluffs, and regarded it also as ‘relict frigid flora’. Owing to the .situation overhanging the river, on their surface there occur humid vegeta・ tions with moss cover in some parts, The inhabitants of these two cliffs are 、as follows. Asterisked plants are quoted from Koizumi.

Asplenium capillipes A 、 Epimedium grandi且orum A, viride A var. thunbergianum B Cy,t。pteri・f・agili・ A D・ab・・ipP・ni・a A ・Camptosorus sibiric聡 A Both forms corresponding to var. Dennstaedtia wilfordii A linearis and var. nipponica. Gymnocarpium jessoense A Sedum aizoQn . A P。1y,ti・h・皿・・a・p・db・…m .A S・ vi・id・ A Woodsia glabella A Astilbe thdnbergii Chanlaecyparisobtusa B var. congesta B *Juniperus sargenti董 ADeutzia gracilis A Salikrupifraga AHydrangesinvo玉ucrata BC。,pinu, j・p。nica A *P・massi・p・1・・t・i・ A Boehmeria spicata AB Philadelphus satsumi Cercidiphyllum magni且cum B var. nikoensis B ・Cimicifuga acerina. Ribes maximowiczianum A var. peltata B Rodgersia podopbylla B ’ ・C.simplex B Sakifragacortusaefolia A Cle皿atisstans A S. fortunei Paeoniaobovata B var.incisolobata A Thalictrum minus . *S. fusca 。。r.、tip,11。t。m A ssp・ki 1〈・b・ki A Berberis amurensis Aruncus dioicus . A ’var.bretschneideri A var.tenuifQlius A 42 ..Tatemi SH1Mlzu N! .8Q

*Potentilla fruticosa var. japonicurn . B var. mandshurica AGalium psudoasperellum B Spiraea charnaedrifolia AAster ageratoides Euonymus alatus ssp.1eiophyllus B f,striatus. ALonicerademissa B Rhamnus costata B *Patrinia triloba *Viola biflora, . A var. palmata A Daphne pseudpmezereum B Adenophora teramotoi Circaea alpina B var. hispidula, var. nov. A Epilobium amurense A *Amphalis sinica A Angelica polymorpha ACacalia delphiniifolia B. Acanthopanax hypoleucus. A Leontopodium japonicum A Bupleurum longiradiatum SolidagQ v三rgaurea

f.elatius Assp,asiatica B.Ostericum sieboldii B Calamagrostis arundinacea *Tilingiatachiroei A var. brachytricha A Menziesia multi且ora B C。 hakonensis A Rhododendron keiskei B Diarrhena japQnica l B Primula reinii Juncus maximowiczii . A var. brachycarpa AHostalongipes A Fraxinus lanuginosa . Paris verticillata . B .・…ser・・t・ .. A p。lyg…毛・m m・・u1・ntqm A 齪羅鞭kll lSm’騒v琶毫畿ta B Thymus se・phyl1。m T・個dia・・cci・ea ssp,quinquecostatus A var・kondoi 1 A Veronicastrum sibir三cum Tricyrtis latifolia .A

22. ]〉It. Ishimaki(Pref. Aichi) . , Mt, Ishimaki(400m), situated at about 8km eastnortheast of Toyohashi, was appointed to be a Natural Monument in 1952 for it忌. peculiar.li.mestope 且ora including Camptosorus sibiricus, Sedz‘〃¢verticillatum, Eri∂ろo彦rツqブαpOnica, S力勿θαフ吻Ponica, Ponciris彦rifoliatα, Z伽伽κ蜘〃2力伽ispinum, Euonymz偲』 dorsicostatUS, HibiSCUS syriacus, AZtcubaブαカonica, DiosPNrOS lottis, Dα〃maca励us indicus and Lonicera gract;liPes var. glandulosa(cf. a Guide Sign). The summit of this mountain is occupied by limestone biocks, where q(ematis,吻%s, Sヵ〃α召α. niPPonica and Zabelia integアifQlia are found characteristically. On the mount4in sides a little down the top, there appear gravelly slopes with Philadelph,us. satsu〃zi, Orixaゴaカonica, Lig%s〃z仰z oろtusifolium「and /11angi°um Platanif()漉¢〃τ var. trilobu〃z abundant, and.huge cliffs inhabited by Cam2りtosorus sibiricκs, Pol夕stichu〃Z crasPe40sorum, Z)ebregaesia edulis, ハ4ercurialis leiooarlりα, etc・ Basing upon a note of ToRII(1956)and my observation, the following plants. were detected from these li皿estone fields.

Asplenium pekinense A var. tosae A A. sarelii A Cyrtomium falcatum A A. varians A「 Gonocormus minutus A Camptosorus sibiricus A Polystichum craspedosQrum ....A Crepidomanes makinoi P, tsuss{mense A No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of「「Japan and Taiwan 43

pyrrosia linearifolia・ADesmodiurn 1・acemosum B

Boehmeria spicata ・ B Orixa laponica 』 BTorreyanucifera..B Citrustachibana A Debregaesia edulis APonciris trifoliata B pilea japonica .A Mercurialis leiocarpa A P. mongolica A Euonymus fortunei Ficus erecta . AB var. radicans 層B Stellaria sessilifiora. Clematis stans A Hibiscus syriacus B@A Actinidia arguta B. Sinonleniu皿acutum B AIangium platanifolium Llndera glauca B var. trilobum B Cardamine impatiens.ALigustrum obtusifolium B. Wasabia tenuis A Gardneria nutans B、 Sedum aizoon ・ ClerodeD.dron trichQtomum B. 罫h、1舗縣lum l倉錦螢臨 A員 R至bes fasciculatum B MIscanthus sinensls B pourthiaea viliosa Hispid on leaves beneath. var. laevis .B Carex brunnea B Spiraea nipPollica B Smilax sarumame B

The same paper of ToRI1(1956)refers to the limestone fiora of the Honsaka- pass,3km north east of Mt. Ishimaki, and also to Magoshi,3km north of it. In the former,.it is characterized by the P糊z%s⑳ヵθ1伽α_commun圭ty accompanying Asカlenium wriglztii, ハXeocheirのりteris ensata, Pteris カ¢ae(1κα」ピ3 var. ae(1aata, Cornas〃zαcrof)hヅ〃αand ScroJりht¢lariαfeakudensis, In the latter the limestone rid塞e is characteristica11y inhabited by the following plants.

Torreya nucifera. ... し Zanthoxylum piperitum Cephalotaxus bqrringtonia . . Z・ . planispinum Ficus erecta Z, schinifolium Sinomenium acutu皿, Mercurialis leiocarpa Cardamine.impatiens Securinega suffruticosa Kerria japonica 「 . . Euoriymus alatus Orixa japonica . Berchemia tacemosa Pbnciris trifoHata . ’:」 Acahthopanax japonicus

23..Shinshiro(Pref. Aichi) . Asmall area known as the Sakurabuchi park stands on the limestgne district in the suburbs of Shinshiro-cho abouガ20km・north of Toyohashi. Quercus glauca together with Celtis sinensis var.ブaponica and Zelkova serrata. represents the sparse forest aro聯d there..Those and the lower woods or shrubs under them, mainly from limestone rubbly places,..ate IiSted below。

Asplenium pekinense 』. A Lygodium japonicum .. A Camptosorus sibiricus A Onychium japonic血m. A Cyrtomium fortuheil・.・. @ A. Polystichopsis aristata A Dryopterislaceta-.I APolystichumcraspedosorum A Gonocormus minutus. .A Pt合ris crとtica A Lemmaphy11um microphyllum A Pyfrosia li且gua A 44 、Tatemi SHIMIzu No, RO F Selaginella involvens A Wisteria且oribunda B Vittaria flexuosa A Orixa japon{ca B Quercus glauca B Zanthoxylum planispinum B ・Celtissinensis Celastrusorbiculatus A var. japonica BParthenocissustricusp1datus A .Zelkova serrata B .Camellia japonica B .Morus bombycis B Aucuba japonica B Ficus erecta B Helwingia japonica B lF. nipPonica A Ligustrum obtusifolium B Berberis thunbergii BOsmanthus ilic董folium B :Nandina domestica B Trachelospermum asiat{cum B Mellispermum dauricum A Callicarpa japonica B Machilus japonica B Aster ageratoides Neolitsea sericea B ssp. le三〇phyllus A Deutzia gracilis A Calamagrostis arundinacea Kerria japonica B var. brachytricha A .Pourthiaea villosa Carex brunnea

var.laevis Bvar.nakiri BA Lespedeza bicolor Dioscorea tokoro BRubusbuergeri A E【ostasp。 f.acutifolia B

24.Mt. Kurohime(Pref, Niigata) In the westernmost part of Pref. Niigata, there occur the limestone ’formations known as Omi-1imestone and Myojo-1imestQne, presenting Mt. Kurohilne(1221.5m elev.)and Mt. Myojo(1188.5m elev.)respectively, Both .the mountains resemble with regard to their physiognomy. The higher parts are represented by rocky and gravelly screes, while the middle and lower ones are in some parts provided with enormous vertical precipices a.nd in lother parts with mild slopes without exposed limestone. In Mt. Kurohime, the vegetation on the limestone白cree around the ・summit is represented in the layer by Thuju standishii(even in crevi. ,ces of limestone), Spiraea nipponica and the shrub-like oaks, maples and lilldens which do not extend to 2m high and in the herb layer by Galium ;verzem var. asiaticum f, nifekoense, ハ4elica nutans and .ルliscanthus sinensis, ト .From the cliff at the foot of this mquntain near S恥nizukura, Phyllitis .scoroPendrium, Boehmeria spi’eata, Saxifraga /br znnei vaf..incisoloろata and Youngia denticulata are frequent. The collected、.plants in these fields are as .belOW.

Adiantum pedatum . A Boehmeria spicata A Asplenium ruta-muraria A B. tricuspis A .Dennstaedtia wilfordii A Thalictrum minus Phylliis scoropendrium A var. hypoleucum A Polystichum craspedosorum A Epimedium glandifiorum .Ju皿iperussargentii A var.thunbergianurn B (an informatio皿from a villager) Astilbe thunbergii Thuja standishii AB var. congesta A No.30 Studies on the Iimestone且ora o薫Japan and Taiwan 45

Phil。d。lphus sat・umi 、 A ・・…b1。・gif・li・ B S。xif,ag・f・・t…i Rh・d・d・nd…t・i…ve A var. incisolobata ATripetal⇔ia paniculata

Spiraea nipPonica B Vaccinium smalliSorbusalnifolius Bvar. latifolia B, Buxus microphylla var. glabrtユrn B var。 japonica . A Galiumkinuta B. 11・x・ug…ki ’ P・t加i・t・i1・b・ . A ssp. lo且gipedunculata B Eupatrium glehni B Euonymus oxyphyllus B Solidago virgaurea Acer monQ B ssp. asiatica A B、 Tilia japonica B Youngia denticulata A AI。。gi。m pl・t・nif・li・m M・1ica・・t… AB var. trilobum B Miscanthus si.nensis AB L,u、。th。, g,ay、。a . H・・t・1。・gip・・ A

25. Mt. Myojo(Pref. Niigatの The limestone vegetatioll of this mountain is aproximately the same with Mt. Kurohime. The gravelly scree around the summit is also characterized. by Th・jo・t・ndi・hii, A…撒・and 7伽ブ・カ・珈・A・・und the s・uth・・n f・・t・ C。伽・鰍・h・・漉gt・伽ssp.・瀦・, Berb・ri・撚・・繍v…ブ・伽・a・勿伽’ 卿卿酬鵜Rh・mnu・ブ砂・吻v・r. d・⑳i…,et…nd姻鱗…rge嘱 BUXUS“Z蜘Phylla var.ブ砂・勲,砂力・鰍吻hamtscha彦伽m var・senαnense・ Arte〃zisia feeiskeanda, etc. are often and characteristically found on rubbly ・1・pes and・xt・ndgd w・11・・f li皿est・・e・・e・pecti・・ly・Th・1i・t・f th・plants from these fields are as below。 、. 「1・ Adi、。tum p。d。t。m A き v・・. b・evip・dicel1・t・ A A、pl。。i。m・ut・-m・…i・, A C・ ・t… AB Athyrium okuboanum B Paeonia japorlica B Ca1叩tosorus sibiricus A Thalictrum minus Cy…mi・m f・・t…i B ・…hyp・1・・r・m. A Dennstaedtia wilfordii .A Berberis amure皿sls D,y。pt。,i・u・if・rmi・ B va・・j・p・・iω B Phyllitis sc。・・P・・d・i・皿 A Epim・di・m g・a・di且・rum P。1y、t玉。h。m t・。ssim・nse A vaL:th・・b・・gi・n・m B Pt。,i、 cretica A M・g・・li・・ali・if・1i・ B T。・・ey・n・・ifera B エi・der・umb・11・ta 』 .B Cephalotaxus・harringtonia Sedum aizoon ssp.。。。。 B ・sp・k・mtsch・ticum A Pi。。、 p,nt。phyll・ B D・ut・i・g・acili・ A C,ypt。me劇・p・・ica B Phi1・d・lph・・.・at・umi A Ju皿iperus sargentii ASaxifraga fortunei Th。1、,t。。di・hii AB va・・i・・i・・エ・b・t・ A Carpinus laponica B Hamamelis japonica・ B Quercus serrata B Rubus palmatus B。ehm。,i。 t。i。u,pi, A va・.・・pt。phyllu・. B L。p。,tea b・1bif・・a B S・・b・・a1・if・1i・ B CI,m、ti, j。p。。i・a S・ c。mmi・t・ B 1

46 Tatemi SHIMIZU No,30

Spiraea nipponica Zanthoxylum piperitum A B Isodon infiexus AAChelonopsis moschata・B Euphorbia pekinensis Thylnus serphyUum var。japonensis A ssp.quinquecostatus A Buxus microphylla Pedicularis resupi且ata 、 B var・japoni¢a A Phtheirospermum j4ponicum .B IIex sugerokii VerQnicastrum sibiriculn ssp.longipedunculata B var.japonicum A Euonymus alatus Galium verum f.striatus B vra. asiaticum Acer mono B f. nikoense A A. sieboldianum B ?Lonicera ramosissima B Berchemia longeracemosa B Abelia spathulata A Rhanmus japonica Viburnum furcatum B var. decipiens Apatrinia triloba A Camellia japonica Adenophora triphy1正a Tiliajaponica B Scabiosajaponica B ?ssp, rusticana B sap。 aperticampanulata A 、Hypericum kamtschaticum ..Artemisia.keiskeana A 、 var. senanense .,A Chrysanthemum makinoi A Viola grypoceras . . A Aster ageratoides .Stachyuruspraecox.B.ssp.leiophyllus A .Hedera rholnbea A Leibnitzia anandria . B Bupleumm‘longiradiatum Solidago virgaurea f.elatius . AB 》ar. asiatica 「 B Seseli ugoensis A. Y6ullgia dentiとulata ’ . B Helw圭ngia japonica B Arundinella hirsuta AB Leucothoe grayana Miscantllus sinensis B var・oblongifolia B Hostalongipes A Rhododendron trinerve B Polygonatum lasianthum 』 B .Tripetaleia paniculata Smilax「sieboldii A var・latifolia B S. vaginata Fraxinus lanuginosa var. stans . AB var. serrata B Veratrum Inaack呈i Ligustrum tschonoskli . B var. laponicum Clerodendron trichotomum A Dioscorea tokoro A Agastache rugosa B


26.Kanetsuri(Pref. Toyama) 1 . . Some outcrops of limestone are found here and there, though in smail sca王e, around the upper district of the KUrobe valley in Pref. Toyama. A vertical precipice of crystalline limestone near Kanetsuri, fQr example, is characterized by Asplenium 7z〃α一〃luraria,’1)ennstaedtia z砺埆76露, Polystichzam crasPedosoアum, C1θ〃zatis stan5 and Bupleblrum longi’radiatza〃z f. elati”s. At the foot of this cliff, Where.apPears a rocky and gravelly slope, Laportea macro・ stachNa,1~hus amろi8ua,.Acer mono and Alangi’u〃1 Platanifolittフn var. trilobum are growing predominantly.. All the detected plants are as. below.. No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 47

Asplenium ruta-muraria .A Acer mono B Cyrtomium fortunei A Aesculus turbinata B Dennstaedtia wilfordii A Hypericum kamtschaticum. Polystichuln craspedosotum A var. senanense A P. tripteron . 1・ B Viola grypoceras A Carpinus cordata . B Bupleurum longiradiatum

Zelkovaserrata.. B.f.elatius ABoehmeria Ilivea ’ Aralia elata B

ssp.nipononivea B Fraxinussp. BB。 spicata AB Comanthosphace昏tellipila . B Laportea macrostachya . B Galium verum Clematis stans A var. asiaticum Thalictrum皿inus’ f. nikkoense A vat. stipellatum A Lonicera sp. A Deutzia gracilis A Artemisia keiskeana A Philadelphus satsumi AB A. montana B Schizophragma hydrangeoides A Aster ageratQides Potentilladickinsii A ssp. leiophyllus A Zanthoxylum piperitum B Chrysanthemu皿rnakinoi A Euollymus fortunei . , Miscanthus sinensis . AB var. radicans Rhus ambigua B Lilium【naximowiczii . AAHostalongipes A

27. jKanagasaki.(Pref. Fukui) At Kanagasaki of Tsuruga at the bottom of the Tsuruga bay, there is孕 1imstone district along the coast about 1.5km wide。 The vegetatio取is repre・ ・・nt・d by th・w・・te-1・nd plants s・・h as,.助9・num・u・伽鵜漁Z1螂 ブaponicus,、配肱s chinensis ahd Miscanthus 5魏πs‘s as well as the maritime ones such as Sedza〃z oryzifolium, 五二ysimachia 〃zαuritiaria and Setaria viridis var・ pachystachys. The characteriきtic plants of Iimestone were not recognizable. The plants detected are as below.

Cyrtomium falcatum A Spiraea blumei A Celtis. sine血sis . Albizzia julibrissin B var. japonica・ BCaesalpinia japonica B .Zelkovaserrata. B IndigoferapseudQtinctoria A Dwarf and with thickened leaves. Pueraria IQbata . A PolygonumとUspidatum AB Mallotus japonicus A B Dianthus superbus Euonymus alatus .B var.10ngicalycinus A Ampelopsis brevipedunculata B Clematis terniflora . A Vitis thunbergii ・ A Thalictrum minus Elaeagnus macrophylla B var, hypoleucum A. Hedera rhombea A Cocculus trilobus. A Comus rnacrophylla B Arabis stelleri ・ 』 Trachelospermum asiaticum A var, japonica ・ALysimachia mauritiaria B Sedum oryzifolium . A Ligustrum obtusifolium B Pittosporum tobira . . B Solanum nigrum . A Rosa mu1.tifiora ・ B Paederia scandens ... 48 . Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30

var. maritima A . Youngia denticulata A Artemisia montana A Agropyron tsukushiense Aster ageratoides var. transiens A ssp. amplexifolius A Miscanthus sinensis AB Bidens biternata A Setaria viridis Chrysanthemum makinoi var. pachystachys A ?var。 wakasaense ALiriope platyphylla A Erigerollcanadensis A

28. Tone(Pref. Fukui) There is an old limestone quarry at about 400m above sea leve1,10km. southeast of Tsuruga. The limestone h量11, which was co.vered by red soils to・ some extent, was cut to present us some gravelly丘elds here and there. The vegetation is very poor on such places, being represented by only waste-. larld plants. There could be found no characteristic plants of limestone, toO.

Pteridium aquilium Teucrium japonicum B. var. japo且icum BPaederia scandens Polygo加m cuspidatum B ・ var. mairei B Duchesnea indica Artemisia!nontana B var. Ieucocephala A. princeps B f..japonica BErigeroncanadensis. @B. Desmodium racemosum B Kalimeris yomena B Pueraria lobata B Petasites japonicus B Geranium thunbergii B Sonchus oleraceus B MaUotus laponicus B Youngia denticulata B Rhus chinensis B Commelina communis B. Ampelopsis brevipedunculata . B Miscanthus sinensis B Seseli「ugoensis 』B Setaria viridis B Torilis japonica B

29.Matsuodera(Pref. Kyoto) There apPears a small limestone district around Matsuodera, east of Maizuru, Rounded rocks of limestone are scattered. on the ground and red ・・i1・fill・th・・space・b・tween th・m・Here・d…ef・rest wゆM・・励・・触δ・ゆ and Neolitsea sericea dominant stands over this distfict. Its subordinate members are all included in the following list, 、

Athyrium niponicum 「 B Ficus n互pponica A Leptogramma mollissima B Morus bombycis B Lemmaphyllum microphyllum A Akebia trifo1iata B Microlepia marginata A Cocculus trilo加s B Onychium japonicum A Neolitsea sericea B Torreya nucifera B Schisandra lligra B Cephalotaxus harringtonia Deutzia crenata B ssp. nana B Philadelphussatsumi B Carpinus tchoneskii. @B Pourthiaea villosa Castaneacrenata Bvar.1aevis B .No.30 Studies oll the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 49

Rosa multi且ora . B Actinidia argentea B Rubus parvifolius B Stachyurus praecQx B Caesalpinia japonica B Hedera rhombea A Pueraria lobata B Aucuba japonica B Wisteria brachybotrys B Comus macrophylla B Zanthoxylum schinifolium B Styrax japonica B Picrasma quassioides 、 B Tracherospermum asiaticum B Mallotus japonicus B Vibumum erosum B Rhus chinensis 唱 B Artemisia keiskeana B Euonymus japonicus Miscanthus sinensis . B var, radicans BLiriopeplatyphylla B Acer mono B Smilax china B Aesculus turbinata B Dioscorea quinqueloba B Vitis coignetiae B

30.Mt. Ibuki(Pref. Shiga) Mt. Ibuki(1377m elev.)is botanically well known for the historical and phytogeographical importance. It was an old medicinal plant ga士den contXoレ 1ed by Nobunaga ODA as long agQ as 380 years. Thus some European herbs such as Lathヅrus prateπsis and Vicia sepiu〃z are naturalized from this old cultivation。 Phytogeographically, it is often the limit of the area of some northem or southern species. For example, Barbalea orthoceras, SP”αθα niPPonica and碗01αactem伽ta are the members the southem limits of which are represented by Mt. Ibuki, while∠47痂s伽g召llosa and.Sヵ〃αθαnervosa are those which never distribute rnore northwards than this mountain. Cerastium 嬬・彦耀var.伽伽・i・・nd Ci・・i・m・・1吻廊・im・m・・e ex・mples・f th・ endemic forms. Geologically Mt. Ibuki is mainly constructed by the limestone formation. Limestone is exposed everywhere on the upper half. So far as the west side is concemed, the lower side is covered with deep red soils caused by advanced leaching of CaCO3 and other components. At the lower elevation, of the east side, on the other hand,1imestone.is replaced by sandstone. Here I could some data to compareしthe vegetations on calcareous stands with those on siiicious ones(SHIMIzu 1959 a). 、 Ecologically the arborous vegetation is hardly s66n on the west slope as well as on the summit area because of human activity, except.the small woods of Cryptomeria and of Quercus at the foot. On the east and lower side, the deciduous mixed forest of Carpinus, Qt‘ercus and Acer develops con- tinuously from foot to more than 1000m in altitude. The following list includes the selected plants only fro颯limestone habi・ tats but neither from red soils on the west slope nor from siliceous stands.

on the east side, A,pl。。ium,ut。-m・…i・ ..A C・・pi…c・・d・t・ B C。mpt・s・rus ・sibiricus A C・ 」・p・ni・a .B L・pt・9・amm・m・11i・si皿・. B C・ laxi且。・a、 B Chloranthus serratus BCorylus sieboldiana B 50 Tatemi SHIMIzu No,30

Quercus mongolica . Euonymus alatus var. grosseserrata B f. striatus A Boehnユeria spicata A B E. oxyphyHus B Aconiturn crassipes A B C E. sieboldiana AB Form with glabrous peduncles. Staphylea bumalda . B Cimicifugal simp正ex B Acer palmatum ・C・ aceri・a s・p. m。t、um。rae. B B var・peltata B A. mono Hepatica nobilis A. rufinerve B var. Japonlca B Rhamnus japonica . の R・・un・ul・・」・p・・i・u・ A var, mi、,・phyll。 B Ak・bi・q・i・・t・ B Amp・1・P・i・b。evip,dun、ulat、 B Epimedium sempervirens B Viola grypoceras B Lindera obtusiloba B V. hondoensis B Parabenzoin praecox B Angelica decursiva B P・ t・i1。b・1n B H・・acl・・m 1…t。m C B・・barea・rth・ce・as BC Tili・gi・k。u・a B Sisymbrium luteum B C Cornus controversa B Sedum subtile A C, holopetala B S・ …ti・ill・t・m A H・lwi・gi・j・p。ni、a B Deut・i・.9・acili・ . A IF・a・inu・ ・p・,thi。n。 B Some with purplish and smal1 . Ligustrum obtusifoliurn B 且owers 6-7mm in coro11訂1ength, . L, tschonoskif l A Philad・lph・・sat・umi AB Sy・ing・・eti・ul・t, B Schi・・ph・agma hyd・a・g・・id・・ B Cy・…h・m ascrif。1i。m B Ch・…m・1es j・p・・i・a B C. sublance。1。t。m Filipendulamultijuga C var.obtusulum B Potenti玉1a chinensis B Lamium albumKe「「iajaponica B Isodolljaponicus B P・u・thiaea vi11・・a v・・. b・,b。t。m B var. Iaevis B Thymus serphyllum R・sa m・1ti且・・a B ssp. q・i・q・…、t。t。, B S°rbus al・if・li・ B E・phr・・i・ii・um。i B Spiraea japonica Veronicastrum sibiricum va「・alpina var. japonicum A B f・ib・ki・n・i・ A C・rresp・・di・g t・v、,. hun,il、・N。KA,. S.nervosa A Ga1iu皿kinuta B St・ph・n・nd・a i・・1・a . B 。、,.。,i。ti、UmS・nipponica AG. verum[.、 Desmodium racemosum B f. nikkoense B Dumasia truncata B Rubia.chinensis Indigoferapseudotinctoria B var.glabrescens B Wisteria brachybotrys B Abelia spathulata B Geranium robertianum AB Viburnum di正atatum B Orixa japonica B V. erosum B Zanthoxylum piperitum B Zabelia integrifolia AB Euphorbia pekinensis Artemisia japonica B var・コap◎nensls B Aster ageratoides , ロ Ilexcrenata Celastrus orbiculatus . B Chryganthemum makinoi ABBssp,1eiophyllus、 B No,30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 51

Tetraploid race(SHIMIzu 1962). Disporum smilaginum B Cirsium confertissirnum B C Hosta montana BC Serratulacoronata Ophiopogonplaniscapus B ssp. insularis B Veratrum maackii Solidago virgaurea f. macranthum B ssp, asiatica B C var・japonicum ’ B Carex sp. . B Dioscorea nipponica B Alliurn thunbergii B D. tokoro B

31.Mt. Ryozen(Pref. Shiga) Mt. Ryozen(1084m elev.)is the nearest southern peak of the previous mountain and the northerllmost member of the Suzuka mountains. Similarly, 1imestone is exposed around the summit where there develops the elusive undulating grassland and soils are mostly reddish. The middle and lower side are occupied by the deciduous woods or the planted forest of Cryptomeria under which limestone is hardly found. The following plants are concerned with iinlestone crevices and rubbly lands near the stlmmit in. particuiar.

Asplenium incisum A Pourthiaea villosa A. ruta_muraria A var・laevis B C。m,t・…u・・ibi加・ A G・・a・i…?be輿num B 搬糀膿,、m、 S総1鞭b°1dlana l

Phylliti・ ・g…P・・d・i・m A E。。。ym。、 a1、t。, ・ Polystichum tripteron B f、. striatus A Cephalotaxus harringtonia E, ,:. sieboldianus B ssp, nana B Staphylea bumalda B Carpinus japonica B Viola grypoceras A Laportea macrostachya B Daphne pseudomezereum B Polygonum cuspidatulu A Alangium platanifolium Aconitum sp, B var. trilobum B Cimidf・g・・implex B Her・ρ1・um 1・natum B CIematis stans A Comus rnacrophylla B Hepatica且obilis Rhododendron laponicum B var. japonica B R. ..I kaempferi B Ranunculus japQnicus B Symplocos chinensis Akebia quinata B varjeucocarpa A,abi、 g。mmif・・a B f・pi1・sa ・B Wasabia japonica A Ligustrum obtusifolium B Cool place near a limestone cave, Comanthosphace ste11ipila B Astilbe thunbergii B Vibumum dilatatum A Deutzia gracilis A Chrysantheluum makihoi AB , Philadelphus satsumi B Tetraploid race (SHIMIzu 1962). Saxifraga cortusaefolia B Taraxacum sp.. . . B Agrimonia pilosa B Melica nutans B Chaenomeles japonica B Carex sp. B Potentilla freyniana B Alliunユsp. . B 52 . Tatemi SiuMlzu No.3ひ

32.Go醜ge娘一dani(Pref. Shiga) At the southem foot of Mt, Ryozen there is a narrow valley named Gongendani about 200m or so in altitude. Cli鉦s or rubbly slopes of互irnestone, alternating with those of siliceous rock, fall into this river on both sides, Although no dense forest is generally seen, some colonies of Sinomenittm acutu〃2, Gera zi”m robertianzam and 1~hus α〃zbigua are very characteristic of. the sunny rubbly Ii1nestone slopes, whereas Philadelph”s satsumi and Spiraea: nervosa are the important species inhabiting Iimestone crevices as we玉l as on、 rubbly slopes. These plants could not be found on siliceous s£ands around there, $ome co皿parisons of the floristic components on them with those ou limestone there will be referred in PART III. Anyway the plants detected from limestone 丘elds in the present district are as below.

Asplenium sarelii .A leaves beneath and the other Athyrium oRuboanum B alrnost glabrous. Ca皿p奮osorus sibiricus ASaxifraga fortunei Cyrtomium fortunei A var. incisolobata A Dennstaedtia wilfordii AKerria japonica B Lemmaphyllum m{crophyllum A・Rubus phoenicorasius B Phyl三itis scoropendrium A Spiraea nervosa A Polystichum craspedosorum A . Lespedeza buergeri . A. P. tsussimense A Geranium robertianum B Pteris multifida A Orixa japollica A Cephalotaxnsharringtonia Euphorbia sieboldiana A ssp. nana B Mercurialis Ieiocarpa B. Zelkova serrata B Rhus ambigua B. 耳1atoste皿ma umbellatum Euo且ymus alatus var. majus A f. striatns A Buckleya lanceolata Polygonum cuspidatum A Meliosma tenuis ABE. oxyphylius B. Euptelea polyandra AB Parthenocissus tricuspidatus B Anemone hupehensis ’ Vitis coignetiae B var. japonica AB Actinidia polygama Bl Clematis stans B Viola grypoceras A Thalictrum minus Fraxinus lanuginosa var・hypoleucu皿 A var・serrata ll. A Akebia quinata B Syringa reticulata ’、 B・ Sillomenium acutum B Trigonotis brevipes . A Neolitsea sericea B Veronica meli忌saefolia A Arabisflagellosa.. A Lonicerasp. B, Cardamine leucantha AB Ixeris stlonifera B Sedum subtile, A Youngia denticulata A. A Astilbe thunbergii B Ca王amagrostis arundinaceaS.verticillatunl AY. japonica Deutziacrenata Avar. brachytricha A

D.gracilis A Festucaparvigluma、 AA. Hydrangea serrata APoa sphondylodes Philadelphus satsumi ACarex curvicollis A Some are sparsely pubescent on Allium tuberosurn A. No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 53 Chionographisjaponica A Hostalongipes A

33.Mt。 Fujiwara(Pref. Mie) Mt, Fujiwara(1100m elev.)is also a member of the Suzuka mountain range。 As the whole the lower and middle part is covered by deep red soils though we often come across rocks and rubbly lands of limestone. In its upPer part there develops a broad grassland like in Mt・Ibuki and in Mt・ Ryozen, contrary tQ the deciduous woods on the正ower part・ The plants detected from cliffs, gravelly bush lands and graveily grasslands are as below.

Adiantum pedaturn 「 B Neolitsea sericea . B Asplenium sarelii A Parabenzoin praecox B Athyrium mesosorurn B Chelidonium japonicum B Camptosorus sibirieus A Arabis fiagellosa A .Cyrtomium fortunei B A・ gemmifera A Davallia mariesii ・ A Sedum verticillatum B Dennstaedtia wilfordii . A Chrysosplen圭um grayanum B Dryopteris uniformis B Deutzia crenata A Lemmaphyllum microphyllum A D・ gracilis A Neocheiropteris ensata A D. maximowicziana A Onychium japonicum AHydrangea serrata B Phyllitis scoropendrium . A Mitella!eiopetala B Polystichum craspedosorum A philadelphus satsumi AB P・ tsussimense A.Saxifraga fort岨ei

.Torreya nucifera B Kerria rjaponica A BPteris皿ultifida Avar・incisolobata A・ Carpinus japonica BPourthiaea villosa コリ

Corylussteboldiana C va1’.laevis AZelkova serrata B Rosa皿ultiflora . B FicusnipPonica A Rubusbuergeri ABoehmeriaspicata AR. microphylla B B。tricuspis AR. palmatus BAsarum caulescens B . Spiraea nervosa A

Polygonum cuspidatum A Caesalpirlia japonica ABA.sieboldii B Stephanandraincisa A .Stellaria uchiyamana Indigofera pseudotinctoria A

f.apetala B Lespedezabuergerii AAconitum grossedentatum B Oxalis acetocella A, 10czyanum B ssp, griththii ’ B AdQnis amurensis B Geranium robertianum A Anemone flaccida B Orixa japonica A B A. nikoensis B Zanthoxylum piperitum B A. pseudoaltaica B Mallotus japonicus B CIematis stans .. AB Mercurialis leiocarpa A Thalictrum actaefolium A B 3ecurinega suffruticosa A Akebia quinata B Buxus mic罫op血ylla

Berberisthunbergii B.var.japonica AEpimedium sp.. .、. . B Rhus ambigua B Nandina domestica. . B Euonymus alatus 54 Tatemi SHIMrzu No.3〔}

f.alatus BPedicularis resupinata.B

f.striatus B Galiurnkinuta BStaphylea bumalda B Abelia spathulata B Acer carpinifolius B Viburnum dilatatum B A. mono B Zabelia integrifolia B Berchemia racemosa B Campanula punctata B Rhamnus japonica Ainsliaea apiculata A var.、microphYlla Aster ageratoides

Daphne pseudomezereum B Chrysanthemum maldnoi ABStachyuru6praecox. A ssp.1eiophyUus A AIangium platanifolium Cirsium suzukaense B var. trilobum A. Erigeron annuus A Aucuba japonica B Youngia denticulata A Helwingia japonica B Misca皿thus sinensis B

Fraxinuslanuginosa Poatubifera B var. serrata B Erythronium japonicum B Ligustrum obtusifolium B Fritillaria muraiana B Trachelospermum asiaticum A Ophiopogon japonicus B Larnium albui皿 Trillium srnallii B var, barbatum B Tulipa latifolia B

34.Foot of Mt. Nonobori(Pref. Mie) Westnorthwest of Kameyama and around the eastern foot of Mt. Nono・ bori,1imestone occurs here and there along a branch of the Suzuka-river. Some singular spectacles such as Shakudaijin and Byδblliwa owe limestone bluffs thanks. Although surface of these cliffs is hardly covered by vegetation, there apPear comparatively dense bushes on rubb五y lands near the cliffs. Torreya nucifera, Boeh〃2θ吻spicata,ハleolitsea sericea, Ker吻juPonica, Orixα ブaPonica, PhN〃anthus プ7exuosus, Alangium Platanif()lium var・ trilobum and /1ucubaブaponica are their important members. All these detected plants are inchユded in the following list,

Athyrium unifurcatum A Arabis且age1ユosa A Camptosorus sibiric皿s A Deutzia gracilis A Cyrtomium fortunei B D. maximowicziana A DryOpteriS laCera APhiladelphUS SatSUmi i B Polystichum craspedosorum A Schizophragma hydrangepides B Pteris cretica ・B Kerria japonica 、 B P.multifida A RosawichuraiFLna B Torreya nucifera AB Rubus crataegi.folius A Cephalotaxus harringtonia C R。 phQenicorasius B

Boehmeria spicata B Stephanandra incisa AZelkovaserrata B Spiraeanervosa A Urtica thunbergiana B Lespedeza buergeri . B Euptelea polyandra A Leaflets smaller than 2.7cm×1.3cm. Clematis stans A Wisteria brachybotrys A Akebia quinata B Orixa japonica B SinQrnenium acutum B Zanthoxyluln schinifolium B Neolitsea sericea B Picrasma quassioides A No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 55

Mallotus japonicus A Ligustrum japonicum AB

Sapium japonicum A Osmanthus ilicifolius APhyllanthus且exuosus B L obtusifolium B Euonymus alatus Trachelospermum asiaticum B f.alatus AB Marsdenia tomentosa B f,str三atus A Callicarpa mollis A E. fortunei . Abelia spathulata B var. radicans A A. tetrasepala . A Acer carpinifolium B Viburnum dilataturn A A. palmatum B Aster ageratoides Ampelopsis brevipedunculata A ssp. 1eiophyllus A Parthenocissus tricuspidatus A Eupatrium chineusis Camellia japonica B var. simplicifo1三urn B Eurya japonica . B Syneilesis palmata AB V{ola grypoceras A Youngia denticulata A Stachyurus praecox B Miscanthus sinensis AB Daphne pseudomezereum B Lilium maximowiczii Elaeagnus pungens B f. tenuifol.im B Alangium platanifolium Ophiopogon japonicus B var. t1’iloburn B O. ohwii. B Hedera rhombea 噛 A Polygonatum maculantum A Aucuba japonica B Smilax nipponica B Helwlngia japonica . AB Dioscorea japonica B Rhoclodendronkaempferi B

35. Shiraya(Pref. Nara) In the upper district of the Yoshino river, li]〔#estQne is often exposed and presents many a great cliff in the vicinity of Shiraya and Kashiwagi in parti・ cular. In this and the next article, the且oras of these two cliff regions, Shiraya and Kashiwagi, will be described separately. Regarding the former region, about 300m in altitude, though I did not yet visit there, KosHIMIzu(1954)published a short sketch of the flora in which he attached importance to presence of Eriobotr夕a jαPonica in wild state. The other plants recorded by him as found on liエnestone are all included in the following Iist.

Adiantum monochlamys A Selaginella involvens A Asplenium incisum A Woodsia manchuriensis .A A.prolongatum A Brousollettia kazinoki A Camptosorus sibiric皿s AFicus nipponica A Cyrtomium fortunei A Boehmeria spicata A Lemmaphyllum microphyllum A Euptelea polyandra A Lepisorus thunbergianus A Arabis丘age110sa A Loxogramme saziran A Seduln makinoi A Neocheiropteris ensata AS. verticillatum A Polypodium niponicum A Deutzia scabra A Polystichum tsussimense A Eriobotrya japonica A Pteris multi且da A Spiraea blumei A Pyrrosia linearifolia .A Mercurialis leiocarpa A 56 Tatemi SHIMIzu . No.3G

Impatiens hypophylla A C6rnus controversa A AIangium platanifolium Syringa reticulata A var。 trilobum AAnodendronaf丑ne A AngelicashikQkiana ALonicerasp. A 36. K読shiwagi(Pref. Nara) Kashiwagi is about 6km southeast of the previous field. It is in this district where there are two great limestone caves named Fudo-kutsu and Tennin-kutsu, which are derived from the. enormous bluf[s overhanging the rlver. TERAo(1960)studied the vegetation of these cliffs and of the neighbourhood, and outlined as follo虚s. On sunny cliffs,ノlsPlθnium ruta一アnuraria,ノtZ ziPerus sargentii, spiraea. nervosa (correctly S. ろlttmeの, ゐ召spede2a bz‘ergeri, 1)iplomorpha sikokiana and Fraxi zus 1α脇8伽osαvar. serrata are most frequent. On shady cliffs, P勿〃itis scorope- ndrium, Polystichum crasPedOSOi’徽, Sax功‘aga妙伽ei var. inciso励a彦α, Orixa ブ砂0肱α,Berchei吻racemosa, Alangium Platanifo伽ve var. trilobum, Helwingia ブ砂onica and Tricッ漉s hirta are growing abundantly. At sunlly gra▽elly ridges Zabelia integrifolia-Spiraea 7zθ7”osα(correctly S. btumeのcommunity, on sun町 screes colonies of Asplenium rzata-〃zzararia, on humid gravelly slopes Orixa ブapo耽a-Helwingi’αブαカo雇cαcommunity, on sunny siope gravelly but to some extent covered with soils the light forest of.Bercゐθ珈α berchemiaefo〃α and on mossy gravelly lands Camptosorus szbtr加s community are character istic, respectively, The list of the detectable plants in this region is as below.

Adiantum monochlamys . A Juniper皿s sargentii A Asplenium ruta-mur皿ria A Quercus glauca B A.sare正ii Camptosorus sibiricus ABoehmeria spicata AQ. salicina BA Cyrtomium fortunei A Euptelea polyandra . B . C. caryotideam A Clematis apiifolia B (TERAo 1960) Thallctrum minus Dryopterislacera A var. hypoleucum「A Lemmaphylluln microphylkユm A Akebia trifoliata B Phyllitis scoropendrium A Nandina dQme$tica ㌦ B Polystichum craspedosorum .A Lindera obtusiloba .・ A P。 tsussimense A Arabis flagellosa A l)teriscretica A Sedummakin6i A P.multifida A Deutziagracilis A P. yamatensis A Philadelphus satsumi B (TAGAwA 1935, as P. angustiPinna Saxifraga fortunei var.ツan2atensis) var.incisolobata A Pyrrosialinearifo正ia. A Schizophragmahydrangeoides A Selaginella tamariscina AEriobotrya japoniea A Vittaria flexuosa A Kerria japonica A Torreya nucifera B Rosa multiflora 牌 B Cephalotaxusharrlllgtonia B Spiraeablumei A No,30 Studies on the limestolle f1Qra of Japa皿and Taiwan 57

Lespedeza buergeri A Alangium platanifolium Orixa japonica B var. trilobum B Zanthoxylum planispinUm B Hedera rhombea A Z. schinifolium B Aucuba japonica B Phyllanthus且exuosus B Comus macrophyUa A .Securinega suffruticosa B Helw量ngia japonica B Buxus microphylla Fraxinus lanuginosa

var.japonica「Avar。serrata AIIex pedunculosa B Trachelospermum asiaticum B .Euonymus alatus 、 Marsde且ia tomentosa B

f.striatus BConandronramondioides A.E. fortunei Galium kinuta A var. radicans A Abelia Spathulata B Meliosma nユyriantha B Zabelia integrifolia A Berchemia berchemiaefolia B Chrysanthernum indicum A B. racemosa B C. maldnoi A .Rhalnnus japonica Syneilesis palmata A var. microphylla Ophiopogon japonicus B Parthenocissustricuspidatus A Tricyrtishirta A Diplomorpha sikokiana B

37.Mts. Oomine(Pref. Nara)

In the way from Mt. Gyojagaeri to Mt. Misen both in Mts. Oomine, we can find a belt of the limestone area 6f about 200m in width acrossing .the ridge(1500m elev.).』Rounded rocks of limestone. are more or iess dense1Y scattered throughout this area, and black soils瑚up between them・As reported in my previous paper(SHIMIzu 1959 b),ゼhe vegetaion is markedly .contrasted between this and the adjacent non-calcareous area. Roughly spea- ’king, it is represented by the mix今d forest of beech and maple onりoth the ,areas. But, in the shrub and herb layer the floristic components alld their abundance are greatly changed between them. For example, the shrub layer, ・is much inconspicuous on the non-ca玉careous field, while Philadelphns sastumi ・Var. nikoensis,1~hamnU800S鰯α, Syringa retiCUIata, etC. are Well grOWing On ・the calcareous one. Such comparison of the vegetaion between these different ・fields will be mentioned in detaii later(PART III). Here only a plant 1ist from ・the present calcareous五eld is proposed・ ,

Dryopter量s monticola C Urtica Iaetevirens 』C D。 polylepis C Polygonum nepalense C Leptogramma mollissima C Aconitum grossedentatum C Abies homolepis C AnemonopSis macrophyUa C Pterocarya’窒?盾奄?盾撃奄=@ C Cimicifuga simplex C ・Carpinus japonica C C正ernatis obovallata C Corylus sieboldiana. @ C Paeonia obovata C Fagus crenata . C Berberis tschonoskyana B Laportea bulbifera . C Sisymbrium luteum C .Pilea japonica C Sedttm sordidum A .P..hamaoi C On mossy limestone. 58 Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30i

Chrysosplenium echinus C Fraxinus lanuginosa Deutzia floribunda B var. serrata B Kirengeshoma palmata C Ligustrum tchonoskii B Philadelphus satsumi Sy1’inga reticulata B var. nikoensis B Cynanchum ascrifolium C Schizophragrnahydrangeoides B C. caudatum C、 Agrimonia pilosa C Chelonopsis rnoschata . C Geum japonicurrゴ C Clinopodium chinense Potentilla centigrama . C ssp, grandifiorum Pourthiaea villosa var. shibetchense C var。1aevis B C. mtllticaule C Rubus minuscωus C Larnium ambiguum C・ Sqrbus commixta C Scrophularia duplicato-serrata B. Spiraea blumei A Veronica melissaefolia C Stephaロandra incisa BPIantago asiatica C. Picrasma quassioides A Galium kinuta BC. Geranium tripartitum C G. paradoxum A Euonymus alatus On mossy limestone. f.striatus B G。 trifloriforme C E. oxyphyllus B Abelia spathulata B E. sieboldianus . Sarnbucus racemosa var. sanguineus C ssp, sieboldiana B, Staphylea bumalda B Viburnum furcatum .. C Acer japonicu血 C V. wrightii C Impatien忌holi-tangere C Peracarpa carnosa Rham皿us costata B var. circaeoides C R. japonica Aster ageratoides var。 microphylla B ssp, leiophyllus C Actinidia arguta C Cirsium gyojanum C Daphne pseudomezereum B Ligularia fischerii . C EIaeagnus montana B Saussurea nipPoni6a C Circaea alpina C Brachypodium sylvaticum C C. erubescens . C Diarrhena japonica C Panax japonicus C Miliurn effusum C Angelica decursiva C Carex foliosissima C Heracleum lanatum C Arisaema sp. C Spuriopimpinella nikoensis C Hosta montana C Cornus kousa ・ B Lilium medeoloides L.1、 C Helwingia japonica ・B Veratrum maackii 、 C SymplQcos coreana C

38.Yura(Pref. Wakayama) At and near the sea coast in Yura-cho of Wakayama pref. there occur limestone formations. I could collect the following plants on a limestone hin en route from Ena to Oobilくi in this district. Most of them are also found in the adjoining siliceous fields and are common in the coastal districts as south as the present orle, But, two of七hem, viz. Clematisω〃客α,”s客ゴand Eriobotryaブaponica, are confined to the calcareous hillsides, while Zanthoxyl・am ρ1α蛎3鋤膨初,ハ4ercurialis leiocarpa and Marsdenia tomentosa seem to be biased No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 59 to the limestone habitats.

Asplenium sarelii A Cinnamomum japonicum B Cyrtomium falcatum A Machilus japonica B Microlepia strigosa B Eriobotrya japo皿ica A Podocarpus macrophylla B Prunus zippeliana B Piper kadzura. AZanthoxylum planispinnm B Ficus erecta l A Mercurialis leiocarpa B B F. wightiana A Xylosma japonica BF.nipponica A EIaeagnnspungens Debregaesia edulis B Bupleurum falcatum B Aquilegia adoxoides AGardeneria nutans B. Clematis w量lliamsii B Marsdenia tomentosa B. With small fiowers ca,2cm in Senecio scaロdens B diameter,

39. Katsuyama(Pref. Okayama) There is a we11-knowll water-fall named Kanbanotaki,500m alt., about 4km north of Katsuyama, Maniwa-gun. Although the substratum of the water- fall and its very adjacent area is not of calcareous rock, the hillside which is some hundred meters forward the water-fall, is constructed by the Permo- carboniferous Iimestone. Unfortunately the vegetation of the hill has.been partly destroyed for facilities of excursion to the water-fa11. Depending on my observatiorl, however, the且oristic members of this calcareous field and non-calcareous one are still of striking contrast. As far as the limestone slope is concerned, the vegetation is represented by the ,lnixed forest comprising of 7「orreツa nucifera, CastanoPsis cuspidata, Z21々ωα58〃厩α・Neolitsea sericea, ノ1cer carpini/bliu〃z,五.カα1〃2atum and Hovenia dz‘lcis,.EUPtelea Polツandra, Phila- del伽S satsumi var.%伽編s, P勿11侃伽S!’leXU・SUS, Rhus ambigua・Hb吻 ブaψonica,1~ごz〃mellαfrangaloi(1θs and!11angizamノ)latanifoliu〃z are striking shrubs. or climbers being absent fro皿the siliceous fields around there・The detected plants are as below・

PCyrtomium caryotideum B Thalictrum actaefolium A Aspleninmsarelii A Clematistosaensis A C. falcatnm B Cocculus trilobus B Phyllitis scoropendrium B Sinomenium acutum B Torreya nucifera B Li且dera umbellata B Castanopsis cuspidata Neolitsea sericea B var.sieboldii B Arabisfiagellosa A Morus tiliaefolia B Sedum bulbiferum B Zelkovaserrata B Cardamineleucantha B Boehnleria nivea S. .verticillatum . A ssp. n1pononivea . AB Deutzia gracilis A .Laportea macrostachya B . Philadelphus satsumi Pileajaponica P. petiolaris ・ . Schizophragma hydrangeoides B.Avar・nikoensis B ssp. pseudopetiolaris B]E(erria japQnica B. Eupteleapolyandra B Rosasambucina A 160 Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30

var. latifolia A Ampe王opsis. brevipedunculata BSpiraeanervesa Stachyuruspraecox B Wisteria brachybotrys B AIangium platanifolium erixajaponica Zanthoxylum piperitum B Circaea cordata BBvar.trilobum B Acer carpinifolium B Hedera rhornbea A A.cissifolium B Spuriopimpinella calycina B A. pa王rnatum層 B Aucuba japonica B Euonymus fortunei. Cornus controversa B var. radicalls Hosiea japonica .. B Ligustrum obtusifolium BBDiospyroslotus B Hovenia dulcis . B Ajuga japonica B Rha1丁mellafranguloides B Galiumpogonanthum A Buxus microphylla Gymnaster savatieri . B var..japonica BBrachypodiumsylvaticum A Rhus ambigua B Arisaema ringens B Mallotus japonicus B Pinellia tripartita A Mercurialis leiocarpa B DioscQrea tokoro B Phyllanthusfiexuosus B

40, Niimi(Pref。.Okayama) The district known as the Atets晒一daichi,.Which formerly belonged to Atetsu-gun and in present to Niimi-shi, is one of the most f狐10us limestone ・districts in Japan・ Although majority of the district is.covered with deep .red soils to be an elusive plateau, in some parちs limestone is exposed and ・there occur, on one hand, some delimited limestone fields here and there such as the so-called Fudonotaki, Makiana and Rashomon, and, on the otller lhand, an enormous cliff region called Atetsu-kyo derived from the Takahashi .river penetrating the present plateau, In this article, I intend to describe the floras of Rashomon which is a ,depressed Iimestone area with closed or shady vegetation, of Fudonotaki which is a huge cliff with rather dry vegetation, and of the Atetsu-kyo which occupies the long distance more than 12km between Ikura and Shoden, lseparately, The limestone vegetatio1ユof Ikura and Rashomon was recent正.y announced セby TERAo(1955), so that tlle analytical vegetational aspecピ.of these fields lshould be referred to hi皿. Here T will of[er only the且oristic materials avai. 1able to my own hand, (1)Rashomon-一一一一・.-This is a well delimited depressed area surrounded by high walls of limestone. They exhibit in so皿e parts mossy humid vegetation with AsPleniu〃z capilliPe5, Pol:ソstichum crasf》edosorum, Elatostemma umbellatu栩 var。 majus, Saxifraga cortusaeプ「olia and so on, and in Qther parts scattered shady vegetation with Camptosbrus sibiricu5,, Polystichu〃z tsussime箆se, Arabis /7age〃osa, Aster ageratoides ssp. leiophyllus and so on but withoutmoss coverS, On the gravelly ground, Cephalotaxus harringtonia, 、伍)siea ブα1}o漉oα, Acer ‘arpinifoliuin, f~hamne〃aノンα箆gz410‘4θs and Az‘czabaブaponica are conspicuously ,abundant. On.sunny gravelly places upward the limestone walls, there is No.30 Studies on the Iimestone flora of Japan and Taiwa11 61.

recognized, as TERAo(1955)pointed out, a sparse forest with Pinus densiflora: and Quercus variabilis dominant. The detected plants are as below. Aspleniumcapi】1ipes A Cardiandraalternifolia A A.ruta-muraria A Deinanthe bifida B Athyrium okubobanum . AB Hydrangとa luteovenosa BA。sarelii A Deutziagracilis A A. picnosorum B H. serrata A B A. unifurcatum AB Mitella pauci且ora .B damptosoruS sibiricus A Philadelphus satsumi Cyrtomium fortunei var. nikoensis A var. clivicolum A Saxifragacortusaefolia A var. fortunei ・B S. fusca Hypodematium glanduloso-pilosum A ssp. kikubuki A Lemmaphyllum microphyllum A Kerria iaponica B Polystichumcraspedosorum A Stephanandraincisa A P. . rigens B Indigofera pseudotinctoria B・ P. tsussimense AB Wisteria brachybotrys B. Pteris cretica .A Orixa)aponica B Pyrrosia linearifolia A Zanthoxylum planiSpinum B. Selaginella tamariscina . A. Picrasma quassioides A Cephalotaxus harringtonia ・ B Mercurialis leiocarpa B.

Juniperus rigida 3 Buxus microphyllaPinusdensiflora B Phyllanthusflexuosa B Carpinus 1axiflora A B var. japonica B,

Q. variabilis B Euonymus琴latusQuercus glauca B IIexpedunc叫osa B Brousonettia kazinoki B f. striatus B、 Morus tiliaefolia B Staphylea bumalda B Boehmeria spicata B Hosiea japonica B EIatostemma laetevirdns . A Acer carpinifolium B E. umbellatuln Rhamnella franguloides B var. majus A Rhamus japonica Pilea m。ng。li、a A .・…micr・phyll・’ . A P.P・ti・1・fi・ Stachy・・u・p・aec。・ . B ssp, pseudopetiolaris B EIaeagnus pungens .B Urtica thuロbergianum B Aucuba japonica B. Po玉ygonum filiforme B Helwingia japonica B、 Achyra皿thes japonica B Ligustrum obtusifolium .B、 Clematis stans A Gardeneria multiflora A Akebia trif◎liata B Trachelospermum asiatieum B Menispermum dauricum . B Tylophora aristrochioides A Lindera obtusiloba B Meehania urticlfolia B L. umbellata B Conandro皿ramondioides A Neolitsea sericea B Abeliaspathulata B Ch。1id。ni。m m。j。、. A・ t・tra・ep・1・ B・ ssp. asiaticum B Viburnum carlesii Arabisfiagellosa Avar. bitchiuense B Sedummaki且oi A V. dilatatum.B.S. verticillatum A V, erosum B 62 Tatemi SHIMIzv No.30

V. plicatum C. makinoi B var. tomentosum BLactuca raddeana

Valeriana flaccidissima . A Youngia yosbi皿oi AZabe艮iaintegrifolia A var. elata B Artemisia keiskeana B Asperella longearistata A Aster ageratoides Calamagrostis arundinacea ssp。 leiophy11us A var, brachytricha.A Chrysanthemum i耳dicum B Ophiopogon japonicus A

(2)Tanagase-一・__The so-called Fudδnotaki at Tanagase is a small but high waterfal1 which comes down orl the surf鼠ce of a great exposed limestone bluff. The delimited area surrotmding this waterfall shows us a characteristic limestone vegetation. The cliff itself is illhabited by Camptosorus sibirictes,正ly・ Podematium glanduloso-Pilostcm, Deectzia gracilis, EriobotryaブaPonica, Spira召a nervosa var.1α卿b1ゴα, BZCXUS microPhylla var.ブaPonica, Gardeneria multiflora, レ”iburnum carlesi,J var, ろitchuense, ノ1rtemisia keiskeana and Youngia yoshinoi, On rubbly steep slope down the cliff there well grow Torreya nztcifera, QMerctts 8伽oα,Nαndina domestica, Neolitsea sericea, Kerria yαPonzlca,07畑ブαρo耽α, Zanthoxツlu〃z Plαnis1)illu〃z and Alangiu〃1 Platanifolium var. triloろu〃2. All the components on this cli任and slope are shown as below.

Aleuritopteris argentea A ssp, pseudopetiolaris B Asplenium ruta-muraria A Thalictrum actaefoliu皿 AB A. sarelii A T, minus Athyrinm okuboanum B var. stipellatum A A。 unifurcaturn B Epimedium sp. A Camptosorus sibirieus A Nandina domestica B Cyrtomium fortunei AB Menispermum dauricum A Hypodematium glanduloso-pilosum A Neolitsea sericea B Lemrnaphyllum microphyllum A Sedu皿makinoi A Polystichum craspedosorum A. Deutzia gracilis A P. tsussimense A B Hydrangea serrata AB Pteris cretica AB Philadelphus satsumi A P.multifida A Eriobotrya japonica AB Pyrrosia linearifolia AKerria laponica AB Selaginella tamariscina A Rosa sp, A Torreya nucifera B Rubus buergei t.、 B Juniperus chinesis .A Spiraea皿ervosa l・、

Q・ salicina B Wisteria brachybotrys BQuercusglauca Bvar.1atifolia.A Carpinus turczaninovii BOrixa japonica B Zell《ova serrata A Zanthoxylum planispinum.B Brousonettia kazinoki A Acalypha australis A Morus tiliaefolia A Mercurialis leiocarpa B Ficus n{PPonica A Securinega suffruticosa A Boehmeria nivea. Buxus microphylla ssp. nipononivea A B var, japonica A

EIatostema Iaetevirens A Euonymus fortuneiB.spicata A Rhuschinensis A Pilea petiolaris var, radicans B No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of∫apan and Taiwan 63

E。 oxyphyllus B var. trichopetalum A Acer nikoensis B Paederia scandens. Rhamnus yoshinoi A var. mairel B Parthenicissus tricuspidatus A Vibumum carlesii

V. sp. A . V, erosum BViolagrypoceras A var.bitehiuense A Edgeworthiapapyrifera.BZabeliaintegrifolia A Elaeagnus pungens B Gynostemma pentaphyllum B Alangium platanifolium Artemisia keiskeana A var. trilobum B Carpesium abrotanoides I3 Hedera rhombea A Chrysanthemum indicum A Spuriopimpinella calycina A Pertya glabrescens B Aucuba japonica B Syneilesis palmata A Helwingia japonica B Yo皿ngia yoshinoi AB Fraxinus sieboldiana ABrachypodium sylvaticuエn A Ligustrum obtusifolium A CIeistogenes hackelii A ドGardeneria multiflora A Melica onoei A Trachelospermum asiaticurn A Miscanthus sinensis 』 A Marsdenia tomentosa A Oplismenus undu正atifolius

Callicarpajaponica B var.japonicus AB Salvia japonica A Arisaema shikokianurn AIsodonin且exus B Carexsp. Conandron ramondioides . A Hosta long1pes AB Galium pogonanthum Ophiopogon japonicus AB

(3)Ikura to Shoden When we take a route fro皿Ikura to Shoden(150 mor so in altitude), very often we meet with escarpn牟nts of limestone along the river. Although the vegetation of their surroundihgs is a11nost destroyed by human activity,1imestone bluffs are playing a role to retain some species of very rare occurrence in Japan, For exarnple, 1~hodoty♪os scandens, Rhamnus ニソoshinoi, Vitis α〃zurensis, Forsy〃露α ゴαカoπ∫cα and }「oungi’α yoshinoi are aH growing thanks to these limestone bluffs. The’followingl floristic list is con・ cerned with the plantsエnainly from dry clifEs of Taniai, Ikura, Himehara, Nagaya, Hirose, Kawanose and Shoden, inclusively.

Aleuritopteris argentea A Pteris multifida A Asplenium sarelii A Pyrrosia linearifolia A Camptosorus sibiricus A Selaginella tamariscina A Coniogramme intermedium A Torreya nucifera A.B Cheilanthes chusana ACephalotaxus harringtonia B Cyrtomium fortunei Pinus densiflora . A var. clivicolum A Juniperus rigida A var. fortunei A.B Quercus acutissima A Cyc!osorus acuminata A B Q. 91auca . B Equisetum arvense A . Q. myrsinaefolia . B Hypodem.atium glallduloso-pilosum A .Q. variabilis A Lastrea subochtodes A, Celtis leveillei B Lemmaphyllum microphyllum A UImus parvifolia B Polystichum craspedosorum A Zelkova serraヒa A P. tsussimense A Brousoneしtia kazinoki A 64 Tatemi SHIMrzu No.30

Ficus nipPonica A Securinega sufEruticosa AB Boehmeria grandifolia ABuxus microphylla B. nivea var. japonica A ssp. nipQnollivea ARhuschinens{s A AR. sylvestris AB Laportea bulb{fera B.spicata AEuonymus fortunei Pilea petiolaris var・villosa A ssp. pseudopet’iolaris A Rhamnus yoshi皿oi Aquilegia adoxoides A var. velvetina A Anemone hupehensis var. yosb覧mi A var. japonica AAmpelopsisbrevipedunculata A CIematisstans A Parthenicissustricuspidatus A C.terniflora Thalictrum minus Camellia japonica . AAVitisamurensis A var. hypoleucum .A Viola grypoceras A Nandina domestica AB Stachyurus praecox A Menispermum dauricum ’ B EIaeagnus pungens A Neolitsea sericea B Hedera rho皿bea AB Chelidonium majus Peucedanum terebinthaceum A ssp。 asiaticum 、A Seseli ugoells{s A Arabis且agellosa A.Aucuba japonica AB Sedum bulbiferum A Helwingia japonica.・. ・ A S. makinoi A Diospyros lotus A S.subtile A Forsythiajaponica A S.verticillatum AFraxinus sieboldiana A Deinanthe bifida B Trachelospermum asiaticum ABS.viride A Gardeneriamultiflora AB

D. gracilis A Phtheirospermum japonicum ADeutziacrenata A Ajuganipponensis AB Hydrangea serrata B Justicia procumbens Philadelphus satsumi . var. leucantha A var. nikoensis AGalium pogonanthum2 A Ri1〕es fasciculatum APaederia scandens Saxifraga fortunei var. mairei A var. incisolobata ARubia cordifolia Agrimonia pilosa 幽 B var, munjista A .Eriobotrya japonica BLQnicera japonica 1. A Iくerria japollica .AB Viburnum carlesii ’L. Rhodotypos scandens . A var. bitchiuense ’ B (KosAKA‘1932)’. V。 ・erosum 「 A Rubus yoshinoi ’ B Zabelia integrifolia ’ B Spiraea nervosa Patrinia villosa var, latifolia . A Valeriana fauriei A Albizzia julibrissin B Trichosanthes bracteata A

var・e「ecta Assp.leiophyl1us ABZanthoxylum planispinu血 A B Erigeron annuus A MallQtus japonicus” . A Saussurea pulchella B No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwi。 n 65 Youngia denticulata ASetariaviridis A Y。japonica ACarexbrunnea Y.yoshinoi A var.nakiri ACalamagrostis arundinacea Trachycarpus fortunei B var。 brachtricha AB Escaped. Melica onoei A AIlium tuberosum A Microstegium japonicum A Asparagus lucidus A Miscanthus sinensis . AB Liriope platyphy1王a AB Oplismenus undulatifolius B Dioscorea quinqueloba A Poaa皿ua ASisyrinchiumatlanticum A P.sphondylodes A

41。 Upper Nariwa river(Pref. Okayama) The upper district of the Nariwa river is another limestone region of Pref. Okayama. TERAo (1955)studied the vegetation on cliffs and rubbly stands at the valley of Bankutsu-kei and in the way from Shito to Yose. In the forrner, according to his statements, Philadelphzas satsun~i, Sメ)〃αθαnervosa, Secz〃inega suffruticosa, Conαndron 7α〃iondioides and yヒ)卿¢gt昌αツoshino’i are the dominant species on clif〔s, whereas Quercus glauca, Machilusブの傭oα, Picrasma quassioides,五・θ吻伽α伽Z, Helwingiaゴ砂0嬢α, Fraxinus sieboldianα and ル1αr sdenia to〃zentosa are fairly abundant. In the latter, clif壬s are abun・ dantly inhabited by Ficus ni』り1)onica, ZanthoxNlz〃n planispinum, Gαrden召ria multifora, Artemisia keiskeana and 】!bungia yo8肋zo‘, while there dominantly grOW funiPerUS sargentii, CarpinUS laxiflora, QZterCUS S677α彦α,五indera obtusiloba, 伽伽9・a・ili・, S妙…nerv…V…1・tif・li・, Pゆ・・溺・qu・∬i・id・・and Trachelosカer〃¢%魏asiaticu}n on the rubbly stands・ .:・ The following plants which are concerned with the abo▽e two fields are all extracted from TERAo(1955),

A.spleniu皿ruta-muraria A Celtis sinensis

Camptosorus sibiricus A . Zelkova serrata A BA.sarelii A var.japonica A Cyrtomium fortunei A Ficus nipponica AB Dryop毛eris lacera B Morus tjliaefolia B Hypodematium glanduloso-pilosum A CIematis apiifQlia B Phyllitis scoropendrium B C. stans B Polystichu皿tsussimense B Pulsatilla cernua B Pteris multifida B Thalictrum actaefolium A’B Pyrrosia lingua , B Akebia trifoliata B Selaginella tamariscina A B Epimedium diphyllum B Cephalotaxus harringtonia B Nandina domestica AB Junipems rigida A Sinomenium acutum B J. sargentii AB Lindera glauca A Platycarya strobilacea B L. obtusiloba AB. Pterocarya rhoifolia B Machilus japonica B CarpinUs laxifiora Quercus ・ glauca B Parabenzoin praecox BANeolitsea sericea B Q. serrata B Arabis fiagellosa .A. 66 Tatem量SHIMIzu iNo.30

Sedum makinoi AB . var. trilobum :’.・.AB Deutzia gracilis .AB Hedera rhombea . B PhilaClelphus satsumi A B Aucuba laponica A Saxifraga fortuei Helwingia japonica AB var・incisolobata.A「Lyonia e正liptica .. B Amelanchjer asiatica. B Pieris japonica . B Eriobotrya japonica A Rhododerldroll kaempfer三. AB Kerria ja加nica B Ardisia japonica B Rosa sp. A Lysimachia clethroides. ’ .B Spiraea nervosa Diospyros kaki var。 latifolia AB var。 sylvestris .「 B Stephallandra incisa AB Fraxinus sieboldiana B Caesalpinica japonica A Ligustrum laponicum B Indigofera pseudotinctoria B L. Qbtusifolium B L合spedeza bicolor. B・Gardeneria rnultifiora A L. virgata B Trachelospermum asiaticum . A Or{xa japonica B Marsdenia tomentosa AB Zanthoxylu川plan,ispinum A B Ajuga nipponensis . .A. B Z・ . schipifolium . .B . Salvia japonica . . .B Pi・・a・m・q・assi・ides 、 B EIIi・i・phyll・rd rept・n・ B Mercurialis 1とiocarpa B 、 Conandron ramondioides AB Phyllahthus.flexuosus . .B Abelia serrata .. . B Sapium japonicu n トB A. spathulata . 』 B Securinega Suffruticosa AB A. tetrasepala . A Buxus microphylla . . Viburnum erosum. B var. japonica B Artemisia keiskeana AB Ilex chinensis . B Aster ageratoides Lcrenata 、B .ssp. leiophy正lus B I。pedunculosa B Leibnitzia anandria B Euonymus fortunei Picris hieracoides

var・radicans A ssp.japQnica BAcer palmatum B Sy皿eilesis palmata. B A。 rufiner▽e B Youngia yoshimi ... AB Ampelopsis brevipedunculata B Arthraxon hispidus B Parthenocissustricuspidatus A Carexsiderosticta B Ca搬ellia japonica B Pollia japonica B Eurya japonica B AIIium thunbergii.. B Viola ovato-oblQnga B Lilium maxinlowiczi・i.l B Diplomorpha shikoldana . A Sm圭lax china ’.、 B Elaeagnus umbellata B Dioscorea quinqueloba . B Alangium platanifolium D, t6koro B

42・ Taishakukyo(Pref, Hiroshima) In the northeastern part of Pref, Hiroshirna, there is a wel1-known scenic spot named Taishaku-kyo. It is a valley overhanged by high lime・ .stone walls in the distance of more than 5km, tllough they are sometimes replaced by conglomerates. Its altitude is about 400rn on an average. HoRIKAwA (1942)and HoRIKAwA and SAsAIく1(1959)analysed the vegetation over the present area. The latters described an association from here, viz, Orixeto-Berche・ ’No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 67 m量etum berchemiaefoliae, which develops on shady grav611y slopes falling into the river. Zabelieto-Carpinetum. turcz4ninovii and the Qv‘θγc%s z/ariabilis- Acer蛎々oθフ3sθcommunity are the 6ther vegetation types they accep’ 狽?п@which are favorable on dry sunny ridges or clifだs and on gravell夕 mild slopeS, respectively. Floristically this area is 皿uch rese皿biing the limestone fields、of Pref. Okayama, retaining many common and rare species such as Hypodemati”m glandul・SO一蜘S鰍, Rubus y・shinoi, BUXUS micr・PhNlla var・伽S〃碗s, Rhamnz‘S ツoshinoi tegether with var. velvetina, 1)iospyros lo朗s, Forsツthia ブaカonica・ Viburnum 6α〃esii var. bitchuense and Youngia yoshinoi. The detectable plants are as below, some of which are quoted from HoRIKAwA and SAs△KI(1959).

Aspleniu皿r皿ta-muraria A Boehemria nivea A.sarelii A ssp.皿ipononivea B A, vidalii B Laportea macrostachya BAthyriumokuboanum B B. spicata A Camptosorus sibiricus A Buckleya lanceolata A Coniogramme interrロedium B Asarum caulescens C Cyrtomium fortunei AB Polygonurn filiforme B Dennstaedtia wilfordii A Aconitum sp. B Dryopteris lacera A CIematis tosaensis B Hypodematium glanduloso-pilosum A Hepatica nobilis Phyllitisscoropendrium A var.japonica

Polystichumcraspedpsorum A f.magna AP, tripteron B Thalictrum actaefolium A, P. tsussimense A T. minU白

Pterismultifida Avar. stipelltitum BPyrrosia hastata B Akebia quinata A Torreya nucifera B A, trifoliata B Cephalotaxus harringtonia B Epimedium diphyUum B Pinus dellsiflora :. B E. setosum B Juniperus chinensis B Berberis thunbergii B

J.rigida・B...Linderaobtusiloba BChloranthus japonicus B L. umbellata B PIatycarya strobilacea BCorydalis incisa C AInus pendula B Arabis且agellosa. A Carpinus cordata B Cardamine leucantha ・A

C.japonica B Sedumsubtile.. AC. tschonoskii B S. verticiUatum A C, turczaninovii B Deinanthe bifida . B Ostryajaponica..B Deutziacrenata A Q. serrata . B Hydrangea serrata・ . BQuercusaliena. . B D。 gracilis . A

Celtis sinensis . Saxifraga cortusaefolia IABQ.variabilis.BPhiladelphussatsumi A var. japonica .:’..B S. fortunei Ze玉kova serrata.. B var. incisolobata.・A Brousonettia kazinoki.../t.l B Schizophragma hydr蝕geoidεs . A Morus tiliaefolia ,. ..’1・ ...B Duchesnea indica ...一』一 . ・ 68 Tatemi SHIMIZU No.30

var.1eucocephala .llex cr蟹ユata ・B f.japonica AI. pedunculosa B Kerria japonica A Elaeagnus pungens B, Prunus jamasakura }3 Alangium platanifoliurn Rubus yoshinoi B var. trilobum B、 Sorbus alnifoHa B Hedera rhombea B. Spiraea皿ervosa Panax japon量ca ’ B var. lat量folia B Cryptotaenia canaednsis Stephanandra incisa ’ B ssP. jaPonica B Lathyrusdavidii B Seseliugoensis A Lespedeza bicolor ACornus controversa B L・ homoloba A C. macrophy11a AB SQphora flavescens B Helwingia japonica B Wisteria brachybotrys B Lysimachia acroadenia B. Orixa japonica B Diospyros lotus A Zanthoxylum planispinum A B Forsythia j叩onica A Picrasmaquassioides B Fraxinussieboldiana A Polygala laponica AL{gustrum obtusifolium B Mallotus japonicus B Trachelospermum asiaticum A Mercurialis Ieiocarpa . BC Ancystrocarya japonica B Buxu・mi…phyl1・ . Lith・・perm・m・・ni・g。,i B var・insularis A B Trigonotis peduncularis A Rhus ambigua B Callicarpa japonica.. B

Euonymus alatus Clinopodium multicaule BR・chinensis A Ajugajaponica B f・striatus. B E・ fortunei La面um ambiguum BAlsodonlongitubus var・villosus A Meehania urticifolia B Staphylea bumalda B prunella vulgaris Hosiea japonica B ssp. asiatica B Acer carpinifolium A B phtheirospermum japonicum A A・ cissifolium B Phacellanthus tubiflorus B A・ mono B Conandron ramondioides A A・ nikoense B Galium kinuta B A・ palnlatum B G. japonicum B Aesculus turbinata B G. pogonanthum Meliosma myriantha B f. trichopetalum B Berchemia racemosa B Hedyotis lindleyana 「 L・aves sm・11 m。・tly 1・5-2・m 1・ng・ var. hirs・ta 1.・、 B Berchemia berchemiaefolia B Paederia scandens Rhamnus yoshinoi var. m怠irei B va「・velvetina ARubiachinensis var・yoshi皿oi A var. glabrescens B Ampelopsis brevipedunculata A Abelia spathulata B Parthenocissustricuspidatus A A. tetrasepala A Vitis flexuosa B Lonicera gracilipes B Viola grypoceras A Viburnum carlesi量 V。 mirabilis var. bitchiuense B var. subglabra A V. erosum B V.ovato-oblonga AZabelia integrifolia AB No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 69

Patrinia villosa A Asperella longe-aristata A Valeriana fauriei B Brylkinia schmidtii A V, fiaccidissirna B Diarrhena japonica B Asy且euma japo且icum B Miscanthus sinensis B Anaphalis sinica A Oplismenus undulatifolius Artemisia keiske鋤a A var. japonicus AB Asterageratoides. Spodiopogonsibiricus A ssp.1eiophyllus A・Carex brunnea Atractylodesjaponica A var.nakiri A Cacaliadelphiniifolia B C.1anceolata B Carpesium glossophyllum B Arisaema robustum B.C. farfaraefolia AC. pisiformis ・B Erigeron aコnuus A Chionographis japollica B Gnaphalium affine A Hosta longipes A. .Leibnitzia anandria A Liriope minor B Sylleilesis palmata B L, platyphylla B Youngiadenticulata A Ophiopogonjaponicus AB Y. yoshinoi A Smilax china BY。japonica A Smilacinajaponica Agropyron ciliare . S. sieboldii B var. pilosum A Dioscorea tokoro B

、3. Akiyoshidai(Pref. Yalnaguchi)

Akiyoshidai工s famous for its landscape with the vast limestone plateau(200卑 or so elev.)and some great limestone caves such as Sh蝕δ一dδand Nakao-dδ. Numerous big rocks of limestone are scattered on the.iii plateau, Occa.$ional escarp皿ents are seen at its皿argin。 Vegetationally the pla,teau itself is a grassland standing Qn deep red soils, the dominant menlbers of which are p渉6ア客伽槻aquilinum var.ブ砂o蛎oπ規, a well known calcifugous fern, so皿e 五espedeza species, i zdigoプ’era pseudoti?¢ctoria,・Patrinia scabiosaeプ’olia,∠LdenoPhora ,triphylla ssp. al)ertica〃ゆa7¢ulata and Miscanthus sinensis. On』the other hand, .the outcrops or gravelly piaces aroロnd th6. @limestone caves are favouring the .sparse woods comprising Cephalotaxus harringtonia, ・Ficus erecta, ・Nandinα domestica, !lctinodaPh7¢θlancift)lia, ハXeolitsea sericea, Aucuba ブalりonica, etc・ Some calcicolous plants such as Hypodematium glanduloso-pilosum,1)olystichum Idel彦odon and Eriobotrツaブαponica are all strictly collcerned with exposed lime・ stone also around there. Apart from the c.alcifugous or indifferent members 、of the plateau, the plants collected on the limestone且elds are as below.

Asplenium sarelii A Polystichopsis simpliciQr A CYI’tOMiU皿falcatuln A Pteris cretica A Diplazium wichurae A P. multifida A Hypodematium glanduloso_pilosum A Cephalotaxus harringtonia AB Lemmaphyllu microphy11um :A Quercus glauca AB

.Onychium japonicum A Morus tiliaefolia . ANeocheiropteris ensata AFicus erecta A Polystichum deltodon APilea petiolaris p. tsussimense A ssp, pseudopetiolaris B 70 、 Tatemi$HIMIzu ・.. . ,、 ・ NQ,30

Th・1i・t・um mi喚特S.. E. . f・・t…i 、I var. hypoleucum A var. villosus A Nandina domestica A EIaeagnus pungens. . A ActinQdaphne lancifolia A Aucuba japonica 、 A Neolitsea sericea幽 @A Comus macrophylla A Eriobotrya japonica .A Ardisia japonica . A picrasma quassioides A Ligustrurn japonicum A Mallotu忌laponicus . A L, obtusifolium A Rhus chinensis. @A Siphonostegia chinensis A Euonymus alatus Polygonatum lasianthunl A f.striatus A


44.Mt Tsurugi(Pref. Tokushima) At the elevation of about 1700m to 1800m in Mt. Tsurugi(1955m elev,> limestone is exposed forming some delimited丘elds such as Daiken and Sho- ken. According to YAMANAKA(1954 b), Hmestone is dominantly inhabited by Thalictrum minus var. hypolezaczam and Spiraea blumei, The fol1Qwing list owes to him and also to the specimens available to me.

Asp正enium capillipes. AAru皿cus dioicus A.ruta-1nuraria A var,tenuifolius AAPotentillafruticosa Camptosomssibiricus Alvar。 mandshuricガ AA.viride Cystopteris fragilis Gymnoca叩i腿m jessoense A Geranium robertianum A,ASpiraea blumei A Polystichum craspedosorum A Tilingia tachiroei . . .A Woodsia hancoekii A Lonicera strophiophQra Thalictrum minus var. glabra 1 『』. .’1B var. hypoleucum.・. A ・Valeriana fauriei ’.A Arabis serrata ・ . ・ Carex duvaliana』・..... . .: A國 var. shikokiana AC. multifQlia ’「.・一.L l.・A A. sp. , .A . 、』....,. t/

. . r . ヒ 、 . 45・Mt Ishidate(Pref. Kochi) . ....・...11・...∴ . し As announced by YAMANAKA(1953),.the vegetation of Mt.幽「.1忌hidate l1724血 elev.)is roughly represented by Abies and 7’szaga(to 1200m al‡∵),㌔. Fαg銘s(1200m to 1650m)and Sαεα(summit), Such vegetations, however, are much modi丘ed on the occasional limestone丘elds throughout the mountain, where there occur so皿e light bushes including PhiladelPhus satsumi var.」απc麦プ「olia, Orixaブal)onica and Sta∫}hylea bzamaldαin the case of rubbly slopes or in cluding Sカirαeαblumei, Zabelia integrifc)lia, etc. in the case of outcrops, The followihg list, partly owing to YAMANAKA(1953,1954), is coucerned with the plants from several limestone fields scattered on the mountainsides,

Cyrtomium fortunei B Gymnocarpium jessoense A Dennstaedtia wilfordii A Polystichum craspedosorum A No.30 Studies on the lirnestone flora of Japan.and Taiwan 71

C,ph・1・tax・・harri・gt・・i・ B S・ 1・p・ni・a A Abies homolepis . A Stephanandra. incisa 、 A Junip・・uS S・・g・皿tii ..A Lesp・deza buergeri . B Chloranthus serratus B Gera皿ium robertianum. A

CL turczaninovii. A G. 仁ripartitum BCarpinusjapo皿ica .A G. shikoldanum A Boehmeria spicata ..A Orixa japonica . B B。,kl,y・1・・ceQ1・t・ B Z・・th・xyl・m・chi・if・li・m . A Polygonum bistorta A Mercurialis leiocarpa B

P. suffultum B Euollymus alatus ・ ABP.cuspidatum B Rhuschinensis A Rumex acetosa B Staphylea bumalda B Melandryum yanoei A Acer mono . B Pseudostellaria heterantha A Rhamnella franguloides B Euptelea polyandra . B Rhamnus japonica Cimicifga acerina . B varr microphylla AB CIematis stans R, yoshinoi B var. austro-japo皿ensis A B Tilia laponica B C.tosaeロsis AViolabiflora A Thalictrum mi丑us Diplomorpha shi1ζokiana Bpaeoロiajaponica A V. verecunda B var. hypoleucum AElaeagnus pungens B Akebia quinata . B Angelica shikokiana A Berberis thunbergii B Bupleurum.lollgiradiatum ’

Lindera glauca B Heracleum lanatu.ym ・Epirnediumgrandifiorum A f・elatius B ヒL.obtusiloba B var. tsurugi$anen$e. B Sedum aizoon Cornus macrophシ11a B ssp. k・mtsch・ti・・m A H・1wi・gi・j・p・nica・ B S二 maki且oi A Primula farinosa Deutziacrenata B扇ssp,modesta A D.gracilis A Fraxinussieboldiana Bparnassia palustris A Ligustrum obtusifolium B Phil’≠пClph・s sat・umi L. tsch。n・skii A var. lancifolius B Swertia bimaculata B S。xif,ag。 f。rt…i . E・ph・asi・mi…phy11・ A var.incisolobata.APinguiculavulgaris A S. ,e。d。ica G・1i・m g・a・il… A f。laciniata A G. k{nuta B T。n、kaea radlcan、 A Ab・li・t・t・a・ep・1a 』. A H。m、m。li, j・p。・i・a . A Z・b・1i・i・t・g・if・li・ A Aruncus dioicus Valeriana flaccidissima B var. tenuifQlius AScabiosa japonica B Filip,。d。1。 t・・g・w・i B Ad…ph。・a・em・tifl・・a A・ Kerriajaponica B A皿aphalissi皿ica B Potenti11a dickinsii A.Aster ageratoides ㌦誰濫,a、A、、,灘認監m、k・一・..員 R。sasp. B C・・s・・mg蜘蝉, A Spi,aea b1・m・i . AB Le・・t・P・dium」ap°mcum 72 Tatemi S甲MIzu No.30

var・spathulatum A S, vaginata ・

ユ コ , B Pertya glabrescens B Tofieldia coccineaLlgularlastengcephala B var. stans Saussu「ea・m・bi賎・ A ….k。nd。i A Youngia japonica A Veratrum maackii B Miscanth・・si…si・ B I・i・j・p。・ica B Ca・ex duv・liana .・ A Gym・・d。ni。,。。ul1。t。 A H°gta i°・gipes A Micr・・tyli・m・n・Phyl1。, A Smllax sieboldii . B

46・ Ryugado(Pref. Kochi) At about 20km east of Kochi, there is a well known lirnestone cave n璽med Ryuga-d・a…nd whi・h lim・・t・n・f・mi・hes esca・pm・・t・・r r。,ky s吏tes・Y・MANA・A(1954)a・aly・ed the v・g・t・ti・n・・veri・g these且・1ds a1・d rec。9. nlzed three plant communities・viz・of pine, oak and kerria. The floristic members detected are as below.

Aspleni・m・・…bi・1・ A S・Clum t・・a・・s・ A A・ wilf・・dii A D・ut・ia cre・at・ . A Camptosorus sibiricus . A D. scabra A Cy・t・mi・m f・lcat・m A pitt・s.P。・um t・bi・a A Cyclosorus acuminatus B Eriobotrya japonica B Cy・t・mi・m…y・tid・・皿 B Kerri・1・p・・lca B Hypodematium glandulogo-pilosum A Pourthiaea villosa Onychium japonicum A var.1aevis B L・mm・phyl1・m mi…phyllum A p・岨・s sp. B Polystichopsi.s aristata B Rosa multiflora A pyrrosia lingua A R. wichuraiana B

Cephalotaxus harrington{a B AIbizzia julibrissin BSelaginella involvens ARubus buergeri B Pinus densiflora B lndigofera pseudotinctoria B Cryptomeria japonica B Lespedeza buergeri B

Castanopsis cuspidata B Picrasma quassioides ABPiperkadzura A Puerarialobata B Quercus acutissima B ]Ma1正otus japonicus A Q・ glauca ・ B Rhus sylvestris . B Q・ serrata B 工1ex crenata B Celtissinensis Celastrusorbiculatus B var. japonica. B ’Euonymus alatus . A Ficuserecta AE. fortunei F.stipulata A.var. radicans A Boehmeria spicata A Acer palmatum B CIelnatis apiifolia B Berchemia racemosa A Thalictrum minus Ampelopsis brevipedunculata A var. hypoleuculn AParthenQcissustricuspidatus A Akebia quinata B Vitis coignetiae B A. trifoliata B V. sacharifera B Nandina domestica A Camellia japonica B Cinnamomum japonicum B Xyloslna japonica B Neolitsea sericea B Elaeagnus pungens B No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 73

Helwingia japonica B Serratula corniculataHedetarhombea A Y. denticulata A Di・・py・・s k・ki ・・p」・・u1・・i・ B var. sylvestris B Arundinella hirta B 、Lig。。t・um j・p・ni・um A. Miscanth・s si・・n・i・ B L. obtusifolium A Oplismenus undulatifolius Trachelosper皿um asiaticum. A var, japonicus B Viburnum dilatatum B Carex brunnea .G。1i。m g.aci1・n・ A ・・・…ki・i A G. P。9。。・nth・m A T・achyca・pu・f・・t・n・i B

Patrinlavillosa B Pinelliatrj/partita AArtemisia japollica B Allium grayi A A、t,, agerat・ides A・p・・ag・・1・・id・・ A ssp, amp1・xif・1i・・ B Li・i・p・pl・typhyl1・ B Ch,ysanth・m・m i・di・・m B Smil・x・hina B C. makinoi B Dioscorea tokoro B Youngiajaponica A 47. Tosayama(Pref. Kochi) The limestone hills.(100-150m elev.)standirlg on both sides of the Kaga- migawa in Tosayama-mura, north of Kochi, present us everywhere exposed .cliffs and sunny rubbly sites on the hi11sides. YAMANAKA(1956)outlined the ・fiora and vegetation of this region. As described and reported by him(1955, 1956), the associations recognized are Orixetum japonicae on the shady and humid rubbly slopes, Nandineto-Quercetum glaucae on rather dry slopes and Zabelieto-Carpinetum turczaninovii at sunny rubbly ridges. The cliffs are ,often inhabited by Clematis wiliamsii, Plαtycrateアarguta,/Eriobotrツaソ耳ρo漉σα, .S/)iraea nervosa, LllsPedeza ろuergeri, Sθcz〃伽ega suffruticosa and rarely by 五・伽伽・・…b鳩P・腰・伽初d・lt・加・$e伽t・・㈱・a・d A・g・li・・ 、sax・Jcola var.ツoshinagae. These and other plants detectable are in the following listド

Asple取ium coenobiale A Celtis sinensis 、 Camptosorus sibiricus Cyrtomium caryotideum B Brousonettia kazinoki BAドvar・japonica B C, fortunei Ficus erecta A B var.clivicohlm B F, nipponica A var. fortunei B Morus bombycis B Lemmaphyllum. microphyllum A Boehmeria spicata A.B Lepisorus thunbergianus B Polygonum cuspidat.um B Onychium japonicum A’ Euptelea polyandra B Polystichum craspedosorum A Clematis apiifolia . B B p. tsussimense A C. williamsii . AB P, deltodon AC. temi且ora Pteris multifida A Thalictrum minus .Torreya nucifera B . var. hypoleucum A B IC,ph・1・t・x・・h…ingt・ni・ B Ak・bi・q・in・t・ B Chloranthus japonicus B A. trifoliata B ・Ca叩inus turczaninovii B Epimedium grandi且orum B ・Quercus glauca . B Nandina domestic且 B 74「 @ 、 . .Tatemi SHIMIzu .. Nq.3G

Cocculus trilobus B f。 sセriatus ,. A B Sinomenium acutum . B, E, fortunei Machilus japonica A . var. radicans B Cinnamomum japonicum .B E. oxyphyllus . B Neolitsea sericea B. Staphylea bumalda B Lindera glauca B Acer palmatum B Macleaya cordata 、 B Berchemia racemosa B Arabis serrata ’ I Rhamnus yoshinoi AB var. shikokiana 、A AnユpeIopsis brevipedunculata. B Sedumtosaense. Aparthenocissustricuspidatus B PittosporumtQbira B、 Came11iajaponica B Deut2{a gracilis A Viola ovato-obIQnga A D. maxi皿owlcziana’ B Xylosma japonica B. D. scabra B Stachyurus praecox B PIatyc「ate「a「9uta AB Elaeagnus pungens . ..B Hydrangea hirsuta B AIangium platanifolium Philadelphus satsumi B var. trilobum ..11.・ B. Saxifraga stolonifera Eriobotrya japonica AA魏gelica saxicola BHedera rhombea .Bl Kerria japoロica. AB var. yoshinagae .AB.. Pourthiaea villosa . B Chamaele decumbens 己.一、 B..・ Rosa multiflora A Sanicula chinensis . ... .、 Bl.’, Rubus buergeri B Aucuba japonica ... B R. crataegifolius. AB Cornus macrophylla B R・ hakonensis B Helwingia japonica AB R・ parvifolius B Ardisia japonica B. Spiraea nervoSa DiQspyros kaki 、 var.1atifolia Aサar. sylvestris B var。 nervosa A-B Fraxinus sieboldiana . B Stephanandra incisa B Ligustrum japoロicum . B CaesalpiniajapQnica Lespedeza buergerj AB Gardeneria nutans B.BLobtusifoliurh .B Puerar{a lobata .B Trachelospermum asiaticum . .B Orixa japonica AB Isodon longitubus . B

Z. planispinum A Galium pogonanthum AZanthoxylumpiperitum B Keiskeajaponica A Picrasma quassioides B Paederia scandens Melia azedarach var. mairei … AB ダvar. subtripinnata B 「 Abelia spathulata ・ B Polygala japonica AB Lonicera japonica ... .. B・ Euphorbia sieboldiana A Viburnum dilatatum B・ Ma1工otus japonicus AB V, erosum B Mercurialis leiocarpa B Zabelia integrifolia B Securi亘ega suffruticQsa.AAster ageratoides SaPium jaPonicum B ssp. leiophyllus 耳 B腫xus microphylla ぼssp. ovatus B. var, japonica ACarpesium abrotanoides B Rhus sylvestris B Chrysanthemum indicum AB・ Celastrus orbiculatus. Blxeris stolonifera. B. Euonymus alatus . . YQungia denticulata .B・ No.30 Studies on the iimestone flora of..Japan.and Taiwan 75.

Brachypodiuln sylv阜ticum A B Chionographis japonica A Miscanthus sinensis ・ A Hosta tosana B Oplismenus undulatifolius Lilium speciosum B var. japonicus. BLiriope platyphylla B OphiopogQnjaponicus B var. nakiri B Smilax china BCarexbrunnea C. makinoensis . AB S・ sieboldii . B Pinellia tripartita B . Dioscorea gracillima B

Asparagus lucidus B Cymbium virescens BAIectrurus yedoensis Alris japonica. B

4Sl .M†. Yokogura(Pr6f. Kochi) Mt..ヤokogura「(800m elev.), situated at about 30km West of Kochi, is one of the botanically famous mountains, for som6 plants such as勲αη慨1♂α berchemiaeプblia←Berchemia’berchemiae/bJ‘α), Vitis yokogurana(=Y・saccharife「a va,. y・た・9脚加),肋・・伽a m・励・wi・・勲and T・i・Nrti・m・・プ・ntha we「e 。,igi。、Ily rep・・t・d f・・m th・present m・u・t・i・・G・・1・gically・it i・c…t・u・t・d by th・Pre-ca・b・・ifer….1imε・t・n・, whi・h i・exp・・ed t・b・ar・・ky…ny且・ld on the sum凱it region... AS d6scribed and repor七ed 1〕y YAMANAKA(1955,.1956), th,。,g。t。ti…nthis r・cky且・1d b・1・・g・t・Z・b・1i・t・-C・rpi・・t・皿t・・cza・i・- ovii accompanying S餅αθαnervosa,五espedeza buergeri, Abelia serrata and so on. The fo110wing 1i§t iS based on YAMANAKA(1956)and my own .observation. Asplen畳um ruta-muraria A Sapium japonicum.. B Camp七〇sorus sibiricus AEuonymus alatus r. 珈。伽。ti・mg1・・d・1…-pil・・um A f・・t・i・t・・∫ ・・ A P。1y、ti。h・m・・a・p・d・・。・um B Berch・mi・berch・mi・・f・li・ B T。rrey。。・・if・・a . . B Amp・1・P・i・brevip・d・・cul・t・ ・A C。ph。1。t・x・・h・・ri・gt。・1・ B parht…cissu・t・i…pid・t・・ A Abies fi.rma B Vitis saccharifera C。,pi。。曲…a・i・・vii ・. A B ・…y・k。9・・ana A Querc・s ac… .・.・ B .. Vi・1・g・yp・ce・as A M。,u、 b。mby・i・ ・ . B V.・v・t・一。bl・・g・ A Boehmeria spicata . ‘ 「』A Lysimachia shikokiana B Pilea japonica ..‘.A Diospyros kaki C!ematis willia㎜sii ・ .A var. sylvestris A Thalictrum actaefolium. .A . Symplocos myrtacea B T. minus Fraxinus sieboldiarla . 今B. var. hyp・1・u・um A C・11icarp・1・p・・ica B

Actinodaphne lancifolia B Keiskea japonica . B Berberisthunbergii AC. mo11is . B Ag,im・ni・pii・・a B G・1i・m p。9…nth・m A Potentilla dickinsii. A Paederia scandens Spi,。e。 n・・v・s・ var. m・i・ei AB var.1atifolia .B Abe!ia serrata AB var. nervosa A B Viburnum dilatatum B Lespedeza buergeri AB Zabelia integr量folia AB Z。。th。xylum P1・ni,pin・鵬 AB Anaph・】is sini・a . A Mercurialis leiocarpa B Artemisia keiskeana A 76 Tatemi$・・M・zu N。.30

Aster ageratoides Miscanthus sinensis 「 AB ssp。 amplexifolius ACarex makinoensis A Cirsium yoshinoi pine11ia tripartita A var・shikokianum B Alectorurus yedoensis A Youngia denticulata ATricyrtis macra皿tha A Brachypodium sylvaticum A Orchis graminifolia A

49. Mt. Torigata(Pref. Kochi) Mt・Torigata(1460m elev・)・situated more thal140km west of Kochi, ;also stands on the limestone lode。 Around the summit and on the eastern side of the mountai.n,1imstone is found exposed to some ex亡ent. YAMANAKA :and MoRlsHITA(1956)studied the vegetation there, reporting that the forests with Carpin”sブaponica, Zelleova serrata and Ez‘カtelea polyandra dominant or 』th・bu・hes with O伽ブ・鋤・・d・min・nt were rec・gni・ab1・・n r・cky sl。P, lalong the stream, while on the summ呈t Zabelieto℃arpinetum turczaninQvii was ・distinctly acceptable・Accoding to YAMANAKA and MQRIsHITA(1956)and Iuy owlI τecord the plants from the former are:

Athyrium mesosorum B Lespedeza buergeri B Camptosorus sibiricus A Pueraria lobata B .Cyrtomi砥m caryotideuln B Orixa iaponica B C・ fortunei A Zanthoxylum piperitum B Dryopteris lacera . B Picrasma quassioides B Torreya nucifera B Mallotus japonicus B Cephalotaxus harringtonia B Mercurialis Ieiocarpa B Chloranthus japorlicus BCelastrus orbiculatus B Carpinus japonica BEuonymus melananthus B ,C。 turczaninov’ii AB E. oxyphyllus A Zelkova serrata B Hosiea japonica B Morus bombycis B Acer carpinifolium B Polygonum cuspidatum B A. palmatum B Euptelea polyandra B Berchemia berchemiaefolia B Clematis apiifolia B Ampelopsiis brevipedunculata B 層Thalictrum actaefolium B Stachyurus praecox B Akebia trifoliata B A正angium platanifolium Berberis thu且bergii A var. trilobum B ・Sinomenium acutum B Hedera rhombea B Lindera obtusiloba B Cornus Iτ1acrophylla B L. P・aec。x B ’H・lwingi・」・p・nica B Deutzia crenata B Diospyros kaki

.D. maximowicziana B Fraxinus sieboldiana BD.gracilis A.var. sylvestris. B Philadelphus satsumi A Ligustrum obtusifolium B Filipendula tsuguwoi A Cynanchum sp, B (YAMANAKA 1962) Tylophora aristolochioides B Kerria japonica A Galium pogonanthum B Prunus jamasakura B Paederia scandens R。・a・p・ B 。・,.m。irei .B R・b,u・hirs・t・・ B Ab・li・t・t・a,ep。1。 B ・Stephanandra incisa B Lonicera ramosissima A No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 771

Vibumum erosum B (YAMANAKA 1962) V. plicatum Pertya glabrescens B var. tomentQsum A Brachypodium sylvaticum B. Z巨belia integr董folia B Miscanthus sinensis B

Aster ageratQides Ophiopogon iaponicus B.Codollopsislanceolata B Carexduvaliana A ssp. amplexifolius B Smilax sieboldii B. Artemisia keiskeana . B Lycoris sanguinea B. Chrysanthemum.indicum B Cymbium virescens B. C. zawadskii A

And those fro皿the latter are:

Polystichum craspedosorum A Acer sieboldianum B Abies homolepis B Rha∬1nus japonica

Salixsp. B var.microphylla BCarpinus japonica B Viola grypoceras A

C.turczaninovii ADiplomorpha albiflora B.Corylus sieboldiana B Cornus kousa B・ Fagus crenata B Helwingia japonica B.. Quercus皿ongolica Enkianthus cernuus

var.grosseserrata B f・rubens BCIe血atis stans Rhododendro且reticulatum B、 var. austro-japonensis A B Fraxinus sieboldiana BI・ Paeonia laponica . B Melampyrum laxus Thalictruln minus var, brevidens B var. hypoleucum A B pedicularis resupinqta B Berberis thunbergii B Abelia tetrasepalaダ B- Parabenzoin trilobu鵬 BLonicera ramosissima B.・ S,d。1n。i、。。n Vib・・num・・。・um B ssp・k・m・sch・…um @A 無1畿翻器1’a ・B A・tilb・th・・b・・gii B ssp.。mpl・xif・1i・・. A D・ut・i・g・a・ili・ A Ch,y、。nthe皿・皿zaw・d・kii Hyd・a・gea p・ni・・1ata B (Y。M州A。。1962) 昊k,、m。。、。認a R …ty・g1・b・e・ce・・ B R。,a,P. B Brachyp。di・m・ylvaticum B SPi「aea皿e「vosa B Miscanthus sinensis AB Rhus ambigua A B . Carex duva1{ana A B. Eu°ル呈器us B ・.・・d・…t・… B E. oxyphyllus B Veratrum皿aackii AB

50. Mimido(Pref. Ehime) Some small Iimestone hills(350m-400m elev.)lie at the jointing area of the two rivers, Omogo-gawa and Kuma-gawa, and at about 8.5km southeast of Kuma-cho. Toi〈ui(1953)and YAMANAKA and MoRlsHITA(1956)reported the・ vegetation and flora of these hills. As the latters pointed out, the vegetatlon. . at sunny rubbly ridges is represented by Zabelieto-Carpinetum turczaninovii 78 Tatemi SHIM【zu No。3G

accompanying Spiraea nervosa and Lespedeaaろ矧’geri, and on shady gravelly slopes by the Iight forest of Torreツa nucifera, Quer‘us glauca and Q. salicina. The following list mostly oWes to YAMANAKA and MoRISH【TA(1956),

Asplenium incisum A Rhynchosia acuminatifolia B A. pekinense A Zanthoxylum piperitum B A.ruta-muraria A Z・ Planispinum. A Camptosorus sibiric蛤 A Z・ schinifolium B C。。i。9,amm, i。t。,m,diUI。 A Rhus chi・・n・i・. . B ・・…m・・m・・r・岨・・ @ B Eu°難盤鷲us B ・Davallia ma「iesi至 A Ace, m。。。 B Dryopteris lacera B A. nikoense B Hypodematium glanduloso-pilosum A A. palmatum B Lemmaphyllum microphyllum A MeliQsma tenuis B Lepisorusthunbergianus A Parthenocissustricuspidatus B Polystichum craspedosorum A Camellia japonica B

P. multifida A EIaeagnus pungens B Pteriscretica A Euryajaponica. B Pyrr◎sia linearifolia AHedera rhombea .B Torreya nucifera AB Angelica shikokiana A Cephalotaxus harringtonia B Helw工ngia japonica . B Pinus dens娯ora . B Rhododendron kaempferi B Ca叩inus turczaninovii A R. reticulatum B Quercus glauca A B Ardisia japonica B Q. salicina B Fraxiロus sieboldiana AB Q. serrata B Ligustrum obtuSifolium B Celtissinensis Osmanthusilicifolius B var・,apomca ロ る ATrachelospermumasiaticum B Morus bombycis B Tylophora aristolochloides B Boehmeria spicata B Callicarpa mollis B Thalictrum minus Galium pogonanthum . A var, hypoleucum . A Paederia scandens Berberis thunbergii B var. mairei B Ciロnamomurn japonicum B Abelia serrata へ Lindera glauca B A. spathulata 「 B L.obtusiloba AVibumum erosurn B・ Sedum makin°i A Z・b・1i・i・t・g・if・li・ ・.、 A Deutzia cre聰ta B Aster ageratoides D. gracilis B ssp, amplexifolius . B D・ scabra B Carpesium divaricatum A Hydrangea laetevirens B 「Picris hieracoides Philadelphus satsumi ssp. laponica B var・1ancifolius BYoungia de且ticulata A Kerri・jap。nica . B Calam・gr・stis arundinacea Rubushir『utus. B var.brachytricha A R. palmatus B . Miscanthus sinerisis A SpiraeanervoSa A Carexbrunnea Albizia julibrissin .・ . .B ・ var. nakiri . . B Lespedeza.buefgeri AB C. .ωnica . ・ B No..30 Studies on the limestone flora of Tapaロand Taiwan 79

C. makinoensis AB Smilax china .「. ..・. B Lilium maximowiczii . A S. sieboldii . AB Ophiopogon japonicus .B Cymbium v童rescens A

51.OonGg訊hara(Pref. Kochi, Pref. Ehime) Oonogahara is an elusive uhdulating carst plateau of red soi1忌extending to 1400m above sea夏eve1. Vegetationally it is represented by the vast Miscanthus- Sasa grassland, being intervened by the small woods of Fagus crenata and the artificial forests of Lari.x lep彦olePis or Pinus densiflora(TERAo 1953, YAMA- NAKA 1954 a). On the south fiank of the plateau, on the other hand,1imestone is fairly exposed to present some rocky slopes, where Spiraea nervosa, Abeliα ・カ・伽1・t・,L・漉・…m・・i∬伽・,鰯’…蜘・・伽・i・a・d伽…α吻」吻sゴs are predominating(YAMANAKA and MoRIsHITA l956 b). Depending upon YAMANAKA and MoRlsHITA(1956 b)and my Qwn collections, the plants detectable ill these and the neiboUring limestone fields are listed

as be10W.

Asplenium rロta-mu正aria A Sedum aizoon (Y。M、。A。A 1954・) ・sp・kamt・ch・ti・・m AB Camptosorussibiricus A Deutziacrenata r A Cyrto皿ium fortunei B D. floribunda . . B Dennstaedtla wilfordii . A D, gracilis Lemmaphyllum microphyllum A , var。 zentaroana B Polystichu皿craspedosor.um A Hydrangeaserrata B P. tsussimense Philadelphus satsumi,1.. B・ var. mayebarai . B Schizophragrna hydr早hgeoides AB Cephalotaxus harringtoni,a 層 B Malus sieboldii Chloranthus.japonicus 「 AB var. zumi B Salix sp. .・ ’B ’Potentilla freyniana l IB Carpinus japonica l AB Rubus palmatus . .AB

C.tschonoskii A. Spiraeanervosa AC. turczaninovii、 . . .B Stephanandra incisa . . B Boehmeria spicata ., A B Vicia deflexa Asarum dimidiatum C var. minor A Euptelea polyandra .B Wisteria brachybotrys. B Aconitum loczyanum 』 B Zanthoxylum piperitum . B Anemolle flaccida B Securinega suffrutiaosa B A. nikoさnsis B Rhus ambigua . AB αematis apiifolia . B Euonymus alatus ・C. stans . .『 f. striatus AB var..austro-japonensis A E・ fortunei Paeonia japonica .. B var. villosus . A Rarmnculus japonicus「 ’ ..B E. sieboldianus B Akebia trifoliata .’ B Rhamnus japonica Berberis thullbergii ’ AB var. microphy11a A 露糊,翻望゜「um. .’..R ¥1°1a器e「as..A慧

Corydalis decumbens ㌧. . B . Alaロgium platanifoliurn .A,abi、且。g。11・・a...’.’「A ・v・・. t・il・b・m B 80 Tatemi SHIMIzu No,30 /

Chamaele decumbens B Eupatrium chinense Helwingia japoユlica B var. simplicifolium B Lithospermum zollingeri B BrachypQdium sylvaticum A GIechoma hederacea Hierochloe odorata

ssp.grandis B var.pubescens AGallum kinuta AB Miscanthus sinensis AB G. pogonanthum Sasa sp. B. var. trichopeta1廿m A Carexduvariana AB Abelia spathulata AB C. sachalirlensis Lonicera ramosissima A B var. sikokiana A Viburnum erosum A B C. siderosticta B Zabelia integrifolia APinelHa tripartita B Campanula punctata A Chionographis japonicq B Adenophora maximoWicziana A B Polygonatum odoratum Aster ageratoides var. pluriflorum B ssp. amplexifolius AB Smilax sieboldii B. A。 scabra B Dioscorea septemloba B.


52. Hiraodai(Pref、 Fukuoka) Just south of Kokura, there develops a carst district named Hiraodai, about 10 square.kilometers in area and 400m-600m in altitude, This plateau is composed of deep red soils from which lime contents are thoroughly leached out. Accordingly the vegetation is represented by the rather siliceous grassland. On the marginal regions of the plateau, however, we can often meet with cliffs or rubbly fields of limestone. Around the Senbutsu-do, for example, limestone is profiting the light forest with F伽3 erecta, Nandina domestica, ハJeolitsea sericea, Eriobotrya ゴaPonica, Zanthoxylu〃z 1》lanisPinum and.Az‘cuba ブaponica abundant. The following plants are all from the limestone 丘eld around Senbutsu-do. The rare species such as Rhamn祝sツoshinoi and Viburm‘魏 calresii var. bitchuense, though I could not find, must be a1.so growing on limestone in other sites of the present district.

Cyclosorus acuminatus B Pittosporum tobira B Davallia mariesii A Eriobotrya japOnica A Diplazium wichurae . A Kerria japonica l・「.、 B Neocheiropteris ensata A. Zanthoxylum piperitum . B Phegopteris decursive-pinnata Z. planispinum . B Polystichopsis aristata . A Acer palmatum B Pteris multifida A Parthenocissus tricuspidatus B

Ficus erecta AB V{01a grypoceras APiperkadsura A Euryajaponica B F.nipPonica . A EIaeagnuspuエ1gens B Clematis terniflora B Hedera rhombea A Nandina domestica B Aucuba japonica . B Menispermum dauricum B Ligustrum japonicum B Cinnamomum japonicum B Trachelospermum asiaticum B Neolitsea sericea B Damnacanthus indicus B No.30 1 Studies on亡he lirnestone flora of Japan.and Taiwan 81

G。1i。m p・9…nthurn A Mi・canth・s si・・nsi・ AB

53,Mt Kawaradake(Pref. Fukuoka) Alittle southward of the just preceding field, there occur three limestdne P,ak、 arra。gi・g・・u・h t・…th. These are l・hi・・t・k・, whi・h w…ecently dest,。y,d t。 b・1・v・1・d f・・the cem・・t i・d・・t・y, Ni・・t・k・and S・・噸k・・f Mt. Kawaradake、 Their l altitlldes are 492m,460m and 508叫respectively. A。yw。y these a・e wh・11y・…t…t・d by limest・・…nd it・a・.b・f…d 。xp。sed皿。i・1y・t・pPer e1・vati・・. There apPear c・・ti…u・r・cky・・dges・Oρ the sulnmit region of Ninotake, Cephalotaxus , harringtonia, Carpinus tarczant. 鶴、1鵬熱識欝纏鑑誹糀盗畿・・言雛1羅l stone. Also in Sannotake limestone is favoring these shrubous trees but SPiraea and Carpinus. The following plants are detectable at these roc1くy ridges.

A,p1,。i・m・a・elii A A・abi・且・g・11・sa A C。mpt。s。,u,,ibi・i… A S・d・m m・ki・・i A ・Cy,t・mi・m f・1cat・m B S・ …ti・i11・t・m A Davallia mariesii A Deutzia gracilis H】脚d,m・伽m f…i・i A ・…za・tar。・・a A Lemmaphyllum microphyllum A. Philadelphus satsumi A N。。ch・i・・pteris e・・at・、 A S・hi・・ph・agm・hydrang・・ides’B P。1ysti・hum d・lt・d・n A Pitt。・p…mt・bi・a A P. . tsussimense AB Rubus parvif・lius B Pyrr。・i且1i・・a・if・li・ A・ Spi・a・・・・・・… , A Selaginella ta川ariscina. A Albizzia julibrissinで・ .B P。d。ca,p・, macr・phyl1・ B . Caesalpi・i・j・p・・i・a’. B C・ph・1・t・x・・五・・ri・gt・・i註 B.,1・dig・f・・a p…d・ti・・整・・ia.. B ..C。rpi。。Si「t・・c…i・・vii A 「Lesp・d・・a cy・t6b・t・y・. ..A Quercus salici照 』 A Wisteria brachybotrys B, Celtis sinensis ’Acalypha australis B var. japonica B 』 Daphniphyllum sp. . B Ficus erecta ・ B ・Mallotus japonicus B F.stip・1・t・ . ・・A P…i・i・t・if・1i・t・.. 「B Boehmerla nivea Zanthoxylum piperitum , B ssp.・ip。n・・i・・a B ・Z・ 』P1・・i・pi・・m B B. 、picat・ B.、、 Rhus chi・…i・.. ・...A Di。。th。。、uperb・・ Il・x・・tund・ B ssp. longicalycinus B Euonymus alatus・ .C1・m・ti・apiif・1i・ . B . f・st・i・t・・ . .A Thalictrurn minus 、 E. fortunei 。、,.hyp・1・…m B 「v・…ま11・・u・ . . 今 Ak。bi。 q・i・・t・ B E. ・i・b。ldianu・ .. A K。d、。,a j。p。ni,a B Rh・m・u・y・・hi・・i . A Cin。。m。m。m j。p。。i・・m B Alnp・1・P・i・b・evip・dun・ul・t・ .A Som¢are shrublike with smaller Parthenocissus tricuspidatus A leaves, . . Camellia japon至ca . B Machilus thunbergii B EIaeagnus pungens . B Neolitsea sericea B・ .Aralia cordata B 82 Tatemi SHrMlzu No.30

Hedera rhombea B var. mah・ei B Bupleurum falcatum Abelia spathulata A var, komarowi B Viburnum carlesii Pimpinella diversifolia B va1・. bitchiuense A

Aucuba japonica B Aster age.ratoidesSeseliugoensis B Zabeliaintegrifolia A

Ardisia japonica . B Youngia denticu正ata ACornusmacrophylla B ssp、1eiophyllus B Fraxinus sieboldiana 、 B Miscanthus sinerlsis B Ligustru皿japonicum A Sasa sp. B Trachelospermum asiaticum B Carex brunnea Cynanchum atratum B var. nakiri A Callicarpalaponica B Pinelliatripartita A CIerodendrontrichoto1nurrl B Hostalongipes. ` CIinopodium chinense Lilium callosum B ssp. grandiflorum l Liriope platyphylla B var. parviflorum B SInilaxchina B Leonurus macranthus B Dioscorea tokoro B Ga玉ium pogonanthus A Belamcanda chinensis A Paederia scandens

54・Mt・1)Gdake(Pref. Miyazaki) .’ The summit region of Mt. Dq⑫ke(1200m elev.)is occupied by a huge prominent limestone bluff,皿ore t:han 100m high. On the top of this bluff there is recognized in major part only a herbaceous cover on rock surface Or in CreViCeS・ItS memりerS are ThalictrUm aCtaeプbliUm,τminus Var.勿力0・ 1…凱S・伽・i・…ssp・k・mt・・励伽, E・Ph・rbi・・i・b・ldiana, A・gelica 珈嬬襯3,Gali”m kinuta, AnaPhalis sinica, Chrysanthemum z側adshii,五e。物. カodiu〃1ブαメ》onicu〃2 and so on・ Sカiraea nervosa and Berberis tschonosieyana are examples of few曲rubous trees here. At the foot of the bluff oll the other hand, where a rubbly slope extends along a stream, there develops a compara・ tively dense forest with Eup彦elea polyandra, Orixaブ砂onl ca,、4cer caゆinifolium, 〆11angi’z〃2 platanifoli”m var. trilobam and、lilelwingi’αブaponica domin段nt. Clematis speciosa is a striking species on shady but rather dry gra>elly sites, The following plants are a11 from this bluff or its surroundings, though Bupleurum longiradiatum f.召1α伽s and Tofieldia leiusiana could not be detected by myself.

A8plenium ruta-muraria A Aconitum kiusianum B A. varians . A CIe皿atis specios腿1 AB Camptosorus sibiricus A ’Thalictrum actaefoliurn B Cyrtomium fortunei . A T. minus Polystichum craspedosorun1 A var, hypoleucum A Torreya nucifera ・ B Dwarf plants witll gland=dotted Pinus pentaphylla leaflets, correspondiflg with T. var. himekQmatsu Aッamamot(ガ. Chloranthus serratus 1 B Berberis tschonoskyana B Boehmeria spicata A Neolitsea sericea B Euptelea polyandra . B Sedum aizoon No.3G Studies on the limestone flora of Jqpan and Taiwan 83

ssp. kamtschaticum A Isodon shikokianus Deutzia gracilis var. iltermedius B var. zentaroana . A Lamium humile B

D.scabra APedicularisresupinata APhiladelphus satsumi B Conandron ramondioides A Saxifraga cortusaefolia A Galium kinuta B Schizophragma hydrangeoides. B Paederia scandens Kerria laponica A var. mairei ・. A Potentilla dickiロsii ARubia chinensis Spiraea nervosa ・A var. glabrescens B Wisteria brachybotrys B Abelia spathulata A

Orixajaponica.BAIIaphalissinica AEuphorbia sieboldiana A Artemisia keiskeana A Rhus ambigua B Aster ageratoides Euonymus alatus ssp. leiophyllus A f,striatus AB Chrysanthemum indiculn A Acer carpinifolium B C. . zawadski童 A Staphylea bumalda ・ B Heteropappus hispidus A Diplomorpha yakushimensis A Leontopodium japo皿icum A AIangium platanifolium Syneilesis palmata AB var. trilobum B Youngia denticulata A Hedera rhombea . A Alectrurus yedoensis A Ange!ica ubatakensis . A Allium thunbergii B Bupleurum longiradiatum Hosta sp. A f,elatius P Lilium maxinlowiczii A Helwingia japonica B Polygonatum macranthu卑 A ’ Ligustrum tschonoskii B Tofieldia coccinea ∫. Swertia bimaculata B var. kiusiana ? Trachelospermum asiaticum A Tricyrtis macropoda A

55.Mt. Shiraiwa(Pref. Miyazaki) Mt. Shiraiwa(1650m elev.)lies in Shiiba-lnuゼa of Higashi-usuki-gun, being close to the border line between prefectures of Miyazaki and Kumamoto. Alittle northward of the peak of this mountain, limestone is across the ridge which runs north to south. From here precipitous clifEs or rGcky steep slopes fall into the valley on both sides of the ridge. As reported by HIRATA(1955), Carpin%sブaponica and Fαg郷oアenαta, wherever the forest is retainable, are dominant on the slope, whereasαθ蝦α材s stans var.砺s彦町o・ ブ・伽謝・,Tli・li・t・Stm・・t・・fol燃Se伽卿・・ssp・kamt・・燃㈱・spir… nervosa, BuPleum〃110ngi°radiatu〃z f.θ」α’露s, Galit¢m kinuta, ∠4naPhalis sinica, C切・ant伽蹴襯・d・leii, Le・吻吻・吻・伽客・蹴・・d…n are’・fi・urishing on the open ro(tky places or in the rock crevices・It can be pointed out that the vegetation is much aMned to that of the preceding mountain. In addition, it would be worth notice that some Ericaceous plants sllch as.Rhododen〃on feaempferi,1~, metternichii and Tripetaleia加niculata var。 latifolia are crowded on a corner of this rocky ridge together with S.piraea nervosa. The vegetation of this kind is hardly seen so far as the limestone fields are concerned. The plants detected from the.present且eld are as below. 84 Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30、

Asplenium ruta-muraria A Potentilla dickinsii . A B Dryopteris polylepis B Spiraea japonica .Camptoserussibiricus ARosasp。 Polystichum craspedosoru凱 A var。 ovatifolia A, Woodsia polystichoides A S. nervosa A Taxus cuspidata B Euphorb量a sieboldiana Bl Piceapolita. BEuonyrnusalatus var, himekomat6u B E, oxyphyllus B:Pinuspentaphylla f.striatus A Tsuga sieboldii ・. B Rhamnus japonica Juniperllssargentii A var。 microphylla A、.

Salix harmsiana A Daphne pseudomezereum B.Chloranthus serratus ATiIia japonica B Pterocarya rhoifo王ia B EIaeagnus montana B, Carpinus japo且ica B Bupleurum longiradiatum Corylus sieboldiana B f. elatius AB噛

Fagus crenata』 B. Quercus serrata B Cornus kousa A@ A Heracleurn lanatum Trochodendron aralioides B Pyrola nephrophyUa B; Aconitum kiushianu皿 B C Enkianthus cernuus Bl A. Ioczyanum B Rhododendron kaempferi A Cimicifuga acerina B R, metternichiil B αematis stans. T・ip・t・leia paniculata var. austro-j叩onensis A var.1atifolia ABl Paeonia japonica B Fraxinus siebQldiana B, Thalictrum actaefolium B Swertia bimaculata ... AB., T. aquilegifolium Comanthosphace barvinervis B、 var. intermedium.BIsodon shilζokianus Thalictrum minus . var. intermedius B, var. hypoleucum A Melsmpyrum roseum A Some are much dwarfened corres- Ped五cularis resupinata AB、 し pQnding witbヱ’. ptamamotoi, while Galium kinuta BC. the other are of normal size. Rubia chinensis Leaflets somewhat with dotted var. glabrescens B, glands in both forms. Viburnum phlebotrichum B, Berberis amurensis V. wrightii var.bretschneideri A var.glandulosum. B, コB. thunbergi.i AB Adenophora remotifiora ...l ABC Lindera umbellata. AAnaphalis sinica A Sedum aizoon. . . . Chrysanthemum indicμm 1 , AB.. .:sspi. kamtschaticum.. .、 A . T C. , . zawadskii AB. Deutzia gracilis .. .I Cirsium suffultum B O ’ tt , va「・乞entaroana. ALeontopodium japonicum A philadelphus satsumi APicris hieracoides.『 Hamamelis japonica B ssp. japonica A. Agrimollia pilosa B Sau$surea nipponica Aruncus dioicus ” .『 ’ ssp. kiUsiana .. ’‘ C var. tenuifolius ’B Carex chrysolepis. A Filipendula tsuguwoi B :幽C. siderosticta. . B. Kerria japonica A B「..’iHosta nakaiana. A、 .No,30 Studies on the liinestone flora of Jζpan and Taiwan 85

Lilium maximowiczii .A Epipactis papillosa B Veratrum maackii B

56.Itsuki-mura(Pref. Kumamoto) Several lodes of the Palaeozoic limestone are throu塞h the southern district of Pref, Kumamoto eastnqrtheast to westsouthwest. They result many limestone fields here and there irl Gokanosho of Yatsushiro-gun and in the northern half of Kuma-gun. In this and the following two articles, I intend to describe the且oras of some of them which were partly.reported. in my previous papers(1960). In Itsuki-mura, the floristic research was done oll the north side of Mt. Yatsuharu(300m to 1150 elev.)and the east side of Mt. Shira琴a(500m to 1244m elev.). (1)Around Mt. Yatsuharu . In Mt。 Yatsuharほ1imestone is exposed at the lower andエniddle elevation. Especially around Takenokawa・northern foot of this mountain, there stand some prominent bluffs along the road on which Ficus erecta, Deztt2ia gracilis var. zentaroana, PhiladelPhus satsumi and S伽・卿・・v…v・・.1・tif・li・are f・i・1y・b・・d・・t・ln th…ighb…h・・d・f 櫨踊、躍1盤搬撚見潔i器鷲。搬謂黙識磁識稀 var. trilobum and Aucubaブαヵo航αcompose comparatively dense bushes. The following plants are the members of these丘elds inclusively.

1 圏 1 Athyfi。m・kub・anum.. 、B ssp・P・eud・p・ti・1・・iξ 、 B A. sheareri B Urtica thunber$iana . . B

A’ D層 @ ’岨ifurc’atti!h . ’ B .Polygonum filiforme B C。ni。g・amm・int・・m・dium B C1・m・ti・1・p。・ica‘ ..B Cy,t。mium f・icat・m B .C・ sp・・i・s・ A .C. fortunei B Berberis thunbergii 「B Dryopteris attiata . B ・. Epimedium grandiflorum Hyp・d・m・ti・m f…i・i A .ズ・…h量9・en・e . ”A Neocheiropteris ellsata B ・Nandina domestica A .Polypodium niponicum . B Menispermum dauricum 、.B P。1y・ti・hum cra・p・d・・Q・・ln A Si・・m・nium acutu皿 ・AB p. tsussimense A Kadsura lapQnica B pteriscretica A Linderaglauca BP. multifida AB Sedum viride A Woodwardia orientalis B Deutzia gracilis . Torreya皿ucifera B var. zentaroana AB C。ph,1・tax・・harri・gt・nia A Phi1・d・1ph・・sat・umi. AB C,ypt・m・・i・j・p。・i・a B Kerri・j・p・ni・a B・ Planted, Rosa multiflora . B Quercus glauca B . Rubus buergeri . L B Brousenettia kazillo1くi .A Spiraea nervosa Ficus erecta . A var,1a奮ifolia A Pilea j、p・nica A Albizzi・j・1ib・issi・.. A P.P,ti。1・・i・ . Lesp・d・・a b…g・・i. A 86 Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30

Euphorbia sieboldiana AStrobilanthes oligantha B Mercurialis leiocarpa B Galium pogonanthum A Securinega suffruticosa A Aster fastigiatus B Euonylnus alatus Chrysanthemum indicum A B f.striatus A Erigeronannuus Actinidia polygama B rar,1aevis B Came11ia japonica B Pertya robusta B Xylosma japonica. B Stachyurus praecox . B BrachypQdiuln sylvaticum AAArundinellahirta Alallgium platanifolium Calamagrostis arundinacea var. trilobum B var. brachytricha A Hedera rhombea A . Oplismenus undulatifolius B Angelica shikokiana APhyllostachys heterocycla Cryptotaeniacanadensis var. pubescens B ssp. japonica B Carexsp. A Aucuba japonica B Trachycarpus fQrtunei B Swertia ser.topsis B Pinellia tripartita A Solanum lyratum B Allium tuberosum A Dicliptera japonica Liriope platyphyUa B var.subrotundata B

(2)Around Mt. Shiraga-- In this、 mountain I took、aroute from Kozuru through Iboshi to the『’middle elevation. At Kozuru, western foot of this mourltain, there vertically stands a series of huge limestone cliffs over the valley. Here, Quercus glauca, Zelkova serrata, Ne olitsea seric召a, Platycrater arguta, Zanthoxylum Planispinu〃z, ノ1cθ7 carpinif()lium and AucubaブaPonicαare abundant trees or shrubs, while Hypodemati’am fauriei, polystichztm deltodon, Clematis sPeciosa, Spiraea nervosa, H()sta longi’.カθs and .乙ilium maxi〃zowiCzii f. tenuifoliz〃n are attractively colonized on the surface of the bluff here and there。 Around a large cliff upward of Iboshi, on the other hand, Neolitsea sericea, Pα励θ脚伽PraeCOX, IJydrangea luteovenosa, ff. serrata, Kerria ブψ傭6α,OrixaグaPonica, Acer car卿醐伽,・4.加1脚伽2 and A伽9z°襯 platanifolittm var. triloろzam are florishing to be dellse woods or bushes, while there are sporadically found Cyrtomiumプbグ’zj%忽, Boeh〃zeria s1)ゴoα渉σ, Sedum vertici〃atum, Deutzia 97α磁5 var. zentaroana, Saxifraga cortzasaefolia, MerCU・ rialis leiocarpa, etc. on surface of the bluff. These members are inclt1sively listed below.

Asplenium varians A P・ triptero阜 B Camptosorus sibiricus A . P. tsussimense A Coniogramme intermedium B Pteris cretica A Cyrtomium falcatum A Torreya nucifera B C. fortunei AB Cephalotaxus harringtonia B Dryopterislacera Hypodemati服m fauriei A Q. myrsinaefolia AAQuercus glauca B Lemmaphyllum microphyllurn A Zelkova serrata A Neocheiropteris subhastata A Ficus erecta A Polystichum craspedQsorum A F. nipponica A P. {1e艮todon ABoehmerianivea No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 87

ssp. nipononivea B A. c三ssifolium B B. spicata A A・ palmatum B Pilea peploides B . Ampelopsis brevipedunculata B p. petiolaris Acti,nidia polygama B ssp. pseudopetiolaris B Daphne pseudomezereum B Urtica thunbergiana .B Elaeagnus pungens ’A CIelnatis japonica . AB AIangium platanifolium

C. speciosa A・var・trilobu皿 BPaeonia obovata AB Hedera rhombea A Berberis thunbergii AAngelica shikokiana A Sinomenitml acuturn B Aucuba japonica B Machilus japonica A Helwingia japonica B Neolitsea sericea B Ligustrum ibota B Parabenzoin trilobum B L, tschonoskii A P. praecox B Marsdenia tomentosa B Arabis flagellosa A Tylophora fioribunda B A. serrata AncystrQcarya japQnica A var. shikokiana A Tubocapsicum anomalum B Sedum makinoi A Botryopleuron axillare B S. verticillatum A Dicliptera japonica B S. viride A Galium pogonanthum A Deinanthe bifida B G. trifloriforme A Deutziagrabilis.Ophiorrlユizajaponica A var. zentaroana.ALonicera gracilipes A Hydra・gea 1・t・・v・…a. B S・皿b・・u・si・b。ldii 、 A H. ・e・rat・ B T・i・h・・anth・・cuc・mp・6ides B圏 Philadelphus satsumi A Aster fastigiatus A , Platycraterarguta Saxifraga cortusaefolia A C. suffultum BACirsium lucens・ B S、hi、。phragm・hydrang・・ides B E・echitites hieracif。li・ B Di・tyli・m・acem。・um A Lig・1・・i・・t・n・ceph・1・ B Kerri。 j。p。ni・・ AB B・achyp・dium・y1・・ti・um . A Rubus buergeri B PIants densely pubescent. Spi,。・。 n・…s・ A M・lica。・。・i A Lespedeza buergeri Orixa japonica A var. nakiri . AACarex brunnea Z。。th。xy1。m piperit・m A Pi・・lli・t・ip・・tit・ A Z. pl・・i・pi・um A 耳・st・1・ngipes A Picrasma quassioides A Lilium maximOWiczii Mercurialis leiocarpa A f, tenuifolium A E。。。ymu・f・・tun・i Li・i・P・pl・typhyll・ A var. radicans A Smilax oldhami .A E.oxyphy1五us A Dioscorea asclepiadea .B. Acer carp{・if・li・m A B C・1・nth・・e且・x・ B

57.Mt. Noke-eboshi(Pref. Kumamoto) Mt. Noke-eboshi(1302m elev.)1ies over Itsuki-mura, Youra-mura and Yamae」mura of Kuma-gun. As it is alsQ located on the iime3tone formation, there occur in sorne parts prominent blufεs such as Tenguiwa and Hotokeishi, 88 Taterni SHIMIzu No,30

and ill other parts gravelly slopes. It can be roughly stated that the vegetation is represented by the deciduous lower forest the dominant plants of which are Cツ吻磁〃n∫for伽召i, Polystichum彦吻teron,α傭伽即αoθ7伽,0. simPlex, Orixa ブα1)onica, ∠Lcer carpinifolium and /41angium 」t)Zθ’απ激}liu〃1 var. trilobz‘m on the gravelly sites, and is、characterized by Clematis 3ヱリeciosa, Sedum aizoon ssp. たα〃itschaticz〃%, Platツcrater arguta, sp〃αθα nθrvosa, !知¢gelica shileoleianα, Zαδ8伽integrif()伽;Veratrum maacleii, etc. on occasional cliffs. All the plants detected from these且elds are as below.

Asplenium varians . A ssp. pseudopetiolaris B Athyriuln mesosorum B Urtica thunbergiana B A。 okuboanum . B Cimicifuga acerina B A, pycnosorum B C. simplex B Camptosorus sibiricus A. ・Clematis laponica A Cyrtomium fortunei B C. speciosa 、 . A C. macrophyllum B C. stans Dennstaedtia wilfordii. B var. austro-japo皿ens量s A Dryeteris tashiroi B Thalictrum actaefolium . A Neocheiropteris ensata B T. minus Onychium japonicum . . A 、 var. hyp61eucum A Polystichum craspedosorum A Berberis thunbergii A P, retr(lso-paleaceum Epimedium grandiflorum var. ovato-paleaceum B.var。 higoense A p. tripteron B Nand量na domesica B pteriscretica Linderaobtusiloba B . var. albo-lineata ANeolitsea sericea B Selaginella involvens AArabis serrata Torreya nucifera . B var・shikokiana A Cephalotaxus harringtonia B Sedum aizoon PinusdensifiQra Assp.kamtschaticum A Tsuga sieboldii AB Astilbe thunbergii . A Juniperus sargentii A . Chrysosplenium macrQstemon B Chloranthus iapo皿icus ADeinanthe bi丘da B Carpinus japonica A Deutzia gracilis Leaves small,2-5 cm long. var. zentaroana . A C, tschonoskii A Hydrangea serrata . A Shrubs with small leaves not ex. Philadelphus satsurni 、 .A tending to 3,5cm long. Lateral. Platycrater arguta . AB veins 100r so paired, Aruncus dioic’us .、 Quercus gilva B・ var. tenuifolius A Q. 9正auca B Geum japonicum B Q. mongolica. Potentilla cryptotaeniae B var. grosseserrata AB p・ Clickinsii A Q,salicina B Rosamultiflora B Zelkova serrata A .Spiraea nervosa A Ficus stipulata A Lespedeza buergerまA Boehmeria spicata . A B L, homoloba Pilea japonica .B・・var. higoemsis, var. nov. A P. petiolaris ’ . Orixa japonica . . 】B N。.30 St・di・・。・the lim・・t・n・fl・ra。U員P・…dT・iw・n 89

Z。nth。。y1。m pip・・it・皿 A M・1・mpy・・m・。・e・m AB Z. pl。。i,pi。・m A P・di・・1・・i・res・pi・・t・ A P。lyg。1。 j。p。算ica . A C・na・d・・n ram・ndi・ides A E。ph。,bi・・i・b。ldi・真・ B G・1i・m p。9…nth・皿 A 瀦轟1盟器゜d“m 書Hedy嚇’灘na B 臨盤盤m 「A暮Rub留i諜sce… B E・・ ?ユIUS AB R・va鰍謙,、 A S,。phyl,a b。m。ld・ B ・…m・i・ei A亘.oxyphyllus BPaederiascandens Ace, ca,pi。if。li。m B Ab・1i・・erra・・ A A,m。n。 ・ A L・ni…aj・p・・ica B lth。認綿。、,.衰搬器瓢、 員 A。ti。idi。 p醜。m・ B Ad・・。ph・・a rem・ti且・・a A ViQla ovato-obloロga A Artemisia keiskeana Dipl。m。rph。 y。k・・im・n・{・ A C・cali・d・lphi・iif・1i・ .B EI。eag。。。 pung・n・ A C・・pesi・m k・id・・mii B AIソ、酷謝・’i・m Bき1「ysanthe 搬翫・i X Acanth。P。。ax di。・,icat・・ A pi・・p・nth・…in・… B A. hyp。1,。,囎 A B・achyp。di・m・yl・・ti・・m A Hedera rhombea A Calamagrostis arundinace斧 A。g。1i,a,hik。ki・n・ v…bra・hy・・i・h・.・. A・ 。。,.m。y。b。,an。 A Di…h・n・1・p・・i・a I B var, shik。kiana A M・h1・・b・・gi・h・k…n・i・ A l…i°pimpine1’a灘嵩, : °「t竪膿・1°「eanum ・ C6,。u, k。。sa B S・・a・p・ B 搬盤・ca 慧識゜器謡1穿CUS X ・・x・ 墲P1欝a A二盤.瓢、p。。、,。 貴 £1、。、t,認認,k、i. 含。。、搬認plants辱 A Swertia swer、。P,i, B Lili・m…d・t・m B . サ ロ ロ鰻騨 9’”mAl誌灘罫’ 会 S。1。。um j。p。。。n,e B pi・・c・・e・t・n・ip・・ . B

58. Komse-mura(Pref. Kumamoto) The sam。1imest。。,1。des, whi・h present・d・・m・・y g・。d fi・1d・’i・th・ pt。vi。u・di・t・i・t・,.・・e a1・…nti・・…1y・…ss K・…e-mp・a a・d°瑛e「s°瑛e cliff regi。。, at・b・・t 106m・・s・in・ltit・d・a1・・g th・K・ma-・iver m pa「t1耳 。。1。,.1。thi、 a。tid。 I describ・th・fl・ra¢the cliff regi・ns en・・ut・f・gm K。。。,e t。0、ak。m。 i。・1・・1・・1y, where we ca・・ee s・m・p・ecipit…c1・丘s 90 Taterni SHIMIzu No.30

overhanging the river such as Yaritaoshinose and Seishokonoiwa. On the whole, these cliffs are of dry conditioll. Among the]皿embers of the poor vegetation covering sunny surfaces of these cliffs, Fピoz6s erecta, Spirαea nervosa, Angelica shikoleiana var・ mayebarana and Miscanthus sinensis are very striking in abundance. The plants detected are as below, Asplenium sarelii、 AEriobotrya japonica A Cyrtomiu皿falcatum A Rosa multiflora A B. DiplaziumWichurae Alndigoferapseudotinctoria A C.fortunei AB Spiraeanervosa A Equisetum ramosissimum Oxalis com{culata var. laponicum . A var. erecta A Neocheiropteris ensata AB Zanthoxylum planispinum B、 Lemmaphyllum microphyliu皿 A Malloωs japonicus B Onychium japonicum A Mercurialis leiocarpa B Polystichopsispseudoaristata D Securinegasuffrutまcosa A Polystiehum del止odon ABuxus microphylla

Pteris cretica A Near to var. insularis in its Ieaf P.tsussirnense A var.japon量ca A P,deltodo皿 Atex亡ure. P.multifida ・A Rhus chinensis A. Selaginella involvens A Euonymus alatus

Woodsia polystichoides A E. japonicus A S.tamariscina A f.striatus AB. Piper.kadzura A E. sieboldianus B Quercusglauca B ParthenQcissustricuspidatus A Q・salicina A XylQsmajaponicum A Celtissinensis コ Elaeagnuspungens A va「・コaponlca BAngeli¢aShikokiana Ficus erecta var. mayebarana A var. sieboldii ACornus colltroversa B

Boehmeria nivea Ligustrum japonicum A F,stipulata A Ardisiapusila A ssp. nlpononlvea B Trachelospermum asiaticum A Elatostemma laetevirens A Strobilanthes Qligantha B. Pilea mongolica A Galium pogonanthum A P. petiolaris Ophiorrhiza japonica A ssp・pseudopetiolaris BC We量gela japonica A Villebrunea frutescens B Artemisia princeps . B, Nandina dolnestica B Erechitithes hieracifolia A Neolitsea sericea /t B . Youngia denticulata B Arabis flagellosa A Melica onoe三 . A Sedum makinoi A Miscanthus sinensis A

va「・zentaroana Deutziagracilis .Setariaviridis A D. scabra A Pinellia tripartith A BACarexsp. A Philadelphus satsumi Liriope platyphylla B. var. lancifolius B Smilax Qldhami B var. satsumi A Dioscorea septemloba B SaxifragacortusaefoIia A D. tokoro B, No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan 91

Belamcandachinensis A In adiition, I could collect the following plants from exposed limestone at the roadside near Otsuki(400m alt.)about 8km northeast of the above district.

Camptosorus sibiricus A Z. schinifolium A Cyrtomium fortunei A Rhus chinensis A Dryopteris uniformis . A Euonymus alatus Lemmaphyllum microphyHum A f. striatus A Polystichum craspedosorum A ParthenQcissus tricuspidatus A P。 tsussimense A Stachyurus praecox A Quercus salicina A EIaeagnus pungens A Boehmeria spicata A Angelica shikokiana Clematis speciosa A var. mayebarana . A Deutzia gracilis Aucuba japonica B var. zentaroana A Ligustrum tscholloskii A Philadelphus satsumi A Weigela japonica A Platycrater arguta AYoungia denticulata A Saxifraga fortunei Y. japonica A var。至ncisolobata A Pinellia tripartita A Kerria japonica A Liriope platyphylla A Orixa japollica B Belamcanda chine皿sis A Zanthoxylum piperitum. A

59. ]Mt・Ry曲o(Pref・Ku]mamoto) .1.積. Mt. Ryuho(517m elev.), east of Yatsushiro, is about 10km faf from the coast of the Yatsushiro-bay. Over than 300m in elevation Iimestone occurs here and there, forming rocky ridges particularly on the, summit region. Qz昭7α‘s glauca and Cinna〃zoMUM ブaponiczam are pretty abundant there. Nandina 40〃zestica and Euonツmus alatus f. striatus are the important members・ of the shrub layer, while Cyrtomium falcatum, Pyrrosia lingua and。P. tri‘uspis, are often met with on bared rocks. The plants detected are as below.

Cyrtomium falcatum A Cinnamomurn laponicum B Dryopteris erythrosora A Machilus thunbergii B Polystichum tsussimense A Neolitsea sericea B pteriscretica A Berchemiamagna B Pyrrosia linearifolia P. 1ingua A EIaeagnus pungens 、 B.Apaphne kiusiana B p. tricuspis A Alangium platanifolium Cephalotaxt1sharringtonia B var.trilobum B Quercus glauca B Aucuba japonica . B

Celtfs sinensis Helwing圭a japon{ca BQ.salicina B Cornuskousa B var. japonica BDiospyroskaki

Ficuserecta A var.sylvestris BF. stipulata A Ligustrum japonicum B Boehemeria spicata . A Trachelospermum asiaticum A Pilea mongolica . A Tylophora aristolochioides Nandina domestica B Galium pogonathum A. 92 Tatemi. SHIM[zu NQ.30

Arundinella hirsuta A マar. nakiri A Miscanthus sinensis AB Liriope platyphylla B ・Carex brunnea Smilax oldhami A


60.Mt. Chingshui(Pref. Huaiien) Mt. Chingshui(ca.24001n elev,), situated at the north-eastern corner of ’Ptef. Hualien, is rich in inapproachable enormous precipices of limestone. ,Apart from these helpless precipices, we were mainly concerned with screes 、or rubbly fields whiqh occurred everywhere in the middle and upper part of this mQuntain. Although still I cannot propose the precise description of its vege£a. tion throughout, some examples of vegetational sketches are as follows. Shrαbbery at the gravelly ridges:This is the light low forest composed ・of various shrubs and trees such as Berberis aristαtoserアata, Pittosporum ・oligocarPum, Pourthiaea chingshuiensis, RhtZPhiolepis imPressivena,殉伽蜘π ・wrightii,ルfaesa tenera,五igustrumブα.Ponicum var. Pubescens,ムmorrisonense, .ノ4belia chinensis, レ「ibttrnum propin(~uz〃%, etc. Such vegetation is obsevable at ・rather low altitude of 1000エn or so. Grassland at the open gravelly ridges:The vegetation is llever dense. 『But, 7「halictrZt〃z urbaini, Potenti〃α 〃zori・i, Arte〃lisia 50〃2ai var. batahensis, ℃切sα励召〃fum inorii, Aletris spicata,.Liliblm捌勧勿ense var. formosanuim, ・etc. are striking, In crevices in rocks, there grow Asplenittm pu励errima, A.ruta-mararia, Parnassia Palustris, Galizam 97鰯纏s,α伽・feoense,/usticia proczambens, Carex daibzcensls, etc. Sometimes,ノ伽ゆerusノ’ormosana var, ・concolor is dotted. Such vegetation is often observable at upPer elevation. Vacant rocky slope:The †egetation is negligible. Pinus taiwanensis, tCle〃zatis psilav¢dra,.E~ha〃tnz‘s oiwa・leensis, Geranin〃z robertiai¢%〃z, etc. sporadically lcolonize on the rocky slope, I met with such field at about 2000m alt. All the plants detected from these fields are as be五〇w.

Antrophyum formosanum A Dicranopteris dichotoma B A. obovatum A Diplazium dila亡atum .B ?Asplenium exiguum A Dryopteris eatoni AB A. normale A D・ forrnosana , B A. pulcherrimum A D. sordid圭pes t// l B A. ritoense . A EIaphoglosSum callifolium . A A. ruta-muraria A Humata grifHthianum A A. trichomanes B ・ Lepisorus kawakamii . B ・Cheiropleuria bicuspis ALindsaea terera Cyclosorus taiwanensis . B var. chienii B Cyrtogonellum fraxinellum A Lycopod.ium sp. A Cyrtomium caryotideum A Microsorium buergerianum . A C.falcatum BPIagiogyriasp. B *Iam indebted to the Ministry of Education Qf China fol the伽ancla1 a{d for the :present study. Also, it is supported by the Graht i筑Aid of Scientif三c. Research of the .Ministry of Education of Japan。 No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of,Japan and Taiwan g3!

Polystichopsis aristata A B Pittosporum oligocarpum B Polystichum hancockii AB Corylopsis matsudai B Pteridium sp. B Distylium gracile B.・ Pteris deltodon Cotoneaster morrisonens{s B「 AB B P.dispar A Eriobotryadeflexa B. Selaginella delicatula APhotinla serrulata AB S.sp. A Potentillamorii Thelypteris angustifrons B Pourthiaea ch量ngshuiensis . B Podocarpus philippinensis B Prunus phaseosticta B・ Pinus morrisonicola A B RaphiolepiS impressivena B・ P.taiwanensis ARubus calycinoides A. Tsuga chinensis B Bauhinia championi A. ¢harnaecyparis formosensis B Geranium robertianum B Juniperus formosana AB Boenninghause皿ia albiflora A. 」.sargentii ASkimmia reevesiana B・ PePeromia dindygulensis A Zanthoxylum cuspidatum A. Salix taiwanalpina B Hiptage bengalensis B. Platycarya strobilacea BPolygala japo血ica B Carpinus kawakamii B Glochidion fortunei . B C. rankanensis B Mercurialis leiocarpa B. Quercus spinosa . Buxu8 microphylla var.miyabei.Bvar・Sinica B Quercus sp.(three species)BRhus succedanea B Pilea brevicornuta .A Ilex kanehirai .11.\. B P.peploides A I.10nicerifolia l...・. A Asarum leptophyllun B Microtropis ilicifolia . B ]日【eterotropa infrapurpurea B . Perrottetia arisanensis B Cerastium kaorii, sp. nov. A Acer oblongum B Stellaria arisanensis Berchemia lineata . AB var. leptophylla A B. racemosa B Trochodendron aralioides B Rhamnus chingshuiensis, sp。 nov. B dl。m。ti。圃。。d,。 B R・ ・iw・k…i・ AB Thalictrum urbaini Sageretia theezans B var. majus, var, nov. .A CIeyera morii B Berberis aristato-serrata A B Ternstroemia gy∬manthera . B, B. chingsh・i・nsi8,・p.・・v. A B T・kas・g・ya g・mi・ifl… B Litseadolichocatpa B.Violakawakamii ALinderasp, BT. nakamurai B Arabis alpina . AB V, longistipulata . 今B Flowers large and pinkish. Stachyurus himaユaicus, B Sedum actinocarpum A Daphne ta1waniana . AB・ S.arisanense. `EIaeagnus rnorrisonensis B: Astilbe. P0ngicarpa . B BIastus cochiロchinensis B Deutzia pulchra B Bredia oldhami B D。taiwanensis AA皿geli¢atarokoenSis A. Hydrangea longifolia B.Hydrocotyle javanica』B H. mac,。sep・1・ AB Pimpi・・11・・iit・k・y・m…is A Parnassia palustris AHelwingia formosana .B・ Schizophragme i且tegrifolia. 「 Pyrola morrisonensis B var. fauriei .B Rhododendron breviperulatum B・ 94 Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30

R. Ieiopodum . B Anaphalis margaritacea R. rubropilosum B ssp. morrisonicola .’ A Vaccinium emarginatum B Artemisia somai . V. wrightii B var. batakensis A Ardisia pusi正1a Aster twiwanensis A f,liuKiuensis B ChrysantLemum morii A Maesa tenera B Cirsium suzukii B Myrsine seguinii「 @ B Erigeron fukuyamae A Lysimachia capillipes B Eupatrium shi血adae A Symplocos modesta B Farfugium japoniculn Ligustrurn japonicum. var. formosanum A var・pubescens B工xeris laevigata L。 morrisonense B var. oldhami AB L・ seisuiense B Arundinella pubescens A Gentiana kaorii, sp, nov. B Oplismenus compositus B Tripterospermum japonicum B Carex daibuensis AB Anodendron benthamianum B C. fulvorubescens A Tylophora oshimae . B C. morii B Trigonotis formosana B C. sociata A Perilla shimadae B Arisaema heterophyllum B Salviakeitaoensis In且orescence with dense Aletris spicata AAA. taihokensis AB g王andular hairs. Dianella ensifolia A Scutellaria procUmbens . A Lilium philippiinense Euphrasia tarokoana AB var. forlnosanum A Titanotrichum ddhami A Ophiopogon formosana . B Justicia procumbens Paris lancifolia AB var. hirsuta A Polygonaturn arisanense . A Strobilallthus rankane且sis B Smilax elongato-reticuEata AB Damnacanthus formosanum A S、 1anceaefolia

Galiumgarcilens A var.opaca BG. ㎜inutissimum, sp. nov. A S, oxyphylla B Psychotria rubra B Tricyrtis suzukii . BC Rubia cordifolia Veratrum formosanum B var. munlista B Dioscorea colletii A Rubia lacneolata B BIetilla formosana B Abelia chinensis AB Calanthe sp. B Vibu「num f。・m・・a・um B C・ph・1・nth・・a alpi・・1・ヨ B V. propinq岨m AB Cypripedium taiwanianum B V. sp. B I-lerrninium angustifolium A Patrinia glabrifolia B Microstylis sp, 「 B Gymnostemrna pentaphyllum B ?Platanthera stenoglossa A Ainsliaea fragrans B Poneorchis taiwaneロsis AB A. macrocrinidioides B ?Tainia sp. . B

61. Chingshui to Chongde(Pref. Hualien)

The route from ChingshUi to Chongde,100m or so elev., is along tlle coast and below the almost continuous Iimestone walls, Regardless to surface of the cliffs, the moulltain slQpes which fall into the occasional valleys and , No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan g5

.are covered with deep soils are occupied by the secondary fores亡s comprising of .some tree fems, Tremma orientalis, Laportea pterostigma,ハ4acaranga tanarius, 捌so飯痂αブavanica, etc. and by the dense covers comprising of/lngiopteris 、1ツgodiifolia, !1renga engleri, CalamUS〃mrgaritac召α,ノllOCαssia〃zacγorrhiza, etc. Both on the gravelly places and on the cliffs, however, the vegetation is extremely poor. funiperusノ’ormosana var・concolor, some fig.trees,1~osα taiwanensis, Sageretia theezans, Leucas・mo”issima・var.0襯θ競S, Chrysanthemntm mo7’ii, IleteroPaPPus hispidus, fxeris laevigata var・01励α楓As加ragus lucidus, Sm?llax elongatoイeticulata, etc. are fairly abundant on these fields. All the detected plants are as below.

Adianthum capillis-veneris A Tetrastigma erubescens A Aleuritopteris argentea 「 A Stachyurus himalaicus B Antrophyunl formosanum A Ardisia pusilla

A.sp. Af.liukiuensis ADryopteris eatoni A Lysimachia decurrens B Hypodematium crenatum A Fraxinus{nsularis A Lygodium japonicum A Anodendron benthamianum A Psilotum nudum A Ehretia dicksonii B Selaginella delicatula A Thyrocarpus sampsonii A S. tamariscina A Leucas mollissima S, sp. A var、 chinensis AB Juniperus formosana.ASalvia keitaoensis A Peperomia reflexa A Justicia procumbens , Chloranthus oldhami B var, leucantha A Ficus retusa BHayataella mic.helloides A F. tinctoria AB Ophiorrhiza japonica F, vaccinioides A var. acutiloba A Morus australis A Viburnum sp, A Pilea peploides A Aster taiwanensis A Asarum leptophyllum C BIumea laciniata A Cassytha filiformis A C星1rysanthemum morii A Deutzia taiwanensis A Emilia sonchifolia . A Pittosporum tobira A .Eupatrium amabile A Rosa taiwanensis A Heteropappus lユispidus A Calyx tubes and sepals outside Ixeris laevigata glabrous, Plant with few glandular var.01dhami A ha{rs。 Sonchus arvense A Carnpylotropis giraldii BPothos seemanni A Canavalis maritima B Asparagus lucidus AB Cassia occidentalis B Dianella ensifolia . A Zanthoxylum cuspidatum A Lilium philippinense Ilex asprella. A var. formosanum A Acer oblongum B Smi1鼠x elongato-retic血1ata AB Dodonaea viscosa . A BIetilla formosana A Sageretiatheezans A

62. Tailuko(Pref. Hualien) The fanlous landscape caUed“Tailuko valley”is due to the enormous 96 Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30

lirnestone bluffs and the deep valley. On the way from Tailuko to Tienshang, there occur the terrible precipices overhanging the valley continuously more than 20km in distance. HsIEH(1936)listed all the vascular plants f6und in the present district and pointed out that the endemic plants such as Quercus tarokoensis, Sf)iraea tarokoensis, .Diospツros sasakii and Chr:ソsanthemttm morii were growing in this cliff region。 Although surfacρof the cliffs is as the whole hardly covered with dense vegetation, the following p玉ants are detec. tab玉e here and there. . . ・ 、

Adiantum capillis-veneris A Leucas mollissima A. caudatum B var. chinensis B Cheilanthes sp. A Salvia keitaoensis AB Cyclosorus acuminatus ASolanum biflorum A Drynariafortunei Dryopteris eatoni A Titanotrichum oldhami AAS. nigrum A Equisetum sp. B Utricularia taikankoensis A Onychまum japonicum A Justicia procumbens Pterisvittata Pyrrosiapolydactylis A var. leucantha BAvar.hayatai AB Selaginella delicatula AGalium tarokoense A. S. tamariscina A Paederia scandens Pouzolzia elegans A va.r. maritima B. Clematis meyeniana Deutzia pulchra A Abelia chinensiS . AASerissa japonica A Rosa taiwanensis A Viburnum sp. 、 A Rubus alnifoliolatus APatrinia glabrifolia A Spiraea tarokoensis A Melothria mucronata A Campylotropis giraldii AB Adenophora morrisonemsis A Cassia occidentalis BCampanurnoea lancifQlia A Euphorbia liukiuensis A Anaphalis margaritacea E.tarokoensis A ssp.τnorrisonicola A Macaranga tanarius A Artemisia capillaris A Phyllanthus sp. B Aster taiwanensis A IIex aspre1且a A・ Chrysanthemum morii A Euonymus batakensis A Crepidiastrum lanceolatum Dodonaeaviscsa Af. batalcense A Rhamnus・iw・k・nsis ,A Heter。P・pP・s hi・pidus l ABerchemialineata A f. lanceolatum A Ampelopsis brevipedunculata A 工xeris chinensis . A 撒聯麟獄 食1・。、∴・慧器、 A 餐翌ddle」a器齢。a A愛 …n…j・p…ca .A Thy,。ca,p。s samp,。。ii AB E・p・t・i・m 1・・h・・n・e A C夏inopodium玉axiflorum* Arundo donax . A var. parvifolium, var. nov. B Oplismenus compositus A

*Clinopodium laxiflorum(HAYATA)T. SHIMIzu, comb, nov.-Calamintha J磁刀oアa HAYATA, Mater. F1, Formos.228(1908). No.30 Studies on the limestone flora of Japan and Taiwan g7

Paspalum conjugatum .. .B Spodiopogon tainanensis Pogonatherum crinitum . A var. hogoensis A

63. Tienchang cli董正(Pref. Hua互ien) 幽 On the.way from Longchien to Chilai, we sometimes come across the 1加estone、 veins. Above ql1, the sorcalled Tienchang cliff(1630m~1700m elev.)near Chilai is the largest outcrop extending about lkm in width. Few trees grow there. Only solne i且dividuals of pines, a juniper, oaks and a viburnum inhabit limestone crevices or rubbly steep slopes much sporadically. Cerastiu〃1 calcicola, Thalictrum urbaini var・ maゴus/lrabis alpina, Viola ruカicola, Anaphalis 〃zargaritacea ssp. morrisonicola a,nd Chr ysanthe〃躍駕 morii are the striking herbs growing on rubbiy. slopes. The vegetation in the neighbourhood of the present cliff region.should be referred to Llu et a1(1958). The following plants are all froln outcrops of limestone between Longchien and Chilai. Adiantum capiHis-veneris . A Corydalis tashiroi . A

?Asplenium exiguum .A . Flowers large and pinlくish. Aleuritopterisargentea A Arabisalpina A A. pulcherrimllm A . .Astilbe longicarpa .. A A. ruta-muraria A EriobQrtya defiexa A Cyrtogonellum fraxi皿ellum A Spiraea prunifoha Hypodematium crenatum A var。 pseudoprunifolia . A Polystichum acutidens A Campylotropis giraldii A. Onychium japonicum .A Rhamnus oiwake皿sis A1

NeartoO.」σPonicum,butwith Hypericumnokoense A 0.sp. ASageretiatheezans. A wider ultimate plnnula. Viola rupicola . A pteris deltodon A Stachyロr us himaraicus . A P. vittata A Myrsine africana A Pyrrosia polydactylis A Gentiana止entyoensis、 A p. transmorrisonensis A ClinOpodi皿m Iax量florum Selaginella tamariscina A.var軋Parvifoliqm A・

Stτuthiopteris eb皿rnea . Justiqia procumbens S。sp. A Euphrasiaexilis A

Tectaria coadtmata A Ga】ium tarol【oense A var. obtusa Ava1。riukiuensis A Pi皿us formosana A.Abelia chinensis A P. morrisonicola . A Viburnum propincuum A Juniperus formosana . A Anaphalis皿argaritacea Quercu, st…phy11・id・・ B ssp・.獅゜「「is°nic°la A ・・sp・ ・ A「te謹1、濃。、、 A C・・a・ti・…1・i・・1・ .A A、,er agera、。ides Dianthus superbus ssp, lasioCladus . A ….1・・gicalyginu・ .A. A, t、iw。。,。,i、.. A Thalictrum urbai皿i Bidens pilosa vas. majuS A . var, radiata A Berberis kawakami{ ,A . Chrysanthernum a酌ane氾se A 98 Tatemi SHIMIzu No.30

C. morii A Lnium phl三PPinense 、 Ixeris王aevigata va:. formosanum A var, oldhami A Smilax elongato-reticulata A

Arundo formosana A Poneorchis sp. ASenecioscandens B Calanthesp. A しCarex daibuensls・ A Near to’P. tahasagomontanum, but C.i .dolichQstachya A differen.t from it by nar1’ower..1eaves Dianellaensifolid A andabsenceofrosettes.


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