An AMAZING the Day After Her Graduation

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An AMAZING the Day After Her Graduation THE MOUNTAIN EAGLE, WHITESBURG, KENTUCKY THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1954 Stauffer, Mrs. Oscar Parks, and Woman's Civic Club of Jenkins Conducts Mrs. A. C. Dittrick. Special guest was Mrs. P. E. Sloan, Annual Installation Of Officers For Club Whitesburg. High prize was pre sented to Mrs. J. M. Stauffer, guest prize to Mrs. P. E. Sloan. LET'S CONTINUE KENTUCKY'S LEADERSHIP In an impressive ceremony, monthly bulletins; Mr. George Mrs. Vernoy Tate, of the Wise, O. Tarleton, Sr., president of T nrrw Tnnnuv .TpnWnc TTiffh I Virginia, Woman's Club, con- Consolidation, who has consist School graduate, Class of '55, IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE ducted the annual installation ently lent a hand to the Club in was initiated into the Kappa Iota of officers service of the Wo- whatever capacity was needed, Epsilon honor society for soph man's Civic Club of Jenkins, and who arranged for addition- at omore men, Eastern State C. Clements man who is and Now it is up to YOU, the people, to decide at the close of a dinner pro- al shelves to be built in the College on May 9th. Require Earle is a Mc-- appre- gram held in the large dining library this year; Mr. Russell ments for this honor are out always has been deeply interested in and ifthis man has the experience, the Donough, work room of The Inn at Wise, Sat- for his faithful standing leadership and responsive to all Kentuckiana. His life is ciation of Kentucky's needs, the character urday night, May 19. and help each year at carnival dedicated to you, people. and the national standing to best serve Using flower corsages, sym- time, especially with the light the bolic of the office, Mrs. Tate ing arrangements, and to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bumeardner. Today Earle C. Clements is applying to you. beautifully fol- Steve Varson for the multiple installed the Mr. and Mrs. Si Correll and all Kentuckiana for high position that Selection of men for position of high re- lowing officers, interpreting to picture he has taken of club Mrs. Dewey Looney events. attended of being ed as U.S. Senator. He sponsibility should be left emly fo the each her duties, in a simply Mother's Day celebration at East- problems He realizes qvoff-flcatlo-ns worded ritual: Miss Clara Shaw, The girls who sang, Misses ern State College, May 13th. knows the ahead. PEOPLE for decision. Therefore, the president; Mrs. Steve Varson, Webb and Scott, and their ac that constant, untiring effort is needed to of Earle C. Clements arm briefly t; companist, Miss Narramore. were first Mrs. Sam serve the interests of Kentuckians. He is presented her $ the yev may twV. Holbrook, second remembered with a gift for each, McROBERTS NEWS grave responsibilities. record. Edgar Wright, recording and sang again before the in fully aware of his secretary; Van-OV- r, stallation of officers, a song en Mrs. Raymond by Flora corresponding secretary titled, "Hold My Hand". and Airs. Fred Pack, treasurer. In presenting Miss Shaw a gift on behalf of the Club, in and Mrs. Jesse Banks are The Qualifications of EARLE C. CLEMENTS APPLICANT Places were laid for over fif- the proud parents of a 13 lb. ty members guests, appreciation of her untiring ef and with boy, born at Memorial Hos- clever painted forts, Mrs. Varson recalled that the rears of broad experience Earle Clements has served the people of Kentucky on every government level; hand place cards pital at Whitesburg. Mrs. Banks and lovely corsages Miss Shaw had said last fall that and Governor. of iris, ferns doing very welL LOCAL... cm sheriff, county clerk and county judge of Union County. STATE... as State Senator and "if any committee or individ is small daisies for each lady FEDERAL . U. S. Representative and U. S. Senator. present The corsage ual falls down on her job, I'll as had also Mrs. Ethel Carroll of Chatta been made by those on the do it myself, as I am determined nooga, Tenn., who has been vis HI UNDERSTANDS AGRICULTURAL PROBLEMS HI KNOWS THE IMPORTANCE OF WELFARE AND banquet committee, Mrs. Var to make this year an outstanding iting her sister, Mrs. Jim Vin- Earle dementi has been dote to die aimer and hh problems SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS son and Mrs. William Ray Mul-lin- s, one in club history." Mrs. Var- son here , has returned home. all his life. The farmer does not bare a truer or more helpful These programs hare a strong supporter ia Earle Clements. WUk assisted by Miss Shaw. Ar son stated that Miss Shaw had wel- They visited Mr. and Mrs. Edsel friend. Earle Clement! the leading spokesman for the tobacco he was Governor, vast improvements were made for child rangements of similar fjowers done just that, as she presented k Zideroff in Dayton, Ohio, while grower in the U. S. Senate. It was he who led the successful fight fare, mental health, state institution. Old age pensions were centered each of tables. the gift of a crystal vase. the she was here. to restore the 15 per cent tobacco acreage cut ordered by Sec- raked 59 per cent. Between courses, Miss Donna Besides the husbands and retary Benson. Webb and Miss Freddie Scott dates of the members, other HE CONSTANTLY PROMOTES KENTUCKY'S DEVELOPMENT Mrs. Claude Childers has re- economic develop- sang, "It Isn't Fair," accompan- guests included Mr. and Mrs. He has provided important leadership for the turned home after spending a HI WORKS FOR EDUCATION ment of our state. The Agriculture and Industrial Development ied &y Miss Margaret Narra- - Tarleton, Mr. and Mrs. Parks, few days with her in During his term as Governor, the Common School land was Board was created and the state's tourist promotion and Park more, pianist, which Miss Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Litton, mother after Alabama who has been very ilL increased 56.6 per cent, and the Equalization Fund was raised Development program were started while he was Governor. Ken- Shaw introduced officers of the Rev. Hugh Jarrett, Mrs. Robert 119.9 per cent. As U.S. Senator, he is the sponsor of bilk to tucky needs him in the Senate to help advance its economic past year, committee Miss Nancy Brown, and Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond provide federal funds for school construction and to raise teach- welfare. chairmen. ers' salaries. of Dayton, Ohio visited her HE'S A LEADER IN CONSERVATION AND FLOOD CONTROL Following the dinner, Miss parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uley Shaw gave a brief resume of JENKINS NEWS Hi FIGHTS FOR GOOD ROADS Kentucky made great advances in soil conservation, flood control, Doyle over the week end. forestry, pollution abatement and wildlife conservation mnder Club activities and projects Earle Clements started hk fight for good roads as county Judge, the As Senator, been effec- Senator. Kentucky's Earle Clements as Governor. U.S. he has during the year, touching" only A-2- and continued it as Governor and He started The Rev. Hillary Finch, pas c Ronald D. Scott is home tive in getting flood control and water development projects for expanded rural roads As Senator, he k pushing kv- - on the highlights the record tor of Jenkins Methodist Church on leave from Loring A., F. Base late Senator Barkley, the sponsor creased federal aid for state roads and dry projects as well as for our state, and was, with the membership of 59 members, was speaker at the graduation legislation develop small watersheds. in Limestone, Maine. He goes the interstate system of highways. of new to the the $600 spent on new books banquet of Burdine Eighth grade to Africa North when his leave HELPED DEVELOP ELECTRICAL POWER FOR KENTUCKY for the library, and the check- Saturday night, May 12th. The is up. HE HAS ing out of over 8,000 books by Eighth Grade chorus, the HI LOOKS OUT FOR LABOR Earle Clements believes Kentucky needs more electric power under people. As Gover- over 1000 readers the new Miss Emma Dotson, Men and women who work for a Irving have a real friend In to promote industry and serve rural and city direction of Mrs. Sarah Craft is a patient working relationships public projects of "having been foster sang two beautiful numbers: Earle Clements. Both in Congress and as Governor, he has op- nor, he developed friendly between in the Memorial Hospital. posed punitive legislation against labor. record has won and private power groups. In Congress and as Governor, he has mothers to the children of the Saviour" "O Sole Hk "Beautiful and official endorsement. always been a consistent supporter of REA. Mountain Haven Children's Mio". Mr. Monroe Sizemore is now Home on Smoot Creek and the a Hos- patient in the Memorial SENATOR awarding of monthly certificates Doris Ann Davidson, Jenkins pital. We wish for all of them THERE IS THE RECORD. YOU DECIDE IF YOU WANT AS YOUR A MAN WHO GETS THINGS DONE to the Jenkins High School graduate, class of '55, now a stu- a speedy recovery. AGGRESSIVELY, QUIETLY, SUCCESSFULLY AND WITHOUT BROKEN PROMISES. CONSIDER SERIOUSLY A "Youth of The Month"; the an dent at Speed Secretarial Col- MAN WHO IS FOR THE PEOPLE. nual $50 scholarship award and lege, Johnson City, Tenn., was The swimming pool .is now others. She ended her talk a week-en-d guest of family and open and the younger set sure with the statement that "we friends. are enjoying swimming during have tried to help make Jenkins these warm days. a more pleasant place in whcih Lakeside Canasta Club met at VOTE FOR EARLE C.
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