INSTITUTION 74T- The,Original Document. Reproductions V
1. DOCUMENT RESUME ED 123 953 HE 007 470 TITLE All-University Faculty .Tnformation Bulletin, Fall 1974 and Twin-Cities Campus FacultyInformati-on Bulletin Supplement, Fall 1975. INSTITUTION minnesota Univ., Minneapolis.' PVB WiTE 74T- NOTE 118p. EDR$ PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$6.01 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Academic Freedom; *AdmiltiOzative Policy; Administrator 'Responsibility,Ancillary Services; *dellege'Faculty; Faculty Organizations; Fringe Benefits; Gov &nance; *Higher Education; Housing; *Personnel Policy; Research; *State Universities; Teacher Responsibility IDENTIFIERS *Faculty Handbooks; University of Minnesota ^I+ ABSTRACT , The All University Faculty Information Bulletin for 1974 for the university of Minnesota describes the university; its organization and administration; the duties and privileges of the fdculty; faculty personnel,information; teaching policies andl procedures; student services; university resources including research and study facilities, publicatio-is, And support facilities and staff; and the university administration and organization. The suppled fit provides similar information more specifically concerning the Tw n 'Cities Campus. '(JMF) *****vc**************************************************************** * Documenis acquired by ERIC include many inforMai unpublished -* *. materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes eVeryeffort.* * to obtain the best copy available: Nevertheless, items of marginal * 1* reproducibility are often pncoUtte'red and this affec he quality * * of,the microfiche'and hardeopy\reproductions ERICmatravailable * ' * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (BDRSi. EDRS is not- , * responsible for the quality ofthe,original document. Reproductions V * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. * *********************************************************************** - \ ,,,,:f,,.,o' 4,44!n.,r,, ',,.,.11' '$,,,f ,,-- tr.., t ,i,' *1;4 : . A I 1-pniversity1 FACULTY INFORMATION BULLETIN Fall 1974 - (# 41, '07 !,1!i oil.,. ' 11. .4 I .
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