Entomologist Vot
l.!ay 1988 UARYLAND ENTOMOLoGIST Vot . 3 ( 2 ) Voh-rre 3 1988 [funber 2 CONTENTS Morgan, N. O. Tabanid (Diptera) survey at five horge farms in Maryland, 1984.. 25-29 Staines, C. L. The Dryopidae (Coleoptera) of Maryland .....30-32 Staines, C. L. & S. L. Staines. Observatlons on, new adult host plants for, CalllrhopaIus (Pseudoceorhlnus) blfasclatus (RoeIofs) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), with a revlew of host plants . .33-39 Stevenson, H. c. AII flve species of Metaxaglaea (Lepldoptera: Noctuidae, Cul I i inae ) at a single site in Tidelrater Maryland ...40-41 Staines, C. L. The Noteridae (Coleoptera) of Maryland EUPHYDRYAS " " '42-45 Stevenson, H. G. Dasychlra atrlvenosa (PaIm) (Lepldoptera: m Lynantriidae) in Tidewater Maryland..... ....46 Platt, A. P. Northern records of Papi.Ilo (HeracIldes) creEphontes (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in the midwestern United states .....47-5I Book Review- Handbook of insect rearlng, E. J. cerberg......52 Stevenson, H. c. Xestla bolllt (Grote) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Noctuinae) in Tidewater Maryland..........53-54 iL Book Review- Insects, thelr blology and cultural hlstory, E. J- cerberg ....54 Editoral PoIicy of the Maryland Entomologist. , . .55-56 Editori.al .........29 Literature Notices . .29, 4L issued 20 May 1988 MARYLAND ENTOMOLOGIST MARYLAND ENTOMOLOGIST 3(2) t25-29 (1988) ICAL SOCIETY MARYLAID ENTOTOLG Iabanicl (Diptera) Survey at Five Horse Farms in Maryland, Executlve Conmlttee u 1 984 I Neal O. llorgan Austln P. Platt, Presldent Livestock Phll lp J. Kean, Vlce Presldent Insects Laboratory, USDA; ARS, Beltsvi11e, MD 20705 Robln G. Todd, Secretary-Treasurer Robert S. Bryant, Hlstorlan Abstract Thomas E. l{al lenmaler, Phaeton Edltor As parts of a potomac C.
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