VVIILLLLUUEERRCCAASS--IIBBOORREESS--JJAARRAA GGLLOOBBAALL GGEEOOPPAARRKK SSUUPPPPLLEEMMEENNTTAARRYY DDOOSSSSIIEERR 22001111--22001155 RREEVVAALLIIDDAATTIIOONN PPRROOCCEESSSS INDEX Villuercas – Ibores – Jara Geopark 2 FORM A 4 I. Geology and Landscape 5 IΙ. Management Structure. 15 III. Information and Environmental Education 22 IV. Geotourism 30 V. Sustainable Regional Economy 38 FORM B 40 I. Contribution to the Work of the Geopark Network 41 II. Management Structure and Financial Status 45 III. Conservation (geoconservation) Strategy 49 IV. Strategic Partnerships 52 V. Marketing and Promotion of the Geopark after its Official Designation as a 56 member of the Global Geoparks Network. VI. Sustainable Economic Development 60 VILLUERCAS-IBORES-JARA GLOBAL GEOPARK www.geoparquevilluercas.es FB: GeoparqueVilluercas @VilluercasGPark EGN Representatives José Mª Barrera Geopark Director
[email protected] Javier López Geopark Deputy Director
[email protected] 1 Villuercas – Ibores – Jara Geopark This Geopark is located in the Spanish region of Extremadura, in the south-east of the province of Cáceres between the valleys of the rivers Tajo and Guadiana. From its highest point, the crag known as “Risco de la Villuerca” (1600 m), a large part of the Geopark can be seen, essentially a mountain range of impressive regularity and beauty with numerous parallel lines of sierras and valleys orientated in a north-west to south-east direction. As a whole, this relief system is the result of the differential erosive action that has been applied on the Precambrian and Palaeozoic rocks that were folded during the Cadomian and Hercynian orogenies. This old orogen, which was eroded and cratonised during the Mesozoic, was rejuvenated in the late Cenozoic by the Alpine orogeny producing large fractures with lifting and lowering of tectonic blocks.