Annexure-VI-Eng Purba Bardhaman Corrected Final Final.Xlsx
Annexure-6 (Chapter 2, para 2.9.1) LIST OF POLLING STATIONS For 260-Bardhaman Dakshin Assembly Constituency within 39-Bardhaman-Durgapur Perliamentry Constitutency Wheather Sr. No. for all voters of the Building in which will be Locality Polling Area or men only Polling located or women Station only 1 2 3 4 5 Kamal Sayar, Ward no. 26, Burdwan Municipality University Engineering 1. Both side of Kamal Sayar, 2. East Side of 1 For all voters Sadar Burdwan, Pin-713104. College, Kamal Sayar Research Hostel road Goda, Ward No. 26, Burdwan Municipality Sadar Goda Municipal F.P. School (R- 1.Goda Kajir Hat, 2. Goda Sib tala, 3. 2 For all voters Burdwan, Pin-713102. 1) Tarabag, 4. Golapbag Goda, Ward No. 26, Burdwan Municipality Sadar Goda Municipal F.P. School (R- 1. Goda Koit tala, 2. Goda Kumirgorh, 3. 3 For all voters Burdwan, Pin-713102. 2) Goda Jhumkotala, 4. Goda Khondekar para, 1. Banepukur Dakshinpar, 2. Banepukur Goda, Ward No. 26, Burdwan Municipality Sadar pashimpar, 3. Das para, 4. Simultala, 5. 4 Goda F.P. School (R-1) For all voters Burdwan, Pin-713102. Banepukur purba para, 6. Goda Roy colony, 7. Goda Majher para, 8. Goda Dangapara. 1. Goda Mondal Para, 2. Goda Molla Para, Goda, Ward No. 26, Burdwan Municipality Sadar 5 Goda F.P. School (R-2) 3.Dafadar Para, 4. Goda Bhand para, 5. Goda For all voters Burdwan, Pin-713102. Bizili par, 6. Nuiner Par 1. Goda math colony, 2. Goda kaibartya para, 3. Goda sibtala, 4. Goda mali para, 5. Goda Goda, Ward No.
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