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Cambridge University Press et al v. Patton et al Doc. 372 Att. 1 EXHIBIT 705 PART 4 Doc Hit Report 8.16.08-12.31.08 with course names.xls Documnt Courée RéervePage Date Rangel HitCount of Total CHEM2400 Organic Chemistry Perm 12/31/2008 Practice Exam Chapters 12 and 2008 Comar 8/16/2008 243 00.22% Practice Exam Answer Key Chapters CHEM2400 Organic Chemistry Perm and Fall 08 2008 Comar 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 228 00.21% Practice Exam Key Chapters and CHEM2400 Chem 2400 Perm 2009 Fall 08 Pascoe 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 386 00.35% CHEM2400 Chem 2400 Perm 2009 Practice Exam Chapters 12 and Fall 08 Pascoe 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 484 00.44% CHEM2400 Chem 2400 Perm 2009 Practice Questions Ch Fall 08 Pascoe 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 104 00.09% Practice Questions Ch CHEM2400 Organic Chemistry Perm Fall 08 2008 Comar 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 24 00.02% Prahalad C.K and Kenneth Lieberthal The MK8620 Product Management Spring End of Corporate Imperialism 2009 Donthu 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.01% Prator Robinett Manual of American English Pronunciation Lesson 17 pp 206- AL8320 Sound System of English Spring 12/31/2008 217 -Sound-spelling correspondence 2009 Grant Murphy 8/16/2008 00.01% Prator Robinett Manual of American English Pronunciation Lesson 18 pp 218- 234 Sound-spelling correspondence 57 potentially useful patterns for enabling ESL learners not only to recognize but to predict AL8320 Sound System of English Spring 00.01% sound-spelling correspondence 2009 Grant Murphy 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 Precalculus Functions and Graphs 5/e Appendix Call MC-0869 and MC-0870 MATH 1111 Precalculus Training Videos 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% perm Perm 2008 Staff Precalculus Functions and Graphs 5/e Chapt Call MC-0848 and MC-0859 MATH 1111 Precalculus Training Videos perm Perm 2008 Staff 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Precalculus Functions and Graphs 5/e Chapt Call MC-0849 and MC-0860 MATH 1111 Precalculus Training Videos perm Perm 2008 Staff 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Precalculus Functions and Graphs 5/e Chapt Call MC-0850 and MC-0861 MATH1 111 Precalculus Training Videos perm Perm 2008 Staff 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% GSU007945.O1 4.xls-000331 Doc Hit Report 8.16.08-1 2.31 .08 with course names.xls Document Course Reserves Page Date Range Hit Count of Total Precalculus Functions and Graphs 5/e Chapt Call MC-0855 and MC-0866 MATH 1111 Precalculus Training Videos perm Perm 2008 Staff 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Pre-code Hollywood sex immorality and insurrection in American cinema 1930-1 934 Number PN1995.62 .D65 1999 or PC- RELS395O Religion Morality and Film Ruprecht-04 Spring 2009 Ruprecht 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.01% Predictors of Subjective Memory in Older GERO8000 Seminar in Gerontology Fall Adults 2008 Kemp 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.01% Preissle and Grant 2004 Fieldwork traditions Ethnography and participant observation In de Marrais and Lapan Eds Foundations for research Methods of inquiry in education and the social sciences EP58500 Qualitative/Interpretive Research Mahwah NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Asso in Education Fall 2008 Kaufmann 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 108 00.10% Preissle Judith Feminist Research Ethics In Handbook of Feminist Research Theory EP58500 Qualitative/Interpretive Research and Praxis edited by Sharlene Hesse-Biber in Education Fall 2008 Kaufmann 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 64 00.06% Prettyman Sandra We Aint No Dogs Teenage Mothers Re Define Themselves WST431O Girls FaIl 2008 Kubala 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.01% PSYC451O Community Psychology Fall Prevention works Call MC-2067 2008 Kuperminc 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Preves Sharon Intersex and Identity The SOCI1 160 Introduction to Social Problems Contested Self Chapters Spring 2009 Jungels 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 20 00.02% Preves Sharon Intersex Narratives Gender Medicine and Identity In Sex Gender and Sexuality The New Basics S0C13156 Sexuality and Society Fall Abby Ferber et al 2008 Palder 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 98 00.09% Prilleltensky Isaac Understanding Resisting and Overcoming Oppression PSYC849O Scientific and Professional Toward Psychopolitcal Validity Ethics in Psychology FaIl 2008 Sevcik 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% PSYC2O5O Introduction to Drugs and Primer of Drug Action Call PC-Parent-Ui Behavior Fall 2008 Parent 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% GSU007945.O1 4.xls-000332 Doc Hit Report 8.16.08-1 2.31 .08 with course names.xls Document Course Reserves Page Date Range Hit Count of Total Principles of fluorescence spectroscopy CHEM851O BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Number QD96.F56 L34 2006 Fall 2008 Smith 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Principles of manual medicine Number PT8825 Management of Musculoskeletal RM724 .G74 2003 Disorders Fall 2008 Donnelly 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Principles of neural development B10L4094 Developmental Neurobiology Number QP363.5 .P87 1985 Fall 2008 Pallas Rehder 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Priscilla Throop trans cERhetoric and Dialectic in Isidore of SevilleTMs Etymologies Volume Charlotte VT ENGL8175 Medieval Rhetoric Fall 2008 MedievalMS 2005 Christie 8/16/2008-12/31/2008 15 00.01% ECE7400 Curriculum in ECE Classroom II Prisms and Pyramids Spring 2009 Hart 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% B1OL3240 Human Physiology Spring Problem acid base case 2009 Eilertson 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 25 00.02% Problem Posing and Solving with Action Research Jerry Language Teacher Awareness Cambridge Cambridge AL8900 Practicum Spring 2009 Belcher University Press 1995 Larsson Moran Murphy Snell Stowe 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 20 00.02% AL8460 English Grammer for ESL-EFL 12/31/2008 PROBLEM SOLUTION Call PC-Byrd-Ol Teachers Perm 2009 Byrd 8/16/2008 00.00% Process Standards for Grades Pre-K-2 Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2000 Principles and standards for school mathematics Reston VA National Council of Teachers of ECE7400 Curriculum in ECE Classroom II Mathematics Spring 2009 Hart 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Professional Responsibilities Problems of Practice 4th ed LAW6O2O Professional Responsibility Fall KF306 .C79 2008 2008 Girth 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% AL8320 Sound System of English Spring Pronunciation Call PC-Murphy-09 2009 Grant Murphy 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Prosser Cases Materials on Torts 11th ed LAW5O61 Torts Spring 2009 Hensel KF1249.P7 2005 Todres 8/16/2008-12/31/2008 00.00% Prosser Cases and Materials on Torts 11th ed.Foundation GSU007945.O1 4.xls-000333 Doc Hit Report 8.16.08-1 2.31 .08 with course names.xls Document Course Reserves Page Date Range Hit Count of Total KF 1249 .P7 2005 LAW5O61 Torts Spring 2009 Hensel 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% AST1 000 All Documents Perm 2008 Protist Lecture Powerpoint EDiscovery Palmour 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Prudentius Psychomachia transs H.J Thompson in Prudentius Volume Loeb ENGL8175 Medieval Rhetoric Fall 2008 Classical Library Christie 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 21 00.02% Psycho Call Video Tape PN 1997 P79 FILM2700 History of Film Perm 2008 1986 perm Staff 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% IEPO85O Reading and Listening for Academic Purposes Spring 2009 Psychology Introduction Bunting Delk Greene Larsson Lee 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 159 00.14% Puar Jasbir and Amit Rai Monster Terrorist Fag The War on Terrorism and the Production of Docile Patriots Social Text WST8002 Globalization and Gender Fall 72 20 no 2002 117-148 2008 Jarmakani 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Puar Jasbir 2005 ceQueer Times Queer Assemblages. Social Text 84-85 WST2O1O Introduction to Womens Studies Volume 23 Nos 3-4 Fall-Winter 2005 Fall 2008 Sinnott 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Puar Jasbir Terrorist Assemblages WST8002 Globalization and Gender Fall Homonationalism in Queer Times Ch 2008 Jarmakani 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 13 00.01% Puar Jasbir Terrorist Assemblages Homonationalism in Queer Times WST4760 Activism History and Theory Selections Fall 2008 Kubala 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 17 00.02% Public opinion Number HN9O.P8 P84 J0U4510 Media and Politics Fall 2008 1999 Williams 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% B1OL3240 Human Physiology Spring Pulmonary Lecture-revised 2009 Eilertson 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 106 00.10% Purcell Henry Dido and Aeneas Recit.-Thy Hand Belinda Aria-When am laid in earth Graves Voce di Donna BMG MUS6I5O Review of Music History Fall Entertainment 1999 2008 Greene 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.01% MUS4620 Vocal Literature Spring 2009 Purcell Henry--An Evening Hymn Hartgrove 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Purcell Henry--Hark the Eching Air The MUS4620 Vocal Literature Spring 2009 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Fairy Queen McNair-sopranoj Hartgrove GSU007945.O1 4.xls-000334 Doc Hit Report 8.16.08-12.31.08 with course names.xls Document Course Resevés Page Date Range Hit Count of Total Purcell Henry--I attempt from loves sickness The Indian Queen/i 695 MUS4620 Vocal Literature Spring 2009 McNair-sopranoj Hartgrove 8/16/2008- 12/31/2008 00.00% Purcell Henry--If music be the food of love MUS4620 Vocal Literature Spring 2009 third setting/1695 McNair-soprano Hartgrove 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% MUS4620 Vocal Literature Spring 2009 Purcell Henry--Lord what is man Hartgrove 8/i 6/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Purcell Henry--Music for While MUS4620 Vocal Literature Spring 2009 Oedipus/i 692 McNair-soprano Hartgrove 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Purcell Henry--Sleep Adam sleep MUS4620 Vocal Literature Spring 2009 Baker mezzo-soprano Hartgrove 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Purcell Henry--Thy Hand Belinda/When am laid in Earth Dido and Aeneus MUS4620 Vocal Literature Spring 2009 McNair-soprano Hartgrove 8/16/2008 12/31/2008 00.00% Purdue Theda and Michael Green Eds.