Nr. Grove Recycling Centre, Hazlehead Park, Aberdeen AB15 3BJ
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Aberdeen Good Practice Sharing/AGM Booking Form Friday 16 September 2016 at 10:00 to 16:00 Grove Nursery nr. Grove Recycling Centre, Hazlehead Park, Aberdeen AB15 3BJ (former site of Aberdeen City Council plant nursery, access from Hazledene Road) Free to attend. Lunch & refreshments £10 payable on booking. You are welcome to bring a packed lunch.
Are you attending? AGM 12:30 pm Yes/No* Good Practice Sharing 10:00-16:00 Yes/No* (please delete as appropriate)* Trellis Membership Number if approp M…………..….. Name of delegate
Name of organisation (if app) Name of Garden Project (if app)
Job Title (if app) Address 1 Address 2 County Postcode Email Telephone Work/Daytime Mobile
Would you like lunch? Lunch and refreshments cost £10 per person and must be booked at this time - payment details overleaf. Please let us know if you have any dietary preferences i.e. Gluten Free, Vegetarian
Please provide details below of any other delegates for whom you would like to make a booking Name of delegate Email Dietary Requirements for additional delegates
Additional needs - If you, or anyone in your party, have any additional support needs please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate them.
* Delete as approp Do you consent to your contact details being circulated among attendees? Yes / No* Would you like your project details included Trellis directory/map Yes / No*
For details of how to pay see Methods of Payment section overleaf.
Page 1 of 3 Please return booking form and payment to Trellis by Wednesday 5 September 2016 Methods of Payment
Please note that bookings are only confirmed on receipt of payment. Please return booking form and payment to Trellis by Wednesday 24 February 2016
PleaseNumber choose of delegates one of theDelegate following rate payment per person options £ Total £10.00 £ OptTotal 1 amountI have payable enclosed a cheque made payable to ‘Trellis’ £ Yes / No*
For electronic payment, please use a reference so we can identify it, either: AGM16 + Delegate Name AGM16 + Project Name (if more that one delegate) Opt 2 Electronic bank transfer payment (e.g. BACS, online banking) Yes / No* Pay to: The Royal Bank of Scotland Account name: Trellis - The Scottish Therapeutic Gardening Network Account No. 10356047 Sort Code 83-47-00 To help us match your payment with your booking – tell us the name of the organisation that will paying your conference fee(s) : Opt 3 Please invoice me directly Yes / No* Opt 4 Please invoice my organisation Yes / No* Purchase order no. (if applicable):
Invoice address if different from above Name Email Department Address
Town/City County Postcode Phone Number
Please note the Booking Terms & Conditions … Overleaf
For office use only: Date Booking Form received ……./……./……. Confirmation of receipt of booking (date email sent ) ……./……./……. Payment Other
Page 2 of 3 Booking Terms & Conditions
Bookings are only confirmed on receipt of payment. Payment must be received in full prior to the event (12 September 2016 at the latest). Invoices are payable upon receipt and should be paid prior to the conference. The booking form constitutes a legally binding agreement Delegate substitutions will be accepted if notified in writing/by email before the event No refunds can be made after 12 September 2016 Cancellations made prior to 12 September 2016 (confirmed in writing/by email) will be liable for an administration charge of 20% of the relevant delegate fee. Bookings made after 12 September 2016 are non-refundable.
It may be necessary, for reasons beyond our control, to alter the content and timing of the programme, the advertised speakers or the venue.
How to Book
Return a completed booking form with payment to Trellis by 5 September 2016 Booking forms can be downloaded from The booking form can be emailed to [email protected] Or posted to Trellis, 40 St John Street, Perth PH1 5SP
Booking forms will be acknowledged by email on receipt of a completed booking form. Confirmation of the event will be emailed approx. 10 days before the event date.
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