Flurry: Verb 1. to Confuse Or Agitate. 2. to Move in a Quick, Flustered Way
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1. flurry: noun 1. A sudden, brief rush of wind, gust. 2. A gust of rain or snow. 3. A sudden confusion or commotion. flurry: verb 1. To confuse or agitate. 2. To move in a quick, flustered way. flurried, flurrying, verb Sentence:
2. romp: verb 1. To play or frolic in a lively way. 2. To win something easily, like a race or a contest. Word Masters Name:
romp: noun 1. lively play. 2. an easy victory romper, noun
3. moist: adjective 1. Slightly wet, damp. 2. Tearful moistly, adverb; moistness, noun Word Masters Name:
4. swarm: noun 1. A large number of bees, led by a queen, traveling together. 2. A colony of bees in a hive. 3. A moving crowd. swarm: verb 1. To gather and fly off (like bees). 2. To move or gather in large numbers. 3. To be filled or Word Masters Name:
crowded. 4. To climb (a tree or pole) using the hands and feet. swarmer, noun Sentence:
5. dawdle: verb 1. To waste time doing things that are not important or by being slow. 2. idle dawdled, dawdling, verb, dawdler, noun
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6. pudgy: adjective 1. Short and plump or thick. pudgier, pudgiest, adjective, pudginess, noun
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7. blizzard: noun 1. A sever snowstorm with very cold temperatures, wind, and drifting snow. 2. An overwhelming number or amount all at one time.
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8. swat: verb 1. To hit with a quick, sharp blow. 2. To hit, slap, or smack swat: noun A quick, sharp blow as with a bat or a swatter. SWAT: noun A special unit of law enforcement trained to deal with difficult situations. swatted, swatting, verb Sentence:
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9. humid: adjective Full of water vapor, moist, damp. humidity: noun The amount of water vapor in the air. humidify, verb
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10. nibble: verb 1. To eat with quick bites, taking in small amount at a time (like a mouse). 2. To take small, gentle bites. 3. To show little interest in food by taking small bites. nibble: noun A small bite or amount. nibbling, nibbled, verb Sentence:
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11. loaf: noun. 1. A portion of bread baked in one piece. 2. Any mass of food shaped like a loaf of bread. loaf: verb. To spend time doing nothing, idle, dawdle, loiter. loaves, loafer, noun
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12.slender: adjective 1. Small in width, long and thin. 2. Having a slim, trim figure. 3. Small in amount or size. 4. Having little value. slenderness, noun slenderly, adverb
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13. tatters: noun 1. Torn shreds or pieces hanging loose from the main piece. 2. Scraps or rags. 3. Torn, ragged clothes. tatters: verb. To make or become rags, tears tattered, adjective Sentence:
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14. gush: verb 1. To flow out suddenly and a lot, pour out, spout 2. To have a sudden, painful flow of blood, tears, etc. 3. To express with exaggerated excitement or feeling. gush: noun A sudden, painful outflow. gushing, adjective; gushingly, adverb
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15. dilapidated: adjective 1. Falling to pieces, or into ruin, usually from age or not taking care of something. 2. Broken down, shabby and neglected dilapidation, noun Sentence:
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16. scrap: noun 1. A small bit, piece, or shred. 2. Pieces that have been thrown away or can only be used for other projects (like scrap paper in art class). 3. Bits of leftover food. 4. A fight or a quarrel. scrap: adjective 1. Consisting of pieces, odds and ends, leftovers. 2. Used and discarded. scrap: verb To get rid of or abandon as useless. scrapped, scrapping verb Sentence:
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17. doze: verb 1. To spend time lightly sleeping. 2. To fall into alight sleep (unintentionally). 3. To be half asleep. doze: noun A light sleep, nap. doze off, verb Sentence:
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18. violent: adjective 1. Acting with great physical force with the intention to harm, damage, or destroy. 2. Caused by violence or a destructive force. 3. Showing strong feeling or emotion, furious. 4. Extreme, intense, or very strong (a violent storm). violently, adverb; violence, noun Sentence:
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19. bevy: noun 1. A group, especially of girls or women 2. Any group or collection. 3. A flock of quail (a type of bird). bevies, plural noun
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20. shred: noun 1. A long, narrow strip or piece made by cutting or tearing. 2. A very small piece or amount. shredder, noun; shredded, shredding, verb
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21. ragged: adjective 1. Shabby or torn from wear, tattered. 2. Uneven, rough, jagged. 3. Shaggy, not taken care of. 4. Not finished, imperfect. raggedness, noun; raggedly, adverb
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22. squabble: verb To take part in an unimportant quarrel or fight. squabble: noun A noisy, unimportant fight squabbled, squabbling, verb Sentence:
23. hustle: verb 1. To push or shove in a rough, rude way. 2. To hurry, to cause to be done quickly or too quickly. 3. To Word Masters Name:
move or work quickly or energetically. 4. To get or sell something dishonestly or using tricks. hustle: noun Energetic action hustled, hustling, verb Sentence:
24. shabby: adjective 1. Run down, dilapidated. 2. Showing lots of wear, ragged. 3. Not good enough, unworthy. 4. Mean, disgraceful, shameful (shabby treatment). Word Masters Name:
shabbiness, noun; shabbily, adverb
25. herd: noun 1. A number of animals (cattle, sheep) feeding, living, or moving together. 2. Any large group, crowd. herd: verb 1. To gather together or move in a group or crowd. 2. To keep a close watch or control over. Word Masters Name: