Program Codes Definitions What they really mean

Aid to assist Mona in adding and correcting existing program codes ghill 6/2/2010 Program code records [Sample]

Program Description Data Entry Predecessor Program 10 Instruction Unchecked 11 Instruction Checked 10 20 Research Unchecked 21 Research Checked 20 30 Public Service Unchecked 31 Public Service Checked 30 40 Academic Support Unchecked 41 Academic Support Checked 40 50 Student Services Unchecked 51 Student Services Checked 50 60 Institutional/Administrative Support Unchecked 61 Institutional /Administrative Support Checked 60 70 Physical Plant Operations Unchecked 71 Physical Plant Operations Checked 70 80 Student Financial Support Unchecked 81 Student Financial Support Checked 80 90 Auxiliary Services Unchecked 91 Food Services Checked 90 92 Residential Services Checked 90 93 Bookstore Checked 90 94 Stores

The Bolded Program Codes are the Predecessors which means you can create many program codes that will roll up to the Predecessor for reporting purposes

Program codes define which institutional program the purchased goods and or services supports. While the Organization codes identify which department/unit is spending the money, remember the Program codes define which operational function the purchase is supporting

Expenditures, encumbrances, revenue, and transfer transactions must have a Fund, Organization, Account and Program codes to post to the Operating Ledger, while direct entries to the General Ledger only require Fund and Account.

2 Program code records [Sample]

11 = Instruction = Money being spent on teaching the students

21 = Research = Money being spent to support Research usually Grant related

31 = Public Service = Money being spent to inform, support, the general public (forums on HIV/Aids awareness, Anger Awareness against Women)

41 = Academic Support = Money being spent on the support of the Academic Staff

51 = Student Services = Money being spent to support students activities such as clubs, councils, students groups approved by the institution/college/university

61 = Institutional /Administrative Support = Money being spent to support the running of the institution, the administration services

71 = Physical Plant Operation = Money being spent on building and grounds operational needs

81 = Student Financial Support = Money being given to student to support their academic pursuits

91 = Food Service = Types of revenue

92 = Residential Services = Types of revenue

93 = Book Store = Types of revenue

94 = Stores = Types of revenue