Jerry L. Mchale, Chair Jeffrey S. Sargent, Nonvoting Secretary

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Jerry L. Mchale, Chair Jeffrey S. Sargent, Nonvoting Secretary Report of the Committee on Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary responsibility for documents or portions of documents on Manufactured Housing administrative provisiorm and planning requirements for manufactured homes to assure the adequacy of architectural Technical Correlating Committee (MAN-AAC) planning considerations and documentation of compliance for a safe and healthy environment for the occupants of a manufactured home. David Hilton Goins, Chair North Carolina Dept. of Insurance, NC [El Technical Committee on Walter P. Sterling, Nonvoting Secretary Electrical for Manufactured Housing (MAN-ELE) Nat'l Fire Protection Assn., MA Robert A. McCullough, Chair Gerald W. Bell, Nat'l Assn. of Independent Insurers, IL [I] Ocean County Construction Inspection Dept., NJ [El Bill Farish, Fleetwood Homes, CA [M] Rep. Int'l Assn. of Electrical Inspectors William Freeborne, U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, DC [El Jeffrey S. Sargent, Nonvoting Secretary Danny D. Ghorbani, Assn. for Regulatory Reform, DC [M] Nat'l FireProtection Assn., MA Martin C. Gilchrist, Urban Research & Development Corp., PA [SE] Mike Marl, Nat'l Conference of States on Bldg. Codes & Standards, Thomas R. Brandt, Fairmont Homes Inc., 1N [M] VA tEl C. Edgar Bryant, Champion Enterprises, Inc., MI [M] John Pabian, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., IL [RT] Daniel J. Kissane, Pass & Seymour Legrand, NY [M] Janet Potter, Nat'l Foundation of Manufactured Home Owners, Robert L. LaRocca, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., NY [RT] NC [C] Robert E. Moore, TECO Energy, FL [U] Michael J. Slifka, PFS Corp., WI [RT] Rep. Edison Electric Inst. Frank Walter, Manufactured Housing Inst., VA [M] Clifford L. Rediger, Independent Electrical Contractors Training Fund, CO [IM] Alternates Rep. Independent Electrical Contractors Frank Whittaker, Jr., City of Roanoke, VA [E] Deborah J. Chapman, Nat'l Foundation of Manufactured Home Michael L. Zieman, RADCO, CA [RT] Owners, PA [C] (Alt. to J. Potter) Alternate David A. Otto, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., IL [RT] (Ah. to J. Pabian) David IL Keller, Champion Enterprises, Inc., MI [M] John R. Stevens, U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, (Alt. to C. E. Bryant) DC [E] (Alt. to W. l~reeborne) Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary responsibility for documents or portions of documents on Nonvoting electrical conductors and electrical equipment installed within or on manufactured homes to provide a safe and healthy environment ohn Lake, Marion County Fire/Rescue, FL, Chair MAN-FIR for the occupants of a manufactured home. atrick Lewis, Oregon Bldg. Codes Division, OR, Chair MAN-PLU Robert A. McCullough, Ocean County Construction Inspection Dept., NJ, Technical Committee on Chair MAN-ELE Jerry L. McHale, Federation of Manufactured Home Owners of Fire Safety for Manufactured Housing (MAN-FIR) Florida, Inc., FL, Chair MAN-ADM John Lake, Chair Raymond F. Tucker, RADCO, CA, Chair MAN-STR Marion County Fire/Rescue, FL [El Michael L. Zieman, RADCO, CA, Chair MAN-MEG Walter P. Sterling, Nonvoting Secretar3 Committee Scope: This Correlating Committee shall have Nat'l Fire Protection AssrL, MA primary responsibility for documents or portions of documents that provide a safe and healthy environment for the occupant of a Lawrence Brown, Nat'l Assn. of Home Builders, DC [U] manufactured home. Gene B. Endthoff, Nat'l Fire Sprinkler Assn., IL [M] William M. Hug, Cavco Industries, LLC, AZ [M] Technical Committee on Lewis Boyd Lee, South Caroling State Fire Marshal's Office, SC [El Rep. Int'l Fire Marshals Assn. Administration for Manufactured Housing (MAN-ADM) M. L. aI.arry~ Maruskin, Federal Emergency Mgmt. Agency, MD [C] Dennis L. Pitts, American Forest & Paper Assn., TX [M] Jerry L. McHale, Chair James v. Ryan, Potomac, MD [SE] Federation of Manufactured Home Owners Michael J. Sliflm, PFS Corp., WI [RT] of Florida, Inc., FL [C] Eric Staniak, State Farm Fire & Casualty, IL Ill Randy E. Vogt, Minnesota Bldg. Codes and Standards Division, Walter P. Sterfing, Nonvoting Secretary MN [El Nat'l Fire Protection Assn., MA Richard Weinert, California Dept. of Housing and Community Development, CA [El Danny G. Ghorbani, Assn. for Regulatory Reform, DC [M] A. Elwood Willey, FIREPRO Inc., MA [SE] Martin C. Gilchrist, Urban Research & Development Corp., PA [SE] David Hilton Goins, North Carolina Dept. of Insurance, NC [E] Alternates Doug Gorman, Home-Mart, Inc., OK [M] Rep. Manufactured Housing Assn. of Oklahoma Miles J. Haber, Monument Construction Inc., MD [U] Jeffrey T. Inks, Nat'! Assn. of Home Builders, DC [U] (Alt. to L. Brown) Dana C. Roberts, Oregon Bldg. Codes Division, OR, [E] Jim McGowan, California Dept. of Housing and Community Rep. Council of State Administrative Agencies Development, CA [El Raymond F. Tucker, RADCO, CA [RT] (Alt. to R. Weinert) Jeffrey B. Stone, American Forest & Paper Assn., FL [M] Alternates (Alt. to D. L. Pitts) Jerry A. Walker, Gypsum Assn., DC [M] Lawrence Brown, Nat'l Assn. of Home Builders, DC [U] (Voting Alt. to Gypsum Assn. Pep.) (Alt. toJ. T. Inks) Michael L. Zieman, RADCO, CA [RT] (Air. to IL F. Tucker) 517 NFPA 501 m MAY 2000 ROP Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary Technical Committee on responsibility for documents or portions of documents on fire safety to the occupants of a manufactured home. Structural for Manufactured Housing (MAN-STR) Raymond F. Tucker, Chair Technical Committee on RADCO, CA [RT] Mechanical for Manufactured Housing (MAN-MEC) Walter P. Sterling, Nonvoting Secretary Nat'l Fire Protection Assn., MA Michael L. Zieman, Chair RADCO, CA [RT] Peter H. Billing, Inst. for Business & Home Safety, MA [I] John G. Bradrleld, Composite Panel Assn., MD [U] - Gregory E. Harrington, Nonvoting Secretary C. Edgar Bryant, Champion Enterprises, Inc., MI [M] Nat'l Fire Protection Assn., MA Michael A~ Kinard, Kinro Inc., TX [M] Patrick Lewis, Oregon Bldg. Codes Division, OR [E] Michael D. Blegen, Oregon Dept: of Consumer and Business Mike Marl, Nat'l Conference of States on Bldg. Codes & Standards, Services, OR [E] VA [El Larry Boyce, NORDYNE, MO [M] ~i. abian, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., IL [RT] Donald E. Dockray, Southern California Gas Co., CA [U] Patel, Maryland Codes Administration, MD [E] John M. Halliwill, Int'l Assn. of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials, edffrey B. Stone, American Forest & Paper Assn., FL [M] CA [E] Sutton, Nat'l Assn. of Home Builders, DC [U] Jordan Heiman, Jordan L. Heiman Inc., MO [SE] John W. Weldy, NTA Inc., IN [RT] Michael Lubliner, Washington State University Energy Program, Robert J. Wills, American Iron & Steel Inst., AL [M] WA [U] Rep. Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Alternates ohn Mikel, Skyline Corp., IN [M] ohn Pabian, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., IL [RT] James A. Jones, Crest Homes, IN [U] Iohn R. Stevens, U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, (Alt. to E. Sutton) DC [E] Dennis L. Pitts, American Forest & Paper Assn., TX [U] Elbert D. Stillwaggon, Weaver Gas, NY [IM] (Alt. to J. B. Stone) Rep. Nat'l Propane Gas Assn. Patrick Zeeveld, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., IL [RT] Frank Walter, Manufactured Housing Inst., VA [M] (Alt. to J. Pabian) Alternate Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary responsibility for documents or portions of documents on Robert D. Haden, Blossman Gas, Inc., AL [IM] materials, products, equipment and workmanship and testing (Alt. to E. D. Stillwaggon) needed to ensure that there is a safe and healthy environment for the occupant of a manufactured home. The Committee shall also Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary have the responsibility associated with the general requirements for responsibility for documents or portions of documents on designing the structure to fully withstand the adverse effects of condensation control; air infiltration; thermal insulation; transportation shock and vibration on a manufactured home. certification for heating and comfort cooling; and heating, cooling, and fuel-burning equipment that is installed within, on, These lists represent the membership at the time the Committee was or external to a manufactured home. balloted on the text of this edition. Since that time, changes in the membership may have occurred. A key to classifications is found at the front of this book. Technical Committee on The Committee on Manufactured Housing is presenting two Plumbing for Manufactured Housing (MAN-PLU) Reports for adoption, as follows: Patrick Lewis, Chair Report I: The Committee on Manufactured Housing proposes Oregon Bldg. Codes Division, OR [E] for adoption amendments to NFPA 501-1999, Standard on Manufactured Housing. Theodore C. Lemoff, Nonvoting Secretary Nat'l Fire Protection Assn., MA This Report was prepared by the: • Technical Correlating Committee on Manufactured Housing Marguerite E. Carroll, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., CA [RT] (MAN-AAC) Michael Gillespie, Plastic Pipe & Fittings Assn., OH [M] • Technical Committee on Administration for Manufactured John M. Halliwill, Int'l Assn. of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials, Housing (MAN-ADM) CA [E] • Technical Committee on Electrical for Manufactured Housing William C. Masters, Homes of Merit, Inc., FL [M] (MAN-ELE) James R. Paschal, NSF International, MI [RT] • Technical Committee on Fire Safety for Manufactured Housing (MAN-FIR) Alternate • Technical Committee on Mechanical for Manufactured Housing (MAN-MEC) Perry W. Meikle, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., CA [RT] • Technical Committee on Plumbing for Manufactured Housing (Alt. to M. E. Carroll) (MAN-PLU) * Technical Committee on Structural
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