1. Bor List Printout Does Not Show Effective Due Date. (Rc 4086)

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1. Bor List Printout Does Not Show Effective Due Date. (Rc 4086)


Changes required to local tables and local alephe files and other local requirements are noted in bold under the each Hotfix number below. Copying from the ‘a’ tree to the ‘u’ tree means copying an ./a5x_5/alephe/xxx/ file to the ./u5x_5/alephe/xxx/ directory. For instance, ./a50_5/alephe/www_b_eng/b-file-20 would be copied to ./u50_5/alephe/www_b_eng/b-file-20.

Hotfix 001: 1. bor list printout does not show effective due date. (rc 4086) Hotfix 002: 2. Courtesy letters are not using effective due date. (rc 4089) 3. build_z36_sort_key not taking into account "effective" due date. (rc 4121) 4. www hold request - user - call no not formatted for display. (rc 4048) 5. patron hold request list - due date not showing effective due date. (rc 4105) 6. WEB OPAC - Hold request counters in items (holdings) list (rc 4106) Note: copy the following files from ‘a’ tree to ‘u’ tree: a. ./alephe/www_f_eng/item-global-body b. ./alephe/error_eng/www_f_heading: c. ./alephe/error_eng/check_hold_request 7. Increase size of due date column for loan display status. Needed for integration of "format_due"date" routine. (rc 4000) 8. added a column to the item list on the web containing Z13 title. (rc 4076) Note: copy the following files from ‘a’ tree to ‘u’ tree: a. ./alephe/www_f_eng/bor-renew-all-head-2 b. ./alephe/www_f_eng/bor-renew-all-body Hotfix 003: 9. www-f - holdings display - "Due date" column - heading #350 appeared regardless of the value of Z30-ITEM-PROCESS-STATUS. (rc 4124) Note: add the following line to $alephe_error_eng/www_f_heading: 0360 L $1 Customers who want to keep the old functionality, could copy the text from heading #350 to heading #360. 10. p_file_96 should take currency code from docx when creating z68/z601 and use the defaults only when the document is missing this information. (rc 4125) Hotfix 004: 11. ACQ / BATCH - p_edi_03 - Error message for non-created "INV" budg. Transactions (rc 4128) Note: copy the following file from ‘a’ tree to ‘u’ tree: ./alephe/error_eng/b_edi 12. p_edi_03 triggers a misleading error message. (rc 4129) Hotfix 005: 13. Following rep_change 3609, manage_17 crash on AIX due to memory limitations. handling of equivalent z01 records will be limited to 10000. (rc 4132) Hotfix 006: 14. Library info link cutting off long location info. It affects only the edit_doc of web frameless. (rc 4016) 15. Fix parameter list in www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_? programs. (rc 4078). 16. Web Services/Custom reports - example does not work Due to html error (rc 4027) Note: copy file ./alephe/www_b_eng/b-private-1 from a-tree to u-tree 17. Problem with OpenURL formatting of ISBN w freetext suffix. (rc 4096) 18. rep_change #3859 conflicts with #3666 - Now both in effect (rc 4088) 19. www renew all handling of succesful session. (rc 4110) Hotfix 007: 20. p_manage_18 - When indexing is set to FULL, no z105-record were written. In case UPDATE-F is set to FULL, not only z07-record, but also z105-record must be written. (rc 4011) Hotfix 008: 21. CAT - GUI crash when converting MARC records with long fields (rc4135) Notes: a. Server side – add the following line to ./XXX01/tab/pc_tab_cat_conv : ! 1 2 3 !!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> MARC pc_cat_conv_marc Please note its possible to define character conversion routine in col. 3. b. Client side - .\Catalog\Tab\Catalog.ini (under section [ConvertFile]): Convert16=L,MARC,REMOTE,MARC Hotfix 009: 22. This fix prevents exporting empty records which have been deleted by p_print_03. (rc 4136) 23. bug in resource_lock_interval.cbl caused problems. (rc 4145) 24. Update Item Records (manage-62) The doc was 7 digits there instead of 9. (rc4143) Hotfix 010: 25. Web OPAC - URLs ending with a slash ("/") - the file was not found (rc 4148) 26. CAT - tab_fix - parameters for fix_doc_punctuation_usm (rc 4149) 27. p_sdi_01 - the OPEN/UPDATE parameter was always spaces. (rc 4150, 4112) Hotfix 011: 28. match_doc_uid - In order to extract UID from specific tag for matching a subfield code is usually used. (rc 4160) Hotfix 012: 29. EDI fixes (rc 4030, 4053, 4151, 4056) Hotfix 013: 30. EDI changes by Jerry Hotfix 014: 31. EDI change by Jerry for USPRB3855 Hotfix 015: 32. Download 15.2 rep_change 710: Secutiry check - disable the loading files from other directories. (Frameless version Only). ( rc 4013) 33. following rep_change 003419 - Support for right-to-left text. (rc 4067) Note: copy ‘./alephe/www_f_eng/forbidden-access’ from ‘a’ tree to ‘u’ tree Hotfix 016: 34. PST is now linkable in www brief list. (rc 4090) Hotfix 017: 35. p_manage_21 - trying to add a field failed when no tag was entered. (rc 4108) Hotfix 018: 36. remove rc4136 Hotfix 019: no rep_change Hotfix 020: 37. SFX link from item page should be "popup" - plus, one program and html file were missing. (rc 4234) Note: a. added the following line in $alephe_tab/www_f_func: ##### ITEM-SFX www_f_item_sfx b. copy the following file from ‘a’ tree to ‘u’ tree: ./alephe/www_f_eng/item-global-exp 38. Removing license-check for SFX from the holdings-page. SFX button can be available now from the holdings-page for items of material-type starting with "ISS" (like ISSUE, ISSBD etc). (rc 4226, 4223) Hotfix 021: 39. Fixing two bugs in URL handling. (rc 4239) Hotfix 022: 40. p_file_99 - Added charachter conversion. (rc 4182) Hotfix 023: 41. Union_04 did not update the preferred record for the equivalent records of the one that was flagged "N". Now fixed. (rc 4252) 42. Deleting an item does not delete its z30h records. Now fixed. (rc 4257) Hotfix 024: 43. expand_doc_bib_loc_1_b2 missing suppression check using tab15 as in expand_doc_bib_loc_1_b. (rc 4261) Hotfix 025: 44. Web full - Format value mistakingly taken from first 3 positions of doc number (rc 4266) 45. CIRC - Recall due date in Item info and Overdue summary (rc 4267) Hotfix 026: 46. CAT - fix_doc_marc21_spaces - keep trailing spaces in field 010 (rc4253) Hotfix 027: 47. Web OPAC - direct - Missing JavaScript function (open_window) cause "error on page". (rc 4084) 48. "Add to Basket" and other options were not working correctly. (rc 4307) Note: copy file ./alephe/www_f_eng/direct-head from ‘a’ tree to ‘u’ tree 49. ue_01 was emptying documents (rc 4275) 50. In addition to rep_change #4261 (rc 4269) 51. Adding the ADD SUBFIELD op-code to p_file_08 (rc 4278) Hotfix 028: 52. p-item-04 - There was a crash becasue of a wrong call to "close_connection" (the ERROR-CODE parameter was missing in the call). (rc 4161) Hotfix 029: 53. Extend UTF browser recognition in mod_aleph (rc 4092) Hotfix 030: 54. www_server_m (rc 4021, 4315) Note: 1. add the definition of the environment variable WW_MAX_REQUESTS to $aleph_proc/www_server_m 2. restart www_server_m Hotfix 031: 55. fixes to basket mail/save function (rc 4036, 4158, 4286) Hotfix 032: 56. basket-course-function change (rc 4193)

Actual rep changes The following rep changes are listed in order of the numbers above, NOT by actual rep change number.

------rep_change #004086

Description: bor list printout does not show effective due date.

By: Revital (Asaf 992)

Module: circ

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: PRB 32593

Unix files: ./alephm/source/form_fill/bor_list_loan_details.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou form_fill bor_list_loan_details



Development tester: QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-07-01 14:21:18 ------rep_change #004089

Description: Courtesy letters are not using effective due date.

By: Revital (Asaf 993)

Module: cir

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 32594

Unix files: ./alephm/source/form_fill/loan_notice_letter.cbl ./alephm/source/butil/b_cir_10_a.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou form_fill loan_notice_letter iprou butil b_cir_10_a



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-07-02 08:20:57 ------rep_change #004121 Description: build_z36_sort_key not taking into account "effective" due date.

By: Revital (Asaf 990)

Module: Circ

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: PRB 32591

Unix files: ./alephm/source/com_io/build_z36_sort_key.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou com_io build_z36_sort_key



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-09-09 09:36:42 ------rep_change #004048

Description: www hold request - user - call no not formatted for display.

By: Revital (Asaf 932)

Module: www

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 32083 Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_bor_hold.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou www_f www_f_bor_hold



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-05-28 10:04:52 ------rep_change #004105

Description: patron hold request list - due date not showing effective due date.

By: Revital (Asaf 991)

Module: circ

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 32592

Unix files: ./alephm/source/pc_cir/pc_cir_c0405.cbl (Revital. This file was allready added due to upgrade of fix 1009) ./alephm/source/www_a/www_a_bor_hold.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_bor_hold.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou pc_cir pc_cir_c0405.cbl iprou www_a www_a_bor_hold.cbl iprou www_f www_f_bor_hold.cbl



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-07-14 11:18:00 ------rep_change #004106

Description: WEB OPAC - Hold request counters in items (holdings) list

Up until now, the "No. of requests" column in the items list ("Holdings" page) contained only the number of "original" (Z37-SOURCE = "O") hold requests hitherto placed on an item.

It is possible now to add information to this column indicating the total number of hold requests for the item (original + like-copies) together with the total number of items belonging to the item's hold groups.

Consider the following scenario as an example:

Document number 200 has three items: 200-10, 200-20 and 200-30. When a hold request is placed on item 200-20, its source is "O"; if like-copies are available and there is no restriction on "exact" copies only, then two additional hold requests with source "C" are created automatically. In this case, the "No. of requests" column should look as follows:

1 ( 1 / 3 ) | | | | | | | | +---> Total number of items belonging to the item's hold groups | +------> Total number of hold requests for the item +------> The number of "original" (Z37-SOURCE = "O") hold requests

The same type of information is also provided in the "Hold Request" page (invoked by clicking the "request" link in the "Holdings" page) if an item is requested:

There is a total of 1 requests on 3 items. Note that there is no change in the "Details for hold no. ..." page, that is "Number of holds" refers to the total number of hold requests (Z37-SOURCE = "O" and Z37- SOURCE = "C") placed on the item.

By: Revital (Danny 1009)

Module: OPAC

Bug Fix (Y/N): N

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 33167

Unix files: ./alephm/source/com/get_hold_queue_pos.cbl ./alephm/source/check/check_hold_request_j.cbl ./alephm/source/pc_cir/pc_cir_c0405.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_bor_hold.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_bor_hold_exp.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_item_edit.cbl ./alephm/source/www_a/www_a_bor_hold.cbl ./alephm/source/www_a/www_a_bor_hold_exp.cbl

./alephe/www_f_eng/item-global-body ./alephe/error_eng/www_f_heading ./alephe/error_eng/check_hold_request

PC files:

Actions: iprou com get_hold_queue_pos.cbl iprou check check_hold_request_j.cbl iprou pc_cir pc_cir_c0405.cbl iprou www_f www_f_bor_hold.cbl iprou www_f www_f_bor_hold_exp.cbl iprou www_f www_f_item_edit.cbl iprou www_a www_a_bor_hold.cbl iprou www_a www_a_bor_hold_exp.cbl

Actions(General): Add placeholder 16 ($1600) to ./alephe/www_f_eng/item-global-body as follows:

$0900 $1600 ...... Add the following line to ./alephe/error_eng/www_f_heading:

0379 L ($1/$2) ...... Change message 6006 in ./alephe/error_eng/check_hold_request as follows:

6006 L Item is requested. Your place in the queue for this item is : $1 ...... Add the following line to ./alephe/error_eng/check_hold_request:

6008 L There is a total of $1 requests on $2 items......


Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-07-14 11:35:23 ------rep_change #004000

Description: Increase size of due date column for loan display status. Needed for integration of "format_due"date" routine

By: Revital (Asaf 883)

Module: www

Bug Fix (Y/N): N

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number:31847

Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_a/www_a_item_edit.cbl ./alephm/source/www_a/www_a_item_global_exp.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_item_edit.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_item_global_exp.cbl PC files:

Actions: iprou www_a www_a_item_edit.cbl iprou www_a www_a_item_global_exp.cbl iprou www_f www_f_item_edit.cbl iprou www_f www_f_item_global_exp.cbl



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-05-11 13:52:03 ------rep_change #004076

Description: added a column to the item list on the web containing Z13 title. The column was also added to the page displaying the unrenewed items after clicking on the "renew all" option.

"www_f_item_global" also uses the changed program. All the functions using it could also have this additional column added to their page.

By: Revital (Hadas 971)

Module: WEB OPAC

Bug Fix (Y/N): N

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: PRB #31801

Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_item_edit.cbl ./alephe/www_f_eng/bor-renew-all-head-2 ./alephe/www_f_eng/bor-renew-all-body PC files:

Actions: iprou www_f www_f_item_edit



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-06-30 15:00:49 ------rep_change #004124

Description: www-f - holdings display - "Due date" column - heading #350 appeared regardless of the value of Z30-ITEM-PROCESS-STATUS. Changed so now #350 ("On shelf") appears only if Z30-ITEM-PROCESS-STATUS is blank. If it is not, heading #360 appears with the text taken from tab15.

The following line was added to $alephe_error_eng/www_f_heading

0360 L $1

Customers who want to keep the old functionality, could copy the text from heading #350 to heading #360.

By: Revital (Hadas 1015)

Module: WEB OPAC

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 29810

Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_item_edit.cbl ./alephe/error_eng/www_f_heading PC files:

Actions: iprou www_f www_f_item_edit



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-09-11 22:40:16 ------rep_change #004125

Description: p_file_96 should take currency code from docx when creating z68/z601 and use the defaults only when the document is missing this information.

By: Omri (Tsach fr #1050)

Module: p_file_96

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 32885

Unix files:

./alephm/source/butil/b_file_96_fill_z68.cbl ./alephm/source/butil/b_file_96_fill_z601.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou butil b_file_96_fill_z68 iprou butil b_file_96_fill_z601 Actions(General):


Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-09-14 15:25:06 ------rep_change #004128

Description: ACQ / BATCH - p_edi_03 - Error message for non-created "INV" budg. transactions

When running p_edi_03, invoices were created properly. However, if, for some reason (e.g. lack of budget authorization or non-active budget etc.), budget transaction records (Z601) of type "INV" were NOT created, no error message was written to the log file of the batch.

This has been fixed. That is, from now on, if such a problem occurs, a formatted error message which includes the vendor code, invoice number, line item number and order number will be added to the log file of the batch (in ./alephe/scratch).

Note that when p_edi_03 is run, the user name which is used is "BATCH". Therefore, budget authorization for user "BATCH" is no longer checked.

By: Revital (Danny 1063)

Module: ACQ / BATCH

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 34276

Unix files: ./alephe/error_eng/b_edi

./alephm/source/acq/create_inv_budget_from_enc.cbl ./alephm/source/butil/b_edi_04_invoice.cbl

PC files: Actions: iprou acq create_inv_budget_from_enc.cbl iprou butil b_edi_04_invoice.cbl

Actions(General): Add the following line to the file ./alephe/error_eng/b_edi:

1010 0001 L Could not create budget transaction for line item $1 order no. $2


Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-09-30 12:35:47 ------rep_change #004129

Description: p_edi_03 triggers a misleading error message.

By: Revital (Chani 1023)

Module: EDI

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 29735

Unix files: /alephm/source/butil/b_edi_04_invoice.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou butil b_edi_04_invoice

Actions(General): Customer:

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-09-30 12:40:27 ------rep_change #004132

Description: Following rep_change 3609, manage_17 crash on AIX due to memory limitations. handling of equivalent z01 records will be limited to 10000.

By: Omri

Module: Indexing

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 35385

Unix files:

./alephm/source/butil/b_manage_17_a.cbl ./alephm/source/butil/b_manage_17_b.cbl ./alephm/source/butil/b_manage_170_a.cbl ./alephm/source/butil/b_manage_170_b.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou butil b_manage_17_a iprou butil b_manage_17_b iprou butil b_manage_170_a iprou butil b_manage_170_b


Customer: Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-10-09 22:33:01 ------rep_change #004016

Description: Library info link cutting off long location info. It affects only the edit_doc of web frameless.

By: Revital (Fernando 934)

Module: WWW OPAC (F)

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 30004

Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_3.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_edit_doc_999_loc.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou www_f www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_3 iprou www_f www_f_edit_doc_999_loc



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-05-18 13:21:07 ------rep_change #004078

Description: Fix parameter list in www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_? programs. Parameter list was in wrong order in the recieving programs causing wrong display in result list (when format is "full-view")

By: Revital (Tsach 973)

Module: WEB OPAC

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: prb 32375

Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_1.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_2.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_3.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_4.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_5.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_6.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_7.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou www_f www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_1.cbl iprou www_f www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_2.cbl iprou www_f www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_3.cbl iprou www_f www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_4.cbl iprou www_f www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_5.cbl iprou www_f www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_6.cbl iprou www_f www_f_edit_doc_999_itm_7.cbl



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure): Date: 2003-07-01 10:30:53 ------rep_change #004027

Description: Web Services/Custom reports - example does not work Due to html error.

By: Revital (Omri 901)

Module: Web Services

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 31984

Unix files: ./alephe/www_b_eng/b-private-1

PC files:




Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-05-19 11:12:27 ------rep_change #004096

Description: Problem with OpenURL formatting of ISBN w freetext suffix.

By: Revital (Asaf 996)

Module: www

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number:

Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_build_950_marc21.cbl ./alephm/source/www_a/www_a_build_950_marc21.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou www_f www_f_build_950_marc21 iprou www_a www_a_build_950_marc21



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-07-03 08:45:04 ------rep_change #004088

Description: rep_change #3859 conflicts with rep_change #3666 - Now both in effect

By: Omri

Module: Circ

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number:

Unix files:

./alephm/source/pc_cir/pc_renew_item.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_bor_loan_renew_all.cbl ./alephm/source/www_a/www_a_bor_loan_renew_all.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou pc_cir pc_renew_item iprou www_f www_f_bor_loan_renew_all iprou www_a www_a_bor_loan_renew_all



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-07-01 15:42:41 Date: 2003-07-01 22:34:20 ------rep_change #004110

Description: www renew all handling of succesful session.

By: Revital (Asaf 935)

Module: www

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 30424

Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_bor_loan_renew_all.cbl

./alephe/www_f_eng/bor-renew-all-no-errors ./alephe/www_f_eng/bor-renew-all-gbl-error

PC files: Actions: iprou www_f www_f_bor_loan_renew_all



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-07-16 08:33:54 ------rep_change #004011

Description: [1] p_manage_18 - When indexing is set to FULL, no z105-record were written. In case UPDATE-F is set to FULL, not only z07-record, but also z105-record must be written.

By: Revital (Sven 903)

Module: BATCH

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number:

Unix files: ./alephm/source/com/update_z105.cbl ./alephm/source/butil/b_manage_18_a.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou com update_z105 iprou butil b_manage_18_a


Customer: Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-05-18 10:57:00 ------Fix Number: 004135 Date: 2003-10-27 22:11:40

Description: CAT - GUI crash when converting MARC records with long fields

Import Records menu | Convert Records - trying to convert a MARC record containing long 505 fields (longer than 2000 characters) by using the '2709 OCLC conversion' program resulted in GUI crash.

Instead, use the following settings to convert MARC records:

Server side - ./usm01/tab/pc_tab_cat_conv :

! 1 2 3 !!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> MARC pc_cat_conv_marc

Please note its possible to define character conversion routine in col. 3.

Client side - .\Catalog\Tab\Catalog.ini (under section [ConvertFile]):


By: Omri (Danny fr #1070)

Module: Catalog

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y (But general functionality also added).

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 35871

Unix files:

./usm01/tab/pc_tab_cat_conv ./alephm/source/pc_cat_conv/pc_cat_conv_marc.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou pc_cat_conv pc_cat_conv_marc



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-10-27 22:11:36

------rep_change #004136

Description: This fix prevents exporting empty records which have been deleted by p_print_03.

By: Revital (Sven #1020)

Module: EXPORT

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 49BDR

Unix files: ./alephm/source/butil/b_print_03_a.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou butil b_print_03_a Actions(General):


Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-11-04 14:12:07 ------rep_change #004145

Description: bug in resource_lock_interval.cbl caused problems. Some BIB records seamed to be locked although there was no acitve z60 record for this BIB records.

By: Revital (Sven 1057)

Module: General

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number:

Unix files: ./alephm/source/com/resource_lock_interval.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou com resource_lock_interval



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-11-05 12:11:26 ------rep_change #004143

Description: Update Item Records (manage-62) - The doc was 7 digits there instead of 9.

By: Revital (Sven 1052)

Module: BATCH

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number:

Unix files: ./alephm/source/copy/P_MANAGE_62

PC files:

Actions: iprou butil b_manage_62 iprou butil b_manage_62_get_param



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-11-04 14:41:48 ------rep_change #004148

Description: Web OPAC - URLs ending with a slash ("/") - the file was not found

Accessing the Web OPAC by typing a URL ending with a slash ("/"), e.g. http://ram34:8082/ALEPH/-/file/feedback.html/ always failed, and an error message was displayed, notifying that the file was not found. This has been fixed.

By: Omri (Danny fr #1079) Module: Web OPAC

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 36217

Unix files:


PC files:

Actions: iprou www_com www_file_name

Actions(General): Customer:

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-11-16 09:21:41 ------rep_change #004149

Description: CAT - tab_fix - parameters for fix_doc_punctuation_usm

It is possible now to specify punctuation marks in column 3 of tab_fix, as parameters of the program fix_doc_punctuation_usm, e.g.

! 1 2 3 !!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> INS fix_doc_punctuation_usm .!?-

If the LAST subfield of one of the three fields - 245, 260 or 300 - ends in one of the punctuation marks specified in column 3 (in the example above - full stop ("."), exclamation mark ("!"), question mark ("?") or hyphen ("-") ), a full stop (".") will NOT be added to it. Note that the program fix_doc_punctuation_usm deals only with subfields a, b and c of fields 245, 260 and 300.

If column 3 is empty, fix_doc_punctuation_usm behaves as before; that is, if the last subfield ends in ".", "!" or "?", a full stop (".") is NOT added to it. It should be stressed though, that in order to add punctuation marks to the three default ones, the default marks MUST be specified in column 3. For instance, to add a hyphen, use the setting in the example above (.!?- in column 3).

By: Omri (Danny fr #1077)

Module: Catalog

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 35399

Unix files:


PC files:

Actions: iprou fix_doc fix_doc_punctuation_usm



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-11-16 10:54:31 ------rep_change #004150

Description: p_sdi_01 - the OPEN/UPDATE parameter was always spaces. Two fixes done. 1. The program that accepts the parameters (b_sdi_01_get_param) did not have a linkage section, causing the main program to always get blanks instead of the real data. 2. The paramter "P-DATE-OP" was defined as 5 characters. The option "UPDATE" would never be reached because it is 6 characters long. P-DATE-OP is now 10 characters long.

By: Omri (Hadas fr #1078)

Module: SDI

Bug Fix (Y/N): y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 36119

Unix files:

./alephm/source/copy/P_SDI_01 ./alephm/source/butil/b_sdi_01_get_param.cbl ./alephm/source/butil/b_sdi_01.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou butil b_sdi_01_get_param iprou butil b_sdi_01



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-11-16 13:07:45 Date: 2003-11-16 13:10:40 ------rep_change #004112 Description: p_sdi_01 - if a successful search was followed by an unsuccessful one, the second user got an email with the results of the first (successful) search (instead of not recieving an email at all). Now fixed.

By: Revital (Hadas 1007)

Module: BATCH

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number:

Unix files: ./alephm/source/butil/b_sdi_01.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou butil b_sdi_01



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-07-16 08:46:49 ------rep_change #004160

Description: match_doc_uid - In order to extract UID from specific tag for matching a subfield code is usually used. However when the tag for matching did not contain subfields, specifing empty subfield in configuration did not do the job.

By: Omri

Module: match_doc

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 36900

Unix files:


PC files:

Actions: iprou com match_doc_uid



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-11-30 23:00:32 ------rep_change #004030

Description: EDI invoice load - DTM and IMD issues

There are 2 issues here:

1. following rep_change 003778 DTM is now processed into Z75-I-NOTE but due to missing clear of buffers once dates were found for one line they were added to all following lines. 2. IMD 085/086 is not working correctly.

By: Revital (Omri 917)

Module: EDI

Bug Fix (Y/N):

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 29500 Unix files: ./alephm/source/butil/b_edi_03_create_z75.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou butil b_edi_03_create_z75



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-05-19 12:43:18 ------rep_change #004053

Description: p_acq_13/p_edi_02 - there was a bug in finding a line in tab35.

By: Revital (Yoram 955)

Module: BATCH

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 31882

Unix files: ./alephm/source/butil/b_acq_13_a.cbl ./alephm/source/butil/b_edi_02_c.cbl ./alephm/source/com_c/tab35.c

PC files:

Actions: iprou butil b_acq_13_a iprou butil b_edi_02_c compile_cc com_c tab35 apm create_rts



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-05-28 14:14:36 ------rep_change #004151

Description: Fix of a bug. IMD tags of EDI carries bibliographic data. When the special chars of EDI (',:,?,+) appear in the bibliographic text, the char "?" is added before each appearance of a special char in order to "release" it. Each IMD tag can carry up to 70 chars of the original text (not counting the added release char) devided to 2 parts of 35 chars each. The bug was that the counting of the length of the second part of the IMD tag included the appearances of the release char - ?. This bug caused in the specific document that was checked in the PRB additional problems.

By: Revital (Yossi Loss #1030)

Module: ACQ

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: PRB 30863

Unix files: ./alephm/source/butil/b_acq_13_a.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou butil b_acq_13_a

Actions(General): Customer:

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-11-24 08:41:09 ------rep_change #004056

Description: p_edi_02 - Adding an error message when no files are in the incoming directory + start and end indications for the batch.

By: Revital (Yoram 960)

Module: BATCH (EDI)

Bug Fix (Y/N): N

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 29437

Unix files: ./aleph/proc/p_edi_02

PC files:




Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-05-28 14:49:18 ------EDI changes by Jerry: ISRPRB USPRB Brief description Programs

29501 3591 Correct rep_change 3868 so that job doesn't stop b_edi_03_invoic.cbl

30049 3854 Handle single-place decimal ("34.5") b_edi_03_create_z75.cbl and b_edi_03_invoic.cbl

37127 4696 Put "B-EDI-04" in order log instead of blank b_edi_04_invoice.cbl

32905 4909 "UNZ - incorrect interchange control reference" b_edi_02_c.cbl

Date: 2003-12-04 ------EDI change by Jerry:

USPRB: 3855

Programs: b_edi_03_invoic.cbl

Date: 2003-12-05 ------rep_change #004013

Description: Download 15.2 rep_change 710: Secutiry check - disable the loading files from other directories. (Frameless version Only).

By: Revital (Revital 947)

Module: WEB OPAC (frameless only)

Bug Fix (Y/N): N

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 32725

Unix files: ./alephe/www_f_eng/forbidden-access ./alephm/source/www_com/www_load_file.cbl ./alephm/source/www_com/www_load_file_n.cbl

PC files: Actions: iprou www_com www_load_file iprou www_com www_load_file_n



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-05-18 11:07:29 ------rep_change #004067

Description: following rep_change 003419 - Support for right-to-left text.

As indicated by rep_change 003419 you should add a place holder to align right. However this was done in fixed positions N+50.


$0100   $0200

However this method created severe problems due to the fact that $51-$100 were reserved for alignment. Instead we now use a different syntax. $AL, Example:

$0100   $0200

All still dependent on definition of direction_support in www_server.conf

./alephm/source/www_com/www_set_lines_direction.cbl - file deleted

By: Omri Module: Web

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number:

Unix files:

./alephm/source/com/get_html_line_direction.cbl ./alephm/source/www_com/www_load_file_n.cbl ./alephm/source/www_com/www_fill_buf_n.cbl ./alephm/source/www_com/www_fix_input.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou com get_html_line_direction iprou www_com www_load_file_n iprou www_com www_fill_buf_n iprou www_com www_fix_input



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-06-22 10:07:21 ------rep_change #004090

Description: PST is now linkable in www brief list.

By: Revital (Asaf 994)

Module: WEB OPAC

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 32754

Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_short_a_edit.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou www_f www_f_short_a_edit



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-07-02 09:44:25 ------rep_change #004108

Description: p_manage_21 - trying to add a field failed when no tag was entered.

By: Revital (Yoram 1008)

Module: Batch

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 33982

Unix files: ./alephm/source/butil/b_manage_21_a.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou butil b_manage_21_a Actions(General):


Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure): Date: 2003-07-14 14:52:44 ------rep_change #004223

Description: Removing license-check for SFX from the holdings-page. SFX button can be available now from the holdings-page for items of material-type starting with "ISS" (like ISSUE, ISSBD etc).

The SFX license parameter was invalid in most distributed license files !

By: Omri

Module: Web OPAC/SFX

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 36487, 38156

Unix files:

./alephm/source/www_a/www_a_item_edit.cbl ./alephm/source/www_a/www_a_item_global_exp.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_item_edit.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_item_global_exp.cbl

Actions: iprou www_a www_a_item_edit iprou www_a www_a_item_global_exp iprou www_f www_f_item_edit iprou www_f www_f_item_global_exp

Actions(General): Customer: 44EXL, 44NAP, 01EXL

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-01-20 10:28:11 ------rep_change #004226

Description: Removing license-check for SFX from the holdings-page. SFX button can be available now from the holdings-page for items of material-type starting with "ISS" (like ISSUE, ISSBD etc).

The SFX license parameter was invalid in most distributed license files !

By: Omri

Module: Web OPAC/SFX

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 38156

Unix files:

./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_item_edit.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_item_global_exp.cbl ./alephm/source/www_a/www_a_item_edit.cbl ./alephm/source/www_a/www_a_item_global_exp.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou www_f www_f_item_edit iprou www_f www_f_item_global_exp iprou www_a www_a_item_edit iprou www_a www_a_item_global_exp Actions(General):

Customer: 01EXL

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-01-20 22:00:34 ------rep_change #004234

Description: SFX link from item page should be "popup" - plus, one program and html file were missing.

Please note the added line in $alephe_tab/www_f_func:

##### ITEM-SFX www_f_item_sfx

Additional to rep_change #004226

By: Omri (Tsach fr #1117)

Module: Web OPAC

Bug Fix (Y/N):

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 38156, 36487

Unix files:

./alephe/tab/www_f_func ./alephe/www_f_eng/item-global-exp ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_item_global_exp.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_item_edit.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_item_sfx.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou www_f www_f_item_edit iprou www_f www_f_item_sfx iprou www_f www_f_item_global_exp


Customer: 01EXL, 44EXL, 44NAP

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-02-01 14:40:07 ------Fix Number: 004239 Date: 2004-02-17 16:41:03

Description: Fixing two bugs in URL handling.

1) expand_doc_856 created wrong link type - fixed to use func=service and not to pass the URL as a parameter. Passing URL as a parameter causes truncation if "&" exists.

2) In rare case were the URL contains an "&" followed by a sub-string which matches a definition in www_server.conf, the system ruined the original URL. For example, if www_server.conf contains : setenv setenv www_f_previous "" and a URL in 856 looks like,

856 L $$uhttp://images.google.com/images?q=rock&f_previous=N the system now protect the URL instead of changing it to:

856 L $$uhttp://images.google.com/images?q=rock&=N

By: Omri

Module: WEB

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 35111, 32082, 36689, 33774, 38140, 38503 Unix files:

./alephm/source/expand_doc/expand_doc_856.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_service.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_service_856.cbl ./alephm/source/www_a/www_a_service.cbl ./alephm/source/www_a/www_a_service_856.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou expand_doc expand_doc_856 iprou www_f www_f_service iprou www_f www_f_service_856 iprou www_a www_a_service iprou www_a www_a_service_856


Customer: 420CU, 01EXL, 01MOR, 01NYMOR, 44BRU, 972HAI, 359ASC

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-02-17 16:41:02 ------rep_change #004182

Description: p_file_99 - Added charachter conversion.

Routine to use is MARCIVE_TO_UTF in $alephe_unicode/tab_character_conversion_line

By: Omri

Module: p_file_99

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#): PRB number: 31580, 34871

Unix files:


PC files:

Actions: iprou butil b_file_99_a

Date: 2003-12-28 14:34:58 ------rep_change #004252

Description: Union_04 did not update the preferred record for the equivalent records of the one that was flagged "N". Now fixed.

By: Omri (Hadas fr #1110)

Module: UNION

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 32682

Unix files:


PC files:

Actions: iprou butil b_union_04_a


Customer: 01EXL, 01CUNY

Development tester:

QC tester: TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-03-10 21:14:10 ------rep_change #004257

Description: Deleting an item does not delete its z30h records. This causes a new item that received the same ADM doc number and sequence as the deleted item to be born with the history of the deleted item.

This is now fixed so that the new item will not receive a sequence number if there is a Z30H record with the same sequence. The "last sequence" that is used to create the new item sequence will take into consideration also the Z30H last sequence.

By: Omri

Module: ITEMS

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 39669

Unix files:


PC files:

Actions: iprou pc_com pc_com_c0138 Actions(General):

Customer: 01EXL, 01MG

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-03-28 10:36:07 ------Fix Number: 004261 Date: 2004-04-04 00:07:49

Description: expand_doc_bib_loc_1_b2 missing suppression check using tab15 as in expand_doc_bib_loc_1_b.

By: Omri

Module: COURSE

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 37656

Unix files:


PC files:

Actions: iprou expand_doc expand_doc_bib_loc_1_b2


Customer: 01EXL, 01UMN

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-04-04 00:07:47 ------rep_change #004266

Description: Web full - Format value mistakingly taken from first 3 positions of doc number. This causes doc number 1,nnn,nnn to display in format 001, doc number 2,nnn,nnn to display in format 002 etc...

Also happens in Web save/email By: Omri

Module: WEB

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 37882

Unix files:

./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_direct_doc_set.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_save_server_direct.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou www_f www_f_direct_doc_set iprou www_f www_f_save_server_direct


Customer: 34CSIC

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-04-15 13:26:16 ------565.14.2 Fix Number: 004267 Date: 2004-04-18 14:19:06

Description: CIRC - Recall due date in Item info and Overdue summary

The due date included in the "Overdue Summary" report, generated by p_cir_51, was Z36-DUE-DATE rather than the "effective" due date. That is, TAB10-RECALL- METHOD, Z36-DUE-DATE, Z36-RECALL-DATE and Z36-RECALL-DUE-DATE were not taken into account. The same happened with "Due Date" in "Item Information" (Items module /Item list / View button).

This has been fixed, i.e. the "effective" due date is now used instead of Z36-DUE-DATE.

By: Omri (Danny fr #1124)

Module: CIRC, WEB

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 38870, 36316, 35899

Unix files:

./alephm/source/form_fill/overdue_summary.cbl ./alephm/source/pc_com/pc_edit_item.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou form_fill overdue_summary iprou pc_com pc_edit_item


Customer: 01EXL, 01IOWA, 01SSTBR, 44NEW

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-04-18 14:19:05 ------rep_change #004253

Description: CAT - fix_doc_marc21_spaces - keep trailing spaces in field 010

When processing field "010", the fix routine fix_doc_marc21_spaces converted a trailing space to TAB10-DOC-BLANK-CHAR only in the first subfield ($$a), and not in all other subfields (usually $$z). This has been fixed. From now on, fix_doc_marc21_spaces will process all subfields of field "010" in the following manner:

- If the length of the subfield is 12 characters (15 together with "$$s"), and the last character is a space, it will be replaced by TAB10-DOC-BLANK-CHAR.

- If the length of the subfield is LESS than 12 characters (LESS than 15 together with "$ $s"), it will be right-padded with TAB10-DOC-BLANK-CHAR up to a total length of 12.

By: Omri (Danny fr #1131)

Module: CAT

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 39469, 35327

Unix files:


PC files:

Actions: iprou fix_doc fix_doc_marc21_spaces


Customer: WINNERS, 01EXL, 01MIT

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-03-16 11:00:06 ------rep_change #004084

Description: Web OPAC - direct - Missing JavaScript function (open_window) cause "error on page". By: Revital (Chani 981)

Module: Web OPAC

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: Prb no. 32250

Unix files: ./alephe/www_f_eng/direct-head

PC files:


Actions(General): Adding the tag: include-window


Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-07-01 12:27:05 ------rep_change #004307

Description: "Add to Basket" and other options were not working correctly. This is due to fact that the variable which should have include the active library included the base ($2).

$2 will still hold the base for other functions but new vaiable $4 will hold the library.

In order to implement this fix ./www_f_eng/direct-head must be updated:

Change lines:


By: Omri (Gilad fr #1140)

Module: WEB

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 35621

Unix files:

./alephe/www_f_eng/direct-head ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_direct_doc.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou www_f www_f_direct_doc


Customer: 01EXL, 01MG, 01IOWA

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-05-10 16:35:04 ------rep_change #004275 Description: ue_01 was emptying documents with STA DELETED tags and ue_01_enable_fixdoc was set to Y.

The order of update after fix doc and preparing doc for indexing was incorrect and caused STA DELETED documents to be deleted and emptied out as if an online delete was done

By: Asaf (fr #1139)


Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 40604

Unix files:


PC files:

Actions: iprou util ue_01_a


Customer: SUNY

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-05-02 21:06:03 ------rep_change #004269

Description: In addition to rep_change #4261 (expand_doc_bib_loc_1_b2 missing suppression check using tab15 as in expand_doc_bib_loc_1_b) - The fix was not complete and may have cause some items not to appear in an predictable way.

By: Omri Module: COURSE

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 37656

Unix files:


PC files:

Actions: iprou expand_doc expand_doc_bib_loc_1_b2


Customer: 01EXL, 01UMN

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-04-21 20:43:58 ------rep_change #004278

Description: Adding the ADD SUBFIELD op-code to p_file_08.

A new option was added to the service p_file_08. Now it is possible to create a subfield to an existing field using the functionality ADD-SUBFIELD. Example for the definition of a configuration table to add a subfield d to an existing 245 field:

./xxx01/tab/import/test.fix ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 !-!!!!!-!!-!-!!!-!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 245## ADD-SUBFIELD d,test

By: Revital (Sven) Module: BATCH

Bug Fix (Y/N): N

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 37590

Unix files: ./alephm/source/com/run_fix_doc_script.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou com run_fix_doc_script.cbl



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-05-03 10:37:06 ------rep_change #004161

Description: p-item-04 - There was a crash becasue of a wrong call to "close_connection" (the ERROR-CODE parameter was missing in the call).

By: Omri (Chani fr #1019)

Module: Batch

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 33218

Unix files:

./alephm/source/butil/b_item_04_g.cbl ./alephm/source/butil/b_item_04_h.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou butil b_item_04_g iprou butil b_item_04_h


Customer: Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-12-09 14:12:05 ------rep_change #004092

Description: Extend UTF browser recognition in mod_aleph

This in no way defines support for browsers othere than those explicitly stated by support. It does add utf recognition for Mozilla and Opera browsers.

By: Revital (Asaf 997)

Module: www

Bug Fix (Y/N): N

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 33489

Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_com/mod_aleph.c.special ./alephm/proc/compile_mod_aleph

PC files:

Actions: apm compile_mod_aleph Actions(General):


Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-07-02 10:17:52 ------rep_change #004021

Description: When a Server has serviced a predefined number of requests, once it finishes serving the current request, it will be killed and restarted.

By: Revital (Diana 939)

Module: Web Server

Bug Fix (Y/N): N

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: Almog request

Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_com/www_main_m.c ./aleph/proc/www_server_m

PC files:

Actions: compile_cc www_com www_main_m apm create_www_server_m

Actions(General): add the definition of the environment variable WWW_MAX_REQUESTS to $aleph_proc/www_server_m restart www_server_m

Customer: Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-05-19 09:37:08 ------rep_change #004315

Description: WWW server M - 2 problems fixed.

1. problems under ALPHA. With every restart of the son-processes the old son-processes was not ompletely stopped. This caused a lot of zombie processes in the system. This has been fixed.

2. It was possible to access OPAC-sessions of other patrons using a non-valid character instead F in the adress of the OPAC.

/M instead of /F

Now a empty HTML-page is loaded if a non-valid access to the OPAC is used.

By: Omri (Sven fr #1143, #1145)

Module: WEB

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number:

Unix files:


PC files:

Actions: compile_cc www_com www_main_m apm create_www_server_m

Actions(General): Customer:

Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-06-24 07:51:33 ------rep_change #004036

Description: Note and marc tags in basket mail/save not displaying properly.

By: Revital (Asaf 923)

Module: WEB OPAC

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: 31883

Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_basket_mail.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou www_f www_f_basket_mail



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-05-24 10:48:31 ------rep_change #004158 Description: Continuation of #003989

If "Endnote-Format" (777) is selected in save-function in frameless OPAC the saved file now gets automatically the extension .end. Files in all other formats get the extension .sav as before. Thus you can locally assign .end-files to special programs on your PC. file extensions (end, sav) should also be defined in file $httpd_root/conf/mime.types.

By: Revital (Sven 1056)

Module: WEB OPAC

Bug Fix (Y/N): N

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number:

Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_basket_mail.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_full_mail.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_short_mail.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou www_f www_f_basket_mail iprou www_f www_f_full_mail iprou www_f www_f_short_mail



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2003-11-29 20:38:45 ------rep_change #004286 Description: [1] In function Send/Mail from basket in frameless OPAC there has been a character conversion missing if the format is 001, 002, 003 or 999. This is fixed now.

[2] There has been a character conversion missing for the subject field when sending e- mails from the frameless OPAC (full view, result list and basket). This has been fixed.

By: Revital (Sven)

Module: www

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number:

Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_basket_mail.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_full_mail.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_short_mail.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou www_f www_f_basket_mail iprou www_f www_f_full_mail iprou www_f www_f_short_mail



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-05-03 16:49:17 ------rep_change #004193

Description: After rep_change 3985 it was impossible to load records to course that have been saved using the basket-course-functionality in OPAC (both frames and no-frames). Now the basket-course-function has been changed and now saves also doc-number 1st and library-code 2nd in output file. So loading in course is possible. By: Revital (Sven 1091)

Module: WWW

Bug Fix (Y/N): Y

Rep Change (version,#):

PRB number: PRB 034195

Unix files: ./alephm/source/www_a/www_a_basket_course.cbl ./alephm/source/www_f/www_f_basket_course.cbl

PC files:

Actions: iprou www_a www_a_basket_course iprou www_f www_f_basket_course



Development tester:

QC tester:

TP (Testing Procedure):

Date: 2004-01-12 16:53:55 ------

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