Yucca Valley Elementary School

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Yucca Valley Elementary School

Student-Parent Handbook 2014-2015

Yucca Valley Elementary School 7601 Hopi Trail Yucca Valley, CA 92284

Theresa Steele, Principal [email protected] 760-365-3381 x 2255

Teri Markley, Administrative Assistant [email protected] 760-365.3381

1 WELCOME Minimum Days: The Morongo Unified School TO YUCCA VALLEY District has nine (9) district wide minimum days. On ELEMENTARY these days, students arrive 2 hours later than normal. SCHOOL School Calendar is available online at www.morongousd.com and on the YVES website. “Home of the Prospectors” Arrival: The gate opens and the students will be YVES Vision allowed on campus at 9:00 am (11:00 am on Minimum Days). Since the school does not provide supervision for Yucca Valley Elementary School is dedicated to ensuring students prior to 30 minutes before the start of the that all students reach their highest potential and instructional day and would like to ensure their safety, continue to achieve and increase their academic success. students may not be dropped off and will not be allowed on school premises prior to this time. Any student who arrives earlier than 30 minutes prior to the start of the YVES Mission Statement instructional day (i.e. 9:00 am or 11:00 am on Minimum Days), may receive a demerit. The mission of Yucca Valley Elementary School is for students, staff, parents, and community members to work Parent Visitation Days: The last Wednesday of together to prepare our students for the future. We every month is a Parent Visitation Day at YVES. recognize individual differences while teaching a Parents/Guardians are welcome to come for lunch, part consistent progression of skills, knowledge, and values of the day, or the entire day. Parents need to check in at that enable students to be successful, productive citizens. the office and provide a photo ID. Prior notice is not Knowledge is GOLD! required. * For a parent /teacher conference, a separate meeting will need to be scheduled. School Mascot & Colors Classroom Visitations (on non Parent Visitation The Prospector Days): Parents who wish to visit their children’s classrooms outside of a prescheduled Parent Visitation Day will need to arrange for a visit giving at least 24 hour Blue & Gold notice (per Education Code). Forms are available at the front desk and on the website. Parents can also email SCHOOL HOURS teachers directly to schedule a visit. Any parent on campus during regular operating hours is required to sign in at the front desk and obtain a pass. No visitors are Office Hours allowed on campus without a pass issued by the office 8:30 am – 4:00 pm staff. 11:00 am – 4:00 pm (Minimum Days) ATTENDANCE

Instructional Day In order for a student to receive perfect 9:30 am – 3:30 pm attendance for the trimester and/or school year, the student must be on time every day (no tardies). Breakfast In addition, the student cannot have any early 9:00 – 9:20 releases (exception for first trimester).

Lunch STUDENTS: Whenever you are absent, you must return Varies by grade level (11:30 am – 1:30 pm) to school with a note explaining your absence or your parent must call the office. You should request missed Snack Break work. You will be given one day to make up work for each Students can eat healthy snacks brought from home day absent. You can also email your teacher(s) requesting during recess. Food must remain in the designated assignments. eating area. PARENTS/GUARDIANS: All students are Minimum Day Hours expected to be at school every day. The more a child is at school, the more s/he can learn. One of YVES’s goals 11:30 am – 3:30 pm (no breakfast served) is to improve our school’s attendance rates and options are available.

2 Doctor or dentist appointments should be made before or Saturday Schools are offered two times a month after school hours or on Saturdays, whenever possible. from 8:00 am to 12:15 pm. Students attending Saturday School also receive a sack lunch. To If your child will be absent for a long period of time (3 or receive credit for Saturday School, students must more days), please call the school and request work for attend the entire time.

(Attendance Continued) Saturday Schools are supervised by a credentialed teacher your child. A packet will be available in the office for pick and students will work on grade level and enrichment up the day following the call. Parents should call and assignments. check to see if the homework has been sent to the office COMMUNICATIONS before coming to pick it up.

Students sent home with head lice must be treated, nit- Feedback Cards/Suggestion Box: free and readmitted through the school office. Generally Feedback cards are located on the front counter of the students are cleared by the following day. NO MORE office. THAN 3 DAYS SHOULD BE MISSED AT ANY ONE TIME FOR REMOVING HEAD LICE. All days Email: The best way to contact Mrs. Steele, the missed after 3 days will be counted as unexcused principal, and most of the teaching staff is through email. absences. Mrs. Steele checks her email throughout the day and off hours. Teachers check their email at least twice daily. Board of Education policy requires that students who The YVES cafeteria, custodian, and library can also be have been absent 20 days by the end of the year be reached by email. considered for retention. A meeting will be held with the administrator to discuss the student repeating the grade if Newsletter: Newsletters are mailed home in both this policy is violated. English and Spanish approximately every two months. Students with excessive absences will be referred to the School Attendance Review Board. This Board is Marquee: A marquee is located on the west side of made up of personnel from the school district, Child the multipurpose room in the front of the school. Protective Services, Law Enforcement, Welfare Upcoming events are advertised on the marquee. Department, Morongo Basin Mental Health, and the District Attorney's office. A referral to this Board could Sandwich Boards: Portable sandwich boards result in citations and fines. are used for day to day communication and important reminders. The sandwich boards are placed in front of SHORT TERM INDEPENDENT STUDY the school as needed.

For absences of more than five School Messenger: YVES uses an automated school days and less than 30 days, voice message system to make daily attendance calls and families can opt to go on to send home messages and reminders. The system uses independent study. Prior to the the primary phone number from the student blue card. first day of absence, the principal, Messages are also translated into Spanish based on the family, teacher(s), and student sign a contract that language designation in the school’s informational explains what assignments must be completed and turned database. in upon the return from independent study. Students on independent study are NOT COUNTED ABSENT (upon completion) and can maintain their perfect attendance. Website: The primary method of communication is the school’s website. It is updated daily! Teachers and staff can be emailed directly from the website. Forms and SATURDAY SCHOOLS information, including this handbook, can be found on the website. Students can attend Saturday School to make up a full day www.yves-morongousd.ca.schoolloop.com/ absence. PROGRAMS & INSTRUCTION *Sign up with office at least one day prior so that lunches can be ordered. 4-H: YVES is now offering several 4-H programs before school. Planned for 2014-2015 are Saturday School is a way for students to make up an Photography, Theater Arts, Leadership, absence, catch up on classwork, and to maintain perfect Etymology (bugs), and more. Watch for attendance status. announcements as sessions begin.

3 504s: YVES students with health needs that impact is spending an excessive amount of time on homework, their education may require a 504 plan. Theresa Steele, please make a note on the assignment indicating how much the principal, is the 504 coordinator at YVES. time was spent and make contact with the teacher as soon as possible. : All students are expected to meet or exceed their AR goals for reading. Library: Students are scheduled to Students read books and then take visit our library once a week for 50 AR tests to earn points. To align with Common Core minutes. Students can use this time to Standards, AR goals can be met with 50% fiction and 50% check out books and/or take AR quizzes. nonfiction. The library staff will also be developing a program to introduce library skills to students, to discuss Character Counts: authors, and to preview upcoming projects/units. YVES is a Character Counts! Parents, please encourage children to read at home and to school. Each hallway is named return borrowed library books on time so that others may after a character trait: enjoy them. Leadership, Caring, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, and  Covering Books: All textbooks must be covered Citizenship. Each month a CC activity will take place on at all times! It is your responsibility to take care our monthly Minimum Day. Students earn GOLD SLIPS of your texts. Lost or damaged books must be from the staff for the daily CC drawing for prizes. YVES is paid for in order to purchase replacement books. committed to helping create people of character.  Fees: You and your parents may borrow books COORDINATED CARE TEAM (CCT): from the school library. Should you lose or There is a school level committee which meets to consider damage a library book, you will be charged a fee. student referrals from teachers and parents regarding You will be given all the textbooks you need. It academic, behavior, and attendance concerns. The purpose is your responsibility to care for these books. is to provide an immediate support system of help to the Should they be lost or damaged, student and teacher and to suggest strategies and you will be charged a fee for interventions to remediate current difficulties, so as to keep replacement, etc. Report cards children in the least restrictive environment. The focus is may be held for money owed to not on the deficiencies of the child but rather the the school. capabilities of the system to meet the child’s needs. For that reason, strategies and interventions are developed to assist National Junior Honor Society: the student in the learning process. If you feel your child is YVES is a National Junior Honor Society member. Students in need of special assistance, please follow the steps in grades 4-6 are eligible to participate if they meet all outlined below: requirements. Eligible students will be notified in the FALL of the requirements. For more information, see 1. Discuss your concerns with your child’s teacher; www.nhs.us/njhs 2. Ask the teacher to explain the CCT (Coordinated Care Team) process to you; and PE Requirements: Students in grades 1-6 will 3. Request that the CCT process be started. have 100 minutes of physical education every week. This You can also contact Shawna Johnson the CCT instruction will be provided by the P.E. teacher or the Coordinator at [email protected] . classroom teacher for Kindergarten.  15-20 minutes of P.E. time may be spent on GATE: The Gifted and Talented physical fitness, concentrating on flexibility, Educational program (GATE) is offered as a endurance, arm strength, and abdominal before/after school program. Third grade strength. students are screened for GATE each year.  Eight to 12 meetings of P.E. will be devoted to a The GATE program serves grades 3-6 at particular sport or activity to include: low YVES. For more information, contact the school’s GATE organized games, rhythms, soccer, football, teacher, Camille Chappell, at 760-365-3381 ext. 2214 or basketball, volleyball, softball, and physical by emailing [email protected] fitness tests.  The California Fitness Tests will be given in Homework: All students receive homework. It is March to avoid the heat later in the year. All 5 th Board of Education policy that students in grades K – 3 graders are required to take these tests. receive 30 minutes of homework nightly. Students in  P.E. is an important component of your child’s grades 4 – 6 are to receive 60 minutes of homework nightly. education. Please stress its importance. Assignments, content, and due dates are established by the classroom teacher and/or grade level. Missed days due to YVES is absences may create additional homework. ***If your child implementing a schoolwide program to help foster

4 positive choices, manners, and good behavior. PARENT INVOLVEMENT & Every morning, school will begin with Positive INFORMATION Action in every classroom.

ASSEMBLIES: Assemblies are held each Pre School: Yes, YVES hosts a state preschool on TRIMESTER to give special recognition for academics, campus. The preschool is not affiliated with the Morongo citizenship, improvement, attendance, or other special Unified School District or YVES. However, our office staff reasons. Parents will be notified if their child is receiving will do what they can to direct parents to the appropriate one of these awards. Perfect Attendance assemblies will party. Applications are available from the preschool staff. be held each trimester. Honor Roll assemblies are held the last trimester only. Parents will be notified via the Save the Children: STC is an approved after monthly calendar of the date of this assembly, and every school program for YVES students. STC focuses on effort will be made to contact parents prior to assembly, literacy and reading is a strong component of their but personal notification is not guaranteed. program. Applications are available at the front desk. CHAPERONE POLICY: Adult chaperones Special Programs YVES provides Speech, : are a necessary part of most field trips. Since chaperones Special Day Class and Resource services for students with are IEPs who require these services.

Study Island: Every child attending (Chaperone continued) YVES from Kindergarten to 6th, has a Study Island account. Study Island is an online responsible for groups of children, it is necessary for them program for study and enrichment. This is an to devote their attention to the children in their charge. amazing program and students can access With this responsibility, Yucca Valley Elementary will not their account from any computer with internet permit chaperones to take their other children on field access. If you need to get log in information, please contact trips. Arrangements will need to be made for your child’s teacher or our Study Island Coordinator, Mrs. preschoolers. Older children are required to attend Boyles at [email protected] . school and will not be excused to attend field trips with other siblings. Additionally, all chaperones are required to have completed the volunteer requirements of Whole Brain Teaching: fingerprints and TB testing. Please see “Volunteering.” YVES uses WBT techniques in all grades. Some of these techniques are used by the CONFERENCES: Parents are urged to contact office staff, the noon supervisors, and the school whenever the need arises. Teachers may be support personnel. The goal of WBT is to increase contacted by note, email, or telephone. If you call during student engagement and to reduce class distractions so the school day, the office place you in the teacher’s voice that students learn. WBT techniques include class-yes, mail so you may leave a message. Instruction will not be teach-ok, scoreboard, mirror, switch!, hand and eyes, and interrupted with telephone calls. However, email is the five school rules: preferred method of communication as teachers are required to check their emails at least twice per school day. If you wish to have a conference with your child’s teacher, please call ahead to make an appointment as our teachers’ schedules do not allow time for drop-in conferences. Formal conferences will be scheduled by the school once a year (per MTA contract). Please make every effort to attend. If you wish to observe in your child’s classroom, the teacher must be given a 24 hour notice. ENGLISH LEARNER ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The YVES ELAC meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 4:0o pm in the YVES Library. The meeting is open to the public. The committee will be planning our next annual Family Cultural Night in the Fall and will be an advisory to the principal and School Site Council.

The school also uses Super Improver charts to track each student’s success. For more information on WBT, go to FFA (Family Faculty Association): The FFA www.wholebrainteaching.com meets monthly and plans most of the major school events. FFA fundraises for the entire school and assists with

5 various programs, including DARE, Bingo Nights,  The school is not responsible for lost or stolen Promotion, Red Ribbon Week, and much more. All items (including electronics). parents are encouraged to be part of the FFA. Come to a meeting! Make a difference! PICTURES: School pictures are taken in the fall, shortly after school starts. The school provides a make-up EMERGENCY PLANNING day for any student that misses pictures in the fall several weeks after the first date. Photos can be purchased in a  Emergency drills are held monthly. variety of different packages. A notice and order form will  Please keep your BLUE CARD updated as this is be sent home with student prior to pictures being taken. the document we use in an emergency. A class photo for school is also available. It is purchased  In the event of a disaster, students will be held at with the student’s fall pictures and sent home in the the school until they can be picked up by their spring after all picture days are complete in order to parents, guardians, or other person authorized provide a picture with as many students in the class as on the emergency BLUE CARD. possible. Cap and Gown pictures are also taken in the late  Buses will likely not run in the event of an spring for Kindergarten, preschool and 6th Grade. emergency, so providing the school with multiple contact information is essential. RECORDS: A parent or pupil has the right to have  The school has water, food, and other disaster access to that pupil’s records {Ed. Code 49069}. supplies stored for use.  The staff and students are continually educated Children must and trained in disaster preparedness. RELEASE OF STUDENTS: be signed out in the office when picked up early from school. This is a state law. Students may not be released LOST AND FOUND: Every year piles of to anyone who is not listed on the Family Emergency clothing and lunch boxes are lost and accumulated at Card. A photo ID is required. (Lost and Found Continued) school. The lost and found is located outside the MPR. Students, please check it regularly if something is lost. RESTROOMS: Our school restrooms are clean Parents, to ensure that lost items can be returned to the and safe. It is very important that every child respect rightful owner, be sure to label all removable items (coats, school property. Vandalism, throwing trash, and sweaters, etc.) with your child’s first and last name. At playing in the school’s restrooms are considered the end of each month, any remaining items will be a serious violation and will be punished disposed of properly. accordingly. Everyone has a “right” to a clean restroom and all of us should work toward insuring that we can MESSAGES TO STUDENTS: Messages enjoy our “rights.” Students are often asked to wait until create interruptions to classes. Please convey messages instruction is completed to use the restroom (usually no on an emergency basis only. Students are not allowed to more than 10 minutes or so). If your child has a health use cell phones or other electronic devices while on condition or problem ‘holding it’ for a brief time, please campus. Please do not text or call your child during let his/her teacher know. Children do have ‘accidents’ at school hours/events as your child may receive discipline school and we try to keep emergency clothes available. If consequences should his/her phone be found to be on. you suspect your child will need a change of clothes for school, please let his/her teacher know and a place for MOVIE NIGHTS: YVES holds movie nights for safe keeping will be designated. our families throughout the year. These events will be advertised and offered on a regular basis. SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL: The YVES SSC is c0mprised of faculty, parents, and community PARENT’S DUTY: Parents or guardians of any members. The council is pupil shall respond without delay to any request from responsible for monitoring and approving expenditures of school officials to attend a conference regarding their all federal and state monies. The SSC approves the child’s behavior {Ed. Code 48922(f)}. Comprehensive Safety Plan and the Single Plan for Student Achievement. All positions, except for the PERSONAL ITEMS: principal, are elected bi-yearly. At the beginning of each year, parents/guardians are asked to vote for any open  Students are not to bring personal items from positions. The meetings are open to the public and home unless requested by a teacher. agendas are posted in the front office and on the website. Monthly SSC meetings are held on the second Wednesday  UNAUTHORIZED items, such as toys, will be of the month at 4 PM in Room 1. sent to the office and it will be the student’s responsibility to take them home after school. VISITATION:  Some items may be held for a parent or guardian to pick up at the principal’s discretion.

6  Parents or guardians who wish to visit the student. This information in entered into the classroom of their child are required by student’s record and shared with the YVES staff. Education Code to give the teacher prior notice. At YVES, 24 hour notice prior to a parent visit in  – Students the classroom is required. Car Riders who are picked up at school by  Parents are encouraged to attend monthly their parents or their designees Parent Visitation Days on the last Wednesday of are part of the Car Rider each month. Parents/guardians will need to sign Program. See more below. in at the office and provide a photo ID.  The Main Office staff and school administrators cannot interrupt classes to deliver lunches, late  Walkers – YVES has two walker groups. work, backpacks, and forgotten homework. North bound students are escorted to the North, towards the intersection of Hopi Trail and Pueblo Trail. Students are released at the school property line. Parents may assemble at the intersection to meet their children. Parents may not assemble directly in front of the school to walk their children. South bound students are escorted to the gate beyond the bus lanes. Some families choose to All volunteers, including parents, must have fingerprint meet their children at the park. Please and TB clearance prior to working in the classroom remember that students will be released at the and/or attending field trips as a chaperone. The District property line and parents wait beyond this line. Office requires fingerprints to be done through their Parents of walkers should discuss plans on approved list (Fingerprints that were done outside of the where to meet, what to do if the parent/guardian school district for activities such as soccer, Little League, isn’t at the meeting spot, etc. football, etc. cannot be utilized). NOTE: Crossing guards are not provided. After school, teachers escort the southbound walkers to the school property line (beginning of park); (Volunteering Continued) northbound walkers are escorted to the school If you plan on becoming a volunteer, please pick up all of property line (the house next to the school). the necessary documentation from the Main Office. The District requires Yucca Valley Elementary School to make NOTE: YVES staff will only use what is on a copy of the individual’s driver license and social security file to release students. We do not rely on card of those becoming a volunteer for the school to go our students to inform us of changes. along with the fingerprint and TB clearance. Parents/guardians must contact the office Fingerprinting and TB testing must be paid for by the by phone or note (by 2:30 pm) if there’s a parent/guardian who desires to volunteer. After the change in plans for transportation. parent/guardian has completed 20 volunteer hours, the Change of Transportation school district will reimburse the parent/guardian upon submission of their receipts and proper forms (The 20 If a student is utilizing a different method of volunteer hours must be documented). transportation when leaving school, a parent/guardian must contact the Main Office before 2:30 pm or write and YVES also has opportunities for parents to work on tasks provide a detailed note to the school documenting the from their home to meet the 20 hour requirement. Please type of transportation the student will take when leaving see Teri Markley for more information. school (Preferably, notes can be given to the student’s This volunteer policy is a requirement of the Education Code of teacher). Verbal messages sent through students to tell the State of California. their teachers or the Main Office will not be accepted. Without proper notification from parent/guardian, the TRANSPORTATION school will send the student home utilizing their normal method of transportation. YVES has three methods of student dismissal. Each family is asked to select the plan that works Information Needed for Change of Bus Stop best for them: If a student takes the bus and he/she needs to use a different stop temporarily, please include that  Bus Rider – At the information about the preferred bus stop when speaking beginning of each year the office staff to a staff member in the Main Office or when writing the assists parents in determining the note to the student’s teacher. Without this information, transportation information for each the student will be dropped of at his/her normal bus stop.

7 Guidelines for Students While on Buses 9. No animals or reptiles on the bus (except seeing-eye dogs), and no glass containers or balloons. 10. Pupils are under the authority of the bus driver. Students will be picked up and let off only at designated stops, and must ride the assigned bus. In order to assure orderly and safe transportation of all passengers on a Video Cameras on School Buses school bus, the following guidelines have been To promote a safe environment on the buses for all established: students, we will be using video cameras on a rotating 1. Be respectful and courteous, in conduct and basis on most of our regular buses. There is a possibility language, to the bus driver. that your student may be filmed while being transported. 2. Remain seated when the bus is in motion. Video tapes will be used strictly by Morongo Unified 3. Sit only in the regular seats and keep hands and arms School District personnel in order to maintain inside the bus at all times. appropriate discipline and a safe environment on our 4. Do not make, or cause to be made, unnecessary noise buses. which would distract the driver. 5. No fighting or scuffling on the bus. 6. Do not throw any article in or out of the bus. CARS 7. No eating or drinking on buses, except on out-of- If you drive your child to school, please be aware there is district trips. a designated parent/visitor lot. No double parking is 8. No deliberate or unnecessary littering on the bus permitted. USE OF THE BUS LANE OR STAFF with paper, gum, or other trash. PARKING LOT IS PROHIBITED.


The Car Rider Program is for K to 6th grade students who get picked-up after school.

In order to ensure the safety of all students during dismissal, parents/guardians who choose to pick-up their children from school must register in the Yucca Valley Elementary School’s Car Rider Program.

Car Rider Backpack Tag & Car Rider Hangtag Sign

 Every student enrolled in this program will receive a Car Rider Backpack Tag. This tag will designate your child as a car rider and provide a personalized number for your family.  Each parent/guardian will receive 2 Car Rider Hangtag Signs for their cars. This tag designates the parent/guardian as an individual who is picking-up their child from school immediately following the dismissal bell at 3:30 pm. When picking up their child, the parent/guardian will need to have the hangtag sign located on their visor or visible through their windshield for safety. The easier it is for staff to see the number, the faster the process.  Placement of car seats will also help with dismissal. It is best for students to be able to enter the vehicle from the passenger side without having to climb over other children or car seats. It is safer for the children to not cross in front or in back of vehicles to enter on the driver’s side.  The Car Rider Backpack Tag given to the student and the Car Rider Hangtag Signs given to the parent/guardian will be assigned the same number. The number will assist the Yucca Valley Elementary Staff Members to ensure that the individual picking-up the student is the parent/guardian and/or an individual who has authorization for pick-up. All siblings (or family members carpooling) will receive the exact same number on their Car Rider Back Pack Tag as an indication that they all ride home together. Families should contact the office before school to ensure that the number associated with their children is the correct one in the event of carpooling.  Should a parent/guardian forget their Car Rider Hangtag Sign, they will be asked to wait in the designated area until all other vehicles clear the line, so that identification can be made.  Should a student not have his/her number, the parent/guardian may be asked to park and wait so that we can make proper identification.  Should situations occur, such as custodial issues, more than one number can be assigned by contacting Teri Markley in the office.

8 Car Rider Dismissal Procedures

 When picking-up your child, please have the Car Rider Hangtag Sign hanging on the mirror in the car (or in your possession in plain sight). If the tag is not present/available, the parent/guardian (or authorized individual) picking-up student must park their automobile, go into the main office to sign out student(s), and show proof of identification. These dismissals will occur after the cars in line have been processed.  Pull through the school driveway into the Car Rider Zone at the direction of the supervising parent volunteers, supervision aides, teachers, and administrators. If there are cars in front of you, wait until all cars have been loaded and the supervising staff members will signal you to move forward.  The students have been trained to report to the Car Rider Zone and wait in an orderly fashion until their driver has arrived and number is called. When the student hears his/her number called, they will go to their ride and proceed home.  Drivers are asked to be patient as student safety is the primary concern.

Car Rider Dismissal Reminders

 Please refrain from using cell phones as you pull into the school driveway and wait to enter the Car Rider Zone. It is essential to be focused and safe. Also, please be considerate of loud music as it makes it difficult for students to hear instructions.  Please do not leave the cars while waiting to enter the Car Rider Zone. The Yucca Valley Elementary staff wants to ensure that each student receives a ride from the authorized individual (parent/guardian, babysitter, relative, family friend, etc.).  If your child has not reported to the Car Rider Zone in a timely manner, please pull through the zone once the line begins to move and park in visitor’s parking place. Report to the supervising staff members in the Car Rider Zone for assistance with locating your child. Please do not walk among the students because it creates confusion and distracts them from listening to their number get called.  For the safety of all students, only authorized staff members will be allowed to enter the MPR during dismissal.  Students must be picked up by 4:00 PM or within 5 minutes of the last vehicle being processed (i.e. currently dismissal is completed by 3:50, so parents are expected to be no later than 3:55 PM to pick up their children … at the beginning of the year, it may be a bit longer.

BIKES & SCOOTERS Free or reduced price lunches are available for those who qualify. Parents apply online to be  Racks are provided at school. accepted into this program. Students use a  Students must provide their own locks computer system with their own ID number and the school is not responsible for when getting a lunch. Please help your student lost, stolen, or damaged bicycles or learn their number and remind them not to scooters. share it with other students. Menus are sent  The school will uphold the law by home each month with students. Please requiring students to wear helmets remember: NO CARBONATED BEVERAGES when riding bikes, scooters or (SODA, ENERGY DRINKS) OR GUM ARE skateboards to and from school. ALLOWED AT SCHOOL. Drinks should not be  Students are required to walk their in glass containers. bikes and/or scooters while on school Applications for free or reduced price grounds. lunches as well as school menus are  After school, bike and scooter riders available online at must meet at the ‘walker area” to exit www.morongousd.com/ns. the campus.  The Yucca Valley Elementary School multi- HEALTH & WELLNESS purpose room (MPR) is your dining room for breakfast and lunch. It is shared by a lot of other BREAKFAST and LUNCH PROGRAM are children. Because so many of us use this facility, provided at school daily at a cost of $2.25 for it is necessary that we observe some rules: lunch and $1.35 for breakfast. Milk is available for .35 cents for all students who bring lunch  Students are expected to use good manners from home. All students are welcome to at all times. participate in the breakfast and lunch program.

9  Hats are not to be worn in the encourages parents to NOT sent Hot Cheetos or MPR/Classrooms Ramen to school.  Talk in low tones.  Food is for eating, not for throwing, trading, STUDENT INSURANCE or sharing. Student accident insurance is available through  When you finish eating, check the floor for the school for parents who do not have other fallen items or dropped food. health insurance. There is a minimal charge for  When your area is clean, raise your hand to this mail-in insurance coverage. There are a few be excused. students hurt every year at school and the  Follow the walk path to empty trays or district’s insurance does not cover student dispose of trash. accidents.  Walk to the playground area. Wellness Policy MEDICATIONS The State of California has required school We recognize that at certain times there is a districts to adopt local wellness policies with need for students to take medication during requirements associated with the Federal Child school hours. For health and safety reasons, as Nutrition and Women Infants and Children well as state law, the following procedures must (WIC) Reauthorization Act of 2004. This policy be followed: is written to support the state and national efforts  Medication, including over the counter and to curb childhood obesity and diabetes. The nonprescription (cough syrup, cough drops, policy is also focused on improving children’s salves, and ointments) cannot be health and enhancing student learning. administered by school personnel without a doctor’s note! We are asking for your support this policy.  The parent must obtain the District approved Parents of elementary school aged students will form from the Main Office for medication. be requested to follow the recommendation that This form is to be completed by the parent includes healthy food and drink items that are and doctor. The doctor must provide explicit sent to school for the occasional class party. As instructions for the prescribed medication. always, a donation of healthy goods for a class  All medication must be kept in the school party is optional and should be prearranged with office and may not be brought to school by a the classroom teacher. Healthy foods can include child. a variety of fruits, vegetables, and drinks which  THE PARENT MUST BRING THE are festive yet nutritional. On file in the school MEDICATION TO THE OFFICE office is an approved healthy food/snack list. PERSONALLY. Please do not send candy or home-baked items to school with your child. We can only accept SMOKING POLICY food/snacks that are on the approved list. I have provided the link below for your convenience to State law, as well as educational code, prohibits review School Board Policy. smoking on any public school property. Please help Yucca Valley Elementary School set a good If you have any questions or concerns please feel health example by refraining from smoking on free to contact the school office. the grounds that are part of school property. In addition, the school requests NO smoking on any field trips and around children in general. How can you help Yucca Valley Elementary a little bit EVERY DAY? SNACKS Morning recess snacks are a good idea. Please YVES collects: consider nutritious ones. High sugar at recess  Box Tops makes sitting in class difficult. Non FDA approved brand candies and large bags of snacks  Labels for Education and candies are not permitted. Single serving, healthy items are best. Beware of food dye, like  Pull Tabs in Hot Cheetos as it can transfer from hands to  My Coke Rewards books; parents are responsible for any damage to textbooks and materials caused by food and drink  Ink Cartridges items. Ramen is another food item that is messy and having it at school is likely to cause a  Sunny D labels for Books problem and lead to discipline. YVES strongly  Food for Less School Supplies

10 YVES ALWAYS needs more of the following and we hold a drive all year long: YVES TEACHERS use Donors Choose as well. Please  Kleenex (tissue for the kids to use) check out www.donorschoose.org  Xerox paper (copy paper)  Individual boxes of crayons  #2 Pencils

GENERAL PLAYGROUND RULES 8. Stand and walk in line quietly. 9. Walk only on sidewalks and concrete areas. 1. Follow directions of duty person. Talking 10. The grade level recess is the only snack back, rudeness, and a disrespectful tone of recess. Snacks may be eaten only in the voice will not be tolerated. assigned areas. Field areas are for games 2. Play only in designated areas. Stay within only. boundaries and avoid: 11. If a ball goes over a fence, report it to the . planted areas, banks, and person on duty. Do not climb over the fence. ditches 12. Do not bring personal equipment to school . restroom areas except when (such as footballs, basketball, tennis balls, needed for restroom purposes etc.) . between and behind buildings . ramps and railings . areas near doors TRACK! YVES also has an excellent . PE class areas TRACK team and we compete against other 3. Play games that are not dangerous. Refrain RecessMUSD schoolsExclusions in the Spring. See COACH for from chasing, pulling and tugging at Ifmore you information! have any doctor/parent note excluding you clothing, pushing, fighting; even play from PE, you may not have an active/playing recess. fighting, karate, and judo. Recess is an active time for play and is a privilege; 4. Before school, students will walk to the recess can be taken away by staff. blacktop/playground area. Students will Tetherball Rules take their belongings with them; students may put their backpacks down, but should Fouls keep them in plain view. 1. Hitting the ball with any part of the body 5. Use playground equipment in a safe other than the hands. manner. 2. Stopping continuous play by holding or 6. Do not take personal items such as purse, catching the ball. backpacks and show and tell items to the 3. Touching the pole with any part of the body. playground. 4. Touching or hitting the rope. 7. When the bell rings, stop play immediately, 5. No climbing on the pole or adjusting of the freeze/take a knee, and no talking until the rope are allowed. whistle blows, then walk to your line.

11 6. Stay in your designated area in the circle. 1. Keep hands and feet to self at all times. 2. One person at a time going across bars or Penalty down slides. 3. No chicken fighting ever, on bars. A player who commits any of the fouls listed 4. Slide down poles one at a time. above forfeits the game to his/her opponent. 5. Slide down slides one at a time in a sitting Play stops immediately after a foul has been position, feet forward. committed. 6. No loitering in Jungle Gyms. Scoring 7. No running across Jungle Gyms.

The game is won by the player who first winds Balls/Football/Softball-Field Games the rope completely around the pole or by forfeit in the case of a foul committed by an opponent. Field games may only be played with adult supervision of the game. No balls should be brought Rules for “Jungle Gym” from home. Only classroom balls will be permitted on the playground.

YVES Student Behavioral Expectation  Play by the rules. Take turns and share. Six Pillars of Character  Listen to others; be open-minded.  Do not blame others carelessly.

Trustworthiness Caring  Be honest.  Be kind and show you care.  Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal.  Express gratitude (Say “Thank you!”)  Build a good reputation and do not gossip  Forgive others. about other people. Citizenship Respect  Do your share to make school, home and  Treat others with respect and obey all adults community better. on campus  Follow rules and laws in the classroom,  Be tolerant of differences of others and playground, cafeteria, hallway, and on the consider their feelings bus.  Use good manners (Saying “Thank you”,  Cooperate with adults and others students. “Please”, and “You’re welcome.”)  Keep your environment clean by cleaning up  Do not use bad language. after yourself and others on campus.  Do not threaten, hit or hurt anyone.

DRESS CODE Responsibility  Do what you are supposed to do (classwork, All students shall dress and groom for school with homework, taking home/turning in papers) attention to neatness, cleanliness, decency, safety, and  Always do your best. personal and public health. The Board considers  Use self-control and be self-disciplined student dress to be inappropriate when:  Think before you act-consider the consequences and be accountable for your 1. It disrupts or could disrupt the educational choices. process.  2. It denotes affiliation with a gang that advocates Fairness disruptive behavior or illegal activities such as the sale and use of drugs.

12 3. It creates a safety hazard for said student or other Students violating the above will be referred to the students at school. principal or designee. The parent will be contacted. Students may be sent home to change clothing if SPECIFIC DRESS REQUIREMENTS acceptable modifications cannot be made. The student may be subject to other disciplinary measures pursuant to Education Code and District policy. 1. Hats are not to be worn in the classroom or cafeteria and are always to be worn with the bill facing forward. BULLYING/HARASSMENT 2. Clothing may not display profane or obscene language or pictures showing crude or vulgar The latest research shows that one in three gestures. children are directly involved in bullying as a 3. Clothing may not express racial, ethnic or sexist perpetrator, victim, or both. And many of those slurs/images. who are not directly involved witness others being 4. Clothing may not advertise or encourage drugs, bullied on a regular basis. No child is immune—kids alcohol, or tobacco. of every race, gender, grade and socio-economic 5. Shirts and blouses must cover the torso sector are impacted. But it doesn’t have to be this way. adequately even with movement. Crop tops, As a school, Yucca Valley Elementary School has the spaghetti straps, and extremely baggy tank tops power to help reduce bullying. Therefore, our school are not permitted (bra straps, side of torso, and community will enforce Morongo Unified School mid-section must be covered at all times). Straps District’s ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY with on shirts, blouses, and tank tops must be a bullying, harassment, and hazing. minimum of an inch wide. 6. Shorts must be as long as the student’s fingertips REFERENCE: ED Code 48900, 48900.2, 48900.4 when arms are extended down to their side. No short shorts are allowed. 7. Underclothing and undergarments must be Cell Phone Policy covered at all times. 8. Clothing and other apparel shall be safe for the Students are strongly encouraged to not bring any activity: i.e. no open toe or open heel shoes, no electronics to school, including cell phones. However, dangling earrings, no wide-leg sagging pants, no many of our families do send cell phones to school cleats, etc., which could create hazards. with their children. Cell phones MUST be turned off 9. Any apparel which by virtue of its color, and stored in the student’s belongings, either in arrangement, trademark or other attribute which backpacks or pockets as soon as the student has is known to be gang related, is prohibited. entered school grounds (the gates or any door). 10. Hoop earrings should not be larger than the According to school board policy, cell phones may not circumference of a pencil. Dangling earrings and be used during school hours from the time the student earrings/spacers with metal/plastic spikes are enters the campus until the time they leave the not allowed, as they are unsafe on the playground campus in the afternoon. A cell phone is considered and at PE. in use if it rings during class, if a student makes a call, or is using the text function. The principal is authorized to establish additional For use of cell phones during instructional time, the school rules to address specific dress problems at the following disciplinary action will occur: individual school. The rules will be consistent with the total policy and are to be approved by the  First Offense: Confiscation with student Superintendent. or parent being able to pick up the phone at the end of the day; GANG RELATED SYMBOLS  Second Offense: Confiscation and the parent or guardian must pick up the phone. Parents will also be informed of The Board of Education in maintaining safe schools consequences for additional offenses; prohibits the presence of any symbols of gang  Third Offense: Suspension for (3) three membership. The Board prohibits the presence of any days; and apparel, jewelry, accessory, notebook or manner of  Fourth Offense: Suspension for (5) five grooming, which by virtue of its color, arrangement, days. trademark or any other attribute, denotes Any further offense may result in expulsion. membership in a gang. Also prohibited is any gesture that symbolizes gang membership. Students may be recommended for expulsion if the student is texting answers to a test or sending pornography.


13  Guns (real or replica), firearms  Noxious glues, correction fluid, stink bombs,  Knives or sharpened implements pepper spray, mace, itching/sneezing powder, primarily designed to inflict injury or peppers death  Toys: Stuffed animals, water guns, Frisbees, yo-  Explosives/live ammunition yos, finger skateboards, balloons, etc.  Drugs or alcohol, look-a-likes,  Publications that further the message of drugs, imitations, inhalants, or paraphernalia gangs, or explicit violence.  Dangerous objects that can inflict injury  Baby bottles and pacifiers (brass knuckles, razor blades, etc.)  Lighters/matches  Stolen property  Pointed projectiles, inert ammunition, firecrackers,  Items associated with hate violence snappers, snap-pops  Tobacco or tobacco products  Gum and sunflower seeds (in shells)  Pornography, items containing nudity  Cards: trading & magic, items used in gambling  Gang-related items  Any digital listening device, radios, tape/CD/music  Aerosol cans players, tape recorders, digital cameras  Laser pointers  Sexually explicit materials  Cell phones


LEVEL 1 – Demerit LEVEL 2 – Behavior Report LEVEL 3 – School Referral LEVEL 1 – Demerit LEVEL 2 – Behavior Report LEVEL 3 – School Referral

5 School Rule 6 - LEVEL 1 Demerits School Referrals are for Violation5 School Rule Academic6 - LEVEL Dishonesty 1 Demerits moreSchool serious Referrals Education are for CharacterViolation Counts BeforeAcademic or After Dishonesty School Codemore violations. serious Education These ViolationCharacter Counts incidentBefore (nonor After violent) School 48900Code violations violations. include, These DressViolation Code Didincident not report (non to violent) recess threatening,48900 violations causing include, LackDress of CodeMaterials / restrictionDid not report or after to schoolrecess injury,threatening, fighting, causing MajorLack Assignment of Materials / detentionrestriction or after school dangerousinjury, fighting, objects, TeacherMajor AssignmentConsequences Roughdetention housing, play alcohol,dangerous controlled objects, NOTTeacher met Consequences fighting,Rough housing,horse play play substances,alcohol, controlled look-a-likes, MakingNOT met a Mess, Classroomfighting, horsedisruption play or robberysubstances, or extortion, look-a-likes, Littering,Making NOTa Mess, picking defianceClassroom (mild) disruption or propertyrobbery damage, or extortion, theft, upLittering, NOT picking Profanitydefiance (not (mild) directed tobacco,property obscenity damage, or theft, Playgroundup Rule towardProfanity staff) (not directed profanity,tobacco, drugobscenity or Playground Rule toward staff) st profanity, drug Prohibited Item (non Sexual Harassment (1 st paraphernalia, disruption dangerous)Prohibited Item (non offense)Sexual Harassment (1 orparaphernalia, defiance, receiving disruption Unwillingdangerous) or Otheroffense) mild, non violent stolenor defiance, property, receiving imitation unpreparedUnwilling to or work issuesOther mild, non violent firearm,stolen property,sexual assault imitation or Otherunprepared minor issues to work issues battery,firearm, harassment sexual assault or or Other minor issues threateningbattery, harassment a witness, or offerthreatening or sell Soma, a witness, engagingoffer or insell or Soma, attempted hazing,engaging bullying in or attempted (includinghazing, bullying electronic), aiding(including or abetting electronic), in the inflictionaiding or of abetting injury, in the sexualinfliction harassment of injury, (gradessexual 4-12), harassment hate violence(grades (grades 4-12), hate4-12), Demerits are handled in the severeviolence harassment (grades or4-12), Demerits are handled in the classroom by the teacher. intimidationsevere harassment (grades or4- Demeritsclassroom serve by asthe warnings teacher. Behavior Reports are given for Behavior Reports are given for intimidation (grades 4- of Demeritsbehaviors serve that mayas warnings result moderate violations. 12), or terroristic threats. moderate violations. 12), or terroristic threats. in offuture behaviors discipline. that may Six result(6) Consequences are progressive and Consequences are progressive and demeritsin future transfer discipline. to a Level Six (6) begin with loss of recess. Students begin with loss of recess. Students 2 Behaviordemerits transferReport. to a Level may only receive 5 Behavior Please see the YVES Discipline may only receive 5 Behavior 2 Behavior Report. Reports in a school year; all other MatrixPlease for see progressive the YVES discipline Discipline Reports in a school year; all other violations will be on a School information.Matrix for progressive discipline Referral.violations will be on a School information. Referral.

15 YVES Discipline Referral Matrix

Referral #1 Referral #2 Referral #3 (non (non violent) Or Referral #1 violent) -Parents notified (violent) -Parents -Temporary -Parents notified notified placement in -1 to 2 days out of -Corrective another classroom school suspension Action and/or corrective -Possible Behavior action Contract written Offenses that fall under MUSD’s Zero Tolerance Policy offenses are-Possible referred to MUSD’sCCT School Board for Referral #4 expulsion. MeetingFighting, theft, vandalism, and bullying will be Referral #5 at the discretion of the school administrator. These offenses Or will not follow the matrix presented above and can receive -Parents a suspension or expulsion on the first time the offense Referral #2 occurs. notified (violent) -2 to 3 days ZERO Tolerance Offenses: -Parents  Possesses a firearm (48900 b) out of school notified  Brandishes or uses a knife in a threatening suspension manner (48900 b) -3 to 4 days  Sells, uses or possesses any controlled substance (48900 c) out of  Commits or attempts to commit sexual assault or school commits sexual battery (48900 n)

suspension OTHER OFFENSES THAT SHALL BE REFERRED FOR Referral #6 EXPULSION: Intentionally causing serious injury to another person (48900 a); commit assault or battery upon a school employee (48900 a); offer, arrange for, or negotiate to sell any -Parents notified controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant and then -4 to 5 days out of sell, deliver or furnish a “look-alike” substance and represent it as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant school suspension (48900 d); possess, sell or furnish a dangerous object, including knives, toy guns, or other objects that can be perceived as or used as a weapon (48900 b); commits acts of hate violence or repeated harassment and intimidation (48900 . 2.3.4); commits acts of robbery or extortion (48900 e); or repeatedly commits other Education Code 48900 offenses that disrupt the educational program or cause a danger to self or other. Referral # 7 Students will be recommended for expulsion from school (Or Referral #3 (violent) when 15-20 total days of suspension have occurred. Students -Parent notified may be recommended for expulsion prior to receiving 20 total days of suspension depending on the violations. Coordinated -5 days of out of school suspension Care Team referral may be made for behavior and may be -Possible recommendation for expulsion scheduled at any time. Referral # 8 Based on the seriousness of the behavior, a student may -Parent notified receive a suspension for Referral #1. Any16 act of violence -5 days of out of school suspension will result in a minimum of a one day out of school -Recommendation for expulsion suspension. REFERENCE: MUSD Board Policy 5144.1 and 5131.7 Cyber Bullying Hazing

Education Code 48900 Education Code 48900.2 (2008) (2008) permits a student to be permits a student to be suspended suspended from school or from school or recommended for recommended for expulsion for expulsion if the superintendent or engaging in acts of bullying, the principal of the school in which the student is enrolled determines including bullying committed by that the student has engaged in or means of electronic acts. attempted to engage in hazing. "Hazing" is defined as a method of Education Code 32261 (no means a method of initiation or pre- date available) defines initiation into a pupil organization "electronic act" as "the or body, whether or not the transmission of a organization or body is officially recognized by an educational communication, including, but institution, which is likely to cause not limited to, a message, text, serious bodily injury or personal sound or image by means of an degradation or disgrace resulting in electronic device, including but physical or mental harm to a former, not limited to a telephone, current, or prospective pupil." For wireless telephone or other the purposes of this statute, "hazing" wireless communication device, does not include athletic events or computer or pager." school-sanctioned events.

NOTICE OF UNIFORM COMPLAINT PROCEDURES The Morongo Unified School District has a complaint procedure that you may use if you believe that the District is not in compliance with any state or federal law or regulation. It is the intention of the Morongo Unified School District to comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations; however, if you believe a violation has occurred, you are encouraged to file a complaint with the District’s compliance officer:

Acting Superintendent, Mr. Tom Baumgarten Telephone (760) 367-9191 P.O. Box 1209 Twenty-nine Palms, CA 92277 No retaliation or adverse action will result from filing a complaint. In some instances, complaints may be filed directly with the State Department of Education. Most often, this occurs if: the District fails to comply with its own complaint procedures; the facts suggest that the complainant will suffer an immediate loss of benefits without state intervention; the District indicates that it will retaliate against the complainant; or the District takes no action on a complaint within 60 days. Direct state intervention is also available for some types of complaints relating to special education. Refer to Title 5 C.C.R. 4650 for a

17 complete listing of conditions allowing direct filing with the State Department of Education. The District’s decision may be appealed by filing a written appeal with the Superintendent of Public Instruction within 15 days of receiving the District’s decision. In addition to the complaint procedures mentioned above, civil remedies may be available, including, but not limited to, injunctive relief, writ of mandate or prohibition, and other equitable relief and/or damages. For information about these remedies, you should consult an attorney.

Morongo Unified School District’s board policies and regulations are on- line for you to view at www.gamatonline.net .

You may use the following user name and password: User name: public Password: morongo


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