Webable 3: Unit Costs for Interventions (In 2004 US$)

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Webable 3: Unit Costs for Interventions (In 2004 US$)

Webtable 3: Unit Costs for interventions (in 2004 US$)

Annual cost Popula- per Source for Intervention Population Source tion at Source Coverage Source population unit cost* risk or illness Preventive Interventions Breastfeeding UNICEF Exclusive UNICEF % excl breastfeeding @ 6 breastfeeding All births UN Pop Div childinfo 0 _ mos. 0-5 mos. website website UNICEF % continued breastfdg and UNICEF Breastfeeding 6- All births UN Pop Div timely complementary fdg childinfo 0 _ 11 mos. website website UNICEF UNICEF UN Pop Div; childinfo 0.33 x http://www.unicef.org/s Average no. ITM 3-yr website All children in incidence 4.80 (for one upply/. Sources & Insecticide- U5 children effective- % HHs w/≥1 child under 5 website; HHs with ≥1 in long-lasting prices for malaria, 10 treated materials per HH from ness from reporting presence of ITM Average no. child under five malarious net ) May 2004. Item DHS (T Croft, RS email U5 children areas #5090005 pc.) per HH from DHS (T Croft, pc.) UNICEF UNICEF Complementary % timely complementary fdg All births UN Pop Div childinfo 0 _ feeding 6-9 mos. website website Zinc Population aged UN Pop Div Zinc IZiNCG. Assumed zero R Black pc 3.65 R Black pc 2-23 mos. deficient Assessment ($0.01/day) areas of the risk of zinc deficiency in populations Annual cost Popula- per Source for Intervention Population Source tion at Source Coverage Source population unit cost* risk or illness and options for its control. Food & Nut Bull 25(1): March 2004. “Complete midwifery” kit Clean delivery UN Pop Div Birth in hospital or presence UNICEF minus http://www.supply.unic with skilled All births x 1.03 w/correction of skilled birth attendant, childinfo ambubag, good ef.dk/Catalogue/; attendant for stillbirths whichever is lower website for 50 births = Technical Bulletin #4. 6.88 per delivery Low birth Newborn UNICEF b Birth in hospital or presence UNICEF All low birth weight temperature 2004 LBW of skilled birth attendant, childinfo 0 -- weight infants rate by management rate whichever is lower** website country 2.46/dose x 3 http://www.supply.unic doses = 7.38 ef.dk/Catalogue/; Item Hib vaccine All births UN Pop Div Country-specific estimates WHO/VAB (additional cost #359253 minus Item of adding Hib #359123. to DPT) Under-five UNICEF share of Pop w/o UNICEF UNICEF Clean water, country-specific UNICEF clean childinfo % improved drinking water childinfo Recurrent/ estimate of pop costing for water website website maintenance UNICEF costing for w/o clean water inclusion in website costs (est. at inclusion in the the document 10%) of per document "Investing in Under-five "Investing in UNICEF capita costs of Children" from share of pop Children" Pop w/o UNICEF UNICEF Sanitation & % acceptable sanitation construction, by meeting in Monterrey. w/o access to from meeting clean childinfo childinfo hygiene facilities region acceptable in Monterrey. water website website sanitation website facilities Annual cost Popula- per Source for Intervention Population Source tion at Source Coverage Source population unit cost* risk or illness Preterm Bhutta. births by Coverage estimates Antenatal Cochrane Lawn, Bhutta 14.04 for British National All preterm region/ Lawn according to 4 levels of steroids for review (sorry & Darmstadt, betamethazone Formulary (BNF), births country &Bhutta pc neonatal mortality rate and premature labor don’t have pc (2 injections) March 2004 (Supp institutional delivery.* details with Table 5) me ) Adamson P. Vitamin & Mineral Deficiency: A UNICEF Vit A UNICEF 0.02/dose x 2 Vitamin A All kids 7 to 59 Global Coverage rates for Vit A Nita Dalmya, UNICEF, UN Pop Div deficient Progress childinfo doses/year = supplementation months supplementation, 7-59 mos. pc 7 Dec 04 areas Report. website 0.04/yr Micronutrient website Initiative and UNICEF. No date. UNICEF 2 doses @ Births times UN Pop Div UNICEF http://www.supply.unic 0.064/dose = Tetanus toxoid 1.03 to allow for w/ correction TT coverage rates childinfo ef.dk/Catalogue/; Item 0.13/pregnant stillbirths for stillbirths website # 359154 woman website Country-specific UNAIDS 2003 UNAIDS 51.00 for Nevirapine and 1% in all countries except estimates of estimates for 2003 nevrapine and Schwartlander et al, replacement Mexico (50%) and Brazil pregnant the year estimates for replacement 2002 feeding (80%) women with HIV 2000. 2000 feeding Incidence of preterm birth Oral Antibiotics for Regional Lawn, & Coverage estimates erythromicin preterm estimates of Bhutta. according to 4 levels of Lawn, Bhutta 250 mg 8 http://www.supply.unic premature incidence of Proportion in neonatal mortality rate and & Darmstadt, hourly x 7 days ef.dk/Catalogue/; rupture of preterm birth; need ( Mercer institutional delivery.* pc for PPROM Item # 1546315 membranes 33% considered et al Lancet before delivery (PPROM) to be in need 1995; = 0.66 346:1271-9). Annual cost Popula- per Source for Intervention Population Source tion at Source Coverage Source population unit cost* risk or illness UNICEF http://www.supply.unic Country-specific coverage Measles vaccine All births UN Pop Div childinfo 0.13/dose ef.dk/Catalogue/; estimates for 2000 website Item # 359163 Antimalarial Africa: intermittent High Rowe et al.; http://www.supply.unic R Steketee preventive All births x 1.03 UN Pop Div malaria Other Zero 0.18 for SP ef.dk/Catalogue/; pc treatment in areas countries: R Item # 1568045 pregnancy Steketee pc

http://www.supply.unic Other EPI UNICEF 0.09BCG + ef.dk/Catalogue/; vaccines: All live births UN Pop Div BCG coverage rates childinfo 0.11 Polio = Item # 1359114 + Item BCG & Polio 1 website 0.20 # 359184 http://www.supply.unic UNICEF DPT 1-3 & Polio Average of DPT & Polio 3 x 0.083 + 3 x ef.dk/Catalogue/; All live births UN Pop Div childinfo 2-4 coverage rate 0.11 = 0.58 Item # 1359114 + Item website # 359184 Annual cost Popula- per tion at population Source for Intervention Population Source risk Source Coverage Source or illness unit cost**

Treatment interventions

Episodes Regional Mendoza/ Oral rehydration w/≥ some UNICEF 0.15 in facility, http://www.supply.unic estimates of Lanato % children with diarrhoea who therapy for dehydra- R Black pc childinfo 0.00 in ef.dk/Catalogue/; diarrhea CHERG received ORS diarrhoea tion website community Item # 1561121 incidence estimates (10%) Regional Mendoza/ 10 days at Zinc for estimates of Lanato Currently assumed zero R. Black pc 0.01 per day R. Black pc diarrhoea diarrhea CHERG total= 0.10 incidence estimates 7 days x 500mg Regional:** pdr/inj SSA: 12% Coverage estimates ampicillin @ NA/ME: 8% according to 4 levels of Lawn, Bhutta 0.53/episode; + Antibiotics for Lawn, & http://www.supply.unic S Asia: 10% neonatal mortality rate and & Darmstadt, 5 days x neonatal sepsis Bhutta, pc ef.dk/Catalogue/; SE Asia: 15% institutional delivery.** pc 15mg/day Item # 1505098 + Item Latin Am: 7% gentimicin @ #1551960 0.18 = 0.71/episode Amoxicillin Rudan, % children with ARI needing UNICEF suspension, http://www.supply.unic Antibiotics for Country specific Tomaskovic, attention taken to health childinfo 20ml/day for 3 ef.dk/Catalogue/; pneumonia estimates et al., 2004. provider website days = 0.27/ Item # 1505046 episode CHERG Rowe et al, Pop 0-5 http://www.unicef.org/s malaria plus for UNICEF 1.8 episodes of yrs in % under-five children w/fever 0.02 for SP or upply/. Sources & Antimalarials morbidity outside of childinfo malaria/yr malarious who received an antimalarial 1.15 for ACT prices for malaria, 10 working Africa, R website areas May 2004. group. Steketee pc Annual cost Popula- per tion at population Source for Intervention Population Source risk Source Coverage Source or illness unit cost** Coverage estimates WHO 1999. according to 4 levels of Lawn, Bhutta 0.01 for Newborn Basic Lawn, Bhutta & 5% of all births neonatal mortality rate and & Darmstadt, ambubag, good resuscitation resuscitation Darmstadt, pc institutional delivery.** pc for 1000 births a guide Cipro tabs 150mg/day for 3 days = 10% of country- Used proxy of % children with UNICEF 0.10/episode+ htt p://www.supply.unic Antibiotics for specific diarrhea Bob Black pc ARI needing attention who childinfo Zinc for 10 ef.dk/Catalogue/; dysentery incidence rate received an antibiotic website days = 0.10 + Item # 1555700 + Item ORT=0.15 # 1561121 + Total = For zinc, R. Black pc. 0.35/episode Country-specific No data able 1 200,000 IU Vitamin A for estimates of Nita Dalmya, UNICEF, WHO/VAB Assumed 50% to be Vit A tablet at measles measles pc 7 Dec 04 identified 0.02 incidence

* All UNICEF prices checked & confirmed on 4 December 2004.

** Lawn JE, Cousens S, Zupan J for the Lancet Neonatal Survival Steering Team. 4 million neonatal deaths : When ? Where ? Why ?

Lancet 2005; 365 :891-900; Darmstadt DL, Bhutta ZA, Cousens S, Adam T, Walker N, de Bernis L for the Lancet Neonatal

Survival Steering Team. Evidence-based, cost-effective interventions: how many babies can we save? Lancet 2005; 365: 977-


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