The Steering Wheel s4

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The Steering Wheel s4

The Steering Wheel Our Mission Statement: To share the love of our antique cars and to show them off. To enjoy fellowship of other car enthusiasts.


Officers: President: Al Preisner (616) 874-9336 Vice-President: Jim Nyman (616) 914-8895 Secretary: Shirley DeLange (616) 878-3618 Treasurer: Leon DeLange (616) 878-3618 Board of Directors: 17/18 Sig Baumgart (616) 363-1509 17/18 Craig Chalmers (616) 361-2220 17/18 Jim Nyman (616) 914-8895 17/18 John Wilson (616) 453-7025 16/17 Keith VanderPol (616) 874-9943 16/17 Dennis Biggins (616) 365-1371 16/17 Shirley DeLange (616) 878-3618 Committee Chairs: April Auction Al Preisner (616) 874-9336 Craig Chalmers (616) 361-2220 Christmas Banquet Sean & Cynthia Smith (616) 560-3108

Club Historian Roseanne Lynch (616) 460-2161 Club Picnic Cheryl Chalmers (616) 361-2220

Membership Al Preisner (616) 874-9336 Metro 28th Cruise Leon DeLange (616) 878-3618 Newsletter Bonnie Woodman (616) 997-6413 Retirement Visits Ruth Esakson (616) 677-5816 Jim Nyman (616) 914-8895 Sick & Shut Ins Linda Biggins (616) 365-1371 Special Events Ruth Esakson (616) 677-5816 Cynthia Smith (616) 560-3108 Tours: Dust Off Sean & Cindy Smith (616) 560-3108

Fall One Day Al Preisner (616) 874-9336 Denny Biggins (616) 365-1371

1 Events Calendar ** Indicates a SPECIAL Event Feb 27 Tue GRACC Board/Membership Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home - Meeting @ 7:00pm – Greeters: Keith VanderPol Entertainment: Leon on Taxes Mar 27 Tue GRACC Board/Membership Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home - Meeting @ 7:00pm – Greeters: Carl & Ruth Esakson Entertainment: Annual Spring Potluck Apr 24 Tue GRACC Board/Membership Meeting – 2161 Leonard NW – GR – St. Ann’s Home - Meeting @ 7:00pm – Greeters: Jim & Penny Nyman Entertainment: Annual Auction **Dates marked in BOLD, Underlined and marked with a double asterisk **, are SPECIAL Events and Visits. Please make note of these dates. These events and visits earn points toward the year end awards.” ** We will now have a 50/50 Raffle and/or a prize drawing at all membership meetings – this is to help offset the cost of the Awards Banquet.

NOTE: - A Reminder – that Greeters are also Treaters – please bring a snack (baked goods, whatever) and a beverage. Any items purchased for this can be reimbursed by the treasurer.


Hello Everyone! Hopefully everyone is doing fine & enjoying our strange weather. The holidays will soon be here, Thanksgiving & Christmas and hopefully everyone enjoys this time with your families. Thanks to everyone that joined Dennis & I on our One Day Fall Tour. We had good weather and lots to see. I hope to see everyone next year in February. Your GRACC President Al Preisner

Board Of Directors Report

Election were held – the results are as follow: President: Al Presiner Vice- President: Jim Nyman Secretatry: Shirley DeLange Treasurer: Leon DeLange NEW Board of Directors: 18/19 Fred Brailey 18/19 Shirley DeLange 18/19 Dave Kommer Per Board Decision –

 it was passed and approved that the Points System be changed to:

2 points for attending a ‘Paying Event’ 2 1 point for attending a ‘Visitation” This will be tried out for one year and review the results in next October meeting

 It was voted on and approved that we donate $150 to the St. Ann’s Home for the usage of the meeting room – they do not charge us at this time

$ Treasurers Report from Leon DeLange $

NOTE: - Report for October 2017 Balance Sept 26th $4,607.99 Receipts 820.88 Disbursements -1,596.14 Balance Oct 23rd $3,832.73 Note: a detailed report will be available at the February 2018 membership meeting

Committee Reports

Sick & Shut Ins Linda Biggins – Chair

Thoughts and prayers for all our sick & shut-ins are greatly appreciated …… NOTE: If you know of someone else in the club who has been ill and/or in the hospital, has had a death in the family, etc. Please call Linda and let her know – 616-365-1371 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Retirement Visits Brought to you by Ruth Esakson & Jim Nyman Check the “Events Calendar” for all upcoming Special Events

NOTE: be sure to RSVP to Ruth on visits requiring the RSVP – call her @ 677-5816

September 26th - Porter Hills the following people participated: Jim Nuyman, Hal Ringler, Roger Beard and Bob & Carol Diefenbaker.

NOTE: In case of RAIN or inclement weather – be sure to check your e-mail (if you have one) in case of any cancellations and/or date and time changes!!!!

3 Watch the Calendar of Events for Names, dates and further details. Many visits already scheduled – be sure to RSVP where requested!

PS – if you’re not sure where a ‘Retirement/Nursing Home’ is – ask us – maps are available!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Special Events Brought to you by Ruth Esakson & Cynthia Smith (616) 677-5816 NOTE: There are no more ‘Special Events’ for the year – Thank you all who came out and participated



Honorable Mention (1 to 4 points): Sig & Marge Baumgart, Roseanne Lynch, Bob & Elsie Waller, Gene & Patti Birdsall, Fred & Arlene Eisen, Bob & Cherle Giles, Harold & Karen Ringler, Sean & Cynthia Smith, Dave Birdsall, Ted Callender, Bob & Julie Rinzema, and Bonnie Woodman

5 Points: Chuck & Judy Smith, Keith & Dot VanderPol

7 Points: Al Preisner

8 Points: Leon & Shirley Delange and Sally Thelen

11 Points: Craig & Cheryl Chalmers

12 Points: Dave & Ruth Kommer and Jim & Penny Nyman

16 Points: Dennis & Linda Biggins, Carl & Ruth Esakson and Casey & Ruth Meyer,

17 Points: Roger Beard

18 Points: John & Judy Wilson

20 Points: Bob & Carol Diefenbaker


Membership Al Preisner – Chair

4 DUES - Can be paid via mail or at the next club meeting. They are $20.00 per family for the year. They can be paid by check - made out to GRACC and mailed to: Al Preisner - 7973 Ramsdell Dr NE – Rockford, MI 49341-8079 OR bring them to the next membership meeting. If you have any questions, contact Al. We currently have 57 paid families in our club!! Extra Newsworthy News

Fall One Day Tour What’s better than a nice leisurely ride through the countryside 7 farmlands of West Michigan? Well – doing it with some of your best friends … driving their antique cars. With the weather at its’ finest, and a destination like the Gilmore Museum, it just doesn’t get much better. About a dozen cars and 24 club members and friends did that on Sat. Sept. 30th. Those who joined us for the fun were: John & Judy Wilson, Sig & Marge Baumgart, Roger Beard, Barney Southworth and Linda, Keith VanderPol, Jim Nyman, Casey & Ruth Meyer, Leon & Shirley DeLange, Adam & Tami Gordon, Ruth & Carl Esakson, Denny & Linda Biggins w/ nephew Mike Biggins, Al Preisner with friends – Jack Wondergem & Jerry & Linda Platz. Hope everyone had a great day. Your Tour Chairmen Al Preisner Denny Biggins


GRACC Awards Banquet

Saturday, October 14 at St. Mary’s Church Hall A thank you to all that attended our clubs Awards Banquet this year. It was nice to see those that were able to attend, even with the rainy day that we were given. We hope that those attended enjoyed the food and entertainment as much as we did. Our entertainment was Jim & Karen Urguhart (Guitar & Dulcimer). A special thank you to Carl & Ruth Esakson, Roseanne Lynch, and Fred & Arlene Eisen. With your help, setup and tear down went smoothly. Also, a special thanks to Linda Biggins for the music referral. We hope everyone has a great, healthy and family fun filled holiday season in the months ahead. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those that are ill, recovering as well as our deceased members and their families. 5 Thank you, Sean & Cindy Smith

Hey – we are now on Facebook – just type in ‘Grand Rapids Antique Car Club’ in the find friends tab. Join the group – info on events and visits

Odds & Ends

RAFFLE PRIZE WINNER for the October meeting was Adam Gordon with winnings of $49

Visit our web site at ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Cars/Parts For Sale and/or Wanted

FOR SALE – 1917 Model T – Run-About FOR SALE - 1931 Ford Model A Deluxe, Roaster – new ground up restored to a 1919 4-Door Slant Windshield Town Sedan, style Maroon/Black Fenders. $14,500 Call Mike Maloney at (616)875-8171 (bet 8-4 Call 616-457-4964 or 616-475-1145. (06/17) Ext 2) or home (616)669-0615 after 5pm FOR SALE - 1935 Ford Model 48 Standard, (08/17) 2-Door Flatback Sedan, Washington Blue. FOR SALE -1968 Mercury Monterey – $15,000 Call 457-4964 or 475-1145. (06/17) Model 4 Door – 390 V-8 Ps PB – all original – asking $6,500 or Best Offer– call 616-916- FOR SALE: 1924 Model T Roadster – older restoration – many parts come with vehicle 3538 (07/17) Call Raymond Conti - 330-650-6477 (03/17) 6 Top & Interior. Many extra accessories. FOR SALE: 1930 Model A – older Some extra parts go with car. restoration – two-door w/rumble seat – many Asking $31,500. If you want a ‘64 Impala SS parts come with vehicle – Raymond Conti convertible this one is worth a look. Call Call 330-650-6477 (03/17) 616-884-5184 if interested. Pictures on FOR SALE: 1964 Impala SS convertible. request. (10/16) Original red SS w/very nice paint. Chrome & GARAGE Available – Call Al Preisner – (616) trim are new. Nice running 327 2x4 Barrel 874-9336 engine w/ some chrome accessories. Newer Back-Seat Drivers

NOVEMBER, etc Recipes

Beefy Tomato Soup

2 lb.s ground beef 2 cups tomato-vegetable juice cocktail 1 onion – chopped 2 cups tomato juice 2 stalks celery – chopped ½ tsp. garlic powder 1 (14.5 oz) can diced tomatoes Salt & pepper to taste 2 cups water 1 cup elbow macaroni

Brown beef & onion in stock pot until meat is browned & onion clear – drain fat off – add celery & diced tomatoes. Add water & bring to a boil then simmer for 1 hour. Add tomato-vegetable juice, tomato juice, garlic powder & season with salt & pepper – bring to boil & simmer for 1 ½ hours – add macaroni & simmer until macaroni is cooked

Mama’s Classic Coleslaw

14 oz. bag coleslaw mix 1 tsp. prepared yellow mustard 1 cup mayonnaise 1 tsp. garlic salt 2 Tbsp. heavy cream 1 tsp. pepper

Add all of ingredients to bowl of a food processor and process in short bursts until finely ground. Chill for 1 hour before serving

Caramel Crunch Bars

4 ½ Honey Graham Crackers ½ cup miniature Marshmallows 1 pkg (11 oz) Caramel Bits ½ cup coarsely crushed pretzels 2 Tbsp milk 4 sqs Semi-Sweet Chocolate – melted ½ cup cocktail peanuts Line an 8 inch square pan with foil, with ends of foil extending over sides of pan. Grease foil generously with butter. Place grahams on bottom of pan, cutting to fit if necessary. Microwave caramel bits & milk in 7 bowl on High 2 min. or until caramel bits are completely melted & mixture is well blended – stirring every 30 seconds. Pour over grahams, top with peanuts, marshmallows & pretzels. Drizzle with melted chocolate. Refrigerate at least 1 hour. Use foil handles to remove dessert from pan before cutting into bars to serve.


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