Reception Class for Transfer to Year 1 - Autumn 2011
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Reception Class for Transfer to year 1 - Autumn 2011
Foundation Stage Profile Assessment –Writing Points 1- 9 FSP Performance Indicators Children on entry to Year 1 not yet achieving these points Point descriptors Breakdown of ideas for provision and practice in order to achieve securely 1. Experiments with Makes random and exploratory marks on paper using a range of mark markmaking, sometimes making equipment ascribing meaning to marks Talks about their mark making, (drawing and writing) Is beginning to understand that writing and drawing are different Manipulates purposefully a range of writing tools 2. Uses some clearly Produces more controlled marks identifiable letters to Chooses to mark make spontaneously for example within their role communicate meaning play. Knows that writing communicates meaning. Can explain to someone else what they have written Produces some meaningful print, signs or symbols associated with own name, not necessarily associating sounds to symbols. Is beginning to form recognizable letters 3. Represents some sounds Repeats a few known alphabetical symbols frequently using letters from correctly in their writing own name. Can produce the initial letter of their name. Is beginning to organize their writing on paper. Attempts to write captions for their pictures Some appropriate letters used to represent sounds in words, often in the initial position 4. Writes own name and Can spell their first name with correct use of capitalization. other words from memory Begins to write some familiar /simple high frequency words correctly, eg mum, dad 5. Holds a pencil and uses it Is beginning to form recognizable letters showing some control over effectively to form size, shape and orientation. recognizable letters, most of Has established an effective pencil grip which are correctly formed. Is beginning to copy the layout of some text forms eg letters, lists, labels. 6. Attempts writing for a Can produce ideas in written form using their personal experiences and variety of purposes, using experience of reading features of different forms.
7. Uses phonic knowledge Can write each letter in response to it’s sound to write simple regular Is beginning to use dominant phonemes in words. words and make Writing gives the reader a good idea of the content or main purpose phonetically plausible attempts at more complex words. 8.Begins to form captions Shows some control over word order. and simple sentences, Shows an awareness of capital letters and fullstops. sometimes using punctuation. 9. Communicate meaning Is beginning to organize their writing for a variety of purposes eg, using through phrases and simple book conventions, lists, captions, labels, questions, instructions. sentences with some Is beginning to use words appropriately for different text forms. consistency in punctuating sentences. Uses recognizable words and simple statements in their writing Correctly spells a few words and cvc words consistently in their writing. Can apply phonological graphic knowledge and sight vocabulary to make reasonable attempts to spell other words. Uses capital letters and full stops in simple sentences. Uses spaces between words consistently. Letters are usually clearly shaped, correctly orientated and have a consistent size.