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East Paulding Middle School
School Improvement Plan 2016 -2017
Tom Alverson, Principal Cliff Cole, Superintendent 2 East Paulding Middle, School Improvement Action Plan
SMART Goal 1: We will increase the number of students at or above Lexile levels on the Universal Screener by ___%, from _____ to ______in 6th grade, from______to _____ in 7th grade, and from ______to _____in 8th grade. (We will insert measureable goal once baseline testing is completed).
SMART Goal 2: We will increase the number of students who score at proficient or higher by 10% on the EMBRACER writing protocol, from _____ to ______in 6th grade, from______to _____ in 7th grade, and from ______to _____in 8th grade. (We will insert measureable goal once baseline testing is completed).
Strategy/Initiative: Teachers will use tiered reading assignments, decoding reading strategies, reading application, primary documents and common writing protocols and rubrics to differentiate and support growth in reading for information as well as writing constructed responses.
3 District Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Goal & Action Steps Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning GSPS & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source District Goal Professional Learning: No cost Kim Burford September Sign in sheets, agendas, School Leaders th 1&2 Teachers will participate and apply specific to (EAC); Beth 16 EAC Ticket out the door on Demonstrate: PL on how to use as the school, Brooks (ELA Teri Harris Canvas post session Participate in GSPS : Lexile measure and tool for reading district dept. head); TBA- feedback. leading discussions PL 1, 3, 4, 5 across the curriculum. purchase of Teri Harris September Sharing and reminders and trainings as Teachers will participate and apply (Curriculum /October w/familiarization well as observe and PL on tiered reading ( and PD360. Lead) Terry December- April lead discussions and other scaffolding strategies Haney 8/19 during PLC (PD360 & Teaching Channel). m and meetings Teaching surrounding Teachers will participate in PL on Channel are reading and writing constructed response tasks to free support embedded support writing in their content resources. in lessons. Continue area, and implement lessons each 9 to plan and support weeks that require students to through PL sessions respond to constructed response as needed during tasks through the use of structured monitoring stages. writing protocols. Provide reading Teachers will participate in PL on strategies that will the use of writing protocols and work across the rubrics to support student growth. grade level as Science and Social Studies teachers needed. will participate in PL on the use of Teachers primary documents to support Demonstrate: students who score at or above Understanding of grade level Lexile bands. PLC’s and expectations regarding reading and writing support, use of, application of reading and writing strategies across
4 District Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Goal & Action Steps Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning GSPS & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence District Goal Planning: NoneSource at Admin, July-May; Collaborative planning minutes School Leaders 1&2 school level, Teachers updated with attendees names. Demonstrate: Protected time will be set aside Observations of implemented weekly for common collaborative district weekly by lessons Setting up a GSPS : planning time, as well as quarterly purchase of Friday schedule of P&O 1,2,5 to plan interdisciplinary units. Canvas LMS. evening to protected days for Planning for reading will be part of Canvas and planning and the collaborative planning form to lesson ensuring that time that PLC’s will complete and submit plan clip is not taken away. to CANVAS weekly. board. Administration will Teachers will need to discuss and do their best to find reading assignments and attend 1 PLC determine how they will be meeting a week to incorporated into their lessons. ensure planning for Reading assignments will be reading and writing assigned from MyOn and/or support is primary documents. happening. Teachers Each subject area will utilize a Demonstrate: structured writing protocol Meeting weekly (EMBRACER) during the year and and quarterly (for document plans and dates of use data reporting) on on the collaborative meeting form. the designated days Each subject area will analyze where all members EMBRACER data quarterly during are engaged in the their PLC meeting. session. Teacher are all respectful and open to ideas and suggestions, and participate in planning process.
5 District Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Goal & Action Steps Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning GSPS & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence District Goal Implementation: NoneSource Teachers by Data and Collaborative planning School Leaders 1,2,&4 PLC groups work forms completed and Demonstrate: Teachers will utilize MyOn and/or samples uploaded on Canvas each Creation of GSPS: primary documents weekly in their submitted week, observation of collaborative Instruction classrooms. PLC collaboration quarterly implemented lesson, planning form and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, minutes with reading support by 10/7, student work samples creation of Canvas 8, 9 addressed will be turned in weekly 12/20, and rubrics turned in modules to submit online to Canvas. 3/16, & 5/5 quarterly, RI data the form weekly. Weekly, math teachers will provide baseline, mid-year, and Support for choice students word problems with real- end of year check for of writing structure world context, and require students progress. and reading to provide a constructed response. strategies, support via PL when Students will complete a needed. Collection constructed response task with the of data/work EMBRACER writing protocol once sample. per 9 weeks in their classrooms. Teachers Demonstrate: Meet to plan and discuss, complete form and upload to Canvas, implement lessons as discussed. Turn in data and work samples. Students Demonstrate: Students will read weekly, utilizing MyOn and/or primary documents. Students will complete
6 District Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Goal & Action Steps Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning GSPS & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence District Goal Monitoring: NoneSource at Administrati August, Observations, School Leaders 1&2 school level. on and 2016 – conversations, feedback Demonstrate: Administration will read and District Teachers May, 2017 Data from RI and Writing Observations GSPS: monitor weekly planning forms as purchase of Work samples, PLC during classroom P&O 2, 3, 4, they are uploaded to Canvas, RI screener PLC’s meet minutes with reading and lessons, attendance 5 conduct teacher observations, and weekly. writing support at collaborative attend at least one grade level PLC discussed, planned, and planning meetings. planning session once per week. PLC forms implemented. Plan and schedule Administration will provide due weekly RI screener testing, feedback on grade level PLC on Fridays support for data planning sessions as well as analysis, collection classroom observations in regards Data and of work samples to the use of MyOn and/or primary work quarterly, read and documents and the EMBRACER samples give feedback on writing protocol. submitted PLC minutes form. quarterly Teachers Each 9 weeks, administration will by 10/7, Demonstrate: collect random work samples with 12/20, Participation in graded rubric attached. 3/16, & 5/5 weekly PLC Each 9 weeks, all teachers will meetings, upload submit their graded EMBRACER RI given meeting sheet with assignments with a cover sheet September, reading/writing detailing the percent of students January, support included, scoring 1, 2, 3, or 4. May assign, grade, and Students will take RI screener 3 turn in constructed times over the course of the school response writing year. This will also show data and work samples growth from beginning to the end quarterly, and of the school year for reading implement reading comprehension. strategies weekly. Teachers will meet to review RI screener data and progress three times a year.
7 District Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Goal & Action Steps Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning GSPS & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source
East Paulding Middle, School Improvement Action Plan
SMART Goal 3: We will decrease the amount of students in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th who fail 2 or more classes according to the Final Course Average by 20%, from 52 students to 42 students.
Strategy/Initiative: Designated staff members will participate in a mentoring program that supports students who are at risk of failing due to historical academic and/or behavior data. District Goal & Cost/ Resources Evaluation of Implementation and GSPS Action Steps & Funding Source Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning Responsible Artifacts Evidence District Goal 3 & 4 Professional EPMS participation Administration, 8/26/16 – Initial PL Sign in sheets, School Leaders Learning: in District provided Teachers provided for agendas, mentoring Demonstrate: GSPS PBIS Pilot. Kim Burford (EAC), designated mentors profile meeting Schedule, lead, P&O 6 Teachers Counselors 9/2/16 – Follow up forms. participate, and F&C 4 will Counselors provide from initial meeting model mentoring st SC 1,2,3,4,5 engage in support and after 1 student with students and and apply guidance for meeting staff. PL on mentoring Quarterly meetings Teachers mentoring students. with EAC and/or Demonstrate: students admin Participate in PL and opportunities for building mentoring, PBIS, relationshi and building ps. relationships. Meet
8 East Paulding Middle, School Improvement Action Plan
SMART Goal 3: We will decrease the amount of students in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th who fail 2 or more classes according to the Final Course Average by 20%, from 52 students to 42 students.
Strategy/Initiative: Designated staff members will participate in a mentoring program that supports students who are at risk of failing due to historical academic and/or behavior data. District Goal & Cost/ Resources Evaluation of Implementation and GSPS Action Steps & Funding Source Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning Responsible
Teachers bi-weekly with will mentor student. engage in and apply PL on Positive Behavior, Interventio ns, and Support.
District Goal 3 & 4 Planning: None Connections Make initial contact Monthly mentoring School Leaders teachers – with mentor and forms completed by Demonstrate: GSPS Teachers gathering and plan first meeting designated Protected planning P&O 6 will communicating prior to 9/2/16 teachers and/or time and support F&C 4 schedule data staff. when needed for SC 1,2,3,4,5 time to questions. Provide meet with All teachers to plan IC data to monitor support with use of mentor for meeting with grades and mentor forms and student their mentor behavior. provide PL on and review student. mentoring and sample
9 East Paulding Middle, School Improvement Action Plan
SMART Goal 3: We will decrease the amount of students in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th who fail 2 or more classes according to the Final Course Average by 20%, from 52 students to 42 students.
Strategy/Initiative: Designated staff members will participate in a mentoring program that supports students who are at risk of failing due to historical academic and/or behavior data. District Goal & Cost/ Resources Evaluation of Implementation and GSPS Action Steps & Funding Source Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning Responsible grades, tasks/protocols. behavior, Teachers concerns, Demonstrate: and praise. Document and Plan for meet with mentee tasks that student, contact will parents, guardians, facilitate administration, the and/or academic discussion teachers as needed. and Students building of Demonstrate: a trusting Be an active relationshi mentee during p. meeting sessions, Admin will and take ownership review IC of their own data and learning and/or identify behavior. particular students who historically have failed
10 East Paulding Middle, School Improvement Action Plan
SMART Goal 3: We will decrease the amount of students in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th who fail 2 or more classes according to the Final Course Average by 20%, from 52 students to 42 students.
Strategy/Initiative: Designated staff members will participate in a mentoring program that supports students who are at risk of failing due to historical academic and/or behavior data. District Goal & Cost/ Resources Evaluation of Implementation and GSPS Action Steps & Funding Source Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning Responsible 2 or more classes and/or have demonstra ted inconsiste nt appropriat e behaviors.
11 East Paulding Middle, School Improvement Action Plan
SMART Goal 3: We will decrease the amount of students in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th who fail 2 or more classes according to the Final Course Average by 20%, from 52 students to 42 students.
Strategy/Initiative: Designated staff members will participate in a mentoring program that supports students who are at risk of failing due to historical academic and/or behavior data. District Goal & Cost/ Resources Evaluation of Implementation and GSPS Action Steps & Funding Source Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning Responsible District Goal 3 & 4 Implementation: None Connections August – May Monthly mentoring School Leaders teachers will meet Teachers will meet forms completed by Demonstrate: GSPS Teachers with mentees bi- bi-monthly with designated Protected planning P&O 6 will meet monthly. mentees. teachers and/or time and support F&C 4 monthly staff. when needed for SC 1,2,3,4,5 with their Teachers will Mentor meeting questions. Provide mentee implement PBIS minutes due by last IC data to monitor support with use of student strategies as EPMS school day of the grades and mentor forms and and check moves through month. behavior. provide PL on in on all pilot program. mentoring and grades, sample find out tasks/protocols. what Teachers support Demonstrate: they need, Document and celebrate meet with mentee progress. student, contact Teachers parents, guardians, will begin administration, to and/or academic implement teachers as needed. PBIS Students strategies Demonstrate: to support Be an active mentee during
12 East Paulding Middle, School Improvement Action Plan
SMART Goal 3: We will decrease the amount of students in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th who fail 2 or more classes according to the Final Course Average by 20%, from 52 students to 42 students.
Strategy/Initiative: Designated staff members will participate in a mentoring program that supports students who are at risk of failing due to historical academic and/or behavior data. District Goal & Cost/ Resources Evaluation of Implementation and GSPS Action Steps & Funding Source Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning Responsible District Goal 3 & 4 Monitoring: None Administration and August- May Data and reports School Leaders Teachers Teachers Review of data pulled from IC. Demonstrate: GSPS and quarterly and Help to pull and P&O 6 administra monthly for mentor analyze data from F&C 4 tors will program. IC to share progress SC 1,2,3,4,5 pull data with mentors. from IC to Provide feedback to assess and mentors on student determine progress. student Teachers needs and Demonstrate: successes. Pull and analyze Connectio data while ns Meeting bi-monthly teachers with mentee will check student. Continue in on to build student relationships with progress mentee and bi-monthly encourage success. and Participate in provide quarterly meetings support for updates and and support. Students
13 East Paulding Middle School, Professional Learning Plan
Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Professional Learning Strategy/Support Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source None- Burford July 26 Ticket out the Door & Teachers USA Test Prep training and support progra (EAC) Curtis feedback task post PL Demonstrate: m (AP) August PL sessions. Plan, implement, and purchas Teachers writing Data & student grades, support use of USA ed by (PLC’s) assessment USA Test Prep reports Test Prep during NBI District Quarterly time and class time. office review of data Students and PL on Demonstrate: pulling reports Completion of common and analyzing assessments and data support modules, proficient or better math grades.
14 Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Professional Learning Strategy/Support Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source None Burford August PL Ticket out the Door & Teachers Alverson norms, feedback task post PL Demonstrate: PLC’s Curtis expectation, sessions. Successful and positive Jacobs set roles for Collaborative planning engagement in PLC each person, expectations, collaboration. October- procedure, roles, Students protocols for planning forms, lesson Demonstrate: conversations plans, data, High levels of and review of observations engagement in lessons appropriately rigorous tasks. School Title Burford, July 20-21, Ticket out the Door & Teachers IIa funds , Alverson, August 17 & feedback task post PL Demonstrate: District Title Curtis, 19. sessions. Collaborative Data Teams II funds for Jacobs, Irby, Redeliver to Data teams form and participation in August Benedit, staff 9/9, spreadsheets of data. collection of data, training Prince, Support with Lesson plans, post making decisions based w/Gina King Connally, implementatio data, Data teams on data through Winckler, n as it comes minutes productive Maulding up. conversations, and Data Teams PL implementation as a October – team. February by Students PLC groups. Demonstrate: Participation in lessons that are appropriately challenging and needs based. Engaged and successful in the learning process.
15 Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Professional Learning Strategy/Support Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source No cost to Curtis, August- Ticket out the Door & Teachers school- Burford, teacher feedback task post PL Demonstrate: programs math and training and sessions. Implementation of MI & RI Screeners purchased ELA teachers student Sign in sheets, screener to all at district preview. successful students, printing of level Refreshers as administration of the scores, analysis of data needed when screener, testing to be used the next two reports being sent appropriately for testing home to parents after student support. sessions come testing is complete. Students up. Sharing of scores with Demonstrate: September- appropriate teachers. Understanding of why teacher they are taking the test training on and what it will tell reports and them, completion of data. the test. None- Administrati August- Ticket out the Door & Teachers program on and training feedback task post PL Demonstrate: Mentoring students created by Teachers teachers on sessions. Understanding of the the school the program Mentor Profile Minutes mentoring program and turned in monthly, and its expectations, expectations. student grades. meeting bi-monthly with their mentee and completing their minute’s sheet. Students Demonstrate: Understanding of the mentoring program, participation in monthly meetings with their mentor.
16 Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Professional Learning Strategy/Support Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source None- Teachers, PL August- PL Ticket out the Door & Teachers Reading and Writing across the curriculum via Lucy school with Burford session with feedback task post PL Demonstrate: Calkins, EMBRACER, and created and Dept. Heads on sessions. Agreement on the writing department writing Creation of protocol for creation of a content protocols. heads protocol and each content area, area specific writing District how to use it in implementation via structure, purchase of their content work samples, sign in implementation area. sheets, lesson plans. quarterly, and analysis. August Teri Students Harris PL Demonstrate: Structured writing in each content area at least once per 9 weeks, with set expectations and non-negotiables. Participate in reading for information in all classes on a weekly basis via
17 Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Professional Learning Strategy/Support Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source None- RESA Terry Haney August- Terry Ticket out the Door & Teachers Constructed response and vocabulary support for support via (RESA) H. PL session feedback task post PL Demonstrate: math District Kim Burford sessions. Implementation of office (EAC) Math Observation of lessons, lessons that support teachers student work samples critical thinking and using vocabulary and reasoning skills needed writing. Teacher lesson to compose plans and PLC meeting constructed responses, sheet. as well as strong math vocabulary skills. Students Demonstrate: Use of correct math vocabulary during accountable talk as well as written explanations. Students will be able to fully explain and make connections to concepts when composing constructed responses in math at least once each 9 weeks.
18 Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Professional Learning Strategy/Support Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source Coaching Sessions with Individual Teachers and No cost to All Admin Ongoing Feedback task post Administrators teachers on PLP’s the school Monthly as coaching session. Demonstrate: needed or Reflection sheets at Modeling and coaching agreed per mid-year and sessions in the PLP’s summative conference. classroom and during post-observation conferences. Teachers Demonstrate: Participation in coaching sessions, reflections, and application of new ideas and strategies. New Teacher Mentoring Program District Title Mentors Ongoing 25 Documentation of Mentors Demonstrate: funds for and Mentor hours with observations, Document and meet Mentors Chair (EAC) mentor/mente conferences, meetings, with mentee to e hourly log. support their growth as Mentor a first year teacher. meeting Observe 3 times and sessions with provide feedback from EAC 8/4, August to May. 12/12, 4/24 Mentees Demonstrate: Be an active mentee during meeting sessions, focus on areas of growth as they transition to a full-time teacher. Observe their mentor once.
19 Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Professional Learning Strategy/Support Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source Online support for teachers District Kim Burford August – May Ticket out the Door & Teachers purchase of (EAC) for various feedback task post PL Demonstrate: PD360 and purposes to sessions. Teachers on a PLP will Teaching support PLP’s, Lesson Plans, complete modules as Channel new teachers, observations assigned. All teachers (free) and PL on will participate in reading, ongoing PL and writing, and implement appropriate other strategies within their instructional classes. strategies Students Demonstrate: Students will show growth and achievement due to an impact of teacher growth. Use of primary documents for Science and Social School Title Debbie Kelly TBD based on Ticket out the Door & Teachers Studies teachers IIa funds and Sarah availability feedback task post PL Demonstrate: w/Gina King Graham sessions. Implementation of Lesson Plans, lessons that utilize observations primary documents to increase critical thinking, reasoning, and reading skills. Students Demonstrate: Critical thinking, reasoning, and reading skills through completion of tasks using primary documents.
20 Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Professional Learning Strategy/Support Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source GSE Rollout for Science and Social Studies None Debbie Kelly October – Ticket out the Door & Teachers and Sarah Social Studies feedback task post PL Demonstrate: Graham November – sessions. Engaged participation Science Lesson Plans, in PL as they begin to observations plan for the changes in curriculum. STEM Support through GYSTC None Cathy September 9 Ticket out the Door & Teachers Fontenot feedback task post PL Demonstrate: sessions. Engaged participation Lesson Plans, in PL as they begin to observations plan for integration of STEM activities within their lessons. EPMS Leadership Retreat- (training on Data Teams at Title IIa Tom 5/10/17 Sign in sheets & Teachers building level, effective coaching as a department school Alverson & feedback, beginning Demonstrate: head or lead teacher, leadership traits) funds. Kim Burford steps of needs and Effective traits of plans for next school leaders, PLC peer year. Possible SIP goals coaching, data team based on Data Teams leaders, support for outcomes. new program rollouts.
Leaders Demonstrate: Modeling traits of effective leadership and coaching, use of building level data, outcomes of data discussions to be used for changes and initiatives next year. You may copy and paste PL action steps from SIP, and also include additional supports that may not be included, such as: Coaching sessions with Individual Teachers Mentors
21 Online Professional Learning Opportunities Paraprofessional PL Opportunities Etc…