Committee in the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

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Committee in the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE HRCtte 118th session (17 October – 4 November 2016) Geneva


Human Rights Committee Members and the Committee’s recommendations on how to address challenges faced by the States The Human Rights Committee (hereinafter ‘the parties. HRCtte’) consists of 18 members, serving in their Once the concluding observations have been personal capacity. For the details about all adopted, the documents will be posted on the HRCtte members, see: HRCtte Webpage under the relevant session. s/Membership.aspx The HRCtte will also adopt Lists of Issues to be transmitted to States parties. States parties are Venue of the session in turn expected to submit replies to the List of The 118th session of the HRCtte will take place Issues. Both the List of Issues and Replies will be in Geneva, Palais Wilson. posted on the HRCtte webpage. States parties to be examined For States that have opted for the Simplified The HRCtte will examine the reports and country Reporting Procedure (SRP), list of issues prior to situations in the following seven States parties: reporting will be adopted by the Committee Azerbaijan (4th); Colombia (7th); Jamaica (4th); before the submission of a report. The States Morocco (6th); Slovakia(4th); Poland(7th) and replies are considered its report for the purposes Moldova, under SRP (3rd ). of article 40 of the ICCPR ( Adoption of List of Issues es/SimplifiedReportingProcedure.aspx). The HRC will also adopt list of issues on the following five State parties: Pakistan (initial); Follow-up report to concluding observations Honduras (2nd); Mongolia (6th); Madagascar (4th); The HRCtte considers a report on information Liechtenstein(2nd). received and activities undertaken in the context List of issues prior to reporting will be adopted of follow-up to concluding observations at each on Paraguay and Togo. session. NHRIs may provide information on follow-up, in particular relating to follow-up Documentation reports received by States parties, to the The reports of the States parties, the provisional Secretariat, which may be posted on the web, agenda (CCPR/C/118/1) and other documents following each session. pertaining to the session are posted on the NHRI reports for the HRCtte at its sessions OHCHR website at The HRCtte welcomes written information, which external/SessionDetails1.aspx? should be as specific, reliable and objective as SessionID=1034&Lang=en possible, from international, regional, national and local organizations. NHRI reports which Adoption of Concluding observations, List of follow the same form of presentation as the Issues and List of Issues Prior to Reporting reports submitted by the Government concerned, are especially welcome. Following the consideration of the States parties’ All submissions to the HRCtte should be: reports during the 118th session, the HRCtte will, in a closed meeting, adopt concluding 1. Submitted to the HRCtte Secretariat in observations that will assist the States parties Geneva, in English, French or Spanish. As concerned in the implementation of the most HRCtte members use English as Covenant. These concluding observations outline their working language, documents positive aspects, principal subjects of concern submitted in French and Spanish should, to the extent possible, be translated into arrangements can be made with the English. Please note that the UN Accreditation Office for the issuance of the Secretariat does not translate United Nations ground passes to enter United documents submitted by NHRIs. Nations premises. To claim for the ground pass all applicants are required to appear in person at 2. The deadline for information with the Palais Wilson A valid national passport or respect to States upon which List of government issued ID bearing a photograph will Issues/list of issues prior to reporting be required when collecting the ground pass. will be adopted is Monday, 25 July NHRI representatives must bring their passports 2016. or identification cards every time they wish to 3. The deadline for information on State enter UN premises. parties to be examined by the Informal meetings and lunchtime briefings Committee is 19 September 2016 NHRI representatives are welcome to attend 4. Submissions should be limited to a public meetings of the HRCtte as observers, but maximum of 10,000 words (approx. 15 will not be given the opportunity to address the pages) and provided in electronic form HRCtte during its meetings with the State and 7 hardcopies should then follow. delegation. Nevertheless, NHRI representatives These deadlines allow the Country have the possibility of addressing the Committee Taskforces and other members of the HRCtte in formal private sessions (closed meetings) with time to read the reports before the session. For interpretation, These meetings are set out in the this reason the reports must be provided on programme of work (see session webpage) and time. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE CANNOT ACCEPT normally take place a day or two before the REPORTS THAT ARRIVE OUTSIDE THE consideration of the State party concerned. DEADLINE. Informal (without interpretation) briefings may OHCHR does not reproduce NHRI documents. also be organized with NHRIs (and NGOs) with members of the HRCtte at 14hrs for one hour on Contacts of the Secretariat: the day prior to or day of the examination. Kate Fox Principi There will be a designated room for these Secretary of the Human Rights Committee [email protected] briefings Please contact the HRCtte Secretariat Sindu Thodiyil ([email protected] and [email protected]) before HRCtte Administrative Assistant 3 October 2016 to confirm attendance at a [email protected] formal briefing and/or informal briefing with the members. Postal address of the Secretariat Geneva: Human Rights Committee Secretariat Further information 8-14 Avenue de la Paix For more information on how NHRIs can partici- CH 1211 Geneva 10 pate in the reporting process, please consult: the Switzerland HRCttee Secretariat abovementioned and/or Liza Attention: Kate Fox/Sindu Thodiyil Sekaggya, National Institutions and Regional Mechanisms Section, FOTCD, lsekaggya@o- Accreditation and/or NHRI representatives who wish to attend the Katharina Rose, International Coordinating Com- session are requested to fill in the attached mittee of National Institutions for the Promotion form and submit it to Ms. Sindu Thodiyil and Protection of Human Rights (ICC) ([email protected]) by 3 October 2016 so that [email protected]

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