Creative Curriculum Topic: Mighty Mountains

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Creative Curriculum Topic: Mighty Mountains




Subject National Curriculum links Outcomes/focus Science Compare and group together everyday materials on  I can group together objects depending on their properties. the basis of their properties, including their  I can identify thermal insulators and conductors. hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity  I can investigate how mixtures might be separated (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets  I understand reversible and irreversible changes Understand that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution Use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating Give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic Demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes Explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda. History NO HISTORY

Identify key topographical features including hills  I can identify mountains and hills in the UK. and mountains.  I can use an ordnance survey map to locate mountain ranges using a 6 figure grid reference. Describe and understand key aspects of: physical  I can use a range of maps, atlases or globes to locate physical features geography including mountains, volcanoes, (mountains, hills, volcanoes) earthquakes and the water cycle.  I can use eight points of a compass to locate mountain ranges on an ordnance survey map.  I can identify a mountain range using the symbols and shading on an Geography ordnance survey map.  I can locate key topographical features of the UK and World. Pennines, Snowdonia, Grampians, Alps, Rockies, Andes, Himalayas  I know what a mountain is.  I can describe how mountains are formed.  I know what a volcano is.  I can describe how volcanoes are formed.  I can understand the cause of an earthquake.  I can understand the water cycle. DT NO DT Art  I can improve my mastery of art using watercolours. To improve their mastery of art and design  I can paint mountainous landscapes using watercolours. techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay] Music

Select, use and combine a variety of software  I can collect, analyse, evaluate and present data and information. (including internet services) on a range of digital  I know how computer networks can provide multiple services such as the Computing devices to design and create a range of programs, world-wide web; and the opportunities they offer for communication systems and content that accomplish give goals, and collaboration. (analysing data) Data analysis including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data. Presentation Understand computer networks including the Data logging Internet; how they can provide multiple services such as the world wide web and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration. TOPIC SCHEME OF WORK

Lesson Subject LO Success Criteria Activity (including differentiation)

To understand how mountains are shown on a map. Looking at atlas, discussing the colours and how mountains are displayed.

Children using this map to create their own version of the map, showing and labelling the main mountain ranges To use the map to To locate the main locate the main - Rockies, Andes, Alps, Himalayas, Urals. 1. Geography mountain ranges in mountain ranges the world. across the world. LA – Working with an adult to complete their map, ensuring neat labelling of each range. Use an atlas to find the highest peak of each HA – Find out the tallest peak of each mountain range, adding the name mountain range. and height to their map.

2 Geography TBAT understand Understand that there Children making notes on video shown, describing the tectonic plates. what a mountain is are tectonic plates and how they are covering the Earth’s Drawing diagram to show how the plates can collide together, creating formed. surface. mountains. Completing sheet filling in the gaps to describe the process of mountains being produced. Consider how these plates are involved in the formation of mountains.

To know that there are different kinds of mountains.

3 Art To create a mountain Use images to help us Looking at images of mountain landscapes, children need to choose their scene using choose our colours favourite and try to create their own version. watercolours. carefully.

Ensure the colours we use are the correct tone to suit our painting.

Add extra details after allowing the artwork to dry.

4 Geography TBAT identify Use a map of the UK Remind the ch. of how an ordnance survey map looks to show the mountains in the UK to find the mountain mountain ranges. CT to explain the key and symbols of an ordnance peaks. survey map. Looking at example of UK ordnance survey map which shows a mountain range. Can the ch. give the 6 figure grid reference? Locate these peaks onto a map and label Children put this information onto their maps and include labels of the them. names of the mountain ranges and the tallest peak including its height.

Find the tallest CT to explain the 8 points of a compass. Ch. to use the 8 compass points mountain peak in the to locate UK mountain ranges on maps. UK.

5 Geography TBAT understand Use knowledge of Reminder of what we know about plate tectonics. what a volcano is and plate tectonics to Children listening to an information sheet and putting into their own words. how they work. describe how a volcano is created. LA – Have simpler sheet to listen to, working at a slower pace with adult.

To know that lava is MA+HA – Working together to help each other in mixed ability groups. Each magma under the child records in their books. Earths’ surface.

To understand that All children adding a diagram at the end to show how a volcano works. there are different kinds of volcanoes.

Researching and watching video on Pompeii and the history of Mount Vesuvius.

6 Geography TBAT understand Use knowledge of Mapping the plate boundaries onto a world map. Researching using the what an earthquake plate tectonics to internet to find out how Earthquakes are produced and recording into is describe how an books. earthquake is created. LA – Given a small section of writing to stick into books and fill in the gaps To find the places in to add detail to their research. the world most at risk from an earthquake. MA + HA – Sharing what they had found with as friend and adding to each others’ research. Recording our own research down in a suitable form.

7 Geography TBAT understand the To know that water is Working in small groups. water cycle re-used by the Earth in a cycle.

To understand that Children creating their own mini-water cycle. Watching to see what water is evaporated happens and adding labels to their diagrams to explain what they have back into the clouds, found out. and is released once again as precipitation.

Children trying to explain the water cycle to a friend.

To be able to explain the water cycle to someone else.

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