Minutes of the Golf Committee Meeting Held at Park Hill Golf Club

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Minutes of the Golf Committee Meeting Held at Park Hill Golf Club

Minutes of the Joint Committee Meeting Held at Park Hill Golf Club On Tuesday 29th April 2014 at 7pm

Attendance: John Wright, Jane Horwood, Tak Wan, Steve Bradley, Lee Brown, Frank Tyler, Neil Roberts, Chris Olivier, Alison Seddon, Dave Mee, Glenda Yeldham.

Apologies for Absence: Dean Cooper, Matt Ulyett, Angela Wright, Graham Barradell.

GC041401 Minutes of the last Meeting.

The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed with the following amendments: Item GC031410 last line – Emily Dunne has been put forward as a possible player to qualify for the Abraham Trophy.

Item GC031413 line 13 from the bottom to line 6 – Glenda reported that some members were dissatisfied with the fact that although players with non competition handicaps could not win the trophy they could still win first prize money. After some discussion as to a solution Rob suggested they could still enter the competition, but not pay an entry fee, thereby allowing them to play to get a competition handicap but ensuring they do not win the prize money or the trophy. This was agreed.

GC041402 Matters Arising.

The Chairman welcomed Steve Bradley to the meeting in his role as the Vice Captain.

GC041403 Correspondence

A letter was received by the Chairman and was dealt with in Competition section.

GC041404 Treasurer’s Report.

The member’s fund now stands at £1300. The entry fees for the scratch league have been paid. Dave was asked if he could invoice the members’ fund on a match- by-match basis. It was also confirmed that we would pay for a meals where there was a reciprocal arrangement, i.e. junior matches etc.

GC041405 Competitions Committee Report.

The entries for the summer knockout are not very well subscribed and the committee need to push the event with members.

Sat 3rd May Campbell/Whitear Cup Scorer: Neil/John Mon 5th May Midweek Stableford Scorer: Glenda Sat 10th May Founders Day Scorer: Neil/John Tue 13th May Midweek Medal Scorer: Glenda Sat 17th May Florida Scramble Scorer: Matt/John Sat 24th May Par 3 Championship Family Cup Scorer: Tak Thu 29th May Midweek Stableford Scorer: Glenda Sat 31st May Spring Drawn Comp Scorer: John

There was a letter received from an incident on Saturday concerning certain male members complaining and moaning at the ladies in front for slow play. The highlights of the letter were read out, letter attached. The ladies were not slow and it is certainly a misconception that the ladies are responsible for slow play. From discussions that took place at the meeting, it appears that the hold up was 4 holes in front of the players concerned and the men playing behind the ladies had no right to complain and be downright rude to the ladies in front of them. Members, male and female, must realise that in a medal, especially when the clover is long and some members are looking for balls, things will slow down it is just a fact of playing golf. The Ladies concerned asked the men in the group behind if they wanted to go through, but they admitted that they said ”no” because they couldn’t go anywhere as the tee was still backed up in front. This moaning and groaning must stop as it not only spoils everybody’s day at golf, but also causes unnecessary friction between the men and ladies sections, when we are an equal club! It was asked if we could put up etiquette notices on the notice boards, but it was pointed out that members do not read anything on the notice boards except where they came in a competition.

It was also pointed out that someone wrote, “SLOW, SLOW, Play” on the score sheet after Ashley Denney’s name. This is totally unacceptable and the Proprietor and Chairman will deal with any person caught doing this, through disciplinary procedure.

GC041406 Handicap Secretary

Glenda reported that we have at least one new member who wasn’t on the handicap list and we are unable to find out their details. John has agreed to help Dave update the member’s database when all fees are in.

GC041407 Proprietor’s Report.

16th Bunker will be in play as from today as the drainage has been completed and sand bought to finish it off. Spray will be applied to kill off the clover and fertilizer has been purchased for the fairways. This should all happen next week. A new hole-cutting jig has been purchased to stop the crowning of the holes. The insurance company have still not paid out for the new buggies, so Dave has purchased batteries etc. to repair 2 of the old buggies as a temporary measure, until the insurance company pays up. Members need to be aware that the thieves are still operating in the area and the gate has been tampered with again. Anna has resigned as president of her own volition for the good of the club. Dave will appoint a new Lady President shortly. Leo is also leaving his role, as bar manager, Dave is sorry he is leaving, but is off to pastures new. A new Full Time Bar Manager has been appointed to allow Dave more time to work on the Course development and the rest of the business at the club. As it is the Anniversary of the Mee’s take over of the Club on 17th May, Dave is holding a Party and the entertainment includes Horse Racing on a big Screen and a Golf simulator for a par 3 challenge. Pip Hardy has been invited as a guest of the Mees as he was the founder of the club.

GC041408 Green Keepers Report

No Report

GC041409 LRGU

No Report

GC041410 Juniors Report.

We are still Looking for a Junior Organiser or people to help with the league matches and Tuesday night coaching.

GC041411 Seniors Report

No Report

GC041412 Social Report

See Proprietors report.

GC041413 A.O.B

Dave was asked when the mounds on the 7th would be in play, he answered that as soon as they were de-stoned and the grass had thickened then they would be in play.

They’re being no other business the Meeting closed at 08.00 Next Meeting TUESDAY 27th May at 7.00pm

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