Toward Intelligent Support of Authoring Machinima Media Content: Story and Visualization Mark O. Riedl Jonathan P. Rowe David K. Elson Institute for Creative Technologies Department of Computer Science Computer Science Department University of Southern California North Carolina State University Columbia University Marina Del Rey, California, USA Raleigh, North Carolina, USA New York City, New York, USA
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT tools make it technically feasible to produce creative content, they The Internet and the availability of authoring tools have enabled a do not guarantee that the creator will produce work that is valued greater community of media content creators, including non- by a community as possessing quality or meaning. Therefore, the experts. However, while media authoring tools often make it development of tools that support authors in creating purposeful technically feasible to generate, edit and share digital media content plays an important role in enabling and improving media artifacts, they do not guarantee that the works will be valuable or content production. Tools that support the authoring of content, in meaningful to the community at large. Therefore intelligent tools contrast to those that focus on providing the technical ability to that support the authoring and creative processes are especially create a media artifact, are especially valuable when the authoring valuable. In this paper, we describe two intelligent support tools process is prohibitively costly, difficult, or time-consuming. for the authoring and production of machinima. Machinima is a One example of technologically-supported, user-generated content technique for producing computer-animated movies through the is machinima.