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K26-05285-Uisb591 BULLETIN Union Internationale de Spéléologie Volume 59-1 - June 2017 IN THIS ISSUE: • The 17th ICS is almost here • Reports of Commissions • France Habe Prize 2016 - the winner • Congress “HYPOGEA 2017” in the magnificent Cappadocia and more... BULLETIN Union Internationale de Spéléologie Table of Contents BULLETIN Editorial - Looking Forward ......................................................................................................................... 3 Official publication of the UIS for publicizing the activities of the UIS and the state of the art of Report of History of Speleology Commission .................................................................................. 4 international speleology - 2017© Report of Cave Rescue Commission..................................................................................................... 10 EDITOR IN CHIEF Report of Cave Diving Commission ...................................................................................................... 23 Efraín MERCADO (Puerto Rico) Congress “HYPOGEA 2017” - Report of Artificial Cavities Commission ................... 25 GRAPHIC EDITION Report of Speleotherapy Commission ............................................................................................... 28 Nivaldo COLZATO (Brazil) Report of Informatics Commission / Working group Publications Exchange .... 42 DISCLAIMER France Habe Prize 2016 ................................................................................................................................. 44 The views and opinions expressed in this bulletin are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect In Memoriam - Sami Karkabi .................................................................................................................... 52 the official policy or position of the International Union of Speleology or its Bureau members unless Calendar of Events 2017-2018 .................................................................................................................. 53 stated. UIS reserves it rights to admit or refuse any 17 th ICS, Australia 2017 .................................................................................................................................... 54 article that does not fulfill UIS standards or criteria. UIS Bureau 2013/2017 ...................................................................................................................................... 55 Active Nations Members List ..................................................................................................................... 56 Annual Contributions and Bank Account .......................................................................................... 57 Union Internationale Guide for submitting and publishing articles in the UIS Bulletin ......................... 58 de Spéléologie Founded in Postojna, Slovenia, 1965 Editor’s Disclosure ................................................................................................................................................ 60 The UIS is a non-profit, non-governmental worldwide speleological organization that promotes the development of interaction between academic and technical speleologists of a wide Before submitting articles for the range of nationalities to develop and coordinate international speleology in all of its scientific, UIS Bulletin, please refer to the technical, cultural and economic aspects. NON DISCRIMINATION POLICY guide on page 58 Click here! The UIS prohibits discrimination against its member nations, volunteers, and providers on the Deadline for submissions for the next issue (Nº 59-2) basies of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial November 30, 2017 or parental status or sexual orientation. Should you have any question, please direct your inquiriry to: Dr. Fadi NADER - UIS General Secretary COVER fadi.nader@gmail.com Cappadocia, Turkey - The richness and variety of artificial cavities, within Alternatively, write to: one of the most beautiful natural landscapes in the world. The local hosted Union Internationale de Spéléologie the International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities “HYPOGEA Titov trg 2 - 6230, Postojna - Slovenia 2017” (see on page 25). WEBSITE: Font: http://www.uis-speleo.org/ https://thehappinessprojectlondon.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/dsc_04641.jpg SCIENTIFIC MEMBER OF REMEMBER The UIS Bulletin as a complete SAVE A TREE; issue can be distributed freely. DO NOT PRINT IF UNNECESARY http://www.icsu.org UIS BULLETIN - VOLUME 59-1 - June/2017 Page 2/ 60 BULLETIN Union Internationale de Spéléologie Editorial LOOKING FORWARD By Efraín MERCADO (Puerto Rico) - Editor in Chief UIS Vice-President of Operations mercado.efrain@gmail.com or the last four years UIS Bulletin has been as a sound recognition to the work of Cristian transformed from a basic information issue DODELIN, the French Federation of Speleology Fto a powerful enhanced instrument to ser- and so many others who place the flag of the ve the cavers all around the world with easy to UIS and its countries in the summit. read, updated information regarding the orga- When we look forward we encourage nization and its members. This means a lot of commissions to keep the excellent work done fine job done across the world, with the extra- toward our community and countries in the best ordinary help of very talented people with the interest of science, technology and knowledge. desire to bring their best for the speleology. Time is short and we are responsible to find out Nowadays the bulletin became an easy and motivate newcomers, cavers and scientists to reach information and very useful in order to that will shape the next UIS. New ideas means fulfill today’s advanced request and technolo- new ways to do things, to enhance, to test, to gical needs. We continue to work hard to give implement and to advance speleology. the best. The easier a reader can became in Whilst, not necessarily everybody is taking control of the information the fast it will spread advantage of this easy to reach technology, we out. That’s a goal for us. encourage you to do it. Time changes required Meanwhile important events are happe- change of mind. This is a time to share with all ning in the worldwide speleology. As we get countries. Missing this chance of information prepared for the next challenges, UIS Bulletin exchange and get known is something to avoid. serves as a connection point to them. This is UIS belongs to all of us. We are part of it, we all the case of the next ICS2017 in Sydney, Austra- are the UIS. Do not wait four years more to let lia, “Caves in Ancient Land,” an extremely valu- know your ideas, projects and future vision for able chance to get in touch with the marvels of a stronger UIS. Share it now! the country and its speleology. This bulletin represents the clear image Looking forward means taking a chance that together we should, we must look forward. to foresee our future. Is to encourage thru parti- Everybody’s ideas are welcomed. UIS is not far, cipation of all UIS members the recognition and is closer to each one that looks for a better spe- realization of the “Year of the Caves and Karst”, leology no matter where they live. in our next ICS2021 celebration, giving all our Look forward, there is a bright future co- strength and hard work toward it with the help ming on. Be part of it! Knowledge that is not of worldwide recognized organizations and shared is useless or have little or no value. UNESCO. Also looking forward means compro- mise to keep the efforts and to help train new cavers thru de UIS Cave Rescue Commission, UIS BULLETIN - VOLUME 59-1 - June/2017 Page 3/ 60 BULLETIN Union Internationale de Spéléologie REPORT OF actiVITIES 2016 HIStorY OF SpeleologY COMMISSION COMMISSION POUR L’HIStoire DE la SPÉLÉologie By Bernard Chirol (France), President bearchirol@orange.fr ABSTRACT ne année riche pour moi, grâce au réseau de A very rich year 2016 concerning history of spe- contacts à travers le monde, intéressés par leology. The work about female contribution goes l’histoire de la spéléologie et de la karstologie. on and many thanks to all people who helped me. A U lecture has been created, already given in France, UK Histoire mondiale de la contribution and very soon in Sydney. des femmes à la spéléologie: ce travail enta- Hungary, Belgium, Yorkshire were visited this mé fin 2015 avance. Je remercie en outre tous les year by your servant… spécialistes qui m’ont donné les statistiques de leurs Another survey concerns the lost pothole of pays. Une conférence est née de cette recherche en the sinkhole of the Rhône river (Ain, France) between cours, ne montrant que quelques aspects de cette Lyon and Geneva. Ancient texts, new pionneer of ca- longue quête des femmes pour l’égalité de considé- ving in 1883 (lecture created). ration, pour accomplir librement leurs rêves. Elle Many other sites, places studied and protected a été donnée à l’Eurospéléo du Yorkshire puis aux in France but a great moment was an international Rencontres d’octobre du spéléo-club de Paris en Ar- course for women in the Jura Mountains (France) in dèche, enfin à Villefranche-sur-Saône, près de Lyon. September- October. Voyage en Hongrie en février: visite libre de A project is to present at Sydney ICS a request grottes grâce à la gentillesse de la famille Hegedus concerning the classification of our
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