Ralph Miliband: a Select Bibliography in English
RALPH MILIBAND: A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY IN ENGLISH Books Parliamentary Socialism; A Study in the Politics of Labou~London: Allen and Unwin, 1961 Parliamentary Socialism; A Study in the Politics of Labour second edition, with postscript: London: Merlin Press, 1972 The State in Capitalist Society, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969 Marxism and Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977 Capitalist Democracy in Britain, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982 Class Power and State Powex IEssavs). London: Verso. 1983 Divided Societies; Class ~trukslein*~hntem~orary ~aiitalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989 Socialism for a Sceptical Age, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994 Doctoral Dissertation, University of London, 1956, Popular Thought in the French Revolution 1789-1794 Essays and articles 'Harold Laski' Clare Market Review Vol 26, No. 1, Michaelmas 1950 'The Politics of Robert Owen', Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol 15, No 2, April 1954 'The Politics of Contemporary Capitalism', NR 5, Summer 1958, 'The Transition to the Transition', NR, Autumn 1958; subsequently published in an abbreviated version in MR Vol 10 No 10, Feb 1959 as 'The Politics of the Long Haul' 'The New Capitalism; a View from Abroad', MR Vol 11 Nos 3-4, July-Aug 1959 'A Rethinking Sermon', New Statesman, 7.1 1.1959 'The Battle for the Labour Party', MR, Dec 1960 'Bold but Sound', New Statesman, 20.8.1960 'The Sickness of Labourism', NLR I, JanFeb 1960 'Footnote to Labourism', NLR 8, MarchIApril 1961 'C. Wright Mills', NLR 15, MayIJune 1962 'The People's Militia in the Soviet Union', MR, vol 13 No 12, April 1962 'If Labour wins.
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