Directions: For this project you will be demonstrating all you have learned about the Civil War & Reconstruction by creating a board game. The game will include 20 questions (10 generic and 10 specific to your topic), 10 “wild cards”, game pieces, a game board with pictures and a detailed set of rules. You will be graded on how accurately your game teaches about the unit we finished, creativity, and ability to play the board game. A large portion of your grade will be determined by the effort you put forth and how well you participate in your group.

All board games must follow these steps… S t e p 1 : R u l e s- Come up with a detailed set of rules for your game and write them out step by step. When your rules are finished, other people should be able to pick up your game and play it without questioning what to do. Look at some rules of professional board games like Monopoly to understand how good rules should be written. Don’t assume the players of your game will know what to do if you don’t explain things.

S t e p 2 : G a m e bo a r d - Purchase 1 poster/foam board for your group and set up a game board. You must have at least 4 colored pictures with captions that deal with the Civil War & Reconstruction on the game board. Make the game board neat, colorful and creative.

S t e p 3 : Q u e s t io n s- P a rt 1 : You will write at least 20 questions (10 generic and 10 specific to your topic) on index cards that come from your research, textbook, and workbook. The answer to the question will be on the back of the index cards. The object is that if players of your game have been paying attention in class and doing the assignments they should be able to answer the questions of your game. Also, the game will help you with the test. A good question would be something like this:

front of index card back of index card Who was the commander of Answer: Ulysses the Union army? S. Grant P a rt 2 : Now it’s time to get creative and have fun with some Civil War & Reconstruction facts that you learned. You will create at least 10 “wild” or fun cards to add to your game. These should contain ways that a player will lose a turn, go back spaces on the game board or move ahead spaces, etc. The wild cards must go with the Civil War & reconstrYuctionou gag othn emyoure. dAanil yexample of a wild card could be: You are a Union soldier that diet of chitlins and hog finds a notebook full of jowls. Go back 3 spaces. General Lee’s battle strategies that were left behind. Move forward 3 spaces. S t e p 4 : G a m e p i e c e s- You must create game pieces for the different players of the game and either have a dice or another way for players to roll/spin. S t e p 5 : P a r t ic i p a t ion- You will have to keep a daily log detailing what YOU contribute to this project. Almost half of the grade for this project is effort and participation for each individual group member. If you do not help out your group or fill out the daily journal you will not get full credit or any credit on this project. All group members will not necessarily receive the same grade. If you have a group member in your group that does nothing, as long as you do your part and turn in a complete project, you will not have points deducted.

So me t h i n g to r e me m b e r: Even though this project is on the topic of war, you may not include violence or elements that are not school appropriate in this project. If you have questions about the appropriateness of something- just ask. Remember the purpose of this assignment is to prove all that you learned about the Civil War & Reconstruction and to have fun while doing it. However, it is still important to respect the Americans who gave their lives in the Civil War. DAILY COMPLETION LOG

Record the date on what YOU did (not your group members) each day to contribute.

Date_ What I did:


What I did:


What I did:


What I did:


What I did: Name: CIVIL WAR & RECONSTRUCTION BOARD GAME PROJECT 70 points Rubric GREA (10- 9

Step 1: The game detailed, Game rules easy to fo

Step 2: The game Game board poster boa colored pictu to the topic.

Step 3: 20 (10generic/10 Questions specific) Civ / Reconstruction questions w answers on cards are in

Correct spelling was used.

10 fun and Wild Cards wild cards Civil War/ themes we

Step 4: The game p creative an Game pieces dice or an way to Step 5: The studen Participation/ and contrib group ever log sheet filled out th X 2 (20 pts. possible)