Administration for Children & Families. (2011). Child Maltreatment 2010. Retrieved From
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Selected Readings
Administration for Children & Families. (2011). Child maltreatment 2010. Retrieved from
Administration for Children & Families. (2011). Organization structure. Retrieved from
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Bartlett, R., Holditch-Davis, D., & Belyea, M. (2007). Problem behaviors in adolescents.
Pediatric Nursing, 33(1), 13–18, 35–36.
Bersamin, M., Todd, M., & Remer, L. (2011). Does distance matter? Access to family planning
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Burton, D.L. (2008). An exploratory evaluation of the contribution of personality and childhood
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Chen, A., & Thompson, E. (2007). Preventing adolescent risky sexual behaviors: Parents matter!
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