Marine Science Unit 4 Test Study Guide

*This is not mandatory and is not a grade, but is highly recommended. I will add up to 10 bonus points to your classwork grade for completing this study guide.

Part 1: Waves

1. *Draw and label a wave with the following components: crest, trough, wave height, wave length. 2. What are the 4 main factors that affect the size of a wave? 3. What are the 3 main types of waves? 4. What are the 3 types of wind generated waves? 5. Which type of wind-generated wave is the smallest, and is caused by surface tension rippling the water in low wind conditions? 6. Explain how a breaker changes as it gets closer to shore. 7. A) Which type of breaker would originate over long distances, usually over a steep slope, where the crest remains relatively unbroken creating a rush of foam? B) Which type of breaker would travel over a gradual slope until the crest becomes unstable, causing foam to gently break down the face of the wave? C) Which type of breaker would travel over a moderately steep slope or have a sudden depth change, where the crest of the wave becomes much steeper, curls over, and drops? 8. A) Which type of breaker would be the best for a beginning surfer or a body surfer? B) Which type of breaker would be the best for a professional surfer? C) Which type of breaker would be the best for a skim boarder? 9. Which type of wind-generated waves are large waves in the open ocean that cause seasickness? 10. Which type of waves are earthquake generated? 11. An 8-foot swell would be ______feet above sea level. 12. *Describe the steps to form a tsunami and travel to shore.

Part 2: Tides

1. How are tidal waves generated? 2. What has the greatest influence on our tides? 3. A) Which tides have one high tide and one low tide each day. B) Which tides have two high tides and two low tides each day. 4. A) Which tides occur when the Sun, Moon, and the Earth are all aligned. 5. B) Which tides occur when the Sun, Moon, and the Earth create a right angle. 6. Spring & Neap tides occurs ______time(s) each ______. 7. A) Spring tides occur when the moon is ______& ______. B) Neap tides occur when the moon is at ______& ______. Continue on back  8. When are the tides at their greatest range (biggest bulge)? 9. Where is the greatest tidal range in the world? 10. What is a wave produced by the incoming tides bringing ocean water into a narrow bay or river? 11. *Describe an intertidal habitat. (What would live there, and what would their home be like?)

Part 3: Currents

1. What are the two major types of currents in the ocean? 2. Which type of current makes up the majority of the currents in the ocean (90%)? 3. A) Which type of current is driven by wind circulation? B) Which type of current is driven by thermohaline circulation? 4. What is a large circular flow of ocean water, or current located in each ocean basin? 5. What is the effect of Earth’s rotation (the apparent deflection) on moving objects? 6. A) In the northern hemisphere, objects move in a ______motion. B) In the southern hemisphere, objects move in a ______motion. 7. Which type of surface current would push you parallel down the beach, and cause beach sand erosion?

8. Which type of surface current occurs perpendicular to shore and can be dangerous to swimmers? 9. Which type of surface current is best for coastal ecosystems by bringing cold, nutrient rich water from the deep up to shore?

10. ______temp + ______salinity = greater density 11. What is the global conveyer belt? 12. *Describe two reasons why a current would be useful/harmful to a marine organism.

13. *Use the map to travel using currents.

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